Refractive three

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Refractive three

Refractive three



#include <opencv2\highgui\highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2\imgproc\imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2\core\core.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/utility.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
#include <opencv2/videoio.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
#define PI acos(-1)Size imageSize;//标定图像的分辨率
Mat cameraMatrix1;//左相机内参矩阵
Mat distCoeffs1;//左相机畸变系数矩阵
Mat cameraMatrix2;//右相机内参矩阵
Mat distCoeffs2;//右相机畸变系数矩阵
Mat R, T; //R 旋转矢量 T平移矢量
Mat R1, R2, P1, P2, Q; //校正旋转矩阵R,投影矩阵P 重投影矩阵Q 
Mat mapx1, mapy1, mapx2, mapy2; //映射表  
Rect validROI1, validROI2; //图像校正之后,会对图像进行裁剪,这里的validROI就是指裁剪之后的区域  
Mat imgLeft;//校正后的左图像
Mat imgRight;//校正后的右图像
#define cannythreshold 80//标记点检测做了canny后的图像存储的位置
const string savePath = "E://bandzipDocuments//Circle//data_1_Circle//imgL_Circle.jpg";
const string savePath2 = "E://bandzipDocuments//Circle//data_1_Circle//imgR_Circle.jpg";//相机配置文件
const string filename = "D://Projects//c++Projects//circleCoding//Calibration_Result.xml";//左右相机拍摄的用于平面重建的图像
const string path1 = "E://bandzipDocuments//Circle//data_1//imgL.jpg";
const string path2 = "E://bandzipDocuments//Circle//data_1//imgR.jpg";//是否展示立体校正后的结果图像
bool is_show_rectify_performance = false;//y x    左右图像标记点匹配时,在y允许的匹配误差,在imgLeft.cols / x上允许的误差
int y = 10;
int x = 23;//是否展示左右图像的标记点匹配的情况图片
bool is_show_stereo_match = false;//ransac算法得到平面算法
int max_iter = 10000; //迭代次数
double ransac_threshold = 0.000005;//平面方程参数或者直线方程参数
struct vec4d {double A;double B;double C;double D;
bool readFile(string filename)
{FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::READ);if (fs.isOpened()){fs["width"] >> imageSize.width;fs["height"] >> imageSize.height;fs["cameraMatrix1"] >> cameraMatrix1;fs["distCoeffs1"] >> distCoeffs1;fs["cameraMatrix2"] >> cameraMatrix2;fs["distCoeffs2"] >> distCoeffs2;fs["R"] >> R;fs["T"] >> T;fs.release();/*cout << "Succeed to read the Calibration result!!!" << endl;cout << "图片大小   " << imageSize.width << "  " << imageSize.height << endl;cout << "左相机内参矩阵:" << endl << cameraMatrix1 << endl;cout << "左相机外参矩阵:" << endl << distCoeffs1 << endl;cout << "右相机内参矩阵:" << endl << cameraMatrix2 << endl;cout << "右相机外参矩阵:" << endl << distCoeffs2 << endl;cout << "R:" << endl << R << endl;cout << "T:" << endl << T << endl;*/return true;}else{cerr << "Error: can not open the Calibration result file!!!!!" << endl;return false;}
bool readFile(string intrinsics, string extrinsics)
