unity 之 IMGUI 二

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unity 之 IMGUI 二


Customizing your IMGUI Controls:自定义IMGUI控件

通过 GUIStyles微调你的控件的外观,比如字体的颜色,字体的大小等,当你创建一个控件时,如果你没有声明自己的GUIStyles,unity使用默认的style.

如果你有很多个GUIStyles,你可以使用 GUISkin.  GUISkin只不过是一个GUIStyles.的集合

How Styles change the look of your GUI Controls

Control 定义内容 content, the Style定义外观 .这可以定义一个外观像Button的 Toggle

The difference between Skins and Styles:


Working with Styles

 GUI Control 函数的最后一个参数用来给定义的 GUIStyle去显示控件的外观 Control. 如果这个参数没被传值2,unity使用默认的style,它通过传递控件类型的名字作为一个字符串值. 比如: GUI.Button() 使用 “button” , GUI.Toggle() 使用 “toggle” style, 您可以通过将其指定为最后一个参数来覆盖控件的默认GUIStyle。这样单独的修改是作为一个字符串,来覆盖原来的style,如果你想要自定义一个GUIstyle,需要传递的是GUIstyle变量的名字


// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {void OnGUI () {// Make a label that uses the "box" GUIStyle.GUI.Label (new Rect (0,0,200,100), "Hi - I'm a label looking like a box", "box");// Make a button that uses the "toggle" GUIStyleGUI.Button (new Rect (10,140,180,20), "This is a button", "toggle");}



Making a public variable GUIStyle

当你声明一个共有的 GUIStyle 变量, 所有的 Style 将会在属性面板上显示出来 Inspector

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {public GUIStyle customButton;void OnGUI (){// Make a button. We pass in the GUIStyle defined above as the style to useGUI.Button (new Rect (10,10,150,20), "I am a Custom Button", customButton);}   


Working with Skins

Creating a new GUISkin

To create a GUISkin, select Assets->Create->GUI Skin. 会创建一个GUIskin,并能够在属性面板上编辑它

Applying the skin to a GUI

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {public GUISkin mySkin;void OnGUI () {// 声明要使用的skinGUI.skin = mySkin;// Make a button. This will get the default "button" style from the skin assigned to mySkin.GUI.Button (new Rect (10,10,150,20), "Skinned Button");}}

   通过 GUI.skin = null;放弃使用自定义skin,而是使用原生态skin

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {public GUISkin mySkin;private bool toggle = true;void OnGUI () {// Assign the skin to be the one currently used.GUI.skin = mySkin;// Make a toggle. This will get the "button" style from the skin assigned to mySkin.toggle = GUI.Toggle (new Rect (10,10,150,20), toggle, "Skinned Button", "button");// Assign the currently skin to be Unity's default.GUI.skin = null;// Make a button. This will get the default "button" style from the built-in skin.GUI.Button (new Rect (10,35,150,20), "Built-in Button");}}

Changing GUI Font Size

// C# example
using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;public class Fontsize : MonoBehaviour
{void OnGUI (){//Set the GUIStyle style to be labelGUIStyle style = GUI.skin.GetStyle ("label");//Set the style font size to increase and decrease over timestyle.fontSize = (int)(20.0f + 10.0f * Mathf.Sin (Time.time));//Create a label and display with the current settingsGUI.Label (new Rect (10, 10, 200, 80), "Hello World!");}}



MGUI Layout Modes

Fixed Layout vs Automatic Layout

IMGUI system有两种布局方式: Fixed and Automati,固定布局和自动布局. GUI使用的是固定布局,就是你自己定义控件的大小,如果要使用 Automatic Layout, 通过 GUILayout 而不是 GUI 创建控件. 这两种布局方式可以在 OnGUI() 中同时使用.


