股本证券投资会计概述 – 第 2 部分Overview of Accounting for Investment in Equity Securities – Part 2

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股本证券投资会计概述 – 第 2 部分Overview of Accounting for Investment in Equity Securities – Part 2

“股本证券Equity Securities 投资会计”涉及记录和报告投资者在另一家公司的股权投资的会计处理。以下是有关股本证券投资会计的基本概述:

  1. 分类与评估

    • 交易性金融资产:通常是短期投资,目的是为了短期内从中获得收益。这些证券每个会计期末按照公允价值评估,而变动则在损益中确认。
    • 可供出售金融资产:这些是那些不是为了短期交易而持有,也不打算长期持有的投资。它们也是按照公允价值评估的,但公允价值的变动(除了减值和外币汇兑相关的变动外)通常在其他综合收益中确认,直到证券被出售或减值。
    • 持有至到期投资:这些投资有固定到期日,投资者有意并且能够持有到期。这些投资按其摊余成本评估。
  2. 收益与费用的确认

    • 从投资中获得的股息和利息被确认为收益。
    • 当交易性金融资产的公允价值发生变动时,相关的利得或损失在损益中确认。
  3. 减值

    • 如果在报告期末,关于可供出售金融资产存在客观证据表明其已经发生减值,那么已经累计在其他综合收益中的损失应转移到损益。
  4. 出售和其他处置

    • 当股本证券被出售或以其他方式处置时,之前在其他综合收益中累积的金额应在损益中重新分类为收益或费用。

Exactly as the investor recognizes each share in the net income or losses reported by the equity method investee, the investor must also recognize each share in the other comprehensive income or losses reported by the investee. So, the investor's share in other comprehensive income amounts reported by the investee is recognized: In its own other comprehensive income, and as an increase or decrease in the investment account. Now, let discuss the differences between IFRS– International Financial Reporting Standards–and US GAAP in respect to significant influence. Under IFRS, the general rule is that investment over which the investor has significant influence– investment in associates–must be accounted for using the equity method. Under IFRS, the fair value option may be applied only by specific types of entities, such as mutual funds or venture capital organizations. Under the fair value option, the investment is measured at its fair value on each balance sheet date. Unrealized holding gains or losses on the changes in the fair value are recognized directly in the income statement. Dividends received from the investee are recognized as dividend income. In case of little or no influence, the accounting method is fair value through net income. If the fair value is readily determinable, the accounting is very similar to the accounting for fair value option. It means, the investment again is measured at fair value on each balance sheet date, unrealized gains or losses on the changes in the fair value are recognized directly in the income statement, and dividends received from the investee are recognized as dividend income. However, if the fair value of the investment is not readily determinable, a measurement alternative may be elected by the investor. For example, the investee is a private company and the stock listed market prices are not available. Under the measurement alternative, the investment is measured at its historical cost, minus any subsequent impairments, plus or minus changing resulting from observable price changes in orderly transactions for identical or similar investments of the same issuer. So, let us see the following example. On January 1, 2018, Company A acquired 8,000 shares out of a total of 100,000 outstanding shares of common stock of Company B. Company B is a publicly traded company, and its listed per share stock prices on January 1,2018 and at the end of 2018 were five dollar and eight dollar, respectively. In 2018, Company B reported net income of $50 thousand, and at the end of the year, Company B declared and paid cash dividends of $20 thousand. So, let's solve this problem with the document camera. As usual, first of all, we need to determine the accounting method for the investment in common stock of Company B. So, Company A acquired 8,000 shares out a total of 100,000 outstanding shares of common stock of Company B. So, it will be eight percentage of ownership. In the case of eight percentages, the presumed influence has either no influence or very little influence. No influence or very little.

So, because the listed market prices of the shares are available, the accounting method must be fair value through net income. Fair value through net income is the accounting method. Play video starting at :3:52 and follow transcript3:52 The investment is always recorded at its initial cost, at the amount Company A paid to acquire the shares of common stock of Company B. So, on January 1, 2018, the investment account is recorded at $40 thousand. We will debit investment $40 thousand, and we will credit cash $40 thousand. At the end of the reporting period– at the end of the year– the investment must be reported at its fair value. So, the fair value of the investment– at the end of the year– Play video starting at :4:36 and follow transcript4:36 will be a dollar per share. Company A holds 8,000 shares. The market price per share is eight dollar, so it's $64 thousand. Then currently, the investment is reported at $40 thousand. Because, initially the investments was recognized at $40 thousand on the acquisition date. So, we have an increase in the investment account of $24 thousand. Since we have an increase in the investment account, we will debit the investment account, Play video starting at :5:13 and follow transcript5:13 and again on the measurement the investment to fair value must be recognized. So, we'll credit gain on the measurement to fair value. Also this year, Company A receive dividends from Company B. Company B declared and paid $20 thousand of dividends. Company A's share of it is eight percentages. So, it is $1.6 thousand of cash was received by Company A. So, we'll debit cash and under the fair value net income method, dividends received are recognized as dividend income. So, dividend income is credited $1.6 thousand. So, what amount is the investment recorded in the end of the year? We know that in the end of the year their invested must be reported its fair value. In at the end of the year–balance sheet and 12/31/2018–balance sheet, Play video starting at :6:22 and follow transcript6:22 the investment is reported at its fair value of $64 thousand. In the income statement– in 2018's income statement– Play video starting at :6:40 and follow transcript6:40 we recognize dividend income of $1.6 thousand, and also a gain on the measurement of the investment to fair value of $24 thousand, and gain on the measurement Play video starting at :7:4 and follow transcript7:04 to fair value also of $24 thousand. Play video starting at :7:18 and follow transcript7:18 So, this was a brief overview of accounting for investment in equity securities. In this course, we will discuss the accounting for business combinations and situation in which the investor obtains control more than 50 percentage of ownership over the investee.

