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China's pied piper


(译注:pied piper原意为“吹笛手”,源自一则古老的故事,说的是一个人通过吹笛子将老鼠引入河中淹死,从而清除了德国一座小镇上的所有老鼠。可后来他由于没有得到任何报酬,就再次吹起笛子把镇上所有的小孩都带走了。后来人们用“pied piper”比喻“有很多追随者、受到人们喜爱或崇拜的人”。)

Sep 21st 2006

From The Economist print edition


ON A rainy weekend this month 10,000 businessmen, hobby traders and “netheads” gathered in Hangzhou, a pretty Chinese city near Shanghai, to talk about e-commerce. Most went to meet and swap 交换tips with other online traders. All came to the “Alifest” to sit at the feet of Jack Ma, a pixie[1]-sized, boyish 42-year-old who is the founder of Alibaba, an e-commerce firm, and is regarded as the godfather of the internet in China. In a country where businessmen are viewed with suspicion, his popularity is unusual. (1)When he was invited recently to speak in Beijing's Great Hall of the People, Mr Ma needed six bodyguards to escape a mob[2] of online traders waiting outside to give him a hug.



Mr Ma's rock-star status reflects how he has enabled thousands of his countrymen to become their own bosses, build businesses and make money. Alibaba has become the world's largest online business-to-business (B2B) marketplace, Asia's most popular online auction site and, as a result of it’s acquisition 获得;买进of Yahoo! China, the 12th most popular website in the world. That combination makes Alibaba one of the few credible challengers to the global online elite of Google, eBay, Yahoo! and Amazon.



Alibaba is far from being just a Chinese knock-off[3] of these American giants. Indeed, they have borrowed ideas from him. “Jack is not just a Chinese visionary 有远见的人, but a global one. Western companies are taking pages from the Alibaba book,” says Bob Peck, an analyst at Bear Stearns. At Alibaba's heart sit two B2B websites (alibaba and china.alibaba), one a marketplace for firms from across the world to trade in English, the other a domestic Chinese service. Rival e-commerce outfits, such as America's Ariba and Commerce One, sought to cut multinationals' procurement[4] costs. (2)In contrast, Alibaba's intention was to build markets for China's vast number of small and medium-sized enterprises, which make everything from cufflinks[5] to motorcycles, by allowing them to trade with each other and linking them to global supply chains. Today, traders in America buy from Alibaba and resell on eBay.

阿里巴巴绝非仅仅是这些美国顶尖公司在中国的一个“仿制品”。实际上,这些公司还曾借鉴过马云的经营理念。Bear Sterns的分析家鲍勃·佩克说:“马云不仅在中国是一个有着远见卓识的人,在全球同样也是。西方公司正在向阿里巴巴学习。”阿里巴巴的核心部分是两个B2B网站(alibaba和china.alibaba),一个是供全世界的公司用英语进行交易的场所,另一个则服务于中国国内。诸如美国Ariba和Commerce One公司这样的电子商务竞争者已经试图削减跨国采购成本,而阿里巴巴的目标却是通过让包括生产衬衫链扣、摩托车在内的绝大多数中国中小型企业进行贸易往来,并把它们与全球连锁供应商连到一起,从而为其打造市场。今天,美国的商人开始从阿里巴巴那里采购,然后拿到eBay上转售。


Mr Ma has also led the charge into online communities and social networking, both now booming areas. In 2003 he added a consumer auction site, Taobao, that allowed instant-messaging—a feature later added to his business sites. In contrast with eBay's relative anonymity, Taobao lets buyers and sellers get chummy[6] through messaging and voicemail, and by posting photographs and personal details on the site. Turning e-commerce into a community of “friends” has been critical in a country beset by a lack of trust. And with 70% of China's web users aged under 30, Taobao's informal, blog-like format struck a chord[7]—attracting more than 20m users. Many have now gone professional, buying goods wholesale 批发,趸售on Alibaba and reselling them on Taobao. (3)The story goes that, shortly after visiting Alibaba's offices and seeing Taobao, Meg Whitman, eBay's boss, bought Skype, an internet-telephony start-up, for its instant-messaging.



