Unity UPR(Unity Performance Reporting) 使用记录 (2)之 Asset check

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-15 02:31:16

Unity UPR(Unity <a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1739521.html style=Performance Reporting) 使用记录 (2)之 Asset check"/>

Unity UPR(Unity Performance Reporting) 使用记录 (2)之 Asset check


Unity资源检测工具 Beta


  • 支持所有版本的Unity项目
  • 不依赖Unity Editor,无需安装绿色运行
  • 检测速度极快,可在UPR中查阅检测结果
  • 支持命令行模式,可与CI/CD工具轻松集成,实现自动化检测
  • 规则库持续更新
  • 支持AssetBundle冗余检测
  • 支持静态代码分析

下载 AssetChecker Win

下载 AssetChecker Mac


操作手册 ---

1. 下载 AssetChecker Win程序。

2. 解压缩zip包。

3. 查看使用帮助 。

如果在Mac上出现安全警告,请在命令行中输入sudo spctl --master-disable暂时关闭警告,后续可以在系统选项(System preference) -> 安全 (Security)中还原设置。

通过assetcheck.exe -h可以查看到如下帮助信息

usage: assetcheck.py [-h] [--projectId PROJECTID] [--config CONFIG]

                     [--project PROJECT] [--serverIp SERVERIP]

                     [--uploadServer UPLOADSERVER]

                     [--browseServer BROWSESERVER]

                     [--includePaths INCLUDEPATHS]

                     [--excludePaths EXCLUDEPATHS]

                     [--platform {Android,iOS,PS4}] [--groupReportByAsset]

                     [--groupReportByRule] [--logFile LOGFILE]



asset check tool


positional arguments:


                        Specify action


optional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --projectId PROJECTID

                        Specify project id

  --config CONFIG       Specify configuration file for check rules

  --project PROJECT     Specify project location

  --serverIp SERVERIP   Customized UPR server for uploading and browsing


  --uploadServer UPLOADSERVER

                        Customized UPR server address for uploading analyze


  --browseServer BROWSESERVER

                        Customized UPR server address for browsing visualized


  --includePaths INCLUDEPATHS

                        Specify include paths

  --excludePaths EXCLUDEPATHS

                        Specify exclude paths

  --platform {Android,iOS,PS4}

                        Specify build platform

  --groupReportByAsset  Group reports by asset

  --groupReportByRule   Group reports by rule, default is true

  --logFile LOGFILE     Log file


4. 资源检测

4.1 生成配置文件。

assetcheck.exe generate-config

4.2. 检测Unity工程。

assetcheck.exe --project=<project_path> --projectId=<project_id>



WARNING: No project id provided, report will not be uploaded to upr server  code_analyze_result.json

UPR项目创建方式可参考UPR App 使用手册,步骤2。点击ProjectId可以快速拷贝。

assetcheck.exe code-analyze --project=E:自己项目路径到Asset上层那一个路径即可 --projectId=com.mycompanyname.myprojectname 双引号

assetcheck_result.json  code_analyze_result.json  asset_bundle_analyze_result.json

assetcheck.exe: error: argument action: invalid choice: 'shadervariantscheck' (choose from 'generate-config', 'check', 'fix', 'asset-bundle-redundancy-check', 'abcheck', 'code-analyze')

4.3. 查看检测结果。



4.4 设置待检测资源的路径范围

assetcheck支持通过命令行参数 --includePaths 和 --excludePaths 来控制待检测资源所在的文件夹集合


assetcheck.exe --project="C:\unity\sample201904" --includePaths="Assets"


assetcheck.exe --project="C:\unity\sample201904" --includePaths="Assets" --excludePaths="Assets\Scripts,Assets\Scenes"


assetcheck.exe --project="C:\unity\sample201904"  --excludePaths="Third-party-repo,Assets\Lib"


AssetChecker还支持在config.yaml中对某类别的规则或者某条具体规则设置生效的路径范围,配置的生效优先级为:规则 > 类别 > 项目,高优先级的配置会直接覆盖低优先级

