
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-11 21:27:04

利用pgbackrest实现postgresql<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1768193.html style=备份还原"/>



pgBackRest旨在提供一个简单可靠,容易纵向扩展的PostgreSQL备份恢复系统。pgBackRest并不依赖像tar和rsync这样的传统备份工具,而是通过在内部实现所有备份功能,并使用自定义协议来与远程系统进行通信。 消除对tar和rsync的依赖可以更好地解决特定于数据库的备份问题。 自定义远程协议提供了更多的灵活性,并限制执行备份所需的连接类型,从而提高安全性。


pgBackRest Github主页:


10.并行,异步WAL Push&Get
13.与PostgreSQL > = 8.3的兼容性



DB: PostgreSQL 14.7
OS: CentOS 7.9


yum -y install libxml2 libxml2-devel lz4 lz4-devel make gcc openssl openssl-devel libyaml libyaml-devel
source /home/postgres/.bash_profile
unzip pgbackrest-release-2.48.zip
cd pgbackrest-release-2.48/src/
make install


[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest
pgBackRest 2.48 - General helpUsage:pgbackrest [options] [command]Commands:annotate        Add or modify backup annotation.archive-get     Get a WAL segment from the archive.archive-push    Push a WAL segment to the archive.backup          Backup a database cluster.check           Check the configuration.expire          Expire backups that exceed retention.help            Get help.info            Retrieve information about backups.repo-get        Get a file from a repository.repo-ls         List files in a repository.restore         Restore a database cluster.server          pgBackRest server.server-ping     Ping pgBackRest server.stanza-create   Create the required stanza data.stanza-delete   Delete a stanza.stanza-upgrade  Upgrade a stanza.start           Allow pgBackRest processes to run.stop            Stop pgBackRest processes from running.verify          Verify contents of the repository.version         Get version.Use 'pgbackrest help [command]' for more information.
[postgres@du101 ~]$ 



mkdir /data/backup
chown postgres:postgres /data/backup
chmod 750 /data/backup配置文件目录:
mkdir -p /etc/pgbackrest
mkdir -p /etc/pgbackrest/conf.d
touch /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf
chmod 640 /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf
chown postgres:postgres /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.confpgbackrest日志目录:
mkdir -p -m 770 /var/log/pgbackrest
chown postgres:postgres /var/log/pgbackrest


[postgres@du101 ~]$ cat /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf   
[postgres@du101 ~]$ 

start-fast:By default pgBackRest will wait for the next regularly scheduled checkpoint before starting a backup. Depending on the checkpoint_timeout and checkpoint_segments settings in PostgreSQL it may be quite some time before a checkpoint completes and the backup can begin. Generally, it is best to set start-fast=y so that the backup starts immediately. This forces a checkpoint, but since backups are usually run once a day an additional checkpoint should not have a noticeable impact on performance. However, on very busy clusters it may be best to pass --start-fast on the command-line as needed.

process-max:pgBackRest offers parallel processing to improve performance of compression and transfer. The number of processes to be used for this feature is set using the --process-max option.



1 本地数据库节点,不能带有pg-host 这是为远程控制节点而设置的,不是本地的配置
2 本地配置了错误的远程控制的配置后,就会出现上面的错误。
3 本地备份的账号尽力单独设置,在pg_hba.conf 对这个账号访问数据库尽力trust 。


设置pgbackrest 命令执行的位置






最小在16kb,默认这部分主要使用在文件的copy 压缩,加密,以及其他的操作中使用的缓冲
Allowed values are 16KiB, 32KiB, 64KiB, 128KiB, 256KiB, 512KiB, 1MiB, 2MiB, 4MiB, 8MiB, and 16MiB


备份文件的压缩中份不同的等级,其中支持的压缩 bz2 9 个等级 gz 6个等级 LZ4 默认等级 zst 3个等级,这里我们选择常用的gz 并且选择了3这个等级



**dry-run **

这里由于pgbackrest里面的备份存储设备可以是S3 或其他设备,则这里需要针对IO读取设置超时的部分范围在 0.1 - 3600 秒

是否采用更多的线程来对数据库的工作进行操作,这里默认是1 ,不要设置太大,太大会在备份是影响数据库的运行。

这个repo1-retention-full=2是必须要进行设置的,不设置的情况下会软件会给出警告,在设置后相关的repo1-retention-full 中的与之相关的其他的增量和差异备份,也会在过期后被清理出去。




vi /data/pgdata/postgresql.conf 
archive_command = 'pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql archive-push %p'
archive_mode = on


[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql --log-level-console=info check
2023-10-24 08:58:33.782 P00   INFO: check command begin 2.48: --exec-id=2836-f2a672fb --log-level-console=info --pg1-path=/data/pgdata --pg1-port=1921 --pg1-user=postgres --repo1-path=/data/backup --stanza=pgsql
2023-10-24 08:58:34.482 P00   INFO: check repo1 configuration (primary)
2023-10-24 08:58:34.897 P00   INFO: check repo1 archive for WAL (primary)
2023-10-24 08:58:35.200 P00   INFO: WAL segment 000000010000000000000001 successfully archived to '/data/backup/archive/pgsql/14-1/0000000100000000/000000010000000000000001-ff4f9f7bcf35eb908754f7e54cbd0d9a072b8a4a.gz' on repo1
2023-10-24 08:58:35.201 P00   INFO: check command end: completed successfully (1419ms)
[postgres@du101 ~]$ 

创建 Stanza

[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql --log-level-console=info stanza-create
2023-10-24 08:57:34.334 P00   INFO: stanza-create command begin 2.48: --exec-id=2807-77b81216 --log-level-console=info --pg1-path=/data/pgdata --pg1-port=1921 --pg1-user=postgres --repo1-path=/data/backup --stanza=pgsql
2023-10-24 08:57:35.288 P00   INFO: stanza-create for stanza 'pgsql' on repo1
2023-10-24 08:57:35.345 P00   INFO: stanza-create command end: completed successfully (1011ms)
[postgres@du101 ~]$ tree /data/backup/
|-- archive
|   `-- pgsql
|       |-- archive.info
|       `-- archive.info.copy
`-- backup`-- pgsql|-- backup.info`-- backup.info.copy4 directories, 4 files
[postgres@du101 ~]$ 


全量备份: pgBackRest将整个数据库集群的内容拷贝到备份中。数据库集群的第一次备份始终是完全备份。pgBackRest始终能够直接恢复全量备份。为了保持一致性,完全备份不依赖于完全备份之外的任何文件。
差异备份: pgBackRest只复制自上次全量备份以来发生变化的数据库集群文件。pgBackRest通过复制所选差异备份中的所有文件和先前完整备份中适当的未更改文件来恢复差异备份。差异备份的优点是它比完全备份需要更少的磁盘空间,但是,要恢复差异备份,差异备份和完全备份必须都是有效的。
增量备份: pgBackRest只复制自上次备份(可以是另一次增量备份、差异备份或完全备份)以来发生变化的数据库集群文件。由于增量备份只包括自上次备份以来更改的文件,因此它们通常比完整备份或差异备份小得多。与差异备份一样,增量备份依赖于其他备份才能有效地恢复增量备份。由于增量备份只包括上次备份以来的那些文件,因此,要执行增量备份的恢复,必须对返回到先前差异备份、先前差异备份和先前完全备份的所有先前增量备份都有效。如果不存在差异备份,则所有先前的增量备份都将返回到先前的完整备份(必须存在),并且完整备份本身必须有效才能恢复增量备份。


