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[Android in

藉由一步一步的引導,將應用程式內金流機制整合進您的APP裡 。

讓我參與最直接的討論以及錯誤修正, 謝謝!


  1. Downloading the Sample Application
  2. Adding the AIDL file to your project
  3. Updating Your Application's Manifest
  4. Creating a Service
  5. Creating a BroadcastReceiver
  6. Creating a security processing component
  7. Modifying Your Application Code


  1. Sample Application

SEE ALSO也可以參考其它同質文章

  1. Overview of In-app Billing
  2. Security and Design
  3. Testing In-app Billing
  4. Administering In-app Billing
  5. In-app Billing Reference
Android Market In-app Billing provides a straightforward, simple interface for sending in-app billing requests and managing in-app billing transactions using Android Market. This document helps you implement in-app billing by stepping through the primary implementation tasks, using the in-app billing sample application as an example.
Android市集的應用程式內部金流(以下簡稱iap)機制透過Android市集提供了一個直接、簡單的介面,讓程式可以寄送iap請求或管理iap交易。這份文件將幫助你一步一步地透過主要的實作任務 - 也就是iap的範例程式來做範例教學。
Before you implement in-app billing in your own application, be sure that you read Overview of In-app Billing and Security and Design. These documents provide background information that will make it easier for you to implement in-app billing.
在你將你的APP實作iap之前,請確定你已讀過應用程式金流概述( Overview of In-app Billing)以及安全和設計( Security and Design)章節,這些文件提供了一些iap的背後原理,它們將會幫助你更輕鬆的實作完成iap機制。

To implement in-app billing in your application, you need to do the following:
  1. Download the in-app billing sample application. 下載iap範例程式
  2. Add the IMarketBillingService.aidl file to your project. 新增IMarketBillingService.aidl檔至你的專案夾
  3. Update your AndroidManifest.xml file. 更新你的AndroidManifest.xml檔
  4. Create a Service and bind it to the MarketBillingService so your application can send billing requests and receive billing responses from the Android Market application. 建立一個Service,並且將它綁定到MarketBillingService,你的APP才能夠透過Android市集軟體發送金流請求和接收金流回應。
  5. Create a BroadcastReceiver to handle broadcast intents from the Android Market application. 建立一個廣播監聽去處理從Android市集軟體來的廣播意圖(broadcast intents)。
  6. Create a security processing component to verify the integrity of the transaction messages that are sent by Android Market . 建立一套安全流程元件去驗証那些藉由Android市集發送的完整的交易訊息。
  7. Modify your application code to support in-app billing. 修改你的程式去對應iap機制。



The in-app billing sample application shows you how to perform several tasks that are common to all Android Market in-app billing implementations, including:
    • Sending in-app billing requests to the Android Market application.
    • Handling synchronous responses from the Android Market application.
    • Handling broadcast intents (asynchronous responses) from the Android Market application.
    • Using in-app billing security mechanisms to verify the integrity of billing responses.
  • Creating a user interface that lets users select items for purchase.

IMarketBillingService.aidlAndroid Interface Definition Language (AIDL) file that defines the IPC interface to Android Market's in-app billing service (MarketBillingService).
Dungeons.javaSample application file that provides a UI for making purchases and displaying purchase history.
PurchaseDatabase.javaA local database for storing purchase information.
BillingReceiver.javaA BroadcastReceiver that receives asynchronous response messages (broadcast intents) from Android Market. Forwards all messages to the BillingService.
BillingService.javaA Service that sends messages to Android Market on behalf of the application by connecting (binding) to the MarketBillingService.
ResponseHandler.javaA Handler that contains methods for updating the purchases database and the UI.
PurchaseObserver.javaAn abstract class for observing changes related to purchases.
Security.javaProvides various security-related methods.
Consts.javaDefines various Android Market constants and sample application constants. All constants that are defined by Android Market must be defined the same way in your application.
Base64.java and Base64DecoderException.javaProvides conversion services from binary to Base64 encoding. The Security class relies on these utility classes.
The sample application includes an application file (Dungeons.java), the AIDL file for theMarketBillingService (IMarketBillingService.aidl), and several classes that demonstrate in-app billing messaging. It also includes a class that demonstrates basic security tasks, such as signature verification.
Table 1 lists the source files that are included with the sample application.  
範例程式包含了程式檔(Dungeions.java)、市集金流服務專用的AIDL檔和數個用來說明iap機制傳遞訊息的類別檔。另外也 解釋 了基本安全認証的流程,像是數位簽章的驗証。

表1 列出範例程式裡所含蓋的資源檔檔名

Table 1. In-app billing sample application source files.
表1. iap機制範例程式的資源檔 
The in-app billing sample application is available as a downloadable component of the Android SDK. To download the sample application component, launch the Android SDK and AVD Manager and then select the "Google Market Billing package" component (see figure 1), and click Install Selected to begin the download.
Iap範例程式是在Android SDK裡,可供下載的內容之一。如果要下載範例程式這個內容,請執行Android SDK和AVD Manager,然後選擇"Google Market Billing package"這個內容(見圖1),然後點擊Install Selected來下載。

Figure 1. The Google Market Billing package contains the sample application and the AIDL file. 
圖1. Google市集金流套件包含了範例程式和一個AIDL(Android 定義接口語言) 檔 When the download is complete, the Android SDK and AVD Manager saves the component into the following directory:
當下載完成後,Android SDK和AVD Manager會將該內容存至下載的資料夾中︰
If you want to see an end-to-end demonstration of in-app billing before you integrate in-app billing into your own application, you can build and run the sample application. Building and running the sample application involves three tasks:
  • Configuring and building the sample application.
  • Uploading the sample application to Android Market.
上傳範例程式至Android Market(譯者註︰Android publisher)
  • Setting up test accounts and running the sample application.
Note: Building and running the sample application is necessary only if you want to see a demonstration of in-app billing. If you do not want to run the sample application, you can skip to the next section, Adding the AIDL file to your project.
註︰如果你想要看關於iap機制的說明,才需要建立並運行範例程式。假如你不想要看這個說明,你可以直接跳到  Adding the AIDL file to your project 這個篇幅。

Configuring and building the sample application設定並建立範例程式

Before you can run the sample application, you need to configure it and build it by doing the following:

  • Add your Android Market public key to the sample application code. This enables the application to verify the signature of the transaction information that is returned from Android Market. To add your public key to the sample application code, do the following:
    1. Log in to your Android Market publisher account. 登入您的Android市集發佈帳戶
    2. On the upper left part of the page, under your name, click Edit Profile. 在頁面上方的左側,你的名字底下,點擊Edit Profile
    3. On the Edit Profile page, scroll down to the Licensing & In-app Billing panel. 在Edit Profile頁面下,往下滑到Licensing & In-app Billing這個區塊中
    4. Copy your public key. 複製區塊中的公鑰
    5. Open src/com/example/dungeons/Security.java in the editor of your choice. You can find this file in the sample application's project folder. 打開您使用的軟體開發工具,並打開範例程式專案並找到我們要設定的地方src/com/example/dungeons/Security.java

    1. Add your public key to the following line of code:  
String base64EncodedPublicKey = "your public key here";
    1. Save the file.
  • Change the package name of the sample application. The current package name iscom.example.dungeons. Android Market does not let you upload applications with package names that contain com.example, so you must change the package name to something else.
更改範例程式的套件名稱(package name)。現在的套件名稱是com.example.dungeons。Android市集無法讓您上傳com.example開頭的套件名稱,因此你必須更改套件名稱。
  • Build the sample application in release mode and sign it. To learn how to build and sign applications, see Building and Running.
建立範例程式並將它釋出,然後做簽署。如果想學習如何建立和替程式加入簽章,請參考Building and Running章節。   

Uploading the sample application上傳範例程式

After you build a release version of the sample application and sign it, you need to upload it as a draft to the Android Market publisher site. You also need to create a product list for the in-app items that are available for purchase in the sample application. The following instructions show you how to do this.

