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The SEO techniques needed to achieve higher rankings on search engines are constantly changing. As search engines develop their algorithms to improve their search results, many SEO techniques that once proved fruitful to webmasters now have little impact. Some outdated techniques can even result in a penalty which can see your website disappear from search engine results completely.  In this post, we’ll look at a range of outdated SEO techniques which you should avoid the use of on your website.

在搜索引擎上获得更高排名所需的SEO技术在不断变化。 随着搜索引擎开发其算法以改善搜索结果,曾经证明对网站管理员有效的许多SEO技术如今已收效甚微。 一些过时的技术甚至可能导致罚款,从而使您的网站完全从搜索引擎结果中消失。 在这篇文章中,我们将研究一系列过时的SEO技术,您应该避免在您的网站上使用它们。

  1. Don’t over focus on keywords


Whilst keywords still have some relevance in SEO, search engines do not like sites where the content has been created primarily to promote them. The algorithms used today can spot the difference between content that is written naturally for the reader and content which is stuffed with keywords in order to try and get higher rankings. If you use keyword stuffing, the technique will backfire and your ranking will go down.

尽管关键字在SEO中仍然具有一定的相关性,但搜索引擎并不喜欢其内容主要是为了促进它们而创建的网站。 当今使用的算法可以发现为读者自然编写的内容与填充有关键字的内容之间的差异,以便尝试获得更高的排名。 如果您使用关键字填充,该技术将适得其反,您的排名将会下降。

To avoid this, you need to write:


  • Page and post titles that are user-friendly, engaging and make sense, rather than just being a string of keywords.

  • Meta descriptions that inform the reader about what’s in the content.

  • Subheadings that clearly indicate the subject of the section rather than simply being used to put keywords inside H2 tags.


Search engines want to send their users to websites with well written, high-quality content and those sites which provide this will benefit in search results.


  1. Be careful with keyword based domain names


The use of keywords in domain names is something that is undergoing scrutiny by search engines, particularly where exact match keyword phrases are being used. This is because many low quality and spammy sites have used them for advantage.

在搜索引擎中,尤其是在使用完全匹配的关键字词组的情况下,域名中关键字的使用正在受到审查。 这是因为许多低质量和垃圾邮件站点已利用它们来获得优势。

The focus of your domain name should be on developing your brand. If your site is high quality and the content is relevant to the user’s search query, your website will get ranked whether the keyword is in the domain name or not.

域名的重点应该放在发展品牌上。 如果您的网站质量很高并且内容与用户的搜索查询相关,那么无论关键字是否在域名中,您的网站都会获得排名。

The best practice is to avoid exact match keyword domain names, such as cheapestspanishholidays or quicktyrefittingbolton.co.uk. Combining the brand name with a keyword, whilst not guaranteed to improved ranking, is not likely to be viewed as spammy. In that sense, smithsbuilders.co.uk or jonesbookshopderby will be seen as acceptable by search engines and may be useful to searchers in identifying whether your site is worth visiting.

最佳做法是避免使用完全匹配的关键字域名,例如cheapestspanishholidays或quicktyrefittingbolton.co.uk。 将品牌名称与关键字结合在一起,虽然不能保证提高排名,但不太可能被视为垃圾邮件。 从这种意义上讲,smithsbuilders.co.uk或jonesbookshopderby将被搜索引擎接受,并且对于搜索者确定您的网站是否值得访问可能很有用。

  1. Avoid creating separate pages for different keyword versions


In times when search engines were less sophisticated, it made sense to create different pages for different versions of the same keyword. If you were selling children’s shoes, for example, you could have benefitted from having both ‘mysite/childrens-shoes’ and ‘mysite/kids-shoes’ pages on your website, with very similar content.

在搜索引擎不那么复杂的时代,有必要针对同一关键字的不同版本创建不同的页面。 例如,如果您销售童鞋,则可以在网站上同时显示内容非常相似的“ mysite/childrens-shoes”和“ mysite/kids-shoes”页面,从而从中受益。

Today, however, search engines are clever enough to understand that ‘children’s’ and ‘kids’ mean the same thing. This means there’s no need to create separate pages and those sites that still carry out the practice are seen as trying to manipulate search results: as a result, they are down ranked. In addition, it also means you will have pages with duplicate content which is also frowned upon and can lower your rankings even more.

但是,如今,搜索引擎已经足够聪明,可以理解“孩子”和“孩子”是同一回事。 这意味着无需创建单独的页面,那些仍在执行该操作的站点被视为试图操纵搜索结果:结果,它们的排名降低了。 此外,这也意味着您将拥有重复内容的页面,这些页面也会被皱眉,从而可能进一步降低排名。

  1. Never create spammy backlinks to your own site


One of the ways that search engines discover how valuable your website is, is to look at the links it gets from other websites: if people like your content, some of them will link to it.


Before search engines became sophisticated, the number of links you had to your site was proof that you had great content and this resulted in higher ranking. Unfortunately, this encouraged many webmasters into seeking ways to build unnatural links to their site: adding links in blog comments and forums, paying for backlinks, link swapping, setting up other websites just for the purpose of linking to their main site, etc.

