openssl windows自动编译+静态库符号缺失问题(/Fd选项)

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openssl windows自动编译+静态库符号<a href= style=缺失问题(/Fd选项)"/>

openssl windows自动编译+静态库符号缺失问题(/Fd选项)


    本文描述使用bat脚本自动编译openssl1.0.2j的过程,并解释了使用openssl静态库时可能出现的链接告警(warning LNK4099: PDB 'lib.pdb' was not found),原因是其符号文件lib.pdb缺失,本文提供的编译脚本将符号文件一并拷贝到输出目录。其背景是在windows平台下编译webrtc的debug版本时,在不使用boringssl而是使用openssl的情况下,出现这个告警会导致编译失败,而你又不打算去掉把告警当错误处理这个选项时,必须带这个符号文件。




    ActivePerl、Visual Studio 2015命令行工具






    以下所有脚本以及操作都在Visual Studio 2015命令行工具中进行。

@echo off::设置路径
call :get_pwd pwd
set build_path=%pwd%\openssl-1.0.2j
set build_tmp_output=output
set header_ouput_path=%pwd%\..\include
set lib_output_path=%pwd%\..\lib
set libeay32_lib=libeay32.lib
set ssleay32_lib=ssleay32.lib::解压缩编译目录
if exist %build_path% rmdir /s /q %build_path%
echo Uncompressing...
call zip.bat unzip -source %pwd%\ -destination %build_path%tmp -keep yes -force no
move %build_path%tmp\openssl-1.0.2j %build_path%
rd %build_path%tmp::==================编译过程===================::
echo Building...
cd %build_path%
md %build_tmp_output%::运行configure:
perl Configure VC-WIN32 --prefix=./%build_tmp_output%::创建Makefile文件
call ms\do_nasm::修改pdb文件名,lib.pdb改成openssl.pdb
perl -i.bak -pe "s/\/lib/\/openssl/g" ms/nt.mak::编译静态库
call nmake -f ms\nt.mak::测试静态库
call nmake -f ms\nt.mak test::拷贝pdb文件
echo Copying pdb... 
copy tmp32\openssl.pdb %lib_output_path%\::安装静态库
call nmake -f ms\nt.mak install::清除上次静态库的编译,以便重新编译
call nmake -f ms\nt.mak clean
echo Copying headers... 
if not exist %header_ouput_path% (move %build_tmp_output%\include %header_ouput_path%
)echo Copying libraries... 
if not exist %lib_output_path% (md %lib_output_path%
copy %build_tmp_output%\lib\%libeay32_lib% %lib_output_path%\%libeay32_lib%
copy %build_tmp_output%\lib\%ssleay32_lib% %lib_output_path%\%ssleay32_lib%::清除编译目录
cd ..
rmdir /s /q %build_path%echo Doneexit /b::获取当前路径
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('cd') do set %~1=%%i
goto :eof


  1. 解压,需要zip.bat,后面会附;
  2. 进入编译目录,执行perl Configure VC-WIN32 --prefix=./%build_tmp_output%,VC-WIN32指配置为win32 release版,并指定安装目录;
  3. 执行call ms\do_nasm,生成Makefile,对静态库是ms\,动态库是ms\ntdll.mak,这里选择编译静态库;
  4. 红字部分执行perl -i.bak -pe "s/\/lib/\/openssl/g" ms/nt.mak,把nt.mk中
    LIB_CFLAG=/Zl /Zi /Fd$(TMP_D)/lib
    LIB_CFLAG=/Zl /Zi /Fd$(TMP_D)/openssl
    copy tmp32\openssl.pdb %lib_output_path%\
    1>libeay32.lib(cryptlib.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'lib.pdb' was not found with 'libeay32.lib(cryptlib.obj)' or at 'C:\Projects\openssl-test\x64\Release\lib.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
    1>libeay32.lib(mem.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'lib.pdb' was not found with 'libeay32.lib(mem.obj)' or at 'C:\Projects\openssl-test\x64\Release\lib.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
    1>libeay32.lib(mem_dbg.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'lib.pdb' was not found with 'libeay32.lib(mem_dbg.obj)' or at 'C:\Projects\openssl-test\x64\Release\lib.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
  5. 执行call nmake -f ms\nt.mak,编译静态库;
  6. 执行call nmake -f ms\nt.mak test,测试静态库;
  7. 执行copy tmp32\openssl.pdb %lib_output_path%\,拷贝pdb文件;
  8. 执行call nmake -f ms\nt.mak install,安装静态库;
  9. 执行call nmake -f ms\nt.mak clean,清除静态库的编译目录;
  10. 后续拷贝需要的头文件、库文件到自定义的其他目录,然后删除代码目录,退出。


@if (@X)==(@Y) @end /* JScript comment@echo offrem :: the first argument is the script name as it will be used for proper help messagecscript //E:JScript //nologo "%~f0" "%~nx0" %*exit /b %errorlevel%@if (@X)==(@Y) @end JScript comment *//*
Compression/uncompression command-line tool that uses Shell.Application and WSH/Jscript -
(v=vs.85).aspxSome resources That I've used:
.js?r=161UPDATE *17-03-15*Devnullius Plussed noticed a bug in ZipDirItems  and ZipItem functions (now fixed)
And also following issues (at the moment not handled by the script):
- if there's not enough space on the system drive (usually C:\) the script could produce various errors , most often the script halts.
