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wordpress 邮件

wordpress 邮件

Recently, one of our readers asked us how to prevent newsletter signup spam in WordPress?


Sometimes spam bots fill in your newsletter signup forms and add dummy email addresses to your email list. This costs you money and email service providers can mark your emails as spam.

有时,垃圾邮件漫游器会填写您的新闻简报注册表单,并将虚拟电子邮件地址添加到您的电子邮件列表中。 这需要您花钱,电子邮件服务提供商可以将您的电子邮件标记为垃圾邮件。

In this article, we’ll explain how to prevent newsletter signup spam in WordPress and keep your email list healthy and spam free.


什么是通讯注册垃圾邮件,为什么要阻止它? (What is Newsletter Signup Spam and Why Prevent It?)

Newsletter signup spam is when a bot fills in a form and joins your email list.


It happens because some spambots simply fill in all the forms they come across. They’re hoping to get a message to you.

之所以会这样,是因为有些垃圾广告只是简单地填写了它们遇到的所有形式。 他们希望收到消息。

While newsletter signup spam may be less noticeable than comment spam and contact form spam, it can still cause problems.


Almost all email marketing services charge you based on the number of subscribers you have in your list. This means, you can end up paying for subscribers who are just bots, which is a waste of your money.

几乎所有的电子邮件营销服务都是根据列表中订阅者的数量向您收费。 这意味着,您最终需要为仅仅是机器人的订阅者付费,这是浪费您的钱。

Plus, if you’re sending out emails to bot email addresses that don’t exist, then this can potentially damage your sender reputation.


There are several ways to prevent newsletter signup spam, and in this article we will cover all the best methods:


  • Use double optin to prevent newsletter signup spam使用双重选择防止通讯订阅垃圾邮件
  • Use reCAPTCHA on your newsletter signup form在新闻简报注册表单上使用reCAPTCHA
  • Use a smart lead verification service使用智能潜在客户验证服务
  • Check your list for suspicious email addresses or activity检查您的列表中是否有可疑的电子邮件地址或活动
使用双优先级来防止通讯注册垃圾邮件 (Use Double Optin to Prevent Newsletter Signup Spam)

Double optin, sometimes called confirmed optin, is useful in several ways. It means people have to confirm they want to receive your emails.

双重选择素,有时也称为确认的选择素,在几种方面有用。 这意味着人们必须确认他们想接收您的电子邮件。

When a user first signs up, they get a special email with a button or link to click. If they don’t click this, then they will not receive any further emails. Here’s an example from Elegant Themes‘ email list:

用户首次注册时,会收到带有按钮或单击链接的特殊电子邮件。 如果他们不单击此按钮,则他们将不会再收到任何电子邮件。 这是“ 优雅主题 ”电子邮件列表中的示例:

This method stops many spambots from becoming full members of your list. They will not be counted in your total subscribers when your email marketing service bills you.

此方法阻止许多垃圾邮件机器人成为列表的正式成员。 当您的电子邮件营销服务向您收费时,它们将不会计入您的总订阅人数中。

Double optin has a number of other benefits, too:

Double optin也有许多其他好处:

  • You will only email people who truly want to be on your list.

  • You will not be emailing addresses that don’t exist. This can happen if someone mistypes their email address when signing up.

    您将不会通过电子邮件发送不存在的地址。 如果有人在注册时输入了错误的电子邮件地址,则会发生这种情况。
  • Your emails will be more likely to get through. Some mail providers require double optin in order to deliver emails.

    您的电子邮件将更有可能通过。 一些邮件提供商需要双重选择才能发送电子邮件。

All reputable email marketing services offer double optin. It often comes enabled by default.

所有信誉良好的电子邮件营销服务均提供双重选择。 默认情况下通常会启用它。

Setting Up Double Optin With Constant Contact


Constant Contact is top of our list of best email marketing services. It’s easy to set up double optin for your Constant Contact lists.

持续联系是我们最佳电子邮件营销服务列表的顶部。 为“恒定联系人”列表设置双重选择很容易。

First, login to your Constant Contact email marketing account. Then, click on your name in the top right hand corner and click the ‘My Settings’ link:

首先,登录到您的“ 恒定联系”电子邮件营销帐户。 然后,单击右上角的名称,然后单击“我的设置”链接:

Next, click the ‘Manage Contact Emails’ link. This will take you to the Contact Emails page.

