
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-24 18:22:55


Fraps is best known as an easy and lightweight way to see an active readout of your PC games’ frames per second—that’s where the name comes from. But it’s also a surprisingly flexible way to record game footage for posting to YouTube, Twitch, and other web video services. The relatively low resource usage and easy activation make it ideal for quickly starting and stopping the record function. Here’s how it’s done.

Fraps是众所周知的一种简便轻便的方式,它可以每秒动态地查看PC游戏的帧数 -这就是这个名称的来源。 但这也是记录游戏素材以发布到YouTube,Twitch和其他网络视频服务的一种非常灵活的方式。 相对较低的资源使用量和易于激活的特性使其非常适合快速启动和停止记录功能。 这是完成的过程。

为什么要使用Fraps? (Why Use Fraps?)

Most Fraps users are more than happy with the framerate tracker feature, and that’s okay, since it’s part of the free package that doesn’t really require any extra settings or investment to get working. Start Fraps, start your game, and you’ve got a reliable look at how many frames per second you’re getting.

大多数Fraps用户对帧率跟踪器功能感到非常满意,这没关系,因为它是免费软件包的一部分,实际上并不需要任何额外的设置或投资就可以开始工作。 启动Fraps,开始您的游戏,您已经可以可靠地看到每秒获得多少帧。

The screen recording and screenshot are secondary, but they’re still worth investigating if you frequently record game video. However, there is one caveat: the premium video features in Fraps aren’t free. Without paying a hefty $37 for the full version, videos are limited to 30 seconds long and have a non-removable watermark, and screenshots are restricted to the BMP format. Paying for the upgrade grants you unlimited record time and support for JPEG, PNG, and TGA images.

屏幕录制和屏幕截图是辅助的,但是如果您经常录制游戏视频,仍然值得研究。 但是,有一个警告:Fraps中的高级视频功能不是免费的。 无需为完整版支付高昂的$ 37 ,视频被限制为30秒长,并且具有不可移动的水印,并且屏幕截图仅限于BMP格式。 支付升级费用可为您提供无限的记录时间,并支持JPEG,PNG和TGA图像。

The watermark that appears on video recorded by the free edition.

So what makes Fraps better than OBS, or the Game DVR included in Windows 10, both of which are free as in beer? Fraps is sort of a Goldilocks option in this very limited field: it’s much faster and more flexible than the default Windows 10 option—meaning lower processor overhead and better game performance—and simpler than the somewhat-complex OBS. Fraps uses an idiot-proof system that records only a game window with no extra overlays or frills. Press a button to start recording, press a button to stop recording. That’s it.

那么,是什么使Fraps优于OBS或Windows 10中包含的Game DVR ,两者在啤酒中都是免费的? 在这个非常有限的领域中,Fraps有点像Goldilocks选项:它比默认的Windows 10选项更快,更灵活-意味着更低的处理器开销和更好的游戏性能-并且比复杂的OBS更简单。 Fraps使用防白痴系统,该系统仅记录游戏窗口,而没有额外的覆盖或装饰。 按下按钮开始录制,按下按钮停止录制。 而已。

Is that enough to spend money for the upgrade? If you’re someone who does this a lot, it very well could be. If not, give Fraps a try anyway—you might prefer it to other options, even with the time limit and watermark. But if Fraps isn’t right for you, there are other free options.

这足以花钱进行升级吗? 如果您是一个经常执行此操作的人,那可能很好。 如果不是,请尝试尝试Fraps –即使有时间限制和水印,您可能还是喜欢其他选项。 但是,如果Fraps不适合您, 则还有其他免费选择 。

第一步:下载并安装框架 (Step One: Download and Install Fraps)

Fraps is available as a free download from the developer’s website. Just double-click the .exe file to begin and follow the on-screen instructions. It can run as a standard program or at startup, which might be useful if you’re a frequent recorder.

Fraps可从开发者的网站免费下载。 只需双击.exe文件即可开始并按照屏幕上的说明进行操作。 它可以作为标准程序运行,也可以在启动时运行,如果您经常使用录音机,这可能会很有用。

第二步:选择视频设置 (Step Two: Choose Your Video Settings)

In the main Fraps window, click the tab marked “Movies.” The first thing you’ll want to do is adjust the save location of your videos; the default directory in Program Files\Movies is less than ideal. Click the “Change” button and choose something more handy, like your PC’s desktop or a new folder in Documents.

