Backbone.js教程(初级篇) 这是菜鸟与老油条,屌丝与高富帅的战争 —— 译者:茶几 @chajn 原作者:脱袜子·戴蕾丝 原文:

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-11 05:21:12

Backbone.js教程(初级篇) <a href= style=这是菜鸟与老油条,屌丝与高富帅的战争 —— 译者:茶几 @chajn 原作者:脱袜子·戴蕾丝 原文:"/>

Backbone.js教程(初级篇) 这是菜鸟与老油条,屌丝与高富帅的战争 —— 译者:茶几 @chajn 原作者:脱袜子·戴蕾丝 原文:


这是菜鸟与老油条,屌丝与高富帅的战争 —— 译者:茶几 @chajn

原作者:脱袜子·戴蕾丝  原文:/

1. 为啥你需要Backbone.js?



2. 啥是model?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Person = Backbone.Model.extend({          initialize:  function (){              alert( "Welcome to this world" );          }      });           var  person =  new  Person;

SO我们看到new一个model的实例后就会触发initialize()函数(models,collections 和 views 的工作机制都是一样滴)。虽然可以不声明initialize,但我们可能会经常用到。

2.1 设置属性


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Person = Backbone.Model.extend({          initialize:  function (){              alert( "Welcome to this world" );          }      });           var  person =  new  Person({ name:  "Thomas" , age: 67});      delete  person;      //或者用set,操作等价      var  person =  new  Person();      person.set({ name:  "Thomas" , age: 67});


2.2 获取属性

很简单,用 model.get(name)方法就可以读取属性值了。

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Person = Backbone.Model.extend({          initialize:  function (){              alert( "欢迎来到这个二蛋的世界" );          }      });           var  person =  new  Person({ name:  "Thomas" , age: 67, children: [ 'Ryan' ]});           var  age = person.get( "age" );  // 67      var  name = person.get( "name" );  // "Thomas"      var  children = person.get( "children" );  // ['Ryan']


2.3 设置model默认属性


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Person = Backbone.Model.extend({          defaults: {              name:  'Fetus' ,              age: 0,              children: []          },          initialize:  function (){              alert( "欢迎来到这个三蛋的世界" );          }      });           var  person =  new  Person({ name:  "Thomas" , age: 67, children: [ 'Ryan' ]});           var  age = person.get( "age" );  // 67      var  name = person.get( "name" );  // "Thomas"      var  children = person.get( "children" );  // ['Ryan']


2.4 操纵model的属性


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Person = Backbone.Model.extend({          defaults: {              name:  'Fetus' ,              age: 0,              children: []          },          initialize:  function (){              alert( "欢迎来到这个四蛋的世界" );          },          adopt:  function ( newChildsName ){              var  children_array =  this .get( "children" );              children_array.push( newChildsName );              this .set({ children: children_array });          }      });           var  person =  new  Person({ name:  "Thomas" , age: 67, children: [ 'Ryan' ]});      person.adopt( 'John Resig' );      var  children = person.get( "children" );  // ['Ryan', 'John Resig']


2.5 监听model的属性改变


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Person = Backbone.Model.extend({          defaults: {              name:  'Fetus' ,              age: 0,              children: []          },          initialize:  function (){              alert( "欢迎来到这个无蛋的世界" );              this .bind( "change:name" function (){                  var  name =  this .get( "name" );  // 'Stewie Griffin'                  alert( "我的名字变为"  + name );              });          },          replaceNameAttr:  function ( name ){              this .set({ name: name });          }      });      var  person =  new  Person({ name:  "Thomas" , age: 67, children: [ 'Ryan' ]});      person.replaceNameAttr( 'Stewie Griffin' );  // 改变后触手会alert()

可以单个属性监听,也可以直接监听所有的属性,如:'this.bind("change", function(){});'

