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I've had lots of people ask me to write up a guide to creating great technical screencasts. Here it is.

我有很多人要求我撰写有关创建出色的技术截屏视频的指南。 这里是。

初始设置和工具 (Initial Setup and Tools)

You can use any number of tools for screen capture. They are largely the same. My preferred tool is Camtasia. Other valid tools are CamStudio (a free and open source tool) and Expression Encoder Screen Capture.

您可以使用许多工具进行屏幕捕获。 它们基本相同。 我首选的工具是Camtasia。 其他有效工具是CamStudio(免费和开放源代码工具)和Expression Encoder Screen Capture。

Windows外观 (Windows Look and Feel)

At the risk of sounding uptight, how you setup Windows and your environment is the difference between a professional and an amateurish screencast. It's shocking how many folks will start recording a screencast without changing a thing, then wonder why their 1600x1200 screencast looks bad on YouTube at 360p. If you find yourself doing screencasts a lot, considering making a Screencast user on your machine with these settings already applied.

专业人士和业余爱好者截屏之间的区别是,您可能会感到听起来有些紧张,如何设置Windows和环境。 令人震惊的是,有多少人将开始录制截屏视频而不进行任何更改,然后想知道为什么他们的1600x1200截屏视频在360p的YouTube上看起来很糟糕。 如果发现自己经常进行截屏,请考虑使用已应用这些设置的计算机上的截屏用户。

长宽比和分辨率 (Aspect Ratio and Resolution )

First, decide on your aspect ratio. Is this a 4:3 Square (mostly) screencast or a 16:9 Widescreen screencast? Use 1024x768 for 4:3 and 1280x720 for 16:9. Run with normal 96dpi fonts.

首先,确定您的长宽比。 这是4:3方形(主要是)截屏还是16:9宽屏截屏? 对于4:3使用1024x768,对于16:9使用1280x720。 使用普通的96dpi字体运行。

If you're running a VM in a Window, that's cool, but really do take the time to resize it to exactly 1024x768. It can be maddening, especially with Virtual PC, but just do it. Then us the screencast software to record exactly a square of 1024x768

如果您在窗口中运行VM,那很酷,但是确实需要花一些时间将其大小调整为1024x768。 可能会令人发疯,尤其是在使用Virtual PC时,但只需这样做。 然后我们使用截屏软件来精确记录1024x768的正方形

背景壁纸和图标(Background Wallpaper and Icons)

Choose a standard looking background photo. I prefer to use one from or the defaults that come with Windows 7. Avoid complex backgrounds as they don't compress well during encoding.

选择标准外观的背景照片。 我更喜欢使用 7随附的默认设置。避免使用复杂的背景,因为它们在编码过程中压缩得不好。

Hide your icons. Right click your desktop and hit View | Show Desktop Items. You can also use Stardock Fences and just double click to hide your icons. Either way, we don't need to see them.

隐藏您的图标。 右键点击您的桌面,然后点击查看| 显示桌面项目。 您也可以使用Stardock栅栏,只需双击即可隐藏图标。 无论哪种方式,我们都不需要看到它们。

Also consider whether we need to see your desktop at all. If it doesn’t add value, don’t show it on the screencast.

还要考虑我们是否完全需要查看您的桌面。 如果它没有增加价值,请不要在截屏视频中显示。

字型 (Fonts)

Use the standard Visual Studio Font Colors. Remember that your audience likely hasn't changed theirs, and if you show them something fancy, they'll be thinking about how they get that fancy widget rather than your content. Go to Tools | Options | Environment | Fonts and Colors and click "Use Defaults."

使用标准的Visual Studio字体颜色。 请记住,您的听众可能并没有改变他们的听众,如果您向他们展示一些花哨的东西,他们会考虑如何获得这个花哨的小部件,而不是您的内容。 转到工具| 选项| 环境| 字体和颜色,然后单击“使用默认值”。

In all your text editors, change your fonts to Consolas Size 15. It may seem counter-intuitive to have such large fonts but in fact this will make your code viewable even on an iPhone.

在所有文本编辑器中,将字体更改为Consolas Size15。拥有如此大的字体似乎违反直觉,但实际上,即使在iPhone上,这也可以使您的代码可见。

Remember, most video sites, including youtube, restrict the video player size to a maximum of around 850x480 unless you go full-screen or use a pop-out. Video is typically smaller than that. Use the font size recommended here, and use Camtasia’s zoom and highlight features during editing to call out key bits of code.

请记住,除非您进入全屏或使用弹出窗口,否则大多数视频网站(包括youtube)都会将视频播放器的大小限制为最大850x480。 视频通常比那个小。 使用此处建议的字体大小,并在编辑过程中使用Camtasia的缩放和突出显示功能调出代码的关键部分。

Don’t highlight code in the editor by selecting it with the mouse. It is typically hard to read editor selections in video. Instead, zoom and highlight in post.

