JVM G1源码分析——记忆集(RSet)

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JVM G1<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1770099.html style=源码分析——记忆集(RSet)"/>

JVM G1源码分析——记忆集(RSet)

卡表:一种points-out结构,每个card记载有没有引用别的heap分区,它是全局表,对于一些热点card,会放入Hot card cache,它也是全局表;

记忆集RSet是一种抽象概念,记录对象在不同代际之间的引用关系,目的是为了加速垃圾回收的速度。JVM使用根对象引用的收集算法,即从根集合出发,标记所有存活的对象,然后遍历对象的每一个字段继续标记,直到所有的对象标记完毕。在分代GC中,我们知道新生代和老生代处于不同的收集阶段,如果还是按照这样的标记方法,既不合理也没必要。假设我们只收集新生代,我们把老生代全部标记,但是并没有收集老生代,浪费了时间。同理,在收集老生代时有同样的问题。当且仅当,我们要进行Full GC才需要做全部标记。所以算法设计者做了这样的设计,用一个RSet记录从非收集部分指向收集部分的指针的集合,而这个集合描述对象的引用关系。





通常有两种方法记录引用关系,第一成为Point Out,第二是Point in。如ObjA.Field=ObjB,对于Point out来说在ObjA的RSet中记录ObjB的地址,对于Point in来说在ObjB的RSet中记录ObjA的地方,这相当于一种反向引用。这两者的区别在于处理有所不同,Point Out记录操作简单,但是需要对RSet做全部扫描;Point In记录操作复杂,但是在标记扫描时直接可以找到有用和无用的对象,不需要额外的扫描,因为RSet里面的对象可以认为就是根对象。

在G1中提供了3种收集算法。新生代回收、混合回收和Full GC。新生代回收总是收集所有新生代分区,混合回收会收集所有的新生代分区以及部分老生代分区,而Full GC则是对所有的分区处理。根据这个思路,我们首先分析一些不同分区之间的RSet应该如何设计。分区之间的引用关系可以归纳为:

  • 分区内部有引用关系。
  • 新生代分区到新生代分区之间有引用关系。
  • 新生代分区到老生代分区之间有引用关系。
  • 老生代分区到新生代分区之间有引用关系。
  • 老生代分区到老生代分区之间有引用关系。


  • 需要额外内存空间;这一部分通常是JVM最大的额外开销,一般在1%~20%之间。
  • 可能导致浮动垃圾;由于根据RSet回收,而RSet里面的对象可能已经死亡,这个时候被引用对象会被认为是活跃对象,实质上它是浮动垃圾。


  • 分区内部有引用关系,无论是新生代分区还是老生代分区内部的引用,都无需记录引用关系,因为回收的时候是针对一个分区而言,即这个分区要么被回收要么不回收,回收的时候会遍历整个分区,所以无需记录这种额外的引用关系。
  • 新生代分区到新生代分区之间有引用关系,这个无需记录,原因在于G1的这3中回收算法都会全量处理新生代分区,所以它们都会被遍历,所以无需记录新生代到新生代之间的引用。
  • 新生代分区到老生代分区之间有引用关系,这个无需记录,对于G1中YGC针对的新生代分区,无需这个引用关系,混合GC发生的时候,G1会使用新生代分区作为根,那么遍历新生代分区的时候自然能找到老生代分区,所以也无需这个引用,对于FGC来说更无需这个引用关系,所有的分区都会被处理。
  • 老生代分区到新生代分区之间有引用关系,这个需要记录,在YGC的时候有两种根,一个就是栈空间/全局空间变量的引用,另外一个就是老生代分区到新生代分区的引用。
  • 老生代分区到老生代分区之间有引用关系,这个需要记录,在混合GC的时候可能只有部分分区被回收,所以必须记录引用关系,快速找到哪些对象是活跃的。



在这里需要注意一点。卡表是一个全局表,这个卡表的作用并不是记录引用关系,而是记录该区域中对象垃圾回收过程中的状态信息,且能描述对象所处的内存区域块,它能快速描述内存的使用情况,卡表在后文中还会有涉及。RSet里面有足够的信息定位到引用对象所在分区的块中,下面将详细介绍RSet。在G1回收器里面,使用了Point In的方法。算法可以简化为找到需要收集的分区HeapRegion集合,所以YGC扫描Root Set和RSet就可以了。

