
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-09 18:17:48

<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1770092.html style=图表检索"/>






graph = {'A':['C','B'],'B':['A','C','D'],'C':['A','B','D','E'],'D':['B','C','E','F'],'E':['C','D'],'F':['D'],
class Solution(object):#深度搜索,就是迭代到找不到就回溯,使用栈def DFS(self,graph,s):       #graph表示图表关系,s表示开始的节点stack = []          #新建栈stack.append(s)       #将初始节点加入到栈中seen = set()       #建立一个集合,后续判断是否重复seen.add(s)while (len(stack) > 0):vertex = stack.pop()     #移出栈的最后一个元素nodes = graph[vertex]     #找到那个元素的相关节点并保存起来for w in nodes:if w not in seen:        #如果节点不重复,就添加到栈中stack.append(w)seen.add(w)print(vertex, end=" ")#广度搜索,使用队列def BFS(self,graph,s):       #graph表示图表关系,s表示开始的节点queue = []          #新建队列queue.append(s)       #将初始节点加入到队列中seen = set()       #建立一个集合,后续判断是否重复seen.add(s)while (len(queue) > 0):vertex = queue.pop(0)     #移出队列的第一个元素nodes = graph[vertex]     #找到那个元素的相关节点并保存起来for w in nodes:if w not in seen:      #如果节点不重复,就添加到队列中queue.append(w)seen.add(w)print(vertex, end=" ")if __name__ == '__main__':result = Solution()result.DFS(graph,'A')print("")result.BFS(graph,'A')


def bfs(graph_to_search, initial_state, goal_state, verbose=False):# this is a list of a list because we need to eventually return# the entire PATH from the initial state to the goal state. So,# each element in this list represents a path from the the initial# state to one frontier node. We use the first element in each path# to represent the cost.frontiers = [[0, initial_state]]  # the frontier list only has the initial state, with a cost of 0.visited = []while len(frontiers) > 0:   # use while loop to iteratively perform searchif verbose:  # print out detailed information in each iterationprint('Frontiers (paths):')for x in frontiers:print('  -', x)print('Visited:', visited)print('\n')path = frontiers.pop(0)  # Get the first element in the listnode = path[-1]  # Get the last node in this pathif node in visited:  # check if we have expanded this node, if yes then skip thiscontinueaction = graph_to_search[node] # get the possible actionsfor next_node, next_cost in action:new_path = path.copy()new_path.append(next_node)new_path[0] = new_path[0] + next_costif next_node in visited or new_path in frontiers:continue  # skip this node if it is already in the frontiers or the visited list.# check if we reached the goal state or notif next_node == goal_state:goal_path = new_path[1:]   #取出整个pathgoal_cost = new_path[0]    #取出所消耗的costreturn goal_path, goal_cost  # if yes, we can return this path and its costelse:frontiers.append(new_path)  # add to the frontiers# after exploring all actions, we add this node to the visited listvisited.append(node)return Nonegraph = {'A': [('B', 1), ('D', 2)],'B': [('A', 1), ('C', 4), ('D', 2)],'C': [('B', 4)],'D': [('A', 2), ('B', 2)]
}path, cost = bfs(graph, 'A', 'C')
print('The solution is:', path)
print('The cost is:', cost)



接下来判断展开的节点 如果已经存在,跳过,如果节点没展开过就,累加到frontiers里面,如果是目标节点就return path和cost出来




path = frontiers.pop(-1)


也叫做贪心算法,union cost,就是使得当前损耗是最小的,举例从A到C地,我们就是要每走一步,都要选取到下一个目的地最短的路径的节点去遍历,这个时候要选取最短的路径去遍历,要用到一个sort()函数,对队列里面的值进行排序,每次挑选最短的,然后pop第一个出来即pop(0)

