the boy put on his goggles, fitted them tight, test the vacuum.全篇翻译

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the boy put on his goggles, fitted them tight, test the vacuum.<a href= style=全篇翻译"/>

the boy put on his goggles, fitted them tight, test the vacuum.全篇翻译

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      The boy put on his goggles, fitted them tight, tested the vacuum. His hands were shaking. Then he chose the biggest stone he could carry and slipped over the edge of the rock until half of him was in the cool, enclosing water and half in the hot sun. He looked up once at the empty sky, filled his lungs once, twice, and then sank fast to the bottom with the stone. He let it go and began to count. He took the edges of the hole in his hands and drew himself into it, wriggling his shoulders in sideways as he remembered he must, kicking himself along with his feet.


     Soon he was clear inside. He was in a small rock-bound hole filled with yellowish-grey water. The water pushing him against the roof. The roof was sharp and pained his back. He pulled himself along with his hand — fast, fast— and used his legs as levers. His head knocked against something; a sharp pain dizzed him. Fifty, fifty-one, fifty-two ... He was without light, and the water seemed to press upon him with the weight of rock. Seventy-one, seventy-two ... There was no strain on his lungs. He felt like an inflated balloon, his lungs were so light and easy, but his head was pulsing.

       He was being continually pressed against the sharp roof, which felt slimy as well as sharp. Again he thought octopuses, and wondered if the tunnel might be filled with weed that could tangle him. He gave himself a panicky, convulsive kick forward, ducked his head, and swam. His feet and hands moved freely, as if in open water. The hole must have widened out. He thought he must be swimming fast, and he was frightened of banging his head if the tunnel narrowed.
    他一直被水压固定在粗糙尖锐的洞顶,这洞顶既有点粘稠也有点硌人。他再次想起了八爪鱼,同时还怀疑洞里是否长满了杂草会缠住他。他慌了,他痉挛性地踢着腿,低下头向前游(以免再次碰到洞顶的岩石)。他的手脚能够伸展开了(moved freely: 译成伸展开),如同在一片开阔的水域。这洞一定会变宽。他觉得必须快速地游,但他害怕如果洞变窄那么他的头还会再次被撞伤。

       A hundred, a hundred and one ... The water paled. Victory filled him. His lungs were begining to hurt. A few more strokes and he would be out. He was counting wildly; he said a hundred and fifteen, and then, a long time later, a hundred and fifteen again. The water was a clear jewel-green all around him. Then he saw, above his head, a crack running up through the rock. Sunlight was falling through it, showing the clean dark rock of the tunnel, a single mussel shell, and darkness ahead.

     He was at the end of what he could do. He looked up at the crack as if it were filled with air and not water, as if he could put his mouth to it to draw in air. A hundred and fifteen, he heard himself say inside his head — but he had said that long ago. He must go on into the blackness ahead, or he would drown. His head was swelling, his lungs cracking. A hundred and fifteen, a hundred and fifteen pounded through his head, and he feebly clutched at rocks in the dark, pulling himself forward, leaving the brief space of sunlit water behind. He felt he was dying. He was no longer quite conscious. He struggled on in the darkness between lapses into unconsciousness. An immense, swelling pain filled his head, and then the darkness cracked with an explosion of green light. His hands, groping forward, met nothing, and his feet, kicking back, propelled him out into the open sea.
    他已经力不从心了。再次抬头看了看那条裂缝,如果那里是透气的而不是充满了水,他一定会去深吸几口空气(直译:他的嘴会被吸引到空气中)。115,他听到了脑海中属于自己的声音,但他早已数过115了。他要么继续朝着黑暗游去,要么被淹死。他的头在胀痛,肺在撕裂。115,115...他的脑海中浮现了多次115。他无力地抓住黑暗中的岩石,继续全力地向前游,把给予他信念、阳光照耀的水抛在了身后。他感觉他要死了。他不再继续了,他在黑暗中挣扎,还失去了意识。一种剧烈膨胀般的疼痛充斥着大脑。这时,随着希望之光的爆发,黑暗被撕破了(为了雅辞,所以把green light译为“希望之光”)。他的手向前漫无目的地摸索着;他的脚向后踢打着,最后终于游到了广阔的大海中(直译:腿向后踢,反作用力把他推出去,进而到了开阔的大海中)。


the boy put on his goggles, fitted them tight, test the vacuum.全篇翻译

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