
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-23 12:37:14

If you can hear well, you may have never thought about Closed Captioning or Subtitles. Perhaps you've used it once or twice to catch a missed word in a movie, or perhaps you've only read subtitles in foreign movies. But if you're one of the nearly 10M hard of hearing folks in the US or one of as many (estimates vary widely) 70M profoundly deaf people in the world, it's not the subtitles you're concerned with...it's the lack of subtitles.

如果您听不清楚,可能您从未考虑过隐藏式字幕或字幕。 也许您曾经用它一两次来捕捉电影中的遗漏单词,或者您只阅读了外国电影中的字幕。 但是,如果您是美国将近1000万听觉困难的人之一,或者是世界上有7000万严重失聪的人(估计差异很大)之一,那不是您所关心的字幕...这是缺乏的字幕。

Automatic transcriptions are a start, but they are about as useful as automatic translation services. If you speak more than one language you'll agree that computer translation just isn't quite here yet. It's awesome that YouTube can attempt to auto-transcript English and it's an amazing piece of tech, but the results are sometimes ridiculous for any video content that isn't a news reader. Ultimately, today, automatic transcriptions are NOT a good answer.

自动转录是一个开始,但是它们与自动翻译服务一样有用。 如果您说一种以上的语言,您将同意计算机翻译还不完全到这里。 YouTube可以尝试自动转录英语,这真是太棒了,这是一项了不起的技术,但是对于不是新闻阅读器的任何视频内容,有时结果都是荒谬的。 最终,今天,自动抄写并不是一个很好的答案。

Here's an example of some automatic captions from my 3 minute Windows 8 video:

这是我3分钟的Windows 8视频中一些自动字幕的示例:

Hanselminutes, my "fresh air for developers" podcast has long had transcripts available. Our transcription has been championed by Carl Franklin, my producer, and it IS appreciated. When a show is missed or we lag behind, people notice. You can head to our archives page, and the search supports a live-filter with an * as I've marked all transcript shows with an asterisk.

Hanselminutes ,我的“开发人员的新鲜空气”播客很早就可以提供成绩单。 我的制片人卡尔·富兰克林(Carl Franklin)拥护我们的录音,对此深表感谢。 当节目错过或我们落后时,人们会注意到。 您可以转到我们的档案页面,并且搜索支持带*的实时过滤器,因为我已用星号标记了所有成绩单显示。

Transcripts aren't just for the hard of hearing, they are also great for folks who are learning English or people who would rather learn by reading than by listening. Not everyone has an hour to listen to a show, but they can check out the transcripts and decide if they want to bother. It also helps for SEO by allowing keywords in your podcast or video to be picked up by Google, Bing and other search engines. Often people at work want to watch a YouTube video without the volume on.

成绩单不仅适合听不懂的人,对于学习英语的人或宁愿阅读而非听书的人也非常有用。 并非每个人都有一个小时来听节目,但他们可以签出成绩单并决定是否要打扰。 它还允许Google,Bing和其他搜索引擎选择您的播客或视频中的关键字,从而对SEO有所帮助。 通常,工作中的人们希望在没有音量的情况下观看YouTube视频。

雇用转录服务 (Hiring a Transcription Service)

Transcribing isn't as easy as you'd think. People talk WAY faster than the average typist. Feel feel to try transcribing the news or a podcast yourself. You'll quickly find that it's hard damn work. The service that I use the most,with success, has been Rev. They used to be called FoxTranscribe and changed their name.

转录并不像您想的那么容易。 人们说话的方式比普通打字员快。 感觉自己尝试自己录制新闻或播客。 您会很快发现这很难做。 成功使用最多的服务是Rev 。 他们曾经被称为FoxTranscribe并更改了名称。

Ordering is easy, you can upload files or just paste in URLs. I recently had them transcribe my Productivity Talk by just giving them the Vimeo link.

订购很容易,您可以上传文件或仅粘贴URL。 我最近让他们通过给他们提供Vimeo链接来抄录我的生产力演讲。

Recently Rev transcribed both of my Windows 8 videos! Having good closed captioning is super important with YouTube videos, and people who are looking for subtitles are REALLY happy when they find good ones.

