defcustom 的用法

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defcustom 的用法


16.2 Specifying Variables usingdefcustom

You can specify variables usingdefcustomso that you and others can then use Emacs'customizefeature to set their values. (You cannot usecustomizeto write function definitions; but you can writedefunsin your .emacs file. Indeed, you can write any Lisp expression in your .emacs file.)

Thecustomizefeature depends on thedefcustomspecial form. Although you can usedefvarorsetqfor variables that users set, thedefcustomspecial form is designed for the job.

You can use your knowledge ofdefvarfor writing the first three arguments fordefcustom. The first argument todefcustomis the name of the variable. The second argument is the variable's initial value, if any; and this value is set only if the value has not already been set. The third argument is the documentation.

The fourth and subsequent arguments todefcustomspecify types and options; these are not featured indefvar. (These arguments are optional.)

Each of these arguments consists of a keyword followed by a value. Each keyword starts with the colon character :.

For example, the customizable user option variabletext-mode-hooklooks like this:

(defcustom text-mode-hook nil"Normal hook run when entering Text mode and many related modes.":type 'hook:options '(turn-on-auto-fill flyspell-mode):group 'data)

The name of the variable istext-mode-hook; it has no default value; and its documentation string tells you what it does.

The:typekeyword tells Emacs the kind of data to whichtext-mode-hookshould be set and how to display the value in a Customization buffer.

The:optionskeyword specifies a suggested list of values for the variable. Currently, you can use:optionsonly for a hook. The list is only a suggestion; it is not exclusive; a person who sets the variable may set it to other values; the list shown following the:optionskeyword is intended to offer convenient choices to a user.

Finally, the:groupkeyword tells the Emacs Customization command in which group the variable is located. This tells where to find it.

For more information, see Writing Customization Definitions (The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual).

Considertext-mode-hookas an example.

There are two ways to customize this variable. You can use the customization command or write the appropriate expressions yourself.

Using the customization command, you can type:

M-x customize

and find that the group for editing files of data is called `data'. Enter that group. Text Mode Hook is the first member. You can click on its various options to set the values. After you click on the button to

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Emacs will write an expression into your .emacs file. It will look like this:

(custom-set-variables;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom --;;                           don't edit or cut/paste it!;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.'(text-mode-hook (quote (turn-on-auto-fill text-mode-hook-identify))))

(Thetext-mode-hook-identifyfunction tellstoggle-text-mode-auto-fillwhich buffers are in Text mode.)

In spite of the warning, you certainly may edit, cut, and paste the expression! I do all time. The purpose of the warning is to scare those who do not know what they are doing, so they do not inadvertently generate an error.

Thecustom-set-variablesfunction works somewhat differently than asetq. While I have never learned the differences, I do modify thecustom-set-variablesexpressions in my .emacs file by hand: I make the changes in what appears to me to be a reasonable manner and have not had any problems. Others prefer to use the Customization command and let Emacs do the work for them.

Anothercustom-set-...function iscustom-set-faces. This function sets the various font faces. Over time, I have set a considerable number of faces. Some of the time, I re-set them usingcustomize; other times, I simply edit thecustom-set-facesexpression in my .emacs file itself.

The second way to customize yourtext-mode-hookis to set it yourself in your .emacs file using code that has nothing to do with thecustom-set-...functions.

When you do this, and later usecustomize, you will see a message that says

this option has been changed outside the customize buffer.

This message is only a warning. If you click on the button to

Save for Future Sessions

Emacs will write acustom-set-...expression near the end of your .emacs file that will be evaluated after your hand-written expression. It will, therefore, overrule your hand-written expression. No harm will be done. When you do this, however, be careful to remember which expression is active; if you forget, you may confuse yourself.

So long as you remember where the values are set, you will have no trouble. In any event, the values are always set in your initialization file, which is usually called .emacs.

