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particularly/very/exceedingly/quite adv. 非常,尤其
fond of 喜欢
as a senior at this univercity who is very keep on reading in this library, I ...

international adj. 国际的,国际上的
I am LiMing, an international student from China who will study in your country. 

very/particularly/quite/exceedingly adv. 非常
pleased/glad/happy adj. 高兴的
editor n. 编辑
magazine n. 杂志,期刊
I am quit glad to recall the past two months when I worked as an editor for your magazine.

I am quit pleased to == it is so great to...
charity n. 慈善机构
sale n. 销售,出售
held v. 举行
I am quit pleased to recall the first successful charity sale (which was) held by our class last year.

service n. 服务
improve/enhance v. 提高
suggestion/proposal n. 建议
to do... == for the purpose of + doing...
I am writing for the purpose of making suggestions for improving the service here. 

notice n. 通知
recruit v. 招募
volunteer/postulant n. 志愿者
this notice is for the purpose of recruiting 25 volunteers. purchase v. 购买
tend v. 往往会;护理;趋势
presents/gifts n. 礼物
relatives n. 亲戚
express v. 表达
blessing/wishes n. 希望;祝福
...prople usual/general/normal buy gifts to visit relatives and friends for the purpose of expressing their wishes. 

position n. 位置
suggest v. 建议
train v. 培训  n. 火车
organization 所属机构,竞赛机构
I suggest that you should apply for an English teaching position in training organizations.

be supposed to... 应该...
prolong\extend v. 延长
You are supposed to prolong the opening hours of reading rooms where student study.你们应该延长阅览室的开放时间,让他们备考学生在此学习。
You should extend the opening hours of the reading room so that students can study here.

Furthermore /In addition /What is more 此外/此外/更重要的是
advisable /sensible /rational /wise adj. 明智的
necessary /appropriate /essential adj. 必要的/适当的/必要的
freedom n. 自由
opportunities n. 机会
what is more, it is advisable for parents to give their children/kids freedom and opportunities to grow independently.

Thus/Therefore/As a result/Accordingly 因此
car/automabile n. 汽车
manufacturer/producer n. 制造商
car make 汽车品牌
company/corporation n. 公司
pay v. 支付
pay more attention to 更加注意
focus n. 重点 v. 集中
focus more attention on 更加注意
domestic adj. 本国的
the domestic market/the market at home 国内市场
due to/because of/owing to 因为,由于 
potential n. 潜力
Thus, Chinese car makers should pay more attention to the domestic market, due to its great potential. 

improve/enhance/strengthen 提高,加强
Meanwhile 与此同时
In the meantime 在此期间
At the some time 在某个时候
necessary adj. 必要的,必需的
essential adj. 必不可少的,非常重要的
work out 解决;算出;实现;制定出
comprehensive adj. 综合的;广泛的;
overall adj. 全面的
long-trem adj. 长期的
strategy n. 策略
quality n. 质量
after-sales 售后
At the some time, it is essential to work out overall strategies to improve quality of cars and enhance after-sales service.

utmost adj. 最大限度的
future n. 未来
mobile phone 手机;移动电话
industry n. 行业,产业
promise v&n 承诺
promising adj. 有前途的
hopeful adj. 满怀希望的;有希望的,有前途的
brilliant adj. 灿烂的,闪耀的;杰出的;有才气的
fantastic adj. 极好的,非常棒的;神奇的
if they try their utmost, the future of the mobile phone industry will be brilliant.

be grateful for sb. to sth.
grateful/thankful/obliged adj. 感激的
indebted adj. 感激的,蒙恩的;负债的
appreciate v. 欣赏,感激
I want to say I am quite grateful for your hard work.

be disappointed with... 对…感到失望
angry adj. 愤怒的
disappointed adj. 失望的
product n. 产品
poor adj. 贫穷的;可怜的
inferior adj. 较差的; 次的
quality n. 质量  adj. 优质的,高质量的
poor quality 
inferior quality 
I am rather disappointed with the poor quality of your products.

as soon as poosibel 越快越好
at your earliest convenience 在您方便的时候
as soon as possible 尽快
favorable adj. 有利的
reply n. 答复; 回答
replay n. 重赛; 重放,重演
earliest adj. 早的;初期的
convenience n. n. 方便,便利;便利的事物
I am looking forward to your favorable reply as soon as possible.

game/match/compatition/contest 比赛
sincere adj. 真诚地
sincerely adv. 由衷地,真诚地
participate v. 参与
participate in == attend
I sincerely hope that you can participate in the contest.

worse adj. 糟糕的
worth  n. 价值 prep. 价值……;值得
be worth doing sth. 值得做某事
This movie is quite worth watching for two reasons.