[postgres@du101 ~]$ psql
psql (14.7)
Type "help" for help.postgres=# create table t(id int);
postgres=# insert into t select generate_series(1,100000);   
INSERT 0 100000
postgres=# checkpoint;
postgres=# \q
[postgres@du101 ~]$ [postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql --log-level-console=info --type=full backup
2023-10-24 08:59:15.046 P00   INFO: backup command begin 2.48: --exec-id=2841-44c88dc2 --log-level-console=info --pg1-path=/data/pgdata --pg1-port=1921 --pg1-user=postgres --process-max=2 --repo1-path=/data/backup --repo1-retention-full=2 --stanza=pgsql --start-fast --type=full
2023-10-24 08:59:15.969 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive backup start: backup begins after the requested immediate checkpoint completes
2023-10-24 08:59:16.471 P00   INFO: backup start archive = 000000010000000000000003, lsn = 0/3000028
2023-10-24 08:59:16.471 P00   INFO: check archive for prior segment 000000010000000000000002
WARN: exclude special file '/data/pgdata/.s.PGSQL.1921' from backup
2023-10-24 08:59:22.315 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive backup stop and wait for all WAL segments to archive
2023-10-24 08:59:22.722 P00   INFO: backup stop archive = 000000010000000000000003, lsn = 0/3000138
2023-10-24 08:59:22.731 P00   INFO: check archive for segment(s) 000000010000000000000003:000000010000000000000003
2023-10-24 08:59:22.797 P00   INFO: new backup label = 20231024-085915F
2023-10-24 08:59:22.873 P00   INFO: full backup size = 28.7MB, file total = 957
2023-10-24 08:59:22.873 P00   INFO: backup command end: completed successfully (7828ms)
2023-10-24 08:59:22.873 P00   INFO: expire command begin 2.48: --exec-id=2841-44c88dc2 --log-level-console=info --repo1-path=/data/backup --repo1-retention-full=2 --stanza=pgsql
2023-10-24 08:59:22.883 P00   INFO: expire command end: completed successfully (10ms)
[postgres@du101 ~]$[postgres@du101 ~]$ ll /data/backup/backup/pgsql/
total 8.0K
drwxr-x--- 3 postgres postgres   72 Oct 24 08:59 20231024-085915F
drwxr-x--- 3 postgres postgres   18 Oct 24 08:59 backup.history
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 1.1K Oct 24 08:59 backup.info
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 1.1K Oct 24 08:59 backup.info.copy
lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres postgres   16 Oct 24 08:59 latest -> 20231024-085915F
[postgres@du101 ~]$ 


[postgres@du101 ~]$ psql -c "insert into t select generate_series(1,100);checkpoint;"
[postgres@du101 ~]$ psql -c "select count(*) from t;"                                count  
(1 row)[postgres@du101 ~]$ 
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql --log-level-console=info --type=diff backup
2023-10-24 09:01:21.166 P00   INFO: backup command begin 2.48: --exec-id=2876-e5c4d427 --log-level-console=info --pg1-path=/data/pgdata --pg1-port=1921 --pg1-user=postgres --process-max=2 --repo1-path=/data/backup --repo1-retention-full=2 --stanza=pgsql --start-fast --type=diff
2023-10-24 09:01:21.965 P00   INFO: last backup label = 20231024-085915F, version = 2.48
2023-10-24 09:01:21.966 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive backup start: backup begins after the requested immediate checkpoint completes
2023-10-24 09:01:23.144 P00   INFO: backup start archive = 000000010000000000000005, lsn = 0/5000028
2023-10-24 09:01:23.144 P00   INFO: check archive for prior segment 000000010000000000000004
WARN: exclude special file '/data/pgdata/.s.PGSQL.1921' from backup
2023-10-24 09:01:24.818 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive backup stop and wait for all WAL segments to archive
2023-10-24 09:01:25.020 P00   INFO: backup stop archive = 000000010000000000000005, lsn = 0/5000138
2023-10-24 09:01:25.026 P00   INFO: check archive for segment(s) 000000010000000000000005:000000010000000000000005
2023-10-24 09:01:25.061 P00   INFO: new backup label = 20231024-085915F_20231024-090121D
2023-10-24 09:01:25.136 P00   INFO: diff backup size = 3.8MB, file total = 958
2023-10-24 09:01:25.136 P00   INFO: backup command end: completed successfully (3971ms)
2023-10-24 09:01:25.136 P00   INFO: expire command begin 2.48: --exec-id=2876-e5c4d427 --log-level-console=info --repo1-path=/data/backup --repo1-retention-full=2 --stanza=pgsql
2023-10-24 09:01:25.145 P00   INFO: expire command end: completed successfully (9ms)
[postgres@du101 ~]$ ll /data/backup/backup/pgsql/                                        
total 8.0K
drwxr-x--- 3 postgres postgres   72 Oct 24 08:59 20231024-085915F
drwxr-x--- 3 postgres postgres   72 Oct 24 09:01 20231024-085915F_20231024-090121D
drwxr-x--- 3 postgres postgres   18 Oct 24 08:59 backup.history
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 1.8K Oct 24 09:01 backup.info
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 1.8K Oct 24 09:01 backup.info.copy
lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres postgres   33 Oct 24 09:01 latest -> 20231024-085915F_20231024-090121D
[postgres@du101 ~]$ 