I myself usecustomizefor hardly anything. Mostly, I write expressions myself.

from: .html


Next: Beginning a .emacs File, Previous: Site-wide Init, Up: Emacs Initialization

16.2 Specifying Variables usingdefcustom

You can specify variables usingdefcustomso that you and others can then use Emacs'customizefeature to set their values. (You cannot usecustomizeto write function definitions; but you can writedefunsin your.emacsfile. Indeed, you can write any Lisp expression in your.emacsfile.)

Thecustomizefeature depends on thedefcustomspecial form. Although you can usedefvarorsetqfor variables that users set, thedefcustomspecial form is designed for the job.

You can use your knowledge ofdefvarfor writing the first three arguments fordefcustom. The first argument todefcustomis the name of the variable. The second argument is the variable's initial value, if any; and this value is set only if the value has not already been set. The third argument is the documentation.

The fourth and subsequent arguments todefcustomspecify types and options; these are not featured indefvar. (These arguments are optional.)

Each of these arguments consists of a keyword followed by a value. Each keyword starts with the colon character ‘:’.

For example, the customizable user option variabletext-mode-hooklooks like this:

(defcustom text-mode-hook nil"Normal hook run when entering Text mode and many related modes.":type 'hook:options '(turn-on-auto-fill flyspell-mode):group 'data)

The name of the variable istext-mode-hook; it has no default value; and its documentation string tells you what it does.

The:typekeyword tells Emacs the kind of data to whichtext-mode-hookshould be set and how to display the value in a Customization buffer.

The:optionskeyword specifies a suggested list of values for the variable. Usually,:optionsapplies to a hook. The list is only a suggestion; it is not exclusive; a person who sets the variable may set it to other values; the list shown following the:optionskeyword is intended to offer convenient choices to a user.

Finally, the:groupkeyword tells the Emacs Customization command in which group the variable is located. This tells where to find it.

Thedefcustomfunction recognizes more than a dozen keywords. For more information, see Writing Customization Definitions.

Considertext-mode-hookas an example.

There are two ways to customize this variable. You can use the customization command or write the appropriate expressions yourself.

Using the customization command, you can type:

M-x customize

and find that the group for editing files of data is called `data'. Enter that group. Text Mode Hook is the first member. You can click on its various options, such asturn-on-auto-fill, to set the values. After you click on the button to

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Emacs will write an expression into your.emacsfile. It will look like this:

(custom-set-variables;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.'(text-mode-hook (quote (turn-on-auto-fill text-mode-hook-identify))))

(Thetext-mode-hook-identifyfunction tellstoggle-text-mode-auto-fillwhich buffers are in Text mode. It comes on automatically.)

Thecustom-set-variablesfunction works somewhat differently than asetq. While I have never learned the differences, I modify thecustom-set-variablesexpressions in my.emacsfile by hand: I make the changes in what appears to me to be a reasonable manner and have not had any problems. Others prefer to use the Customization command and let Emacs do the work for them.

Anothercustom-set-...function iscustom-set-faces. This function sets the various font faces. Over time, I have set a considerable number of faces. Some of the time, I re-set them usingcustomize; other times, I simply edit thecustom-set-facesexpression in my.emacsfile itself.

The second way to customize yourtext-mode-hookis to set it yourself in your.emacsfile using code that has nothing to do with thecustom-set-...functions.

When you do this, and later usecustomize, you will see a message that says

CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.

This message is only a warning. If you click on the button to

Save for Future Sessions

Emacs will write acustom-set-...expression near the end of your.emacsfile that will be evaluated after your hand-written expression. It will, therefore, overrule your hand-written expression. No harm will be done. When you do this, however, be careful to remember which expression is active; if you forget, you may confuse yourself.

So long as you remember where the values are set, you will have no trouble. In any event, the values are always set in your initialization file, which is usually called.emacs.

I myself usecustomizefor hardly anything. Mostly, I write expressions myself.