- Folders and files that contain unicode symbols cannot be handled by Shell.Application object.UPDATE *24-03-15*Error messages are caught in waitforcount method and if shuch pops-up the script is stopped.
As I don't know hoe to check the content of the pop-up the exact reason for the failure is not given
but only the possible reasons.------
It's possible to be ported for C#,Powershell and JScript so I'm planning to do it at some time.For sure there's a lot of room for improvements and optimization and I'm absolutely sure there are some bugs
as the script is big enough to not have.!!!
For suggestions contact me at - npocmaka@gmail
//   CONSTANTS// TODO - Shell.Application and Scripting.FileSystemObject objects could be set as global variables to avoid theit creation
// in every method.//empty zip character sequense
var ZIP_DATA= "PK" + String.fromCharCode(5) + String.fromCharCode(6) + "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";var SLEEP_INTERVAL=200;//copy option(s) used by Shell.Application.CopyHere/MoveHere
var NO_PROGRESS_BAR=4;//oprions used for zip/unzip
var force=true;
var move=false;//option used for listing content of archive
var flat=false;var source="";
var destination="";var ARGS = WScript.Arguments;
var scriptName=ARGS.Item(0);//
//   ADODB.Stream extensionsif ( ! this.ADODB ) {var ADODB = {};
}if ( ! ADODB.Stream ) {ADODB.Stream = {};
}// writes a binary data to a file
if ( ! ADODB.Stream.writeFile ) {ADODB.Stream.writeFile = function(filename, bindata){var stream = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream");stream.Type = 2;stream.Mode = 3;stream.Charset ="ASCII";stream.Open();stream.Position = 0;stream.WriteText(bindata);stream.SaveToFile(filename, 2);stream.Close();return true;};
//   commonif ( ! this.Common ) {var Common = {};
}if ( ! Common.WaitForCount ) {Common.WaitForCount = function(folderObject,targetCount,countFunction){var shell = new ActiveXObject("Wscript.Shell");while (countFunction(folderObject) < targetCount ){WScript.Sleep(SLEEP_INTERVAL);//checks if a pop-up with error message appears while zipping//at the moment I have no idea how to read the pop-up content// to give the exact reason for failingif (shell.AppActivate("Compressed (zipped) Folders Error")) {WScript.Echo("Error While zipping");WScript.Echo("");WScript.Echo("Possible reasons:");WScript.Echo(" -source contains filename(s) with unicode characters");WScript.Echo(" -produces zip exceeds 8gb size (or 2,5 gb for XP and 2003)");WScript.Echo(" -not enough space on system drive (usually C:\\)");WScript.Quit(432);}}}
}if ( ! Common.getParent ) {Common.getParent = function(path){var splitted=path.split("\\");var result="";for (var s=0;s<splitted.length-1;s++){if (s==0) {result=splitted[s];} else {result=result+"\\"+splitted[s];}}return result;}
}if ( ! Common.getName ) {Common.getName = function(path){var splitted=path.split("\\");return splitted[splitted.length-1];}
}//file system object has a problem to create a folder with slashes at the end
if ( ! Common.stripTrailingSlash ) {Common.stripTrailingSlash = function(path){while (path.substr(path.length - 1,path.length) == '\\') {path=path.substr(0, path.length - 1);}return path;}
//   Scripting.FileSystemObject extensionsif (! this.Scripting) {var Scripting={};
}if (! Scripting.FileSystemObject) {Scripting.FileSystemObject={};
}if ( ! Scripting.FileSystemObject.DeleteItem ) {Scripting.FileSystemObject.DeleteItem = function (item) {var FSOObj= new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");if (FSOObj.FileExists(item)){FSOObj.DeleteFile(item);return true;} else if (FSOObj.FolderExists(item) ) {FSOObj.DeleteFolder(Common.stripTrailingSlash(item));return true;} else {return false;}}
}if ( ! Scripting.FileSystemObject.ExistsFile ) {Scripting.FileSystemObject.ExistsFile = function (path){var FSOObj= new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");return FSOObj.FileExists(path);}