在搜索引擎变得复杂之前,您拥有的指向网站的链接数量已证明您拥有丰富的内容,从而获得了更高的排名。 不幸的是,这鼓励了许多网站管理员寻求建立到其网站的不自然链接的方法:在博客评论和论坛中添加链接,为反向链接付费,链接交换,仅出于链接到其主站点的目的而设置其他网站等。

It didn’t take long for search engines to realise what was happening and now the practice of creating spammy backlinks is seen as a contravention of webmaster guidelines and can result in your site being penalised.


Today, algorithms are able to spot the quality of your backlinks. To benefit from a backlink, it needs to come from a reputable website. If you have a link from the BBC or a newspaper website, it can significantly boost your ranking. However, if you have lots of links from poor quality websites, it can have the opposite effect.

如今,算法能够发现您的反向链接的质量。 要从反向链接中受益,它需要来自信誉良好的网站。 如果您有来自BBC或报纸网站的链接,则可以大大提高您的排名。 但是,如果您有许多来自劣质网站的链接,则可能会产生相反的效果。

Another source of backlinks can be created through submitting articles to blogs and article directories. Again, to benefit from these, you need to ensure that the both the quality of the article and the website as a whole is worth the investment in time and effort.

可以通过将文章提交到博客和文章目录来创建反向链接的另一个来源。 同样,要从中受益,您需要确保文章和整个网站的质量都值得在时间和精力上进行投资。

  1. Don’t be tempted by irrelevant share bait


Share bait, the posting of highly sharable content on social media in order to drive traffic and increase links to your site, is a highly popular marketing technique that can bring SEO rewards. However, from an SEO perspective, the content you share has to be relevant to the website you are running.

共享诱饵是一种非常流行的营销技术,可以带来SEO奖励。共享诱饵是在社交媒体上发布高度可共享的内容,以吸引访问量并增加指向您网站的链接。 但是,从SEO角度来看,您共享的内容必须与您正在运行的网站相关。

Posting a gossipy article about famous bands and pop stars on your Facebook page might be highly popular but if you’re an accountancy firm, it’s unlikely to do you any SEO favours. Any backlinks you gain from such content can only add value to your SEO if they come from sources which are linked to your niche.

在您的Facebook页面上发布有关知名乐队和流行歌手的闲话可能会很受欢迎,但是如果您是一家会计师事务所,那么搜索引擎优化就不会给您带来任何好处。 您从此类内容中获得的任何反向链接只有来自与您的利基链接的来源,才能为SEO增值。

If you share lots of unrelated content and get backlinks from lots of different sources, it’s likely that search engine algorithms may become confused about the type of site you are running and this could have an impact on your overall rankings. So, if you are going to post share bait, make it relevant to your organisation.

如果您共享大量无关的内容并从许多不同的来源获得反向链接,则搜索引擎算法可能会对您正在运行的网站类型感到困惑,这可能会影响您的整体排名。 因此,如果您要发布共享诱饵,请使其与您的组织相关。

  1. Make sure you post high-quality content


Today, Google’s number one ranking factor is content quality. Quite simply, it wants to send users to sites which provide the best content to help them find the information they are searching for.

如今,Google排名第一的因素是内容质量。 很简单,它希望将用户引导到提供最佳内容的站点,以帮助他们找到所搜索的信息。

If your site is badly written, lacks detail, or offers poor advice, it will not rank highly. Nor will it achieve success if it just spins content found elsewhere. Search engine algorithms are clever enough to see through this.

如果您的网站写得不好,缺少详细信息或提供的建议不佳,则排名将不会很高。 如果仅旋转其他地方找到的内容,它也不会取得成功。 搜索引擎算法足够聪明,可以一目了然。

However, it’s not just the search engines that will be annoyed by low-quality content: your visitors will be too. Poor quality content not only increases bounce rates and reduces time spent on site –  both of which are factors that affect ranking, but it also lowers your conversion rates. For more information, read our post: High-Quality Content: The Future of SEO.

但是,不只是质量低下的内容会惹恼搜索引擎:您的访问者也会如此。 质量差的内容不仅会增加跳出率并减少在网站上花费的时间-两者都是影响排名的因素,而且还会降低您的转化率。 有关更多信息,请阅读我们的文章: 高品质内容:SEO的未来 。



From reading this post, you should have a clearer idea of whether you are still using some of these outdated techniques on your website. If you are, it’s time to put a new SEO strategy into place. The focus of this should be on producing content that is of value to the reader. This is what search engines want to see and those that provide excellent content are those which will reap the rewards. Don’t be tempted into using outdated methods simply to inflate your rankings – it won’t work.

通过阅读这篇文章,您应该对您是否仍在使用网站上的某些过时技术有一个更清晰的了解。 如果是,那么是时候采用新的SEO战略了。 重点应该放在制作对读者有价值的内容上。 这就是搜索引擎想要看到的,提供出色内容的搜索引擎将获得丰厚的回报。 不要试图仅仅使用过时的方法来夸大您的排名-这是行不通的。

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