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Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. [C] 身体

Swimming is the best way to tone your body. (增强体质。)

n. 躯体 The mind governs the body. (精神支配肉体。)

n. 机构 Congress is alegislative body. (国会是立法机关。)

n. 主要部分 (of) There’s something wrong with the body of a letter.


bodily (身体的,肉体的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

体形 --- body shape

健美 --- body building

肢体语言--- body language

习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs

body and soul --- 全心全意

hard body --- 身材不错的人 (person of good figure)

keep body and soul together --- 维持生命

make the both ends meet  保持收支平衡

生活用语 Street Talks

You’ve got the body and I’ve got the brains. (You’re good-looking, I’m smart.)

She is got body and the brains.

A: Where did you bury his body? (尸体)

B: On the the back hill.

A: Dad, I found a dealer!

B: Over my dead body will you sell this house. (除非我死了)

A: It’s illegal to write this kind of article. You see?

B: I’ll write whatever I want to!

A: But they’ll put you in prison,dear?!

B: They can imprison my body, but not my mind.

电影对白 Transcripts

对话 Joe: But he’s not here.

Kathleen: Well, if he’s not here, he hasa reason. Because there is not a cruel or careless bone in his body, but I

wouldn’t expect you to understand anybody like that…You’ve deluded yourself into thinking that you’re

some sort of benefactor bringing books to masses. But noone will ever remember you, Joe Fox. And

maybe no one will remember me either, but, plenty ofpeople remember my mother, and they think she

was fine and they think her store was something special.You’re nothing, but a suit. 《网上情缘》

谚语 Proverbs

A little body often harbours a great soul. 莫道身躯小,伟人寓其间。

It’s a harbour city.海滨城市。

名言 Quotations

Your body is the church where Nature asks tobereverenced.

Marquis de Sade (1740-1814), French author. Mme Delbène, in L’’Histoire deJuliette, ou les Prospérités du Vice, pt. 1(1797).

Sadist 虐待狂



Basic need

音形义 EverydayExpressions

n. 男孩

Put out that troublesome boy. (把那个捣蛋的男孩赶出去。)

n. 孩子

Cheer up, my boy!打起勇气!

n. 服务员

Pageboy 开车门的人

busboy 餐馆中打扫桌子的人

The bell boy is very responsible.

intej (美国口语中)表示惊奇的感叹词

Oh, boy(或者man) ,what a beautiful girl!


boyhood (少年时代);

boyish (孩子气的)


boyfriend (男朋友 );

playboy (花花公子);

the Boy Scouts (童子军);

busboy (餐馆中打扫桌子的人)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

农场工人 --- a farm boy

报童 --- a newspaper boy

习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs

page boy --- 听差的男孩

page 听从

party boy --- 善交际的男子

home boy --- 老乡

the boys --- 哥儿们

活用语 Street Talks

The cowboys in that movie are mostly nature boys.(男性味十足的男人)

A: Oh, boy! Look at that! (哎!哇!)

B: What is up? A: That house is on fire!

A: Mr. Smith, your son saved his classmate from drowning this morning!

B: That is my boy! (好小子)

A: Boy, you are in trouble!

B: Why?

A: Mom found out you have been skipping school.

I went to the bar with the boys last night.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I like to know what my boys are up to. 我想知道这些男生都是做什么的。《毕业生》

That boy sure is a running fool. 《阿甘正传》

So, you boys from Arkansas, huh? 《阿甘正传》

对话 Mr.Braddock:Listen. Now I’m going to ask for a big round of applause to bring this boy out here—All

right.Now wait a minute—Oh, let mea mend that—to bring this young man out here—because

today he is twenty-one years old—

Mr. Arnold: Yeah. Let’s get on with the show! 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

As the boy is, so is the man.三岁看老。

名言 Quotations

There comes a time in every rightly constructed boy is life when he has a raging desire to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.Mark Twain (1835-1910), U.S. author. Tom Sawyer, ch. 26(1876).