最近, Rev录制了我的Windows 8视频 拥有良好的隐藏字幕对于YouTube视频非常重要,寻找字幕的人在找到字幕时会非常高兴。

You can turn on Closed Captioning for YouTube videos as a permanent setting as well.


  1. Go to your Account Settings page


  2. Select Playback from the left-hand menu


  3. Check or uncheck Always show captions




    Show automatic captions by speech recognition (when available) to enable automatic captions for videos that don't already have captions provided)

    通过语音识别显示自动字幕(如果有) ,以为尚未提供字幕的视频启用自动字幕)

YouTube lets you add captions in a few ways.


上载字幕文件并自动同步 (Upload a Caption File and Auto-Sync )

This is the easiest thing to do because it doesn't include time stamps. YouTube knows what video you're trying to caption so it can make educated guesses as to what words line up where. Time moves forward, so the guesses are usually VERY good if your transcript is a good one. That's what Rev provided me.

这是最简单的操作,因为它不包含时间戳。 YouTube知道您要字幕的视频,因此可以对哪些词排在哪里进行有根据的猜测。 时间在向前发展,因此如果您的成绩单很不错,猜测通常会非常好。 那就是Rev给我的。

Here's the first section of what Rev gave me for the 25 minute Windows 8 Video:

这是Rev在25分钟的Windows 8视频中给我的第一部分:

Scott>> Hi. I'm Scott Hanselman. This is the Missing Windows 8 Instructional Video. I've got another video where I show you basically everything I'm going to show you in this video, except I do it in only four minutes. That might be great for techies or people who are kind of advanced. But for the rest of us, it's pretty intense and it looks a little frantic. I thought it would take some time to go through a number of things within Windows 8, like “What changed?”, “Who moved my cheese?”

斯科特>>嗨。 我是Scott Hanselman。 这是缺少的Windows 8教学视频。 我还有另一个视频,基本上我将向您展示该视频中要向您显示的所有内容,只是我只用了四分钟就完成了。 对于技术人员或比较先进的人来说,这可能很棒。 但是对于我们其他人来说,它非常紧张,看上去有些疯狂。 我认为要花一些时间在Windows 8中浏览一些内容,例如“发生了什么变化?”,“谁移动了我的奶酪?”。

See the double >> mark? That's where you indicate who is talking. And that's it! It's worked great and I'm thrilled with the result.

看到双>>标记了吗? 那是您指出谁在说话的地方。 就是这样! 效果很好,我为结果感到兴奋。

上载带有时间戳的字幕文件 (Upload a Caption File with Timestamps)

If your video has fast cuts, lots of speakers or needs more precision, you'll want to make a a formal caption file in one of a variety of formats. A .srt file is what I see the most, but there's a number of options.

如果您的视频有快速剪辑,许多发言人或需要更高的精度,则需要使用多种格式之一制作一个正式的字幕文件。 我最常看到.srt文件,但是有很多选择。

Here's a .srt example from Google:


100:00:00,599 --> 00:00:04,160>> ALICE: Hi, my name is Alice Miller and this is John Brown200:00:04,160 --> 00:00:06,770>> JOHN: and we're the owners of Miller Bakery.

100:00:00,599-> 00:00:04,160 >>爱丽丝:嗨,我叫爱丽丝·米勒,我叫约翰·布朗200:00:04,160-> 00:00:06,770 >>约翰:我们是米勒面包店的所有者。

These files should be created by a captioning software package, in my opinion.


Regardless of how you create it, once the file is uploaded to YouTube, it works just as it should and can be turned on and off by the user.


人群采购笔录 (Crowd Sourcing Transcripts)

You may also be able to Crowd Source your transcripts. That's what I'm trying with This Developer's Life, the other podcast that I do with Rob Conery.

您也许还可以众筹成绩单。 这就是我在“开发者的生活”中的尝试,这是我与Rob Conery合作的另一个播客。

Yes, we are working on the next episode. I promise. The theme is "Space" by the way. Coming soon.