例4:当项目级别(命令行参数)和规则设置中都配置了includePaths或者excludePaths时,对于”Video size limit“这条规则,仅有它自己的路径范围设置生效,即Assets/Video下的除了CGExport外的资源将参与检测;对于所有其他规则,则适用项目级别的配置,即Assets目录下的资源都被跳过

assetcheck.exe --project="C:\unity\sample201904"  --excludePaths="Assets"


- category: Video

  enabled: true

  includePaths: Assets/Included_0,Assets/Included_1

  excludePaths: Assets/Ignored_0,Assets/Ignored_1


  - name: Video size limit

    description: Size of imported video should not over limit, default at 256MB

    includePaths: Assets/Video,Assets/VideoClip

    excludePaths: Assets/Video/CGExport

    enabled: true

    platform: All


      sizeLimit: 256




assetcheck.exe --project="C:\unity\sample201904" --serverIp=""


2020-08-13 15:33:07,407 INFO: Current version is 1.11.0

2020-08-13 15:33:07,408 INFO: {***}

2020-08-13 15:33:07,408 WARNING: No project id provided, report will not be uploaded to upr server

2020-08-13 15:33:07,408 INFO: Upload server set to:

2020-08-13 15:33:07,408 INFO: Browse server set to:



4.6 资源修复

Asset Checker中的部分规则支持直接对检测到缺陷的资源进行修复

在检测完成后,如果发现资源的缺陷是可以自动修复的,Asset Checker会生成fix_report.yaml文件,记录准备执行修复的资源和修复规则
之后,用户需要执行assetcheck.exe fix --project=<project_path>来完成资源修复

现阶段用户可以手动删除fix_report.yaml中的部分条目来控制所要执行的修复范围,后续我们将提供过滤命令或UPR Web中的操作界面优化操作

5. 资源包冗余检测

5.1 检测资源包

assetcheck.exe abcheck --project=<assetbundle_path> --projectId=<project_id>



UPR项目创建方式可参考UPR App 使用手册,步骤2。点击ProjectId可以快速拷贝。

5.2 查看整体检测结果


5.3 查看Asset依赖关系链


5.4 本地解析结果



  "AssetBundleAnalyzeResults": [           // AssetBundleAnalyzeResults中以AssetName和Bundle的组合为主键记录了所有被重复打包的asset相关信息

    {                                      // 例如'Cube'同时进入了'box'和'brick'两个bundle中,

      "AssetName": "Cube",                 // 此列表就会加入(AssetName:=Cube, Bundle:=box)和(AssetName:=Cube, Bundle:=brick)两条记录

      "AssetSize": 302,                    // 此Asset在AssetBundle中被压缩后的大小

      "AssetType": "Mesh",                 // 此Asset的类型 (AssetSize和AssetType与AssetName耦合,因此在多条记录中会重复)

      "Bundle": "box",                     //

      "RefPaths": [                        // 从Asset到Bundle的依赖链,其中的每一个节点代表了一个Asset,

        [25, 21],                          // 其数字ID对应于AssetBundleObjects中的AssetBundleObjectId

        [25, 107, 213]                     // 每一条路径中,结尾节点是用户指定进入Bundle中的Asset,其他是被自动连带进入的Asset

      ]                                    // 注意:如果不关心Asset依赖路径,只希望获取Asset在不同Bundle中的冗余情况,

    },                                     //      则仅解析AssetBundleAnalyzeResults中除去RefPaths的其他字段就可以完成;

    {                                      //      RefPaths需要和下面的AssetBundleObjects列表配合解析

      "AssetName": "Cube",

      "AssetSize": 302,

      "AssetType": "Mesh",

      "Bundle": "brick",

      "RefPaths": [

        [277, 286,303]




      "AssetName": "SwatchYellowAlbedo",

      "AssetSize": 183,

      "AssetType": "Texture2D",

      "Bundle": "box",

      "RefPaths": [

        [79, 80,21],

        [79, 80, 145],

        [79, 80, 126, 213],

        [79, 80, 52, 213]




      "AssetName": "SwatchYellowAlbedo",

      "AssetSize": 183,

      "AssetType": "Texture2D",

      "Bundle": "brick",

      "RefPaths": [

        [287, 288,308],

        [287, 288,278,303]




