监控 GG 状态 说明

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监控 GG 状态 说明





这里注意STATS 指静态的信息,而STATUS 是运行时的信息。



1.1 Monitoring an Extract recovery

If Extractabends when a long-running transaction is open, it can seem to take a long timeto recover when it is started again. To recover its processing state, Extractmust search back through the online and archived logs (if necessary) to findthe first log record for that long-running transaction. The farther back intime that the transaction started, the longer the recovery takes, in general,and Extract can appear to be stalled.

--当一个长事务在运行时,此时Extract 进程异常中断,那么在下次启动时就会花很长的时间来进行recover操作。

在恢复过程中,Extract 进程需要搜索online和archived logs 信息来查找长事务的第一条log 记录。从而确定事务的开始时间,然后进行恢复,在恢复过程中,Extract 的操作是比较慢的。


To confirm thatExtract is recovering properly, use the SEND EXTRACT command with the STATUS option.One of the following status notations appears, and you can follow the progressas Extract changes its log read position over the course of the recovery.

为了确认Extract 的recover 状态,可以使用如下命令查看:

GGSCI>Send extract_name status


GGSCI>Send  extract extract_name status



(1)    In recovery[1] – Extract isrecovering to its checkpoint in the transaction log.

(2)    In recovery[2] – Extract isrecovering from its checkpoint to the end of the trail.

(3)    Recovery complete – Therecovery is finished, and normal processing will resume.



GGSCI (gg1) 12>send extract ext1 status


Sending STATUS request to EXTRACT EXT1 ...



  Current status: In recovery[1]: At EOF


 Current read position:

 Sequence #: 24

 RBA: 6921352

 Timestamp: 2011-11-17 20:17:20.000000


 Current write position:

 Sequence #: 0

 RBA: 0

 Timestamp: 2011-11-17 16:56:31.777616

 Extract Trail: /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt


GGSCI (gg1) 13> send ext1 status


Sending STATUS request to EXTRACT EXT1 ...



  Current status: Inrecovery[1]: At EOF


 Current read position:

 Sequence #: 24

 RBA: 6921352

 Timestamp: 2011-11-17 20:17:20.000000


 Current write position:

 Sequence #: 0

 RBA: 0

 Timestamp: 2011-11-17 16:56:31.777616

  Extract Trail: /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt


1.2 Monitoring lag

Lag statisticsshow you how well the Oracle GoldenGate processes are keeping pace with theamount of data that is being generated by the business applications. With this information,you can diagnose suspected problems and tune the performance of the Oracle GoldenGateprocesses to minimize the latency between the source and target databases.

       Lag 的静态信息可以显示GG 进程处理的data 数量。


For Extract, lagis the difference, in seconds, between the time that a record was processed byExtract (based on the system clock) and the timestamp of that record in thedata source.

--对于Extract,lag 表示Extract 进程处理记录的时间与记录在Data source中timestamp的一个时间差。 这个可以体现Extract 的反应时间。单位是秒。

For Replicat,lag is the difference, in seconds, between the time that the last record was processedby Replicat (based on the system clock) and the timestamp of the record in the trail.

--同样对于Replicat,lag 表示的是Replicat 进程处理的最后一条记录与这条记录在trail 文件中timestamp 的时间差。单位是秒。


查看lag statistics 的信息可以使用如下两种语法:

(1)LAG {EXTRACT | REPLICAT | ER}{<group | wildcard>}

(2)SEND {EXTRACT | REPLICAT}{<group | wildcard>}, GETLAG

       这里要注意的是, SEND 命令返回的log statistics 是checkpointed 中记录的最后一条记录,而不是process 当前处理的记录,所以SEND 命令显示的信息没有LAG 或 INFO 命令显示的准确。



GGSCI (gg1) 20> lag er *


Sending GETLAG request to EXTRACT DPUMP ...

No records yet processed.

At EOF, no more records to process.