不要通过用鼠标选择代码来在编辑器中突出显示代码。 通常很难读取视频中的编辑器选择。 而是放大并突出显示帖子。

浏览器设定 (Browser Setup)

Unless your screencast is about using different browsers, pick a browser and stick to it. Hide your toolbars, clear your cache, history, and your autocomplete history. You'd be surprised how many inappropriate sites and autocomplete suggestions are published on the web forever and not noticed until it's too late. Don't view pr0n on your screencast machine.

除非您的截屏视频是关于使用其他浏览器的,否则请选择一个浏览器并坚持使用它。 隐藏工具栏,清除缓存,历史记录和自动完成历史记录。 您会感到惊讶的是,有多少不适当的网站和自动完成建议永远在网上发布,直到为时已晚才被注意到。 不要在截屏机上查看pr0n。

工具栏 (Toolbars)

Your browser shouldn't show any, and this is a good time to uninstall or hide whatever coupon-offering nonsense or McAffee pixel waster that you ' ve stopped being able to see after all these years. Remember, default is the word of the day. Go Tools | Manage AddIns in IE9 or your favorite browser and remove it all.

您的浏览器不应该表现出任何,这是一个很好的时间来卸载或隐藏任何优惠券发行废话或MCAFFEE像素浪费你 ' 已经不再是能够经过这些年看到的。 请记住,默认值是每日一词。 转到工具| 在IE9或您喜欢的浏览器中管理加载项并将其全部删除。

If you are using Visual Studio or an IDE (Eclipse, Photoshop, etc) be aware of your toolbars. If you have made extensive customizations to your toolbars and you use them in the screencast, you are doing a great disservice to your audience. Put things to the default. If you use hotkeys, tell the audience, and use them for a reason.

如果您使用的是Visual Studio或IDE(Eclipse,Photoshop等),请注意您的工具栏。 如果您对工具栏进行了广泛的自定义,并且在截屏中使用了它们,则对您的听众会造成极大的损害。 将内容设置为默认值。 如果您使用热键,请告诉听众,并出于某种原因使用它们。

吐司 (Toast)

Fred is online! Yes, but not during your screencast. Turn off Gmail, GChat, Messenger, Skype, Office Communicator and anything else that can "pop toast" during your screencast.

弗雷德在线! 是的,但不是在截屏期间。 在截屏期间,关闭Gmail,GChat,Messenger,Skype,Office Communicator以及任何其他可能“吐司”的东西。

时钟和通知 (Clock and Notifications)

Right click on the clock in Windows and click Customize Notification Area Icons. Remove the Action Center and Window Update and anything else that looks like it could bother you. Next, click on Turn System Icons On or Off. Turn off the clock! Why? You can't easily edit a screencast if there's a convenient time code in the corner that jumps around during your edits. Also, no one needs to know you're doing your work at 3am. I remove ALL notification icons. All of them, including Network and Sound.

在Windows中的时钟上单击鼠标右键,然后单击“自定义通知区域图标”。 删除“操作中心”和“窗口更新”,其他任何看起来可能会困扰您的问题。 接下来,单击“打开或关闭系统图标”。 关掉时钟! 为什么? 如果在编辑过程中拐角处有方便的时间码,您就无法轻松地编辑截屏视频。 同样,没有人需要知道您是在凌晨3点进行工作的。 我删除了所有通知图标。 所有这些,包括网络和声音。

音频和语音 (Audio and Voice)

Use a decent microphone. I use a Samson C01U. You can also use a USB headset-style microphone but be aware that breathing and "cotton mouth" really show up on these. Try moving the microphone above your nose so you aren't exhaling onto it directly. Use a pop filter to help eliminate plosives. You can get them cheap at a music store.

使用体面的麦克风。 我使用的是Samson C01U。 您也可以使用USB耳机式麦克风,但要注意,这些确实显示了呼吸和“棉口”。 尝试将麦克风移到鼻子上方,以免直接呼气。 使用弹出过滤器可帮助消除爆破音。 您可以在音乐商店中以便宜的价格购买它们。

Be aware of your keyboard clicks. Some folks feel strongly about whether or not your keyboard can be heard during a screencast. Ultimately it's your choice, but you have to be aware of it first, then make a conscious decision. Don't just let whatever happens happen. Think about your keyboard sound, your typing style and your microphone, and listen to it a few times and see if you like how it comes together.

请注意您的键盘点击。 有些人对截屏期间是否可以听到您的键盘有强烈的感觉。 最终,这是您的选择,但您必须首先意识到这一点,然后做出有意识的决定。 不要让任何事情发生。 考虑一下键盘声音,打字风格和麦克风,然后听几次,看看是否喜欢它们的组合。

Avoid prolonged silence. There should be ebb and flow of "I'm saying this, I'm doing that" but not 10 seconds of "watch my mouse." Speak in an upbeat but authentic tone. Be real.

