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Microsoft is in the process of updating the millions of Hotmail accounts to the latest version that runs faster and includes more features than before.  Our account was recently updated, so here’s a tour of the new features.

Microsoft正在将数百万个Hotmail帐户更新为运行速度更快且包含比以前更多功能的最新版本。 我们的帐户最近已更新,因此这里是新功能的导览。

Windows Live Hotmail was one of the first free webmail services back when it was called HoTMaiL as a play on HTML.  In recent years, Microsoft has rebranded their online services under the Windows Live brand, so now Hotmail is commonly used with @hotmail or the newer @live email addresses.  You can even use Hotmail and other Live services with your own domain.  Despite it’s previous popularity, Hotmail has lost many users, especially techies, to Google’s popular Gmail service.  The new Hotmail brings many features that Gmail has offered, as well as some unique ones, so let’s take a look and see if the new Hotmail has to offer.

Windows Live Hotmail曾经是最早的免费Webmail服务之一,当时它被称为HoTMaiL,可以在HTML上播放。 近年来,Microsoft将其在线服务重新命名为Windows Live,因此现在Hothot通常与@ hotmail或更新的@ live电子邮件地址一起使用。 您甚至可以在自己的域中使用Hotmail和其他Live服务。 尽管Hotmail以前很流行,但它已经失去了许多用户,尤其是技术人员,而失去了Google受欢迎的Gmail服务。 新的Hotmail带来了Gmail提供的许多功能以及一些独特的功能,因此让我们看一下是否必须提供新的Hotmail。

Take a Look at the New Features


If you haven’t visited Hotmail recently, you may notice the login screen has changed slightly with larger, Metro-style fonts and a clean design.


One of Hotmail’s new security features is the new single-use sign in code.  You can request a code which will be sent to your phone via text message.  This is a great way to login to Hotmail from a public computer without potentially revealing your password to malicious apps on it.

Hotmail的新安全功能之一是新的一次性登录代码。 您可以请求通过短信发送到手机的验证码。 这是从公用计算机登录Hotmail的一种好方法,而不必将密码泄露给其中的恶意应用程序。

Once you sign in, you’ll notice a new Hotmail logo on the top of your browser window or tab.  If you still see the old Windows Live logo, then you’re still on the old version, so you’ll have to wait for your account to be updated over the next few weeks.

登录后,您会在浏览器窗口或标签顶部看到新的Hotmail徽标。 如果仍然看到旧的Windows Live徽标,则说明您仍在使用旧版本,因此必须等待帐户在接下来的几周内进行更新。

The new inbox looks largely the same as the previous version, but there are tweaks all around.


Timesaving Features


Right at first you’ll notice new View options in the Inbox; you can chose to view only the unread messages or those from contacts in your address book.  You can even select Social updates to only see the messages from Twitter, Facebook, and other networks; this is a great way to quickly clear all the social network junk out of your inbox.

首先,您会在收件箱中注意到新的“ 视图”选项; 您可以选择仅查看未读消息或通讯录中来自联系人的消息。 您甚至可以选择“ 社交更新”以仅查看来自Twitter,Facebook和其他网络的消息。 这是一种快速清除收件箱中所有社交网络垃圾的好方法。

Another timesaving feature is the new Sweep tool.  Select this on the top of the Hotmail page to quickly manage all emails from a sender.

另一个省时的功能是新的Sweep工具。 在Hotmail页面顶部选择此项,以快速管理发件人的所有电子邮件。

You can have Hotmail automatically move all emails from a contact into a specific folder, or even automatically delete messages from a contact.  This is one of the easiest ways we’ve seen to setup inbox rules, and it works great.

您可以让Hotmail自动将联系人中的所有电子邮件移动到特定文件夹,甚至自动删除联系人中的消息。 这是我们看到的设置收件箱规则的最简单方法之一,并且效果很好。

Hotmail includes the new Quick views underneath your folders on the left.  Here you can easily view messages that are flagged, or ones that contain photos or office docs.  You can even click the Shipping updates to see all shipping notice emails you may have received.