postgres@du101 ~]$ psql -c "insert into t select generate_series(1,100);checkpoint;"    
[postgres@du101 ~]$ psql -c "select count(*) from t;"                                    count  
(1 row)[postgres@du101 ~]$ --第一次增量备份
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql --log-level-console=info --type=incr backup
2023-10-24 09:04:49.582 P00   INFO: backup command begin 2.48: --exec-id=2896-3eb7685d --log-level-console=info --pg1-path=/data/pgdata --pg1-port=1921 --pg1-user=postgres --process-max=2 --repo1-path=/data/backup --repo1-retention-full=2 --stanza=pgsql --start-fast --type=incr
2023-10-24 09:04:50.404 P00   INFO: last backup label = 20231024-085915F_20231024-090121D, version = 2.48
2023-10-24 09:04:50.404 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive backup start: backup begins after the requested immediate checkpoint completes
2023-10-24 09:04:51.508 P00   INFO: backup start archive = 000000010000000000000007, lsn = 0/7000028
2023-10-24 09:04:51.508 P00   INFO: check archive for prior segment 000000010000000000000006
WARN: exclude special file '/data/pgdata/.s.PGSQL.1921' from backup
2023-10-24 09:04:53.159 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive backup stop and wait for all WAL segments to archive
2023-10-24 09:04:53.374 P00   INFO: backup stop archive = 000000010000000000000007, lsn = 0/7000100
2023-10-24 09:04:53.380 P00   INFO: check archive for segment(s) 000000010000000000000007:000000010000000000000007
2023-10-24 09:04:53.406 P00   INFO: new backup label = 20231024-085915F_20231024-090450I
2023-10-24 09:04:53.466 P00   INFO: incr backup size = 3.5MB, file total = 958
2023-10-24 09:04:53.466 P00   INFO: backup command end: completed successfully (3885ms)
2023-10-24 09:04:53.466 P00   INFO: expire command begin 2.48: --exec-id=2896-3eb7685d --log-level-console=info --repo1-path=/data/backup --repo1-retention-full=2 --stanza=pgsql
2023-10-24 09:04:53.474 P00   INFO: expire command end: completed successfully (8ms)
[postgres@du101 ~]$ ll /data/backup/backup/pgsql/                                        
total 8.0K
drwxr-x--- 3 postgres postgres   72 Oct 24 08:59 20231024-085915F
drwxr-x--- 3 postgres postgres   72 Oct 24 09:01 20231024-085915F_20231024-090121D
drwxr-x--- 3 postgres postgres   72 Oct 24 09:04 20231024-085915F_20231024-090450I
drwxr-x--- 3 postgres postgres   18 Oct 24 08:59 backup.history
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 2.6K Oct 24 09:04 backup.info
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 2.6K Oct 24 09:04 backup.info.copy
lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres postgres   33 Oct 24 09:04 latest -> 20231024-085915F_20231024-090450I
[postgres@du101 ~]$ [postgres@du101 ~]$ psql -c "insert into t select generate_series(1,100);checkpoint;"
[postgres@du101 ~]$ psql -c "select count(*) from t;"                                        count  
(1 ro
[postgres@du101 ~]$ --第二次增量备份
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql --log-level-console=info --type=incr backup 
2023-10-24 09:05:38.510 P00   INFO: backup command begin 2.48: --exec-id=2909-47344759 --log-level-console=info --pg1-path=/data/pgdata --pg1-port=1921 --pg1-user=postgres --process-max=2 --repo1-path=/data/backup --repo1-retention-full=2 --stanza=pgsql --start-fast --type=incr
2023-10-24 09:05:39.293 P00   INFO: last backup label = 20231024-085915F_20231024-090450I, version = 2.48
2023-10-24 09:05:39.293 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive backup start: backup begins after the requested immediate checkpoint completes
2023-10-24 09:05:40.019 P00   INFO: backup start archive = 000000010000000000000009, lsn = 0/9000028
2023-10-24 09:05:40.020 P00   INFO: check archive for prior segment 000000010000000000000008
WARN: exclude special file '/data/pgdata/.s.PGSQL.1921' from backup
2023-10-24 09:05:41.963 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive backup stop and wait for all WAL segments to archive
2023-10-24 09:05:42.490 P00   INFO: backup stop archive = 000000010000000000000009, lsn = 0/9000100
2023-10-24 09:05:42.500 P00   INFO: check archive for segment(s) 000000010000000000000009:000000010000000000000009
2023-10-24 09:05:42.534 P00   INFO: new backup label = 20231024-085915F_20231024-090539I
2023-10-24 09:05:42.593 P00   INFO: incr backup size = 3.5MB, file total = 958
2023-10-24 09:05:42.593 P00   INFO: backup command end: completed successfully (4083ms)
2023-10-24 09:05:42.593 P00   INFO: expire command begin 2.48: --exec-id=2909-47344759 --log-level-console=info --repo1-path=/data/backup --repo1-retention-full=2 --stanza=pgsql
2023-10-24 09:05:42.601 P00   INFO: expire command end: completed successfully (8ms)
[postgres@du101 ~]$ ll /data/backup/backup/pgsql/                                            
total 8.0K
drwxr-x--- 3 postgres postgres   72 Oct 24 08:59 20231024-085915F
drwxr-x--- 3 postgres postgres   72 Oct 24 09:01 20231024-085915F_20231024-090121D
drwxr-x--- 3 postgres postgres   72 Oct 24 09:04 20231024-085915F_20231024-090450I
drwxr-x--- 3 postgres postgres   72 Oct 24 09:05 20231024-085915F_20231024-090539I
drwxr-x--- 3 postgres postgres   18 Oct 24 08:59 backup.history
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 3.4K Oct 24 09:05 backup.info
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 3.4K Oct 24 09:05 backup.info.copy
lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres postgres   33 Oct 24 09:05 latest -> 20231024-085915F_20231024-090539I
[postgres@du101 ~]$

注意 last backup label = 20231024-085915F_20231024-090450I表明第二次增量备份是基于第一个增量的。


[postgres@du101 ~]$ psql -c "insert into t select generate_series(1,100);checkpoint;"  
[postgres@du101 ~]$ psql -c "select count(*) from t;"                                     count  
(1 row)[postgres@du101 ~]$ [postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql --log-level-console=info --type=diff backup
2023-10-24 09:06:51.910 P00   INFO: backup command begin 2.48: --exec-id=2923-bfbee114 --log-level-console=info --pg1-path=/data/pgdata --pg1-port=1921 --pg1-user=postgres --process-max=2 --repo1-path=/data/backup --repo1-retention-full=2 --stanza=pgsql --start-fast --type=diff
2023-10-24 09:06:52.645 P00   INFO: last backup label = 20231024-085915F, version = 2.48
2023-10-24 09:06:52.645 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive backup start: backup begins after the requested immediate checkpoint completes
2023-10-24 09:06:53.718 P00   INFO: backup start archive = 00000001000000000000000B, lsn = 0/B000060
2023-10-24 09:06:53.718 P00   INFO: check archive for prior segment 00000001000000000000000A
WARN: exclude special file '/data/pgdata/.s.PGSQL.1921' from backup
2023-10-24 09:06:55.158 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive backup stop and wait for all WAL segments to archive
2023-10-24 09:06:55.361 P00   INFO: backup stop archive = 00000001000000000000000B, lsn = 0/B000138
2023-10-24 09:06:55.370 P00   INFO: check archive for segment(s) 00000001000000000000000B:00000001000000000000000B
2023-10-24 09:06:55.391 P00   INFO: new backup label = 20231024-085915F_20231024-090652D
2023-10-24 09:06:55.450 P00   INFO: diff backup size = 3.8MB, file total = 958
2023-10-24 09:06:55.450 P00   INFO: backup command end: completed successfully (3540ms)
2023-10-24 09:06:55.450 P00   INFO: expire command begin 2.48: --exec-id=2923-bfbee114 --log-level-console=info --repo1-path=/data/backup --repo1-retention-full=2 --stanza=pgsql
2023-10-24 09:06:55.462 P00   INFO: expire command end: completed successfully (12ms)
[postgres@du101 ~]$ ll /data/backup/backup/pgsql/                                        
total 16K
drwxr-x--- 3 postgres postgres   72 Oct 24 08:59 20231024-085915F
drwxr-x--- 3 postgres postgres   72 Oct 24 09:01 20231024-085915F_20231024-090121D
drwxr-x--- 3 postgres postgres   72 Oct 24 09:04 20231024-085915F_20231024-090450I
drwxr-x--- 3 postgres postgres   72 Oct 24 09:05 20231024-085915F_20231024-090539I
drwxr-x--- 3 postgres postgres   72 Oct 24 09:06 20231024-085915F_20231024-090652D
drwxr-x--- 3 postgres postgres   18 Oct 24 08:59 backup.history
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 4.2K Oct 24 09:06 backup.info
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 4.2K Oct 24 09:06 backup.info.copy
lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres postgres   33 Oct 24 09:06 latest -> 20231024-085915F_20231024-090652D
[postgres@du101 ~]$ 

注意last backup label = 20231024-085915F表明此次的差异备份是基于全量备份的;