避免长时间保持沉默。 应该有“我在说,我正在做”的潮起潮落,而不是“观察我的鼠标”的10秒钟。 以乐观但真实的语气说话。 这确实不假。

Don’t apologize or make excuses for mistakes – either work them in as something to learn from, or remove them completely.


If you make a mistake when speaking or demonstrating, clap your hands or cough loudly into the mic and wait a second before starting that portion over. When editing, the mistakes will show up as loud audio spikes, making it easy to find them.

如果您在讲话或演示时出错,请拍手或大声咳嗽并进入麦克风,然后等待一秒钟,然后再开始演奏该部分。 编辑时,错误将显示为声音尖峰,从而很容易找到它们。

Camtasia has decent automatic noise reduction. Use it. You’ll be surprised how much background noise your room has that you, but not your audience, will easily tune out.

Camtasia具有不错的自动降噪功能。 用它。 您会惊讶于房间中有多少背景噪音会被您轻松地调出,而不是听众。

If you must overdub a portion of the audio, sit in the same position you did while recording the original, and have the mic in the same spot. You want your voice to blend in seamlessly.

如果您必须对音频进行部分配音,请与录制原始音频时的位置相同,并使麦克风位于同一位置。 您希望您的声音无缝融合。

首选输出 (Preferred Output)

Your screen capture should be produced at the highest reasonable quality as it will be compressed later when it's uploaded. Think of it like producing JPEGs. You can make a 5 megabyte JPG, but often a 500k one will do. You can make a 10 gig screen capture if you use uncompressed AVI encoding, but often a high bit rate MP4 will do.

屏幕截图应以合理的最高质量制作,因为稍后将在上传时对其进行压缩。 可以将其视为产生JPEG。 您可以制作5 MB的JPG,但通常可以制作500k的JPG。 如果您使用未压缩的AVI编码,则可以进行10 gig的屏幕捕获,但是通常会使用高比特率的MP4。

The trick is to remember that your compressed screencast will be recompressed (copies of copies) when it is run through the encoding process.


Edit your screencast, if you do, in its recorded native resolution which hopefully is what you'll publish to as well. That means, record at 1024, edit at 1024, and publish at 1024. Let YouTube or your final destination do the squishing to smaller resolutions.

如果需要,以录制的本机分辨率编辑截屏,如果希望的话,您也希望将其发布。 也就是说,以1024录制,以1024进行编辑,然后以1024发行。让YouTube或您的最终目的地将其压缩为较小的分辨率。

Personally, I like to know what's going on in my production process so I always select things like "Custom production settings" in Camtasia rather than presets. Ultimately you'll need to try and find what works for you.

就个人而言,我想知道生产过程中发生了什么,因此我总是选择Camtasia中的“自定义生产设置”之类的东西,而不是预设。 最终,您将需要尝试找到适合您的方法。

When I know that my screencast will be encoding again by some postproduction system, first I'll ask myself, will they have my codec (compressor/decompressor) installed? That means, if they will have the TechSmith Screen Capture Codec used by Camtasia, then I can produce an AVI using this optimized codec, then THEY can make a MP4 or whatever.

当我知道我的截屏视频将再次通过 一些后期制作系统,首先我要问自己,是否会安装我的编解码器(压缩器/解压缩器)? 这意味着,如果他们拥有Camtasia使用的TechSmith屏幕捕获编解码器,那么我可以使用此优化的编解码器生成AVI,然后他们可以制作MP4或其他任何东西。

But, if they don't, I consider what the post production system prefers, then give them a high bit rate QuickTime file, Windows Media file, or a MP4.

但是,如果他们不这样做,我会考虑后期制作系统的偏爱,然后为他们提供高比特率的QuickTime文件,Windows Media文件或MP4。

In my experience, if you use Windows, using WMV at the "best bit rate" gives a good balance between size and quality and can be easily squished downstream. Otherwise, use an H.264 encoder with a high bitrate for the video and 44.1kHz/441000Hz 16 bit mono for the audio.

以我的经验,如果您使用Windows,则以“最佳比特率”使用WMV可以在大小和质量之间取得良好的平衡,并且可以很容易地向下游压缩。 否则,对视频使用高比特率的H.264编码器,对音频使用44.1kHz / 441000Hz 16位单声道。

结论 (Conclusion)

Take some time. I put about an hour of work into a 5 min screencast. Your mileage may vary. Watch your video! Listen to it, and have your friends listen to it. Does it look smooth? Sound smooth? Is it viewable on a small device AND a big screen?

花点时间我将大约一个小时的工作投入了5分钟的截屏中。 你的旅费可能会改变。 观看视频! 听,让你的朋友听。 看起来光滑吗? 听起来流畅吗? 在小型设备和大屏幕上可以看到吗?




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