PEP 333 (不是3333)的翻译

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PEP 333 (不是3333)的翻译

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Python Web Server Gateway Interface v1.0



  • 简介
  • 基本原理与目标
  • 概述
    • 应用接口
    • 服务器接口
    • 中间件 : 同时扮演两种角色的组件
  • 详细说明
    • environ 变量
      • 输入和错误流
    • start_response() 可调用者
      • Handling the Content-Length Header
    • Buffering and Streaming
      • Middleware Handling of Block Boundaries
      • The write() Callable
    • Unicode Issues
    • Error Handling
    • HTTP 1.1 Expect/Continue
    • Other HTTP Features
    • Thread Support
  • Implementation/Application Notes
    • Server Extension APIs
    • Application Configuration
    • URL Reconstruction
    • Supporting Older (<2.2) Versions of Python
    • Optional Platform-Specific File Handling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Proposed/Under Discussion
  • Acknowledgements
  • References
  • Copyright




python目前拥有大量的web框架,比如 Zope, Quixote, Webware, SkunkWeb, PSO, 和Twisted Web。大量的选择使得新手无所适从,因为总得来说,框架的选择都会限制web服务器的选择。

对比之下,虽然java也拥有许多web框架,但是java的" servlet" API使得使用任何框架编写出来的应用程序可以在任何支持" servlet" API的web服务器上运行。服务器中这种针对python的API(不管服务器是用python写的,还是内嵌python,还是通过一种协议来启动python)的使用和普及,将分离人们对web框架和对web服务器的选择,用户可以自由选择适合他们的组合,而web服务器和web框架的开发者也能够把精力集中到各自的领域。

因此,这份PEP建议在web服务器和web应用/web框架之间建立一种简单的通用的接口规范,Python Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI).







如果中间件既简单又健壮,而且WSGI广泛得实现在服务器和框架中,那么就有可能出现全新的python web框架:整个框架都是由几个WSGI中间件组件组成。甚至现有框架的作者都会选择重构将以实现的服务以这种方式提供,变得更象一些和WSGI配合使用的库而不是一个独立的框架。这样web应用开发这就可以根据特定功能选择最适合的组件,而不是所有功能都由同一个框架提供。






在整个规格说明书中,我们使用短语"一个可调用者"意思是"一个函数,方法,类,或者拥有 __call__ 方法的一个对象实例",这取决与服务器,gateway,应用程序根据需要而选择的合适实现方式。相反服务器,gateway和请求一个可调用者的应用程序不可以依赖具体的实现方式,not introspected upon.


一个应用程序对象是一个简单的接受两个参数的可调用对象,这里的对象并不是真的需要一个对象实例,一个函数、方法、类、或者带有 __call__ 方法的对象实例都可以用来做应用程序对象。应用程序对象必须可以多次被请求,实际上服务器/gateway(而非CGI)确实会产生这样的重复请求。



def simple_app(environ, start_response):"""也许是最简单的应用程序对象"""status = '200 OK'response_headers = [('Content-type','text/plain')]start_response(status, response_headers)return ['Hello world!\n']class AppClass:"""产生同样的输出,不过是使用一个类来实现(注意: 'AppClass' 在这里就是 "application" ,所以对它的调用会'AppClass'的一个实例,这个实例做为迭代器再返回"application callable"应该返回的那些值)如果我们想使用 'AppClass' 的实例直接作为应用程序对象, 我们就必须实现 ``__call__`` 方法,外部通过调用这个方法来执行应用程序, 并且我们需要创建一个实例给服务器或gateway使用."""def __init__(self, environ, start_response):self.environ = environself.start = start_responsedef __iter__(self):status = '200 OK'response_headers = [('Content-type','text/plain')]self.start(status, response_headers)yield "Hello world!\n"


服务器/gateway为每一个http客户端发来的请求都会请求应用程序可调用者一次。为了说明这里有一个CGI gateway,以一个获取应用程序对象的函数实现,请注意,这个例子拥有有限的错误处理,因为默认情况下没有被捕获的异常都会被输出到sys.stderr并被服务器记录下来。

import os, sysdef run_with_cgi(application):environ = dict(os.environ.items())environ['wsgi.input']        = sys.stdinenviron['wsgi.errors']       = sys.stderrenviron['wsgi.version']      = (1,0)environ['wsgi.multithread']  = Falseenviron['wsgi.multiprocess'] = Trueenviron['wsgi.run_once']    = Trueif environ.get('HTTPS','off') in ('on','1'):environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'https'else:environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'http'headers_set = []headers_sent = []def write(data):if not headers_set:raise AssertionError("write() before start_response()")elif not headers_sent:# Before the first output, send the stored headersstatus, response_headers = headers_sent[:] = headers_setsys.stdout.write('Status: %s\r\n' % status)for header in response_headers:sys.stdout.write('%s: %s\r\n' % header)sys.stdout.write('\r\n')sys.stdout.write(data)sys.stdout.flush()def start_response(status,response_headers,exc_info=None):if exc_info:try:if headers_sent:# Re-raise original exception if headers sentraise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]finally:exc_info = None     # avoid dangling circular refelif headers_set:raise AssertionError("Headers already set!")headers_set[:] = [status,response_headers]return writeresult = application(environ, start_response)try:for data in result:if data:    # body 出现以前不发送headerswrite(data)if not headers_sent:write('')   # 如果这个时候body为空则发送headerfinally:if hasattr(result,'close'):result.close()

中间件 : 同时扮演两种角色的组件


  • 重写前面提到的 environ 之后,可以根据目标URL将请求传递到不同的应用程序对象
  • 允许多个应用程序和框架在同一个进程中运行
  • 通过在网络传递请求和响应,实现负载均衡和远程处理
  • 对内容进行后加工,比如附加xsl样式表


当然,中间件组件包裹的可能是包裹应用程序的另一个中间件组件,这样循环下去就构成了我们称为"中间件堆栈"的东西了。for the most part,中间件要符合应用接口和服务器接口提出的一些限制和要求,有些时候这样的限制甚至比纯粹的服务器或应用程序还要严格,这些地方我们会特别指出。

