VB.NET 类或模块的目的是什么?

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-28 01:23:58
本文介绍了VB.NET 类或模块的目的是什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


Newbie sauce here... So, I tried to find the answer but couldn't.


What is the purpose of having a class or module? Everything I read tries to tell me what it is, but not what it's for. Why would I need to make one?


Everything I read seems to makes assumptions about the person reading the tutorial, as if I know a lot.


模块与仅包含共享成员的类非常相似.事实上,在 C# 中,没有模块"这样的结构.如果没有至少一个模块或类,你就无法编写任何应用程序,所以我怀疑你真正的问题不是为什么使用类和模块",而是为什么使用多个类和模块以及何时开始一个新的合适".由于模块和类本质上是一回事,我将只关注为什么你会有多个类.创建新类主要有四个主要原因:

A module is really very similar to just a class containing only shared members. In fact, in C#, there is no such construct as a "module". You cannot write any application without having at least one module or class, so I suspect your real question is not "why use classes and modules", but rather "why use multiple classes and modules and when is it appropriate to start a new one". Since modules and classes are essentially the same thing, I'll just focus on why you would have multiple classes at all. There are essentially four main reasons to create a new class:

  • 将数据存储在谨慎的项目中
  • 整理代码
  • 在代码中提供接缝
  • 将您的代码分成多个层并支持 n 层
  • 现在,让我们更详细地看一看:

    Now, let's look at each one in more detail:


    Often times you need to store multiple data about a single item and pass that data around between methods as a single object. For instance, if you write an application which works with a person, you will likely want to store multiple data about the person, such as their name, age, and title. You could obviously store these three data as three separate variables, and pass them as separate parameters to methods, such as:

    Public Sub DisplayPerson(name As String, age As Integer, title As String) Label1.Text = name Label2.Text = age.ToString() Label3.Text = title End Sub

    但是,将所有数据作为单个对象传递通常更方便,例如,您可以创建一个 MyPersonClass,如下所示:

    However, it's often more convenient to pass all the data as a single object, for instance, you could create a MyPersonClass, like this:

    Public Class MyPersonClass Public Name As String Public Age As Integer Public Title As String End Class


    And then you could pass all the data about a person in a single parameter, like this:

    Public Sub DisplayPerson(person As MyPersonClass) Label1.Text = person.Name Label2.Text = person.Age.ToString() Label3.Text = person.Title End Sub

    通过这样做,以后可以更轻松地修改您的人设.例如,如果您需要添加为人员存储技能的功能,并且您没有将人员数据放在类中,则必须转到传递人员数据的代码中的每个位置并添加附加参数.在大型项目中,可能很难找到所有要修复的地方,这可能会导致错误.但是,当您开始需要存储多人列表时,对类的需求变得更加明显.例如,如果您需要存储 10 个不同人的数据,则需要一个变量列表或数组,例如:

    By doing it this way, it makes it much easier in the future to modify your person. For instance, if you needed to add the ability to store a skill for the person, and you had not put the person data in a class, you would have to go to every place in the code that passes person data and add the additional parameter. In a large project, it could be very difficult to find all of those places to fix, which could lead to bugs. However, the need for the class becomes even more apparent when you start needing to store a list of multiple people. For instance, if you need to store the data for 10 different people, you would need a list or array of variables, for instance:

    Dim names(9) As String Dim ages(9) As Integer Dim titles(9) As String

    当然,names(3) 和 age(3) 都存储同一个人的数据,这一点并不明显.这是您必须知道的,或者您必须将其写在评论中,以免忘记.但是,当您有一个类来存储一个人的所有数据时,这样做会更清晰、更容易:

    It's of course, not at all obvious that names(3) and age(3) both store data for the same person. That is something you just have to know, or you have to write it in a comment so you don't forget. However, this is much cleaner and easier to do when you have the class to store all the data for a person:

    Dim persons(9) As Person

    现在,很明显persons(3).Name 和persons(3).Age 都是同一个人的数据.通过这种方式,它是自我记录的.不需要评论来澄清你的逻辑.因此,代码也不会那么容易出错.