Sending GETLAG request to EXTRACT EXT1 ...

Last record lag: 21 seconds.

At EOF, no more records to process.



GGSCI (gg1) 21> send ext1 getlag


Sending GETLAG request to EXTRACT EXT1 ...

Last record lag: 21 seconds.

At EOF, no more records to process.



有三种方式来控制Lag 的报警设置:

(1)Use the LAGREPORTMINUTES or LAGREPORTHOURSparameter to specify the interval at which Manager checks for Extract andReplicat lag.

       --这2个参数设置Manager 检查Extract 和ReplicatLag的时间间隔。

(2)Use the LAGCRITICALSECONDS, LAGCRITICALMINUTES,or LAGCRITICALHOURS parameter to specify a lag threshold that is consideredcritical, and to force a warning message to the error log when the threshold isreached. This parameter affects Extract and Replicat processes on the localsystem.

       --这3个参数控制Lag 的界限值,当超过这个值,就认为是严重的,将强制写一条警告信息到error log里。 这个参数只影响本地系统上的Extract 和Replicat 进程。

(3)Use the LAGINFOSECONDS, LAGINFOMINUTES,or LAGINFOHOURS parameter to specify how often to report lag information to theerror log. If the lag is greater than the value specified with the LAGCRITICAL parameter,Manager reports the lag as critical; otherwise, it reports the lag as aninformational message. A value of zero (0) forces a message at the frequencyspecified with the LAGREPORTMINUTES or LAGREPORTHOURS parameter.

       --这3个参数指定多长时间将lag 信息写入error log。


1.3 Monitoring processing volume

The volumestatistics show you the amount of data that is being processed by an Oracle GoldenGateprocess, and how fast it is being moved through the Oracle GoldenGate system.With this information, you can diagnose suspected problems and tune the performanceof the Oracle GoldenGate processes.


1.3.1 查看 volume statistics


STATS {EXTRACT | REPLICAT | ER} {<group| wildcard>} [TABLE {<name | wildcard>}]



GGSCI (gg1) 22> stats er ext1


Sending STATS request to EXTRACT EXT1 ...

Start of Statistics at 2011-11-18 16:30:35.


DDL replication statistics (for alltrails):

*** Total statistics since extractstarted     ***

       Operations                                  0.00

       Mapped operations                            0.00

       Unmapped operations                          0.00

       Other operations                             0.00

       Excluded operations                          0.00


Output to /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt:


Extracting from DAVE.PDBA to DAVE.PDBA:

*** Total statistics since 2011-11-1815:13:17 ***

       Total inserts                                0.00

       Total updates                                0.00

       Total deletes                                1.00

       Total discards                               0.00

       Total operations                             1.00


*** Daily statistics since 2011-11-1815:13:17 ***

       Total inserts                               0.00

       Total updates                                0.00

       Total deletes                                1.00

       Total discards                               0.00

       Total operations                             1.00


*** Hourly statistics since 2011-11-1816:00:00 ***

       No database operations have been performed.


*** Latest statistics since 2011-11-1815:13:17 ***

       Total inserts                                0.00

       Total updates                               0.00

       Total deletes                                1.00

       Total discards                               0.00

       Total operations                             1.00


End of Statistics.


GGSCI (gg1) 23> statsextract ext1 table pdba


Sending STATS request to EXTRACT EXT1 ...

Start of Statistics at 2011-11-18 16:31:17.


DDL replication statistics (for alltrails):


*** Total statistics since extractstarted     ***

       Operations                                   0.00

       Mapped operations                            0.00

       Unmapped operations                          0.00

       Other operations                             0.00

       Excluded operations                          0.00

Output to /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt:

End of Statistics.



1.3.2 查看 processing rate


STATS {EXTRACT | REPLICAT | ER} {<group| wildcard>}, REPORTRATE {HR | MIN | SEC}




GGSCI (gg1) 24> stats er ext1,reportrate min

Sending STATS request to EXTRACT EXT1 ...

