jq 定位用户所在地区

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jq 定位用户所在地区

jq 定位用户所在地区

User groups are a great way to meet local developers in your area, share tips and techniques, demo your projects and possibly find work at local studios. Since moving back to the UK and helping to form the Manchester Unity User Group I have discovered quite a bit about the trials and tribulations of running an effective user group. Here’s some advice:

用户组是结识您所在地区的本地开发人员,共享技巧和技术,演示项目并可能在本地工作室找到工作的好方法。 自从回到英国并帮助组建曼彻斯特团结用户组以来,我发现了很多有关运行有效用户组的试验和磨难的信息。 这里有一些建议:

User groups are a great way to meet local developers in your area, share tips and techniques, demo your projects and possibly find work at local studios.


If you have been to our Unity User Groups page and discovered that there is no local user group, all is not lost! This might be a great opportunity to establish a Unity User Group of your own.

如果您访问过我们的Unity用户组页面,并且发现没有本地用户组,​​那么一切都不会丢失! 这可能是建立自己的Unity用户组的绝佳机会。

There are a number of things to take into account when looking at establishing a user group. This is what you can do to get the ball rolling:

在考虑建立用户组时,需要考虑很多因素。 这是使球滚动的方法:

Measure interest The first step is finding out how many folks in your area will be interested in a user group! This will have a strong bearing on the flavour and scale of your events, so it’s important to have an idea of what to expect. A good way to do this is to find other pre-existing game development groups in the area and join them. This can be in the form of local your IGDA chapter, game jam events or if you are at college/university, perhaps there are relevant classes that may have an interest.

衡量兴趣第一步是找出您所在地区对某个用户组有兴趣的人! 这将与您的活动的风格和规模密切相关,因此了解预期的结果很重要。 做到这一点的一个好方法是在该地区找到其他现有的游戏开发小组并加入他们的行列。 这可以是本地IGDA章节,游戏阻塞事件的形式,或者如果您在大学/大学里,则可能有相关的课程感兴趣。

Find a venue Getting the venue right is crucial. If you anticipate a handful of interested developers, simply meeting up in a bar/coffee shop can be a nice relaxed way to start things off. However, if you expect a group that is a bit larger, you will need to consider a more dedicated space that can better cater to your needs. This is especially true if you’d like to give people a chance to present through a projector. Good places to start the search include the IGDA, local universities and hackerspaces.

查找场地确定场地的位置至关重要。 如果您预计会发现一些感兴趣的开发人员,那么简单地在酒吧/咖啡馆见面可能是一种轻松轻松的开始方式。 但是,如果您期望一个更大的团队,则需要考虑一个更专用的空间,以更好地满足您的需求。 如果您想让人们有机会通过投影仪进行演示,则尤其如此。 开始搜索的好地方包括IGDA,当地大学和黑客空间。

Plan your first event Depending on how structured you want things to be, it’s a good idea to have a specific plan. With smaller scale groups, grabbing a drink in a pub/coffee shop and hanging out in a corner works fine. Once you reach a point where the entire group is unable to huddle around a laptop or two, you’ll probably want to scale up the venue a touch and prepare a program. At the Manchester group we usually have one or two main presentations. Then, during the second hour, we open it up to the group, so that anybody can showcase what they are working on.

计划您的第一个活动根据您想要的事情的结构,有一个特定的计划是个好主意。 对于规模较小的团体,可以在酒吧/咖啡店里喝一杯饮料,然后在角落里闲逛。 一旦您到达整个小组都无法闲逛一两个笔记本电脑的地步,您可能会想扩大场地,准备一个程序。 在曼彻斯特小组,我们通常会进行一到两个主要演讲。 然后,在第二个小时内,我们向小组成员开放,以便任何人都可以展示他们的工作。

Online presence Making your group easy to discover online is important. We found that many more folks than expected turned up to our first meeting just from some because we promoted the group on Twitter.

在线存在使您的团队易于在线发现很重要。 我们发现有更多人参加了我们的第一次会议,仅仅是因为我们在Twitter上推动了该小组。

Choosing a platform to co-ordinate the group is also something that you need to consider, as the Manchester Unity User Group has evolved we have tried out a number of different systems. Initially we used Eventbrite, we are now using a Facebook group and are considering setting up a Meetup page, which proves to be a popular choice with Unity user groups in general.

您还需要考虑选择一个平台来协调小组的工作,随着曼彻斯特团结用户小组的发展,我们已经尝试了许多不同的系统。 最初,我们使用Eventbrite,现在使用的是Facebook组,并正在考虑建立一个Meetup页面,事实证明,这通常是Unity用户组的一种流行选择。

Be sure to register your new user group on the Unity website.


In addition to that we also have a Google form that feeds into a spreadsheet for talk submissions, if somebody wants to talk at a meeting, we ask that they fill in the details on the form so that they are saved for ease of planning. Google forms and spreadsheets are generally pretty good way to get organized.

除此之外,我们还有一个Google表单,可以将其提交到电子表格中以进行演讲提交,如果有人想在会议上讲话,我们要求他们在表单上填写详细信息,以便保存以便于计划。 Google表单和电子表格通常是很好的组织方式。

Beyond the first event So, you’ve had a super awesome first event and are looking ahead to the next one. The first thing to consider is when you should hold the next meeting. The trap that we fell into in Manchester was effectively “too much too soon”. We reached a point where we were running low on news and projects to share. Me and Dan, the two main organizers, were also incredibly busy and didn’t have the capacity to give the group the time it deserved. As a result, we switched to alternating between a normal meeting and just a casual social meet up. We are now considering an ad-hoc approach where when we have a primary speaker who wants to share their projects, we arrange a meet-up around that headline session.

除了第一场比赛之外 ,您还有一个很棒的第一场比赛,并且期待着下一场比赛。 首先要考虑的是何时召开下一次会议。 我们落入曼彻斯特的陷阱实际上是“太早了”。 我们的新闻和项目共享不足。 我和Dan这两个主要的组织者也非常忙碌,他们没有能力给他们应得的时间。 结果,我们在常规会议和休闲社交聚会之间切换。 现在,我们正在考虑采用一种临时方法,当我们有一位主要发言人希望分享他们的项目时,我们会在该主题会议上安排一次聚会。

So, that about does it. If you happen to have experience of running a User Group, please chime in with your nuggets of wisdom in the comments below! Ultimately, there isn’t really a wrong or right way of doing things, so feel free to experiment with different formats and structures.

这样就可以了。 如果您碰巧有运行用户组的经验,请在下面的评论中加入您的智慧! 最终,实际上并没有错误或正确的处理方式,因此可以随意尝试不同的格式和结构。

A few pictures from the latest Manchester Unity User Group Meet Up:


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jq 定位用户所在地区


jq 定位用户所在地区

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