[postgres@du101 ~]$ cat /data/backup/backup/pgsql/backup.info
[postgres@du101 ~]$---查看所有的备份信息
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest info
stanza: pgsqlstatus: okcipher: nonedb (current)wal archive min/max (14): 000000010000000000000001/00000001000000000000000Bfull backup: 20231024-085915Ftimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 08:59:15+08 / 2023-10-24 08:59:22+08wal start/stop: 000000010000000000000003 / 000000010000000000000003database size: 28.7MB, database backup size: 28.7MBrepo1: backup set size: 3.5MB, backup size: 3.5MBdiff backup: 20231024-085915F_20231024-090121Dtimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 09:01:21+08 / 2023-10-24 09:01:24+08wal start/stop: 000000010000000000000005 / 000000010000000000000005database size: 28.7MB, database backup size: 3.8MBrepo1: backup set size: 3.5MB, backup size: 469.2KBbackup reference list: 20231024-085915Fincr backup: 20231024-085915F_20231024-090450Itimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 09:04:50+08 / 2023-10-24 09:04:53+08wal start/stop: 000000010000000000000007 / 000000010000000000000007database size: 28.7MB, database backup size: 3.5MBrepo1: backup set size: 3.5MB, backup size: 406.7KBbackup reference list: 20231024-085915F, 20231024-085915F_20231024-090121Dincr backup: 20231024-085915F_20231024-090539Itimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 09:05:39+08 / 2023-10-24 09:05:42+08wal start/stop: 000000010000000000000009 / 000000010000000000000009database size: 28.7MB, database backup size: 3.5MBrepo1: backup set size: 3.5MB, backup size: 407.3KBbackup reference list: 20231024-085915F, 20231024-085915F_20231024-090121D, 20231024-085915F_20231024-090450Idiff backup: 20231024-085915F_20231024-090652Dtimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 09:06:52+08 / 2023-10-24 09:06:55+08wal start/stop: 00000001000000000000000B / 00000001000000000000000Bdatabase size: 28.7MB, database backup size: 3.8MBrepo1: backup set size: 3.5MB, backup size: 471.3KBbackup reference list: 20231024-085915F
[postgres@du101 ~]$ --查看某一个备份集的详细信息
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql --set=20231024-085915F_20231024-090652D info
stanza: pgsqlstatus: okcipher: nonedb (current)wal archive min/max (14): 000000010000000000000001/00000001000000000000000Bdiff backup: 20231024-085915F_20231024-090652Dtimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 09:06:52+08 / 2023-10-24 09:06:55+08wal start/stop: 00000001000000000000000B / 00000001000000000000000Blsn start/stop: 0/B000060 / 0/B000138database size: 28.7MB, database backup size: 3.8MBrepo1: backup set size: 3.5MB, backup size: 471.3KBbackup reference list: 20231024-085915Fdatabase list: postgres (13892)
[postgres@du101 ~]$ 




[postgres@du101 ~]$ psql -c "select count(*) from t"count  
(1 row)[postgres@du101 ~]$ [postgres@du101 ~]$ pg_ctl stop
waiting for server to shut down.... done
server stopped
[postgres@du101 ~]$ rm -fr /data/pgdata/*[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest restore --stanza=pgsql --log-level-console=info
2023-10-24 09:17:29.741 P00   INFO: restore command begin 2.48: --exec-id=3022-1520edf9 --log-level-console=info --pg1-path=/data/pgdata --process-max=2 --repo1-path=/data/backup --stanza=pgsql
2023-10-24 09:17:29.759 P00   INFO: repo1: restore backup set 20231024-085915F_20231024-090652D, recovery will start at 2023-10-24 09:06:52
2023-10-24 09:17:32.706 P00   INFO: write updated /data/pgdata/postgresql.auto.conf
2023-10-24 09:17:32.715 P00   INFO: restore global/pg_control (performed last to ensure aborted restores cannot be started)
2023-10-24 09:17:32.717 P00   INFO: restore size = 28.7MB, file total = 958
2023-10-24 09:17:32.718 P00   INFO: restore command end: completed successfully (2978ms)
[postgres@du101 ~]$ ll /data/pgdata/    
total 64K
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres  258 Oct 24 09:06 backup_label
drwx------ 5 postgres postgres   41 Oct 24 09:17 base
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres   40 Oct 24 08:57 current_logfiles
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres 4.0K Oct 24 09:17 global
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:17 pg_commit_ts
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:17 pg_dynshmem
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 4.8K Mar 12  2023 pg_hba.conf
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1.6K Mar 12  2023 pg_ident.conf
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres  138 Oct 24 09:17 pg_log
drwx------ 4 postgres postgres   68 Oct 24 09:17 pg_logical
drwx------ 4 postgres postgres   36 Oct 24 09:17 pg_multixact
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:17 pg_notify
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:17 pg_replslot
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:17 pg_serial
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:17 pg_snapshots
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:17 pg_stat
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:17 pg_stat_tmp
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:17 pg_subtrans
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:17 pg_tblspc
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:17 pg_twophase
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres    3 Mar 12  2023 PG_VERSION
drwx------ 3 postgres postgres   28 Oct 24 09:17 pg_wal
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres   18 Oct 24 09:17 pg_xact
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres  230 Oct 24 09:17 postgresql.auto.conf
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres  29K Oct 24 08:57 postgresql.conf
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres    0 Oct 24 09:17 recovery.signal
[postgres@du101 ~]$ cat /data/pgdata/postgresql.auto.conf
# Do not edit this file manually!
# It will be overwritten by the ALTER SYSTEM command.# Recovery settings generated by pgBackRest restore on 2023-10-24 09:17:32
restore_command = 'pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql archive-get %f "%p"'
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pg_ctl start
waiting for server to start....2023-10-24 09:17:55.110 CST [3029] LOG:  00000: redirecting log output to logging collector process
2023-10-24 09:17:55.110 CST [3029] HINT:  Future log output will appear in directory "pg_log".
2023-10-24 09:17:55.110 CST [3029] LOCATION:  SysLogger_Start, syslogger.c:674done
server started
[postgres@du101 ~]$ psql -c "select count(*) from t"                          count  
(1 row)[postgres@du101 ~]$ 

还原之后会生成postgresql.auto.conf和recovery.signal。postgresql.auto.conf中只有restore_command 会恢复所有的归档日志。



pgbackrest restore --stanza=pgsql --type=xid "--target=837"  --log-level-console=info
pgbackrest restore --stanza=pgsql --type=lsn --target="0/7000028" --log-level-console=info
pgbackrest restore --stanza=pgsql --type=time --target="2023-10-24 09:01:21" --log-level-console=info



[postgres@du101 ~]$ pg_ctl stop
waiting for server to shut down.... done
server stopped
[postgres@du101 ~]$ rm -fr /data/pgdata/* 
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql --set=20231024-085915F_20231024-090450I info
stanza: pgsqlstatus: okcipher: nonedb (current)wal archive min/max (14): 000000010000000000000001/00000002000000000000000Dincr backup: 20231024-085915F_20231024-090450Itimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 09:04:50+08 / 2023-10-24 09:04:53+08wal start/stop: 000000010000000000000007 / 000000010000000000000007lsn start/stop: 0/7000028 / 0/7000100database size: 28.7MB, database backup size: 3.5MBrepo1: backup set size: 3.5MB, backup size: 406.7KBbackup reference list: 20231024-085915F, 20231024-085915F_20231024-090121Ddatabase list: postgres (13892)
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest restore --stanza=pgsql --type=lsn --target="0/7000028" --log-level-console=info 
2023-10-24 09:21:16.443 P00   INFO: restore command begin 2.48: --exec-id=3055-f059583f --log-level-console=info --pg1-path=/data/pgdata --process-max=2 --repo1-path=/data/backup --stanza=pgsql --target=0/7000028 --type=lsn
2023-10-24 09:21:16.464 P00   INFO: repo1: restore backup set 20231024-085915F_20231024-090121D, recovery will start at 2023-10-24 09:01:21
2023-10-24 09:21:20.073 P00   INFO: write updated /data/pgdata/postgresql.auto.conf
2023-10-24 09:21:20.087 P00   INFO: restore global/pg_control (performed last to ensure aborted restores cannot be started)
2023-10-24 09:21:20.089 P00   INFO: restore size = 28.7MB, file total = 958
2023-10-24 09:21:20.090 P00   INFO: restore command end: completed successfully (3648ms)
[postgres@du101 ~]$ cat /data/pgdata/postgresql.auto.conf  
# Do not edit this file manually!
# It will be overwritten by the ALTER SYSTEM command.# Recovery settings generated by pgBackRest restore on 2023-10-24 09:21:20
restore_command = 'pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql archive-get %f "%p"'
recovery_target_lsn = '0/7000028'
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pg_ctl start
waiting for server to start....2023-10-24 09:21:39.020 CST [3061] LOG:  00000: redirecting log output to logging collector process
2023-10-24 09:21:39.020 CST [3061] HINT:  Future log output will appear in directory "pg_log".
2023-10-24 09:21:39.020 CST [3061] LOCATION:  SysLogger_Start, syslogger.c:674done
server started
[postgres@du101 ~]$  psql -c "select count(*) from t"count  
(1 row)[postgres@du101 ~]$ 