    Now, it's completely obvious that persons(3).Name and persons(3).Age are both data for the same person. In that way, it is self-documenting. No comment is needed to clarify your logic. As a result, again, the code will be less bug-prone.

    通常,类不仅包含特定项目的数据,还包含作用于该数据的方法.这是一个方便的机制.例如,您可能希望向 person 类添加一个 GetDescription 方法,例如:

    Often, classes will contain not only the data for a particular item, but also the methods that act on that data. This is a convenient mechanism. For instance, you may want to add a GetDesciption method to the person class, such as:

    Public Class MyPersonClass Public Name As String Public Age As Integer Public Title As String Public Function GetDescription() As String Return Title & " " & Name End Function End Class


    Then you can use it like this:

    For Each person As MyPersonClass In persons MessageBox.Show("Hello " & person.GetDescription()) Next


    Which, as I'm sure you'll agree, is much cleaner and easier than doing something like this:

    For i As Integer = 0 To 9 MessageBox.Show("Hello " & GetPersonDescription(title(i), names(i))) Next

    现在假设您要为每个人存储多个昵称.正如你很容易看到的,persons(3).Nicknames(0) 远比一些疯狂的二维数组简单,比如 nicknames(3)(0).如果您需要存储有关每个昵称的多个数据,会发生什么情况?如您所见,不使用类会很快变得混乱.

    Now lets say you want to store multiple nicknames for each person. As you can easily see, persons(3).Nicknames(0) is far simpler than some crazy two dimensional array, such as nicknames(3)(0). And what happens if you need to store multiple data about each nickname? As you can see, not using classes would get messy very fast.


    When you write a lengthy program, it can become very messy very quickly and lead to very buggy code if you do not properly organize your code. The most-important weapon you have in this battle against spaghetti-code is to create more classes. Ideally, each class will contain only the methods that are logically directly related to each other. Each new type of functionality should be broken out into a new well-named class. In a large project, these classes should be further organized into separate namespaces, but if you don't at least split them out into classes, you are really going to make a mess. For instance, lets say you have the following methods all thrown into the same module:

    • GetPersonDescription
    • GetProductDescription
    • FirePerson
    • 销售产品


    I'm sure you'd agree, that it's just much easier to follow the code if these methods were broken out into separate classes, such as:

      • 获取描述
      • 获取描述
      • 销售


      And that's just a very, very simple example. When you have thousands of methods and variables dealing with many different items and different types of items, I'm sure you can easily imagine why classes are important to help organize and self-document the code.


      This one may be a bit more advanced, but it's very important, so I'll take a stab at trying to explain it in simple terms. Let's say you create a trace-logger class which writes log entries to a trace log file. For instance:

      Public Class TraceLogger Public Sub LogEntry(text As String) ' Append the time-stamp to the text ' Write the text to the file End Sub End Class


      Now, lets say you want to have the logger class be able to write to a file or to a database. At this point it becomes obvious that writing the log entry to the file is really a separate type of logic which should have been in its own class all along, so you can break it out into a separate class, like this:

      Public Class TextFileLogWriter Public Sub WriteEntry(text As String) ' Write to file End Sub End Class


      Now, you can create a common interface and share it between two different classes. Both classes will handle writing log entries, but they will each perform the functionality in entirely different ways:

      Public Interface ILogWriter Sub WriteEntry(text As String) End Interface Public Class TextFileLogWriter Implements ILogWriter Public Sub WriteEntry(text As String) Implements ILogWriter.WriteEntry ' Write to file End Sub End Class Public Class DatabaseLogWriter Implements ILogWriter Public Sub WriteEntry(text As String) Implements ILogWriter.WriteEntry ' Write to database End Sub End Class


      Now, that you have broken that data-access logic out into its own classes, you can refactor your logger class like this:

      Public Class TraceLogger Public Sub New(writer As ILogWriter) _writer = writer End Sub Private _writer As ILogWriter Public Sub LogEntry(text As String) ' Append the time-stamp to the text _writer.WriteEntry(text) End Sub End Class

      现在,您可以在更多情况下重用 TraceLogger 类,而无需接触该类.例如,您可以给它一个 ILogWriter 对象,该对象将条目写入 Windows 事件日志、电子表格、甚至电子邮件——所有这些都无需触及原始的 TraceLogger 类.这是可能的,因为您在条目格式和条目编写之间的逻辑中创建了接缝.