这里有一个中间件组件的例子,他用Joe Strout的piglatin.py将text/plain的响应转换成pig latin(注意:真正的中间件应该使用更加安全的方式——应该检查内容的类型和内容的编码,同样这个简单的例子还忽略了一个单词might be split across a block boundary的可能性)。

from piglatin import piglatinclass LatinIter:"""如果可以的话,将输出转换为piglatin格式Note that the "okayness" can change until the application yieldsits first non-empty string, so 'transform_ok' has to be a mutabletruth value."""def __init__(self,result,transform_ok):if hasattr(result,'close'):self.close = result.closeself._next = iter(result).nextself.transform_ok = transform_okdef __iter__(self):return selfdef next(self):if self.transform_ok:return piglatin(self._next())else:return self._next()class Latinator:# by default, don't transform outputtransform = Falsedef __init__(self, application):self.application = applicationdef __call__(environ, start_response):transform_ok = []def start_latin(status,response_headers,exc_info=None):# Reset ok flag, in case this is a repeat calltransform_ok[:]=[]for name,value in response_headers:if name.lower()=='content-type' and value=='text/plain':transform_ok.append(True)# Strip content-length if present, else it'll be wrongresponse_headers = [(name,value)for name,value in response_headersif name.lower()<>'content-length']breakwrite = start_response(status,response_headers,exc_info)if transform_ok:def write_latin(data):write(piglatin(data))return write_latinelse:return writereturn LatinIter(self.application(environ,start_latin),transform_ok)# Run foo_app under a Latinator's control, using the example CGI gatewayfrom foo_app import foo_apprun_with_cgi(Latinator(foo_app))


应用程序对象必须接受两个参数,为了方便说明我们不妨分别命名为 environstart_response ,但并非必须取这个名字。服务器或gateway必须用这两个参数请求应用程序对象(比如象上面展示的,这样调用 result = application(environ,start_response) )

参数 environ 是个字典对象,包含CGI风格的环境变量。这个对象必须是一个python内建的字典对象(不能是子类、UserDict或其他对字典对象的模仿),应用程序可以以任何他愿意的方式修改这个字典, environ 还应该包含一些特定的WSGI需要的变量(在后面的节里会描述),有可以包含一些服务器特定的扩展变量,通过下面提高的约定命名。

start_response 参数是一个接受两个必须参数和一个可选参数的可调用者。方便说明,我们分别把他们命名为 status, response_headers ,和 exc_info 。应用程序必须用这些参数来请求可调用者 start_response (比如象这样 start_response(status,response_headers) )

参数 status 是一个形式象"999 Message here"的状态字符串。而 response_headers 参数是元组(header_name,header_value)的列表,描述http响应头。可选的 exc_info 参数会在下面的 `The start_response() Callable`_ 和 Error Handling 两节中描述,他只有在应用程序产生了错误并希望在浏览器上显示错误的时候才有用。

start_response 可调用者必须返回一个 write(body_data) 可调用者,他接受一个可选参数:一个将要被做为http响应体的一部分输出的字符串(注意:提供可调用者 write() 只是为了支持现有框架的必要的输出API,新的应用程序或框架尽量避免使用,详细情况请看 Buffering and Streaming 一节。)


服务器必须将产生的字符串以一种无缓冲的方式传送到客户端,每次传完一个字符串再去获取下一个。(换句话说,应用程序应该实现自己的缓冲,更多关于应用程序输出必须如何处理的细节请阅读下面的 Buffering and Streaming 节。)

服务器或gateway应该把产生的字符串当字节流对待:特别地,他必须保证没修改行的结尾。应用程序负责确保字符串是以与客户端匹配的编码输出(服务器/gateway可能会附加HTTP传送编码,或者为了实现一些http的特性而进行一些转换比如byte-range transmission,更多细节请看下面的 Other HTTP Features )

如果调 len(iterable) 成功,服务器将认为结果是正确的。也就是说,应用程序返回的可迭代的字符串提供了一个有用 的__len__() 方法,么肯定返回了正确的结果(关于这个方法正常情况下如何被使用的请阅读 Handling the Content-Length Header )

如果应用程序返回的可迭代者有close()方法,则不管该请求是正常结束还是由于错误而终止,服务器/gateway都**必须**在结束该请求之前调用这个方法,(这是用来支持应用程序对资源的释放,This protocol is intended to complement PEP 325's generator support, and other common iterables with close() methods.)

(注意:应用程序必须在可迭代者产生第一个字符串之间请求 start_response() 可调用者,这样服务器才能在发送任何主体内容之前发送响应头,然而这一步也可以在可迭代者第一次迭代的时候执行,所以服务器不能假定开始迭代之前 start_response() 已经被调用过了)

最后,服务器或gateway不能应用程序返回的可迭代者的任何其他属性,除非是针对服务器或gateway特定类型的实例,比如wsgi.file_wrapper返回的“file wrapper”(阅读 Optional Platform-Specific File Handling )。通常情况下,只有在这里指定的属性,或者通过PEP 234 iteration APIs才是可以访问的。

environ 变量

environ 字典被用来包含这些在Common Gateway Interface specification [2]_中定义了的CGI环境变量。下面这些变量 必须 呈现出来, 除非其值是空字符串,这种情况下如果下面没有特别指出的话他们 可能 会被忽略

HTTP请求的方式, 比如 "GET" 或者 "POST". 这个不可能是空字符串并且也是必须给出的。
请求URL中路径的开始部分,对应应用程序对象,这样应用程序就知道它的虚拟位置。如果该应用程序对应服务器的 的话, 它 可能 是为空字符串。
请求URL中路径的剩余部分,指定请求的目标在应用程序内部的虚拟位置。如果请求的目标是应用程序跟并且没有trailing slash的话,可能为空字符串 。
HTTP请求中任何 Content-Type 域的内容。
HTTP请求中任何 Content-Length 域的内容。可能为空或不存在.
这些变量可以和 SCRIPT_NAME、PATH_INFO 一起组成完整的URL。然而要注意的是,重建请求URL的时候应该优先使用 HTTP_HOST 而非 SERVER_NAME 。详细内容请阅读下面的 URL Reconstruction 。 SERVER_NAMESERVER_PORT 永远是空字符串,也总是必须存在的。
客户端发送请求所使用协议的版本。通常是类似 "HTTP/1.0""HTTP/1.1" 的东西可以被用来判断如何处理请求headers。(既然这个变量表示的是请求中使用的协议,而且和服务器响应时使用的协议无关,也许它应该被叫做 REQUEST_PROTOCOL 。然后,为了保持和CGI的兼容性,我们还是使用已有的名字。)
HTTP_ 变量
对应客户端提供的HTTP请求headers (也就是说名字以 "HTTP_" 开头的变量)。这些变量的存在与否应该和请求中的合适的HTTP header一致。