[postgres@du101 ~]$ pg_ctl stop
waiting for server to shut down.... done
server stopped
[postgres@du101 ~]$ rm -fr /data/pgdata/*
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql --set=20231024-085915F_20231024-090121D info                     
stanza: pgsqlstatus: okcipher: nonedb (current)wal archive min/max (14): 000000010000000000000001/00000002000000000000000Ddiff backup: 20231024-085915F_20231024-090121Dtimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 09:01:21+08 / 2023-10-24 09:01:24+08wal start/stop: 000000010000000000000005 / 000000010000000000000005lsn start/stop: 0/5000028 / 0/5000138database size: 28.7MB, database backup size: 3.8MBrepo1: backup set size: 3.5MB, backup size: 469.2KBbackup reference list: 20231024-085915Fdatabase list: postgres (13892)
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest restore --stanza=pgsql --type=time --target="2023-10-24 09:01:21" --log-level-console=info 
2023-10-24 09:23:15.035 P00   INFO: restore command begin 2.48: --exec-id=3080-369cb7f1 --log-level-console=info --pg1-path=/data/pgdata --process-max=2 --repo1-path=/data/backup --stanza=pgsql --target="2023-10-24 09:01:21" --type=time
2023-10-24 09:23:15.056 P00   INFO: repo1: restore backup set 20231024-085915F, recovery will start at 2023-10-24 08:59:15
2023-10-24 09:23:18.161 P00   INFO: write updated /data/pgdata/postgresql.auto.conf
2023-10-24 09:23:18.169 P00   INFO: restore global/pg_control (performed last to ensure aborted restores cannot be started)
2023-10-24 09:23:18.171 P00   INFO: restore size = 28.7MB, file total = 957
2023-10-24 09:23:18.172 P00   INFO: restore command end: completed successfully (3138ms)
[postgres@du101 ~]$ cat /data/pgdata/postgresql.auto.conf 
# Do not edit this file manually!
# It will be overwritten by the ALTER SYSTEM command.# Recovery settings generated by pgBackRest restore on 2023-10-24 09:23:18
restore_command = 'pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql archive-get %f "%p"'
recovery_target_time = '2023-10-24 09:01:21'
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pg_ctl start
waiting for server to start....2023-10-24 09:23:37.431 CST [3086] LOG:  00000: redirecting log output to logging collector process
2023-10-24 09:23:37.431 CST [3086] HINT:  Future log output will appear in directory "pg_log".
2023-10-24 09:23:37.431 CST [3086] LOCATION:  SysLogger_Start, syslogger.c:674done
server started
[postgres@du101 ~]$  psql -c "select count(*) from t"count  
(1 row)[postgres@du101 ~]$ 


[postgres@du101 ~]$ pg_ctl stop
waiting for server to shut down.... done
server stopped
[postgres@du101 ~]$ rm -fr /data/pgdata/*
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest restore --stanza=pgsql --set=20231024-085915F_20231024-090539I --log-level-console=info 
2023-10-24 09:37:48.612 P00   INFO: restore command begin 2.48: --exec-id=3319-975accb2 --log-level-console=info --pg1-path=/data/pgdata --process-max=2 --repo1-path=/data/backup --set=20231024-085915F_20231024-090539I --stanza=pgsql
2023-10-24 09:37:48.631 P00   INFO: repo1: restore backup set 20231024-085915F_20231024-090539I, recovery will start at 2023-10-24 09:05:39
2023-10-24 09:37:51.347 P00   INFO: write updated /data/pgdata/postgresql.auto.conf
2023-10-24 09:37:51.355 P00   INFO: restore global/pg_control (performed last to ensure aborted restores cannot be started)
2023-10-24 09:37:51.370 P00   INFO: restore size = 28.7MB, file total = 958
2023-10-24 09:37:51.371 P00   INFO: restore command end: completed successfully (2760ms)
[postgres@du101 ~]$ cat /data/pgdata/postgresql.auto.conf
# Do not edit this file manually!
# It will be overwritten by the ALTER SYSTEM command.# Recovery settings generated by pgBackRest restore on 2023-10-24 09:37:51
restore_command = 'pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql archive-get %f "%p"'
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pg_ctl start
waiting for server to start....2023-10-24 09:38:01.577 CST [3325] LOG:  00000: redirecting log output to logging collector process
2023-10-24 09:38:01.577 CST [3325] HINT:  Future log output will appear in directory "pg_log".
2023-10-24 09:38:01.577 CST [3325] LOCATION:  SysLogger_Start, syslogger.c:674done
server started
[postgres@du101 ~]$  psql -c "select count(*) from t"count  
(1 row)[postgres@du101 ~]$ 



[postgres@du101 ~]$ pg_ctl stop
waiting for server to shut down.... done
server stopped
[postgres@du101 ~]$ rm -fr /data/pgdata/*
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest restore --stanza=pgsql --set=20231024-085915F_20231024-090539I --log-level-console=info 
2023-10-24 09:30:59.132 P00   INFO: restore command begin 2.48: --exec-id=3286-f12503ef --log-level-console=info --pg1-path=/data/pgdata --process-max=2 --repo1-path=/data/backup --set=20231024-085915F_20231024-090539I --stanza=pgsql
2023-10-24 09:30:59.149 P00   INFO: repo1: restore backup set 20231024-085915F_20231024-090539I, recovery will start at 2023-10-24 09:05:39
2023-10-24 09:31:02.158 P00   INFO: write updated /data/pgdata/postgresql.auto.conf
2023-10-24 09:31:02.166 P00   INFO: restore global/pg_control (performed last to ensure aborted restores cannot be started)
2023-10-24 09:31:02.168 P00   INFO: restore size = 28.7MB, file total = 958
2023-10-24 09:31:02.169 P00   INFO: restore command end: completed successfully (3038ms)[postgres@du101 ~]$ ll /data/pgdata/
total 64K
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres  258 Oct 24 09:05 backup_label
drwx------ 5 postgres postgres   41 Oct 24 09:30 base
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres   40 Oct 24 08:57 current_logfiles
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres 4.0K Oct 24 09:31 global
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:30 pg_commit_ts
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:30 pg_dynshmem
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 4.8K Mar 12  2023 pg_hba.conf
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1.6K Mar 12  2023 pg_ident.conf
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres  138 Oct 24 09:31 pg_log
drwx------ 4 postgres postgres   68 Oct 24 09:31 pg_logical
drwx------ 4 postgres postgres   36 Oct 24 09:30 pg_multixact
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:30 pg_notify
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:30 pg_replslot
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:30 pg_serial
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:30 pg_snapshots
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:30 pg_stat
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:30 pg_stat_tmp
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:30 pg_subtrans
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:30 pg_tblspc
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    6 Oct 24 09:30 pg_twophase
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres    3 Mar 12  2023 PG_VERSION
drwx------ 3 postgres postgres   28 Oct 24 09:30 pg_wal
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres   18 Oct 24 09:31 pg_xact
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres  230 Oct 24 09:31 postgresql.auto.conf
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres  29K Oct 24 08:57 postgresql.conf
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres    0 Oct 24 09:31 recovery.signal
[postgres@du101 ~]$ cat /data/pgdata/postgresql.auto.conf
# Do not edit this file manually!
# It will be overwritten by the ALTER SYSTEM command.# Recovery settings generated by pgBackRest restore on 2023-10-24 09:31:02
restore_command = 'pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql archive-get %f "%p"'
[postgres@du101 ~]$ vi /data/pgdata/postgresql.auto.conf
[postgres@du101 ~]$ cat /data/pgdata/postgresql.auto.conf
# Do not edit this file manually!
# It will be overwritten by the ALTER SYSTEM command.# Recovery settings generated by pgBackRest restore on 2023-10-24 09:31:02
restore_command = 'pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql archive-get %f "%p"'
recovery_target = 'immediate'
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pg_ctl start
waiting for server to start....2023-10-24 09:33:39.647 CST [3300] LOG:  00000: redirecting log output to logging collector process
2023-10-24 09:33:39.647 CST [3300] HINT:  Future log output will appear in directory "pg_log".
2023-10-24 09:33:39.647 CST [3300] LOCATION:  SysLogger_Start, syslogger.c:674done
server started
[postgres@du101 ~]$  psql -c "select count(*) from t"count  
(1 row)[postgres@du101 ~]$ 

