SpriteKit Advanced —如何构建2,5D游戏(第三部分)

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-28 05:20:49

SpriteKit Advanced —如何构建2,5D<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1770081.html style=游戏(第三部分)"/>

SpriteKit Advanced —如何构建2,5D游戏(第三部分)

by Luke Konior

卢克·科尼尔(Luke Konior)

SpriteKit Advanced —如何构建2,5D游戏(第三部分) (SpriteKit Advanced — How to build a 2,5D game (Part III))

介绍 (Intro)

This article is about improving visuals of Raft Challenge by applying GPU’s shaders to the still scenery. It explains the algorithms and potential pitfalls when using GLSL in SpriteKit.

本文旨在通过将GPU的着色器应用于静态场景来改善Raft Challenge的视觉效果。 它说明了在SpriteKit中使用GLSL时的算法和潜在的陷阱。

The reader should have basic experience in writing fragment shaders. We discussed these in part 1 and part 2 of this series.

读者应该具有编写片段着色器的基本经验。 我们在本系列的第1部分和第2 部分中讨论了这些内容。

问题 (The problem)

After the game entered beta stage, we received feedback from various people. We frequently heard that the graphics were good, but also static, which in the long run led to boredom.

游戏进入测试阶段后,我们收到了许多人的反馈。 我们经常听到图形很好,但还是静态的,从长远来看,这导致了无聊。

My instant reaction was like: “They said it’s static? So we’ll add some wind to move the whole thing!” After that, we thought more about the problem.

我的即时React是:“他们说这是静态的吗? 因此,我们将施加一些风来移动整个东西!” 之后,我们考虑了更多问题。

Such huge objects as the trees cannot animate frame-by-frame, because it would lead to memory problems. We were considering adding small animated objects like animals. But it would complicate the scene graph even more. And it would have unknown performance impact.

树木之类的巨大对象无法逐帧进行动画处理,因为这会导致内存问题。 我们正在考虑添加像动物一样的小型动画对象。 但这会使场景图更加复杂。 它将带来未知的性能影响。

The solution I came up with was to animate the whole forest using the fragment shaders. I wanted to create the wind effect.

我想到的解决方案是使用片段着色器对整个森林进行动画处理。 我想创造风的效果。

The idea was to apply a horizontal distortion to the sprite’s texture with strength proportional to the distance from the trunks’ base. That strength has also been changing in time and influenced by the scene’s “depth”.

这个想法是要对子画面的纹理施加水平失真,其强度与到树干底部的距离成正比。 这种力量也随着时间变化,并受场景的“深度”影响。

Other pros of this solution:


  • easy integration


    It’s as simple as filling an existing object’s properties


  • performance

  • huge flexibility


Here’s the source (GLSL):


void main( void ){    float horizonAbsoluteOffset = 0.64; // 1    float distanceFromTrunksBase = abs(v_tex_coord[1] - horizonAbsoluteOffset); // 2    float maxDivergence = mix(0.0,1.0,distanceFromTrunksBase)*0.038; // 3    float factor = sin(u_time*2+(attrDepth * 1.3)); // 4    vec2 deltaUV = vec2(maxDivergence * factor, 0); // 5        gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_texture, v_tex_coord + deltaUV); //6}
  1. This float holds the vertical position of all trunks’ bases


    — This value is specific to our texture


  2. We calculate the distance between the current sampling point and the above value


    — This value is less than 1.0 and can be negative


  3. We calculate max divergence


    — The magic number at the end was tweaked through trial and error


  4. We calculate the changing strength and the wind’s direction


    — The sin function is a good foundation since it returns predictable values (-1 to 1)


    — It’s also a continuous function


    — The latter means that we can put any garbage as the argument and it will still work


    — In this case “the garbage” is the current time plus the “depth” of the current sprite


    — Magic numbers are added to shape the animation


  5. The delta vector is created


    — Max divergence multiplied by the factor goes into the X position while Y is left with 0.


  6. This line takes the color from a specific point in the texture and outputs it to the screen


    — By adding delta to our current position with


    vtexcoord, we alter the point from which the sampler is extracting color value

    vtexcoord ,我们更改采样器从中提取颜色值的点



Note that reflections on the water are also moving. That is because the trees and reflections are a part of the same sprite and texture. No sorcery here.

请注意,水面上的反射也在移动。 那是因为树木和反射是相同的精灵和纹理的一部分。 这里没有巫术。

改善雾 (Improving fog)

Is there anything else that we can do? Well, if we can’t invent anything new, we can always improve something that exists. Our designer said once ago that trees further away should have solid color to merge better with the fog.

我们还有什么可以做的吗? 好吧,如果我们不能发明任何新东西,我们总是可以改进已有的东西。 我们的设计师曾说过,较远的树木应具有纯色,以更好地与雾融合。

The above image is almost self-explanatory. Earlier, I’ve mentioned about the “depth”. Every layer of the forest has an attribute attrDepth. It represents the distance between the mountains (0.0) and the viewer (6.0).

上面的图像几乎是不言自明的。 之前,我提到过“深度”。 森林的每一层都有一个属性attrDepth 。 它表示山脉(0.0)和查看者(6.0)之间的距离。

Let’s tweak this fog!