      Now, you can reuse the TraceLogger class in many more situations without having to ever touch that class. For instance, you could give it an ILogWriter object that writes the entries to the windows event log, or to a spreadsheet, or even to an email--all without ever touching the original TraceLogger class. This is possible because you have created a seam in your logic between the formatting of the entries and the writing of the entries.

      格式不关心条目如何被记录.它只关心如何格式化条目.当它需要写入和输入时,它只是要求一个单独的 writer 对象来完成这部分工作.这位作家在内部实际上如何做和做什么是无关紧要的.同样,作者不关心条目是如何格式化的,它只希望传递给它的任何内容都是需要记录的已格式化的有效条目.

      The formatting doesn't care how the entries get logged. All it cares about is how to format the entries. When it needs to write and entry, it just asks a separate writer object to do that part of the work. How and what that writer actually does internally is irrelevant. Similarly, the writer doesn't care how the entry is formatted, it just expects that whatever is passed to it is an already-formatted valid entry that needs to be logged.

      您可能已经注意到,TraceLogger 现在不仅可重复使用以写入任何类型的日志,而且写入器还可重复使用以将任何类型的日志写入这些类型的日志.例如,您可以重用 DatabaseLogWriter 来写入跟踪日志和异常日志.

      As you may have noticed, not only is the TraceLogger now reusable to write to any kind of log, but also, the writers are reusable for writing any type of log to those types of logs. You could reuse the DatabaseLogWriter, for instance, to write both trace logs and exception logs.


      请稍微逗我一下,因为我把这个答案延长了一点,并咆哮了一些对我来说很重要的事情......在最后一个例子中,我使用了一种称为依赖注入 (DI) 的技术.之所以称为依赖注入,是因为 writer 对象是 logger 类的依赖,并且该依赖对象通过构造函数注入到 logger 类中.你可以通过做这样的事情来完成类似的事情,而无需依赖注入:

      Just humor me, a little, as I make this answer a little bit longer with a rant about something important to me... In that last example, I used a technique called dependency injection (DI). It's called dependency injection because the writer object is a dependency of the logger class and that dependency object is injected into the logger class via the constructor. You could accomplish something similar without dependency injection by doing something like this:

      Public Class TraceLogger Public Sub New(mode As LoggerModeEnum) If mode = LoggerModeEnum.TextFile Then _writer = New TextFileLogWriter() Else _writer = New DatabaseLogWriter() End If End Sub Private _writer As ILogWriter Public Sub LogEntry(text As String) ' Append the time-stamp to the text _writer.WriteEntry(text) End Sub End Class


      However, as you can see, if you do it that way, now you'll need to modify that logger class every time you create a new type of writer. And then, just to create a logger, you have to have references every different type of writer. When you write code this way, pretty soon, any time you include one class, you suddenly have to reference the whole world just to do a simple task.

      依赖注入方法的另一种替代方法是使用继承来创建多个 TraceLogger 类,每种类型的编写器一个:

      Another alternative to the dependency injection approach would be to use inheritance to create multiple TraceLogger classes, one per type of writer:

      Public MustInherit Class TraceLogger Public Sub New() _writer = NewLogWriter() End Sub Private _writer As ILogWriter Protected MustOverride Sub NewLogWriter() Public Sub LogEntry(text As String) ' Append the time-stamp to the text _writer.WriteEntry(text) End Sub End Class Public Class TextFileTraceLogger Inherits TraceLogger Protected Overrides Sub NewLogWriter() _Return New TextFileLogWriter() End Sub End Class Public Class DatabaseTraceLogger Inherits TraceLogger Protected Overrides Sub NewLogWriter() _Return New DatabaseLogWriter() End Sub End Class


      Doing it with inheritance, like that, is better than the mode-enumeration approach, because you don't have to reference all the database logic just to log to a text file, but, in my opinion, dependency injection is cleaner and more flexible.