  • Upload the release version of the sample application to Android Market. Do not publish the sample application; leave it as an unpublished draft application. The sample application is for demonstration purposes only and should not be made publicly available on Android Market. To learn how to upload an application to Android Market, see Uploading applications.
上傳範例程式的釋出版本至Android市集。請勿發佈此範例程式,請上傳並儲存就好。由於範例程式只是教學用,因此不需要真的發佈至Android市集。如果想學習如何上傳APP至Android市集,請參閱Uploading applications這篇。
  • Create a product list for the sample application. The sample application lets you purchase two items: a two-handed sword (sword_001) and a potion (potion_001). We recommend that you set up your product list so that sword_001 has a purchase type of "Managed per user account" and potion_001 has a purchase type of "Unmanaged" so you can see how these two purchase types behave. To learn how to set up a product list, see Creating a Product List.
建立範例程式的產品列表。在範例程式中,我們提供您可以購買2種商品︰雙手劍(sword_001)和藥水(potion_001)。我們建議你將sword_001設定成「受管理(依使用帳戶)」,而potion_001則設成「不受管理」,設定完後,您就可以看到這2種商品類別的呈現方式了。如果想要學如何設定商品列表,請參見Creating a Product List。  Note: You must publish the items in your product list (sword_001 and potion_001) even though you are not publishing the sample application. Also, you must have a Google Checkout Merchant account to add items to the sample application's product list.
註︰即使您沒有真的將範例程式發佈出去,內部商品都需要真正發佈出去(sword_001和potion_001) 。並且,您必須擁有Google Checkout Merchant帳戶來新增範例程式商品列表的項目。(譯者註︰程式不發佈是因為不需要真的發佈,否則Android市集會大亂。即使之後你真的有APP要測試iap機制的可行性,都不需要將APP真正發佈,但是內部商品則需要發佈。Google會去檢查您Profile裡設定的測試帳戶,讓那些帳戶可以找到這些未被真實發佈、而又有內部商品的APP供您測試)

Running the sample application執行範例程式

You cannot run the sample application in the emulator. You must install the sample application onto a device to run it. To run the sample application, do the following:

  • Make sure you have at least one test account registered under your Android Market publisher account. You cannot purchase items from yourself (Google Checkout prohibits this), so you need to create at least one test account that you can use to purchase items in the sample application. To learn how to set up a test account, seeSetting up Test Accounts.
請確定至少有一組測試帳號被註冊至您的Android publisher帳戶中。您無購買您自己的商品(會被Google付費禁止)。因此您必須至少加入一組可用的測試帳戶來購買範例程式中的商品。如果想要了解更多測試帳戶如何設定的資訊,請參見Setting up Test Accounts。
  • Verify that your device is running a supported version of the Android Market application or the MyApps application. If your device is running Android 3.0, in-app billing requires version 5.0.12 (or higher) of the MyApps application. If your device is running any other version of Android, in-app billing requires version 2.3.4 (or higher) of the Android Market application. To learn how to check the version of the Android Market application, see Updating Android Market.
請確認您裝置裡的Android市集軟體或MyApps軟體是能夠支援iap機制的。如果您的裝置在Android3.0運行,需要MyApps軟體在版號5.0.12(或更高)。假如您的裝置運行其它的Android版本,那麼Android市集的版號需求為2.3.4(或更高)。如果想要知道如何檢查Android市集軟體的版號,請參見Updating Android Market這篇文章的描述。
  • Install the application onto your device. Even though you uploaded the application to Android Market, the application is not published, so you cannot download it from Android Market to a device. Instead, you must install the application onto your device. To learn how to install an application onto a device, see Running on a device.
將範例程式安裝至裝置上。即使您上傳了這個範例程式至Android市集,由於此APP未被發佈(譯者註︰請見上面的說明),所以您無法從Android市集下載此APP至裝置上。但是您仍然需要安裝這個APP!如果想知道要如何安裝,請參見Running on a device這篇文章。
  • Make one of your test accounts the primary account on your device. The primary account on your device must be one of the test accounts that you registered on the Android Market site. If the primary account on your device is not a test account, you must do a factory reset of the device and then sign in with one of your test accounts. To perform a factory reset, do the following:
    1. Open Settings on your device. 開啟裝置上的
    1. Touch Privacy. 點擊
    1. Touch Factory data reset. 點擊
    1. Touch Reset phone  點擊
  1. 按鈕
  2. After the phone resets, be sure to sign in with one of your test accounts during the device setup process. 手機重置之後, 請確認您已登入了一組測試帳戶。
  • Run the application and purchase the sword or the potion. When you use a test account to purchase items, the test account is billed through Google Checkout and your Google Checkout Merchant account receives a payout for the purchase. Therefore, you may want to refund purchases that are made with test accounts, otherwise the purchases will show up as actual payouts to your merchant account.
執行範例程式,然後購買隻手劍和藥水。當你使用了測試帳戶來購買商品後,測試帳戶會透過Google Checkout的金流流程來執行購買動作。你的Google Checkout Merchant帳戶會接收到購買的花費記錄。因此,您也許會想要退費,因為您正在使用測試帳號來做測試。此外,實際花費的購買項目會顯示在您merchant帳戶裡。
Note: Debug log messages are turned off by default in the sample application. You can turn them on by setting the variable DEBUG to true in the Consts.java file.


The sample application contains an Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL) file, which defines the interface to Android Market's in-app billing service (MarketBillingService). When you add this file to your project, the Android build environment creates an interface file (IMarketBillingService.java). You can then use this interface to make billing requests by invoking IPC method calls.
If you are using the ADT plug-in with Eclipse, you can just add this file to your /src directory. Eclipse will automatically generate the interface file when you build your project (which should happen immediately). If you are not using the ADT plug-in, you can put the AIDL file into your project and use the Ant tool to build your project so that the IMarketBillingService.java file gets generated.
如果您正在Eclipse裡使用ADT插件工具,您可以單純將此檔放進/src目錄下就好。Eclipse會在你建立專案時(應該會立即建立)自動產生接口檔 。如果您不是使用ADT插件工具,您仍可以將AIDL檔放至您的專案夾裡,並使用Ant工具來建立您的專案,這樣子IMarketBillingService.java檔仍會產生。

To add the IMarketBillingService.aidl file to your project, do the following:

  • Create the following directory in your application's /src directory: 
  • Copy the IMarketBillingService.aidl file into thesample/src/com/android/vending/billing/ directory.
  • Build your application.
建立您的程式 You should now find a generated interface file named IMarketBillingService.java in the genfolder of your project.