在“片段”主窗口中,单击标记为“电影”的标签。 您要做的第一件事就是调整视频的保存位置; Program Files \ Movies中的默认目录不理想。 单击“更改”按钮,然后选择更方便的选项,例如PC的桌面或“文档”中的新文件夹。

Next, there are a few settings you’ll want to look at (and probably tweak):


  • Video Capture Hotkey is the keystroke that will begin and end a recording session. This is pretty important: you’ll want something that’s easy to reach while you’re in the middle of a game, but also something that you’re unlikely to hit by accident, especially with a key combination. I recommend using either a single key in the function row (F1-F12) or a multi-key combo like Ctrl+Alt+R.

    视频捕获热键是将开始和结束录制会话的按键。 这非常重要:在游戏进行中时,您会希望轻松获得一些东西,但也希望您不会意外撞到东西,尤其是使用组合键时。 我建议在功能行(F1-F12)中使用单个键,或在Ctrl + Alt + R之类的多键组合中使用。

  • Video Capture Settings determine the framerate and size at which your video will record. The standard 30 frames per second is plenty for most gaming applications, like a walkthrough or a quick look at a neat feature. If you want your video to really pop, you can bump it up to 50 or 60 fps—just make sure that the video player or web host you intend to use can actually take advantage of the higher framerate.

    视频捕获设置决定了视频录制的帧速率和大小。 标准的每秒30帧对于大多数游戏应用程序来说已经足够了,例如演练或快速浏览整洁的功能。 如果您希望视频真正弹出,则可以将其提高到50或60 fps,只需确保要使用的视频播放器或网络托管服务器可以真正利用较高的帧率即可。

  • Full-Size, which is enabled by default, will record the game area at full resolution. Half-Size will chop the horizontal and vertical resolution in half for a smaller file size. Keep in mind that video files will be larger at higher framerates, so if you’re planning on recording a long gaming session for a Let’s Play video, you might want to keep it down.

    Full-Size (默认启用)将以全分辨率记录游戏区域。 Half-Size将水平和垂直分辨率切成两半,以减小文件大小。 请记住,视频文件在较高的帧率下会更大,因此,如果您打算录制长时间的“ Let's Play”游戏视频,则可能希望将其压缩。

  • Loop Buffer is a really cool feature: it’s basically a live DVR function for your desktop. The buffer constantly records your gameplay footage in the background, but doesn’t save the video permanently until you activate the capture hotkey. So, say you’re just messing around in a shooter’s quick play mode, and you suddenly get an awesome multikill that you weren’t expecting, so you weren’t recording it. If you set the loop buffer length to 15 seconds, Fraps will save the preceding snippet of gameplay before you pressed the record button as well as everything after. If you’re selectively recording cool snippets of gameplay instead of one long session, it’s a great way to make sure you never miss anything good.

    循环缓冲区是一个非常酷的功能:它基本上是台式机的实时DVR功能。 缓冲区会不断在后台记录您的游戏画面,但是不会激活视频,直到您激活捕获热键。 因此,假设您只是在射击者的快速播放模式中四处乱逛,突然间您得到了一个没想到的令人敬畏的多重杀手,因此您没有进行录制。 如果将循环缓冲区的长度设置为15秒,则Fraps将保存您按下记录按钮之前的游戏片段以及之后的所有内容。 如果您要选择性地录制很酷的游戏片段而不是一个长时间的会议,那么这是确保您不会错过任何好东西的好方法。

There are a few others that you can probably ignore. The “Split movie every 4 Gigabytes” option is mostly for older versions of Windows running on a FAT32 file system. “Hide mouse cursor in video” is a stylistic choice, but most viewers won’t care one way or the other. “Lock framerate while recording” and “force lossless RGB capture” are cosmetic options that make a video look smoother, but may negatively affect game performance.

您可能会忽略其他一些内容。 “每4 GB分割影片”选项主要用于在FAT32文件系统上运行的Windows的较早版本。 “将鼠标光标隐藏在视频中”是一种样式选择,但是大多数观看者都不会在意一种方式。 “录制时锁定帧速率”和“强制无损RGB捕获”是可以使视频看起来更平滑的外观选择,但可能会对游戏性能产生负面影响。

第三步:选择声音设置 (Step Three: Choose Your Sound Settings)

By default, Fraps will record your computer’s standard sound output in simple stereo. This is just fine for most users—the “multichannel” option for saving surround sound channels won’t benefit most people listening to playback on a stereo setup.

默认情况下,Fraps将以简单的立体声录制计算机的标准声音输出。 这对于大多数用户来说很好,因为用于保存环绕声声道的“多声道”选项不会使大多数听立体声设置的人受益。

If you’d like to record your microphone as well, click “record external input” and make sure your gaming mic (and not your computer’s webcam microphone input) is selected. The “only capture while pushing” option is a great way to record only the commentary or communication you want with a push-to-talk feature. If you’re recording multiplayer online games, you’ll probably want to set this to the same key as your game’s push-to-talk button.