{FileStorage is(intrinsics, FileStorage::READ);FileStorage es(extrinsics, FileStorage::READ);if (is.isOpened() && es.isOpened()){is["M1"] >> cameraMatrix1;is["D1"] >> distCoeffs1;is["M2"] >> cameraMatrix2;is["D2"] >> distCoeffs2;es["R"] >> R;es["T"] >> T;is.release();es.release();cout << "Succeed to read the Calibration result!!!" << endl;cout << "左相机内参:" << endl << cameraMatrix1 << endl;cout << "左相机外参:" << endl << distCoeffs1 << endl;cout << "右相机内参:" << endl << cameraMatrix2 << endl;cout << "右相机外参:" << endl << distCoeffs2 << endl;cout << "R:" << endl << R << endl;cout << "T:" << endl << T << endl;return true;}else{cerr << "Error: can not open the Calibration result file!!!!!" << endl;return false;}
void stereo_rectify(Mat grayimgLeft, Mat grayimgRight)
{/**************************************************************************************//*要实现立体校正,使左右图像共平面且行对准,需要用到以下参数:cameraMatrix1, distCoeffs1, R1, P1cameraMatrix2, distCoeffs2, R2, P2Bouguet方法这种方法称为“标定立体校正方法”,它是根据立体标定获得的内参矩阵、畸变系数、R和T作为输入,利用stereoRectify()函数得到R1、P1、R2、P2的值。*//**************************************************************************************///参数alpha的设置对结果影响很大//alpha:图像剪裁系数,取值范围是-1、0~1。//当取值为 0 时,OpenCV会对校正后的图像进行缩放和平移,使得remap图像只显示有效像素(即去除不规则的边角区域),适用于机器人避障导航等应用;//当alpha取值为1时,remap图像将显示所有原图像中包含的像素,该取值适用于畸变系数极少的高端摄像头;//alpha取值在0-1之间时,OpenCV按对应比例保留原图像的边角区域像素。//Alpha取值为-1时,OpenCV自动进行缩放和平移stereoRectify(cameraMatrix1, distCoeffs1, cameraMatrix2, distCoeffs2, imageSize, R, T, R1, R2, P1, P2, Q,0, -1, imageSize, &validROI1, &validROI2);/*根据stereoRectify计算出来的R和P来计算图像的映射表mapx,mapymapx,mapy这两个映射表接下来可以给remap()函数调用,来校正图像,使得两幅图像共面并且行对准initUndistortRectifyMap()的参数newCameraMatrix就是校正后的摄像机矩阵。在openCV里面,校正后的计算机矩阵Mrect是跟投影矩阵P一起返回的。所以我们在这里传入投影矩阵P,此函数可以从投影矩阵P中读出校正后的摄像机矩阵*/initUndistortRectifyMap(cameraMatrix1, distCoeffs1, R1, P1, imageSize, CV_16SC2, mapx1, mapy1);initUndistortRectifyMap(cameraMatrix2, distCoeffs2, R2, P2, imageSize, CV_16SC2, mapx2, mapy2);Mat medianBlurLeft, medianBlurRight;medianBlur(grayimgLeft, medianBlurLeft, 5);medianBlur(grayimgRight, medianBlurRight, 5);Mat gaussianBlurLeft, gaussianBlurRight;GaussianBlur(medianBlurLeft, gaussianBlurLeft, Size(5, 5), 0, 0);GaussianBlur(medianBlurRight, gaussianBlurRight, Size(5, 5), 0, 0);//经过remap之后,左右相机的图像已经共面并且行对准了 remap(gaussianBlurLeft, imgLeft, mapx1, mapy1, INTER_LINEAR);remap(gaussianBlurRight, imgRight, mapx2, mapy2, INTER_LINEAR);
void show_rectify_performance()
{/**********************************************************************************//***************把左右图像的校正结果显示到同一画面上进行对比*********************/Mat canvas;double sf = 0.7;int w, h;w = cvRound(imageSize.width * sf);h = cvRound(imageSize.height * sf);canvas.create(h, w * 2, CV_8UC1);//左图像画到画布上//得到画布的左半部分 Mat canvasPart = canvas(Rect(w * 0, 0, w, h));//把图像缩放到跟canvasPart一样大小并映射到画布canvas的ROI区域中  resize(imgLeft, canvasPart, canvasPart.size(), 0, 0, INTER_AREA);//右图像画到画布上 canvasPart = canvas(Rect(w, 0, w, h));resize(imgRight, canvasPart, canvasPart.size(), 0, 0, INTER_AREA);//画上对应的线条for (int i = 0; i < canvas.rows; i += 16)line(canvas, Point(0, i), Point(canvas.cols, i), Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1, 8);imshow("rectified", canvas);cv::waitKey(0);/**********************************************************************************/