if ( !Scripting.FileSystemObject.ExistsFolder ) {Scripting.FileSystemObject.ExistsFolder = function (path){var FSOObj= new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");return FSOObj.FolderExists(path);}
}if ( ! Scripting.FileSystemObject.isFolder ) {Scripting.FileSystemObject.isFolder = function (path){var FSOObj= new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");return FSOObj.FolderExists(path);}
}if ( ! Scripting.FileSystemObject.isEmptyFolder ) {Scripting.FileSystemObject.isEmptyFolder = function (path){var FSOObj= new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");if(FSOObj.FileExists(path)){return false;}else if (FSOObj.FolderExists(path)){	var folderObj=FSOObj.GetFolder(path);if ((folderObj.Files.Count+folderObj.SubFolders.Count)==0){return true;}}return false;	}}if ( ! Scripting.FileSystemObject.CreateFolder) {Scripting.FileSystemObject.CreateFolder = function (path){var FSOObj= new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");FSOObj.CreateFolder(path);return FSOObj.FolderExists(path);}
}if ( ! Scripting.FileSystemObject.ExistsItem) {Scripting.FileSystemObject.ExistsItem = function (path){var FSOObj= new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");return FSOObj.FolderExists(path)||FSOObj.FileExists(path);}
}if ( ! Scripting.FileSystemObject.getFullPath) {Scripting.FileSystemObject.getFullPath = function (path){var FSOObj= new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");return FSOObj.GetAbsolutePathName(path);}
//   Shell.Application extensions
if ( ! this.Shell ) {var Shell = {};
}if (! Shell.Application ) {Shell.Application={};
}if ( ! Shell.Application.ExistsFolder ) {Shell.Application.ExistsFolder = function(path){var ShellObj=new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");var targetObject = new Object;var targetObject=ShellObj.NameSpace(path);if (typeof targetObject === 'undefined' || targetObject == null ){return false;}return true;}
}if ( ! Shell.Application.ExistsSubItem ) {Shell.Application.ExistsSubItem = function(path){var ShellObj=new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");var targetObject = new Object;var targetObject=ShellObj.NameSpace(Common.getParent(path));if (typeof targetObject === 'undefined' || targetObject == null ){return false;}var subItem=targetObject.ParseName(Common.getName(path));if(subItem === 'undefined' || subItem == null ){return false;}return true;}
}if ( ! Shell.Application.ItemCounterL1 ) {Shell.Application.ItemCounterL1 = function(path){var ShellObj=new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");var targetObject = new Object;var targetObject=ShellObj.NameSpace(path);if (targetObject != null ){return targetObject.Items().Count;	} else {return 0;}}
// shell application item.size returns the size of uncompressed state of the file.
if ( ! Shell.Application.getSize ) {Shell.Application.getSize = function(path){var ShellObj=new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");var targetObject = new Object;var targetObject=ShellObj.NameSpace(path);if (! Shell.Application.ExistsFolder (path)){WScript.Echo(path + "does not exists or the file is incorrect type.Be sure you are using full path to the file");return 0;}if (typeof size === 'undefined'){var size=0;}if (targetObject != null ){for (var i=0; i<targetObject.Items().Count;i++){if(!targetObject.Items().Item(i).IsFolder){size=size+targetObject.Items().Item(i).Size;} else if (targetObject.Items().Item(i).Count!=0){size=size+Shell.Application.getSize(targetObject.Items().Item(i).Path);}}} else {return 0;}return size;}
if ( ! Shell.Application.TakeAction ) {Shell.Application.TakeAction = function(destination,item, move ,option){if(typeof destination != 'undefined' && move){destination.MoveHere(item,option);} else if(typeof destination != 'undefined') {destination.CopyHere(item,option);} }
}//ProcessItem and  ProcessSubItems can be used both for zipping and unzipping
// When an item is zipped another process is ran and the control is released
// but when the script stops also the copying to the zipped file stops.
