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《R数据科学》<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1770117.html style=学习笔记"/>















  • 使用stringr处理字符串
    • @[toc]
    • 9.4 工具
      • 9.4.1 匹配检测
      • 9.4.2 提取匹配内容
      • 9.4.3 分组匹配
      • 9.4.4 替换匹配内容
      • 9.4.5 拆分
      • 9.4.6 定位匹配内容
    • 9.5 其他类型的模式
    • 9.6 正则表达式的其他应用
    • 9.7 stringi

9.4 工具

我们已经掌握了正则表达式的基础知识,现在是时候学习如何应用它们来解决实际问题。我们将在本节中学习多种 stringr 函数,它们可以:

  • 确定与某种模式相匹配的字符串;
  • 找出匹配的位置;
  • 提取出匹配的内容;
  • 使用新值替换匹配内容;
  • 基于匹配拆分字符串。

9.4.1 匹配检测

要想确定一个字符向量能否匹配一种模式,可以使用 str_detect() 函数。它返回一个与输入向量具有同样长度的逻辑向量:

# library(tidyverse) 别忘了
x <- c("apple", "banana", "pear")
str_detect(x, "e")

从数学意义上来说,逻辑向量中的 FALSE0TRUE1。这使得在匹配特别大的向量时,sum()mean() 函数能够发挥更大的作用:

# 有多少个以t开头的常用单词?
sum(str_detect(words, "^t"))
> [1] 65
# 以元音字母结尾的常用单词的比例是多少?
mean(str_detect(words, "[aeiou]$"))
> [1] 0.277

当逻辑条件非常复杂时(例如,匹配 a 或 b,但不匹配 c,除非 d 成立),一般来说,相对于创建单个正则表达式,使用逻辑运算符将多个 str_detect() 调用组合起来会更容易。例如,以下两种方法均可找出不包含元音字母的所有单词:

# 找出至少包含一个元音字母的所有单词,然后取反
no_vowels_1 <- !str_detect(words, "[aeiou]")
# 找出仅包含辅音字母(非元音字母)的所有单词
no_vowels_2 <- str_detect(words, "^[^aeiou]+$")
identical(no_vowels_1, no_vowels_2)
> [1] TRUE


str_detect() 函数的一种常见用法是选取出匹配某种模式的元素。你可以通过逻辑取子集方式来完成这种操作,也可以使用便捷的 str_subset() 包装器函数:

words[str_detect(words, "x$")]
> [1] "box" "sex" "six" "tax"
str_subset(words, "x$")
> [1] "box" "sex" "six" "tax"

然而,字符串通常会是数据框的一列,此时我们可以使用 filter 操作:

df <- tibble(word = words,i = seq_along(word) #seq_along(along.with):创建开始于1,步长为1,与向量长度相等的数字序列
df %>%filter(str_detect(words, "x$"))
> df %>% 
+   filter(str_detect(words,"x$"))
# A tibble: 4 x 2word      i<chr> <int>
1 box     108
2 sex     747
3 six     772
4 tax     841

str_detect() 函数的一种变体是 str_count(),后者不是简单地返回是或否,而是返回字符串中匹配的数量:

x <- c("apple", "banana", "pear")
str_count(x, "a")
> [1] 1 3 1# 平均来看,每个单词中有多少个元音字母?
mean(str_count(words, "[aeiou]"))> [1] 1.99

str_count() 也完全可以同 mutate() 函数一同使用:

df %>%mutate(vowels = str_count(word, "[aeiou]"),consonants = str_count(word, "[^aeiou]"))
> df %>%
+   mutate(
+     vowels = str_count(word, "[aeiou]"),
+     consonants = str_count(word, "[^aeiou]")
+   )
# A tibble: 980 x 4word         i vowels consonants<chr>    <int>  <int>      <int>1 a            1      1          02 able         2      2          23 about        3      3          24 absolute     4      4          45 accept       5      2          46 account      6      3          47 achieve      7      4          38 across       8      2          49 act          9      1          2
10 active      10      3          3
# ... with 970 more rows