如果您还想录制麦克风,请单击“录制外部输入”,并确保选择了游戏麦克风(而不是计算机的网络摄像头麦克风输入)。 “仅在推送时捕获”选项是一种很好的方式,可以通过即按即说功能记录您想要的评论或交流。 如果要录制多人在线游戏,则可能需要将其设置为与游戏的一键通按钮相同的键。

第四步:隐藏FPS叠加层 (Step Four: Hide the FPS the Overlay)

Fraps is primarily a frames per second monitor, and the FPS readout will record along with Fraps video by default. To remove the counter from the video, click the “FPS” tab, then select “hide overlay” on the right side of the window. This step is optional, but the FPS counter tends to be distracting if you’re publishing video to the web.

Fraps主要是每秒帧数的监视器,默认情况下,FPS读数将与Fraps视频一起记录。 要从视频中删除计数器,请点击“ FPS”标签,然后在窗口右侧选择“隐藏叠加层”。 此步骤是可选步骤,但是如果您要将视频发布到网络上,FPS计数器会分散您的注意力。

第五步:开始录音 (Step Five: Start Recording)

Once you have the options above chosen, all you need to do is start your game and press your capture hotkey to begin recording. Press it again to stop and create the video file, which will be saved to your chosen output folder. Rinse and repeat as many times as you’d like to create multiple files, or just start and stop as you begin and end your game for one long video.

一旦选择了上面的选项,您需要做的就是开始游戏,然后按捕获热键开始录制。 再按一次可停止并创建视频文件,该文件将保存到您选择的输出文件夹中。 冲洗并重复创建多个文件的次数,或者在开始和结束游戏时开始和结束一个长视频。

Keep in mind that Fraps will only record the game window, not the rest of your Windows desktop. If your monitor’s resolution is larger than 1920×1080 (or you use a 4:3, 3:2, 21:9, or 16:10 aspect ratio that might not look good on web video), you can adjust the resolution of the game in its settings menu for better video results. 1920×1080 or 1280×720 are preferable for clean, borderless video playback on most devices. If for some reason you can’t set your screen or monitor to a non-native resolution, try running the game in windowed mode—Fraps will still only record the game footage, not your desktop.

请记住,Fraps仅记录游戏窗口,而不记录Windows桌面的其余部分。 如果显示器的分辨率大于1920×1080(或者您使用的4:3、3:2、21:9或16:10纵横比在网络视频上可能看起来不太好),则可以调整显示器的分辨率游戏在其设置菜单中获得更好的视频效果。 1920×1080或1280×720对于在大多数设备上进行清晰无边界的视频播放来说更可取。 如果由于某种原因您无法将屏幕或显示器设置为非本机分辨率,请尝试以窗口模式运行游戏-Fraps仍仅记录游戏画面,而不记录桌面。

帧也可以截图 (Fraps Can Take Screenshots, Too)

You can easily take a screenshot at any time in Windows 8 and Windows 10 with the Win+Print Screen command (they’ll be recorded in the Pictures/Screenshots folder). And, many games and overlays like Steam also offer a custom screenshot solution (the default shortcut in Steam games is F12). But Fraps’ screenshots tab has a custom record button, an option to show or hide the framerate overlay, and a “repeat screen capture” option that lets you select a custom interval. This last part is quite handy if you want that perfect screenshot without having to constantly mash the button: set it low for more images or high for fewer. The automatic recording will stop once you press the button again. So if you’re using Fraps already for game recording, you might want to check out its screenshot settings too.

您可以随时在Windows 8和Windows 10中使用Win + Print Screen命令轻松地截取屏幕截图(它们将记录在Pictures / Screenshots文件夹中)。 而且,许多游戏和叠加层(例如Steam)也提供了自定义截图解决方案(Steam游戏中的默认快捷方式是F12)。 但是Fraps的屏幕截图选项卡具有一个自定义记录按钮,一个用于显示或隐藏帧速率叠加的选项以及一个“重复屏幕捕获”选项,可用于选择一个自定义间隔。 如果您想要完美的屏幕截图而不必不停地捣碎该按钮,那么最后一部分非常方便:将其设置为低可获取更多图像,或将其设置为较高可获取更少图像。 再按一次按钮,自动记录将停止。 因此,如果您已经在使用Fraps进行游戏录制,则可能还需要查看其屏幕截图设置。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/300746/how-to-use-fraps-to-record-footage-of-your-pc-games/




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