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被动<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1769785.html style=收入"/>



This week the WPBeginner team was at Affiliate Summit East in Philadelphia. While there, we had the opportunity to view a number of fantastic sessions. One such focus was on creating authority blogs and a passive monthly income. This was a panel presentation moderated by our own Syed Balkhi. The three panelists, John Chow, Zac Johnson, and John Rampton shared their experiences and takeaways from their combined 30+ year of experience.

本周,WPBeginner团队在费城的Affiliate Summit East举行。 在那里,我们有机会观看了许多精彩的会议。 其中一个重点是创建权威博客和被动的月收入。 这是由我们自己的Syed Balkhi主持的小组演讲。 John Chow , Zac Johnson和John Rampton这三位小组成员分享了他们30多年的经验和收获。

权威博客 (Authority Blogs)

A primary goal of the talk was to discuss making and maintaining an authority blog. As a panel, the group emphasized that authority blogs begin with quality content that fills a need within the community. The importance of a devoted user base cannot be underestimated. Regarding how to gain followers and a user base, the panel outlined social media, guest blogging, and participating in the communities of other websites as avenues to growing a fan base. For some of the panelists, this dedication to participating in other communities not only increased their user base, but also helped them to find platforms for syndication and cross promotion once their brand was established. For many on the panel, they were unaware of their blog’s authority status until others within their respective communities reached out to them for help or guidance. This also translated into recognition from not only a user base, but mainstream media (newspaper, television) for the presenters.

演讲的主要目的是讨论创建和维护权威博客。 该小组强调,权威博客从满足社区需求的高质量内容开始。 忠实的用户群的重要性不可低估。 关于如何获得关注者和用户群,小组概述了社交媒体,来宾博客以及参与其他网站社区的情况,以此来扩大粉丝群。 对于某些小组成员而言,致力于参与其他社区的活动不仅增加了他们的用户基础,而且还帮助他们在品牌建立后就找到了联合和交叉推广的平台。 对于小组中的许多人来说,直到他们各自社区中的其他人向他们寻求帮助或指导之前,他们才意识到博客的权威地位。 这也不仅转化为演讲者的用户基础,还获得了主流媒体(报纸,电视)的认可。

被动收入 (Passive Income)

Many people strive for the internet dream of making money while you sleep, a truly passive income. Many online “gurus” will say: if you want to be rich, then just setup a website and start blogging.

许多人都在努力实现互联网梦想,让您在睡眠时赚钱,这是真正的被动收入。 许多在线“专家”都会说:如果您想致富,那么只需建立一个网站并开始写博客。

However, the take away from this panel is that passive income from blogs does not mean no time spent working. All of the panelists indicated that they spent hours online (up to 12+ hours a day) creating content and engaging with others. Did you expect anything less? Creating a successful blog takes hard work. However, the passion they had for their work made this time enjoyable.

但是,此面板的好处是,博客的被动收入并不意味着没有时间在工作上。 所有小组成员均表示他们在网上花了数小时(每天最多12个小时以上)来创作内容并与他人互动。 您期望少了吗? 创建成功的博客需要艰苦的工作。 但是,他们对工作的热情使这次变得愉快。

Despite the long hours, the panel reported spending little time on the actual day to day operations of their site, thanks in large part of automating time consuming processes through invited guest posts and advertising management plugins. The majority of the panel’s time online was devoted to engaging with others and launching new projects.

尽管工作时间很长,但该小组报告称,他们在网站的实际日常操作上花费了很少的时间,这在很大程度上要归功于通过邀请来宾帖子和广告管理插件来使耗时的流程自动化。 小组在网上的大部分时间都花在与他人互动和启动新项目上。

According to this panel, reoccurring income is possible without doing a lot of extra work which is what these experts consider smart passive income from blogs. The panelists recommended creating and segmenting an email list to maximize your ability to reach out to your audience when you are promoting products you believe in. Creating and reviewing products with affiliate systems was also recommended, as in some cases reviews from the past (as far as five years) were still generating revenue thanks to quality posts. Some products promoted by these affiliate such as Aweber offered recurring commission for life.

