Local WebRTC Unity to JS Client for Monodirectional Video

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-09-26 04:19:57

Local WebRTC <a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1770038.html style=Unity to JS Client for Monodirectional Video"/>

Local WebRTC Unity to JS Client for Monodirectional Video

方向是Unity --> JavaScript,这里Unity是抓取视频的。 使用 WebRTC,Unity 和 JavaScript 客户端能够相互通信,但 JavaScript 客户端似乎无法显示 Unity 客户端发送的任何视频。

我不知道为什么尽管有清晰的通信(即接收),JavaScript 客户端仍无法显示任何视频输出。

我已经尝试更改/添加编解码器以现在可用,但我不确定是否需要这样做,因为 docs (Unity WebRTC 2.4.0) 并未真正指定需要编解码器。我正在使用 NativeWebSocket(一个 C# 库)与我的本地服务器通信。 SDP 可以从两个客户端发送,但(再次)似乎没有视频显示在我的 JavaScript 客户端上。


using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.WebRTC;
using System;
using NativeWebSocket;

public class LocalMediaSender : MonoBehaviour
    public Camera capture_camera;
    private RTCPeerConnection local_connection;
    private RTCDataChannel data_channel;
    private WebSocket ws;
    public string ip = "192.168.X.X"; // TODO: add your IP here
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    async void Start()
        ws = new WebSocket($"ws://{ip}:8080");
        ws.OnOpen += () =>
            Debug.Log("Connection open!");

        ws.OnError += (e) =>
            Debug.Log("Error! " + e);

        ws.OnClose += (e) =>
            Debug.Log("Connection closed!");

        ws.OnMessage += (bytes) =>

            // Getting the message as a string
            var message = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);
            Debug.Log("OnMessage! " + message);

            // Deserialize the message to SDPMessage
            SDPMessage sdpMessage = JsonUtility.FromJson<SDPMessage>(message);

            // Check if the message is an answer
            if (sdpMessage.type == "answer")
                // Create a RTCSessionDescription for the answer
                RTCSessionDescription answer = new RTCSessionDescription
                    type = RTCSdpType.Answer,
                    sdp = sdpMessage.sdp

                // Start the coroutine to set the remote description for the local connection

        await ws.Connect();

    private void InitializeWebRTC()
        // [Step 1] Create Peer Connection
        local_connection = new RTCPeerConnection(/*ref config*/);

        /* ADD EVENT HANDLERS */
            // [Step 2] onopen Connection Notification
            RTCDataChannelInit init = new RTCDataChannelInit { ordered = true }; // to ensure that data packets are delivered in order makes it reliable
            data_channel = local_connection.CreateDataChannel("myChannel", init);
            data_channel.OnOpen += () =>
                Debug.Log("Data Channel Opened -- Unity");

            // [Step 3] onicecandidate To Print SDP
            local_connection.OnIceCandidate = (e) =>
                string iceCandidateString = JsonUtility.ToJson(e);
                // Inside the OnIceCandidate event handler in Unity
                //Debug.Log("[ICE Candidate] " + iceCandidateString);

        // [Step 4] addTrack Video Media To Send
        if (capture_camera == null){ Debug.LogError("[ERROR] There is no camera!"); }
        MediaStream video_stream_track = capture_camera.CaptureStream(1280, 720);
        foreach (var track in video_stream_track.GetTracks()) { 
            local_connection.AddTrack(track, video_stream_track);

        // [Step 5] createOffer 
        // use button to start offer

    public void StartOffer() {

    public void StopOffer() {

    IEnumerator HandleCreateOffer()
        RTCOfferAnswerOptions offerOptions = default;

        var op = local_connection.CreateOffer(ref offerOptions);
        yield return op;

        if (op.IsError)
            Debug.LogError($"Error creating offer: {op.Error}");
            yield break;

        RTCSessionDescription offer = op.Desc;
        offer.sdp = offer.sdp.Replace("m=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 96 97 98 99 100 101 102", "m=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 96");