手工编辑postgresql.auto.conf,添加recovery_target = 'immediate’表示只要恢复到数据一致的状态后停止。则可以恢复到指定备份集的数据。


[postgres@du101 ~]$ pg_ctl stop
waiting for server to shut down.... done
server stopped
[postgres@du101 ~]$ rm -fr /data/pgdata/*
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest restore --stanza=pgsql --set=20231024-085915F_20231024-090539I --log-level-console=info  --recovery-option="recovery_target=immediate"
2023-10-24 10:04:36.556 P00   INFO: restore command begin 2.48: --exec-id=3472-15075067 --log-level-console=info --pg1-path=/data/pgdata --process-max=2 --recovery-option=recovery_target=immediate --repo1-path=/data/backup --set=20231024-085915F_20231024-090539I --stanza=pgsql
2023-10-24 10:04:36.574 P00   INFO: repo1: restore backup set 20231024-085915F_20231024-090539I, recovery will start at 2023-10-24 09:05:39
2023-10-24 10:04:39.906 P00   INFO: write updated /data/pgdata/postgresql.auto.conf
2023-10-24 10:04:39.914 P00   INFO: restore global/pg_control (performed last to ensure aborted restores cannot be started)
2023-10-24 10:04:39.916 P00   INFO: restore size = 28.7MB, file total = 958
2023-10-24 10:04:39.917 P00   INFO: restore command end: completed successfully (3362ms)
[postgres@du101 ~]$ cat /data/pgdata/postgresql.auto.conf 
# Do not edit this file manually!
# It will be overwritten by the ALTER SYSTEM command.# Recovery settings generated by pgBackRest restore on 2023-10-24 10:04:39
recovery_target = 'immediate'
restore_command = 'pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql archive-get %f "%p"'
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pg_ctl start
waiting for server to start....2023-10-24 10:04:52.037 CST [3478] LOG:  00000: redirecting log output to logging collector process
2023-10-24 10:04:52.037 CST [3478] HINT:  Future log output will appear in directory "pg_log".
2023-10-24 10:04:52.037 CST [3478] LOCATION:  SysLogger_Start, syslogger.c:674done
server started[postgres@du101 ~]$ psql
psql (14.7)
Type "help" for help.postgres=# select count(*) from t;count  
(1 row)postgres=# 

通过–recovery-option="recovery_target=immediate"指定recovery_target=immediate到postgresql.auto.conf 也可以达到恢复到指定备份集的效果。


可以通过pgbackrest help restore查看所有的恢复选项:

  --db-exclude                        restore excluding the specified databases--db-include                        restore only specified databases--delta                             restore or backup using checksums


数据库在基于PITR的恢复(或者会到指定备份集数据)之后,处于read-only transaction中,不能写,需要手工执行命令select pg_wal_replay_resume();终止recovery状态。

[postgres@du101 ~]$ psql
psql (14.7)
Type "help" for help.postgres=# select count(*) from t;count  
(1 row)postgres=# checkpoint;
postgres=# create database testdb;
ERROR:  cannot execute CREATE DATABASE in a read-only transaction
postgres=# select pg_wal_replay_resume();pg_wal_replay_resume 
----------------------(1 row)postgres=# create database testdb;       
postgres=# \c testdb
You are now connected to database "testdb" as user "postgres".
testdb=# create table t(id int);
testdb=# insert into t select generate_series(1,100);   
INSERT 0 100
testdb=# checkpoint;
testdb=# \q
[postgres@du101 ~]$ 


** repo1-retention-full=2**
** repo1-retention-diff=1**
** repo1-retention-diff=2**
** repo1-retention-full=2**


[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql --log-level-console=info --type=full backup
2023-10-24 10:22:47.411 P00   INFO: backup command begin 2.48: --exec-id=3596-dafacc38 --log-level-console=info --pg1-path=/data/pgdata --pg1-port=1921 --pg1-user=postgres --process-max=2 --repo1-path=/data/backup --repo1-retention-full=2 --stanza=pgsql --start-fast --type=full
2023-10-24 10:22:48.376 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive backup start: backup begins after the requested immediate checkpoint completes
2023-10-24 10:22:49.132 P00   INFO: backup start archive = 000000050000000000000008, lsn = 0/8000028
2023-10-24 10:22:49.132 P00   INFO: check archive for prior segment 000000050000000000000007
WARN: exclude special file '/data/pgdata/.s.PGSQL.1921' from backup
2023-10-24 10:22:53.905 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive backup stop and wait for all WAL segments to archive
2023-10-24 10:22:54.107 P00   INFO: backup stop archive = 000000050000000000000008, lsn = 0/8000138
2023-10-24 10:22:54.115 P00   INFO: check archive for segment(s) 000000050000000000000008:000000050000000000000008
2023-10-24 10:22:54.137 P00   INFO: new backup label = 20231024-102248F
2023-10-24 10:22:54.200 P00   INFO: full backup size = 36.9MB, file total = 1253
2023-10-24 10:22:54.200 P00   INFO: backup command end: completed successfully (6790ms)
2023-10-24 10:22:54.200 P00   INFO: expire command begin 2.48: --exec-id=3596-dafacc38 --log-level-console=info --repo1-path=/data/backup --repo1-retention-full=2 --stanza=pgsql
2023-10-24 10:22:54.214 P00   INFO: repo1: 14-1 remove archive, start = 000000010000000000000001, stop = 000000010000000000000002
2023-10-24 10:22:54.214 P00   INFO: expire command end: completed successfully (14ms)
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest info
stanza: pgsqlstatus: okcipher: nonedb (current)wal archive min/max (14): 000000010000000000000003/000000050000000000000008full backup: 20231024-085915Ftimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 08:59:15+08 / 2023-10-24 08:59:22+08wal start/stop: 000000010000000000000003 / 000000010000000000000003database size: 28.7MB, database backup size: 28.7MBrepo1: backup set size: 3.5MB, backup size: 3.5MBdiff backup: 20231024-085915F_20231024-090121Dtimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 09:01:21+08 / 2023-10-24 09:01:24+08wal start/stop: 000000010000000000000005 / 000000010000000000000005database size: 28.7MB, database backup size: 3.8MBrepo1: backup set size: 3.5MB, backup size: 469.2KBbackup reference list: 20231024-085915Fincr backup: 20231024-085915F_20231024-090450Itimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 09:04:50+08 / 2023-10-24 09:04:53+08wal start/stop: 000000010000000000000007 / 000000010000000000000007database size: 28.7MB, database backup size: 3.5MBrepo1: backup set size: 3.5MB, backup size: 406.7KBbackup reference list: 20231024-085915F, 20231024-085915F_20231024-090121Dincr backup: 20231024-085915F_20231024-090539Itimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 09:05:39+08 / 2023-10-24 09:05:42+08wal start/stop: 000000010000000000000009 / 000000010000000000000009database size: 28.7MB, database backup size: 3.5MBrepo1: backup set size: 3.5MB, backup size: 407.3KBbackup reference list: 20231024-085915F, 20231024-085915F_20231024-090121D, 20231024-085915F_20231024-090450Idiff backup: 20231024-085915F_20231024-090652Dtimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 09:06:52+08 / 2023-10-24 09:06:55+08wal start/stop: 00000001000000000000000B / 00000001000000000000000Bdatabase size: 28.7MB, database backup size: 3.8MBrepo1: backup set size: 3.5MB, backup size: 471.3KBbackup reference list: 20231024-085915Ffull backup: 20231024-102248Ftimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 10:22:48+08 / 2023-10-24 10:22:54+08wal start/stop: 000000050000000000000008 / 000000050000000000000008database size: 36.9MB, database backup size: 36.9MBrepo1: backup set size: 4.6MB, backup size: 4.6MB
[postgres@du101 ~]$