2.6 提取,存储和销毁


2.7 提示和技巧

2.7.1 获取当前所有的属性

1 2 3 4 5 6 var  person =  new  Person({ name:  "Thomas" , age: 67, children: [ 'Ryan' ]});      var  attributes = person.toJSON();  // { name: "Thomas", age: 67, children: ['Ryan']}      /* 返回对当前属性的copy */      delete  attributes;      var  attributes = person.attributes;      /* 上行返回属性的直接引用,对其的任何改变就等于实例属性本身的改变,所以还是建议你使用.set()来进行属性的设置,因为还有backbone的监听呀 */


2.7.2 在设置或存储属性的时候进行数据校验

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Person = Backbone.Model.extend({          // 如果从validate中返回字符串了, Backbone就会抛个实例异常          validate:  function ( attributes ){              if ( attributes.age < 0 && !=  "Dr Manhatten"  ){                  return  "你的存在是个错误" ;              }          },          initialize:  function (){              alert( "欢迎来到这个报错的世界" );              this .bind( "error" function (model, error){                  // 收到个错误,记录,警告,然后忘记它。╮(‵▽′)╭                  alert( error );              });          }      });           var  person =  new  Person;      person.set({ name:  "Mary Poppins" , age: -1 });      // 会触发error,输出警告      delete  person;           var  person =  new  Person;      person.set({ name:  "Dr Manhatten" , age: -1 }); // 上帝为何怜悯我们的灵魂,只因为打开的方式不对


3. 啥是view?

本部分教程不会说关于views绑定models和collections的事情,重点说一下视图能力和如何使用views与JS模板库,特别是Underscore.js的 _.template。
我们使用jQuery 1.5操作DOM,当然也可以使用其他的库比如MooTools或Sizzle,但Backbone.js的官方文档说支持使用jQuery。

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SearchView = Backbone.View.extend({          initialize:  function (){              alert( "Alerts suck." );          }      });           // The initialize function is always called when instantiating a Backbone View.      // Consider it the constructor of the class.      var  search_view =  new  SearchView;


3.1 “el”属性


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 < div  id = "search_container" ></ div >      < script  type = "text/javascript" >      SearchView = Backbone.View.extend({          initialize: function(){              alert("Alerts suck.");          }      });           var search_view = new SearchView({ el: $("#search_container") }); </ script >


3.2 模板加载


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 < div  id = "search_container" ></ div >     < script  type = "text/template"  id = "search_template" >      < label >Search</ label >      < input  type = "text"  id = "search_input"  />      < input  type = "button"  id = "search_button"  value = "Search"  /> </ script >     < script  type = "text/javascript" >      SearchView = Backbone.View.extend({          initialize: function(){              this.render();          },          render: function(){              // Compile the template using underscore              var template = _.template( $("#search_template").html(), {} );              // Load the compiled HTML into the Backbone "el"              this.el.html( template );          }      });           var search_view = new SearchView({ el: $("#search_container") }); </ script >


3.3 事件监听


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 < div  id = "search_container" ></ div >     < script  type = "text/template"  id = "search_template" >      < label >Search</ label >      < input  type = "text"  id = "search_input"  />      < input  type = "button"  id = "search_button"  value = "Search"  /> </ script >     < script  type = "text/javascript" >      SearchView = Backbone.View.extend({          initialize: function(){              this.render();          },          render: function(){              var template = _.template( $("#search_template").html(), {} );              this.el.html( template );          },          events: {              "click input[type=button]": "doSearch"          },          doSearch: function( event ){              // Button clicked, you can access the element that was clicked with event.currentTarget              alert( "Search for " + $("#search_input").val() );          }      });           var search_view = new SearchView({ el: $("#search_container") }); </ script >


3.4 提示和技巧

3.4.1 使用模板变量

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 < div  id = "search_container" ></ div >     < script  type = "text/template"  id = "search_template" >      <!-- Access template variables with <%= %> -->      < label ><%= search_label %></ label >      < input  type = "text"  id = "search_input"  />      < input  type = "button"  id = "search_button"  value = "Search"  /> </ script >     < script  type = "text/javascript" >       SearchView = Backbone.View.extend({          initialize: function(){              this.render();          },          render: function(){              //Pass variables in using Underscore.js Template              var variables = { search_label: "My Search" };              // Compile the template using underscore              var template = _.template( $("#search_template").html(), variables );              // Load the compiled HTML into the Backbone "el"              this.el.html( template );          },          events: {              "click input[type=button]": "doSearch"          },          doSearch: function( event ){              // Button clicked, you can access the element that was clicked with event.currentTarget              alert( "Search for " + $("#search_input").val() );          }      });           var search_view = new SearchView({ el: $("#search_container") }); </ script >


4. 啥是collection?