在G1回收器里面,使用了Point In的方法。算法可以简化为找到需要收集的分区HeapRegion集合,所以YGC扫描Root Set和RSet就可以了。在线程运行过程中,如果对象的引用发生了变化(通常就是赋值操作),就必须要通知RSet,更改其中的记录,但对于一个分区来说,里面的对象有可能被很多分区所引用,这就要求这个分区记录所有引用者的信息。为此G1回收器使用了一种新的数据结构PRT(Per region Table)来记录这种变化。每个HeapRegion都包含了一个PRT,它是通过HeapRegion里面的一个结构HeapRegionRemSet获得,而HeapRegionRemSet包含了一个OtherRegionsTable,也就是我们所说的PRT,代码如下所示:

src\share\vm\gc_implementation\g1\heapRegion.hppclass HeapRegion: public G1OffsetTableContigSpace {friend class VMStructs;private:// The remembered set for this region.// (Might want to make this "inline" later, to avoid some alloc failure// issues.)HeapRegionRemSet* _rem_set;…………………………………………
src\share\vm\gc_implementation\g1\heapRegionRemSet.hppclass HeapRegionRemSet : public CHeapObj<mtGC> {friend class VMStructs;friend class HeapRegionRemSetIterator;public:enum Event {Event_EvacStart, Event_EvacEnd, Event_RSUpdateEnd, Event_illegal};private:G1BlockOffsetSharedArray* _bosa;G1BlockOffsetSharedArray* bosa() const { return _bosa; }// A set of code blobs (nmethods) whose code contains pointers into// the region that owns this RSet.G1CodeRootSet _code_roots;Mutex _m;OtherRegionsTable _other_regions;enum ParIterState { Unclaimed, Claimed, Complete };volatile ParIterState _iter_state;volatile jlong _iter_claimed;// Unused unless G1RecordHRRSOops is true.static const int MaxRecorded = 1000000;static OopOrNarrowOopStar* _recorded_oops;static HeapWord**          _recorded_cards;static HeapRegion**        _recorded_regions;static int                 _n_recorded;static const int MaxRecordedEvents = 1000;static Event*       _recorded_events;static int*         _recorded_event_index;static int          _n_recorded_events;…………………………………………………………
src\share\vm\gc_implementation\g1\heapRegionRemSet.hpp// The "_coarse_map" is a bitmap with one bit for each region, where set
// bits indicate that the corresponding region may contain some pointer
// into the owning region.// The "_fine_grain_entries" array is an open hash table of PerRegionTables
// (PRTs), indicating regions for which we're keeping the RS as a set of
// cards.  The strategy is to cap the size of the fine-grain table,
// deleting an entry and setting the corresponding coarse-grained bit when
// we would overflow this cap.// We use a mixture of locking and lock-free techniques here.  We allow
// threads to locate PRTs without locking, but threads attempting to alter
// a bucket list obtain a lock.  This means that any failing attempt to
// find a PRT must be retried with the lock.  It might seem dangerous that
// a read can find a PRT that is concurrently deleted.  This is all right,
// because:
//   1) We only actually free PRT's at safe points (though we reuse them at
//      other times).
//   2) We find PRT's in an attempt to add entries.  If a PRT is deleted,
//      it's _coarse_map bit is set, so the that we were attempting to add
//      is represented.  If a deleted PRT is re-used, a thread adding a bit,
