【读书笔记】《机器学习实战》 k近邻算法改进约会网站的配对效果

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【读书笔记】《机器学习实战》 k<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1765532.html style=近邻算法改进约会网站的配对效果"/>

【读书笔记】《机器学习实战》 k近邻算法改进约会网站的配对效果

【读书笔记】Python3 《机器学习实战》 k近邻算法改进约会网站的配对效果

  • 1. 创建py文件
  • 2. k-近邻算法函数
  • 3. 将txt文件内数据转换为Numpy格式数据的函数
  • 4. 使用Matplotlib创建散点图,对数据有更直观印象
  • 5. 归一化特征值函数
  • 6. 测试函数
  • 7. 使用算法,约会网站预测函数,构建完整可用系统



1. 创建py文件


from numpy import *
import operator
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from os import listdir

2. k-近邻算法函数

继续在kNN.py 文件中输入以下代码

与Python2 的主要不同:字典的.iteritems()方法在Python3中被删除,故用.items()替代。


  • in_x: 是一个vector。 需要进行分类的向量。

  • data_set: 是一个matrix。训练的样本数据集。如果其有m行n列,那么共有m个数据,每个数据有n个特征值。

  • labels: 是一个vector。为样本分类的标签向量,挨个顺序对应data_set, 所以其元素数量与data_set的行数相同。

  • k: 是一个scalar。用于选择近邻的数据的数量。

def classify0(in_x, data_set, labels, k):# 1 calculate distance# 1 计算距离## data_set rows number, which means the number of data, scalar## data_set 的行数,意味着有多少个数据,是标量data_set_size = data_set.shape[0]## copy "in_x" by "data_set_size" times on row,## and 1 time on column. Then get the difference between## "in_x" to each element in "data_set"## 把向量 "in_x" 在行方向上复制 "data_set_size" 次,## 在列方向上复制1次,然后计算 in_x 与 "data_set" 每个数据之间的差,## 用于之后的距离计算diff_mat = tile(in_x, (data_set_size, 1)) - data_set## below are the processes to calculate Euclidean distance## 下面是利用上边的差计算欧几里得距离的过程sq_diff_mat = diff_mat**2### "axis=1" means summing for each row### "axis=1" 意味着每一行内部自身求和sq_distances = sq_diff_mat.sum(axis=1) distances = sq_distances**0.5# 2 get ascending sorted distance's index# 2 按升序把距离排序,排好序后显示的为索引值,非距离值sorted_dist_indices = distances.argsort()# 3 choose the first k smallest distances by using a dictionary to record# 3 选择前k个距离最近的点,通过字典来记录class_count = {}for i in range(k):vote_label = labels[sorted_dist_indices[i]]class_count[vote_label] = class_count.get(vote_label, 0) + 1# 4 sort labels by frequency by descending order# 4 按label出现的次数降序排序sorted_class_count = sorted(class_count.items(),## use operator.itemgetter(1) to sort ## by the second element,## which is the value in the dictionary## 使用operator.itemgetter(1)对第二个元素排序,## 也就是字典中的valuekey=operator.itemgetter(1),## sort by descending order##降序排序reverse=True)## return the label with the most appearence## 返回出现次数最多的标签,可能是标量,字符串等等return sorted_class_count[0][0]

3. 将txt文件内数据转换为Numpy格式数据的函数

同理,以下所有小节代码都在kNN.py 文件中输入,不再赘述



  • filename: 是一个string。要打开的文件的全名,需要包含后缀名,例如: ‘datingTestSet2.txt’ 。该文件需要与kNN.py放在同一目录,才能在默认情况下打开。
def file2matrix(filename):fr = open(filename)# return a list which includes all lines# 返回列表,元素是每行的数据array_of_lines = fr.readlines()number_of_lines = len(array_of_lines)# create a matrix having "number_of_lines" rows and 3 columns,# whose elements are all zeros.# 创建一个元素全为0,"number_of_lines" 行,3列的矩阵return_mat = zeros(number_of_lines, 3))class_label_vector = []index = 0# below are some differences comparing codes in books,# which are illustrated at begining of this chapter# 下边的与书中的代码不同, 在本小节的开头有说明labels = {'didntLike': 1, 'smallDoses: 2, 'largeDoses': 3}for line in array_lines:# delete space on two side# 删除每行两边的空白符line = line.strip()# delete horizontal tabs between each element# 删除行内各元素间的横向制表符,并返回listlist_from_line = line.split('\t')# copy the three features of each data# 复制每个数据的三个所有特征return_mat[index, :] = list_from_line[0:3]if list_from_line[-1] not in ['1', '2', '3']:class_label_vector.append(int(labels[list_from_line[-1]]))else:class_label_vector.append(int(list_from_line[-1]))index += 1# return two values, a numpy matrix with data features and a list with data labels# 返回两个值, 一个是数据特征值的numpy的矩阵,另一个是数据标签的的listreturn return_mat, class_label_vector