In-app billing relies on the Android Market application, which handles all communication between your application and the Android Market server. To use the Android Market application, your application must request the proper permission. You can do this by adding thecom.android.vending.BILLING permission to your AndroidManifest.xml file. If your application does not declare the in-app billing permission, but attempts to send billing requests, Android Market will refuse the requests and respond with a RESULT_DEVELOPER_ERROR response code.
In addition to the billing permission, you need to declare the BroadcastReceiver that you will use to receive asynchronous response messages (broadcast intents) from Android Market, and you need to declare the Service that you will use to bind with the IMarketBillingService and send messages to Android Market. You must also declare intent filters for the BroadcastReceiver so that the Android system knows how to handle the broadcast intents that are sent from the Android Market application.
關於金流權限的宣告,這裡要附帶一提的是,您必須再宣告一個BroadcastReceiver來讓你能夠接收從Android市集傳來的異步回應訊息(廣播意圖),然後您需要宣告一個Service讓你能夠將IMarketBillingService綁定至您的程式,因而能夠發送訊息至Android市集。您也需要在BroadcastReceiver裡宣告intent filters讓Android系統了解如何處理來自Android市集軟體傳來的廣播意圖。

For example, here is how the in-app billing sample application declares the billing permission, the BroadcastReceiver, the Service, and the intent filters. In the sample application,BillingReceiver is the BroadcastReceiver that handles broadcast intents from the Android Market application and BillingService is the Service that sends requests to the Android Market application.
底下這些是範例程式裡宣告金流權限的範例,BroadcastReceiver(廣播接收機制)、Service(背景的服務)和intent filters。在範例程式裡,BillingReceiver就是這裡提的廣播接收機制,它幫助您處理從Android市集傳來的廣播意圖。而BillingService就是這個背景服務,負責發送請求至Android市集軟體。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><manifestxmlns:android=""package="com.example.dungeons"android:versionCode="1"android:versionName="1.0"><uses-permissionandroid:name="com.android.vending.BILLING"/><applicationandroid:icon="@drawable/icon"android:label="@string/app_name"><activityandroid:name=".Dungeons"android:label="@string/app_name"><intent-filter><actionandroid:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/><categoryandroid:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/></intent-filter></activity><serviceandroid:name="BillingService"/><receiverandroid:name="BillingReceiver"><intent-filter><actionandroid:name="com.android.vending.billing.IN_APP_NOTIFY"/><actionandroid:name="com.android.vending.billing.RESPONSE_CODE"/><actionandroid:name="com.android.vending.billing.PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED"/></intent-filter></receiver></application></manifest>


Your application must have a local Service to facilitate messaging between your application and Android Market. At a minimum, this service must do the following:

  • Bind to the MarketBillingService
  • Send billing requests (as IPC method calls) to the Android Market application. The five types of billing requests include: 
能夠發送金流請求(由IPC method來呼叫)到Android市集應用程式中。這5種請求包含︰
  • CHECK_BILLING_SUPPORTED requests 檢查金流是否支援的請求
  • REQUEST_PURCHASE requests 購買的請求
  • GET_PURCHASE_INFORMATION requests 取得購買資訊的請求
  • CONFIRM_NOTIFICATIONS requests 確認Android傳來的通知的請求
  • RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS requests 還原交易狀態的請求
  • Handle the synchronous response messages that are returned with each billing request.

Binding to the MarketBillingService綁定到市集的金流服務

Binding to the MarketBillingService is relatively easy if you've already added theIMarketBillingService.aidl file to your project. The following code sample shows how to use the bindService() method to bind a service to the MarketBillingService. You could put this code in your service's onCreate() method.

try{boolean bindResult = mContext.bindService(newIntent("com.android.vending.billing.MarketBillingService.BIND"),this,Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);if(bindResult){Log.i(TAG,"Service bind successful.");}else{Log.e(TAG,"Could not bind to the MarketBillingService.");}}catch(SecurityException e){Log.e(TAG,"Security exception: "+ e);}
After you bind to the service, you need to create a reference to the IMarketBillingServiceinterface so you can make billing requests via IPC method calls. The following code shows you how to do this using the onServiceConnected() callback method.

/*** The Android system calls this when we are connected to the MarketBillingService.*/publicvoid onServiceConnected(ComponentName name,IBinder service){Log.i(TAG,"MarketBillingService connected.");mService =IMarketBillingService.Stub.asInterface(service);}
You can now use the mService reference to invoke the sendBillingRequest() method.
For a complete implementation of a service that binds to the MarketBillingService, see theBillingService class in the sample application.

Sending billing requests to the MarketBillingService發送金流請求至市集金流服務

Now that your Service has a reference to the IMarketBillingService interface, you can use that reference to send billing requests (via IPC method calls) to the MarketBillingService. TheMarketBillingService IPC interface exposes a single public method (sendBillingRequest()), which takes a single Bundle parameter. The Bundle that you deliver with this method specifies the type of request you want to perform, using various key-value pairs. For instance, one key indicates the type of request you are making, another indicates the item being purchased, and another identifies your application. The sendBillingRequest() method immediately returns a Bundle containing an initial response code. However, this is not the complete purchase response; the complete response is delivered with an asynchronous broadcast intent. For more information about the various Bundle keys that are supported by theMarketBillingService, see In-app Billing Service Interface.
現在您的Service已經有一個IMarketBillingService的接口了。您可以使用它來發送金流請求(透過IPC函式的呼叫)到市集金流服務中。市集金流服務這個IPC接口有一個public函式,可以拿它來裝一個Bundle參數。Bundle讓您傳送您指定的金流請求 - 使用key-value的方式。舉例來說,現在有一個key值,您拿來發出一個請求類型(如︰ CHECK_BILLING_SUPPORTED )。而另一個key值傳送您想購買的商品為何,最後一個key值傳送辨識您APP的方式。此時,sendBillingRequest()函式會立刻返回一個含有初始回應值的Bundle給您。然而,這並非是完整購買的回應,完整的回應應該是會以一個異步的廣播意圖來傳達給您的。如果想知道市集金流服務裡,有被支援的各種Bundle的key的用法,請參見  In-app Billing Service Interface 這個章節。

You can use the sendBillingRequest() method to send five types of billing requests. The five request types are specified using the BILLING_REQUEST Bundle key. This Bundle key can have the following five values:
您可以使用sendBillingRequest()函式去發送五種類型的金流請求。這五種金流請求皆被指定使用BILLING_REQUEST Bundle key。這些key如下︰ 
  • CHECK_BILLING_SUPPORTED—verifies that the Android Market application supports in-app billing.
CHECK BILLING_SUPPORTED(檢查是否支援金流服務) - 驗証裝置上的Android市集軟體是否支援iap機制。
  • REQUEST_PURCHASE—sends a purchase request for an in-app item.
REQUEST_PURCHASE(請求購買商品) - 發送購買商品的請求。
  • GET_PURCHASE_INFORMATION—retrieves transaction information for a purchase or refund.
GET_PURCHASE_INFORMATION(取得購買資訊) - 接收商品購買或退費的交易資訊。
  • CONFIRM_NOTIFICATIONS—acknowledges that you received the transaction information for a purchase or refund.
CONFIRM_NOTIFICATIONS(確認Andorid市集傳來的通知訊息) - 向市集做出交易資訊購買或退費而傳來的通知確認。
  • RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS—retrieves a user's transaction history for managed purchases.
RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS(還原交易狀態) - 接收使用者受管理類型的購買商品歷史交易資訊。 To make any of these billing requests, you first need to build an initial Bundle that contains the three keys that are required for all requests: BILLING_REQUESTAPI_VERSION, and PACKAGE_NAME. The following code sample shows you how to create a helper method namedmakeRequestBundle() that does this.
如果要發送以上任一金流請求,首先你需要先建立一個初始化的Bundle用來夾帶3個key值。這3個key分別為︰BILLING_REQUEST, API_VERSION, PACKAGE_NAME。下列的程式教你如何建立一個助手函式(helper method) - makeRequestBundle()來達成這個任務︰