根据该小组的讨论,无需做很多额外的工作就可以重新获得收入,这就是这些专家认为来自博客的被动收入。 小组成员建议创建和细分电子邮件列表,以最大程度地发挥您推广您所信任的产品时与听众的联系的能力。还建议使用会员系统创建和审查产品,因为在某些情况下,它是过去的评论(到目前为止) (五年)仍靠优质的职位来创收。 这些关联公司促销的某些产品(例如Aweber)提供了终身续订佣金。

Regarding income, the panel reported advertising, affiliate marketing, and creating products was large part of their income. The recommendation for beginners was to start out with Google Adsense and slowly shift to private ad networks. This will allow you to get a better revenue share. Then slowly eliminate the middle man by working out direct deals with the advertiser. Product reviews, case studies, and recommendations were also endorsed as a revenue streams. The panel emphasized that you need to focus on products that are relevant to your audience and that you yourself use as you are the ambassador for your brand.

关于收入,小组报告说广告,会员营销和创造产品是他们收入的很大一部分。 对于初学者的建议是从Google Adsense开始,然后慢慢转向私有广告网络。 这将使您获得更好的收入份额。 然后,通过与广告客户达成直接交易来慢慢消除中间人。 产品评论,案例研究和建议也作为收入来源得到认可。 小组强调,您需要专注于与您的受众相关的产品,并且您自己是品牌的大使,因此您必须自己使用。

成功秘诀和小组建议 (Secrets to Success and Panel Recommendations)

The panel shared some secrets for success that they recommend that we have outlined for you below.


  • Make and maintain relationships in real life and online. Relationships are not only important to promote and stimulate growth, but it helps to bolster you when you find yourself recovering from a mistake. Having a network of others at your level of development is important to keep your spirits up and to help set up expectations for yourself.

    在现实生活中和在线上建立和维持关系。 人际关系不仅对促进和刺激成长很重要,而且当您发现自己从错误中恢复过来时,它有助于您的成长。 在您的发展水平上拥有其他人的网络对于保持精神振奋并帮助建立对自己的期望很重要。
  • Be passionate in what you do. Every panelist expressed only being able to move forward through failure and challenges because they are exceedingly passionate in what they do and because they fought hard to become the best they could be in their niche.

    对您的工作充满热情。 每位小组成员表示只能通过失败和挑战前进,因为他们对所做的工作充满热情,并且为实现自己的优势而努力奋斗。
  • Creating amazing content is still the best thing you can do for your blog. This extends to social media content too. The panel conceptualized Twitter, Facebook, and other avenues are simply the arteries and veins from the heart of your blog. The join of social media is to send out your content and bring back users, so ensure that every step along the way is quality.

    创建惊人的内容仍然是您可以为博客做的最好的事情。 这也扩展到社交媒体内容。 小组将Twitter,Facebook和其他途径概念化,这只是博客核心的动脉和脉络。 社交媒体的加入是发送您的内容并带回用户,因此请确保过程中的每一步都是质量。
  • Failure is inevitable. Every successful person will have numerous projects that fail or fail to live up to expectations. Take this in stride and find support in others to keep you moving. And never forget to reward yourself. Small rewards for accomplishing the steps along the way can help you reach your big dreams. Your net worth is not your self worth.

    失败是不可避免的。 每个成功的人都会有许多失败或无法实现期望的项目。 大步向前,寻求他人的支持,以保持您的前进。 永远不要忘记奖励自己。 完成过程中的小额奖励可以帮助您实现自己的梦想。 您的净资产不是您的自我价值。
  • Remember that your personal brand is important. People will search for you and see if you really are who you say you are.

    请记住,您的个人品牌很重要。 人们会搜索您,看看您是否真的是您所说的人。

There were tons of great lessons learned from this panel. This was a fairly full room with tons of great questions. We hope that you liked our summary of this panel at Affiliate Summit. If you have more questions, then you can ask our founder Syed Balkhi on his twitter (@syedbalkhi).

从该小组中学到了很多宝贵的经验教训。 这是一个相当宽敞的房间,上面有很多疑问。 我们希望您喜欢我们在会员峰会上对该小组的总结。 如果您还有其他问题,可以在其Twitter( @syedbalkhi )上询问我们的创始人Syed Balkhi 。

If you want to attend this event, they are having the next one in Las Vegas on January 12-14, 2014. Book your tickets because the event solds out fairly fast.

如果您想参加这个活动,他们将在2014年1月12日至14日在拉斯维加斯举行下一场活动。 预订您的门票是因为该活动售罄相当快。

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