Hotmail的左侧文件夹下方包含新的“ 快速”视图 。 在这里,您可以轻松查看已标记的邮件或包含照片或Office文档的邮件。 您甚至可以单击“ 运输更新”以查看您可能收到的所有运输通知电子邮件。

Hotmail’s searching capabilities have been improved, too.  Simply start typing, and Hotmail will suggest alternative options.  You can also use standard search queries to search for emails from specific senders and more.

Hotmail的搜索功能也得到了改进。 只需开始输入,Hotmail就会建议其他选项。 您还可以使用标准搜索查询来搜索来自特定发件人的电子邮件等等。

Reading Emails in the New Hotmail


Hotmail’s reading pane has been redesigned with nice and useful headers.  Click the bottom of the header to expand it.

Hotmail的阅读窗格已经过重新设计,带有漂亮且有用的标题。 单击标题的底部以将其展开。

Now you can see all of the info about this email, including the sender’s email address and other recipients of the message.


If the email included attachments, you’ll see some quick info about the files directly below the header.  Click the Download link to download the files, or if the email included Office files, click the icon to open them in Office Web Apps.  This is a quick way to read Word documents and preview PowerPoint presentations even if you don’t have Office installed.

如果电子邮件中包含附件,您将在标题的正下方看到一些有关文件的快速信息。 单击下载链接下载文件,或者,如果电子邮件中包含Office文件,则单击图标以在Office Web Apps中打开它们。 即使您没有安装Office,这也是阅读Word文档和预览PowerPoint演示文稿的快速方法。

If Hotmail detects the email is from a mailing list, it will put an Unsubscribe link right at the top of the message to help you quit getting email you don’t want.

如果Hotmail检测到电子邮件来自邮件列表,则会在邮件顶部放置一个“ 取消订阅”链接,以帮助您退出获取不需要的电子邮件。

On the header, you’ll notice a new Actions button underneath the time the message was received.  Click this to quickly reply, delete, forward, or more.  You can also click the flag beside the time to flag the message for review later.

在标题上,您会在收到邮件的时间下方看到一个新的“操作”按钮。 单击此按钮可以快速答复,删除,转发或更多。 您也可以单击时间旁边的标记,以标记邮件以供以后查看。

Our favorite new feature is Conversation View.  You can now view your emails by conversation, and this works very much like Conversation view in Outlook 2010.  To activate it, click the button on the far right of the reading pane, and select Conversation.

我们最喜欢的新功能是“会话视图”。 现在,您可以通过对话查看电子邮件,这非常类似于Outlook 2010中的“对话”视图 。 要激活它,请单击阅读窗格最右边的按钮,然后选择“ 对话”

You’ll now notice a number beside your email subjects showing how many messages are in that conversation.


When you’re reading messages, you’ll see other messages in the conversation above and below the message.  You can read the preview, or click the message to see the full email right there in the same reading pane.

阅读消息时,您会在消息上方和下方的对话中看到其他消息。 您可以阅读预览,或单击消息以在同一阅读窗格中查看完整的电子邮件。

Composing Emails


Whether you’re replying to an email or writing a new message, the new Hotmail includes tools to make it easier.  You can add Office Docs via Office Web Apps, and send a nearly unlimited amount of pictures with an album on SkyDrive.  Or, select the From Bing tab to add a variety of web content to your message.

无论您是回复电子邮件还是写新消息,新的Hotmail都包含使之变得更容易的工具。 您可以通过Office Web Apps添加Office Docs,并在SkyDrive上发送几乎无限量的带有相册的图片。 或者,选择“ 来自Bing”选项卡以将各种Web内容添加到您的消息中。

You can add clipart, pictures, or even videos from Bing search directly from the sidebar.  Just select the option you want above, and then search for something to add to your message.