protectedBundle makeRequestBundle(String method){Bundle request =newBundle();request.putString(BILLING_REQUEST, method);request.putInt(API_VERSION,1);request.putString(PACKAGE_NAME, getPackageName());return request;
To use this helper method, you pass in a String that corresponds to one of the five types of billing requests. The method returns a Bundle that has the three required keys defined. The following sections show you how to use this helper method when you send a billing request.
要使用這個助手函式,你需要先傳入一組String值,這個String值是上面列出的五種的其中一種。這個助手函式會返回一個Bundle,該Bundle含蓋了3個被定義的需求key(譯者註︰就是上面提到的BILLING_REQUEST, API_VERSION和PACKAGE_NAME)。下一個段落將會教你如何在需要發送金流請求時,使用這個助手函式來完成。

Important: You must make all in-app billing requests from your application's main thread.

Verifying that in-app billing is supported (CHECK_BILLING_SUPPPORTED)驗証您裝置上的Android市集APP是否支援iap機制(使用CHECK_BILLING_SUPPORTED)
The following code sample shows how to verify whether the Android Market application supports in-app billing. In the sample, mService is an instance of the MarketBillingServiceinterface.

*/Bundle request = makeRequestBundle("CHECK_BILLING_SUPPORTED");Bundle response = mService.sendBillingRequest(request);// Do something with this response.}
The makeRequestBundle() method constructs an initial Bundle, which contains the three keys that are required for all requests: BILLING_REQUESTAPI_VERSION, and PACKAGE_NAME. The request returns a synchronous Bundle response, which contains only a single key: RESPONSE_CODE. TheRESPONSE_CODE key can have the following values:
makeRequesstBundle()函式會建構一個初始化的Bundle,這個Bundle會包含3個key值,也就是請求需要的BILLING_REQUEST, API_VERSION和PACKAGE_NAME。請求會回傳一個同步性質的Bundle回應,這個回應只會包含一個key值︰RESPONSE_CODE。RESPONSE_CODE可能會傳來︰

  • RESULT_OK—in-app billing is supported.
REQUEST_OK - 回覆您手機Android市集的軟體版號有支援iap機制
  • RESULT_BILLING_UNAVAILABLE—in-app billing is not available because the API version you specified is not recognized or the user is not eligible to make in-app purchases (for example, the user resides in a country that prohibits in-app purchases).
RESULT_BILLING_UNAVAILABLE - 由於您指定的API版本無法辨識或者使用者經由非法管道提出iap的請求(例如,使用者居住地禁止使用iap機制),因此無法支援iap服務。
  • RESULT_ERROR—there was an error connecting with the Android Market application.
RESULT_ERROR - 在連接Android市集軟體時,出了些問題。
  • RESULT_DEVELOPER_ERROR—the application is trying to make an in-app billing request but the application has not declared the com.android.vending.BILLING permission in its manifest. Can also indicate that an application is not properly signed, or that you sent a malformed request.
RESULT_DEVELOPER_ERROR - 您的APP試圖發出iap請求,但是由於Android Manifest.xml裡未宣告權限︰com.android.vending.BILLING,或者您的APP未做適當的簽署,也或者您的APP發出了一個未制定的請求,因此您收到了這個RESPONSE_CODE。 The CHECK_BILLING_SUPPORTED request does not trigger any asynchronous responses (broadcast intents).
We recommend that you invoke the CHECK_BILLING_SUPPORTED request within a RemoteExceptionblock. When your code throws a RemoteException it indicates that the remote method call failed, which means that the Android Market application is out of date and needs to be updated. In this case, you can provide users with an error message that contains a link to the Updating Android Market Help topic.
The sample application demonstrates how you can handle this error condition (seeDIALOG_CANNOT_CONNECT_ID in Dungeons.java).

Making a purchase request (REQUEST_PURCHASE)發出購買請求(REQUEST_PURCHASE)
To make a purchase request you must do the following:

  • Send the REQUEST_PURCHASE request.
  • Launch the PendingIntent that is returned from the Android Market application.
  • Handle the broadcast intents that are sent by the Android Market application.
Making the request發出請求
You must specify four keys in the request Bundle. The following code sample shows how to set these keys and make a purchase request for a single in-app item. In the sample, mProductId is the Android Market product ID of an in-app item (which is listed in the application's product list), and mService is an instance of the MarketBillingService interface.

* Request type is REQUEST_PURCHASE
*/Bundle request = makeRequestBundle("REQUEST_PURCHASE");request.putString(ITEM_ID, mProductId);// Note that the developer payload is optional.if(mDeveloperPayload !=null){request.putString(DEVELOPER_PAYLOAD, mDeveloperPayload);}Bundle response = mService.sendBillingRequest(request);// Do something with this response.
The makeRequestBundle() method constructs an initial Bundle, which contains the three keys that are required for all requests: BILLING_REQUESTAPI_VERSION, and PACKAGE_NAME. The ITEM_IDkey is then added to the Bundle prior to invoking the sendBillingRequest() method.
The request returns a synchronous Bundle response, which contains three keys:RESPONSE_CODEPURCHASE_INTENT, and REQUEST_ID. The RESPONSE_CODE key provides you with the status of the request and the REQUEST_ID key provides you with a unique request identifier for the request. The PURCHASE_INTENT key provides you with a PendingIntent, which you can use to launch the checkout UI.
makeRequesstBundle()函式建構了一個初始化的Bundle,這個Bundle包含了3組key值,分別為︰BILLING_REQUEST, API_VERSION和PACKAGE_NAME,這些key值都是在使用這個函式時需要的。key ITEM_ID接著會加進Bundle中,拿來呼叫sendBillingRequest()函式。

