
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-09 08:37:02

保护数据的<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1767760.html style=十大技巧"/>


With the use of smartphones, tablets, laptops, and netbooks, most of us do everyday tasks online, such as purchasing goods and banking. However, if we don’t secure our personal data on our computers and online, we could be asking for serious trouble.

通过使用智能手机,平板电脑,笔记本电脑和上网本,我们大多数人都在线执行日常任务,例如购买商品和银行业务。 但是,如果我们不保护计算机和网络上的个人数据,则可能会带来严重的麻烦。

The following 10 articles are the top methods we’ve covered for securing files and personal information both online and off, securing your Wi-Fi network, protecting website login information and passwords and other offline data.


Image by xkcd, obviously.

图片显然是xkcd 。

使用TrueCrypt加密硬盘驱动器或USB闪存驱动器 (Encrypt a Hard Drive or USB Flash Drive Using TrueCrypt)

One of the best options for securing files on your computer and on external drives is a free open source disk encryption utility called TrueCrypt. It works with Windows, Linux, and Mac and allows you to encrypt an entire drive, partition, or flash drive or create an encrypted file store in which you can store sensitive data files and take them with you. The following articles show you how to use TrueCrypt in Windows and on the Mac and how to protect a flash drive using TrueCrypt.

保护计算机和外部驱动器上文件的最佳选择之一是免费的开源磁盘加密实用程序TrueCrypt。 它可与Windows,Linux和Mac一起使用,并允许您对整个驱动器,分区或闪存驱动器进行加密,或者创建一个加密的文件存储,您可以在其中存储敏感数据文件并将其随身携带。 以下文章介绍了如何在Windows和Mac上使用TrueCrypt,以及如何使用TrueCrypt保护闪存驱动器。

Getting Started with TrueCrypt (to Secure Your Data)


Getting Started with TrueCrypt Drive Encryption on Mac OS X

Mac OS X上的TrueCrypt驱动器加密入门

How to Protect Your Flash Drive Data with TrueCrypt


Image via LadiesGadgets


随时随地安全存储数据 (Securely Store Data on the Go)

If you need to store files securely and take them with you, TrueCrypt allows you to do this with encrypted volumes. However, you must have administrator access on whatever computer you use to access your TrueCrypt encrypted volume. The following article describes another option, called FreeOTFE, that allows you to store files in an encrypted volume that can be accessed using a portable version of the program that can be used without administrative privileges.

如果您需要安全地存储文件并随身携带,TrueCrypt允许您对加密卷进行此操作。 但是,您必须在用于访问TrueCrypt加密卷的任何计算机上都具有管理员访问权限。 本文介绍了另一个称为FreeOTFE的选项,该选项使您可以将文件存储在加密的卷中,该卷可以使用程序的便携式版本进行访问,而无需管理特权即可使用该程序的可移植版本。

Store Private Files Securely Using a Portable File Encryption Tool


在简单的可执行文本文件中加密个人信息(Encrypt Personal Information in a Simple Executable Text File)

Steganos LockNote is a small, simple method for securely storing chunks of information in files. For example, if you purchase a download-only program, you can use LockNote to store the product key or serial number that goes with that program in the same folder, so you always know where to find it. The following article shows you how simple it is to use LockNote to easily and securely store bits of information and take it with you.

Steganos LockNote是一种小型,简单的方法,用于安全地将信息块存储在文件中。 例如,如果您购买了仅下载程序,则可以使用LockNote将该程序附带的产品密钥或序列号存储在同一文件夹中,因此您始终知道在哪里可以找到它。 下一篇文章向您展示使用LockNote轻松安全地存储信息并将其随身携带是多么简单。

Encrypt Your Personal Information with Steganos LockNote

使用Steganos LockNote加密您的个人信息

隐藏图像文件中的个人信息(Hide Personal Information Inside an Image File)

Another method of securing data is to hide it inside an image file. The following article shows you how to use a free tool, called Free File Camouflage, to hide a file inside an image file protected with a password. The image file is still an image file. The only thing that changes is the size of the file.

