语法高亮导致 Vim 中的严重滞后

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-28 04:23:25
本文介绍了语法高亮导致 Vim 中的严重滞后的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我喜欢 Vim.但它现在让我很难过.

I love Vim. But its giving me hard times right now.

我使用了很多插件,在过去的 6 个月里,我发现了很多很棒的插件.但是我的 Vim 也变得非常缓慢.我经常清理,但没有多大帮助.

I use a lot of plugins and during the last 6 months, I've found a lot of awesome ones. But my Vim got really sluggish too. I do constant cleanups, but it doesn't help much.

我正处于 Vim 完全无法使用的地步.感觉好像是每秒 2-5 帧渲染,切换标签页/缓冲区大约需要一秒钟,用 hjkl 滚动非常糟糕,延迟太厉害了,甚至在插入模式下输入一个句子也是令人困惑(由于滞后).

I'm at the point, where Vim is completely unusable. It feels like it renders at 2-5 frames per second, switching tabs/buffers takes about a second, scrolling with hjkl is awfully terrible, the lag is so bad, even typing a sentence in insert mode is confusing (due to lag).

实际上,当我打开 Vim 的新实例时,它是正常的,但在 15 分钟内它变得无法使用.

我刚刚花了 4 个小时试图找出导致痛苦的插件或配置.我没有成功.

I've just spent 4 hours trying to figure out which plugin or config is causing the pain. I was unsuccessful.


However, I did find out, that removal of this setting causes all the lag to go away: syntax on

这 3 行与语法一起使一切变得更糟.

These 3 lines in conjunction with syntax make everything even worse.

set t_Co=256
set background=dark
colorscheme candyman

有趣.那么,语法高亮正在将 Vim 从超级活泼变成令人难以置信的缓慢?

Interesting. So, syntax highlighting is turning Vim from super snappy to incredibly sluggish?

我尝试在干净"模式下启用语法:vim -u NONE

I tried enabling syntax in "clean" mode: vim -u NONE



So what seems to be the issue is Syntax Highlighting in combination with one or more of my plugins. I tried disabling bunch, no luck.


Is there any way to do profiling? I'm fairly exhausted from manual testing.

有人有过类似的经历吗?也许快速浏览一下我的 .vimrc,看看是否有任何提示.https://bitbucket/furion/dotfiles

Has anyone had similar experience? Maybe take a quick peek into my .vimrc, see if anything rings a bell. https://bitbucket/furion/dotfiles


Bundle "gorodinskiy/vim-coloresque.git"


I recommend reading the answers tho, good insights.

编辑(1 个月后):coloresque 插件有一些改进.

Edit (1 month later): The coloresque plugin has seen some improvements.


您收到了 autocmd 垃圾邮件.您应该将所有 autocmd 语句包装在组中,以便在重新添加 autocmd 之前清除该组.看起来您的 .vimrc 已注释掉大多数 autocmd,因此可能是某个插件导致了该问题.检查此命令的输出:

You have autocmd spam. You should wrap all of your autocmd statements in groups which clear the group before re-adding the autocmds. It looks like your .vimrc has most autocmds commented-out, so maybe there is a plugin that is causing the issue. Check the output of this command:

:au CursorMoved


If there's a bunch of duplicate handlers there, that's your problem.

这是一个来自 我的 .vimrc 的 autocmd 规则示例

Here's an example of autocmd discipline from my .vimrc:

augroup vimrc_autocmd
  "toggle quickfix window
  autocmd BufReadPost quickfix map <buffer> <leader>qq :cclose<cr>|map <buffer> <c-p> <up>|map <buffer> <c-n> <down>

  autocmd FileType unite call s:unite_settings()
  " obliterate unite buffers (marks especially).
  autocmd BufLeave [unite]* if "nofile" ==# &buftype | setlocal bufhidden=wipe | endif

  " Jump to the last position when reopening a file
  autocmd BufReadPost * if line("'"") > 1 && line("'"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g`"" | endif

  " ...etc...

augroup END

augroup 块开头的 autocmd! 在重新添加之前清除当前组(vimrc_autocmd,在这种情况下)自动命令.

The autocmd! at the beginning of the augroup block clears out the current group (vimrc_autocmd, in this case) before re-adding the autocmds.

这篇关于语法高亮导致 Vim 中的严重滞后的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持IT屋!



本文发布于:2023-04-01 15:46:23,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:语法   高亮   Vim


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