Using the pending intent使用pending intent(即將發生的意圖)
How you use the pending intent depends on which version of Android a device is running. On Android 1.6, you must use the pending intent to launch the checkout UI in its own separate task instead of your application's activity stack. On Android 2.0 and higher, you can use the pending intent to launch the checkout UI on your application's activity stack. The following code shows you how to do this. You can find this code in the PurchaseObserver.java file in the sample application.
如何使用pending intent(即將發生的意圖)完全仰賴於裝置運行的Android版本。如果是Androdi1.6,您必須在另外的執行緒中運行付費使用介面,而非應用程式主執行緒來完成工作。在Android2.0或更高的版本,您可以在您應用軟體的activity stack中使用pending intent。底下的式碼將教導您如何使用pending intent。您可以在範例檔中,PruchaseObserver.java檔裡找到這段式碼。

void startBuyPageActivity(PendingIntent pendingIntent,Intent intent){if(mStartIntentSender !=null){// This is on Android 2.0 and beyond.  The in-app checkout page activity// will be on the activity stack of the application.try{// This implements the method call:// mActivity.startIntentSender(pendingIntent.getIntentSender(),//     intent, 0, 0, 0);mStartIntentSenderArgs[0]= pendingIntent.getIntentSender();mStartIntentSenderArgs[1]= intent;mStartIntentSenderArgs[2]=Integer.valueOf(0);mStartIntentSenderArgs[3]=Integer.valueOf(0);mStartIntentSenderArgs[4]=Integer.valueOf(0);mStartIntentSender.invoke(mActivity, mStartIntentSenderArgs);}catch(Exception e){Log.e(TAG,"error starting activity", e);}}else{// This is on Android 1.6. The in-app checkout page activity will be on its// own separate activity stack instead of on the activity stack of// the application.try{pendingIntent.send(mActivity,0/* code */, intent);}catch(CanceledException e){Log.e(TAG,"error starting activity", e);}}}

Important: You must launch the pending intent from an activity context and not an application context. Also, you cannot use the singleTop launch mode to launch the pending intent. If you do either of these, the Android system will not attach the pending intent to your application process. Instead, it will bring Android Market to the foreground, disrupting your application.
重要︰您必須在Activity的context下運行pending intent而非使用application的context。您不能使用singleTop這個launch mode(執行模式)來執行pending intent。如果您都這樣做的話,Android系統將無法將pending intent附著於您的應用程式進程中。反之,它還會將Android市集帶至前景,擾亂了您的應用程式運行。
Handling broadcast intents處理Android市集傳來的廣播意圖
REQUEST_PURCHASE request also triggers two asynchronous responses (broadcast intents). First, the Android Market application sends a RESPONSE_CODE broadcast intent, which provides error information about the request. If the request does not generate an error, the RESPONSE_CODEbroadcast intent returns RESULT_OK, which indicates that the request was successfully sent. (To be clear, a RESULT_OK response does not indicate that the requested purchase was successful; it indicates that the request was sent successfully to Android Market.)
Next, when the requested transaction changes state (for example, the purchase is successfully charged to a credit card or the user cancels the purchase), the Android Market application sends an IN_APP_NOTIFY broadcast intent. This message contains a notification ID, which you can use to retrieve the transaction details for the REQUEST_PURCHASE request.
接著,當請求過的交易資訊遭改變(舉例︰購買行為真的使用了信用卡消費或者使用者取消購買),Android市集軟體會發送IN_APP_NOTIFY這個廣播意圖給您。這個訊息會夾雜訊息通知ID(notification ID),可以用這個ID來接收我們發送出REQUEST_PURCHASE請求的交易詳細資訊。

Note: The Android Market application also sends an IN_APP_NOTIFY for refunds. For more information, see Handling IN_APP_NOTIFY messages.
註︰Android市集軟體也會發送使用者退費的IN_APP_NOTIFY廣播意圖。更多資訊,請參閱 Handling IN_APP_NOTIFY messages 這個篇幅。 Because the purchase process is not instantaneous and can take several seconds (or more), you must assume that a purchase request is pending from the time you receive a RESULT_OKmessage until you receive an IN_APP_NOTIFY message for the transaction. While the transaction is pending, the Android Market checkout UI displays an "Authorizing purchase..." notification; however, this notification is dismissed after 60 seconds and you should not rely on this notification as your primary means of conveying transaction status to users. Instead, we recommend that you do the following:

  • Add an Activity to your application that shows users the status of pending and completed in-app purchases.
  • Use a status bar notification to keep users informed about the progress of a purchase.
用訊息列通知(status bar norification)來通知使用者現在的交易狀況。 To use these two UI elements, you could invoke a status bar notification with a ticker-text message that says "Purchase pending" when your application receives a RESULT_OK message. Then, when your application receives an IN_APP_NOTIFY message, you could update the notification with a new message that says "Purchase succeeded" or "Purchase failed." When a user touches the expanded status bar notification, you could launch the activity that shows the status of pending and completed in-app purchases.
若 要用到上述的這2個使用介面元件,您應該在您APP接收到RESULT_OK訊息時,呼叫訊息通知欄,並顯示一段文字︰"購買等待中"。然後,當您的 APP接收到了IN_APP_NOTIFY訊息後,您應該更新訊息通知的文字內容,改成"購買成功"或"購買失敗了"。當使用者點擊了該訊息通知欄位,您 應該要啟動一個Activity,顯示出"正在等待購買流程"或"已完成iap購買" 的狀態。
If you use some other UI technique to inform users about the state of a pending transaction, be sure that your pending status UI does not block your application. For example, you should avoid using a hovering progress wheel to convey the status of a pending transaction because a pending transaction could last a long time, particularly if a device loses network connectivity and cannot receive transaction updates from Android Market.

Important: If a user purchases a managed item, you must prevent the user from purchasing the item again while the original transaction is pending. If a user attempts to purchase a managed item twice, and the first transaction is still pending, Android Market will display an error to the user; however, Android Market will not send an error to your application notifying you that the second purchase request was canceled. This might cause your application to get stuck in a pending state while it waits for an IN_APP_NOTIFY message for the second purchase request.
Retrieving transaction information for a purchase or refund (GET_PURCHASE_INFORMATION)接收購買成功或退費的交易訊息(GET_PURCHASE_INFORMATION)
You retrieve transaction information in response to an IN_APP_NOTIFY broadcast intent. TheIN_APP_NOTIFY message contains a notification ID, which you can use to retrieve transaction information.
您會在Androkd市集傳來的IN_APP_NOTIFY廣播意圖裡收到交易資訊。這個訊息包含了訊息通知ID(notification ID),您可以拿它來接收交易資訊。
To retrieve transaction information for a purchase or refund you must specify five keys in the request Bundle. The following code sample shows how to set these keys and make the request. In the sample, mService is an instance of the MarketBillingService interface.
如果想要知道購買成功或者被退費,您必須 在請求Bundle裡 指定5個key值。底下的程式範例將會教您如何設定這5個key值並且發出詢問的請求。在這個範例中,mService是MarketBillingService介面的實體元件。

*/Bundle request = makeRequestBundle("GET_PURCHASE_INFORMATION");request.putLong(REQUEST_NONCE, mNonce);request.putStringArray(NOTIFY_IDS, mNotifyIds);Bundle response = mService.sendBillingRequest(request);// Do something with this response.}
The makeRequestBundle() method constructs an initial Bundle, which contains the three keys that are required for all requests: BILLING_REQUESTAPI_VERSION, and PACKAGE_NAME. The additional keys are then added to the bundle prior to invoking the sendBillingRequest()method. The REQUEST_NONCE key contains a cryptographically secure nonce (number used once) that you must generate. The Android Market application returns this nonce with thePURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED broadcast intent so you can verify the integrity of the transaction information. The NOTIFY_IDS key contains an array of notification IDs, which you received in theIN_APP_NOTIFY broadcast intent.
makeRequestBundle()這個函式建立了一個初始化的Bundle,包含了3個key值,提供發出請求之需,這3個key值分別為︰BILLING_REQUEST, API_VERSION和PACKAGE_NAME,加入後用來呼叫sendBillingRequest()函式。而REQUEST_NONCE這個key值則包含一組您必須產生的密碼安全隨機數(僅用一次)。Android市集軟體就會回傳夾雜這個隨機數的PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED廣播意圖給您,因此您完全可以做好交易資訊的驗証工作。NOTIFY_IDS這個key值包含了一組訊息通知IDs的陣列,可以在IN_APP_NOTIFY這個廣播意圖中接收到。

The request returns a synchronous Bundle response, which contains two keys: RESPONSE_CODEand REQUEST_ID. The RESPONSE_CODE key provides you with the status of the request and theREQUEST_ID key provides you with a unique request identifier for the request.
GET_PURCHASE_INFORMATION request also triggers two asynchronous responses (broadcast intents). First, the Android Market application sends a RESPONSE_CODE broadcast intent, which provides status and error information about the request. Next, if the request was successful, the Android Market application sends a PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED broadcast intent. This message contains detailed transaction information. The transaction information is contained in a signed JSON string (unencrypted). The message includes the signature so you can verify the integrity of the signed string.