[postgres@du101 ~]$ psql testdb -c "insert into t select generate_series(1,100);checkpoint;"
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql --log-level-console=info --type=full backup   
2023-10-24 10:23:31.237 P00   INFO: backup command begin 2.48: --exec-id=3609-61586be5 --log-level-console=info --pg1-path=/data/pgdata --pg1-port=1921 --pg1-user=postgres --process-max=2 --repo1-path=/data/backup --repo1-retention-full=2 --stanza=pgsql --start-fast --type=full
2023-10-24 10:23:31.957 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive backup start: backup begins after the requested immediate checkpoint completes
2023-10-24 10:23:32.688 P00   INFO: backup start archive = 00000005000000000000000A, lsn = 0/A000028
2023-10-24 10:23:32.688 P00   INFO: check archive for prior segment 000000050000000000000009
WARN: exclude special file '/data/pgdata/.s.PGSQL.1921' from backup
2023-10-24 10:23:37.067 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive backup stop and wait for all WAL segments to archive
2023-10-24 10:23:37.679 P00   INFO: backup stop archive = 00000005000000000000000A, lsn = 0/A000100
2023-10-24 10:23:37.687 P00   INFO: check archive for segment(s) 00000005000000000000000A:00000005000000000000000A
2023-10-24 10:23:37.707 P00   INFO: new backup label = 20231024-102331F
2023-10-24 10:23:37.770 P00   INFO: full backup size = 36.9MB, file total = 1253
2023-10-24 10:23:37.770 P00   INFO: backup command end: completed successfully (6534ms)
2023-10-24 10:23:37.770 P00   INFO: expire command begin 2.48: --exec-id=3609-61586be5 --log-level-console=info --repo1-path=/data/backup --repo1-retention-full=2 --stanza=pgsql
2023-10-24 10:23:37.771 P00   INFO: repo1: expire full backup set 20231024-085915F, 20231024-085915F_20231024-090121D, 20231024-085915F_20231024-090450I, 20231024-085915F_20231024-090539I, 20231024-085915F_20231024-090652D
2023-10-24 10:23:37.783 P00   INFO: repo1: remove expired backup 20231024-085915F_20231024-090652D
2023-10-24 10:23:37.783 P00   INFO: repo1: remove expired backup 20231024-085915F_20231024-090539I
2023-10-24 10:23:37.784 P00   INFO: repo1: remove expired backup 20231024-085915F_20231024-090450I
2023-10-24 10:23:37.784 P00   INFO: repo1: remove expired backup 20231024-085915F_20231024-090121D
2023-10-24 10:23:37.785 P00   INFO: repo1: remove expired backup 20231024-085915F
2023-10-24 10:23:37.814 P00   INFO: repo1: 14-1 remove archive, start = 0000000400000000, stop = 000000050000000000000007
2023-10-24 10:23:37.814 P00   INFO: repo1: 14-1 remove history file 00000002.history
2023-10-24 10:23:37.814 P00   INFO: repo1: 14-1 remove history file 00000003.history
2023-10-24 10:23:37.814 P00   INFO: repo1: 14-1 remove history file 00000004.history
2023-10-24 10:23:37.814 P00   INFO: expire command end: completed successfully (44ms)
[postgres@du101 ~]$ 
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest info
stanza: pgsqlstatus: okcipher: nonedb (current)wal archive min/max (14): 000000050000000000000008/00000005000000000000000Afull backup: 20231024-102248Ftimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 10:22:48+08 / 2023-10-24 10:22:54+08wal start/stop: 000000050000000000000008 / 000000050000000000000008database size: 36.9MB, database backup size: 36.9MBrepo1: backup set size: 4.6MB, backup size: 4.6MBfull backup: 20231024-102331Ftimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 10:23:31+08 / 2023-10-24 10:23:37+08wal start/stop: 00000005000000000000000A / 00000005000000000000000Adatabase size: 36.9MB, database backup size: 36.9MBrepo1: backup set size: 4.6MB, backup size: 4.6MB
[postgres@du101 ~]$ 


[postgres@du101 ~]$ ll /data/backup/archive/pgsql/14-1/0000000500000000/
total 228K
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 371 Oct 24 10:22 000000050000000000000008.00000028.backup
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 72K Oct 24 10:22 000000050000000000000008-572204415f43334380af6e1c5b5bd239645e6c95.gz
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 75K Oct 24 10:23 000000050000000000000009-92fd7508875b62821a86c82af171749d90a9cb3b.gz
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 370 Oct 24 10:23 00000005000000000000000A.00000028.backup
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 72K Oct 24 10:23 00000005000000000000000A-5091dff675fb4950c2fbf71e0e31e4c31b356276.gz
[postgres@du101 ~]$ 