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 职务,职责

It is your business to take care of the kids. (你的职责是照顾孩子。)

n. 职业

 What line of business are you in? (你从事那一行?)

n. 商业

go into business 从商

John wants to go into business when he leaves university.


businessman/ businesswoman (商人(男/女));

businesslike (公事化的);

business hours (营业时间,办公时间)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

娱乐圈 --- show biz(business)

Fashion show 时装表演

Show time  演出时间

Show off 露脸,显示

Show up  出现

开始办正事,言归正传 ---to get (down)to business =let is get to the point

别管闲事 --- mind one’s own business

与…无关,没有权力… --- have no business to (do)

忙自己的事情 --- go about one’s business

破产,倒闭 --- go out of business

习语与俗语Idioms &Slangs

business is business --- 公事公办

sb means business 某人是当真的 = I mean it 我是当真的

I don’t mean it.我不是故意的。

It’s none of your business. --- 不关你的事

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Hi Bob, how’s business? (情况如何)

B: Just okay.

A: Okay, enough small talk. Let’s get down to business/talk business. (谈正题吧)

B: Good idea.

A: Since we’re good friends, you don’t have to pay me.

B: No, I can’t accept it. Business is business.

A: Joanna, will you go out with me tonight?

B: I’d like to, but I’m afraid I can’t. I have another date tonight.

A: With who?

B: David! C’mon! It’s none of your business. (你就别管了)

A: Why are you so happy?

B: Well, the bank just called and agreed to finance us.So we are in business now, buddy!

(I have got a bank loan.我已经得到银行的贷款。)

A: Hi Jane where’s your husband?

B: He’s away on business.(出差了)

I majored in bookkeeping(簿记) in business school.

Be careful, these guys mean business.

Minor in 辅修

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 1 You went to business school, I can’t get you anywhere near the office. 《情归巴黎》

2 Cash, stock, and they don’t want to tell me how to run the business. 《情归巴黎》

3 In all these years, you’ve never once seenthe face of somebody the day after we have taken over their business(破产了,别人收购)。

have you? 《情归巴黎》

Didn’t you once say “Everything isbusiness”? 《情归巴黎》

Don’t mention the IRS or the federal business system. 《西雅图夜未眠》

Well this is your business, I don’t want to play games with you. 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

Business makes a man as well as tries him. 事业既会考验人,也会造就人。

Business is the salt of life. 事业是人生之盐,不可缺少。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. [C] 小汽车 (美语中也用 automobile)

He goes to school by car.

n. 车厢 (美语中也用carriage)

Cafe cars are operated on trains by the Railways. (列车上有吸烟休息室的餐车由铁道部门经营。)

Auto industry 汽车工业

Sleeping car 卧铺车厢

Dinner car 餐车车厢

n. 其他车辆

I go to work by street car every day. (有轨电车)

车身--- body

轮胎--- tire(BritishEnglish: tyre)

前灯--- headlight

方向灯--- turn signal

保险杠--- bumper

引擎盖--- hood

方向盘--- steering wheel

后视镜--- rearview mirror

行李箱--- trunk

挡风玻璃--- windshield

发动机;引擎 --- engine

变速箱--- transmission

离合器 --- clutch

仪表盘 --- dash board

跑车--- coupe(2 door sporty car)

轿车--- sedan(4 door family car)

三排以上座位的豪华车--- limonsine

敞篷车--- convertible

吉普类车---SUV (sportutility vehicle)

刹车--- brake

防死刹车系统--- ABS (Anti-lockbrake system)

车牌--- license plate

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

晕车 --- car sickness

缆车 --- a cable car

车祸 --- car accident (短时间的)

停车场 --- car park

车费 --- car fare

Carsick  晕车

习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs

car pool(ing) --- 为了节省parking space, 几人共同使用一辆车

car jack --- 在车中强行抢车

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Can I borrow your car tonight?

B: Just make sure you don’t wreck it.

A: Nancy, you want to go to a movie now?

B: Sorry, I can’t leave now. I’m car poolingtoday

电影对白 Transcripts

Check yourself before wreck yourself.先检查自己。

句型 Do you have apatrol car in the vicinity of twelve hundred Glenview Road? 《毕业生》

Did the dry cleaners have your car? 《情归巴黎》

I was just taking her hand, to help her out of a car. 《西雅图夜未眠》

The car is down this way. 《西雅图夜未眠》

Please do not leave your car unattended. 《毕业生》

对话 Mr. Carlson: Is that the new car out there? The little red Wop job?