  • Model: Student, Collection: ClassStudents

  • Model: Todo Item, Collection: Todo List

  • Model: Animals, Collection: Zoo


  • Model: Student, Collection: Gym Class

  • Model: Student, Collection: Art Class

  • Model: Student, Collection: English Class


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 var  Song = Backbone.Model.extend({          initialize:  function (){              console.log( "Music is the answer" );          }      });           var  Album = Backbone.Collection.extend({          model: Song      });


4.1 构建 collection


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 var  Song = Backbone.Model.extend({          defaults: {              name:  "Not specified" ,              artist:  "Not specified"          },          initialize:  function (){              console.log( "Music is the answer" );          }      });           var  Album = Backbone.Collection.extend({          model: Song      });           var  song1 =  new  Song({ name:  "How Bizarre" , artist:  "OMC"  });      var  song2 =  new  Song({ name:  "Sexual Healing" , artist:  "Marvin Gaye" });      var  song3 =  new  Song({ name:  "Talk It Over In Bed" , artist:  "OMC"  });           var  myAlbum =  new  Album([ song1, song2, song3]);      console.log( myAlbum.models );  // [song1, song2, song3]


5. 啥是router?

1 2 3 4 5 //@注1:本章的所有实例都是在。 //如果是.html的形式,则路径标记#前不能加/。 //如:://example/test/test.html#/user/help //@注2:Backbone.js 0.9.2 的取路径后的值是posts/12,匹配^/posts/([^/]+)$不能(/posts/:id转换后的正则表达式)。所以原参数要改为posts/:id,测试才能通过。 //以下有错误的地方标红不改,以此类推。


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 <script>      var  AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({          routes: {              "*actions" "defaultRoute"  // matches          },          defaultRoute:  function ( actions ){              // The variable passed in matches the variable in the route definition "actions"              alert( actions );          }      });      // Initiate the router      var  app_router =  new  AppRouter;      // Start Backbone history a neccesary step for bookmarkable URL's      Backbone.history.start();      </script>      _URL进行变化_ [Activate route]( #action) [Activate another route]( #/route/action)

请注意:Backbone 0.5 (released 1. July 2011)之前的版本,Router被称作Controller。为了避免字义混淆,Backbone的开发人员把名字改成Router了。
因此,如果你发现自己使用了Backbone的一个旧版本,那你应该写Backbone.Controller.extend({ ** });

5.1 动态Routing


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 <script>      var  AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({          routes: {              "/posts/:id" "getPost" , //@注2              "*actions" "defaultRoute"  // Backbone will try match the route above first          },          getPost:  function ( id ) {              // Note the variable in the route definition being passed in here              alert(  "Get post number "  + id );          },          defaultRoute:  function ( actions ){              alert( actions );          }      });      // Instantiate the router      var  app_router =  new  AppRouter;      // Start Backbone history a neccesary step for bookmarkable URL's      Backbone.history.start();      </script>      _URL进行改变_ [Post 120]( #/posts/120) [Post 130]( #/posts/130)


5.2 动态路径对比——":params"和"*splats"

比如一个route定义了"/:route/:action",那就会传入两个参数(“route”和“action”) 到回调函数中。

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 routes: {              "/posts/:id" "getPost" , //@注2,下同              // <a href="">Example</a>              "/download/*path" "downloadFile" ,              // <a href=".gif">Download</a>              "/:route/:action" "loadView" ,              // <a href="">LoadRoute/Action View</a>          },               getPost:  function ( id ){              alert(id);  // 121          },          downloadFile:  function ( path ){              alert(path);  // user/images/hey.gif          },          loadView:  function ( route, action ){              alert(route +  "_"  + action);  // dashboard_graph          }


这是菜鸟与老油条,屌丝与高富帅的战争 —— 译者:茶几 @chajn

原作者:脱袜子·戴蕾丝  原文:/

1. 为啥你需要Backbone.js?