正如投资者认定的权益法下的被投资公司报告的每一份净收益或损失,投资者也必须认定被投资公司报告的其他综合收益或损失中的每一份。因此,被投资公司报告的其他综合收益部分被投资者认定为:其自身的其他综合收益,以及增加或减少投资账户。现在,让我们讨论IFRS——国际财务报告准则和US GAAP之间的显著影响的差异。根据IFRS,一般规则是投资者有显著影响的投资——投资关联公司——必须采用权益法进行会计。根据IFRS,公允价值选项只能由特定类型的实体应用,如共同基金或风险资本组织。在公允价值选项下,投资在每个资产负债表日期都以其公允价值计量。未实现的持有增益或公允价值变动的损失直接在损益表中确认。



所以,由于股票的上市市价是可用的,会计方法必须是通过净收入的公允价值。通过净收入的公允价值就是这个会计方法。 播放视频开始于3:52并按照记录3:52: 投资总是按其初始成本记录,即A公司为购买B公司的普通股所支付的金额。所以,在2018年1月1日,投资账户被记录为4万美元。我们将借记投资4万美元,我们将贷记现金4万美元。在报告期结束时-年底-投资必须按其公允价值报告。所以,年底的投资的公允价值- 播放视频开始于4:36并按照记录4:36: 将是每股一美元。A公司持有8,000股。每股市场价格是八美元,所以它是6.4万美元。然后,目前的投资报告为4万美元。因为,最初的投资在收购日期被认定为4万美元。所以,我们在投资账户有2.4万美元的增加。由于我们在投资账户有增加,我们将借记投资账户, 播放视频开始于5:13并按照记录5:13: 再次对投资的公允价值进行衡量必须被认定。所以,我们将贷记对公允价值测量的收益。另外,今年A公司从B公司收到了股息。B公司宣布并支付了2万美元的股息。A公司的份额是8%。所以,A公司收到的现金是1.6千美元。所以,我们会借记现金,按照公允价值净收入方法,收到的股息被认为是股息收入。所以,股息收入被贷记1.6千美元。那么,年底的投资记录是多少?我们知道年底的投资必须按照其公允价值报告。在年底的资产负债表和2018年12月31日的资产负债表, 播放视频开始于6:22并按照记录6:22: 投资按其公允价值6.4万美元报告。在损益表-在2018年的损益表- 播放视频开始于6:40并按照记录6:40: 我们确认了1.6千美元的股息收入,以及对投资的公允价值测量的2.4万美元的收益,以及对公允价值测量的收益 播放视频开始于7:04并按照记录7:04: 也是2.4万美元。 播放视频开始于7:18并按照记录7:18: 所以,这是对股权证券投资会计的简要概述。在这门课程中,我们将讨论业务组合的会计处理和投资者获得对被投资公司超过50%的所有权的情况。



Question 1

Company A acquired for $50,000, 45,000 shares out of a total of 100,000 outstanding shares of common stock of Company B. What accounting method(s) can Company A use for its investment in equity securities of Company B?

1 point

Cost method

Fair value through net income method


Equity method or the fair value option


Question 2

On January 1, 2018, Company A acquired 40% of the common stock of Company B. In 2018, Company B reported net income of $600,000; and on December 31, 2018, Company B declared and paid cash dividend of $30,000. How should Company A record the dividends received from Company B in 2018 using equity method of accounting?

1 point

Debit cash and credit equity method investment

Debit equity method investment and credit cash

Debit equity method investment and credit equity income

Debit cash and credit equity income


Question 3

On January 1, 2016, Company A acquired 25% of the common stock of Company B. In 2016, Company B reported net income of $600,000; and on December 31, 2016, Company B declared and paid cash dividend of $20,000. How should Company A record the dividends received from Company B in 2018 if the company elects the fair value option method?

1 point

Debit dividend income and credit cash

Debit cash and credit dividend income 

Debit cash and credit fair value option investment

Debit equity income and credit investment


Question 4

Company A acquired for $25,000, 1,500 shares out of a total of 10,000 outstanding shares of common stock of Company B. The fair value of investment is readily determinable. What accounting method(s) can Company A use?

1 point

Fair value through net income method

Lower of cost or net realizable value


Equity method

1 .


A 公司以 50,000 美元的价格收购了 B 公司 100,000 股已发行普通股中的 45,000 股。A 公司可以使用什么会计方法来投资 B 公司的股本证券?

1 分










超过 50% 的所有权表明拥有控制权,投资者通常会使用合并法合并被投资方的财务报表。

在这种情况下,由于 A 公司拥有 B 公司 45% 的股权,因此表明具有重大影响力,但不具有控制权。



2 .



1 分





3 .



1 分





4 .


A 公司以 25,000 美元的价格收购了 B 公司 10,000 股已发行普通股中的 1,500 股。投资的公允价值很容易确定。A 公司可以使用什么会计方法?

1 分


















股本证券投资会计概述 – 第 2 部分Overview of Accounting for Investment in Equity Securities –

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本文标签:股本   证券投资   会计   Overview   Accounting


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