注意,匹配从来不会重叠。例如,在 "abababa" 中,模式 "aba" 会匹配多少次?正则表达 式会告诉你是 2 次,而不是 3 次:

str_count("abababa", "aba")
> [1] 2
str_view_all("abababa", "aba")

9.4.2 提取匹配内容

要想提取匹配的实际文本,我们可以使用 str_extract() 函数。我们将使用维基百科上的 Harvard sentences,这个数据集是用来测试 VOIP 系统的,但也可以用来练习正则表达式。这个数据集的全名是 stringr::sentences:

> [1] 720
> head(sentences)
[1] "The birch canoe slid on the smooth planks." 
[2] "Glue the sheet to the dark blue background."
[3] "It's easy to tell the depth of a well."     
[4] "These days a chicken leg is a rare dish."   
[5] "Rice is often served in round bowls."       
[6] "The juice of lemons makes fine punch." 


colors <- c("red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"
color_match <- str_c(colors, collapse = "|") #collapse 分隔符
> [1] "red|orange|yellow|green|blue|purple"

注意,str_extract() 只提取第一个匹配。我们可以先选取出具有多于一种匹配的所有句子,然后就可以很容易地看到更多匹配:

more <- sentences[str_count(sentences, color_match) > 1]
str_view_all(more, color_match)

str_extract(more, color_match) #只提取第一个匹配
> [1] "blue" "green" "orange"

这是 stringr 函数的一种通用模式,因为单个匹配可以使用更简单的数据结构。要想得到所有匹配,可以使用 str_extract_all() 函数,它会返回一个列表:

str_extract_all(more, color_match)
> str_extract_all(more, color_match)
[1] "blue" "red" [[2]]
[1] "green" "red"  [[3]]
[1] "orange" "red" 

如果设置了 simplify = TRUE,那么 str_extract_all() 会返回一个矩阵,其中较短的匹配会扩展到与最长的匹配具有同样的长度:

str_extract_all(more, color_match, simplify = TRUE)
> str_extract_all(more, color_match, simplify = TRUE)[,1]     [,2] 
[1,] "blue"   "red"
[2,] "green"  "red"
[3,] "orange" "red"x <- c("a", "a b", "a b c")
str_extract_all(x, "[a-z]", simplify = TRUE)
> str_extract_all(x, "[a-z]", simplify = TRUE)[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] "a"  ""   ""  
[2,] "a"  "b"  ""  
[3,] "a"  "b"  "c" 

9.4.3 分组匹配

本章前面讨论了括号在正则表达式中的用法,它可以阐明优先级,还能对正则表达式进行分组,分组可以在匹配时回溯引用。还可以使用括号来提取一个复杂匹配的各个部分。举例来说,假设我们想从句子中提取出名词。我们先进行一种启发式实验,找出跟在 athe 后面的所有单词。因为使用正则表达式定义“单词”有一点难度,所以我们使用一种简单的近似定义——至少有 1 个非空格字符的字符序列:

noun <- "(a|the) ([^ ]+)"
has_noun <- sentences %>%str_subset(noun) %>%head(10)
> has_noun[1] "The birch canoe slid on the smooth planks."       [2] "Glue the sheet to the dark blue background."      [3] "It's easy to tell the depth of a well."           [4] "These days a chicken leg is a rare dish."         [5] "The box was thrown beside the parked truck."      [6] "The boy was there when the sun rose."             [7] "The source of the huge river is the clear spring."[8] "Kick the ball straight and follow through."       [9] "Help the woman get back to her feet."             
[10] "A pot of tea helps to pass the evening." 
has_noun %>%str_extract(noun)
> has_noun %>%
+   str_extract(noun)[1] "the smooth" "the sheet"  "the depth"  "a chicken"  "the parked"[6] "the sun"    "the huge"   "the ball"   "the woman"  "a helps" 