}//输入立体校正后的灰度图,以及检测到的圆的保存路径, 返回找到的标记点的外接矩形的质心
vector<RotatedRect> findellipse(Mat LLL,string savePath)
{Mat src_img, dst_img;vector<RotatedRect> box2;src_img = LLL;//均值滤波blur(src_img, src_img, Size(3, 3));Canny(src_img, dst_img, cannythreshold, cannythreshold * 3);imwrite(savePath, dst_img.clone());vector<vector<Point>> contours;vector<Vec4i> hireachy;findContours(dst_img, contours, hireachy, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_L1);for (unsigned int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++){double S1 = contourArea(contours[i]);if (S1>20){Mat pointsf;Mat(contours[i]).convertTo(pointsf, CV_32F);RotatedRect box = fitEllipse(pointsf);if (box.size.width / box.size.height > 10 && box.size.width / box.size.height<0.1)continue;double S2 = box.size.width * box.size.height * PI / 4;if (S1 / S2 >0.95 && S1 / S2<1.1){box2.push_back(box);circle(LLL,, 2, Scalar(255));ellipse(LLL, box, Scalar(255), 1, 8);			}}}return  box2;
}//Match_boxL Match_boxR 左右图像匹配的标记点的坐标
//boxL boxR  左右图像找到的标记点坐标
//y x    在y允许的匹配误差,在imgLeft.cols / x上允许的误差
//isShow   是否显示匹配结果
void stereo_match(vector<RotatedRect> &Match_boxL, vector<RotatedRect> &Match_boxR, vector<RotatedRect> boxL, vector<RotatedRect> boxR, int y,int x,bool isShow)
{int K = 0;for (int i = 0; i < boxL.size(); i++) {//cout << "当前左图像质心" << boxL[i].center << endl;for (int j = 0; j < boxR.size(); j++) {if (abs(boxL[i].center.y - boxR[j].center.y) < y && abs(boxL[i].center.x - boxR[j].center.x) < imgLeft.cols / x) {//cout << "Y接近的右图像" << boxR[j].center << endl;K++;Match_boxL.push_back(boxL[i]);Match_boxR.push_back(boxR[j]);break;}}//cout << "---------" << endl;}cout << "匹配到的点数" << K << endl;if (isShow) {Mat left_img = imread(savePath);Mat right_img = imread(savePath2);for (int i = 0; i < Match_boxL.size(); i++) {putText(left_img, to_string(i), Match_boxL[i].center, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8);putText(right_img, to_string(i), Match_boxR[i].center, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8);}imshow("left", left_img);imshow("right", right_img);cv::waitKey(0);}
vector<Point3d> getWord3d(vector<RotatedRect> Match_boxL, vector<RotatedRect> Match_boxR) {//计算视差图,左减右,如果为负的话赋值为-1,且后续计算舍弃该点vector<double> disparity(Match_boxL.size());for (int i = 0; i < Match_boxL.size(); i++) {if ((Match_boxL[i].center.x - Match_boxR[i].center.x) > 0) {disparity[i] = Match_boxL[i].center.x - Match_boxR[i].center.x;}else {disparity[i] = -1;}}//pix4d[u,v,d,1]  vector<Mat> pix4d(Match_boxL.size());//word4d[Xw,Yw,Zw,W]vector<Mat> word4d(Match_boxL.size());//世界坐标;vector<Point3d> word3d2(Match_boxL.size());int useNum = 0;for (int i = 0; i < Match_boxL.size(); i++) {pix4d[i].create(4, 