//      thinking the PRT is for a different region, does no harm.class OtherRegionsTable VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {friend class HeapRegionRemSetIterator;G1CollectedHeap* _g1h;Mutex*           _m;HeapRegion*      _hr;// These are protected by "_m".BitMap      _coarse_map;size_t      _n_coarse_entries;static jint _n_coarsenings;PerRegionTable** _fine_grain_regions;size_t           _n_fine_entries;// The fine grain remembered sets are doubly linked together using// their 'next' and 'prev' fields.// This allows fast bulk freeing of all the fine grain remembered// set entries, and fast finding of all of them without iterating// over the _fine_grain_regions table.PerRegionTable * _first_all_fine_prts;PerRegionTable * _last_all_fine_prts;// Used to sample a subset of the fine grain PRTs to determine which// PRT to evict and coarsen.size_t        _fine_eviction_start;static size_t _fine_eviction_stride;static size_t _fine_eviction_sample_size;SparsePRT   _sparse_table;// These are static after init.static size_t _max_fine_entries;static size_t _mod_max_fine_entries_mask;// Requires "prt" to be the first element of the bucket list appropriate// for "hr".  If this list contains an entry for "hr", return it,// otherwise return "NULL".PerRegionTable* find_region_table(size_t ind, HeapRegion* hr) const;// Find, delete, and return a candidate PerRegionTable, if any exists,// adding the deleted region to the coarse bitmap.  Requires the caller// to hold _m, and the fine-grain table to be full.PerRegionTable* delete_region_table();// If a PRT for "hr" is in the bucket list indicated by "ind" (which must// be the correct index for "hr"), delete it and return true; else return// false.bool del_single_region_table(size_t ind, HeapRegion* hr);// link/add the given fine grain remembered set into the "all" listvoid link_to_all(PerRegionTable * prt);// unlink/remove the given fine grain remembered set into the "all" listvoid unlink_from_all(PerRegionTable * prt);public:OtherRegionsTable(HeapRegion* hr, Mutex* m);HeapRegion* hr() const { return _hr; }// For now.  Could "expand" some tables in the future, so that this made// sense.void add_reference(OopOrNarrowOopStar from, int tid);// Returns whether this remembered set (and all sub-sets) have an occupancy// that is less or equal than the given occupancy.bool occupancy_less_or_equal_than(size_t limit) const;// Removes any entries shown by the given bitmaps to contain only dead// objects.void scrub(CardTableModRefBS* ctbs, BitMap* region_bm, BitMap* card_bm);// Returns whether this remembered set (and all sub-sets) contain no entries.bool is_empty() const;size_t occupied() const;size_t occ_fine() const;size_t occ_coarse() const;size_t occ_sparse() const;static jint n_coarsenings() { return _n_coarsenings; }// Returns size in bytes.// Not const because it takes a lock.size_t mem_size() const;static size_t static_mem_size();static size_t fl_mem_size();bool contains_reference(OopOrNarrowOopStar from) const;bool contains_reference_locked(OopOrNarrowOopStar from) const;void clear();// Specifically clear the from_card_cache.void clear_fcc();void do_cleanup_work(HRRSCleanupTask* hrrs_cleanup_task);// Declare the heap size (in # of regions) to the OtherRegionsTable.// (Uses it to initialize from_card_cache).static void initialize(uint max_regions);// Declares that regions between start_idx <= i < start_idx + num_regions are// not in use. Make sure that any entries for these regions are invalid.static void invalidate(uint start_idx, size_t num_regions);static void print_from_card_cache();


