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Scandal. It seems I may be what the literati call an "Early Adopter." These are folks who tend to buy gadgets and widgetry before they are fully accepted by the rank-and-file.

丑闻。 看来我可能是文人所说的“早期采用者”。 这些人倾向于购买小玩意和小物件,直到他们被官僚主义完全接受。

Now, I'm only 31, but there's a great article at PCWorld called "The 50 Greatest Gadgets of the Past 50 Years." I don't have full coverage of the timespan, but I was around 62% of this time so I thought it'd be interesting to see which gadgets I actually purchased early on versus when they were widely adopted. (In other words, if you JUST bought Tivo this Christmas, you're likely not an early adopter in the purist sense.) This list only includes the items that I have owned. If you want the full list, it's up at PCWorld.

现在,我只有31岁,但是PCWorld上有一篇很棒的文章叫做“过去50年中的50个最伟大的小工具” 。 我没有完全了解时间跨度,但是这次大约是62%,因此,我想知道我实际上早购买了哪些小工具以及它们何时被广泛采用会很有趣。 (换句话说,如果您今年圣诞节刚买了Tivo,就纯粹主义者而言,您可能不是早期采用者。)此列表仅包括我拥有的物品。 如果您需要完整列表,请访问PCWorld。

1. Sony Walkman TPS-L2 (1979) - Excellent choice for number one. I had this when I was 8, so I missed being an early adopter by 3 years.

1.索尼Walkman TPS-L2 (1979)-最佳选择。 我八岁的时候就拥有这个,所以我错过了三年的早期采用者。

2. Apple iPod (2001) - Check. Got it, loved it, still love it. I've currently got a Black Nano and a 3G 15gig.

2. Apple iPod (2001)-检查。 得到了它,喜欢它,仍然喜欢它。 我目前有Black Nano和3G 15gig。

3. (Tie) ReplayTV RTV2001 and TiVo HDR110 (1999) - Much respect to PCWorld for giving props to ReplayTV. I've still got my RTV2001 and two other ReplayTV 4050s running along side the Media Center PC and the Motorola HD-PVR wanna-be from Comcast. The Replay still kicks the llama's ass, and here's a tip if you've got a Replay 4000 or 5000 series...check out  and prepare to be amazed.

3. (并列)ReplayTV RTV2001和TiVo HDR110(1999)-PCWorld非常重视为ReplayTV提供道具。 我仍然有我的RTV2001和另外两台ReplayTV 4050,它们都在Comcast的Media Center PC和Motorola HD-PVR旁边运行。 Replay仍然会踢出骆驼的屁股,这是提示,如果您有Replay 4000或5000系列...请访问。

4. PalmPilot 1000 (1996) - Oh yes, big time. This is actually still in my kitchen junk drawer and still boots up. Such a brilliant device. I still miss GlucoPilot, my diabetes management application. I've been exploring getting its source released to the OS community, but there's not a lot of Palm-devs who are also diabetic that would be interested in working on it.

4. PalmPilot 1000 (1996)-哦,是的,很重要。 这实际上仍然在我的厨房垃圾抽屉中,并且仍在启动。 如此出色的设备。 我仍然想念我的糖尿病管理应用程序GlucoPilot。 我一直在探索将其源代码发布到OS社区,但是并没有很多对糖尿病也感兴趣的Palm-dev开发人员。

7. Atari Video Computer System (1977) - It's a real shame that Z won't get to experience the wonder that we did when we first cobbled together a crappy Zenith 17" TV with a crappy Radio Shack RF Modulator and tuned to channel 3. Things were never the same. Maybe the Flashback2 will be a good replacement. The Flashback1 was pretty lame.

7. Atari视频计算机系统(1977)-当我们第一次将笨拙的Zenith 17英寸电视与笨拙的Radio Shack RF调制器拼凑在一起并调谐到第3频道时, Z不会体验到我们所做的奇迹真是可耻的事情从来都不一样,也许Flashback2将是一个很好的替代品。

9. M-Systems DiskOnKey (2000) - I had a 16MB DiskOnKey and loved it. It worked on Windows 2000 without drivers, and it was the fact it didn't need drivers that really make it shine. I just gave my niece a 128MB USB Key that she'll be using in Tanzania to move files from work to home. Ah, sneakernet!

