
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-07 06:49:04

【MSP432E401Y<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1770117.html style=学习笔记】PWM输出之改例程"/>



/* --COPYRIGHT--,BSD* Copyright (c) 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated* All rights reserved.** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions* are met:** *  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright*    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.** *  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright*    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the*    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.** *  Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of*    its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived*    from this software without specific prior written permission.** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"* AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,* THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR* PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR* CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,* EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,* PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS;* OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY,* WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR* OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE,* EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.* --/COPYRIGHT--*/
/******************************************************************************* MSP432E4 PWM with basic interrupt** Description: This project creates two PWMs from PWM Generator 3.  Each PWM*              period is 128K clock cycles(64K up and 64K down); ~250Hz.  PWMA*              has a 25% positive duty cycle while PWMB has 75%.  The PWM*              interrupt sources for Generator 0 are the PWMA comparator value*              in both the up and down directions and the Load and Zero count*              values.**                MSP432E401Y*             ------------------*         /|\|                  |*          | |                  |*          --|RST               |*            |               PA0|<--- UART RX*            |               PA1|---> UART TX*            |                  |*            |               PF0|---> PWMA 25% Duty Cycle*            |               PF1|---> PWMB 75% Duty Cycle*            |                  |** Author: C. Sterzik*
/* DriverLib Includes */
#include <ti/devices/msp432e4/driverlib/driverlib.h>/* Standard Includes */
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>/* Include for serial console */
#include "uartstdio.h"/* Global variable for system clock */
uint32_t getSystemClock;/* PWM ISR */
void PWM0_0_IRQHandler(void)
{uint32_t getIntStatus;getIntStatus = MAP_PWMGenIntStatus(PWM0_BASE, PWM_GEN_0, true);MAP_PWMGenIntClear(PWM0_BASE, PWM_GEN_0, getIntStatus);}/* Function to setup the serial console */
void InitConsole(void)
{/* Enable the clock to GPIO port A and UART 0 */MAP_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOA);MAP_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_UART0);/* Configure the GPIO Port A for UART 0 */MAP_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PA0_U0RX);MAP_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PA1_U0TX);MAP_GPIOPinTypeUART(GPIO_PORTA_BASE, GPIO_PIN_0 | GPIO_PIN_1);/* Configure the UART for 115200 bps 8-N-1 format with internal 16 MHz* oscillator as the UART clock source */MAP_UARTClockSourceSet(UART0_BASE, UART_CLOCK_ALTCLK);UARTStdioConfig(0, 115200, 16000000);
}/* Prints out 5x "." with a second delay after each print.  This function will* then backspace, clearing the previously printed dots, and then backspace* again so you can continuously printout on the same line.  The purpose of* this function is to indicate to the user that the program is running. */
{UARTprintf(". ");MAP_SysCtlDelay(getSystemClock / 3);UARTprintf(". ");MAP_SysCtlDelay(getSystemClock / 3);UARTprintf(". ");MAP_SysCtlDelay(getSystemClock / 3);UARTprintf(". ");MAP_SysCtlDelay(getSystemClock / 3);UARTprintf(". ");MAP_SysCtlDelay(getSystemClock / 3);UARTprintf("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b");UARTprintf("          ");UARTprintf("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b");MAP_SysCtlDelay(getSystemClock / 3);
}int main(void)
{/* Configure the system clock for 16 MHz internal oscillator */getSystemClock = MAP_SysCtlClockFreqSet((SYSCTL_OSC_INT |SYSCTL_USE_OSC), 16000000);/* Initialize serial console */InitConsole();/* Display the setup on the console. */UARTprintf("PWM ->\n");UARTprintf("  Module: PWM0 Generator 0\n");UARTprintf("  Pin(s): PF0 and PF1\n");UARTprintf("  Duty Cycle: 25%% on PF0 and 75%% on PF1\n");UARTprintf("Generating PWM on PWM0 (PF0,PF1) -> ");/* The PWM peripheral must be enabled for use. */MAP_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_PWM0);while(!(MAP_SysCtlPeripheralReady(SYSCTL_PERIPH_PWM0)));/* Set the PWM clock to the system clock. */MAP_PWMClockSet(PWM0_BASE,PWM_SYSCLK_DIV_1);/* Enable the clock to the GPIO Port F for PWM pins */MAP_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOF);while(!MAP_SysCtlPeripheralReady(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOF));MAP_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PF0_M0PWM0);MAP_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PF1_M0PWM1);MAP_GPIOPinTypePWM(GPIO_PORTF_BASE, (GPIO_PIN_0 | GPIO_PIN_1|));/* Configure the PWM0 to count up/down without synchronization. */MAP_PWMGenConfigure(PWM0_BASE, PWM_GEN_0, PWM_GEN_MODE_UP_DOWN |PWM_GEN_MODE_NO_SYNC);/* Set the PWM period to 250Hz.  To calculate the appropriate parameter* use the following equation: N = (1 / f) * SysClk.  Where N is the* function parameter, f is the desired frequency, and SysClk is the* system clock frequency.* In this case you get: (1 / 250Hz) * 16MHz = 64000 cycles.  Note that* the maximum period you can set is 2^16 - 1. */MAP_PWMGenPeriodSet(PWM0_BASE, PWM_GEN_0, 64000);/* Set PWM0 PF0 to a duty cycle of 25%.  You set the duty cycle as a* function of the period.  Since the period was set above, you can use the* PWMGenPeriodGet() function.  For this example the PWM will be high for* 25% of the time or 16000 clock cycles (64000 / 4). */MAP_PWMPulseWidthSet(PWM0_BASE, PWM_OUT_0,MAP_PWMGenPeriodGet(PWM0_BASE, PWM_GEN_0) / 4);/* Set PWM0 PF1 to a duty cycle of 75%.  You set the duty cycle as a* function of the period.  Since the period was set above, you can use the* PWMGenPeriodGet() function.  For this example the PWM will be high for* 7% of the time or 16000 clock cycles 3*(64000 / 4). */MAP_PWMPulseWidthSet(PWM0_BASE, PWM_OUT_1,3*MAP_PWMGenPeriodGet(PWM0_BASE, PWM_GEN_0) / 4);MAP_IntMasterEnable();/* This timer is in up-down mode.  Interrupts will occur when the* counter for this PWM counts to the load value (64000), when the* counter counts up to 64000/4 (PWM A Up), counts down to 64000/4* (PWM A Down), and counts to 0. */MAP_PWMGenIntTrigEnable(PWM0_BASE, PWM_GEN_0,PWM_INT_CNT_ZERO | PWM_INT_CNT_LOAD |PWM_INT_CNT_AU | PWM_INT_CNT_AD);MAP_IntEnable(INT_PWM0_0);MAP_PWMIntEnable(PWM0_BASE, PWM_INT_GEN_0);/* Enable the PWM0 Bit 0 (PF0) and Bit 1 (PF1) output signals. */MAP_PWMOutputState(PWM0_BASE, (PWM_OUT_0_BIT | PWM_OUT_1_BIT), true);/* Enables the counter for a PWM generator block. */MAP_PWMGenEnable(PWM0_BASE, PWM_GEN_0);/* Loop forever while the PWM signals are generated. */while(1){/* Print out indication on the console that the program is running. */PrintRunningDots();}