Incidentally, to be more complete concerning defines:defsubstdefines an inline function. The syntax is just like that ofdefun.defconstdefines a symbol as a constant. The intent is that neither programs nor users should ever change a value set bydefconst. (You can change it; the value set is a variable; but please do not.)

from: .html



分类: Emacs 2011-11-07 10:09 71人阅读 评论(0) 收藏 举报 .emacs文件

Emacs缺省配置的优点。Emacs在你编辑C文件时将启动C mod,编写Fortan源文件时启动Fortran mode,编写未知文件时使用Fundamental mod。这些都是自动检测的,不需要干预。

可以通过~/.emacs对Emacs进行定制。这是你个人的初始化文件;它的内容是Emacs Lisp代码。


有两个全局初始化文件site-load.el和site-init.el,在被加载到Emacs后被'dumped'(如果Emacs 'dumped'版本被创建,Dumped的Emacs复制版本加载更快)。但是,一旦文件被加载并被dumped,对文件的修改将不会影响Emacs除 非你re-dump Emacs(详情,请查找INSTALL文件)。












(defcustom text-mode-hook nil
  "Normal hook run when entering Text mode and many related modes."
  :type 'hook
  :options '(turn-on-auto-fill flyspell-mode)
  :group 'data)








M-x customize

找到对就的分组'data'。进入这个分组。TextMode Hook是第一个成员。你可以点击它的选项来设置它的值。最后点击下面的按钮

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  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom --
  ;;                           don't edit or cut/paste it!
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 '(text-mode-hook (quote (turn-on-auto-fill text-mode-hook-identify))))

(text-mode-hook-identify函数告诉toggle-text-mode-auto-fill哪个缓冲区处于Text mode。)





启动Emacs时,将加载你的.emacs文件,除非你在命令行使用了-q命令(emacs -q)。




;;;; Bob's .emacs file
;; Robert J. Chassell
;; 26 September 1985


;; Each section in this file is introduced by a
;; line beginning with four semicolons; and each
;; entry is introduced by a line beginning with
;; three semicolons.

这段描述是Emacs Lisp的习惯性注释方式。分号后面是注释。两个、三个或四个分号用于区分章节。

;;;; The Help Key
;; Control-h is the help key;
;; after typing control-h, type a letter to
;; indicate the subject about which you want help.
;; For an explanation of the help facility,
;; type control-h two times in a row.


;; To find out about any mode, type control-h m
;; while in that mode.  For example, to find out
;; about mail mode, enter mail mode and then type
;; control-h m.

'Mode help'非常有用,它告诉你所有你需要知道的。

当然你不需要在你的.emacs文件包含这些。我添加这些只是为了记住Model help或者注释约定。
Text 和 Auto Fill Mode

接下来到'tuns on' Text mode和Auto Fill mode。

;;; Text mode and Auto Fill mode
;; The next three lines put Emacs into Text mode
;; and Auto Fill mode, and are for writers who
;; want to start writing prose rather than code.

(setq default-major-mode 'text-mode)
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'text-mode-hook-identify)
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)

前面两行告诉Emacs在打开文件时,如果找不到对应的mode就打开Text mode。

当Emacs读取一个文件时,它查找文件的扩展名,如果有,如果以.c或.h结尾,Emacs开启C mode。Emacs也会检查文件的第一个非空白行;如果行上有-*- C -*-,Emacs也会开启C mode。Emacs处理了一个扩展名列表。In addition, Emacs looks near the last page for a per-buffer, "local variables list",if any.



(setq default-major-mode 'text-mode)

这行是一个完整的Emacs Lisp语句。



(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'text-mode-hook-identify)
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)


turn-on-auto-fill是程序名称,它开启Auto Fill mode。text-mode-hook-identify是一个函数,它告诉toggle-text-mode-auto-fill哪个缓冲区处于Text mode。

每次Emacs进入Text mode,Emacs将会执行'hooked'命令。因此,每次Emacs开启Text mode时,Emacs也将开启Auto Fill mode。