4. 使用Matplotlib创建散点图,对数据有更直观印象

在 kNN.py 中创建 main 函数,输入如下代码:

def main():dating_data_mat, dating_labels = file2matrix('datingTestSet2.txt')# return a figure instance# 返回一个图形实例fig = plt.figure()# divide canvas into 1 row 1 1 column, # draw the picture at the first row first column.# 将画布分割成1行1列,图像画在从左到右从上到下第1块ax = fig.add_subplot(111)# draw points by using the second and third features, # whose sizes and colours are depending on its label# 把第二列和第三列的特征值画到画布上。根据数据的标签,决定点的颜色和大小。ax.scatter(dating_data_mat[:, 1], dating_data_mat[:, 2],15.0*array(dating_labels),15*array(dating_labels))# show the figure# 展示图像plt.show()if __name__ == "__main__":main()

换成第一列和第二列属性,获得更好的展示效果,把上边代码中ax.scatter() 的方法改写成如下:

ax.scatter(dating_data_mat[:, 0], dating_data_mat[:, 1],15.0*array(dating_labels), 15.0*array(dating_labels))


5. 归一化特征值函数


  • data_set: 是个matrix。需要进行归一处理的特征值矩阵。
def auto_norm(data_set):# min value in each column# 取得每列的最小值,返回一个向量min_values = data_set.min(0)# max value in each column# 同理,取得每列的最大值。max_values = data_set.max(0)ranges = max_values - min_values# number of rows# 返回行数m = data_set.shape[0]norm_data_set = data_set - tile(min_values, (m, 1))norm_data_set = norm_data_set/tile(ranges, (m, 1))# return three values, normalised data set matrix, ranges vector# and minimal values vector# 返回三个值,归一化处理后的数据集矩阵,各特征范围向量,各特征最小值向量return norm_data_set, ranges, min_values

6. 测试函数


def dating_class_test():# test percentage# 测试集占的比例ho_ratio = 0.10# get data features matix and labels vector# 获得数据特征值矩阵和标签向量dating_data_mat, dating_labels = file2matrix('datingTestSet.txt')# normalise data set features# 归一化特征值norm-mat, ranges, min_values = auto_norm(dating_data_mat)# get number of rows(datas) in data set# 获得数据集的行数(数据的个数)m = norm_mat.shape[0]# test data numbers# 测试数据的数量num_test_vectors = int(m*ho_ratio)# error rate# 错误率error_count = 0.0# input each test data to get result, record error rate# 输入每个测试数据并获得结果, 记录错误率for i in range(num_test_vectors):classifier_result = classify0(norm_mat[i, :],norm_mat[num_test_vector:m, :],dating_labels[num_test_vectors:m],3)print("the classifier came back with: %d, the real answer is: %d"% (classifier_result, dating_labels[i]))if classifier_result != dating_labels[i]:error_count += 1.0print("the total error rate is: %f" % (error_count/float(num_test_vectors)))

运行kNN.py 文件,在 Shell 输入以下代码:

>>> dating_class_test()


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the classifier came back with: 3, the real answer is: 1
the total error rate is: 0.050000


7. 使用算法,约会网站预测函数,构建完整可用系统


def classify_person():result_list = ['not at all', 'in small doses', 'in large doses']percent_tats = float(input("percentage of time spent playing video game?"))ff_miles = float(input("frequent flier miles earned per year?"))ice_cream = float(input("liters of ice cream consumed per year?"))dating_data_mat, dating_labels = file2matrix('datingTestSet2.txt')norm_mat, ranges, min_values = auto_norm(dating_data_mat)# create input numpy array# 创建输入numpy向量in_arr = array([ff_miles, percent_tats, ice_cream])classifier_result = classify0((in_arr-min_values)/ranges,norm_mat, dating_labels, 3)print("You will probably like this person: ",result_list[classifier_result - 1])

运行kNN.py 文件,输入以下代码:

>>> classify_person()

并按回车,会出现问题,并按着如下示例数据依次输入,获得最后的预测结果 “in small doses”

percentage of time spent playing video games?10
frequent flier miles earned per year?10000
liters of ice cream consumed per year?0.5
You will probably like this person:  in small doses


【读书笔记】《机器学习实战》 k近邻算法改进约会网站的配对效果

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本文标签:近邻   算法   实战   读书笔记   机器


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