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In the recently published book, Convergence: How The World Will Be Painted With Data, author and Forbes columnist Charlie Fink shares how augmented reality (AR) is already seeping into every smartphone and every workplace. Read an excerpt from the book and check out an exclusive offer for our community.

在最近出版的《融合:如何用数据描绘世界》一书中,作者和《福布斯》专栏作家查理·芬克(Charlie Fink)分享了增强现实(AR)如何渗透到每个智能手机和每个工作场所中。 阅读本书摘录,并查看针对我们社区的独家优惠。

We are deeply committed to helping creators develop AR experiences of all kinds, from music and advertising to games and cars. In fact, the majority of VR/AR content (60 percent) is powered by Unity.

我们致力于帮助创作者开发各种AR体验,从音乐和广告到游戏和汽车 。 实际上,大多数VR / AR内容(60%)由Unity提供支持。

Charlie Fink has been at the forefront of XR, documenting its rise in his popular Forbes column. Charlie recently published a landmark book on AR with the help of more than 40 contributors, including an entire chapter from our own Tony Parisi, Global Head of AR/VR Brand Solutions at Unity. Readers can activate various AR animated characters throughout the book, which were made with Unity and Vuforia. As Charlie put it, “An AR-enabled book about AR is too meta to resist.”

查理·芬克(Charlie Fink )一直走在XR的最前沿,并在他受欢迎的《福布斯》(Forbes)专栏中记录了它的崛起。 查理(Charlie)最近在40多位贡献者的帮助下出版了一本关于增强现实(AR)的具有里程碑意义的书,其中包括整本来自Unity增强现实/虚拟现实品牌解决方案全球负责人Tony Parisi的章节。 读者可以在整本书中激活使用Unity和Vuforia制作的各种AR动画角色。 正如查理(Charlie)所说,“一本关于AR的关于AR的书太元不可抗拒。”

One of the AR animations you can activate within the book is a character from the game Dr. Grordbort’s Invaders


We are thrilled that Charlie has kindly shared with us an edited excerpt from a chapter on enterprise use cases for XR. He also created an offer exclusively for us to share with you! Share your email below and you’ll receive a coupon code to get Convergence for 50% off or the eBook version for over 40% off with free priority shipping. Note this is only available on the book’s official website. Happy reading!

我们很高兴Charlie与我们分享了XR企业用例一章的摘录。 他还提出了一个独家要约,供我们与您分享! 在下面共享您的电子邮件,您将获得优惠券代码,以50%的折扣享受Convergence优惠,或以40%的折扣享受电子书版本,并享有免费优先运送。 请注意,这仅在本书的官方网站上可用。 祝您阅读愉快!

您的公司准备好使用XR吗? (Is your company ready for XR?)

This excerpt from Convergence was written by Alan Smithson, CEO of MetaVRse. It has been edited for the purposes of this post.

摘自Convergence的摘录由MetaVRse首席执行官Alan Smithson撰写。 为了这篇文章的目的,已经对其进行了编辑。

By the end of 2019, there will be over 2 billion AR-enabled smartphones and millions of VR headsets on the market. Unlike the rise of new technology tools like the web and social media, which took 20 years and 10 years respectively to mature, XR is going to come really fast. The world of 3D computing is moving out of the periphery and into the mainstream at a breakneck pace.

到2019年底,市场上将有超过20亿个支持AR的智能手机和数百万个VR头盔。 与Web和社交媒体等新技术工具的兴起分别需要20年和10年的成熟时间不同,XR的发展将非常Swift。 3D计算世界正以惊人的速度从外围进入主流。

As XR evolves, it will impact every vertical across every enterprise, including manufacturing, healthcare, engineering, education, military, entertainment, retail, and advertising. VR, AR, and XR technologies are providing a massive return on investment (ROI)…Businesses report workers utilizing AR work faster and make fewer mistakes.

随着XR的发展,它将影响到每个企业的各个垂直领域,包括制造,医疗保健,工程,教育,军事,娱乐,零售和广告。 VR , AR和XR技术正在提供巨大的投资回报(ROI)。

Here are some real-world examples:


戴姆勒:使用AR改善救援工作并挽救道路上的生命 (Daimler: Using AR to improve rescue efforts and save lives on roads)

Image from Convergence (via RE’FLEKT)


Every second counts in a car accident. In November 2013, Daimler launched the MB Assist app for smartphones and tablets to provide rescuers with immediate digital rescue information about the vehicles involved in a crash. Emergency services and first responders have since been able to scan QR stickers located on the vehicles to digitally view the location of potentially hazardous internal components (such as fuel lines and high voltage connections).