2. 啥是model?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Person = Backbone.Model.extend({          initialize:  function (){              alert( "Welcome to this world" );          }      });           var  person =  new  Person;

SO我们看到new一个model的实例后就会触发initialize()函数(models,collections 和 views 的工作机制都是一样滴)。虽然可以不声明initialize,但我们可能会经常用到。

2.1 设置属性


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Person = Backbone.Model.extend({          initialize:  function (){              alert( "Welcome to this world" );          }      });           var  person =  new  Person({ name:  "Thomas" , age: 67});      delete  person;      //或者用set,操作等价      var  person =  new  Person();      person.set({ name:  "Thomas" , age: 67});


2.2 获取属性

很简单,用 model.get(name)方法就可以读取属性值了。

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Person = Backbone.Model.extend({          initialize:  function (){              alert( "欢迎来到这个二蛋的世界" );          }      });           var  person =  new  Person({ name:  "Thomas" , age: 67, children: [ 'Ryan' ]});           var  age = person.get( "age" );  // 67      var  name = person.get( "name" );  // "Thomas"      var  children = person.get( "children" );  // ['Ryan']


2.3 设置model默认属性


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Person = Backbone.Model.extend({          defaults: {              name:  'Fetus' ,              age: 0,              children: []          },          initialize:  function (){              alert( "欢迎来到这个三蛋的世界" );          }      });           var  person =  new  Person({ name:  "Thomas" , age: 67, children: [ 'Ryan' ]});           var  age = person.get( "age" );  // 67      var  name = person.get( "name" );  // "Thomas"      var  children = person.get( "children" );  // ['Ryan']


2.4 操纵model的属性


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Person = Backbone.Model.extend({          defaults: {              name:  'Fetus' ,              age: 0,              children: []          },          initialize:  function (){              alert( "欢迎来到这个四蛋的世界" );          },          adopt:  function ( newChildsName ){              var  children_array =  this .get( "children" );              children_array.push( newChildsName );              this .set({ children: children_array });          }      });           var  person =  new  Person({ name:  "Thomas" , age: 67, children: [ 'Ryan' ]});      person.adopt( 'John Resig' );      var  children = person.get( "children" );  // ['Ryan', 'John Resig']


2.5 监听model的属性改变


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Person = Backbone.Model.extend({          defaults: {              name:  'Fetus' ,              age: 0,              children: []          },          initialize:  function (){              alert( "欢迎来到这个无蛋的世界" );              this .bind( "change:name" function (){                  var  name =  this .get( "name" );  // 'Stewie Griffin'                  alert( "我的名字变为"  + name );              });          },          replaceNameAttr:  function ( name ){              this .set({ name: name });          }      });      var  person =  new  Person({ name:  "Thomas" , age: 67, children: [ 'Ryan' ]});      person.replaceNameAttr( 'Stewie Griffin' );  // 改变后触手会alert()

可以单个属性监听,也可以直接监听所有的属性,如:'this.bind("change", function(){});'

2.6 提取,存储和销毁


2.7 提示和技巧

2.7.1 获取当前所有的属性

1 2 3 4 5 6 var  person =  new  Person({ name:  "Thomas" , age: 67, children: [ 'Ryan' ]});      var  attributes = person.toJSON();  // { name: "Thomas", age: 67, children: ['Ryan']}      /* 返回对当前属性的copy */      delete  attributes;      var  attributes = person.attributes;      /* 上行返回属性的直接引用,对其的任何改变就等于实例属性本身的改变,所以还是建议你使用.set()来进行属性的设置,因为还有backbone的监听呀 */


