
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-23 07:34:49
本文介绍了错误处理程序最佳实践的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述

我经常使用这个约定: 退出_Here: 退出Sub HandleErr: 选择Case Err.Number 案例3163 继续下一步 案例3376 继续下一步 Case Else MsgBox"错误号码" &安培; Err.Number& : &安培; Err.Description 简历Exit_Here 结束选择 有没有办法在Case Else中包含当前的程序名? 可能是这样的: Case Else MsgBox"错误号码" &安培; Err.Number& : &安培; Err.Description& vbCrLf& _ Me.ProcedureName& Me.Form 简历Exit_Here 结束选择 (注意:Me.ProcedureName是伪代码 - 我不知道如果有可能 得到这个...) 怎么样将它卸载到模块中所以我不必输入它每个 时间: Case Else strP =我!程序 strF = Me .Form modErr.caseElse 结束选择 想法?建议? 提前致谢...

I use this convention frequently: Exit_Here: Exit Sub HandleErr: Select Case Err.Number Case 3163 Resume Next Case 3376 Resume Next Case Else MsgBox "Error Number " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description Resume Exit_Here End Select Is there a way to include the current procedure name on Case Else? perhaps something like this: Case Else MsgBox "Error Number " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _ Me.ProcedureName & Me.Form Resume Exit_Here End Select (note: "Me.ProcedureName" is pseudo code - I don''t know if it''s possible to get this...) How about offloading this to a module so I don''t have to type it out every time: Case Else strP = Me!Procedure strF = Me.Form modErr.caseElse End Select thoughts ? suggestions ? Thanks in advance...


RE / 我经常使用这个惯例: Exit_Here:退出Sub HandleErr: Select Case Err.Number 案例3163 继续下一步案例3376 继续下一页 Case Else MsgBox"错误号码" &安培; Err.Number& : &安培; Err.Description 继续Exit_Here 结束选择 有没有办法在Case Else上包含当前的程序名称? 可能是这样的: Case Else MsgBox"错误号码" &安培; Err.Number& : &安培; Err.Description& vbCrLf& _ Me.ProcedureName& Me.Form Resume Exit_Here 结束选择(注意:Me.ProcedureName是伪代码 - 我不知道是否有可能获得这个...) 如何将它卸载到模块中,这样我就不必每隔一段时间输出一次: Case Else strP =我!程序 strF = Me.Form modErr.caseElse 结束选择 想法?建议? 提前致谢... I use this convention frequently:Exit_Here: Exit SubHandleErr: Select Case Err.Number Case 3163 Resume Next Case 3376 Resume Next Case Else MsgBox "Error Number " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description Resume Exit_Here End SelectIs there a way to include the current procedure name on Case Else?perhaps something like this:Case Else MsgBox "Error Number " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description &vbCrLf & _ Me.ProcedureName & Me.Form Resume Exit_HereEnd Select(note: "Me.ProcedureName" is pseudo code - I don''t know if it''s possible toget this...)How about offloading this to a module so I don''t have to type it out everytime:Case Else strP = Me!Procedure strF = Me.Form modErr.caseElseEnd Selectthoughts ? suggestions ?Thanks in advance...