// Though the zipping is transactional so a zipped files will be visible only after the zipping is done
// and we can rely on items count when zip operation is performed. 
// Also is impossible to compress an empty folders.
// So when it comes to zipping two additional checks are added - for empty folders and for count of items at the 
// destination.if ( ! Shell.Application.ProcessItem ) {Shell.Application.ProcessItem = function(toProcess, destination  , move ,isZipping,option){var ShellObj=new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");destinationObj=ShellObj.NameSpace(destination);if (destinationObj!= null ){if (isZipping && Scripting.FileSystemObject.isEmptyFolder(toProcess)) {WScript.Echo(toProcess +" is an empty folder and will be not processed");return;}Shell.Application.TakeAction(destinationObj,toProcess, move ,option);var destinationCount=Shell.Application.ItemCounterL1(destination);var final_destination=destination + "\\" + Common.getName(toProcess);if (isZipping && !Shell.Application.ExistsSubItem(final_destination)) {Common.WaitForCount(destination,destinationCount+1,Shell.Application.ItemCounterL1);} else if (isZipping && Shell.Application.ExistsSubItem(final_destination)){WScript.Echo(final_destination + " already exists and task cannot be completed");return;}}	}
}if ( ! Shell.Application.ProcessSubItems ) {Shell.Application.ProcessSubItems = function(toProcess, destination  , move ,isZipping ,option){var ShellObj=new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");var destinationObj=ShellObj.NameSpace(destination);var toItemsToProcess=new Object;toItemsToProcess=ShellObj.NameSpace(toProcess).Items();if (destinationObj!= null ){for (var i=0;i<toItemsToProcess.Count;i++) {if (isZipping && Scripting.FileSystemObject.isEmptyFolder(toItemsToProcess.Item(i).Path)){WScript.Echo("");WScript.Echo(toItemsToProcess.Item(i).Path + " is empty and will be not processed");WScript.Echo("");} else {Shell.Application.TakeAction(destinationObj,toItemsToProcess.Item(i),move,option);var destinationCount=Shell.Application.ItemCounterL1(destination);if (isZipping) {Common.WaitForCount(destination,destinationCount+1,Shell.Application.ItemCounterL1);}}}	}	}
}if ( ! Shell.Application.ListItems ) {Shell.Application.ListItems = function(parrentObject){var ShellObj=new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");var targetObject = new Object;var targetObject=ShellObj.NameSpace(parrentObject);if (! Shell.Application.ExistsFolder (parrentObject)){WScript.Echo(parrentObject + "does not exists or the file is incorrect type.Be sure the full path the path is used");return;}if (typeof initialSCount == 'undefined') {initialSCount=(parrentObject.split("\\").length-1);WScript.Echo(parrentObject);}var spaces=function(path){var SCount=(path.split("\\").length-1)-initialSCount;var s="";for (var i=0;i<=SCount;i++) {s=" "+s;}return s;}var printP = function (item,end){if (flat) {WScript.Echo(targetObject.Items().Item(i).Path+end);}else{WScript.Echo( spaces(targetObject.Items().Item(i).Path)+targetObject.Items().Item(i).Name+end);}}if (targetObject != null ){var folderPath="";for (var i=0; i<targetObject.Items().Count;i++) {if(targetObject.Items().Item(i).IsFolder && targetObject.Items().Item(i).Count==0 ){printP(targetObject.Items().Item(i),"\\");} else if (targetObject.Items().Item(i).IsFolder){folderPath=parrentObject+"\\"+targetObject.Items().Item(i).Name;printP(targetObject.Items().Item(i),"\\")Shell.Application.ListItems(folderPath);						} else {printP(targetObject.Items().Item(i),"")}}}}
//     ZIP Utilsif ( ! this.ZIPUtils ) {var ZIPUtils = {};