      So, in summary, seams in your logic are important for reusability, flexibility, and interchangeability of your code. In small projects, these things are not of the utmost importance, but as projects grow, having clear seams can become critical.

      创建接缝的另一大好处是它使代码更加稳定和可测试.一旦您知道 TraceLogger 可以工作,就可以将其扩展以备将来使用,例如将日志写入电子表格,而无需接触实际的 TraceLogger代码>类.如果您不必接触它,那么您就不会冒引入新错误和可能危及已经使用它的其余代码的风险.此外,单独测试每一段代码变得更加容易.例如,如果您想测试 TraceLogger 类,您可以在测试中使用一个伪造的 writer 对象,该对象只记录到内存或控制台或其他东西.

      Another big benefit of creating seams is that it makes the code more stable and testable. Once you know that the TraceLogger works, there is a big advantage to being able to extend it for future uses, such as writing logs to a spreadsheet, without having to touch the actual TraceLogger class. If you don't have to touch it, then you don't risk introducing new bugs and potentially compromising the rest of the code that already uses it. Also, it becomes far easier to test each piece of your code in isolation. For instance, if you wanted to test the TraceLogger class, you could just, for your test, make it use a fake writer object which just logs to memory, or the console, or something.


      Once you have properly organized your code into separate classes, where each class is only responsible for one type of task, then you can start to group together your classes into layers. Layers are just a high-level organization of your code. There's nothing specific in the language that makes something technically a layer. Since there's nothing directly in the language that makes it clear where each layer starts and ends, people will often put all the classes for each layer into separate namespaces. So, for instance, you may have namespaces that look like this (where each namespace is a separate layer):

      • MyProduct.Presentation
      • MyProduct.Business
      • MyProduct.DataAccess

      通常,您总是希望代码中至少有两层:表示层或用户界面层以及业务逻辑层.如果您的应用程序进行任何数据访问,通常也会放在它自己的层中.每一层都应尽可能独立且可互换.因此,例如,如果上面示例中的 TraceLogger 类位于业务层中,则它应该可以被任何类型的 UI 重用.

      Typically, you always want to have at least two layers in your code: the presentation or user-interface layer and the business-logic layer. If your application does any data access, that is typically put in its own layer as well. Each layer should be, as much as possible, independent and interchangeable. So, for instance, if our TraceLogger class in the above example is in a business layer, it should be reusable by any kind of UI.

      层通过提供进一步的组织、自我文档、可重用性和稳定性来扩展之前的所有主题.然而,层的另一个主要好处是将应用程序拆分为多个层变得更加容易.例如,如果您需要将业务和数据访问逻辑移动到 Web 服务中,如果您已经将代码清晰地写入定义的层,那么这样做将非常简单.但是,如果所有这些逻辑都相互混合和相互依赖,那么尝试将数据访问和业务逻辑分解到一个单独的项目中将是一场噩梦.

      Layers expand upon all of the previous topics by providing further organization, self-documentation, reusability, and stability. However, another major benefit for layers is that it becomes far easier to split your application into multiple tiers. For instance, if you need to move your business and data access logic into a web service, it will be very simple to do so if you have already written your code cleanly into defined layers. If, however, all of that logic is intermingled and interdependent, then it will be a nightmare to try and break just the data access and business logic out into a separate project.

      简而言之,您永远需要创建多个类或模块.在单个类或模块中编写整个应用程序总是可能.毕竟,在面向对象的语言被发明之前,整个操作系统和软件套件就已经开发出来了.然而,面向对象编程 (OOP) 语言如此流行是有原因的.对于许多项目而言,面向对象非常有用.

      In short, you never need to create more than one class or module. It's always going to be possible to write your entire application in a single class or module. Entire operating systems and software suites were developed, after all, before object oriented languages were even invented. However, there is a reason why object-oriented programming (OOP) languages are so popular. For many projects, object-orientation is incredibly beneficial.


    VB.NET 类或模块的目的是什么?

    本文发布于:2023-05-27 09:56:11,感谢您对本站的认可!
    本文标签:目的   模块   VB   NET


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