9. M-Systems DiskOnKey (2000)-我有一个16MB的DiskOnKey并喜欢它。 它可以在没有驱动程序的Windows 2000上运行,而事实是它并不需要真正使它发光的驱动程序。 我刚刚给侄女一个128MB的USB密钥,她将在坦桑尼亚使用该密钥将文件从工作场所转移到家庭。 啊,sneakernet!

14. BlackBerry 850 Wireless Handheld (1998) - I freaking loved this device. I remember using it at TechEdorPDC in 1999(?) to talk to back to the office. While the current BlackBerry's are more phone like, I always had a fondness for this smaller pager form-factor.

14. BlackBerry 850 Wireless Handheld (1998年)-我非常喜欢这款设备。 我记得1999年在TechEdorPDC上使用过它吗? 虽然当前的黑莓手机更像手机,但我始终对这种较小的传呼机外形很满意。

16. Texas Instruments Speak & Spell (1978) - True story, I bought one of these just this summer from a garage sale for my Mother-in-Law to take back with her to Zimbabwe. She has taught at Mguza Primary School outside Bulawayo for over 20 years. Now, in 2005, she'll use a Speak & Spell "computer" to teach spelling to the kids.

16.德州仪器( TI)的Speak&Spell (1978)-真实的故事,今年夏天,我从一家车库拍卖中买了其中一个,供我的岳母带回津巴布韦。 她在布拉瓦约郊外的Mguza小学任教已有20多年。 现在,在2005年,她将使用口语和拼写“计算机”向孩子们教授拼写。

18. Diamond Multimedia Rio PMP300 (1998) - I've still got my Rio around somewhere. The Rio totally paved the way the current glut of small AA-battery powered MP3 generic players, and to this day, still has one of the nicer user interfaces.

18. Diamond Multimedia Rio PMP300 (1998)-我仍然在里约热内卢。 力拓完全铺平了目前使用大量AA电池供电的小型MP3通用播放器的方式,到今天,它仍然拥有更好的用户界面之一。

22. Hamilton Pulsar [LED Watch] (1972) - Growing up my dad had a few simple rules. Chief among them were, you WILL be able to drive a manual transmission car, and you WILL be able to read an analog clock. So, when the "LED Watch Club" started in my school around 1980, I was in a mad rush to learn how to read a clock so I could get one of these watches. Not exactly early adopter, but come on, I was 8.

22. Hamilton Pulsar [LED手表](1972)-我父亲长大后有一些简单的规定。 其中最主要的是,您将能够驾驶手动挡汽车,并且您将能够读取模拟时钟。 因此,当“ LED手表俱乐部”于1980年左右在我的学校开始营业时,我非常着急于学习如何阅读钟表,以便我能买到其中一款手表。 不完全是早期采用者,但是来吧,我8岁。

25. Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 100 (1983) - I was all about the Trash-80. There's still folks who swear by this little machine for notes and word processing. Now, that's insane, but so was 10: PRINT "Dude!"20: GOTO 10

25. Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 100 (1983)-我只想着Trash-80。 仍然有人在这台小型机器上发誓要进行笔记和文字处理。 现在,这太疯狂了,但是10:PRINT“ Dude!” 20:GOTO 10也是如此

26. Nintendo Game Boy (1989) - Of course. I've got this one also in the kitchen drawer. It's amazing how bad the screen is when compared to a Playstation Portable. One thing I will say though, I'm very much NOT a fan of the kids these days walking around tethered to their game boys. If you're 11, you don't need a pacifier, even if it is a digital one. Head up, young man!

26. Nintendo Game Boy (1989)-当然。 我在厨房的抽屉里也有这个。 与Playstation Portable相比,屏幕的糟糕程度令人惊讶。 不过,我要说的一件事是,这些天来,我非常不喜欢孩子们,他们被拴在游戏男孩身上。 如果您11岁,即使是数字奶嘴,也不需要奶嘴。 抬头,年轻人!