Start of Statistics at 2011-11-18 16:34:36.


DDL replication statistics (for alltrails):


*** Total statistics since extractstarted     ***

       Operations                                   0.00

       Mapped operations                            0.00

       Unmapped operations                          0.00

       Other operations                             0.00

       Excluded operations                          0.00


Output to /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt:


Extracting from DAVE.PDBA to DAVE.PDBA:


*** Total statistics since 2011-11-1815:13:17 ***

       Total inserts/minute:                        0.00

       Total updates/minute:                        0.00

       Total deletes/minute:                        0.01

       Total discards/minute:                       0.00

       Total operations/minute:                     0.01


*** Daily statistics since 2011-11-1815:13:17 ***

       Total inserts/minute:                        0.00

       Total updates/minute:                        0.00

       Total deletes/minute:                        0.01

       Total discards/minute:                       0.00

       Total operations/minute:                     0.01


*** Hourly statistics since 2011-11-1816:00:00 ***


       No database operations have been performed.


*** Latest statistics since 2011-11-1815:13:17 ***

       Total inserts/minute:                        0.00

       Total updates/minute:                        0.00

       Total deletes/minute:                        0.01

       Total discards/minute:                       0.00

       Total operations/minute:                     0.01


End of Statistics.



1.3.3  查看自启动以来单表的总的操作


STATS {EXTRACT | REPLICAT | ER} {<group| wildcard>},TOTALSONLY <table>



GGSCI (gg1) 25> stats er ext1,totalsonly pdba


Sending STATS request to EXTRACT EXT1 ...

Start of Statistics at 2011-11-18 16:37:51.

DDL replication statistics (for alltrails):


*** Total statistics since extractstarted     ***

       Operations                                   0.00

       Mapped operations                            0.00

       Unmapped operations                          0.00

       Other operations                             0.00

       Excluded operations                          0.00


Output to /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt:


Cumulative totals for specified table(s):

*** Total statistics since 2011-11-1815:13:17 ***

       No database operations have been performed.


*** Daily statistics since 2011-11-1815:13:17 ***

       No database operations have been performed.


*** Hourly statistics since 2011-11-1816:00:00 ***

       No database operations have been performed.


*** Latest statistics since 2011-11-1815:13:17 ***

       No database operations have been performed.


End of Statistics.


1.3.4 To limit the types of statistics that are displayed





GGSCI (gg1) 28> stats ext1 total

Sending STATS request to EXTRACT EXT1 ...

Start of Statistics at 2011-11-18 16:44:52.


DDL replication statistics (for alltrails):


*** Total statistics since extractstarted     ***

       Operations                                   0.00

       Mapped operations                            0.00

       Unmapped operations                          0.00

       Other operations                             0.00

       Excluded operations                          0.00


Output to /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt:


Extracting from DAVE.PDBA to DAVE.PDBA:


*** Total statistics since 2011-11-1815:13:17 ***

       Total inserts                                0.00

       Total updates                                0.00

       Total deletes                                1.00

       Total discards                               0.00

       Total operations                             1.00


End of Statistics.



       命令中的extract和replicat 类型不用指定,后面的逗号也可以省略,gg 都会自动识别。


1.3.5 To clear allfilters that were set with previous options


STATS {EXTRACT | REPLICAT | ER} {<group| wildcard>}, RESET



1.3.6 To send interimstatistics to the report file


SEND {EXTRACT | REPLICAT | ER} {<group |wildcard>}, REPORT




Error log 存放在GG 的安装目录下面:

gg1:/u01/ggate> ll ggserr.log

-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 149756 Nov 1816:44 ggserr.log


使用GG error log可以查看一下信息:

(1)    a history of GGSCI commands

(2)    Oracle GoldenGate processesthat started and stopped

(3)    processing that was performed

(4)    errors that occurred

(5)    informational and warningmessages


Because the error log shows events as they occurred in sequence, it is a good tool for detectingthe cause (or causes) of an error. For example, you might discover that:

