php 每月账单

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php 每月账单

php 每月账单

Sure, the smart home of the future might make you toast before you wake up, order your groceries automatically, and walk the dog without you having to put on your shoes… but did you know it might even be able to save you money too?


Though advancements like those found in Energy Star appliances get us half the way there, your monthly power bill will still continue to climb if you run an Energy Star-compliant air conditioner 18-hours a day.


No matter how much engineering went into making your A/C more efficient, only Internet-connected smart devices like the Nest Thermostat, GE Link Lightbulb, and assorted other WiFi-ready appliances will help keep more cash in your pocket when the bill collectors show up at the end of each month.

无论为了提高A / C效率而花费了多少工程,只有当收账员显示时,只有联网的智能设备(如Nest Thermostat,GE Link灯泡和其他支持WiFi的其他设备)才能将更多的现金留在您的口袋里在每个月底。

智能恒温器 (Smart Thermostats)

Of all the products we have listed here, smart thermostats like the Nest are probably the most easily recognizable to the public.


Nest first gained notoriety when Google snatched the company up for a cool $3.2 billion back in January of last year and quickly became the go-to reference point for the tech industry that the Internet of Things was primed to invade our homes sooner than anybody could have thought.

当Google于去年1月以32亿美元的价格将公司以惊人的价格收购时, Nest首先臭名昭著。思想。

The (reasonable) concern, of course, is what does a company that makes the lion’s share of its profit off of advertising want with a piece of technology that keeps your home warm or cool?


Well, the “how” of how Nest works might help to clue you in.


The Nest lives up to the ‘smart’ portion of its moniker by selectively heating, or cooling, individual rooms in your house depending on where it senses the most activity. Instead of simply blasting out heat or A/C to every room in a home and hoping that the vents are closed in any rooms that are vacant, the Nest uses an array of sensors to detect not just which rooms have people in them at any given time but also the actual number of people that are present to decide how much power it needs to put into climate control every hour.

Nest会根据感觉最活跃的位置,选择性地加热或冷却房屋中的各个房间,从而达到其绰号的“智能”部分。 Nest并非简单地向家中的每个房间散发热量或空调,而是希望在空置的房间中关闭通风口,Nest使用一系列传感器来检测在给定的房间中不仅有房间有人时间和实际在场人数 ,以决定每小时需要投入多少电量用于气候控制。

This means your house is never using any more energy than it absolutely has to. The Nest can also sense whether or not anyone is home at all, and will automatically shut off your heating or cooling as soon as it knows that the front door is shut behind you and your family.

这意味着您的房子所消耗的能源绝不会超过绝对所需。 Nest还可以感应到是否有人在家里,并且只要知道前门在您和您的家人身后被关闭,就会自动关闭您的暖气或制冷设备。

The end result of this customized approach is a huge savings both in electricity and gas costs, as no more hot air is pumped out of your line than is required on any given day.


智能灯泡 (Smart Lightbulbs)

“Turn off the lights when you leave the room!”


Anyone who’s had energy-conscious parents (or are one themselves) have probably heard this rant at one point or another in their lives. As nighttime lighting – and our overuse of it – continues to be one of the greatest power drains in homes both old and modern, the solution to this age old problem comes in the form of smart lightbulbs.

那些有节俭意识的父母(或自己一个人)的人可能在生活中的某个时刻或另一时刻听到了这种怨言。 随着夜间照明(以及我们对它的过度使用)继续成为旧住宅和现代住宅中最大的耗电量之一,解决这一古老问题的办法是采用智能灯泡。

Though they certainly aren’t anything new (some of the first versions were on the market as early as 2006), they still rank as one of the best ways to keep you can keep the energy costs of your home at a reasonable level throughout the night.


Smartbulbs are WiFi-enabled lightbulbs that screw into any standard socket in your home, and communicate with smartphone or desktop apps to tell you when they’re on, when they’re off, and which spot in the house is using them the most often.


Two of our favorite entries into this category of smart appliance include the GE Link bulbs, and the Phillips Hue Lux. Both come with individual apps that allow you to customize a wide array of settings, including variable brightnesses that accommodate to the specific time of day, scheduling that turns the bulbs on a few minutes before you wake up, and even the option to track your smartphone’s location so the lights will automatically shut off if they detect you’ve left the house altogether.

在此类智能设备中,我们最喜欢的两个条目是GE Link灯泡和Phillips Hue Lux 。 两者都带有单独的应用程序,可让您自定义各种各样的设置,包括适应一天中特定时间的可变亮度,安排在醒来前几分钟打开灯泡的时间表,甚至还可以选择跟踪智能手机的位置,因此如果它们检测到您完全离开了房屋,则灯会自动关闭。

The lights can be had for an average of around $25 a bulb, (the Hue will run you about $40 per unit, while the GE Link comes in a bit cheaper at $15 a piece), and because they use LED technology to brighten up a room, can last for tens of thousands of hours before finally burning out.

灯泡的平ASP格约为每只灯泡25美元(Hue的价格约为每只40美元,而GE Link的价格为每只便宜15美元),并且因为它们使用LED技术来照亮灯泡。房间,可以持续数万小时,直到最终耗尽。

This isn’t just a bonus for our environment, it also means you’ll end up spending less money over time replacing old-school iridescents that pop and fizz out in less than a hundred hours at most. Sure, the upfront cost might be a bit scary, but when you do the math, it’s hard to make any other choice.