str_extract() 函数可以给出完整匹配str_match() 函数则可以给出每个独立分组str_ match() 返回的不是字符向量,而是一个矩阵,其中一列是完整匹配,后面的列是每个分组的匹配:

has_noun %>%str_match(noun)
> has_noun %>%
+   str_match(noun)[,1]         [,2]  [,3]     [1,] "the smooth" "the" "smooth" [2,] "the sheet"  "the" "sheet"  [3,] "the depth"  "the" "depth"  [4,] "a chicken"  "a"   "chicken"[5,] "the parked" "the" "parked" [6,] "the sun"    "the" "sun"    [7,] "the huge"   "the" "huge"   [8,] "the ball"   "the" "ball"   [9,] "the woman"  "the" "woman"  
[10,] "a helps"    "a"   "helps" 

(不出所料,这种启发式名词检测的效果并不好,它还找出了一些形容词,比如 smooth 和 parked。)

如果数据是保存在 tibble 中的,那么使用 tidyr::extract() 会更容易。这个函数的工作方式与 str_match() 函数类似,只是要求为每个分组提供一个名称,以作为新列放在 tibble 中:

tibble(sentence = sentences) %>%tidyr::extract(sentence, c("article", "noun"), "(a|the) ([^ ]+)",remove = FALSE)
> tibble(sentence = sentences) %>%
+   tidyr::extract(
+     sentence, c("article", "noun"), "(a|the) ([^ ]+)",
+     remove = FALSE
+   )
# A tibble: 720 x 3sentence                                    article noun   <chr>                                       <chr>   <chr>  1 The birch canoe slid on the smooth planks.  the     smooth 2 Glue the sheet to the dark blue background. the     sheet  3 It's easy to tell the depth of a well.      the     depth  4 These days a chicken leg is a rare dish.    a       chicken5 Rice is often served in round bowls.        NA      NA     6 The juice of lemons makes fine punch.       NA      NA     7 The box was thrown beside the parked truck. the     parked 8 The hogs were fed chopped corn and garbage. NA      NA     9 Four hours of steady work faced us.         NA      NA     
10 Large size in stockings is hard to sell.    NA      NA  

str_extract() 函数一样,如果想要找出每个字符串的所有匹配,你需要使用 str_match_ all() 函数。

9.4.4 替换匹配内容

str_replace()str_replace_all() 函数可以使用新字符串替换匹配内容。最简单的应用是使用固定字符串替换匹配内容:

x <- c("apple", "pear", "banana")
str_replace(x, "[aeiou]", "-") #将aeiou替换为-,只替换第一个
> [1] "-pple" "p-ar" "b-nana"
str_replace_all(x, "[aeiou]", "-") #全部替换
> [1] "-ppl-" "p--r" "b-n-n-"

通过提供一个命名向量,使用 str_replace_all() 函数可以同时执行多个替换:

x <- c("1 house", "2 cars", "3 people")
str_replace_all(x, c("1" = "one", "2" = "two", "3" = "three"))r
> [1] "one house" "two cars" "three people"


> head(sentences,5)
[1] "The birch canoe slid on the smooth planks." 
[2] "Glue the sheet to the dark blue background."
[3] "It's easy to tell the depth of a well."     
[4] "These days a chicken leg is a rare dish."   
[5] "Rice is often served in round bowls." sentences %>%str_replace("([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)", "\\1 \\3 \\2") %>%head(5)
> sentences %>%
+     str_replace("([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)", "\\1 \\3 \\2") %>%
+     head(5)
[1] "The canoe birch slid on the smooth planks." 
[2] "Glue sheet the to the dark blue background."
[3] "It's to easy tell the depth of a well."     
[4] "These a days chicken leg is a rare dish."   
[5] "Rice often is served in round bowls.