(1)    someone stopped a process

(2)    a process failed to make aTCP/IP or database connection

(3)    a process could not open a file


2.1 To view the error log

Use any of the following:

(1)    Standard shell command to viewthe ggserr.log file within the root Oracle GoldenGate

(2)    directory

(3)    Oracle GoldenGate Director

(4)    VIEW GGSEVT command in GGSCI





GGSCI (gg1) 29> view ggsevt


2011-11-08 20:08:12  INFO   OGG-00987  Oracle GoldenGateCommand Interpreter for

 Oracle: GGSCI command (oracle): edit params mgr.

2011-11-08 20:11:09  INFO   OGG-00987  Oracle GoldenGateCommand Interpreter for

 Oracle: GGSCI command (oracle): start manager.

2011-11-08 20:11:11  INFO   OGG-00983  Oracle GoldenGateManager for Oracle, mgr

.prm: Manager started (port 7809).

2011-11-08 20:36:22  INFO   OGG-00987  Oracle GoldenGateCommand Interpreter for

 Oracle: GGSCI command (oracle): add extract ext1 tranlog, begin now.

2011-11-08 20:36:47  INFO   OGG-01749  Oracle GoldenGateCommand Interpreter for

 Oracle: Successfully registered EXTRACT EXT1 to start managing log retention at


2011-11-08 20:37:16  INFO   OGG-00987  Oracle GoldenGateCommand Interpreter for

 Oracle: GGSCI command (oracle): add exttrail /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt  extract ext1



2.2 To filter the error log

The error logcan become very large, but you can filter it based on a keyword. For example, thisfilter show only errors:

$ moreggserr.log | grep ERROR



gg1:/u01/ggate> more ggserr.log | grepERROR

2011-11-09 21:00:32  ERROR  OGG-01224  Oracle GoldenGateCapture for Oracle, ext1.prm:  TCP/IPerror 113 (No route to host).

2011-11-09 21:00:33  ERROR  OGG-01668  Oracle GoldenGateCapture for Oracle, ext1.prm:  PROCESSABENDING.

2011-11-15 20:51:50  ERROR  OGG-01203  Oracle GoldenGateCapture for Oracle, ext2.prm:  EXTRACTabending.


Because the error log will continue to grow as you use Oracle GoldenGate, consider archivingand deleting the oldest entries in the file.



The Collectorprocess might stop reporting to the log on UNIX systems after the log has beencleaned up. To get reporting started again, restart the Collector process

after the cleanup.





(1)    parameters in use

(2)    table and column mapping

(3)    database information

(4)    runtime messages and errors

(5)    runtime statistics for thenumber of operations processed


Every Extract,Replicat, and Manager process generates a report file at the end of each run. Thereport can help you diagnose problems that occurred during the run, such asinvalid mapping syntax, SQL errors, and connection errors.

每个Extract,Replicat和Manager进程,在运行结束时都会生成一个report 文件。 通过这个文件可以查看进行在运行期间的相关信息。


3.1 To view a process report

Use any of the following:

(1)    standard shell command forviewing a text file

(2)    Oracle GoldenGate Director

(3)    VIEW REPORT command in GGSCI



VIEW REPORT {<group> | <filename> | MGR}



(1)     <group> shows an Extract or Replicatreport that has the default name, which is the name of the associated group.

(2)    <file name> shows anyExtract or Replicat report file that matches a given path name. Must be used ifa non-default report name was assigned with the REPORT option of the ADDEXTRACT or ADD REPLICAT command when the group was created.

(3)    MGR shows the Manager processreport.


Report names arein upper case if the operating system is case-sensitive. By default,reportshave a file extension of .rpt, for example EXTORA.rpt. The default location isthe dirrpt sub-directory of the Oracle GoldenGate directory.