2.7.2 在设置或存储属性的时候进行数据校验

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Person = Backbone.Model.extend({          // 如果从validate中返回字符串了, Backbone就会抛个实例异常          validate:  function ( attributes ){              if ( attributes.age < 0 && !=  "Dr Manhatten"  ){                  return  "你的存在是个错误" ;              }          },          initialize:  function (){              alert( "欢迎来到这个报错的世界" );              this .bind( "error" function (model, error){                  // 收到个错误,记录,警告,然后忘记它。╮(‵▽′)╭                  alert( error );              });          }      });           var  person =  new  Person;      person.set({ name:  "Mary Poppins" , age: -1 });      // 会触发error,输出警告      delete  person;           var  person =  new  Person;      person.set({ name:  "Dr Manhatten" , age: -1 }); // 上帝为何怜悯我们的灵魂,只因为打开的方式不对


3. 啥是view?

本部分教程不会说关于views绑定models和collections的事情,重点说一下视图能力和如何使用views与JS模板库,特别是Underscore.js的 _.template。
我们使用jQuery 1.5操作DOM,当然也可以使用其他的库比如MooTools或Sizzle,但Backbone.js的官方文档说支持使用jQuery。

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SearchView = Backbone.View.extend({          initialize:  function (){              alert( "Alerts suck." );          }      });           // The initialize function is always called when instantiating a Backbone View.      // Consider it the constructor of the class.      var  search_view =  new  SearchView;


3.1 “el”属性


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 < div  id = "search_container" ></ div >      < script  type = "text/javascript" >      SearchView = Backbone.View.extend({          initialize: function(){              alert("Alerts suck.");          }      });           var search_view = new SearchView({ el: $("#search_container") }); </ script >


3.2 模板加载


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 < div  id = "search_container" ></ div >     < script  type = "text/template"  id = "search_template" >      < label >Search</ label >      < input  type = "text"  id = "search_input"  />      < input  type = "button"  id = "search_button"  value = "Search"  /> </ script >     < script  type = "text/javascript" >      SearchView = Backbone.View.extend({          initialize: function(){              this.render();          },          render: function(){              // Compile the template using underscore              var template = _.template( $("#search_template").html(), {} );              // Load the compiled HTML into the Backbone "el"              this.el.html( template );          }      });           var search_view = new SearchView({ el: $("#search_container") }); </ script >


3.3 事件监听


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 < div  id = "search_container" ></ div >     < script  type = "text/template"  id = "search_template" >      < label >Search</ label >      < input  type = "text"  id = "search_input"  />      < input  type = "button"  id = "search_button"  value = "Search"  /> </ script >     < script  type = "text/javascript" >      SearchView = Backbone.View.extend({          initialize: function(){              this.render();          },          render: function(){              var template = _.template( $("#search_template").html(), {} );              this.el.html( template );          },          events: {              "click input[type=button]": "doSearch"          },          doSearch: function( event ){              // Button clicked, you can access the element that was clicked with event.currentTarget              alert( "Search for " + $("#search_input").val() );          }      });           var search_view = new SearchView({ el: $("#search_container") }); </ script >


3.4 提示和技巧

3.4.1 使用模板变量

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 < div  id = "search_container" ></ div >     < script  type = "text/template"  id = "search_template" >      <!-- Access template variables with <%= %> -->      < label ><%= search_label %></ label >      < input  type = "text"  id = "search_input"  />      < input  type = "button"  id = "search_button"  value = "Search"  /> </ script >     < script  type = "text/javascript" >       SearchView = Backbone.View.extend({          initialize: function(){              this.render();          },          render: function(){              //Pass variables in using Underscore.js Template              var variables = { search_label: "My Search" };              // Compile the template using underscore              var template = _.template( $("#search_template").html(), variables );              // Load the compiled HTML into the Backbone "el"              this.el.html( template );          },          events: {              "click input[type=button]": "doSearch"          },          doSearch: function( event ){              // Button clicked, you can access the element that was clicked with event.currentTarget              alert( "Search for " + $("#search_input").val() );          }      });           var search_view = new SearchView({ el: $("#search_container") }); </ script >


4. 啥是collection?