}if ( ! this.ZIPUtils.ZipItem) {	ZIPUtils.ZipItem = function(source, destination ) {if (!Scripting.FileSystemObject.ExistsFolder(source)) {WScript.Echo("");WScript.Echo("file " + source +" does not exist");WScript.Quit(2);	}if (Scripting.FileSystemObject.ExistsFile(destination) && force ) {Scripting.FileSystemObject.DeleteItem(destination);ADODB.Stream.writeFile(destination,ZIP_DATA);} else if (!Scripting.FileSystemObject.ExistsFile(destination)) {ADODB.Stream.writeFile(destination,ZIP_DATA);} else {WScript.Echo("Destination "+destination+" already exists.Operation will be aborted");WScript.Quit(15);}source=Scripting.FileSystemObject.getFullPath(source);destination=Scripting.FileSystemObject.getFullPath(destination);Shell.Application.ProcessItem(source,destination,move,true ,NO_PROGRESS_BAR);}
}if ( ! this.ZIPUtils.ZipDirItems) {	ZIPUtils.ZipDirItems = function(source, destination ) {if (!Scripting.FileSystemObject.ExistsFolder(source)) {WScript.Echo();WScript.Echo("file " + source +" does not exist");WScript.Quit(2);	}if (Scripting.FileSystemObject.ExistsFile(destination) && force ) {Scripting.FileSystemObject.DeleteItem(destination);ADODB.Stream.writeFile(destination,ZIP_DATA);} else if (!Scripting.FileSystemObject.ExistsFile(destination)) {ADODB.Stream.writeFile(destination,ZIP_DATA);} else {WScript.Echo("Destination "+destination+" already exists.Operation will be aborted");WScript.Quit(15);}source=Scripting.FileSystemObject.getFullPath(source);destination=Scripting.FileSystemObject.getFullPath(destination);Shell.Application.ProcessSubItems(source, destination, move ,true,NO_PROGRESS_BAR);if (move){Scripting.FileSystemObject.DeleteItem(source);}}
}if ( ! this.ZIPUtils.Unzip) {	ZIPUtils.Unzip = function(source, destination ) {if(!Shell.Application.ExistsFolder(source) ){WScript.Echo("Either the target does not exist or is not a correct type");return;}if (Scripting.FileSystemObject.ExistsItem(destination) && force ) {Scripting.FileSystemObject.DeleteItem(destination);} else if (Scripting.FileSystemObject.ExistsItem(destination)){WScript.Echo("Destination " + destination + " already exists");return;}Scripting.FileSystemObject.CreateFolder(destination);source=Scripting.FileSystemObject.getFullPath(source);destination=Scripting.FileSystemObject.getFullPath(destination);Shell.Application.ProcessSubItems(source, destination, move ,false,NO_PROGRESS_BAR);	if (move){Scripting.FileSystemObject.DeleteItem(source);}}		
}if ( ! this.ZIPUtils.AddToZip) {ZIPUtils.AddToZip = function(source, destination ) {if(!Shell.Application.ExistsFolder(destination)) {WScript.Echo(destination +" is not valid path to/within zip.Be sure you are not using relative paths");Wscript.Exit("101");}if(!Scripting.FileSystemObject.ExistsItem(source)){WScript.Echo(source +" does not exist");Wscript.Exit("102");}source=Scripting.FileSystemObject.getFullPath(source);Shell.Application.ProcessItem(source,destination,move,true ,NO_PROGRESS_BAR); }
}if ( ! this.ZIPUtils.UnzipItem) {	ZIPUtils.UnzipItem = function(source, destination ) {if(!Shell.Application.ExistsSubItem(source)){WScript.Echo(source + ":Either the target does not exist or is not a correct type");return;}if (Scripting.FileSystemObject.ExistsItem(destination) && force ) {Scripting.FileSystemObject.DeleteItem(destination);} else if (Scripting.FileSystemObject.ExistsItem(destination)){WScript.Echo(destination+" - Destination already exists");return;} Scripting.FileSystemObject.CreateFolder(destination);destination=Scripting.FileSystemObject.getFullPath(destination);Shell.Application.ProcessItem(source, destination, move ,false,NO_PROGRESS_BAR);}		
if ( ! this.ZIPUtils.getSize) {	ZIPUtils.getSize = function(path) {// first getting a full path to the file is attempted// as it's required by shell.application// otherwise is assumed that a file within a zip // is aimed//TODO - find full path even if the path points to internal for the // zip directoryif (Scripting.FileSystemObject.ExistsFile(path)){path=Scripting.FileSystemObject.getFullPath(path);}WScript.Echo(Shell.Application.getSize(path));}