9.4.5 拆分

str_split() 函数可以将字符串拆分为多个片段。例如,我们可以将句子拆分成单词:

sentences %>%head(5) %>%str_split(" ")
> sentences %>%
+   head(5) %>%
+   str_split(" ")
[1] "The"     "birch"   "canoe"   "slid"    "on"      "the"     "smooth" 
[8] "planks."[[2]]
[1] "Glue"        "the"         "sheet"       "to"          "the"        
[6] "dark"        "blue"        "background."[[3]]
[1] "It's"  "easy"  "to"    "tell"  "the"   "depth" "of"    "a"     "well."[[4]]
[1] "These"   "days"    "a"       "chicken" "leg"     "is"      "a"      
[8] "rare"    "dish."  [[5]]
[1] "Rice"   "is"     "often"  "served" "in"     "round"  "bowls."

因为字符向量的每个分量会包含不同数量的片段,所以 str_split() 会返回一个列表。如 果你拆分的是长度为 1 的向量,那么只要简单地提取列表的第一个元素即可:

"a|b|c|d" %>%str_split("\\|") %>%.[[1]]
> "a|b|c|d" %>%
+   str_split("\\|") %>%
+   .[[1]]
[1] "a" "b" "c" "d"

否则,和返回列表的其他 stringr 函数一样,你可以通过设置 simplify = TRUE 返回一个矩阵:

sentences %>%head(5) %>%str_split(" ", simplify = TRUE)
> sentences %>%
+   head(5) %>%
+   str_split(" ", simplify = TRUE)[,1]    [,2]    [,3]    [,4]      [,5]  [,6]    [,7]    
[1,] "The"   "birch" "canoe" "slid"    "on"  "the"   "smooth"
[2,] "Glue"  "the"   "sheet" "to"      "the" "dark"  "blue"  
[3,] "It's"  "easy"  "to"    "tell"    "the" "depth" "of"    
[4,] "These" "days"  "a"     "chicken" "leg" "is"    "a"     
[5,] "Rice"  "is"    "often" "served"  "in"  "round" "bowls."[,8]          [,9]   
[1,] "planks."     ""     
[2,] "background." ""     
[3,] "a"           "well."
[4,] "rare"        "dish."
[5,] ""            "" 


fields <- c("Name: Hadley", "Country: NZ", "Age: 35")
fields %>% str_split(": ", n = 2, simplify = TRUE)
> fields %>% str_split(": ", n = 2, simplify = TRUE)[,1]      [,2]    
[1,] "Name"    "Hadley"
[2,] "Country" "NZ"    
[3,] "Age"     "35"  

除了模式,你还可以通过字母句子单词边界boundary() 函数)来拆分字符串

x <- "This is a sentence. This is another sentence."
str_view_all(x, boundary("word"))

str_split(x, " ")[[1]]
> str_split(x, " ")[[1]]
[1] "This"      "is"        "a"         "sentence." "This"      "is"       
[7] "another"   "sentence."

9.4.6 定位匹配内容

str_locate()str_locate_all() 函数可以给出每个匹配的开始位置和结束位置。当没有其他函数能够精确地满足需求时,这两个函数特别有用。你可以使用 str_locate() 函数找出匹配的模式,然后使用 str_sub() 函数来提取或修改匹配的内容。

9.5 其他类型的模式

当使用一个字符串作为模式时,R 会自动调用 regex() 函数对其进行包装:

# 正常调用:
str_view(fruit, "nana")
# 上面形式是以下形式的简写
str_view(fruit, regex("nana"))

你可以使用 regex() 函数的其他参数来控制具体的匹配方式。

  • ignore_case = TRUE 既可以匹配大写字母,也可以匹配小写字母,它总是使用当前的区域设置:
bananas <- c("banana", "Banana", "BANANA")
str_view(bananas, "banana")

str_view(bananas, regex("banana", ignore_case = TRUE))