/* Generator 0 Pins */MAP_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PF1_M0PWM1);/* Generator 1 Pins */MAP_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PF2_M0PWM2);MAP_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PF3_M0PWM3);/* Generator 2 Pins */MAP_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PG0_M0PWM4);MAP_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PG1_M0PWM5);/* Generator 3 Pins */MAP_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PK4_M0PWM6);MAP_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PK5_M0PWM7);


/* DriverLib Includes */
#include <ti/devices/msp432e4/driverlib/driverlib.h>/* Standard Includes */
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>/* Include for serial console */
#include "uartstdio.h"/* Global variable for system clock */
uint32_t getSystemClock;/* PWM ISR */
void PWM0_0_IRQHandler(void)
{uint32_t getIntStatus;getIntStatus = MAP_PWMGenIntStatus(PWM0_BASE, PWM_GEN_0, true);MAP_PWMGenIntClear(PWM0_BASE, PWM_GEN_0, getIntStatus);}/* Function to setup the serial console */
void InitConsole(void)
{/* Enable the clock to GPIO port A and UART 0 */MAP_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOA);MAP_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_UART0);/* Configure the GPIO Port A for UART 0 */MAP_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PA0_U0RX);MAP_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PA1_U0TX);MAP_GPIOPinTypeUART(GPIO_PORTA_BASE, GPIO_PIN_0 | GPIO_PIN_1);/* Configure the UART for 115200 bps 8-N-1 format with internal 16 MHz* oscillator as the UART clock source */MAP_UARTClockSourceSet(UART0_BASE, UART_CLOCK_ALTCLK);UARTStdioConfig(0, 115200, 16000000);
}/* Prints out 5x "." with a second delay after each print.  This function will* then backspace, clearing the previously printed dots, and then backspace* again so you can continuously printout on the same line.  The purpose of* this function is to indicate to the user that the program is running. */
{UARTprintf(". ");MAP_SysCtlDelay(getSystemClock / 3);UARTprintf(". ");MAP_SysCtlDelay(getSystemClock / 3);UARTprintf(". ");MAP_SysCtlDelay(getSystemClock / 3);UARTprintf(". ");MAP_SysCtlDelay(getSystemClock / 3);UARTprintf(". ");MAP_SysCtlDelay(getSystemClock / 3);UARTprintf("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b");UARTprintf("          ");UARTprintf("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b");MAP_SysCtlDelay(getSystemClock / 3);
}int main(void)
{/* Configure the system clock for 16 MHz internal oscillator */getSystemClock = MAP_SysCtlClockFreqSet((SYSCTL_OSC_INT |SYSCTL_USE_OSC), 16000000);/* Initialize serial console */InitConsole();/* Display the setup on the console. */UARTprintf("PWM ->\n");UARTprintf("  Module: PWM0 Generator 0\n");UARTprintf("  Pin(s): PF0 and PF1\n");UARTprintf("  Duty Cycle: 25%% on PF0 and 75%% on PF1\n");UARTprintf("Generating PWM on PWM0 (PF0,PF1) -> ");/* The PWM peripheral must be enabled for use. */MAP_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_PWM0);while(!