服务器或gateway 应该 尽可能提供其他可用的CGI变量。另外,如果用了SSL,服务器或gateway也 应该 尽可能提供可用的Apache SSL环境变量 [5] ,比如 HTTPS=onSSL_PROTOCOL``。不过要注意,使用了任何上面没有列出的变量的应用程序对不支持相关扩展的服务器来说就有点necessarily non-portable。(比如,不发布文件的web服务器就不能提供一个有意义的 ``DOCUMENT_ROOTPATH_TRANSLATED 。)

一个支持WSGI的服务器或gateway 应该 在描述它们自己的同时说明它们可以提供些什么变量应用程序 应该 对所有他们需要的变量的存在性进行检查,并且在某变量不存在的时候有备用的措施

注意: 不需要的变量 (比如在不需要验证的情况下的 REMOTE_USER ) 应该被移出 environ字典。同样注意CGI定义的变量如果存在的话必须是字符串。任何 str 类型以外的CGI变量的存在都是对本规范的违反

除了CGI定义的变量, environ 字典也可以包含任意操作系统的环境变量,并且 必须包含下面这些WSGI定义的变量:

wsgi.version元组 (1,0), 表明WSGI版本 1.0.
wsgi.url_schemeA string representing the "scheme" portion ofthe URL at which the application is beinginvoked. Normally, this will have the value"http" or "https", as appropriate.
wsgi.inputAn input stream (file-like object) from whichthe HTTP request body can be read. (The serveror gateway may perform reads on-demand asrequested by the application, or it may pre-read the client's request body and buffer itin-memory or on disk, or use any othertechnique for providing such an input stream,according to its preference.)

An output stream (file-like object) to whicherror output can be written, for the purpose ofrecording program or other errors in astandardized and possibly centralized location.This should be a "text mode" stream; i.e.,applications should use "\n" as a lineending, and assume that it will be converted tothe correct line ending by the server/gateway.

For many servers, wsgi.errors will be theserver's main error log. Alternatively, thismay be sys.stderr, or a log file of somesort. The server's documentation shouldinclude an explanation of how to configure thisor where to find the recorded output. A serveror gateway may supply different error streamsto different applications, if this is desired.

wsgi.multithreadThis value should evaluate true if theapplication object may be simultaneouslyinvoked by another thread in the same process,and should evaluate false otherwise.
wsgi.multiprocessThis value should evaluate true if anequivalent application object may besimultaneously invoked by another process,and should evaluate false otherwise.
wsgi.run_onceThis value should evaluate true if the serveror gateway expects (but does not guarantee!)that the application will only be invoked thisone time during the life of its containingprocess. Normally, this will only be true fora gateway based on CGI (or something similar).

最后 environ 字典也可以包含服务器定义的变量。这些变量的名字必须是小写字母、数字、点和下划线,并且应该带一个能唯一代表服务器或gateway的前缀。比如, mod_python 可能会定义象这样的一些变量:mod_python.some_variable.




每个方法的语义如果上面没有特别指出均和Python Library Reference记载的一样:

  1. The server is not required to read past the client's specifiedContent-Length, and is allowed to simulate an end-of-filecondition if the application attempts to read past that point.The application should not attempt to read more data than isspecified by the CONTENT_LENGTH variable.
  2. The optional "size" argument to readline() is not supported,as it may be complex for server authors to implement, and is notoften used in practice.
  3. Note that the hint argument to readlines() is optional forboth caller and implementer. The application is free not tosupply it, and the server or gateway is free to ignore it.
  4. Since the errors stream may not be rewound, servers and gatewaysare free to forward write operations immediately, without buffering.In this case, the flush() method may be a no-op. Portableapplications, however, cannot assume that output is unbufferedor that flush() is a no-op. They must call flush() ifthey need to ensure that output has in fact been written. (Forexample, to minimize intermingling of data from multiple processeswriting to the same error log.)

The methods listed in the table above must be supported by allservers conforming to this specification. Applications conformingto this specification must not use any other methods or attributesof the input or errors objects. In particular, applicationsmust not attempt to close these streams, even if they possessclose() methods.

start_response() 可调用者

传给应用程序对象的第二个参数是一个形为 start_response(status,response_headers,exc_info=None)的可调用者. (As with all WSGI callables, the arguments must be supplied positionally,not by keyword.) start_response 可调用者是用来开始HTTP响应,它必须返回一个 write(body_data)可调用者 (阅读下面的 Buffering and Streaming).

status``参数是一个HTTP "status" 字符串,比如 ``"200 OK""404 Not Found".也就是说,他是一个由状态编号和具体信息组成的字符串,按这个顺序并用空格隔开,两头没有其他空格和其他字符。(更多信息请阅读RFC 2616, Section 6.1.1) 该字符串 禁止 包含控制字符,也不允许以回车、换行或他们的组合结束。

response_headers``参数是一个 ``(header_name,header_value) 元组的列表。它必须是一个Python列表;也就是说 type(response_headers) is ListType,并且服务器 可以 以任何方式改变其内容。每一个 header_name 必须是一个没有冒号或其他标点符号的合法的HTTP header字段名(在RFC 2616, Section 4.2中有详细定义).

每一个 header_value 禁止 包含 任何 控制字符,包括回车或换行。(这些要求是要使得那些必须检查或修改响应头的服务器、gateway、响应处理中间件所必须执行的解析工作的复杂性降到最低。)

In general, the server or gateway is responsible for ensuring thatcorrect headers are sent to the client: if the application omitsa header required by HTTP (or other relevant specifications that are ineffect), the server or gateway must add it. For example, the HTTPDate: and Server: headers would normally be supplied by theserver or gateway.

