Happy Tree Friends(一个在树上搜索的题)

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-07 15:24:19

Happy Tree Friends(一个在<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1763661.html style=树上搜索的题)"/>

Happy Tree Friends(一个在树上搜索的题)




问题 I: Happy Tree Friends

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提交: 41  解决: 14
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There is a Happy Tree on an island. Happy Tree consists of n apples linked by n-1 branches and the No.1 apple is the root of the tree. Each apple has a value a_i.
Today, k friends are playing under Happy Tree. Each of them can select only one apple, then gets the sum of the values from root to the selected apple, and take all the apples on the road (including the root and the selected apple). Of course, an apple can only be taken once.
Now, they want to know the maximum value they can get. They promise that everyone can select at least one apple.


The first line consists of two non-negative integers, the number of apples n, and the number of friends k. ( 1 ≤ n ,k ≤2×10 5  )
The second line consists of n non-negative integers, the value of the i-th apple a_i. ( 1 ≤ a_i  ≤ 10 9  )
Then there are n-1 lines, each line consists of two non-negative integers, and describe a branch between u and v. ( 1≤u ,v ≤n )


Only one integer, the maximum value they can get.




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using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int maxn=2e5+7;
int n,k,cnt,cnt2,head[maxn],chi_nu[maxn],leaf,leafs[maxn],father[maxn],letime[maxn];
ll ans,cost[maxn],leaf_cost[maxn];//cnt是每一次建树用的,cnt2是广搜时保存新的边用的,chi_nu[]是保存当前最新的每一个节点后面的叶子个数
bool vis[maxn],vis2[maxn];//vis[]是删边标记用的,vis2[]是重新建树时广搜标记用的
struct bian{int a,b;
struct lenode{//叶节点的最大有效值以及优先队列的节点int u,time=0;ll l_cost=0;bool operator<(const lenode & a)const{return l_cost>a.l_cost;}
lenode genx;//每一次删叶子节点保存的新的叶子节点及其有效值
bool flaggenxi=0;//每一次删边时是否更新其它叶子节点的标记判断
struct node{//邻接表节点int to,next;
} edge[2*maxn];//邻接表
void add(int a,int b){//邻接表加边edge[++cnt].to=b,edge[cnt].next=head[a];head[a]=cnt;
int DFS(int now){//寻找叶节点以及赋值每一个节点后面存在的叶节点数,叶节点的这个数为零int num=0,to;for(register int i=head[now]; i; i=edge[i].next){to=edge[i].to;if(head[to]==0)++num,leafs[++leaf]=to;else {chi_nu[to]=DFS(to);num+=chi_nu[to];}}return num;
ll zfa(int now){//计算叶节点的有效值if(now==0)return 0;if(chi_nu[now]<=1)return cost[now]+zfa(father[now]);return 0;
void zfa3(int now){//更新此节点的后面叶子个数if(now==0)return;--chi_nu[now];zfa3(father[now]);
int zaoyi(int now){//寻找叶节点int to;for(register int i=head[now]; i; i=edge[i].next){to=edge[i].to;if(!vis[to]){if(head[to]==0)return to;return zaoyi(to);break;}}
ll zfsum(int now){//当删叶节点时又得到一条新的链时往根节点查找有效值及更新当前叶节点的有效值if(now==0)return 0;if(chi_nu[now]==1)return cost[now]+zfsum(father[now]);return 0;
void zfa2(int now){//删除一个叶子节点if(chi_nu[now]>2){chi_nu[now]--;zfa3(father[now]);return;}if(chi_nu[now]==1){vis[now]=1;zfa2(father[now]);return;}--chi_nu[now];zfa3(father[now]);int yi=zaoyi(now);ll sumxs=leaf_cost[yi]+cost[now];sumxs+=zfsum(father[now]);flaggenxi=1;genx.l_cost=sumxs;genx.u=yi;
void BFS(){//第二次建树所需要的广搜,就是重新找边queue<int>que;que.push(1);bian temp;vis2[1]=1;while(!que.empty()){int now=que.front();que.pop();temp.a=now;for(register int i=head[now];i;i=edge[i].next){int to=edge[i].to;if(!vis2[to]){vis2[to]=1;que.push(to);temp.b=to;renew[++cnt2]=temp;}}}
int main(){scanf("%d %d",&n,&k);int a,b;for(register int i=1; i<=n; ++i)scanf("%lld",&cost[i]),ans+=cost[i];for(register int i=1; i<=n-1; ++i){//第一次建树scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);add(a,b);add(b,a);}BFS();//由于是双向的这个题,但是我的代码得是标准的单向树才能合理运行,所以的重新建树cnt=0;memset(head,0,sizeof(head));for(register int i=1;i<n;++i){//第二次重新建树add(renew[i].a,renew[i].b);father[renew[i].b]=renew[i].a;}chi_nu[1]=DFS(1);//调用函数计算每个节点后面的叶子个数if(leaf<=k){//leaf<=k代表可以把所有节点吃完printf("%lld\n",ans);return 0;}lenode te;for(register int i=1; i<=leaf; ++i){//计算每一个叶子节点的有效值leaf_cost[leafs[i]]=zfa(father[leafs[i]])+cost[leafs[i]];te.l_cost=leaf_cost[leafs[i]];te.u=leafs[i];leafque.push(te);}while(leaf>k){flaggenxi=0;te=leafque.top();leafque.pop();while(te.time<letime[te.u]){//运用时间戳,避免了大量的查找te=leafque.top();leafque.pop();}vis[te.u]=1;zfa2(father[te.u]);ans-=te.l_cost;--leaf;if(flaggenxi){//如果在删除叶子节点时产生其它的叶子节点更新,就更新genx.time=++letime[genx.u];leafque.push(genx);leaf_cost[genx.u]=genx.l_cost;//更新叶子节点有效值,第一次就是调这个bug调了好就才发现没有更新}}printf("%lld\n",ans);return 0;
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Happy Tree Friends(一个在树上搜索的题)

本文发布于:2024-03-12 13:25:39,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:树上   Happy   Tree   Friends


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