1, CV_64FC1);word4d[i].create(4, 1, CV_64FC1);if (disparity[i] != -1) {pix4d[i].at<double>(0, 0) = Match_boxL[i].center.x;pix4d[i].at<double>(1, 0) = Match_boxL[i].center.y;pix4d[i].at<double>(2, 0) = disparity[i];pix4d[i].at<double>(3, 0) = 1;word4d[i] = Q * pix4d[i];word3d2[i].x = word4d[i].at<double>(0, 0) / word4d[i].at<double>(3, 0);word3d2[i].y = word4d[i].at<double>(1, 0) / word4d[i].at<double>(3, 0);word3d2[i].z = word4d[i].at<double>(2, 0) / word4d[i].at<double>(3, 0);useNum++;}else {word3d2[i].x = 0;word3d2[i].y = 0;word3d2[i].z = 0;}}cout << "实际可用点数" << useNum << endl;vector<Point3d> word3d(useNum);for (int i = 0, j = 0; j < Match_boxL.size();j++ ) {if (disparity[j] != -1) {word3d[i] = word3d2[j];i++;}}return word3d;
vec4d ransac(vector<Point3d> &pts_3d, int max_iter, double threshold)
{vec4d plane;srand(time(0)); //随机种子int size_old = 3;double a_final, b_final, c_final, d_final; //平面法向量系数while (--max_iter) //设置循环的次数{vector<int> index;for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k){index.push_back(rand() % pts_3d.size()); //随机选取三个点 }auto idx = index.begin();double x1 =*idx).x, y1 =*idx).y, z1 =*idx).z;++idx;double x2 =*idx).x, y2 =*idx).y, z2 =*idx).z;++idx;double x3 =*idx).x, y3 =*idx).y, z3 =*idx).z;double a = (y3 - y1)*(z3 - z1) - (z2 - z1)*(y3 - y1);double b = (z2 - z1)*(x3 - x1) - (x2 - x1)*(z3 - z1);double c = (x2 - x1)*(y3 - y1) - (y2 - y1)*(x3 - x1);double d = -(a * x1 + b * y1 + c * z1);for (auto iter = pts_3d.begin(); iter != pts_3d.end(); ++iter){double dis = fabs(a*iter->x + b * iter->y + c * iter->z + d) / sqrt(a*a + b * b + c * c);//点到平面的距离公式if (dis < threshold) {index.push_back(iter - pts_3d.begin());}}//更新集合if (index.size() > size_old){size_old = index.size();a_final = a; b_final = b; c_final = c; d_final = d;}//index.clear();}//cout << a_final << " " << b_final << " " << c_final << " " << d_final << endl;plane.A = a_final;plane.B = b_final;plane.C = c_final;plane.D = d_final;return plane;
vec4d plane_reconstruction() {//--------------------------------------读取相机参数readFile(filename);//--------------------------------------立体校正Mat grayimgLeft = imread(path1, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);Mat grayimgRight = imread(path2, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);//得到校正后的imgLeft,imgRightstereo_rectify(grayimgLeft, grayimgRight);//展示if (is_show_rectify_performance)show_rectify_performance();//--------------------------------------找到标记点坐标vector<RotatedRect> boxL, boxR;boxL = findellipse(imgLeft, savePath);boxR = findellipse(imgRight, savePath2);cout << "找到的左图像标记点:" << boxL.size() << endl;cout << "找到的右图像标记点:" << boxR.size() << endl;//--------------------------------------标记点匹配vector<RotatedRect> Match_boxL, Match_boxR;//匹配标记点stereo_match(Match_boxL, Match_boxR, boxL, boxR, y, x, is_show_stereo_match);//--------------------------------------标记点三维重建vector<Point3d> word3d;word3d = getWord3d(Match_boxL, Match_boxR);cout << word3d << endl;//--------------------------------------折射界面重建cout << "-------------------" << endl;vec4d plane;plane = ransac(word3d, max_iter, ransac_threshold);return plane;