__constant vec3 colorLightMountains = vec3(0.847, 0.91, 0.8);__constant vec3 colorDarkMountains = vec3(0.729, 0.808, 0.643);
void main( void ){       //get color    vec4 color = texture2D(u_texture, v_tex_coord);    float alpha = color.a; // 1
//fog    vec3 outputColor = vec3(color.rgb);    if (attrDepth < 1.0) {					// 2        outputColor = colorLightMountains;        alpha = min(attrDepth,alpha);    } else if (attrDepth < 2.0) {			// 3        outputColor = mix(colorLightMountains, colorDarkMountains, attrDepth - 1.0);    } else if (attrDepth <= 3.0) {		// 4        outputColor = mix(colorDarkMountains, color.rgb, attrDepth - 2.0);    }        gl_FragColor = vec4(outputColor, 1.0) * alpha; // 5}

The code above is pretty straightforward so I’ll focus only on the most important things:


  1. Extract alpha from the texture.


  2. The far stage


    When the forest is the furthest possible, it has the


    Light Mountains color and 0 alpha

    Light Mountains0 alpha

    As it’s moving closer, it emerges by increasing


    alpha up to depth == 1.0

    直到depth == 1.0 alpha depth == 1.0

  3. The medium distance


    The color shifts towards


    Dark Mountains as the sprite’s get closer to the viewer.

    Dark Mountains般的Dark Mountains离观众越来越近。

  4. The close distance


    The color is a mix between the


    Dark Mountains and the native texture color

    Dark Mountains和原生纹理颜色

    Naturally, the closer it is, the more normal it looks


  5. Pass the final color to the output using the alpha extracted at the beginning


Again, the result:


结合两种效果 (Combining both effects)

The best thing that I like about shaders is their flexibility. It’s not only possible to merge both effects without sacrificing anything. It’s even recommended to do so.

我最喜欢着色器的是它们的灵活性。 不仅可以合并两种效果,而且不牺牲任何内容。 甚至建议这样做。

Merging shaders decrease the draw calls and that increases the frame rate.


__constant vec3 colorLightMountains = vec3(0.847, 0.91, 0.8);__constant vec3 colorDarkMountains = vec3(0.729, 0.808, 0.643);
void main( void ){    //wind    float horizonAbsoluteOffset = 0.64;    float distanceFromTrunksBase = abs(v_tex_coord[1] - horizonAbsoluteOffset);    float maxDivergence = mix(0.0,1.0,distanceFromTrunksBase)*0.038;    float factor = sin(u_time*2+(attrDepth * 1.3));    vec2 deltaUV = vec2(maxDivergence * factor, 0);        //get color    vec4 color = texture2D(u_texture, v_tex_coord + deltaUV);    float alpha = color.a;
//fog    vec3 outputColor = vec3(color.rgb);    if (attrDepth < 1.0) {        outputColor = colorLightMountains;        alpha = min(attrDepth,alpha);    } else if (attrDepth < 2.0) {        outputColor = mix(colorLightMountains, colorDarkMountains, attrDepth - 1.0);    } else if (attrDepth <= 3.0) {        outputColor = mix(colorDarkMountains, color.rgb, attrDepth - 2.0);    }        //output    gl_FragColor = vec4(outputColor, 1.0) * alpha;}

The final result:


陷阱 (Pitfalls)

There’s no rose without a thorn.


  • Using shaders on multiple big sprites with alpha channel may cause visible frame rate drop.


  • Same GPU may give 60fps on the iPhone but only 20fps on iPad with more pixels


    Test your code frequently on different devices, especially the iPads with retina displays


  • There is no reliable way to estimate the performance of the device from the code


    Run your game on multiple physical devices and white list those that are capable of running shaders with decent performance


    To distinguish devices, you can use




  • Your partially transparent texture loses color and becomes gray? Google premultiplied alpha!

    您的部分透明的纹理会变色并变成灰色? Google 预乘alpha

  • Beware of using SKTextureAtlases if you’re altering the coordinates like in the wind example


    During the atlas generation, XCode may rotate and move some textures.


    It’s impossible to detect such anomaly from the code, or at least I don’t know how


  • For some sprites, you may receive a texture with swapped X and Y coordinates!

  • You may accidentally warp to a completely different sub-texture!


摘要 (Summary)

We’ve learned how to use fragment shaders to create wind and fog. When writing Your own GLSL code, you’ll surely produce many display artifacts. Some of them are annoying, and some are hilarious. Keep in mind that some of them may have potential to become a feature!

我们已经学习了如何使用片段着色器创建风和雾。 在编写自己的GLSL代码时,您肯定会产生许多显示瑕疵。 其中有些令人讨厌,有些则很有趣。 请记住,其中一些可能具有成为功能的潜力!

About the author: Kamil Ziętek is an iOS Developer at www.allinmobile.co


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SpriteKit Advanced —如何构建2,5D游戏(第三部分)

本文发布于:2024-03-13 15:41:08,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:游戏   SpriteKit   Advanced


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