简单来说,第一行让Emacs在编辑文件时自动进入Text mode,除非文件扩展名或第一个非空行或局部变量能告诉Emacs该进入哪种mode。

Text mode中有其它动作,设置语法表以便于编写。在Text mode中,Emacs像处理信件一样把省略号当作单词的一部分;但Emacs不会把逗号或空白当作单词的一部分。因此M-f将移过it's。另一方面, 在C mode中,M-f将在it's中t的后面停止。

第二和第三行将使Emacs在进入Text mode时开启Auto Fill mode。在Auto Fill mode中,Emacs自动换行,并将过长的部分移到下一行。Emacs会在单词之间换行,而不会把单词截断。

当Auto Fill mode关闭时,文件中的行将与输入时保持一致。取决于trucate-lines变量的值,你输入的单词有可能消失在屏幕的右边,也有可以显示以非常乱的方式显示,也有可能显示为一个非常长的行。


(setq colon-double-space t)



;;; Mail mode
;; To enter mail mode, type `C-x m'
;; To enter RMAIL (for reading mail),
;; type `M-x rmail'

(setq mail-aliases t)

setq命令设置变量mail-aliases为t。因为t表示true,这行就是在说"Yes,use mail aliases."


alias geo

Indent Tabs Mode


下面的代码关闭Tabs mode:

;;; Prevent Extraneous Tabs
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)



;;; Compare windows
(global-set-key "\C-cw" 'compare-windows)



命令global-set-key后面跟按键绑定。在.emacs文件中,按键绑定被书写为:\C-c表示'control-c',表示'按住control键的同时按c键'。w表示'按w键'。按键设置用双引号包含。在编写文档的时候,你可以写成C-c w。(如果绑定的键是键,比如M-c则书写为\M-c)




;;; Keybinding for `occur'
;; I use occur a lot, so let's bind it to a key:
(global-set-key "\C-co" 'occur)



;;; Unbind `C-x f'
(global-unset-key "\C-xf")

取消这个绑定的原因是:我经常在需要输入C-x C-f时输入了C-x f。


;;; Rebind `C-x C-b' for `buffer-menu'
(global-set-key "\C-x\C-b" 'buffer-menu)

缺省情况下C-x C-b执行list-buffer命令。这个命令在另一个window中列出缓冲区。因为我几乎一直都需要在那个窗口中做一些操作,我比较喜欢buffer-menu命令,它不只是列出缓冲区,也会将point移到那个窗口中。


特殊的模式下,比如C mode或Text mode,有他们自己的按键绑定;它将覆盖全局keymap。

global-set-key函数用于绑定或重新绑定全局keymap。比如,下面的代码将C-x C-b绑定到buffer-menu函数:

(global-set-key "\C-x\C-b" 'buffer-menu)

特殊模式下的keymap用defin-key设置,它接收一个指定的keymap作为参数,还有按键组合和命令。比如,我的.emacs文件包含下面的语句绑定textinfo-insert-@group命令到C-c C-c g:

(define-key texinfo-mode-map "\C-c\C-cg" 'texinfo-insert-@group)

text-info-insert-@group函数是一个Texinfo mode下的扩展,它用于在Texinfo文件中插入@group标记。我可以用三次按键C-c C-c g来输入,而不需要按六个键@ g r o u p。(@group与@end匹配,group命令用于保持它所包含的文本被放在同一页上)


(defun texinfo-insert-@group ()
  "Insert the string @group in a Texinfo buffer."
  (insert "@group\n"))

(当然,我也可以用Abbrev来完成类似工作,而不需要编写一个函数来插入单词;但是我更喜欢与Texinfo mode的其它按键保持一致。)


很多GNU Emacs社区的人们都自己编写Emacs的扩展。随着时间的推移,这些扩展通常都会出现新的版本。比如,Calendar和Diary包现在已经变成了GNU Emacs标准发行包中的一部分了。


(load "~/emacs/slowsplit")