我写的每一个例程都在下面的骨架内。 DebugStackPush(),DebugStackPop()和BugAlert()。全部在 a模块中我称之为basBugAlert。 Push / Pop例程将例程的名称推入数组/弹出。 " BugAlert"指的是数组,以便在错误弹出之前找到我们已经在哪里。然后它会向用户显示一个小错误屏幕,并将错误和跟踪记录在.TXT文件中。 模块结束时这个说明。如果有人能说得更好一点,我会很感激改进代码的副本。 如果你想编译它并且换行会让你发疯,发布 a回复,我会将.bas文件通过电子邮件发送给你。 ------ ----------------------------------------- 无论如何() DebugStackPush mModulename& ":Whatever" On Error GoTo Whatever_err ''目的:做任何事情 ''ACCEPTS: ''退货: '' ''注意:1)..... (代码去这里......) Whatever_xit: DebugStackPop 错误继续下一步 (发布指针,关闭记录集) 退出Sub Whatever_err: BugAlert True," (如果某些错误可以接受,可以选择在Err上结束) 恢复Whatever_xit ------------------ ---------------------------- 选项比较数据库''使用数据库顺序进行字符串比较 选项明确 ''此模块包含用于捕获/记录错误的例程和 ''显示bugAlert屏幕。 ''要求:1)一个名为---------- Program changes ----------的表格在应用程序中 '' ''2)全局常量: ''Global Const gIniGroupName =" TretsParms" '' ''3)两种形式: ''frmBugAlertConcise ''frmBugAlertVerbose '' ''注意:1)为了避免循环,大多数这些例程应该使用自己的 自己的错误捕获, ''仅限于显示消息框 - 而不是 到潜在的递归 ''调用debugStackPush()和debugStackPop() Const mModuleName =" basBugAlert" 全局Const gStackLimit = 50 全局gDebugStack(debugStackTotalSize) 全局gStackPointer作为整数 全局gErrorMessage作为字符串''对于任何调用例程 想要在bugAlert关闭之前捕获错误消息。 全局gErrorLocation As String''同上,但包含 例程名称 私有声明函数GetComputerName_bal Lib" kernel32" Alias " GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String,nSize As Long)As Long 私有声明函数GetUserName_bal Lib" advapi32.dll"别名GetUserNameA (ByVal lpBuffer As String,nSize As Long)As Long 私有声明函数GetPrivateProfileString Lib" kernel32" Alias " GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String,ByVal lpKeyName As Any,ByVal lpDefault As String,ByVal lpReturnedString As String,ByVal nSize As Long,ByVal lpFileName As String)As Long Sub bugAlert(ByVal theDisplaySwitch As Integer,ByVal theSupplementalMessage As String) ''目的:记录错误,也许,向用户显示一个错误屏幕 ''ACCEPTS: - 一个告诉用户是否向用户显示屏幕的布尔值 '' - 补充文字要添加到日志条目并显示在 屏幕上 ''用途: - 一个名为myErrorPath的可选.INI文件parm,它告诉了哪里 写错误 '' - 一个名为VerboseErrorDisplay的可选.INI文件parm如果我们想要 ''来表示frmBugAlertVerbose '' ''注意:1 )我们处于错误模式:任何事情都可能发生。 ''因此错误捕获仅限于消息框。 ''2)我们假设调用例程,在调用之后,将优雅地继续 ''到它''退出'"编码并在出路时弹出调试堆栈。 ''3)注意出On Error语句不是*之后*我们已经获得了b $ b捕获的错误信息。 ''4)将显示开关设置为False并提供补充 消息允许程序员 ''记录错误日志中的内容,这些内容并非技术意义上的 错误。 ''例如bugAlert,False,这句话写入错误 log ''5)如果.INI文件中没有指定路径,我们写信给 根C: 1001 Dim myErrorLine As Long Dim myErrorNumber As Long 将myErrorMessage变暗为字符串 1002 myErrorLine = Erl''尽快捕获相关信息 1004 myErrorMessage =错误