}int main()
{vec4d plane;plane = plane_reconstruction();cout << plane.A << " " << plane.B << " " << plane.C << " " << plane.D << endl;system("pause");return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#define PI acos(-1)
using namespace std;//三维向量或者三维点
struct vec3d {double x;double y;double z;
struct vec4d{double A;double B;double C;double D;
//n = u(x1, y1, z1) x v(x2, y2, z2)
//= (y1z2 - y2z1, x2z1 - z2x1, x1y2 - x2y1)
vec3d _Cross(vec3d left, vec3d right) {return {left.y*right.z - right.y*left.z,right.x*left.z - right.z*left.x,left.x*right.y - right.x*left.y};
vec3d _Normalize(vec3d T) {double a = sqrt(pow(T.x, 2) + pow(T.y, 2) + pow(T.z, 2));return { T.x / a,T.y / a,T.z / a };
vec3d _Intersection(vec3d point, vec3d normal, vec4d plane) {double x = -((plane.D * normal.x - plane.B * normal.y * point.x - plane.C * normal.z * point.x + plane.B * normal.x * point.y + plane.C * normal.x * point.z) / (plane.A * normal.x + plane.B * normal.y + plane.C * normal.z));double y = -((plane.D * normal.y + plane.A * normal.y * point.x - plane.A * normal.x * point.y - plane.C * normal.z * point.y + plane.C * normal.y * point.z) / (plane.A * normal.x + plane.B * normal.y + plane.C * normal.z));double z = -((plane.D * normal.z + plane.A * normal.z * point.x + plane.B * normal.z * point.y - plane.A * normal.x * point.z - plane.B * normal.y * point.z) / (plane.A * normal.x + plane.B * normal.y + plane.C * normal.z));if (x == -0) {x = 0;}if (y == -0) {y = 0;}if (z == -0) {z = 0;}return { x,y,z };
double _Vector_angle(vec3d vec1, vec3d vec2){vec3d vec11 = _Normalize(vec1);vec3d vec22 = _Normalize(vec2);return acos((vec11.x*vec22.x + vec11.y*vec22.y + vec11.z*vec22.z) /(sqrt(pow(vec11.x, 2) + pow(vec11.y, 2) + pow(vec11.z, 2))*sqrt(pow(vec22.x, 2) + pow(vec22.y, 2) + pow(vec22.z, 2))));
}//Compute the unit direction of the refracted ray.     计算折射光线的单位向量  
// <param name="'vec1'">Incident vector   入射光线单位向量</param>
// <param name="'N'">Normal of the interface   折射界面的法向量</param>
// <param name="'n1'">Refractive index of incident medium   入射角的折射率</param>
// <param name="'n2'">Refractive index of emergent medium   折射角的折射率</param>
// <param name="'theta1'">Incident angle   入射角</param>
// <param name="'theta2'">Emergent angle   折射角</param>
// <returns>Unit direction vector</returns>
vec3d _Get_refracted_vector(vec3d vec1, vec3d N, double n1, double n2, double theta1, double theta2){vec3d _Prev = { (n1 / n2) * vec1.x, (n1 / n2) * vec1.y, (n1 / n2) * vec1.z };vec3d _Tail = { (n1 / n2 * cos(theta1) - cos(theta2)) * N.x, (n1 / n2 * cos(theta1) - cos(theta2)) * N.y, (n1 / n2 * cos(theta1) - cos(theta2)) * N.z };return { _Prev.x - _Tail.x, _Prev.y - _Tail.y, _Prev.z - _Tail.z };