原因是前面提到的Point In的缺点,一个对象可能被引用的次数不固定。引用的次数可能很多也可能很少,为了提高效率,才用了动态化的数据结构存储。主要有以下三种粒度:

  • 稀疏PRT:通过哈希表方式来存储。默认长度为4。
  • 细粒度PRT:通过PRT指针的指针,所以可以简单地理解为PRT指针的数组。其数组长度可以指定也可以自动计算得到。
  • 粗粒度:通过位图来指示,每一位表示对应的分区有引用到该分区数据结构。


src\share\vm\gc_implementation\g1\heapRegionRemSet.cpp// 添加引用者对象对应的卡表地址到RSet中
void OtherRegionsTable::add_reference(OopOrNarrowOopStar from, int tid) {uint cur_hrm_ind = hr()->hrm_index();if (G1TraceHeapRegionRememberedSet) {gclog_or_tty->print_cr("ORT::add_reference_work(" PTR_FORMAT "->" PTR_FORMAT ").",from,UseCompressedOops? (void *)oopDesc::load_decode_heap_oop((narrowOop*)from): (void *)oopDesc::load_decode_heap_oop((oop*)from));}int from_card = (int)(uintptr_t(from) >> CardTableModRefBS::card_shift);if (G1TraceHeapRegionRememberedSet) {gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Table for [" PTR_FORMAT "...): card %d (cache = "INT32_FORMAT")",hr()->bottom(), from_card,FromCardCache::at((uint)tid, cur_hrm_ind));}// 提高处理效率,使用卡表缓存,缓存中有表示已处理if (FromCardCache::contains_or_replace((uint)tid, cur_hrm_ind, from_card)) {if (G1TraceHeapRegionRememberedSet) {gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  from-card cache hit.");}assert(contains_reference(from), "We just added it!");return;}// Note that this may be a continued H region.HeapRegion* from_hr = _g1h->heap_region_containing_raw(from);RegionIdx_t from_hrm_ind = (RegionIdx_t) from_hr->hrm_index();// If the region is already coarsened, return.//如果Rset中已经是粗粒度关系,也就是说RSet中记录是对应的分区,直接返回if (_coarse_map.at(from_hrm_ind)) {if (G1TraceHeapRegionRememberedSet) {gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  coarse map hit.");}assert(contains_reference(from), "We just added it!");return;}// Otherwise find a per-region table to add it to.// 添加RPT引用关系到RSet中size_t ind = from_hrm_ind & _mod_max_fine_entries_mask;PerRegionTable* prt = find_region_table(ind, from_hr);if (prt == NULL) {//加锁,多线程访问MutexLockerEx x(_m, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);// Confirm that it's really not there...prt = find_region_table(ind, from_hr);if (prt == NULL) {//使用稀疏矩阵存储uintptr_t from_hr_bot_card_index =uintptr_t(from_hr->bottom())>> CardTableModRefBS::card_shift;CardIdx_t card_index = from_card - from_hr_bot_card_index;assert(0 <= card_index && (size_t)card_index < HeapRegion::CardsPerRegion,"Must be in range.");if (G1HRRSUseSparseTable &&_sparse_table.add_card(from_hrm_ind, card_index)) {if (G1RecordHRRSOops) {HeapRegionRemSet::record(hr(), from);if (G1TraceHeapRegionRememberedSet) {gclog_or_tty->print("   Added card " PTR_FORMAT " to region ""[" PTR_FORMAT "...) for ref " PTR_FORMAT ".\n",align_size_down(uintptr_t(from),CardTableModRefBS::card_size),hr()->bottom(), from);}}if (G1TraceHeapRegionRememberedSet) {gclog_or_tty->print_cr("   added card to sparse table.");}assert(contains_reference_locked(from), "We just added it!");return;} else {if (G1TraceHeapRegionRememberedSet) {gclog_or_tty->print_cr("   [tid %d] sparse table entry ""overflow(f: %d, t: %u)",tid, from_hrm_ind, cur_hrm_ind);}}// 细粒度卡表满了,删除PRT并放入粗粒度卡表if (_n_fine_entries == _max_fine_entries) {prt = delete_region_table();// There is no need to clear the links to the 'all' list here:// prt will be reused immediately, i.e. remain in the 'all' list.prt->init(from_hr, false /* clear_links_to_all_list */);} else {//稀疏矩阵满了,需要再分配一个细粒度prt = PerRegionTable::alloc(from_hr);link_to_all(prt);}//把稀疏矩阵的数据迁移到细粒度卡表中,成功后删除稀疏矩阵PerRegionTable* first_prt = _fine_grain_regions[ind];prt->set_collision_list_next(first_prt);_fine_grain_regions[ind] = prt;_n_fine_entries++;if (G1HRRSUseSparseTable) {// Transfer from sparse to fine-grain.SparsePRTEntry *sprt_entry = _sparse_table.get_entry(from_hrm_ind);assert(sprt_entry != NULL, "There should have been an entry");for (int i = 0; i < SparsePRTEntry::cards_num(); i++) {CardIdx_t c = sprt_entry->card(i);if (c != SparsePRTEntry::NullEntry) {prt->add_card(c);}}// Now we can delete the sparse entry.bool res = _sparse_table.delete_entry(from_hrm_ind);assert(res, "It should have been there.");}}assert(prt != NULL && prt->hr() == from_hr, "consequence");}//添加引用prt->add_reference(from);if (G1RecordHRRSOops) {HeapRegionRemSet::record(hr(), from);if (G1TraceHeapRegionRememberedSet) {gclog_or_tty->print("Added card " PTR_FORMAT " to region ""[" PTR_FORMAT "...) for ref " PTR_FORMAT ".\n",align_size_down(uintptr_t(from),CardTableModRefBS::card_size),hr()->bottom(), from);}}assert(contains_reference(from), "We just added it!");