sort() 方法是对原列表进行操作,而 sorted() 方法会返回一个新列表,不是在原来的基础上进行操作

def uniform_cost_search(graph_to_search, initial_state, goal_state, verbose=False):# this is a list of a list because we need to eventually return# the entire PATH from the initial state to the goal state. So,# each element in this list represents a path from the the initial# state to one frontier node. We use the first element in each path# to represent the cost.frontiers = [[0, initial_state]]  # the frontier list only has the initial state, with a cost of 0.visited = []while len(frontiers) > 0:   # use while loop to iteratively perform searchif verbose:  # print out detailed information in each iterationprint('Frontiers (paths):')for x in frontiers:print('  -', x)print('Visited:', visited)print('\n')frontiers = sorted(frontiers, key=lambda x: x[0])path = frontiers.pop(0)  # Get the first path in the queuenode = path[-1]  # Get the last node in this pathif node == goal_state:goal_path = path[1:]goal_cost = path[0]return goal_path, goal_costif node in visited:  # check if we have expanded this node, if yes then skip thiscontinueactions = graph_to_search[node] # get the possible actionsfor next_node, next_cost in actions:new_path = path.copy()new_path.append(next_node)new_path[0] = new_path[0] + next_costif next_node in visited or new_path in frontiers:continue  # skip this node if it is already in the frontiers or the visited list.frontiers.append(new_path)  # add to the frontiers# after exploring all actions, we add this node to the visited listvisited.append(node)return None

Greedy Search 贪心检索

def greedy_search(graph_to_search, initial_state, goal_state, heuristics_function, verbose=False):# this is a list of a list because we need to eventually return# the entire PATH from the initial state to the goal state. So,# each element in this list represents a path from the the initial# state to one frontier node. We use the first element in each path# to represent the cost.frontiers = [[0, initial_state]]  # the frontier list only has the initial state, with a cost of 0.visited = []while len(frontiers) > 0:   # use while loop to iteratively perform searchif verbose:  # print out detailed information in each iterationprint('Frontiers (paths):')for x in frontiers:print('  -', x)print('Visited:', visited)print('\n')# get the nodes in frontiers to be expandedfrontier_heuristics = []for x in frontiers:frontier_heuristics.append(heuristics_function(x[-1]))idx_to_pop = frontier_heuristics.index(min(frontier_heuristics))path = frontiers.pop(idx_to_pop)node = path[-1]  # Get the last node in this pathif node in visited:  # check if we have expanded this node, if yes then skip thiscontinueactions = graph_to_search[node] # get the possible actionsfor next_node, next_cost in actions:new_path = path.copy()new_path.append(next_node)new_path[0] = new_path[0] + next_costif next_node in visited or new_path in frontiers:continue  # skip this node if it is already in the frontiers or the visited list.# check if we reached the goal state or notif next_node == goal_state:goal_path = new_path[1:]goal_cost = new_path[0]return goal_path, goal_cost  # if yes, we can return this path and its costelse:frontiers.append(new_path)  # add to the frontiers# after exploring all actions, we add this node to the visited listvisited.append(node)return None

贪心检索需要一个从当前目标出发到终点的一个信息值,还需要像union cost一样的权重,但是这里没有用到这个权重的大小,只是在找距离重点目标最小的值,所以在node前,会去找min的下标,然后返还给idx_to_pop,最后pop这个节点给node,接下来就跟之前一样。