      "AssetName": "YellowSmooth",

      "AssetSize": 980,

      "AssetType": "Material",

      "Bundle": "box",

      "RefPaths": [

        [80, 21],







      "AssetName": "YellowSmooth",

      "AssetSize": 980,

      "AssetType": "Material",

      "Bundle": "brick",

      "RefPaths": [






  "AssetBundleObjects": [


      "AssetBundleObjectId": 25,

      "AssetName": "Cube",

      "AssetSize": 302,

      "AssetType": "Mesh",

      "BuiltIn": false



      "AssetBundleObjectId": 277,

      "AssetName": "Cube",

      "AssetSize": 302,

      "AssetType": "Mesh",

      "BuiltIn": false



  "Properties": {

    "BinaryVersion": "1.8.2",

    "DuplicatedAssets": "3",

    "DuplicatedBundles": "2",

    "ProcessTime": "1.232",

    "ProjectId": "default_project_id",

    "TotalAssets": "64",

    "TotalBundles": "3"




6.1 检测项目地址

assetcheck.exe code-analyze --project=<project_path> --projectId=<project_id>

6.2 在网页中查看检测结果

Unity FPS Sample




- category: EditorSetting

  enabled: true


  - name: Editor AndroidManagedStrippingLevel Setting

    description: Android设置中的ManagedStrippingLevel选项不应为Low或者Disabled

    enabled: true

    platform: Android

  - name: Editor Physics2D AutoSyncTransforms Setting

    description: 在Physics2D设置中应关闭AutoSyncTransforms

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Editor Physics AutoSyncTransforms Setting

    description: 在Physics设置中应关闭AutoSyncTransforms

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Editor BakeCollisionMeshes Setting

    description: 应设置开启BakeCollisionMeshes

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: CompanyName should be set

    description: 应设置CompanyName

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Editor GraphicsJobs Setting

    description: 应设置开启GraphicsJobs

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Editor AccelerometerFrequency iOS Setting

    description: iOS设置中的AccelerometerFrequency选项应为 Disabled

    enabled: true

    platform: iOS

  - name: Editor Architecture iOS Setting

    description: iOS设置中的Architecture选项不应为Universal

    enabled: true

    platform: iOS

  - name: Editor GraphicsAPIs iOS Setting

    description: 在 iOS 的 GraphicsAPIs 设置里应只包含 Metal

    enabled: true

    platform: iOS

  - name: Editor iOSManagedStrippingLevel Setting

    description: iOS设置中的ManagedStrippingLevel选项不应为Low

    enabled: true

    platform: iOS

  - name: Build Target Icons should be set

    description: 应设置Build Target Icons

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Editor Physics2D LayerCollisionMatrix Setting

    description: 在Physics2D设置中LayerCollisionMatrix中的格子不应该都勾选上

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Editor Physics LayerCollisionMatrix Setting

    description: 在Physics设置中LayerCollisionMatrix中的格子不应该都勾选上

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Project Use Resources Folder

    description: 不建议使用Resources系统来管理asset

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Editor Graphics StandardShaderQuality Setting

    description: StandardShaderQuality选项在所有Graphics Tier中应相同

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Editor StripEngineCode Setting

    description: 应设置开启StripEngineCode

    enabled: true

    platform: All

- category: Animation

  enabled: true


  - name: Animation Precision

    description: 动画曲线精度应小于5

    enabled: true

    platform: All-------

  - name: Animation Scale

    description: 动画不应具有缩放曲线

    enabled: true

    platform: All

- category: Audio

  enabled: true


  - name: Audio Android Compression Format

    description: 检查安卓平台的音频压缩格式

    enabled: true

    platform: Android

  - name: Audio load type

    description: 检查音频加载类型

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Force to Mono

    description: 应为音频资源启用forceMono

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Audio iOS compression format