Mr. Braddock: That’s Ben’s graduation present. 《毕业生》

Mrs. Robinson: We’d go to his car.

Ben: Oh no. In the car you did it?

Mrs. Robinson: I don’t think we were the first.

Ben: What kind of car was it?

Mrs. Robinson: What?

Ben: Do you remember the make of the car?

Mrs. Robinson: Oh my God.

Ben: Really. I want to know.

Mrs. Robinson: It was a Ford, Benjamin. 《毕业生》.

名言 Quotations

I don’t even like old cars … I’d rather have a goddam horse. A horse is atleast human, for God’s sake.

J. D. Salinger (b. 1919), U.S. author. Holden Caulfield,in The Catcher in the Rye, ch. 17 (1951).



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 偶然性,运气

Bill left everything to chance. (每件事都听其自然。)

n. [C] 机会

John wants to go abroad when he gets a chance.

n. 可能

This ideal stands a good chance of realization.理想可能会实现。

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

邂逅 --- chance meeting

私生子 --- chance child

偶然地 --- by chance

碰碰运气 --- take a chance

听天由命,顺其自然 --- leave…to chance

机会/可能性很大 --- stand a good chance

可能性很小 --- slim chance

习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs

Fat chance! --- 没戏!(Not a chance. Noway.)

Chinaman’s chance --- 机会渺茫(美国社会中种族歧视严重,中国人的命运可想而知)

chance of a life time --- 千载难逢的机会(=once in a blue moon)

the chance is that 可能

by any chance --- 或许,可能

the chance are that --- 很可能

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Sally, I was wondering if I, I could borrow…Well I mean…Imean borrow…

B: Money? Me lend you money! Not a chance! (全无机会)

A: Well Mr. Black, I appreciate your interest in ourcompany, but I doubt you can do this job properly.

B: I’m sure I can do it well. I’ve always wanted to be the best in whatever I did. Give me a chance. (给我一次机会吧)

A: Well, the debate was fair.

B: Yeah, you said it. Each opponent had a chance to speak.

A: As chance would have it, I ran into Ron today. (很凑巧)

B: Do you have a cigarette by chance? (凑巧)

A: VV, would you lend me 50,000?

B: Fat chance!

What about my chances to got this job?

Are you from China by any chance?

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 The only chancethey’ll ever have is a half way house, that’ll help them gettheir feet under them again. 《情归巴黎》

But, I’d go and visit her every chance I got. 《阿甘正传》

Everybody gets a second chance. 《阿甘正传》

Give it a chance. 《情归巴黎》

对话 David: Who are youto lecture me about closeness? Your idea of a long-term relationship is givingyour date a

chance to order dessert.

Linus: I don’t have time for dessert. I’m too busy with this company. You’re a grown man, David. Finish

something. Elizabeth Tyson’s the best things that ever happened to you, and you told me so yourself. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Chance dispenses life with unequal justice.人生际遇,难得平等。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. [C] 孩子

Tom’s first child died two days after he got divorced.

n. 无经验的人,行动像小孩子的人

My wife is a child in financial matters. (我的妻子不善于理财)

n. 产儿,产物

His books were the children of his brain.


childish (幼稚的,孩子气的);

childlike (天真的,特指大人的言行);

childhood (童年);

childless (无子女的);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

临产胎儿 --- child about-to-be-born

The child is due next week.孩子下周出生。

淘气的孩子 --- naughty child

任性的孩子 --- wilful child

彬彬有礼的孩子 --- a well-behaved child

有天赋的孩子 --- a gifted child

独生子 --- the only child=sole child(I am sole son in my family)

抚养孩子 --- raise a child

习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs

wild child --- 舞会狂 (party animal)

child’s play --- 极易做的事,小菜一碟;不重要的行为

It’s a snap = no sweat.小菜一碟

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Daddy, uncle Willie is too fat.

B: Huh! He’ll be angry when he hears that.

C: Let it be, honey. He’s only a child.Children and fools speak the truth.

A: That’s not fair!