每一秒都算是一场车祸。 2013年11月,戴姆勒推出了适用于智能手机和平板电脑的MB Assist应用程序,可为救援人员提供有关发生碰撞的车辆的即时数字救援信息。 此后,紧急服务和第一响应者已经能够扫描位于车辆上的QR标签,以数字方式查看潜在危险的内部组件(例如,燃油管路和高压连接)的位置。

After two years of successful implementation, Daimler improved the visual representation of structural information by using AR to project 3D visualizations of internal components of every Daimler manufactured from 1990 onwards directly onto the crashed vehicle. Learn more on RE’FLEKT’s website, which helps enterprises like Daimler make their own AR apps.

经过两年的成功实施,戴姆勒通过使用AR将1990年以后生产的每辆戴姆勒内部组件的3D可视化直接投影到撞车上,从而改善了结构信息的视觉表示。 在RE'FLEKT的网站上了解更多信息 ,该网站可以帮助像戴姆勒这样的企业制作自己的AR应用程序。

波音公司:减少使用AR进行喷气机接线时的错误 (Boeing: Reducing errors when wiring jets with AR)

Image from Convergence (via Boeing)


Paul Davies, Research and Technology Director for Boeing, says “wiring is a pain point.” It is extremely complex and time-consuming, both in production and inspection. In Everett, Washington, where Boeing makes KC-46 Tankers and 767 Freighters, the HoloLens is increasing speed and accuracy of wiring, saving the company millions of dollars. Upskill, an industrial AR software platform, helped Boeing workers increase efficiency and decrease errors when wiring jets by using the HoloLens to project wiring diagrams onto the work, keeping hands free to do the job.

波音公司研究与技术总监保罗·戴维斯(Paul Davies)说:“布线是一个痛点。” 在生产和检查中,这都是极其复杂且费时的。 在波音制造KC-46油轮和767货机的华盛顿埃弗里特市,HoloLens正在提高接线速度和准确性,从而为公司节省了数百万美元。 工业AR软件平台Upskill通过使用HoloLens将接线图投影到工作上来帮助波音公司的工作人员提高效率并减少了喷气机接线时的错误,从而使人们可以自由地完成工作。

They had previously used tablets to guide the installation of wiring harnesses throughout the aircraft. Boeing also utilizes the HoloLens’ locate features, which helps workers find and replace temporary fasteners used in the fabrication of different parts. The resulting efficiencies have helped the company produce more aircraft at a faster rate.

他们以前曾使用平板电脑来指导飞机上线束的安装。 波音还利用了HoloLens的定位功能,该功能可帮助工人找到并更换用于制造不同零件的临时紧固件。 由此产生的效率帮助该公司以更快的速度生产了更多飞机。


获得折扣的融合版 (Get your discounted copy of Convergence)

Our thanks to Charlie for sharing this excerpt of Convergence. Don’t forget to get your exclusive coupon code by filling out the form at the top of the post.

我们感谢Charlie分享了这段融合摘要。 不要忘记通过在帖子顶部填写表格来获取专属优惠券代码。

With Unity, you can build AR applications once and deploy them across a range of handheld (ARKit & ARCore) and headworn (Microsoft HoloLens and Magic Leap) AR devices. If you’re interested in getting started, we recommend using AR Foundation to quickly create AR applications that run on both iOS & Android devices. More information can be found here, with sample projects available on Github.

使用Unity,您可以一次构建AR应用程序,并将它们部署在一系列手持式(ARKit和ARCore)和头戴式(Microsoft HoloLens和Magic Leap)AR设备中。 如果您有兴趣入门,我们建议您使用AR Foundation快速创建可同时在iOS和Android设备上运行的AR应用程序。 更多信息,可以发现 在这里 ,对现有样本项目 Github上 。

For more information on enterprise XR use cases like those shared above, check out our pages for automotive, transportation, and manufacturing and architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC). Learn more about Unity’s XR offerings.

有关以上共享的企业XR用例的更多信息,请查看我们的页面,其中涉及汽车,运输,制造 , 建筑,工程和建筑(AEC) 。 了解有关Unity XR产品的更多信息。

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