在使用时有两个关键的区别 Automatic Layout:

  • GUILayout is used instead of GUI
  • No Rect() function is required for Automatic Layout Controls
// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {void OnGUI () {// Fixed LayoutGUI.Button (new Rect (25,25,100,30), "I am a Fixed Layout Button");// Automatic LayoutGUILayout.Button ("I am an Automatic Layout Button");}}


Arranging Controls

分组方式:.  Fixed Layout固定布局中,使用Groups来打组.  Automatic Layout自动布局中,使用Areas, Horizontal Groups, and Vertical Groups打组

Fixed Layout - Groups

固定布局下,使用 GUI.BeginGroup() and GUI.EndGroup() 来打组,. 所有在组内的控件,是一个整体,它们基于组的左上角排列,而不是屏幕的左上角,所以定义位置的时候是根据group的位置来定义,group位置点为0.0,如果你修改了组的位置,则所有组内的控件也会随之更改


// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {void OnGUI () {// Make a group on the center of the screenGUI.BeginGroup (new Rect (Screen.width / 2 - 50, Screen.height / 2 - 50, 100, 100));// All rectangles are now adjusted to the group. (0,0) is the topleft corner of the group.//这里定义的位置是根据group的位置来的GUI.Box (new Rect (0,0,100,100), "Group is here");GUI.Button (new Rect (10,40,80,30), "Click me");// End the group we started above. This is very important to remember!GUI.EndGroup ();}}


// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {// background image that is 256 x 32public Texture2D bgImage; // foreground image that is 256 x 32public Texture2D fgImage; // a float between 0.0 and 1.0public float playerEnergy = 1.0f; void OnGUI () {// Create one Group to contain both images// Adjust the first 2 coordinates to place it somewhere else on-screenGUI.BeginGroup (new Rect (0,0,256,32));// Draw the background imageGUI.Box (new Rect (0,0,256,32), bgImage);// Create a second Group which will be clipped// We want to clip the image and not scale it, which is why we need the second GroupGUI.BeginGroup (new Rect (0,0,playerEnergy * 256, 32));// Draw the foreground imageGUI.Box (new Rect (0,0,256,32), fgImage);// End both GroupsGUI.EndGroup ();GUI.EndGroup ();}}

Automatic Layout - Areas

Areas是自动布局里面的打组方法Automatic Layout,和固定布局里的Groups 很像 Fixed Layout Groups in functionality

 Automatic Layout 不需要在屏幕上定义存放控件的区域. 控件会自动对其区域的左上角. 您还可以创建手动定位的区域。一个区域内的GUILayout控件将放置在该区域的左上角。在区域内部的控件,比如button,toggle会自拉伸宽度,适应区域的宽度

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {void OnGUI () {GUILayout.Button ("I am not inside an Area");GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (Screen.width/2, Screen.height/2, 300, 300));GUILayout.Button ("I am completely inside an Area");GUILayout.EndArea ();}}


Automatic Layout - Horizontal and Vertical Groups


通过GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(), GUILayout.EndHorizontal(), GUILayout.BeginVertical(), and GUILayout.EndVertical().

任何在 Horizontal Group 内部的控件,会水平放置.

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {private float sliderValue = 1.0f;private float maxSliderValue = 10.0f;void OnGUI(){// Wrap everything in the designated GUI AreaGUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (0,0,200,60));// Begin the singular Horizontal GroupGUILayout.BeginHorizontal();// Place a Button normallyif (GUILayout.RepeatButton ("Increase max\nSlider Value")){maxSliderValue += 3.0f * Time.deltaTime;}// Arrange two more Controls vertically beside the ButtonGUILayout.BeginVertical();GUILayout.Box("Slider Value: " + Mathf.Round(sliderValue));sliderValue = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider (sliderValue, 0.0f, maxSliderValue);// End the Groups and AreaGUILayout.EndVertical();GUILayout.EndHorizontal();GUILayout.EndArea();}}

Using GUILayoutOptions to define some controls

使用GUILayoutOptions重写自动布局的参数Automatic Layout parameters.


// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {void OnGUI () {GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (100, 50, Screen.width-200, Screen.height-100));GUILayout.Button ("I am a regular Automatic Layout Button");GUILayout.Button ("My width has been overridden", GUILayout.Width (95));GUILayout.EndArea ();}}


Extending IMGUI


Compound Controls:绑定

如果你需要两个控件总是同时出现,比如一个slider,需要一个文字说明,表明该slider是用来干啥的. 你可以为每个 GUI.HorizontalSlider()添加一个GUI.Label() ,或者把这两个打成组,捆绑在一起Compound Control

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {private float mySlider = 1.0f;void OnGUI () {mySlider = LabelSlider (new Rect (10, 100, 100, 20), mySlider, 5.0f, "Label text here");}float LabelSlider (Rect screenRect, float sliderValue, float sliderMaxValue, string labelText) {GUI.Label (screenRect, labelText);// <- Push the Slider to the end of the LabelscreenRect.x += screenRect.width; sliderValue = GUI.HorizontalSlider (screenRect, sliderValue, 0.0f, sliderMaxValue);return sliderValue;}}



Static Compound Controls


// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;public class CompoundControls : MonoBehaviour {     public static float LabelSlider (Rect screenRect, float sliderValue, float sliderMaxValue, string labelText) {GUI.Label (screenRect, labelText);// <- Push the Slider to the end of the LabelscreenRect.x += screenRect.width; sliderValue = GUI.HorizontalSlider (screenRect, sliderValue, 0.0f, sliderMaxValue);return sliderValue;}}


// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {public Color myColor;void OnGUI () {myColor = RGBSlider (new Rect (10,10,200,10), myColor);}Color RGBSlider (Rect screenRect, Color rgb) {rgb.r = GUI.HorizontalSlider (screenRect, rgb.r, 0.0f, 1.0f);// <- Move the next control down a bit to avoid overlappingscreenRect.y += 20; rgb.g = GUI.HorizontalSlider (screenRect, rgb.g, 0.0f, 1.0f);// <- Move the next control down a bit to avoid overlappingscreenRect.y += 20; rgb.b = GUI.HorizontalSlider (screenRect, rgb.b, 0.0f, 1.0f);return rgb;}



// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {public Color myColor;void OnGUI () {myColor = RGBSlider (new Rect (10,10,200,30), myColor);}Color RGBSlider (Rect screenRect, Color rgb) {rgb.r = CompoundControls.LabelSlider (screenRect, rgb.r, 1.0f, "Red");// <- Move the next control down a bit to avoid overlappingscreenRect.y += 20; rgb.g = CompoundControls.LabelSlider (screenRect, rgb.g, 1.0f, "Green");// <- Move the next control down a bit to avoid overlappingscreenRect.y += 20; rgb.b = CompoundControls.LabelSlider (screenRect, rgb.b, 1.0f, "Blue");return rgb;}   }


GUI Skin (IMGUI System)


To create a GUISkin, select Assets->Create->GUI Skin from the menubar.

Horizontal Slider ThumbThe Style to use for all Horizontal Slider Thumb Buttons
Vertical SliderThe Style to use for all Vertical Slider bars
Vertical Slider ThumbThe Style to use for all Vertical Slider Thumb Buttons
Horizontal ScrollbarThe Style to use for all Horizontal Scrollbars
Horizontal Scrollbar ThumbThe Style to use for all Horizontal Scrollbar Thumb Buttons
Horizontal Scrollbar Left ButtonThe Style to use for all Horizontal Scrollbar scroll Left Buttons
Horizontal Scrollbar Right ButtonThe Style to use for all Horizontal Scrollbar scroll Right Buttons
Vertical ScrollbarThe Style to use for all Vertical Scrollbars
Vertical Scrollbar ThumbThe Style to use for all Vertical Scrollbar Thumb Buttons
Vertical Scrollbar Up ButtonThe Style to use for all Vertical Scrollbar scroll Up Buttons
Vertical Scrollbar Down ButtonThe Style to use for all Vertical Scrollbar scroll Down Buttons
Custom 1–20Additional custom Styles that can be applied to any Control
Custom StylesAn array of additional custom Styles that can be applied to any Control
SettingsAdditional Settings for the entire GUI
        Double Click Selects WordIf enabled, double-clicking a word will select it
        Triple Click Selects LineIf enabled, triple-clicking a word will select the entire line
        Cursor ColorColor of the keyboard cursor
        Cursor Flash SpeedThe speed at which the text cursor will flash when editing any Text Control
        Selection ColorColor of the selected area of Text

Applying GUISkins

To apply a GUISkin to your GUI, you must use a simple script to read and apply the Skin to your Controls.