您可以直接从边栏添加来自Bing搜索的剪贴画,图片甚至视频。 只需在上方选择所需的选项,然后搜索要添加到邮件中的内容即可。



Hotmail does still include banner ads on the right side when you’re reading emails, but there are some new tools to help you manage them.  If an ad is getting in the way of reading your email, you can click the X on the bottom right to close it.  Note that the ad will open again with you switch to another message, but this can make it easier to read an especially wide email.

当您阅读电子邮件时,Hotmail仍在右侧包含横幅广告,但是有一些新工具可以帮助您管理它们。 如果某个广告妨碍阅读您的电子邮件,则可以单击右下角的X将其关闭。 请注意,当您切换到另一则消息时,广告将再次打开,但这可以使阅读特别宽泛的电子邮件更加容易。

Or, if you find an ad offensive, click the Ad feedback link to let Hotmail know what you’re thinking about the ad.  This will help them make the ads less annoying for everyone.  This works very much like the ads in Facebook, and we think it goes a long way in helping people feel comfortable with the ads they’re shown.

或者,如果您发现广告令人反感,请点击广告反馈链接,以使Hotmail知道您对广告的想法。 这将帮助他们减少广告对每个人的困扰。 这非常类似于Facebook中的广告,并且我们认为这在帮助人们对显示的广告感到满意方面有很长的路要走。



Hotmail and other new Windows Live apps now are fully integrated with Messenger web.  You can chat with your buddies directly in Hotmail.  If you open an attachment in Office Web apps or go check your calendar, Messenger will go along with you so you can continue your conversation.

Hotmail和其他新的Windows Live应用程序现在已与Messenger Web完全集成。 您可以直接在Hotmail中与您的好友聊天。 如果您在Office Web应用程序中打开附件或检查日历,Messenger将与您一起使用,以便您可以继续进行对话。

You can see your online contacts from the Messenger tab on the top of Hotmail.  Click a contact to start an IM session with them.

您可以从Hotmail顶部的Messenger选项卡中查看在线联系人。 单击联系人以与他们开始IM会话。

You can also see your friends online status from your email headers.  Click to start chatting with them, or if you’re hovering over your own contact info, you can click to change your profile picture.

您还可以从电子邮件标题中查看朋友的在线状态。 单击开始与他们聊天,或者如果将鼠标悬停在自己的联系信息上,则可以单击以更改您的个人资料图片。

More Features Coming


Hotmail has some more new, great features that will be added in the near future, including full session SSL encryption and ActiveSync to sync your Hotmail email, contacts, and calendar with popular mobile devices.




Whether you’re a longtime Hotmail user or are considering switching from your current email provider to Hotmail, the Wave 4 updates make Hotmail a much nicer email service than ever before.  We liked the new Conversation view, but also appreciated that you could turn it off if you don’t care for it.  The new attachment options make it easier to share pictures, links, and more. The social network integration into Contacts makes it easy to keep in touch with all of your friends.  There are still some areas that Gmail is easier to use; for instance, we prefer Gmail’s in-message reply; one click, and you’re ready to reply and send.  Give the new Hotmail a try, though; we think you might find some stuff to like!

无论您是Hotmail的长期用户,还是正在考虑从当前的电子邮件提供商切换到Hotmail,Wave 4更新都使Hotmail成为比以往更好的电子邮件服务。 我们喜欢新的“对话”视图,但也很感谢如果您不关心它,可以将其关闭。 新的附件选项使共享图片,链接等变得更加容易。 将社交网络集成到“联系人”中后,可以轻松地与所有朋友保持联系。 Gmail仍有某些区域更易于使用; 例如,我们更喜欢Gmail的邮件内回复; 一键,您就可以准备答复和发送。 不过,尝试一下新的Hotmail。 我们认为您可能会找到喜欢的东西!

Please Remember: The new Wave 4 Hotmail isn’t activated at all accounts yet, so if you don’t see the new features, be patient; your account should be updated soon.

请记住:尚未在所有帐户上激活新的Wave 4 Hotmail,因此,如果您看不到新功能,请耐心等待; 您的帐户应尽快更新。



Signup or login to your Hotmail account


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