[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest expire --set=20231024-102248F --stanza=pgsql
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest info
stanza: pgsqlstatus: okcipher: nonedb (current)wal archive min/max (14): 000000050000000000000008/00000005000000000000000Afull backup: 20231024-102331Ftimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 10:23:31+08 / 2023-10-24 10:23:37+08wal start/stop: 00000005000000000000000A / 00000005000000000000000Adatabase size: 36.9MB, database backup size: 36.9MBrepo1: backup set size: 4.6MB, backup size: 4.6MB
[postgres@du101 ~]$ ll /data/backup/archive/pgsql/14-1/0000000500000000/
total 228K
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 371 Oct 24 10:22 000000050000000000000008.00000028.backup
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 72K Oct 24 10:22 000000050000000000000008-572204415f43334380af6e1c5b5bd239645e6c95.gz
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 75K Oct 24 10:23 000000050000000000000009-92fd7508875b62821a86c82af171749d90a9cb3b.gz
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 370 Oct 24 10:23 00000005000000000000000A.00000028.backup
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 72K Oct 24 10:23 00000005000000000000000A-5091dff675fb4950c2fbf71e0e31e4c31b356276.gz
[postgres@du101 ~]$ 
[postgres@du101 ~]$ 
[postgres@du101 ~]$ 
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql --log-level-console=info --type=full backup
2023-10-24 10:30:55.978 P00   INFO: backup command begin 2.48: --exec-id=3650-1fb9a7d8 --log-level-console=info --pg1-path=/data/pgdata --pg1-port=1921 --pg1-user=postgres --process-max=2 --repo1-path=/data/backup --repo1-retention-full=2 --stanza=pgsql --start-fast --type=full
2023-10-24 10:30:57.363 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive backup start: backup begins after the requested immediate checkpoint completes
2023-10-24 10:30:58.409 P00   INFO: backup start archive = 00000005000000000000000C, lsn = 0/C000060
2023-10-24 10:30:58.409 P00   INFO: check archive for prior segment 00000005000000000000000B
WARN: exclude special file '/data/pgdata/.s.PGSQL.1921' from backup
2023-10-24 10:31:02.517 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive backup stop and wait for all WAL segments to archive
2023-10-24 10:31:02.717 P00   INFO: backup stop archive = 00000005000000000000000C, lsn = 0/C000138
2023-10-24 10:31:02.723 P00   INFO: check archive for segment(s) 00000005000000000000000C:00000005000000000000000C
2023-10-24 10:31:02.742 P00   INFO: new backup label = 20231024-103057F
2023-10-24 10:31:02.809 P00   INFO: full backup size = 36.9MB, file total = 1253
2023-10-24 10:31:02.809 P00   INFO: backup command end: completed successfully (6832ms)
2023-10-24 10:31:02.809 P00   INFO: expire command begin 2.48: --exec-id=3650-1fb9a7d8 --log-level-console=info --repo1-path=/data/backup --repo1-retention-full=2 --stanza=pgsql
2023-10-24 10:31:02.819 P00   INFO: repo1: 14-1 remove archive, start = 000000050000000000000008, stop = 000000050000000000000009
2023-10-24 10:31:02.819 P00   INFO: expire command end: completed successfully (10ms)
[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest info
stanza: pgsqlstatus: okcipher: nonedb (current)wal archive min/max (14): 00000005000000000000000A/00000005000000000000000Cfull backup: 20231024-102331Ftimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 10:23:31+08 / 2023-10-24 10:23:37+08wal start/stop: 00000005000000000000000A / 00000005000000000000000Adatabase size: 36.9MB, database backup size: 36.9MBrepo1: backup set size: 4.6MB, backup size: 4.6MBfull backup: 20231024-103057Ftimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 10:30:57+08 / 2023-10-24 10:31:02+08wal start/stop: 00000005000000000000000C / 00000005000000000000000Cdatabase size: 36.9MB, database backup size: 36.9MBrepo1: backup set size: 4.6MB, backup size: 4.6MB
[postgres@du101 ~]$ ll /data/backup/archive/pgsql/14-1/0000000500000000/                 
total 232K
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 370 Oct 24 10:23 00000005000000000000000A.00000028.backup
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 72K Oct 24 10:23 00000005000000000000000A-5091dff675fb4950c2fbf71e0e31e4c31b356276.gz
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 79K Oct 24 10:30 00000005000000000000000B-e2f5215afc918424292aa47f98d41a2d414ae4c8.gz
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 371 Oct 24 10:31 00000005000000000000000C.00000060.backup
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 72K Oct 24 10:31 00000005000000000000000C-ee2a1baa8b64ec95ee3928759a77fc718e9ee94f.gz
[postgres@du101 ~]$ 


The PostgreSQL allows pgBackRest info to be loaded into a table.

[root@du101 ~]# cp pgbackrest-release-2.48/doc/example/* /home/postgres/
[root@du101 ~]# chown postgres:postgres /home/postgres/pgsql-pgbackrest*sql[postgres@du101 ~]$ psql -f pgsql-pgbackrest-info.sql
[postgres@du101 ~]$ psql -f pgsql-pgbackrest-query.sql name   | last_successful_backup |    last_archived_wal     
---------+------------------------+--------------------------"pgsql" | 2023-10-24 10:31:02+08 | 00000006000000000000000E
(1 row)[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest --stanza=pgsql --log-level-console=info --type=full backup
2023-10-24 10:59:01.824 P00   INFO: backup command begin 2.48: --exec-id=3738-4ad48e39 --log-level-console=info --pg1-path=/data/pgdata --pg1-port=1921 --pg1-user=postgres --process-max=2 --repo1-path=/data/backup --repo1-retention-full=2 --stanza=pgsql --start-fast --type=full
2023-10-24 10:59:02.609 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive backup start: backup begins after the requested immediate checkpoint completes
2023-10-24 10:59:03.186 P00   INFO: backup start archive = 000000060000000000000010, lsn = 0/10000028
2023-10-24 10:59:03.186 P00   INFO: check archive for prior segment 00000006000000000000000F
WARN: exclude special file '/data/pgdata/.s.PGSQL.1921' from backup
2023-10-24 10:59:07.780 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive backup stop and wait for all WAL segments to archive
2023-10-24 10:59:07.981 P00   INFO: backup stop archive = 000000060000000000000010, lsn = 0/10000100
2023-10-24 10:59:07.992 P00   INFO: check archive for segment(s) 000000060000000000000010:000000060000000000000010
2023-10-24 10:59:08.014 P00   INFO: new backup label = 20231024-105902F
2023-10-24 10:59:08.080 P00   INFO: full backup size = 36.9MB, file total = 1253
2023-10-24 10:59:08.080 P00   INFO: backup command end: completed successfully (6257ms)
2023-10-24 10:59:08.080 P00   INFO: expire command begin 2.48: --exec-id=3738-4ad48e39 --log-level-console=info --repo1-path=/data/backup --repo1-retention-full=2 --stanza=pgsql
2023-10-24 10:59:08.081 P00   INFO: repo1: expire full backup 20231024-102331F
2023-10-24 10:59:08.092 P00   INFO: repo1: remove expired backup 20231024-102331F
2023-10-24 10:59:08.135 P00   INFO: repo1: 14-1 remove archive, start = 00000005000000000000000A, stop = 00000005000000000000000B
2023-10-24 10:59:08.135 P00   INFO: expire command end: completed successfully (55ms)
[postgres@du101 ~]$ psql -f pgsql-pgbackrest-query.sql                                   name   | last_successful_backup |    last_archived_wal     
---------+------------------------+--------------------------"pgsql" | 2023-10-24 10:59:07+08 | 000000060000000000000010
(1 row)[postgres@du101 ~]$ pgbackrest info
stanza: pgsqlstatus: okcipher: nonedb (current)wal archive min/max (14): 00000005000000000000000C/000000060000000000000010full backup: 20231024-103057Ftimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 10:30:57+08 / 2023-10-24 10:31:02+08wal start/stop: 00000005000000000000000C / 00000005000000000000000Cdatabase size: 36.9MB, database backup size: 36.9MBrepo1: backup set size: 4.6MB, backup size: 4.6MBfull backup: 20231024-105902Ftimestamp start/stop: 2023-10-24 10:59:02+08 / 2023-10-24 10:59:07+08wal start/stop: 000000060000000000000010 / 000000060000000000000010database size: 36.9MB, database backup size: 36.9MBrepo1: backup set size: 4.6MB, backup size: 4.6MB
[postgres@du101 ~]$ 



本文发布于:2024-03-06 00:13:25,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:备份   pgbackrest   postgresql


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