它个语句执行,或者说加载了slowsplit.el这个文件(如果文件存在),或者加载编译过的slowsplit.elc文件。这个文件包含了split-window-quietly函数,它是John Robinson于1989年编写的。

split-window-quietly函数在分隔窗口时,只使用了少量的重绘。我在1989年安装了它因为它与当时我使用的慢速的1200 baud终端工作得很好。现在很少遇到这种慢速连接了,但我仍然使用这个函数,因为我喜欢这种方式:缓冲区的下半部分在下面的新窗口中,而缓冲区的上半部 分在上面的窗口中。


(global-unset-key "\C-x2")
(global-set-key "\C-x2" 'split-window-quietly)



;;; Emacs Load Path
(setq load-path (cons "~/emacs" load-path))


(defun load-library (library)
  "Load the library named LIBRARY.
This is an interface to the function `load'."
  (interactive "sLoad library: ")
  (load library))







autoload是一个内置函数可以传递5个参数,最后三个是可选的。第一个参数是需要自动加载的函数名称;第二个参数是要加载的文件名。第三个参 数是函数的文档,第四个用于说明这个函数是否可以以交互的方式运行。第五个参数说明对象的类型——autoload可以处理按键或者宏或者函数(缺省是函 数)。


(autoload 'html-helper-mode
  "html-helper-mode" "Edit HTML documents" t)


自动加载html-helper-mode函数。它将从html-helper-mode.el(或从编译过的html-helper- mode.elc)加载。这个文件必须位于load-path指定的目录列表中。文档字符串说明这个mode是用于编辑html文件的。你可以以交互的方 式输入M-x html-helper-mode来执行。(你需要在这里提供文档字符串,虽然函数定义中有,但在这里函数还没有加载,它的文档字符串还不可用)




;;; Line to top of window;
;;; replace three keystroke sequence  C-u 0 C-l
(defun line-to-top-of-window ()
  "Move the line point is on to top of window."
  (recenter 0))


现在,功能键和鼠标按键事件和非ASCII字符写在方括号中,不需要使用引号。(在Emacs 18或以前的版本中,你需要为不同的终端编写不同的功能键绑定)


(global-set-key [f6] 'line-to-top-of-window)

如果你运行有两个版本的GNU Emacs,比如20和21,并使用同一个.emacs文件,你可以使用下面的方法选择执行不同的代码:

 ((string-equal (number-to-string 20) (substring (emacs-version) 10 12))
  ;; evaluate version 20 code
  ( ... ))
 ((string-equal (number-to-string 21) (substring (emacs-version) 10 12))
  ;; evaluate version 21 code
  ( ... )))


(if (string-equal "21" (substring (emacs-version) 10 12))
      (blink-cursor-mode 0)
      ;; Insert newline when you press `C-n' (next-line)
      ;; at the end of the buffer
      (setq next-line-add-newlines t)
      ;; Turn on image viewing
      (auto-image-file-mode t)
      ;; Turn on menu bar (this bar has text)
      ;; (Use numeric argument to turn on)
      (menu-bar-mode 1)
      ;; Turn off tool bar (this bar has icons)
      ;; (Use numeric argument to turn on)
      (tool-bar-mode nil)
      ;; Turn off tooltip mode for tool bar
      ;; (This mode causes icon explanations to pop up)
      ;; (Use numeric argument to turn on)
      (tooltip-mode nil)
      ;; If tooltips turned on, make tips appear promptly
      (setq tooltip-delay 0.1)  ; default is one second

(注意这里没有使用(number-to-string 21),没有使用函数将整数转化为字符串。短的表达式比长的更好,但(number-to-string 21)更通用。然而如果你不知道前面返回值的类型时,就需要使用number-to-string函数了。)

在MIT X Windowing系统上使用Emacs时可以指定颜色。



;; Set cursor color
(set-cursor-color "white")

;; Set mouse color
(set-mouse-color "white")

;; Set foreground and background
(set-foreground-color "white")
(set-background-color "darkblue")

;;; Set highlighting colors for isearch and drag
(set-face-foreground 'highlight "white")
(set-face-background 'highlight "blue")