Acknowledging transaction information (CONFIRM_NOTIFICATIONS)承認該筆交易資訊(CONFIRM_NOTIFICATIONS)
To acknowledge that you received transaction information you send a CONFIRM_NOTIFICATIONSrequest. You must specify four keys in the request Bundle. The following code sample shows how to set these keys and make the request. In the sample, mService is an instance of theMarketBillingService interface.

*/Bundle request = makeRequestBundle("CONFIRM_NOTIFICATIONS");request.putStringArray(NOTIFY_IDS, mNotifyIds);Bundle response = mService.sendBillingRequest(request);// Do something with this response.}
The makeRequestBundle() method constructs an initial Bundle, which contains the three keys that are required for all requests: BILLING_REQUESTAPI_VERSION, and PACKAGE_NAME. The additional NOTIFY_IDS key is then added to the bundle prior to invoking thesendBillingRequest() method. The NOTIFY_IDS key contains an array of notification IDs, which you received in an IN_APP_NOTIFY broadcast intent and also used in aGET_PURCHASE_INFORMATION request.
makeRequestBundle()函式建構了一個初始化的Bundle值,該Bundle值包含了3組key值,用來提供給Android市集,這3組key值分別為BILLING_REQUEST, API_VERSION, PACKAGE_NAME。接著要將NOTIFY_IDS加進這個Bundle中去呼叫sendBillingRequesst()函式。NOTIFY_IDS這個key值包含了一組訊息通知 ID的 陣列,您可以拿來接收IN_APP_NOTIFY廣播意圖,也可以拿來發出GET_PURCHASE_INFORMATION的請求。
The request returns a synchronous Bundle response, which contains two keys: RESPONSE_CODEand REQUEST_ID. The RESPONSE_CODE key provides you with the status of the request and theREQUEST_ID key provides you with a unique request identifier for the request.
該請求會回傳一個同步的Bundle回應,並包含2個key︰RESPONSE_CODE和REQUEST_ID。RESPONSE_CODE key提供了請求的狀態以及單一請求識別碼的REQUEST_ID key。
CONFIRM_NOTIFICATIONS request triggers a single asynchronous response—a RESPONSE_CODEbroadcast intent. This broadcast intent provides status and error information about the request.
CONFIRM_NOTIFICATIONS請求會回傳一個異步的回應 - 一個RESPONSE_CODE廣播意圖。這個廣播意圖提供了請求的狀態與錯誤的相關資訊。 

You must send a confirmation when you receive transaction information from Android Market. If you don't send a confirmation message, Android Market will continue sending IN_APP_NOTIFYmessages for the transactions you have not confirmed. Also, your application must be able to handle IN_APP_NOTIFY messages that contain multiple orders.
In addition, as a best practice, you should not send a CONFIRM_NOTIFICATIONS request for a purchased item until you have delivered the item to the user. This way, if your application crashes or something else prevents your application from delivering the product, your application will still receive an IN_APP_NOTIFY broadcast intent from Android Market indicating that you need to deliver the product.

Restoring transaction information (RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS)還原交易資訊(RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS)
To restore a user's transaction information, you send a RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS request. You must specify four keys in the request Bundle. The following code sample shows how to set these keys and make the request. In the sample, mService is an instance of theMarketBillingService interface.
如果要還原使用者的交易資訊,您必須發送RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS請求至Androkd市集。您必須使用4組指定請求的Bundle key。底下這段程式範例將會教導您如何設定這些key並發出請求。在範例程式中,mService是MarketBillingService介面的物件實體。

*/Bundle request = makeRequestBundle("RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS");request.putLong(REQUEST_NONCE, mNonce);Bundle response = mService.sendBillingRequest(request);// Do something with this response.}
The makeRequestBundle() method constructs an initial Bundle, which contains the three keys that are required for all requests: BILLING_REQUESTAPI_VERSION, and PACKAGE_NAME. The additional REQUEST_NONCE key is then added to the bundle prior to invoking thesendBillingRequest() method. The REQUEST_NONCE key contains a cryptographically secure nonce (number used once) that you must generate. The Android Market application returns this nonce with the transactions information contained in the PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED broadcast intent so you can verify the integrity of the transaction information.
makeRequestBundle()函式建構了一個初始化的Bundle,用來夾帶這3組請求需要的key︰BILLING_REQUEST, API_VERSION和PACKAGE_NAME。附帶的REQUEST_NONCE key加入Bundle裡主要是用來呼叫sendBillingRequest()函式用的。REQUEST_NONCE key包含了您產生的一組加密安全隨機數(僅用一次)。Android市集軟體會透過PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED這個廣播意圖來返回這串隨機數和交易資訊,因此您可以用來做完整交易資訊的驗証工作。 
The request returns a synchronous Bundle response, which contains two keys: RESPONSE_CODEand REQUEST_ID. The RESPONSE_CODE key provides you with the status of the request and theREQUEST_ID key provides you with a unique request identifier for the request.
該請求回傳了一組同步的Bundle回應,該Bundle包含了2個key︰RESPONSE_CODE和REQUEST_ID。RESPONSE_CODE key提供您請求的狀態,REQUEST_ID key提供您該請求的單一請求識別碼。
RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS request also triggers two asynchronous responses (broadcast intents). First, the Android Market application sends a RESPONSE_CODE broadcast intent, which provides status and error information about the request. Next, if the request was successful, the Android Market application sends a PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED broadcast intent. This message contains the detailed transaction information. The transaction information is contained in a signed JSON string (unencrypted). The message includes the signature so you can verify the integrity of the signed string.

Note: You should use the RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS request type only when your application is installed for the first time on a device or when your application has been removed from a device and reinstalled.