保护数据的另一种方法是将其隐藏在图像文件中。 下一篇文章向您展示如何使用称为“免费文件伪装”的免费工具将文件隐藏在受密码保护的图像文件中。 该图像文件仍然是图像文件。 唯一更改的是文件的大小。

How to Encrypt and Hide Your Personal Files Inside of a Photo


保护您Linux PC(Secure Your Linux PC)

If you’re using Ubuntu Linux on your PC, you can encrypt your Ubuntu installation partition to protect your data from hackers, nosy friends and family, or other intruders. The following article shows you how to encrypt a partition into which you can install Ubuntu, how to encrypt a folder, and how to create a hidden volume using TrueCrypt.

如果您在PC上使用Ubuntu Linux,则可以对Ubuntu安装分区进行加密,以保护数据免受黑客,爱管闲事的朋友和家人或其他入侵者的侵害。 以下文章显示了如何加密可安装Ubuntu的分区,如何加密文件夹以及如何使用TrueCrypt创建隐藏卷。

How to Secure Your Linux PC by Encrypting Your Hard Drive

如何通过加密硬盘驱动器来保护Linux PC

使用Dropbox和SecretSync安全地同步文件 (Securely Sync Your Files Using Dropbox and SecretSync)

Have you wanted to use cloud storage, but have been hesitant to because of the security risks? Dropbox is a leading option for cloud storage. It’s simple to use and affordably priced. However, Dropbox users do not have access to the encryption keys for their accounts. Dropbox can decrypt your information and, for example, hand the files over to the government, if asked. You can manually encrypt your files using TrueCrypt before uploading them to Dropbox, but SecretSync provides an automated process. SecretSync locally encrypts your files before they are synced to your Dropbox account. The following article shows you how to set up Dropbox and SecretSync.

您是否想使用云存储,但是由于安全风险而犹豫不决? Dropbox是云存储的领先选择。 它易于使用且价格合理。 但是,Dropbox用户无权访问其帐户的加密密钥。 Dropbox可以解密您的信息,例如,如果需要,可以将文件移交给政府。 您可以在将文件上传到Dropbox之前使用TrueCrypt对其进行手动加密,但是SecretSync提供了自动过程。 SecretSync在将文件同步到您的Dropbox帐户之前会对文件进行本地加密。 下一篇文章向您展示如何设置Dropbox和SecretSync。

Sync Encrypted Files with Dropbox and SecretSync


安全删除数据(Securely Delete Your Data)

Part of keeping your data secure is making sure deleted data is permanently gone. You might think that once you delete a file it’s gone. However, deleting a file only removes the reference to the file in the file system table. The file still exists on disk and can potentially be recovered. To permanently delete a file, you must overwrite it with other data, making it unreadable. The following article describes several tools available out there that provide methods of securely deleting files. Some of the tools are portable, allowing you to stay safe when using files on public computers.

确保数据安全的一部分是确保删除的数据永久消失。 您可能会认为,一旦删除文件,它就消失了。 但是,删除文件只会删除文件系统表中对该文件的引用。 该文件仍然存在于磁盘上,并且有可能被恢复。 要永久删除文件,必须用其他数据覆盖它,使其无法读取。 本文介绍了一些可用的工具,这些工具提供了安全删除文件的方法。 其中一些工具是便携式的,可让您在公共计算机上使用文件时保持安全。

Learn How to Securely Delete Files in Windows


保护您的Wi-Fi网络(Securing Your Wi-Fi Network)

Securing your Wi-Fi network is an important part of keeping your data secure. If your network is not secure, people can access your network and get to the files on your computer, as well as hijack your internet connection and possibly use it to do illegal things. The following articles show you how to secure your home Wi-Fi network against intrusion and also how to configure your router to support a secure, encrypted tunnel between your laptop and your home router so you can safely surf the internet from public Wi-Fi spots.