B: Stop acting like such a child! (别这么幼稚。)

A: Was the test difficult?

B: Child’s play. (小儿科。)

I’m a real wild child. I like to drink, chase women, and smoke weed. (大麻)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 The doctors hadbegged me to take drugs, but I kept saying I wouldn’t do anything tohurt my child. 《情归巴黎》

All children are hideous at the age of eight. 《西雅图夜未眠》

对话 Sabrina: What washe like as a child? Mr. Fairchild: Shorter. 《情归巴黎》

Forrest: I liked that guitar. It sounded good. I started moving around to the music, swing in’ my hips. This night,

me and mama was out shoppin’ and we walked right by Pitsey’s Furnature and Appliance store, Guess

what... (Elvis was on TV dancing the way that Forresttaught him)

Mrs.Gump: This is not for children’s eyes. 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

Children and fools cannot lie.孩子和傻子,不会说谎。

The child is father of the man.童年的经历可决定成年以后的性格(三岁看大)



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. [C] (时)钟

I set my alarm clock for 6.30. (我把闹钟拨到6 点半响。)

v. 计时;记录

This old car has clocked up another 50,000 kilometers. (这部老爷车已经行驶了5 万公里)

v. 达到(速度)

He clocked 9.6 seconds for the 100 meters. (他用9.6 秒跑完100 米)


clockwise (顺时针);

clock tower (钟楼);

clock watcher (总看钟点等着下班的人)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

把钟拨准 --- put the clock right

把钟拨慢 --- turn back the clock

把钟拨快 --- set a clock ahead

争分夺秒 --- race work against the clock

给钟上发条 --- wind a clock

抢时间 --- fight the clock

连轴转 --- work around the clock

习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs

clock in/ clock out ---(上班/ 下班)签到;打卡(=punch in,punch out)

stay the clock --- 不介意时间 (forget about time)

around the clock --- 夜以继日

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Damn George, he’s trying to kill the clock. (为保持分数而拿着球拖延比赛时间)

B: We’ve got to stop him. Come on!

If you don’t shut up, buster, I’m gonna clean your clock! (狠揍你一顿)

A: All staff in the company are required to clock in. (记录上班时间)

B: Clock in? You mean punch in? (同样表示记录上班时间)

A: Yes!

B: Do we have staff who usually clock in late?

A: Sometimes, yes.

B: Well I used to set my alarm clock for exactly 7 o’clock a.m. I’m sure I won’t be late forwork.

Let’s stay the clock babygirl, and enjoyourselves. (忘记时间)



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 同伴

I don’t feel at home in Alice’s company. (觉得不自在)

n. 陪伴

George keeps his own company. (独来独往)

n. 公司

This company laid off 100 hands.(公司裁员) (人)公司名通常简写为: Co.例:史密斯公司--- Smith Co.

Laid-off workers 下岗工人


companion (伙伴);

companionship (友谊,伴侣关系);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

出版社 --- a publishing company

陪伴 --- for company

和某人一道 --- keep sbpany

和…交往,与…为友--- keep company with

和…一起 --- be in company with

断绝来往 --- part company with

习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs

company man --- (白领阶层的)受雇者

Two is company, three is crowd. --- 两人为伴,三人添乱.

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Jack doesn’ t enjoy the company of the opposite sex!(不喜欢与异性作伴)

B: What a queer bird! (多奇怪的人啊!)

C: No, I don’t think so. I think he’s glad of Joanna’s company!

A: See, they’re over there!!!

A: What does your son do for a living?

B: He works for a shipping company.

A: John and Kate are keeping company. (谈恋爱)

B: Well I don’t think they are serious. Parents usually remind their kids to avoid the company of strangers. (避免与陌生人交往)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Anyway, like I was saying, I had a lot of company. 《阿甘正传》

He graduated from Yale at 19 and took his mother and company for a ride on the fiber-optic highway, and turned a one hundred million dollar family business into some serious money. 《情归巴黎》

I’m too busy with this company. 《情归巴黎》

It’s like what happens when I watch those phone company ads.《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Better go it alone than to be in bad company.宁可一人独往,莫与坏人为伴。

You may know a man by the company he keeps.只见其友则知其人。



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