这不仅对我们的环境有好处,而且还意味着您最终将花费更少的时间来替换最多在不到100小时内弹出并发出嘶嘶声的老式彩虹色。 当然,前期成本可能有点吓人,但是当您进行数学计算时,很难做出其他选择。

智能洗衣机/烘干机组合 (Smart Washer/Dryer Combos)

But what good is a smart home if all your devices aren’t secretly talking to each other behind your back?


Enter the new line of energy-efficient smart washer/dryer combos from Whirlpool. The Whirlpool Duet machines are washers and dryers that have been folded into the family of “Works with Nest” appliances, utilizing the Nest’s sensors to find out when you’re at home, at work, or on vacation, and adjusting their cycles accordingly.

输入惠而浦的节能智能洗衣机/烘干机组合的新系列。 惠而浦二重奏洗衣机是烘干机和烘干机,它们被折叠成“可与Nest配合使用 ”的产品系列,利用Nest的传感器找出您何时在家,在工作或度假,并相应地调整周期。

Some nifty features in this realm include the ability to talk to the Nest to find out if anyone is in the house after a wash load is finished. If not, the washer will turn on a slow, air-dry tumble that keeps your clothes from getting mildewy while you’re away, thus preventing the need for another wash afterward.

该领域的一些漂亮功能包括能够与Nest交谈以找出在完成洗涤负荷后是否有人在家中的功能。 如果没有,洗衣机将打开缓慢的风干滚筒,使您出门时衣服不会发霉,从而避免以后再洗衣服。

Similarly, the dryer can use something called an “Airflow Alert”, which will text or email you if it detects a blockage in the air vents that could prevent the dryer from pulling out moisture as efficiently as possible in each load.


Both appliances also come with the “Smart Delay” feature, which means they won’t turn on between peak energy usage hours (usually 3pm – 6pm in most regions), without asking for a specific override first. This addition not only saves you money, but also helps to lessen the strain on the grid while the majority of people are at home and running energy-intensive products like hair dryers, TVs, and microwaves.

两种设备还具有“智能延迟”功能,这意味着它们不会在高峰用电时间(在大多数地区通常为下午3点至下午6点)之间打开,而无需先要求特定的优先控制。 这种添加不仅可以节省您的钱,而且还可以减轻大多数人在家中运行诸如吹风机,电视和微波炉等高能耗产品时对电网造成的压力。

智能厨房 (Smart Kitchen)

Speaking of microwaves, what home of the future would be complete without a few Internet-connected kitchen gadgets?


By tuning in with the Nest, appliances hooked up to the LG HomeChat network can synergise with the thermostat and pull data down about when you’re home or away to tune their power settings accordingly.

通过与Nest配合使用,连接到LG HomeChat网络的设备可以与恒温器协同工作,并在您在家或外出时提取数据,以相应地调整其电源设置。

Fridges, ovens, dishwashers, and microwaves under flying the LG flag can all enter what’s called “energy saving mode”, which will alter how much power they pull down depending on whether or not the occupants of a particular residence are present or not.


HomeChat even allows your appliances to text you with friendly reminders to turn them off when they’ve been inactive for too long, and allow you to control them depending on the commands sent back and forth between you and your automated devices.


智能视窗 (Smart Windows)

And to close out, we have the windows; the last culprit you’d expect. Though you probably wouldn’t believe it without reading it here first, the windows in your home can let in over 40 percent of unwanted heat during the summertime months, a figure that homeowners will try and compensate for simply by cranking the A/C up an extra few notches instead of shutting their curtains or blinds.

要关闭,我们有窗户; 您期望的最后罪魁祸首。 虽然您可能不会不先阅读这里就不会相信它, 但是在夏季,家里的窗户可以让40%以上的多余热量散失,而房主只需简单地提高A / C就能弥补这一损失。多留一些缺口,而不是关闭窗帘或百叶窗。

Well now, you don’t have to compromise between enjoying a little natural light in your living room and keeping things comfortable with SmartTint window film. SmartTint acts like a pair of transition sunglasses for your whole home, which can be activated or de-activated with the push of a button. When applied to any windows that directly face the sun, the film will gently tint the glass so all the UVB and UVA rays that carry the most heat with them are blocked out, while the light itself is still able to pour in.

现在,您不必在客厅里享受一点自然光与使用SmartTint窗膜让一切舒适之间做出妥协。 SmartTint就像整个家中的过渡太阳镜一样,只需按一下按钮即可激活或停用。 当将其应用于任何直接面向太阳的窗户时,该膜将轻轻地使玻璃着色,从而将所有携带热量最多的UVB和UVA射线阻挡,同时仍然可以将光倒入。

This means that your house stays cooler for longer during the most punishingly hot portions of the day. Less heat equals less cooling, and less cooling means less money you’ll have to shell out when the electric company comes knocking at the end of each 30-day cycle.

这意味着您的房屋在一天中最酷的炎热时段保持凉爽的时间更长。 更少的热量等于更少的冷却,而更少的冷却意味着更少的钱,这是因为电力公司在每个30天的周期结束时敲门而入。

While we may not live in a futurists world reminiscent of something you’d see on the Jetsons just yet, the smart home of the future isn’t nearly as far off as you might think.


Devices like the Nest Thermostat, the GE Link smartbulb, and Smart Film are introducing subtle, but substantial technologies into our caves that make things a bit more comfortable, all while saving you precious cash on your monthly bills along the way.

Nest Thermostat,GE Link smartbulb和Smart Film等设备正在向我们的洞穴引入微妙但实用的技术,使事情变得更舒适,同时还为您节省了每月账单上的宝贵现金。

Image Credits: Flickr 1, 2, 3, Wikimedia 1, LG

图像现金:Flickr的1 , 2 , 3 ,维基1 , LG

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php 每月账单


php 每月账单

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