27. Commodore 64 (1982) - I still have two Commodores along with all my games. I loaned them to Michael Church who (one day) will copy them all to .ROM files so I can use the Win64 emulator to play them. I remember entering programs in HEX with the CRC codes at the end of the line from "Compute!" magazine. I use to pay my little brother to read the code to me.

27. Commodore 64 (1982)-我的所有比赛中还有两个Commodores。 我将它们借给了迈克尔·丘奇(Michael Church),后者(有一天)会将其全部复制到.ROM文件中,以便我可以使用Win64模拟器播放它们。 我记得在“计算!”行的末尾以CRC代码输入十六进制的程序。 杂志。 我曾经付钱给我的弟弟给我读代码。

28. Apple Newton MessagePad (1994) - I sold Don Box a Newton MessagePad on opening day at my night-job selling computers at Incredible Universe. I also took notes in C class using my Newton MessagePad along with Steven Frank, now an award-winning Mac developer at Panic. I loved this device. It just killed me to sell it on eBay, but there's only so much room for handheld stuff with screens, buttons and batteries. The AA usage on this thing was out of control.

28.苹果牛顿MessagePad (1994)-开张那天,我在夜总会的Incredible Universe卖电脑给唐·唐(Don Box)卖了顿牛顿MessagePad。 我还使用Newton MessagePad和现在在Panic中屡获殊荣的Mac开发人员Steven Frank在C类中做笔记。 我喜欢这个装置。 它只是杀死了我在eBay上出售它,但是容纳屏幕,按钮和电池的掌上电脑只有这么大的空间。 这件事的AA使用率已失控。

31. iRobot Roomba Intelligent Floorvac (2002) - I still use my Roomba at least a few times a month, but more recently we've been using a Dyson for the downstairs. The Roomba cleans the upstairs with aplomb and even avoids the ledge near the stairs. I've got the original, and have replaced the battery once. I'd love to get the Roomba Discovery, but I can't justify it if the original is working fine.

31. iRobot Roomba Intelligent Floorvac (2002年)-我仍然每月至少使用几次Roomba,但是最近我们一直在楼下使用Dyson。 Roomba用力清洁地板,甚至避开楼梯附近的壁架。 我有原始的,并且已经更换了一次电池。 我很想获得Roomba Discovery,但如果原件工作正常,我就无法辩解。

32. Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer (1999) - I love everything Microsoft Hardware does. I'm currently checking out the new Laser Desktop 6000 as it's got the split keyboard, without the split. The Intellimouse Explorer marked the beginning of Microsoft's total domination of the mouse space.

32. Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer (1999)-我爱Microsoft硬件所做的一切。 我目前正在检查新的Laser Desktop 6000,因为它具有拆分键盘,没有拆分键盘。 Intellimouse Explorer标志着Microsoft全面占领鼠标空间的开始。

33. Franklin Rolodex Electronics REX PC Companion (1997) - This was so clever because it fit in the notebook's PC Card (PCMCIA at the time) slot. This was before USB, so the PC Card slot was the only thing folks could count on. I picked up one of these, but ended up using the PalmPilot due to the lame (non-existent) input methods on the REX.

33. Franklin Rolodex Electronics REX PC Companion (1997年)-如此巧妙,因为它可以放入笔记本计算机的PC卡(当时为PCMCIA)插槽中。 这早于USB,因此PC Card插槽是人们唯一可以依靠的。 我选择了其中一种,但是由于REX上的输入法比较落后(不存在),最终使用了PalmPilot。

36. Iomega Zip Drive (1995) - I'm currently using the Rev Drive, a distant descendant of the Zip, but my brother still uses his (my) Zip Drive faithfully for backups. I never got into the whole Zip250/750 and Jaz thing and always found those products to be very sad. The Zip kicked butt though, especially when you're daisy-chaining your Zip to your Printer through your PaperPort Scanner all on the Parallel Port. Man, why did we think the Parallel Port was a good place to shove things back in to the computer? Exit only, people, I don't swing that way.