These two pictures are particularly worth concerning for the reason that they focus on how parents show educate their kids in life and study.

result v. 发生;导致
above adj. 前文述及的,上述的,以上
understand v. 理解
opinion n. 意见,看法
perspective n. 视角,观点
account n. 账户; 描述; 解释,说明,叙述
explain v. 解释
responsible adj. 负责的
phenonmenon n. 现象
what resulted in this difference above? In my opinion, at least two reasons can account for this phenonmenon.

it is ... that ... 强调句
efforts n. 努力;尝试 
devote v. 献身,致力;用于
atmosphere n. 气氛,氛围
It is your efforts work that enables us to enjoy a nice atmosphere here.

pessimistic adj. 悲观的
passive/negative adj. 消极的,被动的
attitude n. 态度
causes v. 使发生; 造成; 引起; 导致
possibility n. 可能性
It is their pessimistic attitude that causes them to see no hope, no chance, or no possibility of change.

trend n. 趋势,动态
tendency n. 偏好;趋势
phenonmenon n. 现象
fact n. 事实,真相
concerning v. 关注
attention n. 注意
ignoring v. 忽视
This fact is quite worth conserning for the reason that they facus attention just on the virtual world, ignoring real life.

characterize vt. 描述; 是...的特征; 以...为典型
feature v. 以…为特色 n. 特色 
marked by 特点是
characterized by... == marked by... == featured with...
college life is charecterized by a rich variety of activities.

figure n. 图形,人物
achievers n. 成功者; 取得…成绩的人
successful people/figures/celebrities/individuals 成功人士
high achievers 高成就者
excellent adj. 杰出的; 极好的; 非凡的
diligence n. 勤奋
optimism n. 乐观主义; 乐观
confidence n. 信心; 信任
strong will 坚强的意志
persistence n. 坚持不懈; 坚持
perseverance n.	毅力; 韧性; 不屈不挠的精神Successful individuals is chracterized by their various excellent qualities, 
including diligence, optimism, confidence, a strong will and persistence. 

recent adj. 最近的,最新的
developing countries 发展中国家
developed countries 发达国家
economic adj. 经济的
boom n. 繁荣;流行 v. 迅速发展,繁荣
prosperity n. 繁荣,成功
resident n. 居民,住户
additional adj. 附加的,额外的
extra adj. 额外的
possess/have/own v. 拥有,持有For one thing, in recent years, developing countries were characterized by their encnomic boom, 
which enables local residents to own extra money to purchase mobile phones.

compared with 与...相比
demand/need/requirement/hope 需求
adequate adj. 充足的
Compared with student`s demand in study, the number and variety of books are not adequate.

proportion n. 比例;份额
a larger proportion of 更大比例的
compared with 与...相比
purchase v. 购买For another, compared with the past years, the Sino-Japanese relations became worse, 
so a larger proportion of residents in China did not purchase Japanese products, including cars.  

practice n. 实践,习俗  v. 实习 
diligence n. 勤奋;用功
inspiration n. 灵感
experience n. 经验
arouse v. 激起,引起;激发;唤醒
inspire v. 激励;鼓舞
evoke v. 唤起;引起
enthusiasm n. 热情;热心
passion n. 激情
progress n&v 进步;改进;进展Practice and diligence will bring you inspiration and experience, 
arouse your passion for study, and help you make progress every day.

firmly adv. 坚决地;坚定地
convinced v. 使确信;使相信
perseverance n. 毅力;韧性
persistence n. 坚持不懈;坚持
conquer v. 占领;攻克;征服
hardship n. 艰难;困苦
setback n. 挫折;阻碍
adversity n. 困境;逆境
difficulty n. 困难;难题I am firmly convinced that perseverance always brings me power, 
arouses my passion for the future and helps me conquer so many difficulties.

abroad adv. 到国外;在国外
enthusiasm n. 热情;热心
foreign adj. 外国的;涉外的
culture n. 文化;文明
broaden v. 变宽;变阔;增长(经验、知识等)
horizons n. 地平线;(欲望、知识或兴趣的)范围,眼界Studying abroad brings young people more opportunities, arouses their enthusiasm for foreign cultures, 
and help them broaden their horizons.