(A reminder for server/gateway authors: HTTP header names arecase-insensitive, so be sure to take that into consideration whenexamining application-supplied headers!)

Applications and middleware are forbidden from using HTTP/1.1"hop-by-hop" features or headers, any equivalent features in HTTP/1.0,or any headers that would affect the persistence of the client'sconnection to the web server. These features are theexclusive province of the actual web server, and a server or gatewayshould consider it a fatal error for an application to attemptsending them, and raise an error if they are supplied tostart_response(). (For more specifics on "hop-by-hop" features andheaders, please see the Other HTTP Features section below.)

The start_response callable must not actually transmit theresponse headers. Instead, it must store them for the server orgateway to transmit only after the first iteration of theapplication return value that yields a non-empty string, or uponthe application's first invocation of the write() callable. Inother words, response headers must not be sent until there is actualbody data available, or until the application's returned iterable isexhausted. (The only possible exception to this rule is if theresponse headers explicitly include a Content-Length of zero.)

This delaying of response header transmission is to ensure that bufferedand asynchronous applications can replace their originally intendedoutput with error output, up until the last possible moment. Forexample, the application may need to change the response status from"200 OK" to "500 Internal Error", if an error occurs while the body isbeing generated within an application buffer.

The exc_info argument, if supplied, must be a Pythonsys.exc_info() tuple. This argument should be supplied by theapplication only if start_response is being called by an errorhandler. If exc_info is supplied, and no HTTP headers have beenoutput yet, start_response should replace the currently-storedHTTP response headers with the newly-supplied ones, thus allowing theapplication to "change its mind" about the output when an error hasoccurred.

However, if exc_info is provided, and the HTTP headers have alreadybeen sent, start_response must raise an error, and shouldraise the exc_info tuple. That is:

raise exc_info[0],exc_info[1],exc_info[2]

This will re-raise the exception trapped by the application, and inprinciple should abort the application. (It is not safe for theapplication to attempt error output to the browser once the HTTPheaders have already been sent.) The application must not trapany exceptions raised by start_response, if it calledstart_response with exc_info. Instead, it should allowsuch exceptions to propagate back to the server or gateway. SeeError Handling below, for more details.

The application may call start_response more than once, if andonly if the exc_info argument is provided. More precisely, it isa fatal error to call start_response without the exc_infoargument if start_response has already been called within thecurrent invocation of the application. (See the example CGIgateway above for an illustration of the correct logic.)

Note: servers, gateways, or middleware implementing start_responseshould ensure that no reference is held to the exc_infoparameter beyond the duration of the function's execution, to avoidcreating a circular reference through the traceback and framesinvolved. The simplest way to do this is something like:

def start_response(status,response_headers,exc_info=None):if exc_info:try:# do stuff w/exc_info herefinally:exc_info = None    # Avoid circular ref.

The example CGI gateway provides another illustration of thistechnique.

Handling the Content-Length Header

If the application does not supply a Content-Length header, aserver or gateway may choose one of several approaches to handlingit. The simplest of these is to close the client connection whenthe response is completed.

Under some circumstances, however, the server or gateway may beable to either generate a Content-Length header, or at leastavoid the need to close the client connection. If the applicationdoes not call the write() callable, and returns an iterablewhose len() is 1, then the server can automatically determineContent-Length by taking the length of the first string yieldedby the iterable.

And, if the server and client both support HTTP/1.1 "chunkedencoding" [3], then the server may use chunked encoding to senda chunk for each write() call or string yielded by the iterable,thus generating a Content-Length header for each chunk. Thisallows the server to keep the client connection alive, if it wishesto do so. Note that the server must comply fully with RFC 2616when doing this, or else fall back to one of the other strategies fordealing with the absence of Content-Length.

(Note: applications and middleware must not apply any kind ofTransfer-Encoding to their output, such as chunking or gzipping;as "hop-by-hop" operations, these encodings are the province of theactual web server/gateway. See Other HTTP Features below, formore details.)

Buffering and Streaming

Generally speaking, applications will achieve the best throughputby buffering their (modestly-sized) output and sending it all atonce. This is a common approach in existing frameworks such asZope: the output is buffered in a StringIO or similar object, thentransmitted all at once, along with the response headers.

The corresponding approach in WSGI is for the application to simplyreturn a single-element iterable (such as a list) containing theresponse body as a single string. This is the recommended approachfor the vast majority of application functions, that renderHTML pages whose text easily fits in memory.

For large files, however, or for specialized uses of HTTP streaming(such as multipart "server push"), an application may need to provideoutput in smaller blocks (e.g. to avoid loading a large file intomemory). It's also sometimes the case that part of a response maybe time-consuming to produce, but it would be useful to send ahead theportion of the response that precedes it.

In these cases, applications will usually return an iterator (oftena generator-iterator) that produces the output in a block-by-blockfashion. These blocks may be broken to coincide with mulitpartboundaries (for "server push"), or just before time-consumingtasks (such as reading another block of an on-disk file).

WSGI servers, gateways, and middleware must not delay thetransmission of any block; they must either fully transmitthe block to the client, or guarantee that they will continuetransmission even while the application is producing its next block.A server/gateway or middleware may provide this guarantee in one ofthree ways:

  1. Send the entire block to the operating system (and requestthat any O/S buffers be flushed) before returning controlto the application, OR
  2. Use a different thread to ensure that the block continuesto be transmitted while the application produces the nextblock.
  3. (Middleware only) send the entire block to its parentgateway/server

By providing this guarantee, WSGI allows applications to ensurethat transmission will not become stalled at an arbitrary pointin their output data. This is critical for proper functioningof e.g. multipart "server push" streaming, where data betweenmultipart boundaries should be transmitted in full to the client.

Middleware Handling of Block Boundaries

In order to better support asynchronous applications and servers,middleware components must not block iteration waiting formultiple values from an application iterable. If the middlewareneeds to accumulate more data from the application before it canproduce any output, it must yield an empty string.

To put this requirement another way, a middleware component mustyield at least one value each time its underlying applicationyields a value. If the middleware cannot yield any other value,it must yield an empty string.

This requirement ensures that asynchronous applications and serverscan conspire to reduce the number of threads that are requiredto run a given number of application instances simultaneously.