(MAP_SysCtlPeripheralReady(SYSCTL_PERIPH_PWM0)));/* Set the PWM clock to the system clock. */MAP_PWMClockSet(PWM0_BASE,PWM_SYSCLK_DIV_1);/* Enable the clock to the GPIO Port F for PWM pins */MAP_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOF);while(!MAP_SysCtlPeripheralReady(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOF));MAP_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PF0_M0PWM0);MAP_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PF1_M0PWM1);MAP_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PF2_M0PWM2);MAP_GPIOPinTypePWM(GPIO_PORTF_BASE, (GPIO_PIN_0 | GPIO_PIN_1| GPIO_PIN_2));/* Configure the PWM0 to count up/down without synchronization. */MAP_PWMGenConfigure(PWM0_BASE, PWM_GEN_0, PWM_GEN_MODE_UP_DOWN |PWM_GEN_MODE_NO_SYNC);MAP_PWMGenConfigure(PWM0_BASE, PWM_GEN_1, PWM_GEN_MODE_UP_DOWN |PWM_GEN_MODE_GEN_SYNC_LOCAL);/* Set the PWM period to 250Hz.  To calculate the appropriate parameter* use the following equation: N = (1 / f) * SysClk.  Where N is the* function parameter, f is the desired frequency, and SysClk is the* system clock frequency.* In this case you get: (1 / 250Hz) * 16MHz = 64000 cycles.  Note that* the maximum period you can set is 2^16 - 1. */MAP_PWMGenPeriodSet(PWM0_BASE, PWM_GEN_0, 64000);MAP_PWMGenPeriodSet(PWM0_BASE, PWM_GEN_1, 64000);/* Set PWM0 PF0 to a duty cycle of 25%.  You set the duty cycle as a* function of the period.  Since the period was set above, you can use the* PWMGenPeriodGet() function.  For this example the PWM will be high for* 25% of the time or 16000 clock cycles (64000 / 4). */MAP_PWMPulseWidthSet(PWM0_BASE, PWM_OUT_0,MAP_PWMGenPeriodGet(PWM0_BASE, PWM_GEN_0) / 4);/* Set PWM0 PF1 to a duty cycle of 75%.  You set the duty cycle as a* function of the period.  Since the period was set above, you can use the* PWMGenPeriodGet() function.  For this example the PWM will be high for* 7% of the time or 16000 clock cycles 3*(64000 / 4). */MAP_PWMPulseWidthSet(PWM0_BASE, PWM_OUT_1,3*MAP_PWMGenPeriodGet(PWM0_BASE, PWM_GEN_0) / 4);/* Set PWM0 PF2 to a duty cycle of 50%.  You set the duty cycle as a* function of the period.  Since the period was set above, you can use the* PWMGenPeriodGet() function.  For this example the PWM will be high for* 7% of the time or 16000 clock cycles 3*(64000 / 4). */MAP_PWMPulseWidthSet(PWM0_BASE, PWM_OUT_2,MAP_PWMGenPeriodGet(PWM0_BASE, PWM_GEN_0) / 4);MAP_IntMasterEnable();/* This timer is in up-down mode.  Interrupts will occur when the* counter for this PWM counts to the load value (64000), when the* counter counts up to 64000/4 (PWM A Up), counts down to 64000/4* (PWM A Down), and counts to 0. */MAP_PWMGenIntTrigEnable(PWM0_BASE, PWM_GEN_0,PWM_INT_CNT_ZERO | PWM_INT_CNT_LOAD |PWM_INT_CNT_AU | PWM_INT_CNT_AD);MAP_IntEnable(INT_PWM0_0);MAP_IntEnable(INT_PWM0_1);MAP_PWMIntEnable(PWM0_BASE, PWM_INT_GEN_0);MAP_PWMIntEnable(PWM0_BASE, PWM_INT_GEN_1);/* Enable the PWM0 Bit 0 (PF0) and Bit 1 (PF1) output signals. */MAP_PWMOutputState(PWM0_BASE, (PWM_OUT_0_BIT | PWM_OUT_1_BIT| PWM_OUT_2_BIT), true);/* Enables the counter for a PWM generator block. */MAP_PWMGenEnable(PWM0_BASE, PWM_GEN_0);MAP_PWMGenEnable(PWM0_BASE, PWM_GEN_1);/* Loop forever while the PWM signals are generated. */while(1){/* Print out indication on the console that the program is running. */PrintRunningDots();}



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本文标签:学习笔记   例程   MSP432E401Y   PWM


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