36. Iomega Zip Drive (1995年)-我目前正在使用Rev Drive,它是Zip的远传,但我的兄弟仍然忠实地使用他(我的)Zip Drive进行备份。 我从来没有深入了解Zip250 / 750和Jaz的内容,并且总是发现这些产品令人非常难过。 但是,Zip会踢屁股,特别是当您通过Parallel Port上的PaperPort扫描仪以菊花链方式将Zip链接到打印机时。 男人,为什么我们认为并口是一个很好的地方,推回来的东西电脑? 只能退出,人们,我不会那样摇摆。

38. Milton Bradley Simon (1978) - Seriously, who didn't get one of these? This is like the most garagesaled item ever.

38.弥尔顿·布拉德利·西蒙( Milton Bradley Simon) (1978)-认真地讲,谁没有得到其中之一? 这就像有史以来最受惩罚的物品。

40. Connectix QuickCam (1994) - I loved this little 160x160 grayscale baby. It was such a clever design. I recently purchased a QuickCam Express for $3.99 at Goodwill. It's still the best webcam out there, dollar for dollar, IMHO.

40. Connectix QuickCam (1994)-我喜欢这个160x160的灰度婴儿。 这是一个聪明的设计。 我最近在Goodwill以3.99美元的价格购买了QuickCam Express。 恕我直言,它仍然是最好的网络摄像头。

44. Sony Aibo ERS-110 (1999) - Ok, I'm cheating on this one, I never had an Aibo. However, I have coveted other's Aibos, and still want one. I've even tried to figure out creative ways of financing it...maybe a "get Z a pet" pool, since I'm not an animal person.

44. Sony Aibo ERS-110 (1999)-好的,我在作弊,我从来没有过Aibo。 但是,我渴望别人的Aibos,并且仍然想要一个。 我什至试图找出创新的方式来筹集资金……也许是“让Z变成宠物”,因为我不是动物人。

45. Sony Mavica MVC-FD5 (1997) - Personally, I thought the Mavica was going to single handedly save the beleaguered floppy disk. This was a brilliant idea, of course, that is before Memory Card came out and crushed the Mavica's spirit. However, this did, IMHO, open the doors for the "direct to DVD" video recorders that are out there now. Too bad they insist on lossy MPEGing the content.

45. Sony Mavica MVC-FD5 (1997)-就我个人而言,我认为Mavica将单手保存陷入困境的软盘。 当然,这是一个绝妙的主意,那是在存储卡问世并压制了Mavica的精神之前。 但是,恕我直言,这确实为现在的“直接DVD”录像机打开了大门。 太糟糕了,他们坚持对内容进行有损MPEG编码。

47. Timex/Sinclair 1000 (1982) - This machine was completely useless, but it was only cheap, so it was a no brainer. Couldn't afford the 16K upgraded RAM, so I was chillin' with 1K and the internal BASIC interpreter.

47. Timex / Sinclair 1000 (1982)-这台机器完全没用,但是价格便宜,所以一点也不费脑子。 无法承受16K升级RAM,因此我对1K和内部BASIC解释器感到不寒而栗。

48. Sharp Wizard OZ-7000 (1989) - I kept my whole class schedule on this baby all through high-school. I wonder where it is...I swear it's around here somewhere.

48. Sharp Wizard OZ-7000 (1989)-在整个高中期间,我都按照这个婴儿的整个上课时间安排。 我想知道它在哪里...我发誓它在这里附近。

49. Jakks Pacific TV Games (2002) - I pulled out the Atari joystiq version of the Jakks games just this last week to entertain our guests from out of town. Plugs into the TV direct and runs of batteries. Brilliant.

49. Jakks太平洋电视游戏(2002)-上周,我撤出了Jakks游戏的Atari joystiq版本,以娱乐外来客人。 直接插入电视并用完电池。 辉煌。





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