Note also that this requirement means that middleware mustreturn an iterable as soon as its underlying application returnsan iterable. It is also forbidden for middleware to use thewrite() callable to transmit data that is yielded by anunderlying application. Middleware may only use their parentserver's write() callable to transmit data that theunderlying application sent using a middleware-provided write()callable.

The write() Callable

Some existing application framework APIs support unbufferedoutput in a different manner than WSGI. Specifically, theyprovide a "write" function or method of some kind to writean unbuffered block of data, or else they provide a buffered"write" function and a "flush" mechanism to flush the buffer.

Unfortunately, such APIs cannot be implemented in terms ofWSGI's "iterable" application return value, unless threadsor other special mechanisms are used.

Therefore, to allow these frameworks to continue using animperative API, WSGI includes a special write() callable,returned by the start_response callable.

New WSGI applications and frameworks should not use thewrite() callable if it is possible to avoid doing so. Thewrite() callable is strictly a hack to support imperativestreaming APIs. In general, applications should produce theiroutput via their returned iterable, as this makes it possiblefor web servers to interleave other tasks in the same Python thread,potentially providing better throughput for the server as a whole.

The write() callable is returned by the start_response()callable, and it accepts a single parameter: a string to bewritten as part of the HTTP response body, that is treated exactlyas though it had been yielded by the output iterable. In otherwords, before write() returns, it must guarantee that thepassed-in string was either completely sent to the client, orthat it is buffered for transmission while the applicationproceeds onward.

An application must return an iterable object, even if ituses write() to produce all or part of its response body.The returned iterable may be empty (i.e. yield no non-emptystrings), but if it does yield non-empty strings, that outputmust be treated normally by the server or gateway (i.e., it must besent or queued immediately). Applications must not invokewrite() from within their return iterable, and therefore anystrings yielded by the iterable are transmitted after all stringspassed to write() have been sent to the client.

Unicode Issues

HTTP does not directly support Unicode, and neither does thisinterface. All encoding/decoding must be handled by the application;all strings passed to or from the server must be standard Python bytestrings, not Unicode objects. The result of using a Unicode objectwhere a string object is required, is undefined.

Note also that strings passed to start_response() as a status oras response headers must follow RFC 2616 with respect to encoding.That is, they must either be ISO-8859-1 characters, or use RFC 2047MIME encoding.

On Python platforms where the str or StringType type is infact Unicode-based (e.g. Jython, IronPython, Python 3000, etc.), all"strings" referred to in this specification must contain onlycode points representable in ISO-8859-1 encoding (\u0000 through\u00FF, inclusive). It is a fatal error for an application tosupply strings containing any other Unicode character or code point.Similarly, servers and gateways must not supplystrings to an application containing any other Unicode characters.

Again, all strings referred to in this specification must beof type str or StringType, and must not be of typeunicode or UnicodeType. And, even if a given platform allowsfor more than 8 bits per character in str/StringType objects,only the lower 8 bits may be used, for any value referred to inthis specification as a "string".

Error Handling

In general, applications should try to trap their own, internalerrors, and display a helpful message in the browser. (It is upto the application to decide what "helpful" means in this context.)

However, to display such a message, the application must not haveactually sent any data to the browser yet, or else it risks corruptingthe response. WSGI therefore provides a mechanism to either allow theapplication to send its error message, or be automatically aborted:the exc_info argument to start_response. Here is an exampleof its use:

try:# regular application code herestatus = "200 Froody"response_headers = [("content-type","text/plain")]start_response(status, response_headers)return ["normal body goes here"]except:# XXX should trap runtime issues like MemoryError, KeyboardInterrupt#     in a separate handler before this bare 'except:'...status = "500 Oops"response_headers = [("content-type","text/plain")]start_response(status, response_headers, sys.exc_info())return ["error body goes here"]

If no output has been written when an exception occurs, the call tostart_response will return normally, and the application willreturn an error body to be sent to the browser. However, if any outputhas already been sent to the browser, start_response will reraisethe provided exception. This exception should not be trapped bythe application, and so the application will abort. The server orgateway can then trap this (fatal) exception and abort the response.

Servers should trap and log any exception that aborts anapplication or the iteration of its return value. If a partialresponse has already been written to the browser when an applicationerror occurs, the server or gateway may attempt to add an errormessage to the output, if the already-sent headers indicate atext/* content type that the server knows how to modify cleanly.

Some middleware may wish to provide additional exception handlingservices, or intercept and replace application error messages. Insuch cases, middleware may choose to not re-raise the exc_infosupplied to start_response, but instead raise a middleware-specificexception, or simply return without an exception after storing thesupplied arguments. This will then cause the application to returnits error body iterable (or invoke write()), allowing the middlewareto capture and modify the error output. These techniques will work aslong as application authors:

  1. Always provide exc_info when beginning an error response
  2. Never trap errors raised by start_response when exc_info isbeing provided

HTTP 1.1 Expect/Continue

Servers and gateways that implement HTTP 1.1 must providetransparent support for HTTP 1.1's "expect/continue" mechanism. Thismay be done in any of several ways:

  1. Respond to requests containing an Expect: 100-continue requestwith an immediate "100 Continue" response, and proceed normally.
  2. Proceed with the request normally, but provide the applicationwith a wsgi.input stream that will send the "100 Continue"response if/when the application first attempts to read from theinput stream. The read request must then remain blocked until theclient responds.
  3. Wait until the client decides that the server does not supportexpect/continue, and sends the request body on its own. (Thisis suboptimal, and is not recommended.)

Note that these behavior restrictions do not apply for HTTP 1.0requests, or for requests that are not directed to an applicationobject. For more information on HTTP 1.1 Expect/Continue, see RFC2616, sections 8.2.3 and 10.1.1.

Other HTTP Features

In general, servers and gateways should "play dumb" and allow theapplication complete control over its output. They should only makechanges that do not alter the effective semantics of the application'sresponse. It is always possible for the application developer to addmiddleware components to supply additional features, so server/gatewaydevelopers should be conservative in their implementation. In a sense,a server should consider itself to be like an HTTP "gateway server",with the application being an HTTP "origin server". (See RFC 2616,section 1.3, for the definition of these terms.)