接下来,点击“管理联系人电子邮件”链接。 这将带您进入“联系电子邮件”页面。

On the Contact Emails page, scroll down to the Confirm Optin section. Here, you just need to click the ‘Activate’ button to turn on double optin:

在“联系人电子邮件”页面上,向下滚动到“确认密码”部分。 在这里,您只需要单击“激活”按钮以启用双重选择:

You will then see a popup asking you whether you want to continue. Simply click the ‘Yes, Continue’ button here:

然后,您将看到一个弹出窗口,询问您是否要继续。 只需单击此处的“是,继续”按钮:

Constant Contact will now take you straight to the optin confirmation email. You can edit the text of this email if you want.

现在,Constant Contact将直接带您进入确认电子邮件。 您可以根据需要编辑此电子邮件的文本。

New subscribers to your email list will now receive a confirmation email. They need to click the ‘Confirm Subscription’ button to become full members of your list.

电子邮件列表的新订阅者现在将收到一封确认电子邮件。 他们需要单击“确认订阅”按钮才能成为列表的正式成员。

The process is similar for other email marketing services like Drip, SendinBlue, ConvertKit, MailChimp, etc.

对于其他电子邮件营销服务(例如Drip , SendinBlue , ConvertKit , MailChimp等),此过程类似。

Unfortunately, some spambots are clever enough that they can click on email links and confirm their membership of your list. In this case, you can try some of these other methods to prevent them from signing up for your email list.

不幸的是,一些垃圾邮件搜索者非常聪明,他们可以单击电子邮件链接并确认其在列表中的成员身份。 在这种情况下,您可以尝试使用其他一些方法来阻止他们注册您的电子邮件列表。

在通讯注册表单上使用reCAPTCHA (Using reCAPTCHA on Your Newsletter Signup Form)

Using reCAPTCHA is a great way to block spambots from completing your form and getting on your list in the first place.


We’re going to show you how to use reCAPTCHA with 2 popular tools, OptinMonster and WPForms.


Using reCAPTCHA with OptinMonster to Prevent Email Signup Spam


OptinMonster is a popular lead generation tool that you can use on your WordPress site. It lets you create a wide range of email signup forms, including popups, slide-in forms, inline forms, sticky bars, and more.

OptinMonster是一种流行的潜在客户生成工具,可以在WordPress网站上使用。 它使您可以创建各种电子邮件注册表单,包括弹出窗口,插入式表单,嵌入式表单,粘性栏等。

You can easily add a reCAPTCHA to your OptinMonster forms (optins).


To do so, you’ll first need to sign up for Google’s reCAPTCHA and register your site there. Just follow our step by step instructions on using reCAPTCHA for help with this.

为此,您首先需要注册Google的reCAPTCHA并在那里注册您的网站。 只需按照我们有关使用reCAPTCHA的逐步说明进行操作即可 。

It’s easy to integrate OptinMonster with Google reCAPTCHA. Simply login to your OptinMonster account, click on your profile name and then click on the ‘Sites’ link in the dropdown menu:

将OptinMonster与Google reCAPTCHA集成起来很容易。 只需登录您的OptinMonster帐户,单击您的个人资料名称,然后单击下拉菜单中的“站点”链接:

Here, you just need to find your website in the list and click on the ‘Edit’ link next to it.


Now, go ahead and scroll down to the Google reCAPTCHA fields. Copy your Site Key and Secret Key from your Google reCAPTCHA account here:

现在,继续向下滚动至Google reCAPTCHA字段。 从此处的Google reCAPTCHA帐户复制您的站点密钥和秘密密钥:

That’s all you need to do. All the email optin forms you create for that website will now be automatically protected against spam.

这就是您需要做的。 您为该网站创建的所有电子邮件选择表格现在都将自动受到垃圾邮件保护。

Using reCAPTCHA with WPForms to Prevent Email Signup Spam


If you’re using WPForms for your newsletter sign up form, it’s easy to use reCAPTCHA to prevent bots from joining your list.

如果您在新闻简报注册表单中使用WPForms ,则很容易使用reCAPTCHA来防止漫游器加入您的列表。

First, you need to enable reCAPTCHA under WPForms » Settings. To do this, you need a Site Key and Secret Key from Google. Just follow our step by step instructions on using reCAPTCHA for help with this.

首先,您需要在WPForms»Settings下启用reCAPTCHA。 为此,您需要Google提供的站点密钥和秘密密钥。 只需按照我们有关使用reCAPTCHA的逐步说明进行操作即可 。

Once you’ve enabled reCAPTCHA, go ahead and edit your newsletter signup form. You just need to click on the reCAPTCHA field on the left hand side:

启用reCAPTCHA后,请继续并编辑新闻简报注册表单。 您只需要单击左侧的reCAPTCHA字段:

Then, you will see a message letting you know that reCAPTCHA has been enabled for your form. Don’t forget to save your changes to your form.