    description: 检查iOS平台的音频压缩格式

    enabled: true

    platform: iOS

- category: FBX

  enabled: true


  - name: Animation Compression Optimal

    description: 动画资源应该使用最佳压缩方式

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: FBX Read&Write Flag

    description: 应禁用FBX资源的读/写标志

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Mesh OptimizeMesh

    description: 应为网格资源启用OptimizeMesh

    enabled: true

    platform: All

- category: Mesh

  enabled: true


  - name: Mesh Read&Write Flag

    description: 应为网格资源禁用读/写标志

    enabled: true

    platform: All

- category: Prefab

  enabled: true


  - name: Prefab Max Particle Limit

    description: 渲染Mesh的粒子系统不宜设置过高的粒子总数

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Prefab mesh emit rate

    description: 渲染Mesh的粒子系统不宜设置过高的粒子发射速率

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Prefab mesh Read/Write flag

    description: 被预制件关联的网格资源应该关闭读/写标记

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Prefab skinned mesh render

    description: 启用Skinned Motion Vectors将以消耗双倍内存为代价提高蒙皮网格的精度

    enabled: true

    platform: All

- category: Scene

  enabled: true


  - name: Scene Animator AlwaysAnimate

    description: 场景中包含cullingMode为AlwaysAnimate的Animator组件

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Scene Animator ApplyRootMotion

    description: 场景中包含勾选了applyRootMotion选项的Animator组件

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Scene Canvas Component

    description: 包含太多组件的Canvas可能会影响UI刷新的性能

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Scene Mesh Collider

    description: 场景不应包含mesh collider

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Scene Multiple Audio Listeners

    description: 一个场景不应包含多个Audio Listener

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Scene Render Setting

    description: 在移动平台,应在设置里关闭对雾的渲染

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Scene Rigidbody

    description: 场景中的静态GameObject不应关联Rigidbody

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Scene Undefined Tag

    description: 场景中的所有GameObject都应当添加tag

    enabled: true

    platform: All

- category: Script

  enabled: true


  - name: Empty Update Method

    description: MonoBehavior脚本不应具有空的Update方法

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: OnGUI

    description: 由于内存使用率高,不应使用OnGUI方法

    enabled: true

    platform: All

- category: Shader

  enabled: true


  - name: Shader Texture Count

    description: Shader中的纹理个数应小于3

    enabled: true

    platform: All

- category: Texture

  enabled: true


  - name: Texture Android compression format

    description: 检查Android平台的纹理压缩格式

    enabled: true

    platform: Android

  - name: Aniso level is not 1

    description: 纹理资源的Aniso级别不应大于1

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Texture Read&Write Flag

    description: 应禁用纹理资源的读/写标志

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Duplicate textures

    description: 检查重复纹理

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Texture edge transparent

    description: 边缘有较大透明部分的纹理应裁剪以节省内存

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Filter mode

    description: 纹理资源的过滤模式不建议为Trilinear

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Texture iOS compression format

    description: 检查iOS平台的纹理压缩格式

    enabled: true

    platform: iOS

  - name: Mipmap Flag

    description: 未压缩的纹理资源应禁用Mipmap标志

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Texture over size

    description: 检查纹理大小是否大于某个值,默认值为 512*512

    enabled: true

    platform: All


      widthThreshold: 512

      heightThreshold: 512

  - name: Texture pure color

    description: 纯色纹理会浪费内存

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Texture size NPOT

    description: 纹理资源的大小应该是2的幂次

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Sprite fill rate

    description: 检查纹理资源的sprite填充率,默认阈值为0.5,并且只检查sprite类型

    enabled: true

    platform: All


      fillRateThreshold: 0.5

      onlyCheckSprite: true

  - name: Texture useless alpha channel

    description: 如果纹理包含空的alpha通道,则应禁用'Alpha源'标志

    enabled: true

    platform: All

  - name: Texture wrap mode

    description: Repeat Wrap模式可能会导致纹理上出现意外的边缘

    enabled: true

    platform: All

- category: Video

  enabled: true


  - name: Video size limit

    description: 导入的视频文件大小应小于某一限制,默认为256MB

    enabled: true

    platform: All


      sizeLimit: 256





Unity UPR(Unity Performance Reporting) 使用记录 (2)之 Asset check

本文发布于:2024-03-06 05:31:37,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:Performance   UPR   Unity   check   Asset


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