}//Compute the intersection of two lines.          计算两条线的交点
/// <param name="'point1'">End point of line 1;   线段1的端点 </param>
/// <param name="'vec1'">Direction of line 1;     线段1的方向向量</param>
/// <param name="'point2'">End point of line 2;   线段2的端点</param>
/// <param name="'vec2'">Direction of line 2.     线段2的方向向量</param>
/// <returns>Coordinates of the intersection      两条线段的交点坐标</returns>
vec3d _Intersection(vec3d point1, vec3d vec1, vec3d point2, vec3d vec2) {vec3d vec3 = _Cross(vec1, vec2);double x1 = -((point1.z * vec1.x * vec2.y * vec3.x - point2.z * vec1.x * vec2.y * vec3.x -point1.x * vec1.z * vec2.y * vec3.x - point1.y * vec1.x * vec2.z * vec3.x +point2.y * vec1.x * vec2.z * vec3.x + point1.x * vec1.y * vec2.z * vec3.x -point1.z * vec1.x * vec2.x * vec3.y + point2.z * vec1.x * vec2.x * vec3.y +point1.x * vec1.z * vec2.x * vec3.y - point2.x * vec1.x * vec2.z * vec3.y +point1.y * vec1.x * vec2.x * vec3.z - point2.y * vec1.x * vec2.x * vec3.z -point1.x * vec1.y * vec2.x * vec3.z + point2.x * vec1.x * vec2.y * vec3.z) /(vec1.z * vec2.y * vec3.x - vec1.y * vec2.z * vec3.x - vec1.z * vec2.x * vec3.y +vec1.x * vec2.z * vec3.y + vec1.y * vec2.x * vec3.z - vec1.x * vec2.y * vec3.z));double y1 = -((-point1.z * vec1.y * vec2.y * vec3.x + point2.z * vec1.y * vec2.y * vec3.x +point1.y * vec1.z * vec2.y * vec3.x - point2.y * vec1.y * vec2.z * vec3.x +point1.z * vec1.y * vec2.x * vec3.y - point2.z * vec1.y * vec2.x * vec3.y -point1.y * vec1.z * vec2.x * vec3.y + point1.y * vec1.x * vec2.z * vec3.y -point1.x * vec1.y * vec2.z * vec3.y + point2.x * vec1.y * vec2.z * vec3.y +point2.y * vec1.y * vec2.x * vec3.z - point1.y * vec1.x * vec2.y * vec3.z +point1.x * vec1.y * vec2.y * vec3.z - point2.x * vec1.y * vec2.y * vec3.z) /(-vec1.z * vec2.y * vec3.x + vec1.y * vec2.z * vec3.x + vec1.z * vec2.x * vec3.y -vec1.x * vec2.z * vec3.y - vec1.y * vec2.x * vec3.z + vec1.x * vec2.y * vec3.z));double z1 = -((point2.z * vec1.z * vec2.y * vec3.x - point1.z * vec1.y * vec2.z * vec3.x +point1.y * vec1.z * vec2.z * vec3.x - point2.y * vec1.z * vec2.z * vec3.x -point2.z * vec1.z * vec2.x * vec3.y + point1.z * vec1.x * vec2.z * vec3.y -point1.x * vec1.z * vec2.z * vec3.y + point2.x * vec1.z * vec2.z * vec3.y +point1.z * vec1.y * vec2.x * vec3.z - point1.y * vec1.z * vec2.x * vec3.z +point2.y * vec1.z * vec2.x * vec3.z - point1.z * vec1.x * vec2.y * vec3.z +point1.x * vec1.z * vec2.y * vec3.z - point2.x * vec1.z * vec2.y * vec3.z) /(-vec1.z * vec2.y * vec3.x + vec1.y * vec2.z * vec3.x + vec1.z * vec2.x * vec3.y -vec1.x * vec2.z * vec3.y - vec1.y * vec2.x * vec3.z + vec1.x * vec2.y * vec3.z));double x2 = -((-point1.z * vec1.y * vec2.x * vec3.x + point2.z * vec1.y * vec2.x * vec3.x +point1.y * vec1.z * vec2.x * vec3.x - point2.y * vec1.z * vec2.x * vec3.x +point2.x * vec1.z * vec2.y * vec3.x - point2.x * vec1.y * vec2.z * vec3.x +point1.z * vec1.x * vec2.x * vec3.y - point2.z * vec1.x * vec2.x * vec3.y -point1.x * vec1.z * vec2.x * vec3.y + point2.x * vec1.x * vec2.z * vec3.y -point1.y * vec1.x * vec2.x * vec3.z + point2.y * vec1.x * vec2.x * vec3.z +point1.x * vec1.y * vec2.x * vec3.z - point2.x * vec1.x * vec2.y * vec3.z) /(-vec1.z * vec2.y * vec3.x + vec1.y * vec2.z * vec3.x + vec1.z * vec2.x * vec3.y -vec1.x * vec2.z * vec3.y - vec1.y * vec2.x * vec3.z + vec1.x * vec2.y * vec3.z));double y2 = -((-point1.z * vec1.y * vec2.y * vec3.x + point2.z * vec1.y * vec2.y * vec3.x +point1.y * vec1.z * vec2.y * vec3.x - point2.y * vec1.y * vec2.z * vec3.x -point2.y * vec1.z * vec2.x * vec3.y + point1.z * vec1.x * vec2.y * vec3.y -point2.z * vec1.x * vec2.y * vec3.y - point1.x * vec1.z * vec2.y * vec3.y +point2.x * vec1.z * vec2.y * vec3.y + point2.y * vec1.x * vec2.z * vec3.y +point2.y * vec1.y * vec2.x * vec3.z - point1.y * vec1.x * vec2.y * vec3.z +point1.x * vec1.y * vec2.y * vec3.z - point2.x * vec1.y * vec2.y * vec3.z) /(-vec1.z * vec2.y * vec3.x + vec1.y * vec2.z * vec3.x +vec1.z * vec2.x * vec3.y - vec1.x * vec2.z * vec3.y -vec1.y * vec2.x * vec3.z + vec1.x * vec2.y * vec3.z));double z2 = -((point2.z * vec1.z * vec2.y * vec3.x - point1.z * vec1.y * vec2.z * vec3.x +point1.y * vec1.z * vec2.z * vec3.x - point2.y * vec1.z * vec2.z * vec3.x -point2.z * vec1.z * vec2.x * vec3.y + point1.z * vec1.x * vec2.z * vec3.y -point1.x * vec1.z * vec2.z * vec3.y + point2.x * vec1.z * vec2.z * vec3.y +point2.z * vec1.y * vec2.x * vec3.z - point2.z * vec1.x * vec2.y * vec3.z -point1.y * vec1.x * vec2.z * vec3.z + point2.y * vec1.x * vec2.z * vec3.z +point1.x * vec1.y * vec2.z * vec3.z - point2.x * vec1.y * vec2.z * vec3.z) /(-vec1.z * vec2.y * vec3.x + vec1.y * vec2.z * vec3.x +vec1.z * vec2.x * vec3.y - vec1.x * vec2.z * vec3.y -vec1.y * vec2.x * vec3.z + vec1.x * vec2.y * vec3.z));double x = (x1 + x2) / 2;double y = (y1 + y2) / 2;double z = (z1 + z2) / 2;if (x == -0) {x = 0;}if (y == -0) {y = 0;}if (z == -0) {z = 0;}return { x,	y, z };
}/********************************************************************************************* \brief Driver for refractive 3D reconstruction.          折射三维重建* \param 'raw_point' distorted object point P.             'raw_point'代表扭曲的点P。* \param 'translation' translation vector of the right camera relative to the frame O-XYZ.  translation代表右相机相对于参考坐标系O-XYZ的平移矢量。* \param 'interf1' refracting interface Ax + By + Cz +D = 0, with N = (A. B. C).   * \param n1 n2 n3 thickness  折射率以及玻璃厚度* \returns The true 3D coordinates of the object point.    返回真实的三维坐标********************************************************************************************/
