
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-25 20:19:42

入职三个月<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1769453.html style=工作总结"/>



by taira


我在全职工作的三个月内学会建立三个服务的知识 (What I learned building three services in three months while working full-time)

To give you a bit of a context, I’ll start off with a little bit about me. I’m a self-taught developer currently working in Japan. I’m not special in any way, I don’t have any Internet celebrity friends, but I do love coding and have a positive can-do attitude.

为了给您提供一些背景信息,我将首先介绍一些有关我的信息。 我是目前在日本工作的自学成才的开发人员。 我一点也不特别,我没有任何互联网名人朋友,但是我喜欢编码并且有积极的工作态度。

At the end of last year, I decided to launch an experimental project, to try to create one service per month in 2018 in my spare time. I wanted to see if I, an Indie-hacker-wanna-be, could work something out. And here’s my story so far.

去年年底,我决定启动一个实验项目,尝试在业余时间每月在2018年创建一项服务。 我想看看我是否想成为一名独立黑客,可以解决一些问题。 到目前为止,这是我的故事。

I’ll break my discussion of each service into these sections:


  • How the idea came about

  • What the service is

  • Tech stack

  • How much $ I spent

  • Lessons learned


一月:挠自己的痒。 (January: scratch my own itch.)

这个想法是如何产生的 (How the idea came about)

The first thing that came to my mind was to build something that I’d use heavily. In the worst case scenario, if my service attracted no one, it would still help me.

我想到的第一件事是构建一些我会大量使用的东西。 在最坏的情况下,如果我的服务没有吸引到任何人,它仍然会对我有帮助。

I started to look into my day-to-day flow. I realized that I spent quite a lot of time every day going to a variety of websites. So wouldn’t it be nice to have a web service to keep eyes on those sites for me, and send me updates via email? This would help me focus on the important things.

我开始研究自己的日常流程。 我意识到我每天花费大量时间去各种网站。 因此,拥有Web服务为我关注这些站点并通过电子邮件向我发送更新不是很好吗? 这将帮助我专注于重要的事情。

服务是什么 (What the service is)

Keep Me PPPosted is what I ended up building. To make the service even more user-friendly, I built a Chrome extension as well, which allowed the user to subscribe to updates for any website right on the spot. You can check out the detailed user stories and design decisions on the About page, and I’m in the progress of opening sourcing this project, here’s the Github repo :)

让我PPPosted是我最终建立的。 为了使该服务更加人性化,我还构建了一个Chrome扩展程序 ,该扩展程序使用户可以当场订阅任何网站的更新。 您可以在“ 关于”页面上查看详细的用户故事和设计决策,而我正在开始采购该项目,这是Github 仓库 :)

科技栈 (Tech stack)

I went with what I’m most comfortable with: front-end Vue.js and back-end AWS Lambda Serverless combo. I have been working with these in my current company on a daily basis for the last year and a half. Serverless fits my design very well, considering most parts of my service follow the event-sourcing pattern.

我选择了最舒适的方式:前端Vue.js和后端AWS Lambda Serverless组合。 在过去的一年半中,我每天都在我目前的公司中与这些公司合作。 考虑到我服务的大多数部分都遵循事件源模式,因此无服务器非常适合我的设计。

我花了多少钱 (How much I spent)

$22 in total: $7 for the domain, $10 for the Sendgrid subscription (100,000 emails per month, I could use it for my other services as well), and a $5 one-time fee for publishing the extension on the Chrome web store. Everything else was covered by the AWS free tier plan.

总计$ 22:域名$ 7,Sendgrid订阅$ 10(每月100,000封电子邮件,我也可以将其用于其他服务),以及在Chrome网上应用店发布扩展程序的一次性费用$ 5。 AWS免费套餐计划涵盖了其他所有内容。

得到教训 (Lessons learned)

It was definitely a valuable learning experience, since it was my very first full-scale web service. I posted it on Indie hackers and got a couple of users. But more importantly, I got the chance to talk directly with my users, working as a developer in the company.

这绝对是一次宝贵的学习经历,因为这是我的第一个全面Web服务。 我将其发布在独立黑客上,并吸引了一些用户。 但更重要的是,我有机会直接与用户交流,并作为公司的开发人员工作。

In my job, I never get to talk with my end users to get instant feedback and have full control over the product that I build. That alone was worth the time and effort I put into it.

在我的工作中,我永远不会与最终用户交谈以获取即时反馈并完全控制我所构建的产品。 仅此一项就值得我投入时间和精力。

二月:利用我的资源。 (February: leverage my resources.)

这个主意是如何产生的 (How the idea came about)

January was pretty tense, so I decided to take it easy. I thought about what else I could offer, besides my half box of chicken wings in my fridge. Something that others might need.

一月非常紧张,所以我决定放松一下。 除了冰箱里的半盒鸡翅,我还想着我还能提供什么。 其他人可能需要的东西。

I’m in Japan, and working here might be something developers would be interested in. On top of that, I often get recruiters sending me job opportunities. Connecting developers and recruiters might be something I could work on.

我在日本,在这里工作可能会引起开发人员的兴趣。最重要的是,我经常让招聘人员向我发送工作机会。 连接开发人员和招聘人员可能是我可以进行的工作。

服务是什么 (What the service is)

Instead of jumping right into coding, I created a mailing list using MailChimp. I started to share my experience in developer communities whenever I got the chance. It worked, and my mailing list grew to 500+ subscribers within a month.