是的,我们正在制作下一集。 我承诺。 顺便说一句,主题是“太空”。 快来了。

Since we have a primarily technical developer audience, I chose to use GitHub to manage things. It's very open, collaborative and clean...for a programmer. We're using Mark Down files and I hope to generate HTML and link to them directly from the This Developer's Life site. You're more than welcome to get involved and help out. There are still transcripts that need help! Check out https://github/shanselman/ThisDevelopersLife-Transcripts

由于我们主要是技术开发人员,因此我选择使用GitHub来管理事物。 对于程序员来说,它非常开放,协作且干净。 我们正在使用Mark Down文件,我希望生成HTML并直接从This Developer's Life网站链接到它们。 非常欢迎您加入我们并提供帮助。 仍有成绩单需要帮助! 查看https://github/shanselman/ThisDevelopersLife-Transcripts

We've just received the complete transcript from the TDL episode where my wife and I talk about our Cancer Year. That one is currently here and the actual episode is still on the TDL site.

我们刚刚收到了TDL剧集的完整笔录,我和我的妻子在谈论我们的癌症年。 那是当前在这里,并且实际情节仍然在TDL站点。

We used a more casual layout, but I think the result will be easy to read.


Scott: What happened yesterday, dear?


Mo: Yesterday, I was told that I have cervical cancer.


S: That sucks.


M: Yeah. That REALLY sucks. [Silence] Yeah. It does. It does. Yeah.

M:是的。 真的很烂。 [沉默]是的。 是的是的是的

S: We spent most of yesterday surprisingly not crying and wailing or gnashing our teeth... but rather with quite a bit of black humor. Wouldn't you say?

S:我们昨天的大部分时间都出乎意料地没有哭,哭或咬牙……而是带着些许黑色幽默。 你不说吗

M: [Laughing] Yeah, I would. I would say that. But I think what is still true is that it’s a pretty heavy thing to hear. What was particularly frustrating in our case was how we found out about it. It was just not the way that one should ever find out that you have cancer. I don’t care what kind that it is.

M :(笑)是的,我会的。 我会这样说。 但是我认为仍然是事实,这是一件很沉重的事情。 在我们的案例中,特别令人沮丧的是我们如何发现它。 这不是人们应该发现自己患有癌症的方式。 我不在乎它是哪种类型。

S: It was definitely, as I like to say, sub-optimal.


M: Sub-optimal is a very delicate way of putting it. Yes, it was sub-optimal.

M:次优是一种非常微妙的表达方式。 是的,它不是最理想的。

I REALLY appreciate all the love that the community has given Rob and I on This Developer's Life. It's a labor of love, it takes hours and hours to make an episode and I hope you know that we are still having fun making it. We thank YOU for helping with the captions! As they get closer to being done, I'll update the site and make them easier to find.

我非常感谢社区给Rob和我在《开发者的一生》中的所有热爱。 这是一种爱的劳动,制作一个情节需要花费数小时和几个小时,我希望您知道我们在制作过程中仍然很有趣。 感谢您为字幕提供的帮助! 当他们接近完成时,我将更新网站并使它们更容易找到。

协同字幕系统 (Collaborative Subtitling Systems )

There is a great online community and series of tools called Amara that is explicitly for enabling captions for media. You can order transcription services outright, but you can also crowdsource your captions directly from the tool. If you're using YouTube you can give them access to your account via OAuth and they'll update your video's captions automatically. You can volunteer and transcript videos yourself and be a part of the crowd and make someone's video more accessible!

有一个很棒的在线社区和一系列称为Amara的工具,这些工具明确用于启用媒体字幕。 您可以直接订购转录服务,但也可以直接从工具众包字幕。 如果您使用的是YouTube,则可以让他们通过OAuth访问您的帐户,并且他们会自动更新视频的字幕。 您可以自己自愿和录制视频,并成为人群的一部分,使某人的视频更容易获得!

There are also some startups in the space like EnhanceCast and 3PlayMedia that you should also take a look at.

该领域中还有一些创业公司,例如EnhanceCast和3PlayMedia ,您也应该看看。

Regardless of what you choose, I really encourage you to consider captioning your content. We're working on doing this for ASP.NET videos now as well.

无论您选择什么,我都鼓励您考虑为内容加字幕。 我们现在也正在为ASP.NET视频进行此操作。

If you appreciate closed captioning and subtitles, please sound off in the comments!


翻译自: https://www.hanselman/blog/the-importance-of-closed-captioning-how-to-and-why-subtitle



本文发布于:2023-06-13 01:56:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:字幕   重要性


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