Every routine I write is within the skeleton below. "DebugStackPush()", "DebugStackPop()", and "BugAlert()" are all in a module I call "basBugAlert". The Push/Pop routines push the routine''s name into an array/pop it out. "BugAlert" refers to the array to get a trace of where we''ve been just before the error popped. It then displays a little error screen to the user and logs the error and the trace in a .TXT file. The module is at the end of this note. If somebody can make it a little better, I''d appreciate a copy of the improved code. If you''re trying to compile it and the line breaks are making you crazy, post a reply and I''ll email the .bas file to you. ----------------------------------------------- Whatever() DebugStackPush mModulename & ": Whatever" On Error GoTo Whatever_err '' PURPOSE: To do whatever '' ACCEPTS: '' RETURNS: '' '' NOTES: 1)..... (code goes here...) Whatever_xit: DebugStackPop On Error Resume Next (release pointers, close recordsets) Exit Sub Whatever_err: BugAlert True, "" (optionally case out on Err if some errors are acceptable) Resume Whatever_xit ---------------------------------------------- Option Compare Database ''Use database order for string comparisons Option Explicit '' This module contains the routines used to trap/log errors and '' show the "bugAlert" screen. '' REQUIRES: 1) A table named "---------- Program Changes ----------" in the app '' '' 2) A global constant: '' Global Const gIniGroupName = "TretsParms" '' '' 3) Two forms: '' frmBugAlertConcise '' frmBugAlertVerbose '' '' NOTES: 1) To avoid loops, most of these routines should be using their own own error trapping, '' which would be limited to just showing message boxes - as opposed to potentially-recursive '' calls to debugStackPush() and debugStackPop() Const mModuleName = "basBugAlert" Global Const gStackLimit = 50 Const debugStackTotalSize = 52 Global gDebugStack(debugStackTotalSize) Global gStackPointer As Integer Global gErrorMessage As String ''For any calling routine that wants to trap the error message before bugAlert munches on it. Global gErrorLocation As String ''Ditto above, but contains name of routine Private Declare Function GetComputerName_bal Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetUserName_bal Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpDefault As String, ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long Sub bugAlert(ByVal theDisplaySwitch As Integer, ByVal theSupplementalMessage As String) '' PURPOSE: To log an error and, maybe, show an error screen to the user '' ACCEPTS: - A boolean telling whether-or-not to show a screen to the user '' - Supplemental text to be added to the log entry and shown on the screen '' USES: - An optional .INI file parm called "myErrorPath", which tells where to write the error '' - An optional .INI file parm called "VerboseErrorDisplay" that tells us if we want '' to show frmBugAlertVerbose '' '' NOTES: 1) We are in error mode: anything could be happening. '' Therefore error trapping is limited to a messagebox. '' 2) We assume that the calling routine, after invoking this, will gracefully proceed '' to it''s "Exit" coding and pop the debug stack on the way out. '' 3) Note that out "On Error" statement isn''t until *After* we''ve captured error info. '' 4) Setting the display switch to False and suppling a supplemental message allows the programmer '' to record things in the error log which did not result from errors in the technical sense. '' e.g. bugAlert, False, "This sentence gets written to the error log" '' 5) If there is no path specified in the .INI file, we write to the root of C: 1001 Dim myErrorLine As Long Dim myErrorNumber As Long Dim myErrorMessage As String 1002 myErrorLine = Erl ''Capture relevant info ASAP 1003 myErrorNumber = Err 1004 myErrorMessage = Error

1005 gErrorMessage =错误 1005 gErrorMessage = Error

1006 gErrorLocation = gDebugStack(gStackPointer) 1007错误GoTo bugAlert_err 1008 DoCmd.Echo True''如果它在其他地方被关闭 Dim v As Variant Dim X As Integer Dim myMessage As String Dim myTimeStamp As String Dim i作为整数 Dim L As Long 将myErrorPath作为字符串调暗 将myHeaderLine调暗为字符串 将myAppVersion作为字符串调暗 将myVerboseSw调暗为布尔值 Dim ParmValue As String Const cannotDoAtThisTime = 2486 Dim skipLine As String 1010 skipLine = Chr 1006 gErrorLocation = gDebugStack(gStackPointer) 1007 On Error GoTo bugAlert_err 1008 DoCmd.Echo True ''In case it was turned off elsewhere Dim v As Variant Dim X As Integer Dim myMessage As String Dim myTimeStamp As String Dim i As Integer Dim L As Long Dim myErrorPath As String Dim myHeaderLine As String Dim myAppVersion As String Dim myVerboseSw As Boolean Dim ParmValue As String Const cannotDoAtThisTime = 2486 Dim skipLine As String 1010 skipLine = Chr



本文发布于:2023-05-29 23:07:20,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:错误   程序


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