Other service tasks


You may also want your Service to receive intent messages from your BroadcastReceiver. You can use these intent messages to convey the information that was sent asynchronously from the Android Market application to your BroadcastReceiver. To see an example of how you can send and receive these intent messages, see the BillingReceiver.java andBillingService.java files in the sample application. You can use these samples as a basis for your own implementation. However, if you use any of the code from the sample application, be sure you follow the guidelines in Security and Design. 您也許也想要使用您的Service來接收從您BroadcastReceiver傳來的意圖 訊息 。您可以將那些從Android市集軟體以異步方式傳至您BroadcastReceiver裡的意圖訊息來傳遞資訊。若想看範例説明該如何發送和接收這些意圖訊息,請參見歸檔在範例程式中的BillingReceiver.java和BillingService.java檔。您可以像基本實作自己類別的方式來使用它們。然而,如果您真的採用了範例程式裡的任何原始碼來編寫您的iap機制,我們希望您已經確定讀過 Security and Design 這篇文章。


The Android Market application uses broadcast intents to send asynchronous billing responses to your application. To receive these intent messages, you need to create aBroadcastReceiver that can handle the following intents: Androkd市集使用了一個廣播意圖來傳送異步的金流回應到您的APP裡。如果要接收這些意圖訊,您必須建立一個BroadReceiver來處理底下的這些意圖︰

  • com.android.vending.billing.RESPONSE_CODE This broadcast intent contains an Android Market response code, and is sent after you make an in-app billing request. For more information about the response codes that are sent with this response, see Android Market Response Codes for In-app Billing.
com.android.vending.billing.RESPONSE_CODE 這個廣播意圖包含了一個Android市集回應碼,會在您接著要執行iap機制再被發送出去。如果想知道更多關於這個回應將被發送出去的回應碼的相關訊息,請見 Android Market Response Codes for In-app Billing這個篇幅。
  • com.android.vending.billing.IN_APP_NOTIFY This response indicates that a purchase has changed state, which means a purchase succeeded, was canceled, or was refunded. For more information about notification messages, see In-app Billing Broadcast Intents
com.android.vending.billing.IN_APP_NOTIFY 這個回應指出了購買狀態遭到變更了。這意謂著購買成功了、取消了、甚至是退費了。更多關於訊息通知的相關資訊,請參見In-app Billing Broadcast Intents篇幅。
  • com.android.vending.billing.PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED This broadcast intent contains detailed information about one or more transactions. For more information about purchase state messages, see In-app Billing Broadcast Intents
com.android.vending.billing.PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED 這個廣播意圖包含了一次或多次交易的詳細資訊。更多關於購買狀態訊息的更多資訊,請參閱In-app Billing Broadcast Intents這個篇幅。 Each of these broadcast intents provide intent extras, which your BroadcastReceiver must handle.  The intent extras are listed in the following table (see table 1). 每個廣播意圖都提供了intent extras,因此您的BroadcastReceiver必須能夠處理這個東西。

Table 1. Description of broadcast intent extras that are sent in response to billing requests.
表1. 描述出當我們在做金流請求而傳來回應時,我們會用到的相關廣播intent extras。
com.android.vending.billing.RESPONSE_CODErequest_idlong representing a request ID. A request ID identifies a specific billing request and is returned by Android Market at the time a request is made.
以Long型態來表示request ID。一個request ID即為一個向Android市集提出金流請求時間所返回的識別值。
com.android.vending.billing.RESPONSE_CODEresponse_codeAn int representing the actual Android Market server response code.
com.android.vending.billing.IN_APP_NOTIFYnotification_idString representing the notification ID for a given purchase state change. Android Market notifies you when there is a purchase state change and the notification includes a unique notification ID. To get the details of the purchase state change, you send the notification ID with theGET_PURCHASE_INFORMATION request.
com.android.vending.billing.PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGEDinapp_signed_dataString representing the signed JSON string. The JSON string contains information about the billing transaction, such as order number, amount, and the item that was purchased or refunded.
com.android.vending.billing.PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGEDinapp_signatureString representing the signature of the JSON string.

The following code sample shows how to handle these broadcast intents and intent extras within a BroadcastReceiver. The BroadcastReceiver in this case is named BillingReceiver, just as it is in the sample application.
底下的程式碼教您如何在BroadcastReceiver底下處理這些廣播意圖和intent extras。BroadcastReceiver在範例裡命名為BillingReceiver。

publicclassBillingReceiverextendsBroadcastReceiver{privatestaticfinalString TAG ="BillingReceiver";// Intent actions that we receive in the BillingReceiver from Android Market.// These are defined by Android Market and cannot be changed.// The sample application defines these in the Consts.java file.publicstaticfinalString ACTION_NOTIFY ="com.android.vending.billing.IN_APP_NOTIFY";publicstaticfinalString ACTION_RESPONSE_CODE ="com.android.vending.billing.RESPONSE_CODE";publicstaticfinalString ACTION_PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED ="com.android.vending.billing.PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED";// The intent extras that are passed in an intent from Android Market.// These are defined by Android Market and cannot be changed.// The sample application defines these in the Consts.java file.publicstaticfinalString NOTIFICATION_ID ="notification_id";publicstaticfinalString INAPP_SIGNED_DATA ="inapp_signed_data";publicstaticfinalString INAPP_SIGNATURE ="inapp_signature";publicstaticfinalString INAPP_REQUEST_ID ="request_id";publicstaticfinalString INAPP_RESPONSE_CODE ="response_code";@Overridepublicvoid onReceive(Context context,Intent intent){String action = intent.getAction();if(ACTION_PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED.equals(action)){String signedData = intent.getStringExtra(INAPP_SIGNED_DATA);String signature = intent.getStringExtra(INAPP_SIGNATURE);// Do something with the signedData and the signature.}elseif(ACTION_NOTIFY.equals(action)){String notifyId = intent.getStringExtra(NOTIFICATION_ID);// Do something with the notifyId.}elseif(ACTION_RESPONSE_CODE.equals(action)){long requestId = intent.getLongExtra(INAPP_REQUEST_ID,-1);int responseCodeIndex = intent.getIntExtra(INAPP_RESPONSE_CODE,ResponseCode.RESULT_ERROR.ordinal());// Do something with the requestId and the responseCodeIndex.}else{Log.w(TAG,"unexpected action: "+ action);}}// Perform other processing here, such as forwarding intent messages to your local service.}
In addition to receiving broadcast intents from the Android Market application, yourBroadcastReceiver must handle the information it received in the broadcast intents. Usually, your BroadcastReceiver does this by sending the information to a local service (discussed in the next section). The BillingReceiver.java file in the sample application shows you how to do this. You can use this sample as a basis for your own BroadcastReceiver. However, if you use any of the code from the sample application, be sure you follow the guidelines that are discussed in Security and Design .
關於從Android市集軟體傳來的廣播意圖,這裡還要稍做說明,您的BroadcastReceiver必須處理在廣播意圖裡收到的資訊。通常,您的BroadcastReceiver會以發送資訊至本地端的Service來完成這個工作(會在下一個段落做討論)。在範例程式裡的BillingReceiver.java檔將會教您如何做到。您可以使用這個範例當成是您的基本BroadcastReceiver。然而,假如您使用了任何從範例程式出來的原始碼,請確定您遵照 Security and Design 這個導引章節。 