然后,您将看到一条消息,通知您已为表单启用reCAPTCHA。 不要忘记将更改保存到表单。

Your form will now have the reCAPTCHA logo on it, showing that reCAPTCHA is active.


Most users will not even notice the reCAPTCHA, if you use the invisible version like us. They will only be prompted to complete a reCAPTCHA test if Google thinks they might be a bot.

如果您使用像我们这样的不可见版本,大多数用户甚至都不会注意到reCAPTCHA。 如果Google认为他们可能是机器人,则只会提示他们完成reCAPTCHA测试。

使用DataValidation中的智能潜在顾客验证 (Using Smart Lead Verification from DataValidation)

DataValidation offers an email verification service that checks email addresses on your list. You can use this to remove duplicates, filter out temporary and disposable email addresses, and verify whether email addresses are active.

DataValidation提供了一种电子邮件验证服务,可以检查列表中的电子邮件地址。 您可以使用它来删除重复项,过滤掉临时和一次性电子邮件地址,并验证电子邮件地址是否处于活动状态。

You will get a free quality report for all the lists you upload or import into the DataValidation app:


You can then pay to download or export just the email addresses that are high quality. This lets you easily and quickly remove any spambots from your list.

然后,您可以付费下载或仅导出高质量的电子邮件地址。 这样一来,您可以轻松快捷地从列表中删除所有垃圾邮件。

OptinMonster offers this service to their Enterprise customers. Just reach out to their support team if you’d like them to help with this.

OptinMonster向其企业客户提供此服务。 如果您希望他们提供帮助,请与他们的支持团队联系。

检查列表中的可疑电子邮件地址或活动 (Checking Your List for Suspicious Email Addresses or Activity)

If you don’t want to pay to use a smart lead verification service, you can manually remove suspicious email addresses from your email newsletter list.


There’s no perfect way to identify spambots, but one of the following indicators can be good clues:


  • They have an unusual looking email address, perhaps with lots of numbers or multiple dots in it.

  • They open 100% of your emails and click on every link. While this could be a very engaged subscriber, it’s quite likely to be a bot.

    他们打开您的电子邮件的100%,然后单击每个链接。 尽管这可能是一个非常投入的订户,但很可能是机器人。
  • They have never opened an email from you in a very long time.


Once you’ve found suspicious email addresses on your list, you can simply delete these subscribers.


What if you are unsure whether certain subscribers are real people or bots? You could tag them, then email them. Ask them to reply if they want to stay on your list. Then, go ahead and delete anyone who doesn’t reply.

如果您不确定某些订阅者是真实的人还是机器人,该怎么办? 您可以标记它们,然后通过电子邮件发送。 要求他们答复是否要保留在您的列表中。 然后,继续删除所有不回复的人。

To add a tag to a subscriber in Constant Contact, click the ‘Contacts’ tab then click on your chosen list. Next, find your subscriber. The easiest way to do this is to search by their email address.

要将标签添加到恒定联系人的订户中,请单击“联系人”选项卡,然后单击您选择的列表。 接下来,找到您的订户。 最简单的方法是按其电子邮件地址进行搜索。

Next, click on the three dots to the right of the subscriber’s details and click the ‘Edit’ link:


Tip: If you want to delete a subscriber, you can do that here by clicking the ‘Delete’ link.


Now, it’s time to add tags in the ‘Tags’ section on the right-hand side.


Once you’ve tagged all the subscribers who might be spambots, go ahead and create a new campaign. Before sending out the campaign, use the ‘Narrow by Tag’ option to send it only to people with the tag you set up:

标记所有可能是垃圾邮件的订户后,继续创建新的广告系列。 发送广告系列之前,请使用“按标签缩小”选项将其仅发送给设置了标签的用户:

Email newsletter spambot subscribers can be expensive and irritating. Make sure you use at least one of the above methods to keep your email list healthy and bots free.

电子邮件时事通讯spambot订阅者可能非常昂贵且令人讨厌。 确保至少使用上述方法之一,以使电子邮件列表保持健康,并且使漫游器免费。

We hope this article helped you learn how to prevent newsletter signup spam in WordPress. You might also want to see our tips on how to get more email newsletter subscribers, and our list of the best marketing automation tools.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何防止WordPress中的新闻稿注册垃圾邮件。 您可能还希望查看有关如何获得更多电子邮件新闻订阅者的提示 ,以及最佳营销自动化工具的列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

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