// Create a public variable where we can assign the GUISkinvar customSkin : GUISkin;// Apply the Skin in our OnGUI() functionfunction OnGUI () {GUI.skin = customSkin;// Now create any Controls you like, and they will be displayed with the custom SkinGUILayout.Button ("I am a re-Skinned Button");// You can change or remove the skin for some Controls but not othersGUI.skin = null;// Any Controls created here will use the default Skin and not the custom SkinGUILayout.Button ("This Button uses the default UnityGUI Skin");}


    // One of the custom Styles in this Skin has the name "MyCustomControl"var customSkin : GUISkin;function OnGUI () {GUI.skin = customSkin;// We provide the name of the Style we want to use as the last argument of the Control functionGUILayout.Button ("I am a custom styled Button", "MyCustomControl");// We can also ignore the Custom Style, and use the Skin's default Button StyleGUILayout.Button ("I am the Skin's Button Style");}



GUI Style (IMGUI System)

Switch to Scripting

GUI Styles are a collection of custom attributes for use with UnityGUI. A single GUI Style defines the appearance of a single UnityGUI Control

A GUI Style in the Inspector

If you want to add style to more than one control, use a GUI Skin instead of a GUI Style. For more information about UnityGUI, please read the GUI Scripting Guide.

Please Note: This page refers to part of the IMGUI system, which is a scripting-only UI
system. Unity has a full GameObject-based UI system which you may prefer to use. It allows you to design and edit user interface elements as visible objects in the scene view
. See the UI System Manual for more information.


NameThe text string that can be used to refer to this specific Style
NormalBackground image & Text Color of the Control in default state
HoverBackground image & Text Color when the mouse is positioned over the Control
ActiveBackground image & Text Color when the mouse is actively clicking the Control
FocusedBackground image & Text Color when the Control has keyboard focus
On NormalBackground image & Text Color of the Control in enabled state
On HoverBackground image & Text Color when the mouse is positioned over the enabled Control
On ActiveProperties when the mouse is actively clicking the enabled Control
On FocusedBackground image & Text Color when the enabled Control has keyboard focus
BorderNumber of pixels
on each side of the Background image that are not affected by the scale of the Control’ shape
PaddingSpace in pixels from each edge of the Control to the start of its contents.
MarginThe margins between elements rendered in this style and any other GUI Controls.
OverflowExtra space to be added to the background image.
FontThe Font used for all text in this style
Image PositionThe way the background image and text are combined.
AlignmentStandard text alignment options.
Word WrapIf enabled, text that reaches the boundaries of the Control will wrap around to the next line
Text ClippingIf Word Wrap is enabled, choose how to handle text that exceeds the boundaries of the Control
        OverflowAny text that exceeds the Control boundaries will continue beyond the boundaries
        ClipAny text that exceeds the Control boundaries will be hidden
Content OffsetNumber of pixels along X and Y axes that the Content will be displaced in addition to all other properties
        XLeft/Right Offset
        YUp/Down Offset
Fixed WidthNumber of pixels for the width of the Control, which will override any provided Rect() value
Fixed HeightNumber of pixels for the height of the Control, which will override any provided Rect() value
Stretch WidthIf enabled, Controls using this style can be stretched horizontally for a better layout.
Stretch HeightIf enabled, Controls using this style can be stretched vertically for a better layout.



unity 之 IMGUI 二

本文发布于:2024-03-13 13:14:37,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:unity   IMGUI


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