However, because WSGI servers and applications do not communicate viaHTTP, what RFC 2616 calls "hop-by-hop" headers do not apply to WSGIinternal communications. WSGI applications must not generate any"hop-by-hop" headers [4], attempt to use HTTP features that wouldrequire them to generate such headers, or rely on the content ofany incoming "hop-by-hop" headers in the environ dictionary.WSGI servers must handle any supported inbound "hop-by-hop" headerson their own, such as by decoding any inbound Transfer-Encoding,including chunked encoding if applicable.

Applying these principles to a variety of HTTP features, it should beclear that a server may handle cache validation via theIf-None-Match and If-Modified-Since request headers and theLast-Modified and ETag response headers. However, it isnot required to do this, and the application should perform itsown cache validation if it wants to support that feature, sincethe server/gateway is not required to do such validation.

Similarly, a server may re-encode or transport-encode anapplication's response, but the application should use asuitable content encoding on its own, and must not apply atransport encoding. A server may transmit byte ranges of theapplication's response if requested by the client, and theapplication doesn't natively support byte ranges. Again, however,the application should perform this function on its own if desired.

Note that these restrictions on applications do not necessarily meanthat every application must reimplement every HTTP feature; many HTTPfeatures can be partially or fully implemented by middlewarecomponents, thus freeing both server and application authors fromimplementing the same features over and over again.

Thread Support

Thread support, or lack thereof, is also server-dependent.Servers that can run multiple requests in parallel, should alsoprovide the option of running an application in a single-threadedfashion, so that applications or frameworks that are not thread-safemay still be used with that server.

Implementation/Application Notes

Server Extension APIs

Some server authors may wish to expose more advanced APIs, thatapplication or framework authors can use for specialized purposes.For example, a gateway based on mod_python might wish to exposepart of the Apache API as a WSGI extension.

In the simplest case, this requires nothing more than defining anenviron variable, such as mod_python.some_api. But, in manycases, the possible presence of middleware can make this difficult.For example, an API that offers access to the same HTTP headers thatare found in environ variables, might return different data ifenviron has been modified by middleware.

In general, any extension API that duplicates, supplants, or bypassessome portion of WSGI functionality runs the risk of being incompatiblewith middleware components. Server/gateway developers should notassume that nobody will use middleware, because some frameworkdevelopers specifically intend to organize or reorganize theirframeworks to function almost entirely as middleware of various kinds.

So, to provide maximum compatibility, servers and gateways thatprovide extension APIs that replace some WSGI functionality, mustdesign those APIs so that they are invoked using the portion of theAPI that they replace. For example, an extension API to access HTTPrequest headers must require the application to pass in its currentenviron, so that the server/gateway may verify that HTTP headersaccessible via the API have not been altered by middleware. If theextension API cannot guarantee that it will always agree withenviron about the contents of HTTP headers, it must refuse serviceto the application, e.g. by raising an error, returning Noneinstead of a header collection, or whatever is appropriate to the API.

Similarly, if an extension API provides an alternate means of writingresponse data or headers, it should require the start_responsecallable to be passed in, before the application can obtain theextended service. If the object passed in is not the same one thatthe server/gateway originally supplied to the application, it cannotguarantee correct operation and must refuse to provide the extendedservice to the application.

These guidelines also apply to middleware that adds information suchas parsed cookies, form variables, sessions, and the like toenviron. Specifically, such middleware should provide thesefeatures as functions which operate on environ, rather than simplystuffing values into environ. This helps ensure that informationis calculated from environ after any middleware has done any URLrewrites or other environ modifications.

It is very important that these "safe extension" rules be followed byboth server/gateway and middleware developers, in order to avoid afuture in which middleware developers are forced to delete any and allextension APIs from environ to ensure that their mediation isn'tbeing bypassed by applications using those extensions!

Application Configuration

This specification does not define how a server selects or obtains anapplication to invoke. These and other configuration options arehighly server-specific matters. It is expected that server/gatewayauthors will document how to configure the server to execute aparticular application object, and with what options (such asthreading options).

Framework authors, on the other hand, should document how to create anapplication object that wraps their framework's functionality. Theuser, who has chosen both the server and the application framework,must connect the two together. However, since both the framework andthe server now have a common interface, this should be merely amechanical matter, rather than a significant engineering effort foreach new server/framework pair.

Finally, some applications, frameworks, and middleware may wish touse the environ dictionary to receive simple string configurationoptions. Servers and gateways should support this by allowingan application's deployer to specify name-value pairs to be placed inenviron. In the simplest case, this support can consist merely ofcopying all operating system-supplied environment variables fromos.environ into the environ dictionary, since the deployer inprinciple can configure these externally to the server, or in theCGI case they may be able to be set via the server's configurationfiles.

Applications should try to keep such required variables to aminimum, since not all servers will support easy configuration ofthem. Of course, even in the worst case, persons deploying anapplication can create a script to supply the necessary configurationvalues:

from the_app import applicationdef new_app(environ,start_response):environ['the_app.configval1'] = 'something'return application(environ,start_response)

But, most existing applications and frameworks will probably only needa single configuration value from environ, to indicate the locationof their application or framework-specific configuration file(s). (Ofcourse, applications should cache such configuration, to avoid havingto re-read it upon each invocation.)

URL Reconstruction

If an application wishes to reconstruct a request's complete URL, itmay do so using the following algorithm, contributed by Ian Bicking:

from urllib import quoteurl = environ['wsgi.url_scheme']+'://'if environ.get('HTTP_HOST'):url += environ['HTTP_HOST']else:url += environ['SERVER_NAME']if environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] == 'https':if environ['SERVER_PORT'] != '443':url += ':' + environ['SERVER_PORT']else:if environ['SERVER_PORT'] != '80':url += ':' + environ['SERVER_PORT']url += quote(environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME',''))url += quote(environ.get('PATH_INFO',''))if environ.get('QUERY_STRING'):url += '?' + environ['QUERY_STRING']

Note that such a reconstructed URL may not be precisely the same URIas requested by the client. Server rewrite rules, for example, mayhave modified the client's originally requested URL to place it in acanonical form.