A* search

A = g + h*

A搜索A(A-Star) 算法是一种静态路网中求解最短路径最有效的直接搜索方法评价函数




romanian_graph = {'Arad': [('Zerind', 75), ('Sibiu', 140), ('Timisoara', 118)],  # finish the remaining'Zerind': [('Oradea', 71), ('Arad', 75)],'Oradea': [('Zerind', 71), ('Sibiu', 151)],'Sibiu': [('Fagaras', 99), ('Rimnicu Vilcea', 80), ('Oradea', 151), ('Arad', 140)],'Timisoara': [('Lugoj', 111), ('Arad', 118)],'Lugoj': [('Mehadia', 70), ('Timisoara', 111)],'Mehadia': [('Drobeta', 75), ('Lugoj', 70)],'Drobeta': [('Craiova', 120), ('Mehadia', 75)],'Rimnicu Vilcea': [('Craiova', 146), ('Pitesti', 97), ('Sibiu', 80)],'Fagaras': [('Sibiu', 99), ('Bucharest', 211)],'Pitesti': [('Rimnicu Vilcea', 97), ('Craiova', 138), ('Bucharest', 101)],'Craiova': [('Rimnicu Vilcea', 146), ('Drobeta', 120), ('Pitesti', 138)],'Bucharest': [('Fagaras', 211), ('Pitesti', 101), ('Giurgiu', 90), ('Urzicenzi', 85)],'Giurgiu': [('Bucharest', 90)],'Urzicenzi': [('Bucharest', 85), ('Vaslui', 142), ('Hirsova', 98)],'Vaslui': [('Urzicenzi', 142), ('Iasi', 92)],'Iasi': [('Vaslui', 92), ('Neamt', 87)],'Neamt': [('Iasi', 87)],'Hirsova': [('Urzicenzi', 98), ('Eforie', 86)],'Eforie': [('Hirsova', 86)],
}def sld_to_bucharest(city):"""This function returns the straight-line distance from the given city to Bucharest."""sld = {'Arad': 366,'Bucharest': 0,'Craiova': 160,'Drobeta': 242,'Eforie': 161,'Fagaras': 176,'Giurgiu': 77,'Hirsova': 151,'Iasi': 226,'Lugoj': 244,'Mehadia': 241,'Neamt': 234,'Oradea': 380,'Pitesti': 100,'Rimnicu Vilcea': 193,'Sibiu': 253,'Timisoara': 329,'Urzicenzi': 80,'Vaslui': 199,'Zerind': 374}return sld[city]def a_star_search(graph_to_search, initial_state, goal_state, heuristics_function, verbose=False):# this is a list of a list because we need to eventually return# the entire PATH from the initial state to the goal state. So,# each element in this list represents a path from the the initial# state to one frontier node. We use the first element in each path# to represent the cost.frontiers = [[0, initial_state]]  # the frontier list only has the initial state, with a cost of 0.visited = []while len(frontiers) > 0:   # use while loop to iteratively perform searchif verbose:  # print out detailed information in each iterationprint('Frontiers (paths):')for x in frontiers:print('  -', x)print('Visited:', visited)print('\n')# get the nodes in frontiers to be expandedestimated_path_cost = []for x in frontiers:heuristic_value = heuristics_function(x[-1])path_cost = x[0]estimated_path_cost.append(heuristic_value+path_cost)idx_to_pop = estimated_path_cost.index(min(estimated_path_cost))path = frontiers.pop(idx_to_pop)node = path[-1]  # Get the last node in this pathif node == goal_state:goal_path = path[1:]goal_cost = path[0]return goal_path, goal_costif node in visited:  # check if we have expanded this node, if yes then skip thiscontinueactions = graph_to_search[node] # get the possible actionsfor next_node, next_cost in actions:new_path = path.copy()new_path.append(next_node)new_path[0] = new_path[0] + next_costif next_node in visited or new_path in frontiers:continue  # skip this node if it is already in the frontiers or the visited list.frontiers.append(new_path)  # add to the frontiers# after exploring all actions, we add this node to the visited listvisited.append(node)return Nonepath, cost = a_star_search(romanian_graph, 'Arad', 'Bucharest', heuristics_function=sld_to_bucharest, verbose=False)
print('The solution is:', path)
print('The cost is:', cost)



def overestimate_sld_to_bucharest(city):"""This function returns the straight-line distance from the given city to Bucharest."""sld = {'Arad': 366,'Bucharest': 0,'Craiova': 160,'Drobeta': 242,'Eforie': 161,'Fagaras': 176,'Giurgiu': 77,'Hirsova': 151,'Iasi': 226,'Lugoj': 244,'Mehadia': 241,'Neamt': 234,'Oradea': 380,'Pitesti': 100,'Rimnicu Vilcea': 193,'Sibiu': 253,'Timisoara': 329,'Urzicenzi': 80,'Vaslui': 199,'Zerind': 374}return 2*sld[city]




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