Android Market's in-app billing service uses two mechanisms to help verify the integrity of the transaction information you receive from Android Market: nonces and signatures. A nonce (number used once) is a cryptographically secure number that your application generates and sends with every GET_PURCHASE_INFORMATION and RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS request. The nonce is returned with the PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED broadcast intent, enabling you to verify that any givenPURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED response corresponds to an actual request that you made. EveryPURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED broadcast intent also includes a signed JSON string and a signature, which you can use to verify the integrity of the response. Androidy市集的iap服務使用了2種架構來幫助您完整的驗証從Android市集來的交易資訊,這2個架構分別為︰隨機數(nonces)和數位簽章(signatures)。一個隨機數(僅用一次的值值)是一個加密地安全數值,它是由您的APP產生的,並且每次使用GET_PURCHASE_INFORMATION和RESTORE_TRANSACTOINS請求時,都會將此值發送出去。隨機數接著會尾隨PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED這個廣播意圖被回傳回來,讓您可以去驗証PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED傳來的值和您用來發請求所產生的值是否相符。每次的PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED廣播意圖也會包含一組被簽署過的JSON字串和數位簽章,您可以拿來做完整的回應的驗証動作。
Your application must provide a way to generate, manage, and verify nonces. The following sample code shows some simple methods you can use to do this 您的APP必須提供一個能產生、管理和驗証隨機數的管道。底下的範例程式將教您一些簡單的方式來完成這個需求︰ .

  privatestaticfinalSecureRandom RANDOM =newSecureRandom();privatestaticHashSet<Long> sKnownNonces =newHashSet<Long>();publicstaticlong generateNonce(){long nonce = RANDOM.nextLong();sKnownNonces.add(nonce);return nonce;}publicstaticvoid removeNonce(long nonce){sKnownNonces.remove(nonce);}publicstaticboolean isNonceKnown(long nonce){return sKnownNonces.contains(nonce);}

Your application must also provide a way to verify the signatures that accompany everyPURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED broadcast intent. The Security.java file in the sample application shows you how to do this. If you use this file as a basis for your own security implementation, be sure to follow the guidelines in Security and Design and obfuscate your code.
You will need to use your Android Market public key to perform the signature verification. The following procedure shows you how to retrieve Base64-encoded public key from the Android Market publisher site. 您的APP必須提供一個方式來替每次傳來的PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED廣播意圖伴隨的數位簽章做出驗証,範例程式裡的Security.java檔有教您如何做到。如果您使用了這個檔當成是您實作安全性考量的基礎,請確認已遵照  Security and Design 這份導引,並且您也模糊過您的程式碼。您將會需要使用Android市集的公鑰來執行數位簽章驗証。底下流程將會教您如何接收從Android市集發佈網站傳來的Base64編碼公鑰。

  • Log in to your publisher account.
  • On the upper left part of the page, under your name, click Edit profile.
請在上方左半部,您的名字底下,點擊Edit profile
  • On the Edit Profile page, scroll down to the Licensing & In-app Billing panel (see figure 2).
在Edit Profile頁面下,下滑到Licensing & In-app Billing區塊(見圖2)
  • Copy your public key.
Important: To keep your public key safe from malicious users and hackers, do not embed your public key as an entire literal string. Instead, construct the string at runtime from pieces or use bit manipulation (for example, XOR with some other string) to hide the actual key. The key itself is not secret information, but you do not want to make it easy for a hacker or malicious user to replace the public key with another key.
重要︰為了您公鑰的安全,並防止惡意使用者或黑客的攻擊,請物將完整的String全數嵌入您的程式碼中,相反的,在執行期間建構出String或者使用bit manipulation(舉例,XOR和其它一些字串)來隱藏真實的key都是比較好的做法。雖然說鑰匙本身並非是一個秘密資訊,但是您並不會想讓黑客或惡意使用者那麼輕易的就將您的公鑰被換成另外一組吧?

Figure 2. The Licensing and In-app Billing panel of your account's Edit Profile page lets you see your public key. 
圖2.  在您帳戶的編輯資料裡「許可與應用程式內部金流機制」的區塊。您可以看見您的公鑰就擺放於此。


After you finish adding in-app billing components to your project, you are ready to modify your application's code. For a typical implementation, like the one that is demonstrated in the sample application, this means you need to write code to do the following:  在您專案完成了iap元件的添加以後,您應該準備開始修改您的程式碼了。在典型的實作行為底下,就如同範例程式說明的一樣,這意謂著您需要照著以下的方式開始攢寫程式碼︰

  • Create a storage mechanism for storing users' purchase information.
  • Create a user interface that lets users select items for purchase.
建立一個能夠讓使用者購買商品的使用介面 The sample code in Dungeons.java shows you how to do both of these tasks. 範例程式的Dungeons.java教導您如何做到這2件事。 

Creating a storage mechanism for storing purchase information


You must set up a database or some other mechanism for storing users' purchase information. The sample application provides an example database (PurchaseDatabase.java); however, the example database has been simplified for clarity and does not exhibit the security best practices that we recommend. If you have a remote server, we recommend that you store purchase information on your server instead of in a local database on a device. For more information about security best practices, see Security and Design. 您必須設定一組資料庫和其它的架構來儲存使用者的購買資訊。範例程式提供了一個簡單的資料庫(PurchaseDatabase.java)來做儲存。然而,範例資料庫為了表達地更清楚,因此寫的非常簡單,因而也並無法展示出我們所建議您的的安全性的架構應該為何。如果您有遠端伺服器,那麼我們會建議您將購買資訊儲存至您的伺服器,而非裝置裡的本地端資料庫。更多關於最佳安全性實例,請見 Security and Design 這篇。

Note: If you store any purchase information on a device, be sure to encrypt the data and use a device-specific encryption key. Also, if the purchase type for any of your items is "unmanaged," we recommend that you back up the purchase information for these items to a remote server or use Android's data backup framework to back up the purchase information. Backing up purchase information for unmanaged items is important because unmanaged items cannot be restored by using the RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS request type.

Creating a user interface for selecting items


You must provide users with a means for selecting items that they want to purchase. Android Market provides the checkout user interface (which is where the user provides a form of payment and approves the purchase), but your application must provide a control (widget) that invokes the sendBillingRequest() method when a user selects an item for purchase.
You can render the control and trigger the sendBillingRequest() method any way you want. The sample application uses a spinner widget and a button to present items to a user and trigger a billing request (see Dungeons.java). The user interface also shows a list of recently purchased items. 您必須提供使用者一個選擇購買商品的環境。Android市集雖然提供您付費使用介面(這個介面是當使用者點選了付款後,Android吐出來的一個標準付費畫面),但是您的APP還是必須去控制(元件)當使用者選擇了商品後呼叫sendBillingRequest()函式的方式。您可以用任何方式使用控制元件,並發發送sendBillingRequest()函式 。範例程式使用了下拉式的元件(spinner widget)和按鈕來呈現使用者發送金流請求的畫面(參見Dungeons.java)。使用介面也會顯示出最近最購買過的商品列表。

相關文章︰ 1.[Android in-app billing前言] In-app Billing應用程式內部付費機制(中文翻譯)
2.[Android in-app billing第1篇] In-app Billing Overview應用程式內部付費機制概述(中文翻譯)
3.[Android in-app billing第2篇] Implementing In-app Billing實作應用程式內部金流機制(中文翻譯)
4.[Android in-app billing第3篇] Security and Design安全與設計(中文翻譯)
5.[Android in-app billing第4篇] Testing In-app Billing測試應用程式內金流機制(中文翻譯)
6.[Android in-app billing第5篇] Administering In-app Billing應用程式內金流機制的管理(中文翻譯)
7.[Android in-app billing第6篇(末)] In-app Billing Reference應用程式金流的相關API(中文翻譯)



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