我没有立即进行编码,而是使用MailChimp创建了一个邮件列表。 只要有机会,我就开始在开发者社区分享我的经验。 它有效,我的邮件列表在一个月内增长到500多个订阅者。

In the meantime, whenever a recruiter reached out to me, I would casually mention my mailing list, and ask if I could share that with my subscribers.


我花了多少钱 (How much I spent)

$0. The outgoing mails are covered by the same Sendgrid account, and the backend cron job which was built with AWS Lambda was again covered by my AWS free tier plan.

$ 0。 外发邮件由相同的Sendgrid帐户覆盖,而由AWS Lambda构建的后端cron作业再次由我的AWS免费套餐计划覆盖。

学过的知识 (Lesson learned)

It seems that the less time I spent on coding, and the more time on promoting my service, the more potential users I’d get. Two weeks after I started, I got an email from one of my subscribers thanking me for what I did.

似乎我花在编码上的时间越少,而在推广我的服务上花费的时间越多,我得到的潜在用户就越多。 开始两周后,我收到一个订阅者的电子邮件,感谢我所做的一切。

He hadn’t gotten a job using the service yet, he just wanted to thank me for sharing that information. That email just warmed my heart, knowing that what I’m doing actually helps others. That’s just the best feeling ever!

他还没有使用该服务找到工作,他只是想感谢我分享这些信息。 知道我在做什么实际上对其他人有帮助,这封电子邮件刚刚激起了我的心。 那是有史以来最好的感觉!

3月:从他人那里获取想法。 (March: get ideas from others.)

这个主意是如何产生的 (How the idea came about)

At this point, I’d kinda run out of ideas. That’s when I started to talk with my non-developer friends. I tried to understand what their day to day life is like, and if there were pain points they have that I could help with.

在这一点上,我有点想法不对。 那是我开始与非开发者朋友交谈的时候。 我试图了解他们的日常生活如何,如果有痛点,他们可以提供帮助。

As part of his job, one of my friends receives CSV files from clients, and then imports those files into an internal system. Often times, the files he receives does not match the requirements, are missing columns, or contain incompatible data types — and so on.

作为他工作的一部分,我的一位朋友从客户端接收CSV文件,然后将这些文件导入内部系统。 通常,他收到的文件不符合要求,缺少列或包含不兼容的数据类型-等等。

He often has to go back and ask his client to redo and re-send the files. He has tried using Excel to automate the process, but failed because most of the files were really big (300+ MB with 1M+ rows). That sure sounded like something that I could help with.

他经常不得不回去,请他的客户重做并重新发送文件。 他曾尝试使用Excel自动执行该过程,但由于大多数文件确实很大(300+ MB,1M +行)而失败。 那听起来肯定是我可以帮助的。

服务是什么 (What the service is)

I created CSV Lint, a CSV file validation service for businesses, that allows a user to create a schema easily for validating CSV files once the schema is created. It can be shared with others (who could use it without having an account). This means that once my friend created the schema, he could ask his clients to use it to validate their files before sending them to him.

我创建了CSV Lint ,这是用于企业的CSV文件验证服务,它使用户可以轻松创建一个架构,以便在创建架构后验证CSV文件。 可以与他人共享(无需帐户即可使用)。 这意味着一旦我的朋友创建了架构,他就可以要求他的客户使用该架构来验证其文件,然后再将其发送给他。

科技栈 (Tech stack)

Instead of AWS, I went with Google Cloud Platform, Firebase for hosting and database, and Google Cloud Functions to handle the backend logic. Once again, their free tier covered everything.

我选择了Google Cloud Platform,用于托管和数据库的Firebase以及用于处理后端逻辑的Google Cloud Functions,而不是AWS。 他们的免费套餐再次覆盖了所有内容。

我花了多少钱 (How much I spent)

$17 in total. I spent $7 for the domain — and it is a pretty awesome domain, I have to say, patting myself on the back. And another $10 on Udemy for a how to make demo video using a Keynote course. It was money well spent, another new skill learned. ?

总计$ 17。 我花了7美元购买了该域名-我不得不说,这是一个很棒的域名,拍了拍自己的背。 还有另外10美元的Udemy费用,用于如何使用Keynote课程制作演示视频。 花了很多钱,这是另一个新技能。 ?

得到教训 (Lessons learned)

Ideas that I come up with lead to nothing 9 out of 10 times. Talking with others, especially people outside my normal circle, often helps me get new ideas. However, the sad part is I don’t really have a lot of friends that I can talk to — looks like I’ll need to work on that as well. ?

我提出的想法导致10分之9没有任何结果。 与他人交谈,尤其是与我正常圈子以外的人交谈,通常可以帮助我获得新的想法。 但是,令人难过的是,我真的没有很多可以与之交谈的朋友-看来我也需要努力。 ?

结语 (Wrapping up)

So, that’s my journey so far. None of my projects have succeeded big time, and I’m currently making $0 out of them. But each one of those services is helping people one way or another, and that puts a big smile on my face every day as I go to sleep. Also, they cost me close to nothing, there’s still some chicken wings left in my fridge. All good, all good.

所以,那是我到目前为止的旅程。 我的项目都没有大获成功,而且我目前正在从中赚取0美元。 但是这些服务中的每一项都在某种程度上帮助人们,当我睡觉时,每天都会在我脸上露出灿烂的笑容。 而且,它们几乎让我付出了一切,我的冰箱里还剩下一些鸡翅。 一切都好,一切都好。

翻译自: /




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