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%%%%%%%%% the signal components are crossing %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% this example is adopted from paper:Chen S, Peng Z, Yang Y, et al, Intrinsic chirp component decomposition by using Fourier Series representation, Signal Processing, 2017.clcclearclose allSampFreq = 100;t = 0:1/SampFreq:15;Sig1 = cos(2*pi*(0.23+15*t + 0.2*t.^2));IF1 = 15 + 0.4*t;amp2 = 0.5*cos(2*pi*0.3*t)+1;Sig2 = amp2.*cos(2*pi*(5*sin(pi/4*t) +5*t + 1.2*t.^2 ));IF2 = 5*pi/4*cos(pi*t/4) + 2.4*t + 5;Sig3 = cos(2*pi*(0.35+35*t - 0.8*t.^2));IF3 = 35 - 1.6*t;Sig = Sig1 + Sig2 + Sig3;figureset(gcf,'Position',[20 100 320 250]);      set(gcf,'Color','w'); plot(t,Sig);xlabel('Time / Sec','FontSize',12,'FontName','Times New Roman');ylabel('Amplitude','FontSize',12,'FontName','Times New Roman');set(gca,'FontSize',12)set(gca,'linewidth',1);%% STFTwindow = 128;Nfrebin = 1024;figure[Spec,f] = STFT(Sig',SampFreq,Nfrebin,window);imagesc(t,f,abs(Spec)); axis([0 15 0 50]);set(gcf,'Position',[20 100 320 250]);   xlabel('Time / Sec','FontSize',12,'FontName','Times New Roman');ylabel('Frequency / Hz','FontSize',12,'FontName','Times New Roman');set(gca,'YDir','normal')set(gca,'FontSize',12);set(gcf,'Color','w');  %% ridge extraction and smoothingbw = SampFreq/80;% the bandwidth of the TF filter for ridge extractionbeta1 = 1e-4; % beta1 should be larger than the following betanum = 3; % the number of the componentsdelta = 20;[fidexmult, tfdv] = extridge_mult(Sig, SampFreq, num, delta, beta1,bw,Nfrebin,window);figureset(gcf,'Position',[20 100 640 500]);      set(gcf,'Color','w'); plot(t,f(fidexmult),'linewidth',3); % detected ridge curvesxlabel('Time / Sec','FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New Roman');ylabel('Frequency / Hz','FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New Roman');set(gca,'FontSize',24)set(gca,'linewidth',2);axis([0 15 0 50]);%% ridge path regrouping (RPRG)% the RPRG algorithm is developed to extract ridge curves of crossed signal modes% more details about the RPRG can be found in paper: Chen S, Dong X, Xing G, et al, Separation of Overlapped Non-Stationary Signals by Ridge Path Regrouping and Intrinsic Chirp Component Decomposition, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2017.thrf = length(f)/30;[findex,interset] = RPRG(fidexmult,thrf);figureset(gcf,'Position',[20 100 640 500]);      set(gcf,'Color','w'); plot(t,f(findex),'linewidth',3);xlabel('Time / Sec','FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New Roman');ylabel('Frequency / Hz','FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New Roman');set(gca,'FontSize',24)set(gca,'linewidth',2);axis([0 15 0 50]);%% parameter settingalpha = 1e-5; beta = 1e-5; % this parameter can be smaller which will be helpful for the convergence, but it may cannot properly track fast varying IFsiniIF = curvesmooth(f(findex),beta); % the initial guess for the IFs by ridge detection; the initial IFs should be smooth and thus we smooth the detected ridgesvar = 0;% noise variancetol = 1e-8;%tic[IFmset IA smset] = VNCMD(Sig,SampFreq,iniIF,alpha,beta,var,tol);tocfigureset(gcf,'Position',[20 100 640 500]);      set(gcf,'Color','w'); plot(t,iniIF(:,:),'linewidth',3); % initial IFsxlabel('Time / Sec','FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New Roman');ylabel('Frequency / Hz','FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New Roman');set(gca,'FontSize',24)set(gca,'linewidth',2);axis([0 15 0 50]);%% Relative errors of the initial IFs   iniRE1 =  norm(iniIF(1,:)-IF1)/norm(IF1)    iniRE2 =  norm(iniIF(2,:)-IF2)/norm(IF2)   iniRE3 =  norm(iniIF(3,:)-IF3)/norm(IF3)%% estimated IFfigureplot(t,[IF1;IF2;IF3],'b','linewidth',3) % true IFshold onplot(t,IFmset(:,:,end),'r','linewidth',3) % finally estimated IFsset(gcf,'Position',[20 100 640 500]);   xlabel('Time / Sec','FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New Roman');ylabel('Frequency / Hz','FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New Roman');set(gca,'YDir','normal')set(gca,'FontSize',24);set(gca,'linewidth',2);set(gcf,'Color','w');  axis([0 15 0 50])%% Relative errors of the finally estimated IFs   RE1 =  norm(IFmset(1,:,end)-IF1)/norm(IF1) % one can find that the accuracy of the finally estimated IFs is significantly improved compared with the initial IFs   RE2 =  norm(IFmset(2,:,end)-IF2)/norm(IF2)   RE3 =  norm(IFmset(3,:,end)-IF3)/norm(IF3)%% Reconstructed modesfigureset(gcf,'Position',[20 100 640 200]);      set(gcf,'Color','w'); plot(t,smset(1,:,end),'linewidth',2)  % estimated modehold onplot(t,Sig1 - smset(1,:,end),'k','linewidth',2)  % estimation errorshold onplot(t,IA(1,:),'r','linewidth',3) % estimated IAsxlabel('Time / Sec','FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New Roman');ylabel('m1','FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New Roman');set(gca,'YDir','normal')set(gca,'FontSize',24);set(gca,'linewidth',2);  axis([0 15 -1.5 1.5])figureset(gcf,'Position',[20 100 640 200]);      set(gcf,'Color','w'); plot(t,smset(2,:,end),'linewidth',2)  % estimated modehold onplot(t,Sig2 - smset(2,:,end),'k','linewidth',2)  % estimation errorshold onplot(t,IA(2,:),'r','linewidth',3) % estimated IAsxlabel('Time / Sec','FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New Roman');ylabel('m2','FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New Roman');set(gca,'YDir','normal')set(gca,'FontSize',24);set(gca,'linewidth',2);  axis([0 15 -2 2])figureset(gcf,'Position',[20 100 640 200]);      set(gcf,'Color','w'); plot(t,smset(3,:,end),'linewidth',2)  % estimated modehold onplot(t,Sig3 - smset(3,:,end),'k','linewidth',2)  % estimation errorshold onplot(t,IA(3,:),'r','linewidth',3) % estimated IAsxlabel('Time / Sec','FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New Roman');ylabel('m3','FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New Roman');set(gca,'YDir','normal')set(gca,'FontSize',24);set(gca,'linewidth',2);  axis([0 15 -1.5 1.5])

⛳️ 运行结果

🔗 参考文献

[1] 王颖.面向复杂不确定性的电力系统运行优化研究[D].东南大学,2018.

[2] 邱再森.储能规划及不同运行模式下经济性研究[D].郑州大学[2023-10-12].DOI:CNKI:CDMD:2.1018.109662.

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