will 将
be going to 将要,打算
be scheduled to 计划,安排
ceremony n. 仪式,典礼
approximate v. 类似;模仿
approximately adv. 大约,大概The ceremony is going to begin at 9:00 am. on June 26th in the center for Student Activities,
which will last for about two hours. 

international adj. 国际的,国际上的
conference n. 会议,研讨会
globalization n. 全球化;传播
scheduled 计划
The international conference on globalization is scheduled to be held in our university...

preparation n. 准备; 预备
entrance examination 入学考试
postgraduate entrance examination 研究生入学考试
the national entrance exams for postgraduate studies 全国研究生入学考试As you konwn, during the past/next six months, I was particulatly busy, 
because I focused all my attention on the preparation for the national entrance exams for postgraduate studies.

firmly adv. 坚固地,牢固地
convinced adj. 坚信; 深信
As a senior,I belive conviced that persistence always brings me power.  

country n. 国家 adj. 乡下的,农村的
contryside n. 乡村,农村
young people 年轻人
As a youngster, I prefer to work in the city and live in the countryside, for...

simple adj. 简单的
enlighten v. 启发
inspire v. 激励,鼓舞
illuminate v. 照亮;阐明,解释
enlightening adj. 具有启发性的
inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的,有激励作用的
illuminating adj. 启蒙的,有启发性的
satirical adj. 具有讽刺性的
vividly adv. 生动的
illustrates v. 阐明;举例说明;给……加插图
common adj. 共同的;常见的This is a simple but inspiring picture which vividly show a common phenomenon among...

excerpt n. 摘录,节选
article n. 文章
argue v. 主张,认为;说服;争论
points out 指出,指明
This is a simple but enlightenibf excerpt of an article, in which the author points out that...

On the path to...  在通往…的路上
mountain n. 山
tired adj. 疲倦的,累的
exhausted adj. 筋疲力尽的
climb n. 攀登,爬升On the path to the top of a high mountain,there is a youngster, 
sitting for a rest and sighing,"I am too tired to climb."

Beside prep. 在...旁边
In front of prep. 在...前面
behind prep. 在...后面
In middle of prep. 在...中间
tasty adj. 美味的
uneaten adj. 未吃的;剩下的 
with+n.+doing/v-ed/介词短语:表身上或周围的事物Beside a table sit four youngsters,looking at their smartphones,with tasty food uneaten.case1:在电脑前坐着一位老师,给学生上课,脸上带着甜蜜的微笑。
In front of a computer sit a teacher, giving a lesson to students, 
whith a sweet smile on his face. 

gather to  聚集到;使向...聚拢
get together 在一起;聚会;开会;组织;安排;凑足(钱款)
Although they gather to enhance friendship, scarcely do these guys chat with each other.

can not agree 不同意 
can not agree more 完全同意 
Although I have no children, I can not agree more with the author`s idea.

Several Chinese characters words 若干汉字
Chinese characters 汉字;中国字;方块字
characters n. 品质,性格;特点,特征
journey n.&v. 旅行
below prep. 在下面
Two Chinese characters can be seen below the picture, which say "on the journey".

bar n. 条,块
column n. 圆柱状物;柱形物
dramatic adj. 戏剧性的;引人注目的;巨大的;突然的
remarkable adj. 非凡的;显著的
share n. 份额
brands n. 品牌;类型
market n. 集市,市场
This is a bar chart that clearly show the dramatic changes in shares of Chinese, Japanese and American car brands in the Chinese market from 2008 to 2009.

period n. 时期
increase v. 增加
remarkably adv. 非常; 极为; 格外; 出乎意料地
reach v. 到达; 抵达; 增加到
approximately adv. 大概; 大约
By contrast 相比之下; 与之相比
sale n. 出售; 销售
a share 分享; 份额
decline v. 减少
Meanwhile 同时; 与此同时
proportion n. 部分; 份额; 比例
remained v. 仍然是; 保持不变; 剩余
stable adj. 稳固的; 牢固的During the period, the share of Chinese brands increase remarkably, reaching approximately 33%. 
By contrast, sales of Japanese brands showed a share decline, from 35% to 26%.
Meanwhile, the proportion of American brands remained stable at 12%.