hotspot/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/heapRegionRemSet.cppvoid PerRegionTable::add_reference_work(OopOrNarrowOopStar from, bool par) {HeapRegion* loc_hr = hr();if (loc_hr->is_in_reserved_raw(from)) {size_t hw_offset = pointer_delta((HeapWord*)from, loc_hr->bottom());CardIdx_t from_card = (CardIdx_t)  hw_offset >> (CardTableModRefBS::card_shift - LogHeapWordSize);add_card_work(from_card, par);}
}void PerRegionTable::add_card_work(CardIdx_t from_card, bool par) {if (!_bm.at(from_card)) {if (par) {if (_bm.par_at_put(from_card, 1)) {Atomic::inc(&_occupied);}} else {_bm.at_put(from_card, 1);_occupied++;}}


// The FromCardCache remembers the most recently processed card on the heap on
// a per-region and per-thread basis.
class FromCardCache : public AllStatic {private:// Array of card indices. Indexed by thread X and heap region to minimize// thread contention.static int** _cache;static uint _max_regions;static size_t _static_mem_size;public:enum {InvalidCard = -1 // Card value of an invalid card, i.e. a card index not otherwise used.};static void clear(uint region_idx);// Returns true if the given card is in the cache at the given location, or// replaces the card at that location and returns false.static bool contains_or_replace(uint worker_id, uint region_idx, int card) {int card_in_cache = at(worker_id, region_idx);if (card_in_cache == card) {return true;} else {set(worker_id, region_idx, card);return false;}}static int at(uint worker_id, uint region_idx) {return _cache[worker_id][region_idx];}static void set(uint worker_id, uint region_idx, int val) {_cache[worker_id][region_idx] = val;}static void initialize(uint n_par_rs, uint max_num_regions);static void invalidate(uint start_idx, size_t num_regions);static void print(outputStream* out = gclog_or_tty) PRODUCT_RETURN;static size_t static_mem_size() {return _static_mem_size;}
};int**  FromCardCache::_cache = NULL;
uint   FromCardCache::_max_regions = 0;
size_t FromCardCache::_static_mem_size = 0;void FromCardCache::initialize(uint n_par_rs, uint max_num_regions) {guarantee(_cache == NULL, "Should not call this multiple times");_max_regions = max_num_regions;_cache = Padded2DArray<int, mtGC>::create_unfreeable(n_par_rs,_max_regions,&_static_mem_size);invalidate(0, _max_regions);
}void FromCardCache::invalidate(uint start_idx, size_t new_num_regions) {guarantee((size_t)start_idx + new_num_regions <= max_uintx,err_msg("Trying to invalidate beyond maximum region, from %u size " SIZE_FORMAT,start_idx, new_num_regions));for (uint i = 0; i < HeapRegionRemSet::num_par_rem_sets(); i++) {uint end_idx = (start_idx + (uint)new_num_regions);assert(end_idx <= _max_regions, "Must be within max.");for (uint j = start_idx; j < end_idx; j++) {set(i, j, InvalidCard);}}
}void FromCardCache::clear(uint region_idx) {uint num_par_remsets = HeapRegionRemSet::num_par_rem_sets();for (uint i = 0; i < num_par_remsets; i++) {set(i, region_idx, InvalidCard);}


JVM G1源码分析——记忆集(RSet)

本文发布于:2024-03-06 02:32:59,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:源码   记忆   JVM   RSet


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