}if ( ! this.ZIPUtils.list) {	ZIPUtils.list = function(path) {// first getting a full path to the file is attempted// as it's required by shell.application// otherwise is assumed that a file within a zip // is aimed//TODO - find full path even if the path points to internal for the // zip directory// TODO - optional printing of each file uncompressed sizeif (Scripting.FileSystemObject.ExistsFile(path)){path=Scripting.FileSystemObject.getFullPath(path);}Shell.Application.ListItems(path);}
//   parsing'n'running
function printHelp(){WScript.Echo( scriptName + " list -source zipFile [-flat yes|no]");WScript.Echo( "		list the content of a zip file");WScript.Echo( "	zipFile - absolute path to the zip file");WScript.Echo( "			could be also a directory or a directory inside a zip file or");WScript.Echo( "			or a .cab file or an .iso file");WScript.Echo( "	-flat - indicates if the structure of the zip will be printed as tree");WScript.Echo( "			or with absolute paths (-flat yes).Default is yes.");WScript.Echo( "Example:");WScript.Echo( "	" + scriptName + " list -source C:\\ -flat no" );WScript.Echo( "	" + scriptName + " list -source C:\\\\inZipDir -flat yes" );WScript.Echo( scriptName + " getSize -source zipFile");WScript.Echo( "		prints uncompressed size of the zipped file in bytes");WScript.Echo( "	zipFile - absolute path to the zip file");WScript.Echo( "			could be also a directory or a directory inside a zip file or");WScript.Echo( "			or a .cab file or an .iso file");WScript.Echo( "Example:");WScript.Echo( "	" + scriptName + " getSize -source C:\\" );WScript.Echo( scriptName + " zipDirItems -source source_dir -destination [-force yes|no] [-keep yes|no]");WScript.Echo( "		zips the content of given folder without the folder itself ");WScript.Echo( "	source_dir - path to directory which content will be compressed");WScript.Echo( "		Empty folders in the source directory will be ignored");WScript.Echo( " - path/name  of the zip file that will be created");WScript.Echo( "	-force - indicates if the destination will be overwritten if already exists.");WScript.Echo( "		default is yes");WScript.Echo( "	-keep - indicates if the source content will be moved or just copied/kept.");WScript.Echo( "		default is yes");WScript.Echo( "Example:");WScript.Echo( "	" + scriptName + " zipDirItems -source C:\\myDir\\ -destination C:\\ -keep yes -force no" );WScript.Echo( scriptName + " zipItem -source item -destination [-force yes|no] [-keep yes|no]");WScript.Echo( "		zips file or directory to a file ");WScript.Echo( "	item - path to file or directory which content will be compressed");WScript.Echo( "		If points to an empty folder it will be ignored");WScript.Echo( "		If points to a folder it also will be included in the zip file alike zipdiritems command");WScript.Echo( "		Eventually zipping a folder in this way will be faster as it does not process every element one by one");WScript.Echo( " - path/name  of the zip file that will be created");WScript.Echo( "	-force - indicates if the destination will be overwritten if already exists.");WScript.Echo( "		default is yes");WScript.Echo( "	-keep - indicates if the source content will be moved or just copied/kept.");WScript.Echo( "		default is yes");WScript.Echo( "Example:");WScript.Echo( "	" + scriptName + " zipItem -source C:\\myDir\\myFile.txt -destination C:\\ -keep yes -force no" );WScript.Echo( scriptName + " unzip -source -destination destination_dir [-force yes|no] [-keep yes|no]");WScript.Echo( "		unzips the content of a zip file to a given directory ");WScript.Echo( "	source - path to the zip file that will be expanded");WScript.Echo( "		Eventually .iso , .cab or even an ordinary directory can be used as a source");WScript.Echo( "	destination_dir - path to directory where unzipped items will be stored");WScript.Echo( "	-force - indicates if the destination will be overwritten if already exists.");WScript.Echo( "		default is yes");WScript.Echo( "	-keep - indicates if the source content will be moved or just copied/kept.");WScript.Echo( "		default is