
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-25 18:23:04




HTML5 is one of the many programming languages developers need to know in order to be marketable, knowledgeable, and successful in their work. In July, we’ll be offering an HTML5 certification course as part of our Course of the Month program. Premium Members, Team Accounts, and Qualified Experts will gain a complimentary, high-value course each month as part of their membership. For free members, upgrading to a paid membership will give them access to this course.

HTML5是开发人员要想在市场上获得销售,知识和成功的编程语言之一。 7月,我们将提供HTML5认证课程,作为我们本月课程计划的一部分。 高级会员,团队帐户和合格专家将每月作为其会员资格的一部分获得免费的高价值课程。 对于免费会员,升级为付费会员将使他们能够访问此课程。

For more information on what this course entails and why HTML5 is important to web developers today, we spoke with course creator, Mark Lassoff, president and CEO of LearnToProgram LLC.

有关本课程的内容以及HTML5为什么对当今的Web开发人员如此重要的更多信息,我们与课程创建者,LearnToProgram LLC总裁兼首席执行官Mark Lassoff进行了交谈。

Experts Exchange: Can you tell us about your background in development and programming?


Mark Lasoff: I actually started coding on a Commodore 64 when I was 12. I learned the basic programming language back in the late ’80s and did some interesting things with it as a kid. My interest continued through college and my initial jobs. As life went on, my interest grew from coding to teaching coding—so I now teach full time. Over the years, I’ve had more than 1M students take my courses online and I taught 1,500 people (at one time) how to program live at a conference a couple years ago. I really really enjoy coding; now I really really enjoy helping others learn the skills—especially beginners.

马克·拉索夫(Mark Lasoff):实际上,我12岁时就开始在Commodore 64上进行编码。我在80年代后期学习了基本的编程语言,并从小就用它做了一些有趣的事情。 我的兴趣一直延续到大学和最初的工作。 随着生活的发展,我的兴趣从编码逐渐发展为教学编码,因此我现在全职教学。 多年来,我有超过100万名学生在线上我的课程,几年前我在一次会议上教了1,500人(一次)如何编程生活。 我真的喜欢编码。 现在,我真的乐于帮助他人(尤其是初学者)学习技能。

EE: How did you discover your passion for educating up-and-coming developers on the latest technology?


ML: There is a lot of satisfaction helping people with their careers. For me, though, it’s that moment where you know it just clicks with someone. Where someone who before was just a regular person now becomes a coder; where all of a sudden they really do understand what they’re doing. To me, that’s a really exciting moment and one I like to help make happen.

ML:在帮助人们发展事业方面有很多满足感。 不过,对我而言,就是那一刻,您知道它只是被某人点击。 以前只是普通人的人现在成为编码员; 突然之间,他们真的真正了解自己在做什么。 对我来说,这是一个非常激动人心的时刻,我想帮助实现这一时刻。

I get to see this firsthand a lot. My company produces online courses and it’s a full-time job. I run the company and we have 8-9 employees.

我经常看到这种东西。 我公司提供在线课程,这是一项全职工作。 我经营公司,我们有8-9名员工。

EE: How did you develop your certification programs to capitalize on all aspects of HTML5 a user would need to be seen as proficient?


ML: We first talk to employers and see what they're looking for in developers with these specific skill sets—at the skills they want candidates to have. Then we work backwards from there to make sure we’re offering a comprehensive course that covers all the bases for what people need to do inside of HTML, JavaScript, whatever it is we’re teaching.

ML:我们首先与雇主交谈,看看他们在具有这些特定技能的开发人员中所寻找的东西,即他们希望候选人具备的技能。 然后,我们从那里开始进行反向工作,以确保我们提供的综合课程涵盖了人们需要在HTML,JavaScript内部进行的所有操作的所有基础。

EE: How does HTML5 make a difference on a resume?


ML: I would argue that HTML is really a part of digital literacy. There are so many places where you can encounter HTML5 and you might need those skills. There are all sorts of jobs in which it’s important to have that on your resume—everything from administrative positions, where you may need to edit a website or a blog, to a full-on software developer, where you’re going to need to know HTML because it’s in the display layer of just about everything a developer does.

ML:我认为HTML确实是数字素养的一部分。 您可以在很多地方遇到HTML5,您可能需要这些技能。 在各种各样的工作中,重要的是应将其写在简历上–从管理职位(您可能需要编辑网站或博客)到全职软件开发人员(您需要在简历中)知道HTML,因为它几乎在开发人员所做的所有事情的显示层中。

EE: How can HTML5 knowledge benefit developers who already have jobs?


ML: It’s one of those skills that opens the door to a lot of modern development and design positions. Anything that appears on the web or hybrid mobile applications have HTML5 as the scaffolding. So it’s a critical skill for developers to have and many developers who’ve worked in more traditional environments may not have encountered HTML5 directly. Understanding HTML5 allows you to create a more maintainable web or mobile application. Many  people are deficient because they’ve learned HTML5 informally, making courses like this of great importance.