        // [Step 6] setLocalDescription Once Offer Is Successful
        var setLocalDescOp = local_connection.SetLocalDescription(ref offer);
        yield return setLocalDescOp;

        if (setLocalDescOp.IsError)
            Debug.LogError($"Error setting local description: {setLocalDescOp.Error}");
            // Send local_description after it has been set
            if (ws.State == WebSocketState.Open)
                //string sdp_string = JsonUtility.ToJson(local_connection.LocalDescription);
                string sdp_string = JsonUtility.ToJson(new SDPMessage { sdp = local_connection.LocalDescription.sdp, type = local_connection.LocalDescription.type.ToString() });
                Debug.Log("[SDP] " + sdp_string);
                Debug.LogError("WebSocket connection is not open.");

    IEnumerator HandleSetRemoteDescription(RTCSessionDescription answer)
        var op = local_connection.SetRemoteDescription(ref answer);
        yield return op;

        if (op.IsError)
            Debug.LogError($"Error setting remote description: {op.Error}");
            Debug.Log("Remote description set successfully.");

    public class SDPMessage
        public string sdp;
        public string type;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // required to recieve messages from signaling server

JavaScript 客户端

    <title>Local WebRTC Receiver</title>

    <!-- Create a video element to display the remote video stream -->
        style="box-sizing: border-box; border: 5px solid black;" 
        <!-- video body -->

        let ip = "192.168.X.X" // TODO: add your IP here
        const local_connection = new RTCPeerConnection();
        let offer = null;

        // Connect to the WebSocket signaling server
        const signalingServer = new WebSocket(`ws://${ip}:8080`);

        signalingServer.onopen = (e) =>{ /* when connected */ }
        signalingServer.onmessage = (event) => {
                console.log("De-Blobed Message:", msg);
                const message = JSON.parse(msg);
                console.log("JSON Message:", message);

                // Answer offer
                if(message.type == "Offer"){
                    offer = message;
                    offer.type = "offer"; // <-- THIS IS DUMB BUT NEEDED

                    local_connection.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(offer))
                            console.log("offer set!");
                            return local_connection.createAnswer();
                            console.log("setting local description!");
                            return local_connection.setLocalDescription(answer);
                            console.log("Sending Local Description")
                            const sdp = local_connection.localDescription;
                // Handle incoming messages (ICE candidates, offers, etc.)


      local_connection.onicecandidate = (e) =>{
        console.log("[SDP] ", local_connection.localDescription);

      local_connection.ontrack = (e) =>{
        console.log("Received remote track:", e.track);
        console.log("Received remote streams:", e.streams);
        console.log("Kind:", e.track.kind);

        if(e.track.kind == "video"){            
            // Display the remote video stream in the video element
            const remoteVideo = document.getElementById('remote-video');
            remoteVideo.srcObject = e.streams[0];

            console.log("Codec: ",e.track.getSettings().codec);
            console.log("Settings: ",e.track.getSettings());

      local_connection.ondatachannel = (e) =>{
        var receiveChannel = ev.channel;

        receiveChannel.onmessage = (e) =>{
            console.log("[Message from Unity]\n",e.data);
        receiveChannel.onopen = (e) =>{
            console.log("Connected! -- JS");

        receiveChannel.onclose = (e) =>{ /* when connection closes*/ };

节点 JS 服务器

const WebSocket = require("ws");
const host_ip = "192.168.X.X" // TODO: add your IP here
const server = new WebSocket.Server({ host: host_ip, port: 8080 });

const clients = new Set();

server.on("connection", (socket) => {
  console.log("[Server] Client connected");

  socket.on("message", (message) => {
    console.log("-=-=-=-=-=-[New Message Received]-=-=-=-=-=-");
    console.log("-=-=-=-=-=-[END Message Received]-=-=-=-=-=-");

    // console.log("Received:", message);

    // Broadcast the message to all other clients
    for (const client of clients) {
      if (client !== socket) {

  socket.on("close", () => {
    console.log("[Server] Client disconnected");

console.log(`[Server] WebSocket signaling server running on ws://${host_ip}:8080`);

要运行服务器,请确保安装了 Node.JS,然后运行

npm i
npm start
。还要确保添加主机(服务器将在其上运行的计算机)的 IP 地址。



Local WebRTC Unity to JS Client for Monodirectional Video

本文发布于:2024-06-15 19:59:38,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:Unity   WebRTC   Local   JS   Video


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