yes");WScript.Echo( "Example:");WScript.Echo( "	" + scriptName + " unzip -source C:\\myDir\\ -destination C:\\MyDir -keep no -force no" );WScript.Echo( scriptName + " unZipItem -source -destination destination_dir [-force yes|no] [-keep yes|no]");WScript.Echo( "		unzips  a single within a given zip file to a destination directory");WScript.Echo( "	source - path to the file/folcer within a zip  that will be expanded");WScript.Echo( "		Eventually .iso , .cab or even an ordinary directory can be used as a source");WScript.Echo( "	destination_dir - path to directory where unzipped item will be stored");WScript.Echo( "	-force - indicates if the destination directory will be overwritten if already exists.");WScript.Echo( "		default is yes");WScript.Echo( "	-keep - indicates if the source content will be moved or just copied/kept.");WScript.Echo( "		default is yes");WScript.Echo( "Example:");WScript.Echo( "	" + scriptName + " unZipItem -source C:\\myDir\\\\InzipDir\\InzipFile -destination C:\\OtherDir -keep no -force yes" );WScript.Echo( "	" + scriptName + " unZipItem -source C:\\myDir\\\\InzipDir -destination C:\\OtherDir " );WScript.Echo( scriptName + " addToZip -source sourceItem -destination  [-keep yes|no]");WScript.Echo( "		adds file or folder to already exist zip file");WScript.Echo( "	source - path to the item that will be processed");WScript.Echo( "	destination_zip - path to the zip where the item will be added");WScript.Echo( "	-keep - indicates if the source content will be moved or just copied/kept.");WScript.Echo( "		default is yes");WScript.Echo( "Example:");WScript.Echo( "	" + scriptName + " addToZip -source C:\\some_file -destination C:\\myDir\\\\InzipDir -keep no " );WScript.Echo( "	" + scriptName + " addToZip -source  C:\\some_file -destination C:\\myDir\\ " );WScript.Echo( "	by Vasil \"npocmaka\" Arnaudov - npocmaka@gmail" );WScript.Echo( "	ver 0.1 " );WScript.Echo( "	latest version could be found here .scripts/blob/master/hybrids/jscript/zipjs.bat" );}function parseArguments(){if (WScript.Arguments.Length==1 || WScript.Arguments.Length==2 || ARGS.Item(1).toLowerCase() == "-help" ||  ARGS.Item(1).toLowerCase() == "-h" ) {printHelp();WScript.Quit(0);}//all arguments are key-value pairs plus one for script name and action taken - need to be even numberif (WScript.Arguments.Length % 2 == 1 ) {WScript.Echo("Illegal arguments ");printHelp();WScript.Quit(1);}//ARGSfor(var arg = 2 ; arg<ARGS.Length-1;arg=arg+2) {if (ARGS.Item(arg) == "-source") {source = ARGS.Item(arg +1);}if (ARGS.Item(arg) == "-destination") {destination = ARGS.Item(arg +1);}if (ARGS.Item(arg).toLowerCase() == "-keep" && ARGS.Item(arg +1).toLowerCase() == "no") {move=true;}if (ARGS.Item(arg).toLowerCase() == "-force" && ARGS.Item(arg +1).toLowerCase() == "no") {force=false;}if (ARGS.Item(arg).toLowerCase() == "-flat" && ARGS.Item(arg +1).toLowerCase() == "yes") {flat=true;}}if (source == ""){WScript.Echo("Source not given");printHelp();WScript.Quit(59);}}var checkDestination=function(){if (destination == ""){WScript.Echo("Destination not given");printHelp();WScript.Quit(65);}
}var main=function(){parseArguments();switch (ARGS.Item(1).toLowerCase()) {case "list":ZIPUtils.list(source);break;case "getsize":ZIPUtils.getSize(source);break;case "zipdiritems":checkDestination();ZIPUtils.ZipDirItems(source,destination);break;case "zipitem":checkDestination();ZIPUtils.ZipDirItems(source,destination);break;case "unzip":checkDestination();ZIPUtils.Unzip(source,destination);break;case "unzipitem":checkDestination();ZIPUtils.UnzipItem(source,destination);break;case "addtozip":checkDestination();ZIPUtils.AddToZip(source,destination);break;default:WScript.Echo("No valid switch has been passed");printHelp();}}


openssl windows自动编译+静态库符号缺失问题(/Fd选项)

本文发布于:2024-03-05 10:53:18,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:缺失   静态   符号   选项   openssl


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