Alibaba has also outflanked[8] the opposition in online payments. Aware that most Chinese do not have credit cards, Mr Ma introduced AliPay, a system that keeps cash in escrow[9] until goods arrive. That trick for getting round settlement risk was later adopted in China by eBay. (3)China's powerful banking regulator has a hawkish eye on AliPay, which is, in effect, an online bank with thousands of credit histories (something mainland banks crave). Taobao's success has been startling. Its market share jumped from 8% to 59% between 2003 and 2005, while eBay China's slid from 79% to 36%. Mr Ma trumpets that it is “game over” for eBay China. Many industry watchers expect eBay to retreat and sell out to a local outfit such as Tencent (a rising star in auctions) or Alibaba itself—as Yahoo! China did.



Mr Ma is also at the forefront of the trend to integrate paid search with e-commerce. Alibaba's takeover of Yahoo! China last October gave the firm a search engine just as Google was demonstrating the huge potential of paid search, and the deal anticipated 比……抢先一步eBay's link-ups with portals (Yahoo! in America, and Google elsewhere). Baidu, China's main search engine, is a strong rival. But online advertising is surging in China and small firms are the biggest users of paid search, giving Alibaba an edge.



Mr Ma seldom mentions technology. Whereas most internet entrepreneurs 企业家,创业者are geeks[10] (think of Yahoo!'s or Google's founders), Mr Ma first touched a computer in 1995 on a trip to Seattle. “Someone as dumb as me should be able to use technology,” he says. He insists on simplicity. A new feature is rejected unless he can understand and use it. Mr Ma's approach to running the company is similarly independent. (4)He reads neither business books nor case studies, and ascribes Alibaba's survival and success to the fact that he “knew nothing about technology, we didn't have a plan and we didn't have any money.” In truth, Mr Ma had powerful backers early on, including Goldman Sachs and Softbank. Yahoo!'s Jerry Yang—who joined Mr Ma at the Alifest—is also a longtime friend. In any case, he has money aplenty today: as part of its takeover by Alibaba, Yahoo! paid $1 billion for a 40% stake in the company.



(5)Only one thing is missing: profits. As the boss of a private company in no rush to join the stockmarket, Mr Ma is relaxed. Revenues should double to more than $200m this year. But Alibaba has so far pursued market share rather than revenue. The global business site charges its users, but Taobao does not; an attempt to do so this year failed. Mr Ma says it is too early: only 30m of China's 120m online users have bought anything online. He wants to help the market grow—creating 1m jobs in China in the next three years—not stifle it with charges. He will have to tackle 处理,解决profitability if he is really to call the tune[11].



1. 根据上下文和英文释义,补全单词:

①swap 交换___(v. to give something to someone and get something in return [= exchange]

②acquisition 获得;买进(n. the act of getting land, power, money etc

③visionary 有远见的人_(n. someone who has clear ideas and strong feelings about the way something should be in the future

④wholesale 批发,趸售(n. the business of selling goods in large quantities at low prices to other businesses, rather than to the general public

⑤anticipated 比……抢先一步___(v. to do something before someone else

⑥entrepreneurs 企业家,创业者____(n. someone who starts a new business or arranges business deals in order to make money, often in a way that involves financial risks

⑦tackle 处理,解决_(v. to try to deal with a difficult problem

2. 英译汉(将划线部分英文翻译成中文):


1. pixie n. 小精灵,小仙子

2. mob n. 群,帮

3. knock-off n. 仿制品,冒牌货

4. procurement n.获得,取得 v. procure

5. cufflink n. 男子衬衫袖的链扣

6. chummy adj.友好的,关系亲密的(=friendly)

7. struck a chord 亦作touch a chord with somebody  to do or say something that people feel is familiar or true,即触动心弦,使人回想起某事,引起共鸣,摸透别人的心意

8. outflank v. 包抄;胜过(对手,尤指策略上)

9. escrow n. 契约,合同(由第三者代为保管)(如:a property to be held in escrow由第三者代为保管的财产)

10. geek n. techie(计算机领域的行家)一词的非正式用法,有贬低的意思。Longman的解释为:someone who is not popular because they wear unfashionable clothes, do not know how to behave in social situations, or do strange things [= nerd],古板的人,古怪的人,不合群的人

11. call the tune 指“to be in a position of authority so that you can give orders and make decisions”,即“颐指气使,发号施令”







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