Overall 全面的; 综合的; 总体的
senior 大四学生
junior 大三学生
sophomore 大二学生
freshmen 大一新生
largest adj. 大的; 大规模的; 大量的
proportion n. 部分; 份额; 比例 
part-time job 兼职工作
takers n. 接受者; 收受人
respectively adv. 分别地; 分别; 依次为Overall, seniors have the largest proportion of part-time job takers, at 88.24%.
The next are juniors and sophomores, with 71.93% and 71.13% respectively.
Finally come freshmen, at 67.77%.

expense n. 费用; 价钱;  开销; 开支
accounting v. 认为是; 视为 
expenditure n. 支出; 开支; 费用; 消费; 花费; 耗费,消耗
transportation n. 运输; 流放
total adj. 总共的
Overall, the expense on New Year gifts is the largest proportion, accounting for 40%.
The next is the expenditure on transportation and dining, with the same 20%.
Finally comes the total spending on other, at 20%. 

drawing/picture/cartoon n. 画 
apparently adv. 显然地; 显然
associated adj. 有关联的; 相关的
be associated with 与...联系
distinct adj. 不同的; 明显的; 清晰的; 有区别的
attitudes n. 态度; 看法
in front of 在...前面
hardship n. 艰难;困苦
setback n. 挫折;阻碍
adversity n. 困境;逆境
difficulty n. 困难;难题This picture, apparently, can be associated with two distinct attitudes in front of adversities.

statistics n. 统计数字; 统计资料; 统计学; 统计数据
data n. 数据; 资料; 材料
figures n. 数字; 数字符号; 字码
be associated with  与...联系
be related to 和...有关系
be linked to 与...有关; 与...有联系
be connected to 连接到; 有关联
fierce competition 激烈的竞争 ; 竞争激烈
automobile n. 汽车Such data can be associated with the fierce competition in China's car market.

in reality 事实上; 实际上
a host of 许多; 很多
tend to 倾向于; 有助于
encounter 遭遇; 遇到
during prep. 在期间; 在...期间
pursuit 追求; 寻找However, a host of young people tend to give up when they encounter challenges during their pursuit of success.

In fact 其实,事实上
Actually 事实上; 的确
constitute v. 组成,构成
obstacle n. 障碍; 阻碍; 绊脚石
hinders v. 阻碍; 妨碍; 阻挡
hampers v. 妨碍; 阻止
progress v. 进步; 改进; 进展As a matter of fact, the thought of "giving up" may from an obstacle 
that hinders many people's growth and progress in life, study and work. 

persistence n. 坚持不懈; 坚持
road n. 道路 ; 公路 ; 马路
leading adj. 主要的; 最重要的From my perspective, never giving up can be seen as a road leading to success.

Confidence n. 信心; 信任; 信赖
unlocks v. 开...的锁; 发现
gate n. 大门,栅栏门
promising adj. 有希望的; 有前途的Confidence, in my opinion, can be seen as a key which unlocks the gate to a promising future.

bear v. 承受; 忍受
mind n. 头脑; 大脑; 思考能力; 智慧
keep in mind 牢记; 放在心上
bear in mind that 请记住; 把...牢记在心
eventually adv. 最后; 终于
achieve v. 实现; 完成; 达到Thus, everyone should keep in mind that "Never give up, You will eventually achieve your dream."

Society n. 社会; 学会; 协会
as a whole 整体而言; 总体上
faster v. 促进; 助长; 培养
positive adj. 积极乐观的; 自信的
advocate v. 拥护; 支持; 提倡
virtues n. 高尚的道德; 正直的品性; 德行 
refuse v. 拒绝
refute v. 驳斥; 批驳; 反驳
criticize v. 批评; 批判; 挑剔Society as a whole should foster a positive atmosphere to advocate public virtues. 

case n. 案例
in point 恰当的; 相关的
typical adj. 典型的; 有代表性的
example n. 案例
A case in point 一个恰当的例子
typical example 具有代表性的例子A case in point is me.
A typical example is me.

sensible adj. 明智的,理智的
utilize v. 使用; 利用
modern adj. 现代的; 当代的
technological adj. 技术的; 科技的
rationally adv. 理性地it is advisable for us to utilize modern technological products,
including the Internet, cell phones, TV and computers.

May you work with great effort and be loved all your life;
May you get everything you want and let go of what you can not get.



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