  • Model: Student, Collection: ClassStudents

  • Model: Todo Item, Collection: Todo List

  • Model: Animals, Collection: Zoo


  • Model: Student, Collection: Gym Class

  • Model: Student, Collection: Art Class

  • Model: Student, Collection: English Class


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 var  Song = Backbone.Model.extend({          initialize:  function (){              console.log( "Music is the answer" );          }      });           var  Album = Backbone.Collection.extend({          model: Song      });


4.1 构建 collection


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 var  Song = Backbone.Model.extend({          defaults: {              name:  "Not specified" ,              artist:  "Not specified"          },          initialize:  function (){              console.log( "Music is the answer" );          }      });           var  Album = Backbone.Collection.extend({          model: Song      });           var  song1 =  new  Song({ name:  "How Bizarre" , artist:  "OMC"  });      var  song2 =  new  Song({ name:  "Sexual Healing" , artist:  "Marvin Gaye" });      var  song3 =  new  Song({ name:  "Talk It Over In Bed" , artist:  "OMC"  });           var  myAlbum =  new  Album([ song1, song2, song3]);      console.log( myAlbum.models );  // [song1, song2, song3]


5. 啥是router?

1 2 3 4 5 //@注1:本章的所有实例都是在。 //如果是.html的形式,则路径标记#前不能加/。 //如:://example/test/test.html#/user/help //@注2:Backbone.js 0.9.2 的取路径后的值是posts/12,匹配^/posts/([^/]+)$不能(/posts/:id转换后的正则表达式)。所以原参数要改为posts/:id,测试才能通过。 //以下有错误的地方标红不改,以此类推。


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 <script>      var  AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({          routes: {              "*actions" "defaultRoute"  // matches          },          defaultRoute:  function ( actions ){              // The variable passed in matches the variable in the route definition "actions"              alert( actions );          }      });      // Initiate the router      var  app_router =  new  AppRouter;      // Start Backbone history a neccesary step for bookmarkable URL's      Backbone.history.start();      </script>      _URL进行变化_ [Activate route]( #action) [Activate another route]( #/route/action)

请注意:Backbone 0.5 (released 1. July 2011)之前的版本,Router被称作Controller。为了避免字义混淆,Backbone的开发人员把名字改成Router了。
因此,如果你发现自己使用了Backbone的一个旧版本,那你应该写Backbone.Controller.extend({ ** });

5.1 动态Routing


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 <script>      var  AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({          routes: {              "/posts/:id" "getPost" , //@注2              "*actions" "defaultRoute"  // Backbone will try match the route above first          },          getPost:  function ( id ) {              // Note the variable in the route definition being passed in here              alert(  "Get post number "  + id );          },          defaultRoute:  function ( actions ){              alert( actions );          }      });      // Instantiate the router      var  app_router =  new  AppRouter;      // Start Backbone history a neccesary step for bookmarkable URL's      Backbone.history.start();      </script>      _URL进行改变_ [Post 120]( #/posts/120) [Post 130]( #/posts/130)


5.2 动态路径对比——":params"和"*splats"

比如一个route定义了"/:route/:action",那就会传入两个参数(“route”和“action”) 到回调函数中。

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 routes: {              "/posts/:id" "getPost" , //@注2,下同              // <a href="">Example</a>              "/download/*path" "downloadFile" ,              // <a href=".gif">Download</a>              "/:route/:action" "loadView" ,              // <a href="">LoadRoute/Action View</a>          },               getPost:  function ( id ){              alert(id);  // 121          },          downloadFile:  function ( path ){              alert(path);  // user/images/hey.gif          },          loadView:  function ( route, action ){              alert(route +  "_"  + action);  // dashboard_graph          }



Backbone.js教程(初级篇) 这是菜鸟与老油条,屌丝与高富帅的战争 —— 译者:茶几 @chajn 原作者:脱袜子·戴蕾丝 原文:http://ba

本文发布于:2024-03-12 10:31:32,感谢您对本站的认可!
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