ML:这是打开许多现代开发和设计职位之门的技能之一。 出现在网络或混合移动应用程序上的任何内容都将HTML5作为支架。 因此,这对于开发人员来说是一项至关重要的技能,许多在更传统的环境中工作的开发人员可能没有直接遇到HTML5。 了解HTML5可让您创建更具维护性的Web或移动应用程序。 许多人缺乏能力,因为他们是非正式学习HTML5的,这使得此类课程非常重要。

EE: In your opinion, what industries are most lucrative for developers and where does HTML5 knowledge pay off the most?


ML: Right now, hybrid mobile is probably the most important place for HTML5. More and more development shops are moving to the hybrid environment where they can create apps based on web standards that work on iOS or Android. I think that’s a huge area for growth. HTML5 and the web skill set is critical to that.

ML:目前,混合移动可能是HTML5最重要的地方。 越来越多的开发商店正在转向混合环境,在这里他们可以基于可在iOS或Android上运行的网络标准来创建应用程序。 我认为这是一个巨大的增长领域。 HTML5和网络技能对此至关重要。

EE: Can you please explain your course path for HTML5 certification?


ML: It’s pretty straightforward. Complete the course and then take an online exam. It’s a 50-question exam. If participants pass with 80% or better, they’ll earn the certification. The certification is authenticated by credentials. Each person will have their own certification page which will show certifications earned as well as direct links for their LinkedIn account so they can display it there.

ML:这很简单。 完成课程,然后参加在线考试。 这是一个50问题的考试。 如果参与者通过率达到80%或更高,他们将获得认证。 该认证由凭据进行身份验证。 每个人都有自己的认证页面,该页面将显示获得的认证以及他们的LinkedIn帐户的直接链接,以便他们可以在此处显示。

EE: How would you describe a typical day as a web developer for those considering it for their career?


ML: Web development is immensely flexible, so the day-to-day of a typical web developer is going to include meeting with clients, working with project members, working with other members of their teams to either maintain an application or create a new application. That’s going to include writing lines of code, maintaining old code, and updating old code. The thing a lot of people in this field need to be prepared for is the exciting innovations in development that are occurring in the web layer. People now often have the opportunity to learn and work with the latest and greatest if they have the underpinning of fundamental skills—which includes HTML5.

ML: Web开发非常灵活,因此典型的Web开发人员的日常工作将包括与客户会面,与项目成员一起工作,与团队中的其他成员一起维护应用程序或创建新应用程序。 这将包括编写代码行,维护旧代码和更新旧代码。 该领域中很多人需要做好的准备是在Web层进行的激动人心的开发创新。 如果人们具备基本技能(包括HTML5)的基础,那么他们现在经常有机会学习最新和最伟大的知识。

Typically, web developers can work either solo in their own small business, or part of a large team working for marketing and advertising firms, and even maintaining websites at Fortune 500 companies. So the day-to-day really varies according to the type of environment they choose to work in.

通常,Web开发人员可以单独在自己的小型企业中工作,也可以在为营销和广告公司工作的大型团队中工作,甚至可以在财富500强公司中维护网站。 因此,每天的实际情况实际上取决于他们选择工作的环境类型。

It’s a great career choice. Consider that in the United States in the next 10 years, we’ll be graduating about 425,000 computer science folks and we’re going to need 1.4 million developers. That leaves us about 1M developers short. Having this training is something that’s going to put you ahead and allow you to compete for the million jobs that’ll be out there for people with development skills.

这是一个伟大的职业选择。 考虑到在未来十年中,我们将在美国毕业约425,000名计算机科学专业人士,并且我们将需要140万名开发人员。 这使我们缺少约100万开发人员。 接受这种培训将带您前进,并使您能够竞争数百万具有开发技能的人才的工作。

EE: How is HTML5 different from its preceding versions?


ML: HTML5 is a vastly improved version of HTML that includes semantic markup and APIs to interact with JavaScript—that allows you to do really interesting things from geo-location to audio and video. Also with HTML5, we have the ability to start executing responsive design with CSS so the content looks good across the various screen sizes people use these days.

ML: HTML5是HTML的大幅改进版本,其中包括语义标记和与JavaScript进行交互的API,这使您可以做真正有趣的事情,从地理位置到音频和视频。 同样,使用HTML5,我们可以开始使用CSS执行响应式设计,因此,在如今人们使用的各种屏幕尺寸上,内容看起来都不错。

EE: Why is this course and its certification path an important part of a developer’s toolkit?


ML: This course is part of a larger series for certified web developers. HTML5 is part of a set of skills used for web development that include CSS and JavaScript. Learning these now, whether you're an experienced developer who's coming to web development now or a new developer, is one of the most important things you can do for your career.

ML:本课程是面向认证Web开发人员的系列文章的一部分。 HTML5是用于Web开发的一组技能的一部分,其中包括CSS和JavaScript。 现在学习这些,无论您是现在正在从事Web开发的经验丰富的开发人员,还是新开发人员,都是您在职业生涯中可以做的最重要的事情之一。

翻译自: .html




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