Supporting Older (<2.2) Versions of Python

Some servers, gateways, or applications may wish to support older(<2.2) versions of Python. This is especially important if Jythonis a target platform, since as of this writing a production-readyversion of Jython 2.2 is not yet available.

For servers and gateways, this is relatively straightforward:servers and gateways targeting pre-2.2 versions of Python mustsimply restrict themselves to using only a standard "for" loop toiterate over any iterable returned by an application. This is theonly way to ensure source-level compatibility with both the pre-2.2iterator protocol (discussed further below) and "today's" iteratorprotocol (see PEP 234).

(Note that this technique necessarily applies only to servers,gateways, or middleware that are written in Python. Discussion ofhow to use iterator protocol(s) correctly from other languages isoutside the scope of this PEP.)

For applications, supporting pre-2.2 versions of Python is slightlymore complex:

  • You may not return a file object and expect it to work as an iterable,since before Python 2.2, files were not iterable. (In general, youshouldn't do this anyway, because it will peform quite poorly mostof the time!) Use wsgi.file_wrapper or an application-specificfile wrapper class. (See Optional Platform-Specific File Handlingfor more on wsgi.file_wrapper, and an example class you can useto wrap a file as an iterable.)
  • If you return a custom iterable, it must implement the pre-2.2iterator protocol. That is, provide a __getitem__ method thataccepts an integer key, and raises IndexError when exhausted.(Note that built-in sequence types are also acceptable, since theyalso implement this protocol.)

Finally, middleware that wishes to support pre-2.2 versions of Python,and iterates over application return values or itself returns aniterable (or both), must follow the appropriate recommendations above.

(Note: It should go without saying that to support pre-2.2 versionsof Python, any server, gateway, application, or middleware must alsouse only language features available in the target version, use1 and 0 instead of True and False, etc.)

Optional Platform-Specific File Handling

Some operating environments provide special high-performance file-transmission facilities, such as the Unix sendfile() call.Servers and gateways may expose this functionality via an optionalwsgi.file_wrapper key in the environ. An applicationmay use this "file wrapper" to convert a file or file-like objectinto an iterable that it then returns, e.g.:

if 'wsgi.file_wrapper' in environ:return environ['wsgi.file_wrapper'](filelike, block_size)else:return iter(lambda:, '')

If the server or gateway supplies wsgi.file_wrapper, it must bea callable that accepts one required positional parameter, and oneoptional positional parameter. The first parameter is the file-likeobject to be sent, and the second parameter is an optional blocksize "suggestion" (which the server/gateway need not use). Thecallable must return an iterable object, and must not performany data transmission until and unless the server/gateway actuallyreceives the iterable as a return value from the application.(To do otherwise would prevent middleware from being able to interpretor override the response data.)

To be considered "file-like", the object supplied by the applicationmust have a read() method that takes an optional size argument.It may have a close() method, and if so, the iterable returnedby wsgi.file_wrapper must have a close() method thatinvokes the original file-like object's close() method. If the"file-like" object has any other methods or attributes with namesmatching those of Python built-in file objects (e.g. fileno()),the wsgi.file_wrapper may assume that these methods orattributes have the same semantics as those of a built-in file object.

The actual implementation of any platform-specific file handlingmust occur after the application returns, and the server orgateway checks to see if a wrapper object was returned. (Again,because of the presence of middleware, error handlers, and the like,it is not guaranteed that any wrapper created will actually be used.)

Apart from the handling of close(), the semantics of returning afile wrapper from the application should be the same as if theapplication had returned iter(, ''). In other words,transmission should begin at the current position within the "file"at the time that transmission begins, and continue until the end isreached.

Of course, platform-specific file transmission APIs don't usuallyaccept arbitrary "file-like" objects. Therefore, awsgi.file_wrapper has to introspect the supplied object forthings such as a fileno() (Unix-like OSes) or ajava.nio.FileChannel (under Jython) in order to determine ifthe file-like object is suitable for use with the platform-specificAPI it supports.

Note that even if the object is not suitable for the platform API,the wsgi.file_wrapper must still return an iterable that wrapsread() and close(), so that applications using file wrappersare portable across platforms. Here's a simple platform-agnosticfile wrapper class, suitable for old (pre 2.2) and new Pythons alike:

class FileWrapper:def __init__(self, filelike, blksize=8192):self.filelike = filelikeself.blksize = blksizeif hasattr(filelike,'close'):self.close = filelike.closedef __getitem__(self,key):data = data:return dataraise IndexError

and here is a snippet from a server/gateway that uses it to provideaccess to a platform-specific API:

environ['wsgi.file_wrapper'] = FileWrapperresult = application(environ, start_response)try:if isinstance(result,FileWrapper):# check if result.filelike is usable w/platform-specific# API, and if so, use that API to transmit the result.# If not, fall through to normal iterable handling# loop below.for data in result:# etc.finally:if hasattr(result,'close'):result.close()

Questions and Answers

  1. Why must environ be a dictionary? What's wrong with using asubclass?

    The rationale for requiring a dictionary is to maximize portabilitybetween servers. The alternative would be to define some subset ofa dictionary's methods as being the standard and portableinterface. In practice, however, most servers will probably find adictionary adequate to their needs, and thus framework authors willcome to expect the full set of dictionary features to be available,since they will be there more often than not. But, if some serverchooses not to use a dictionary, then there will beinteroperability problems despite that server's "conformance" tospec. Therefore, making a dictionary mandatory simplifies thespecification and guarantees interoperabilty.

    Note that this does not prevent server or framework developers fromoffering specialized services as custom variables inside theenviron dictionary. This is the recommended approach foroffering any such value-added services.

  2. Why can you call write() and yield strings/return aniterable? Shouldn't we pick just one way?

    If we supported only the iteration approach, then currentframeworks that assume the availability of "push" suffer. But, ifwe only support pushing via write(), then server performancesuffers for transmission of e.g. large files (if a worker threadcan't begin work on a new request until all of the output has beensent). Thus, this compromise allows an application framework tosupport both approaches, as appropriate, but with only a littlemore burden to the server implementor than a push-only approachwould require.