vec3d refractive_3d_reconstruction(vec3d raw_point, vec3d translation, vec4d interf1, double n1, double n2, double n3, double thickness) {double delta = thickness;vec3d t = translation;double near_d = interf1.D;// Build the interface 2double far_d = near_d - delta * sqrt(pow(interf1.A, 2) + pow(interf1.B, 2) + pow(interf1.C, 2));vec4d interf2 = { interf1.A, interf1.B, interf1.C, far_d };// Compute the normalized normal of the interfaces 1 and 2vec3d N1 = { interf1.A, interf1.B, interf1.C };vec3d N2 = { interf2.A, interf2.B, interf2.C };N1 = _Normalize(N1);N2 = _Normalize(N2);// Direction vectors of the ray L1 and L1'vec3d nlineL1 = _Normalize(raw_point);vec3d nlineR1 = _Normalize({ raw_point.x + t.x,raw_point.y + t.y,raw_point.z + t.z });// Incident points P1 and P1' of L1 and L1' at the interface 1vec3d pointL1 = _Intersection({ 0, 0, 0 }, nlineL1, interf1);vec3d pointR1 = _Intersection({ -t.x, -t.y, -t.z }, nlineR1, interf1);// Incident angles of rays L1 and L1'double angleL1 = _Vector_angle(nlineL1, N1);double angleR1 = _Vector_angle(nlineR1, N1);// Refracted angles of rays L1 and L1' double angleL2 = asin(n1 * sin(angleL1) / n2);double angleR2 = asin(n1 * sin(angleR1) / n2);// Direction vectors of the ray L2 and L2'vec3d nlineL2 = _Get_refracted_vector(nlineL1, N1, n1, n2, angleL1, angleL2);vec3d nlineR2 = _Get_refracted_vector(nlineR1, N1, n1, n2, angleR1, angleR2);// Incident points P2 and P2' of L2 and L2' at the interface 2vec3d pointL2 = _Intersection(pointL1, nlineL2, interf2);vec3d pointR2 = _Intersection(pointR1, nlineR2, interf2);// Incident angles of rays L2 and L2'double angleL3 = angleL2;double angleR3 = angleR2;// Refracted angles of rays L2 and L2'double angleL4 = asin(n2 * sin(angleL3) / n3);double angleR4 = asin(n2 * sin(angleR3) / n3);// Direction vectors of the ray L3 and L3'vec3d nlineL3 = _Get_refracted_vector(nlineL2, N2, n2, n3, angleL3, angleL4);vec3d nlineR3 = _Get_refracted_vector(nlineR2, N2, n2, n3, angleR3, angleR4);//auto nCommonVerticalLine3 = detail::_Cross(nlineL3, nlineR3);// Compute the true object point Qreturn _Intersection(pointL2, nlineL3, pointR2, nlineR3);
}int main() {//折射重建测试vec3d raw_point;raw_point.x = 9;raw_point.y = 0;raw_point.z = 3 * 1.732;vec3d translation;translation.x = -18;translation.y = 0;translation.z = 0;vec4d interf1;interf1.A = 0;interf1.B = 0;interf1.C = 1;interf1.D = -2;double n1 = 1;double n2 = 1.732;double n3 = 1;double thickness = 1;vec3d res;res = refractive_3d_reconstruction(raw_point, translation, interf1, n1, n2, n3, thickness);cout << res.x << endl;cout << res.y << endl;cout << res.z << endl;system("pause");return 0;


  1. =%257B%2522request%255Fid%2522%253A%2522166865308616782395327114%2522%252C%2522scm%2522%253A%252220140713.130102334.pc%255Fall.%2522%257D&request_id=166865308616782395327114&biz_id=0&spm=1018.2226.3001.4187
  2. =&request_id=&biz_id=102&spm=1018.2226.3001.4187


Refractive three

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