  • multiline = TRUE 可以使得 ^$每行的开头和末尾开始匹配,而不是从完整字符串的开头和末尾开始匹配:
x <- "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3"
str_extract_all(x, "^Line")[[1]]
> [1] "Line"
str_extract_all(x, regex("^Line", multiline = TRUE))[[1]]
> [1] "Line" "Line" "Line"
  • comments = TRUE 可以在复杂的正则表达式中加入注释和空白字符,以便更易理解。 匹配时会忽略空格和 # 后面的内容。如果想要匹配一个空格,你需要对其进行转义:"\\ "
phone <- regex("\\(? # 可选的开括号(\\d{3}) # 地区编码[)- ]? # 可选的闭括号、短划线或空格(\\d{3}) # 另外3个数字[ -]? # 可选的空格或短划线(\\d{3}) # 另外3个数字", comments = TRUE)
str_match("514-791-8141", phone)
> str_match("514-791-8141", phone)[,1]          [,2]  [,3]  [,4] 
[1,] "514-791-814" "514" "791" "814"
  • dotall = TRUE 可以使得 . 匹配包括 \n 在内的所有字符。

除了 regex(),还可以使用其他 3 种函数。

  • fixed() 函数可以按照字符串的字节形式进行精确匹配,它会忽略正则表达式中的所有特殊字符,并在非常低的层次上进行操作。这样可以让你不用进行那些复杂的转义操作, 而且速度比普通正则表达式要快很多。
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(fixed = str_detect(sentences, fixed("the")),regex = str_detect(sentences, "the"),times = 20
> microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
+   fixed = str_detect(sentences, fixed("the")),
+   regex = str_detect(sentences, "the"),
+   times = 20
+ )
Unit: microsecondsexpr   min     lq    mean median     uq   max nevalfixed  93.3  95.75 129.090  98.25 105.45 616.4    20regex 274.5 277.35 302.605 280.10 302.35 475.1    20

在匹配非英语数据时,要慎用 fixed() 函数。它可能会出现问题,因为此时同一个字符经常有多种表达方式。例如,定义 á 的方式有两种:一种是单个字母 a,另一种是 a 加 上重音符号。

  • coll() 函数使用标准排序规则来比较字符串,这在进行不区分大小写的匹配时是非常有效的。注意,可以在 coll() 函数中设置 locale 参数,以确定使用哪种规则来比较字符。

  • 在介绍 str_split() 函数时,已经知道可以使用 boundary() 函数来匹配边界。还可以在其他函数中使用这个函数:

x <- "This is a sentence."
str_view_all(x, boundary("word"))
str_extract_all(x, boundary("word"))
> str_extract_all(x, boundary("word"))
[1] "This"     "is"       "a"        "sentence"

9.6 正则表达式的其他应用

R 基础包中有两个常用函数也可以使用正则表达式。

  • apropos() 函数可以在全局环境空间中搜索所有可用对象。当不能确切想起函数名称时,这个函数特别有用:
> apropos("replace")[1] "%+replace%"                     ".rs.registerReplaceHook"       [3] ".rs.replaceBinding"             ".rs.rpc.replace_comment_header"[5] "replace"                        "replace_na"                    [7] "setReplaceMethod"               "str_replace"                   [9] "str_replace_all"                "str_replace_na"                
[11] "theme_replace"
  • dir() 函数可以列出一个目录下的所有文件。dir() 函数的 patten 参数可以是一个正则表达式,此时它只返回与这个模式相匹配的文件名。例如,你可以使用以下代码返回当前目录中的所有 R Markdown 文件:
head(dir(pattern = "\\.Rmd$"))

9.7 stringi

stringr 建立于 stringi 的基础之上。stringr 非常容易学习,因为它只提供了非常少的函数, 这些函数是精挑细选的,可以完成大部分常用字符串操作功能。与 stringr 不同,stringi 的 设计思想是尽量全面,几乎包含了我们可以用到的所有函数:stringi 中有 234 个函数,而 stringr 中只有 42 个。主要区别是前缀:str_stri_



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