保护Wi-Fi网络是确保数据安全的重要部分。 如果您的网络不安全,人们可以访问您的网络并访问您计算机上的文件,并劫持您的Internet连接,并可能将其用于非法行为。 以下文章向您展示如何保护家庭Wi-Fi网络免受入侵,以及如何配置路由器以支持笔记本电脑和家庭路由器之间的安全加密隧道,以便您可以从公共Wi-Fi站点安全地上网。 。

How To Secure Your Wi-Fi Network Against Intrusion


Setup SSH on Your Router for Secure Web Access from Anywhere


使用LastPass保护登录信息(Protecting Login Information Using LastPass)

Most of us have many user names and passwords for the various sites we regularly log into. How do you remember all of them? LastPass is a great option for securely storing your login information for websites, as well as other personal information. You can also use LastPass to enter your login information on websites automatically. The following articles show you how to use LastPass to store and use your private information, how to download and view information stored in your LastPass account offline, and how to install LastPass into the Opera browser.

我们大多数人都有许多我们经常登录的站点的用户名和密码。 您如何记得所有这些人? LastPass是安全存储网站登录信息以及其他个人信息的绝佳选择。 您也可以使用LastPass在网站上自动输入您的登录信息。 以下文章向您展示如何使用LastPass存储和使用您的私人信息,如何离线下载和查看存储在LastPass帐户中的信息,以及如何将LastPass安装到Opera浏览器中。

The How-To Geek Guide to Getting Started with LastPass


Keep Those Hard to Remember Card Numbers Available and Secure with LastPass


Use a Free, Portable Tool to View your Passwords from Your LastPass Account Offline


使用KeePass脱机保护密码和其他数据(Protecting Passwords and Other Data Offline Using KeePass)

Storing private data in LastPass is useful, especially for logging into websites automatically and securely. However, if you want to be able to store many kinds of private information securely and take it with you offline, KeePass is a great option. It is portable and allows you to securely store different types of private information. The LastPass Portable tool mentioned in the previous tip, only allows you to view your information. If you change anything, the changes are lost once you exit LastPass Portable and you can’t upload any changes to your LastPass account. KeePass allows you to add, remove, and change your private information and keep it secure offline.

在LastPass中存储私人数据非常有用,特别是对于自动安全地登录网站而言。 但是,如果您希望能够安全地存储多种私人信息并使其离线,KeePass是一个不错的选择。 它是便携式的,可让您安全地存储不同类型的私人信息。 上一个技巧中提到的LastPass Portable工具仅允许您查看信息。 如果您进行了任何更改,则一旦退出LastPass Portable,更改将丢失,并且您无法将任何更改上传到LastPass帐户。 KeePass允许您添加,删除和更改您的私人信息,并使其离线安全。

Securely Store Your Passwords with KeePass


How To Import Your Saved Browser Passwords Into KeePass


Install KeePass Password Safe on Your Ubuntu or Debian-Based Linux System

在基于Ubuntu或DebianLinux系统上安装KeePass Password Safe

Now that we showed you how to keep your private data secure, here are some tips about creating secure passwords for your online accounts, home Wi-Fi network, and other places where a secure password is crucial.


10 Ways to Generate a Random Password from the Command Line


There are also password generation tools on the Gibson Research Corporation website (www.grc), run by Steve Gibson, security guru and privacy expert. His Perfect Passwords page generates long, high-quality random passwords using three different sets of characters. Passwords generated on this page are completely unique and will never be produced again. If you need a one-time password, Steve’s Perfect Paper Passwords page provides a free, simple, safe, and secure method of generating a convenient card of passcodes each of which is meant to be used one time only.

吉布森研究公司网站( www.grc )上也有密码生成工具,该工具由安全专家和隐私权专家史蒂夫·吉布森(Steve Gibson)经营。 他的“完美密码”页面使用三组不同的字符生成长而高质量的随机密码。 在此页面上生成的密码是完全唯一的,将不再产生。 如果您需要一次性密码,Steve的“完美纸质密码”页面提供了一种免费,简单,安全且安全的方法来生成便捷的密码卡,每种密码只能使用一次。

Steve also publishes a podcast called Security Now with Leo Laporte from TWiT TV (www.twit.tv). Archives of all the Security Now podcasts, back to the first one in August 2005, can be found at .htm.

史蒂夫(Steve)还与TWiT TV( www.twit.tv )的莱奥·拉波特(Leo Laporte)一起发布了名为“立即安全”的播客。 可以在.htm上找到所有“立即安全性”播客的存档,可以追溯到2005年8月的第一个播客。

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