  3. What's the close() for?

    When writes are done during the execution of an applicationobject, the application can ensure that resources are releasedusing a try/finally block. But, if the application returns aniterable, any resources used will not be released until theiterable is garbage collected. The close() idiom allows anapplication to release critical resources at the end of a request,and it's forward-compatible with the support for try/finally ingenerators that's proposed by PEP 325.

  4. Why is this interface so low-level? I want feature X! (e.g.cookies, sessions, persistence, ...)

    This isn't Yet Another Python Web Framework. It's just a way forframeworks to talk to web servers, and vice versa. If you wantthese features, you need to pick a web framework that provides thefeatures you want. And if that framework lets you create a WSGIapplication, you should be able to run it in most WSGI-supportingservers. Also, some WSGI servers may offer additional services viaobjects provided in their environ dictionary; see theapplicable server documentation for details. (Of course,applications that use such extensions will not be portable to otherWSGI-based servers.)

  5. Why use CGI variables instead of good old HTTP headers? And whymix them in with WSGI-defined variables?

    Many existing web frameworks are built heavily upon the CGI spec,and existing web servers know how to generate CGI variables. Incontrast, alternative ways of representing inbound HTTP informationare fragmented and lack market share. Thus, using the CGI"standard" seems like a good way to leverage existingimplementations. As for mixing them with WSGI variables,separating them would just require two dictionary arguments to bepassed around, while providing no real benefits.

  6. What about the status string? Can't we just use the number,passing in 200 instead of "200 OK"?

    Doing this would complicate the server or gateway, by requiringthem to have a table of numeric statuses and correspondingmessages. By contrast, it is easy for an application or frameworkauthor to type the extra text to go with the specific response codethey are using, and existing frameworks often already have a tablecontaining the needed messages. So, on balance it seems better tomake the application/framework responsible, rather than the serveror gateway.

  7. Why is wsgi.run_once not guaranteed to run the app only once?

    Because it's merely a suggestion to the application that it should"rig for infrequent running". This is intended for applicationframeworks that have multiple modes of operation for caching,sessions, and so forth. In a "multiple run" mode, such frameworksmay preload caches, and may not write e.g. logs or session data todisk after each request. In "single run" mode, such frameworksavoid preloading and flush all necessary writes after each request.

    However, in order to test an application or framework to verifycorrect operation in the latter mode, it may be necessary (or atleast expedient) to invoke it more than once. Therefore, anapplication should not assume that it will definitely not be runagain, just because it is called with wsgi.run_once set toTrue.

  8. Feature X (dictionaries, callables, etc.) are ugly for use inapplication code; why don't we use objects instead?

    All of these implementation choices of WSGI are specificallyintended to decouple features from one another; recombining thesefeatures into encapsulated objects makes it somewhat harder towrite servers or gateways, and an order of magnitude harder towrite middleware that replaces or modifies only small portions ofthe overall functionality.

    In essence, middleware wants to have a "Chain of Responsibility"pattern, whereby it can act as a "handler" for some functions,while allowing others to remain unchanged. This is difficult to dowith ordinary Python objects, if the interface is to remainextensible. For example, one must use __getattr__ or__getattribute__ overrides, to ensure that extensions (such asattributes defined by future WSGI versions) are passed through.

    This type of code is notoriously difficult to get 100% correct, andfew people will want to write it themselves. They will thereforecopy other people's implementations, but fail to update them whenthe person they copied from corrects yet another corner case.

    Further, this necessary boilerplate would be pure excise, adeveloper tax paid by middleware developers to support a slightlyprettier API for application framework developers. But,application framework developers will typically only be updatingone framework to support WSGI, and in a very limited part oftheir framework as a whole. It will likely be their first (andmaybe their only) WSGI implementation, and thus they will likelyimplement with this specification ready to hand. Thus, the effortof making the API "prettier" with object attributes and suchlikewould likely be wasted for this audience.

    We encourage those who want a prettier (or otherwise improved) WSGIinterface for use in direct web application programming (as opposedto web framework development) to develop APIs or frameworks thatwrap WSGI for convenient use by application developers. In thisway, WSGI can remain conveniently low-level for server andmiddleware authors, while not being "ugly" for applicationdevelopers.

Proposed/Under Discussion

These items are currently being discussed on the Web-SIG and elsewhere,or are on the PEP author's "to-do" list:

  • Should wsgi.input be an iterator instead of a file? This wouldhelp for asynchronous applications and chunked-encoding inputstreams.
  • Optional extensions are being discussed for pausing iteration of anapplication's ouptut until input is available or until a callbackoccurs.
  • Add a section about synchronous vs. asynchronous apps and servers,the relevant threading models, and issues/design goals in theseareas.


Thanks go to the many folks on the Web-SIG mailing list whosethoughtful feedback made this revised draft possible. Especially:

  • Gregory "Grisha" Trubetskoy, author of mod_python, who beat upon the first draft as not offering any advantages over "plain oldCGI", thus encouraging me to look for a better approach.
  • Ian Bicking, who helped nag me into properly specifying themultithreading and multiprocess options, as well as badgering me toprovide a mechanism for servers to supply custom extension data toan application.
  • Tony Lownds, who came up with the concept of a start_responsefunction that took the status and headers, returning a writefunction. His input also guided the design of the exception handlingfacilities, especially in the area of allowing for middleware thatoverrides application error messages.
  • Alan Kennedy, whose courageous attempts to implement WSGI-on-Jython(well before the spec was finalized) helped to shape the "supportingolder versions of Python" section, as well as the optionalwsgi.file_wrapper facility.
  • Mark Nottingham, who reviewed the spec extensively for issues withHTTP RFC compliance, especially with regard to HTTP/1.1 features thatI didn't even know existed until he pointed them out.


[1]The Python Wiki "Web Programming" topic()
[2]The Common Gateway Interface Specification, v 1.1, 3rd Draft(.txt)
[3]"Chunked Transfer Coding" -- HTTP/1.1, section 3.6.1(.html#sec3.6.1)
[4]"End-to-end and Hop-by-hop Headers" -- HTTP/1.1, Section 13.5.1(.html#sec13.5.1)
[5]mod_ssl Reference, "Environment Variables"(.8/ssl_reference.html#ToC25)


This document has been placed in the public domain.

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