
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-09 14:26:32

现在将这种胰岛素泵称为人工<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/889762.html style=胰腺还为时过早"/>


The diabetic internet and lots of mainstream news agencies are abuzz about the new insulin pump from Medtronic. Poorly written news articles that are effectively regurgitations of the Medtronic Press Release have exciting headlines like this:

糖尿病患者的互联网和许多主流新闻机构都对美敦力公司的新型胰岛素泵感到不安。 糟糕的新闻报道实际上是Medtronic新闻稿的反驳之词,其令人兴奋的标题如下:

  • FDA approves artificial pancreas you can wear


  • Medtronic's Artificial Pancreas Approved for US Diabetics


  • FDA Approves First Artificial Pancreas For Patients With Diabetes


Other news outlets have slightly better headlines like


  • Medtronic takes step toward an artificial pancreas


But then ruin it with vague subtitles that are missing important context:


  • FDA approved the company’s automated insulin delivery system.


这是步骤1,可能是步骤0。 (This is Step 1, possibly Step 0.)

TO BE CLEAR. This new Medtronic 530G pump is NOT an artificial pancreas. It is an insulin pump, similar to the very model I'm wearing right now. It is paired with a revision of Medtronic's CGM (Continuous Glucose Meter) system and it does one new thing.

要清除。 这种新型Medtronic 530G泵不是人工胰腺。 这是一个胰岛素泵,类似于我现在所穿的那个型号。 它与美敦力(Medtronic)的CGM(连续血糖仪)系统的修订版配对,它做了一件新的事情。

This new pump will turn off if you ignore its alarm that you may be having a low blood sugar.


Read it again, I'll wait.


Note the JDRF chart above describing the steps we need to towards a true artificial pancreas. This new 530G from Medtronic is arguably Step 1 in this 6 step process. It's the first step of the first generation.

请注意上面的JDRF图表,该图表描述了我们为实现真正的人造胰腺所需的步骤。 美敦力的新530G可以说是这6步过程中的第一步。 这是第一代的第一步。

But wait, doesn't your pump just handle things for you? You don't have to stick your fingers anymore, right? Wrong.

但是,等等,您的泵不只是为您处理事情吗? 您不必再伸出手指了,对吗? 错误。

Let's stop and level set for a moment. Here's a generalization of your day if you're not diabetic.

让我们停下来,水平设置片刻。 如果您不是糖尿病患者,那么这是您一天的总结。

Here's what a Type 1 diabetic (like me) does:


If I get this new pump that news outlets are incorrectly calling an artificial pancreas will anything in this cycle change? No.

如果我得到这台新泵,则新闻媒体错误地呼叫了人工胰腺,这个周期中的一切会改变吗? 没有。

There's NOTHING automatic here. I want to make that clear. Today's insulin pumps are NOT automatic. I set them manually, I tell them what to do manually. Yes, they "automatically deliver insulin as I sleep" but only because I told it to. If I eat and do nothing, I WILL get high blood sugar and today's insulin pumps will do exactly NOTHING about it.

这里没有自动的。 我想说清楚。 今天的胰岛素泵不是自动的。 我手动设置它们,告诉他们手动执行什么操作。 是的,它们“在我睡觉时自动提供胰岛素”,但这只是因为我告诉过我。 如果我不吃东西什么也不做,我将得到高血糖,而今天的胰岛素泵将完全不做任何事情。

If I only make decisions about insulin dosage based on my CGM then I WILL eventually get in trouble because today's CGMs are demonstrably less accurate than finger sticks. And, here's the kicker, finger sticks aren't even that accurate either.

如果我仅根据我的CGM来决定胰岛素的剂量,那我最终会遇到麻烦,因为今天的CGM显然不如手指棒。 而且,这就是踢脚,指棒也不是那么精确。

Even more insidious is the issue of lag time. Medtronic's last generation of CGM lagged by 20 to 30 minutes BEHIND a finger stick. That meant I was getting "real time values" that in fact represented my blood sugar in the past. It's hard to make reliable altitude changes in your plane if your altimeter shows your altitude a half hour ago.

滞后时间的问题更加阴险。 美敦力的最后一代CGM在手指棒停留20至30分钟后出现滞后。 这意味着我获得的“实时值”实际上代表了过去的血糖 如果高度计在半小时前显示您的高度,则很难在飞机上进行可靠的高度变化。

The Medtronic Press Release says that this new Enlite Sensor is 31% more accurate. I hope so. I personally continue to use a Medtronic 522 pump (this new one is the 530G) but I have given up on Medtronic's CGM in favor of a Dexcom G4. I am thrilled with it. The G4 has about a 5 minute lag time and is astonishingly accurate.

Medtronic新闻稿称,这种新型Enlite传感器的精度提高了31%。 希望如此。 我个人继续使用Medtronic 522泵(这一新泵是530G),但我放弃了Medtronic的CGM,转而使用Dexcom G4。 我很高兴。 G4大约有5分钟的滞后时间,并且非常精确。

NOTE: I have no personal or investment relationship with either Dexcom or Medtronic. I am not a doctor or a scientist. I write this blog post with the expertise of someone who has been a Type 1 Diabetic for 20 years, a user of a Medtronic Pump for 15 years, a user of a Medtronic CGM for 4 years, and more recently a user of a Dexcom G4 for a year. My most recent A1C test was 5.5 putting my blood sugars at near non-diabetic levels on average. TL;DR - I'm a very good diabetic who uses the best available technology to keep me alive as long as possible.

注意:我与Dexcom或Medtronic没有个人或投资关系。 我不是医生或科学家。 我撰写此博客文章的专业知识来自曾从事20型糖尿病1年,使用Medtronic泵已有15年,使用Medtronic CGM已有4年以及最近使用Dexcom G4的用户。一年。 我最近的A1C测试值为5.5,使我的血糖平均平均接近非糖尿病水平。 TL; DR-我是一位非常优秀的糖尿病患者,他使用最先进的技术使我尽可能长寿。

I am extremely disappointed in the lack of research, due diligence and basic medical common sense in these articles. If you are a Type 1 Diabetic or have someone in your life who is, do the research and the reading and please spread the word so people can make informed decisions.

我对这些文章缺乏研究,尽职调查和基本医学常识感到非常失望。 如果您是1型糖尿病患者或生活中有某人,请进行研究和阅读,并广为宣传,以使人们可以做出明智的决定。

相关阅读 (Related Reading)

  • The Sad State of Diabetes Technology in 2012


  • Scott's Diabetes Explanation: The Airplane Analogy


  • YOUTUBE: How my diabetes equipment works





本文发布于:2024-02-07 08:00:24,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:为时过早   胰腺   胰岛素泵


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