(set-face-foreground 'region "cyan")
(set-face-background 'region "blue")

(set-face-foreground 'secondary-selection "skyblue")
(set-face-background 'secondary-selection "darkblue")

;; Set calendar highlighting colors
(setq calendar-load-hook
      '(lambda ()
         (set-face-foreground 'diary-face   "skyblue")
         (set-face-background 'holiday-face "slate blue")
         (set-face-foreground 'holiday-face "white")))



Emacs*foreground:   white
Emacs*background:   darkblue
Emacs*cursorColor:  white
Emacs*pointerColor: white

这并不是Emacs的一部分,还可以在~/.xinitrc文件中指定X window根窗口的颜色:

# I use TWM for window manager.
xsetroot -solid Navy -fg white &




;; Cursor shapes are defined in
;; `/usr/include/X11/cursorfont.h';
;; for example, the `target' cursor is number 128;
;; the `top_left_arrow' cursor is number 132.

(let ((mpointer (x-get-resource "*mpointer"
  ;; If you have not set your mouse pointer
  ;;     then set it, otherwise leave as is:
  (if (eq mpointer nil)
      (setq mpointer "132")) ; top_left_arrow
  (setq x-pointer-shape (string-to-int mpointer))
  (set-mouse-color "white"))

状态栏(Modified Mode Line)


因此我重置了mode line:

-:-- foo.texi   rattlesnake:/home/bob/  Line 1  (Texinfo Fill) Top

表示访问的文件名为foo.texi,在rattlesnake这台机器的/home/bob缓冲区中。位于第一行,处于Texinfo mode,位于缓冲区的顶部。


;; Set a Mode Line that tells me which machine, which directory,
;; and which line I am on, plus the other customary information.
(setq default-mode-line-format
  (#("-" 0 1
      "mouse-1: select window, mouse-2: delete others ..."))
   "    "
   "    "
   (:eval (substring
           (system-name) 0 (string-match "\\..+" (system-name))))
   #(" " 0 1
      "mouse-1: select window, mouse-2: delete others ..."))
   (line-number-mode " Line %l ")
   #("   %[(" 0 6
      "mouse-1: select window, mouse-2: delete others ..."))
   (:eval (mode-line-mode-name))
   #("%n" 0 2 (help-echo "mouse-2: widen" local-map (keymap ...)))
   ")%] "
   (-3 . "%P")
   ;;   "-%-"

这里重定义了缺省的mode line。多数设置来自于原始值;但作了一些修改。设置了default mode line format以便支持多种mode,比如Info。


mode line字符串的第一行是一个短线-。在原来,它只能是一个简单的"-"。但现在,Emacs允许给字符串添加属性,比如高亮,或者像这里一样,是一个帮 助功能。如果你将鼠标光标放在短线上,一些帮助信息将会显示出来。(缺省情况下,你需要等1秒。你也可以通过修改tooltip-delay变量来修改这 个时间。)


#("-" 0 1 (help-echo "mouse-1: select window, ..."))

#(开头的list。第一个元素是字符串本身,只有一个"-"。第二个和第三个元素指定第四个元素的应用范围。范围从一个字符 后面开始,0表示从第一个字符之前开始;1表示范围在第一个字符后面结束。第三个元素是范围的属性。它包含了一个属性列表,属性名help-echo,后 面跟了一个属性值,是一个字符串。第二、三和四个元素可以重复出现。

mode-line-buffer-identification显示当前缓冲区名称。它是以(#("%12b" 0 4 .... 开头的list。


:eval是GNU Emacs 21中的新功能。它执行后面的语句交把结果作为字符串显示。在这里,这个语句显示完整的系统名称的第一个部分。第一个部分的结束位置是一个'.',因此使 用了string-match函数计算第一个部分的长度。substring取从0到那个位置的字符串。


(:eval (substring
        (system-name) 0 (string-match "\\..+" (system-name))))



emacs -q





defcustom 的用法

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