--如果操作系统大小写敏感,那么Report Name就是大写,默认情况下,Report 文件扩展名是rpt,默认目录是GG 安装目录的dirrpt 目录下。



GGSCI (gg1) 30> view report ext1




                 Oracle GoldenGate Capture forOracle

       Version OGGCORE_11.1.1_PLATFORMS_110421.2040

  Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Apr 30 2011 18:52:51


Copyright (C) 1995, 2011, Oracle and/or itsaffiliates. All rights reserved.



                    Starting at 2011-11-1813:30:22



Operating System Version:


Version #1 SMP Tue Aug 18 15:59:52 EDT2009, Release 2.6.18-164.el5xen

Node: gg1

Machine: x86_64

                         soft limit   hard limit

Address Space Size   :   unlimited    unlimited

Heap Size            :   unlimited    unlimited

File Size            :   unlimited    unlimited

CPU Time             :    unlimited   unlimited



3.2 To determine the name and location of a process report

Use the INFO command in GGSCI.




3.3 To view information if a process abends without a report

Run the processfrom the command shell of the operating system (not GGSCI) to send the informationto the terminal.

如果进程中断,并没有生成Report 的情况,我们可以使用如下语法来查看进程的信息。



<process>paramfile <path name>.prm


(1)     <process> is either Extract or Replicat.

(2)     paramfile <path name>.prm is the fullyqualified name of the parameter file.



gg1:/u01/ggate> extractparamfile /u01/ggate/dirdat/ext1.prm


Source Context :

 SourceModule            : [ggstd.util.file]

 SourceID                :[/scratch/sganti/view_storage/sganti_core_lin64/oggcore/OpenSys/src/gglib/ggstd/fileutl.c]

 SourceFunction          :[ggOpenFile]

 SourceLine              : [681]

 ThreadBacktrace         : [8]elements

                         :[extract(CMessageContext::AddThreadContext()+0x26) [0x66a416]]

                          :[extract(CMessageFactory::CreateMessage(CSourceContext*, unsigned int,...)+0x7b2) [0x660ee2]]

                          :[extract(_MSG_ERR_FILE_OPEN_ERROR(CSourceContext*, char const*,CMessageFactory::MessageDisposition)+0x92) [0x633952]]

                          :[extract(ggOpenFile(char const*, char const*)+0x7e) [0x58851e]]

                          : [extract[0x512f63]]

                          : [extract(main+0x1a8) [0x5254a8]]

                          :[/lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf4) [0x34fa41d994]]

                          :[extract(__gxx_personality_v0+0x1f2) [0x4f2bda]]


2011-11-18 17:23:31  ERROR  OGG-01091  Unable to open file"/u01/ggate/dirdat/ext1.prm" (error 2, No such file or directory).

2011-11-18 17:23:31  ERROR  OGG-01668  PROCESS ABENDING.

3.4 Scheduling runtime statistics in the process report

By default,runtime statistics are written to the report once, at the end of each run. For longor continuous runs, you can use optional parameters to view these statistics ona regular basis, without waiting for the end of the run.

--默认情况下,运行时的静态信息只在进程结束时写如report。 如果是一个长时间运行的进程,我们可以使用可选的参数来查看进程的信息,而不是等进程stop。


3.4.1 To set a schedulefor reporting runtime statistics

Use the REPORT parameterin the Extract or Replicat parameter file to specify a day and time to generateruntime statistics in the report.

       --在Extract 或Replicat 进程里指定REPORT参数,就可以在指定的时间间隔内规则的生成report。


3.4.2 To send runtimestatistics to the report on demand

Use the SENDEXTRACT or SEND REPLICAT command with the REPORT option to view current runtimestatistics when needed.

使用send extract 或者 send replicat 命令加report 参数来查看进程当前的运行信息。



GGSCI (gg1) 35> send ext1 report

Sending REPORT request to EXTRACT EXT1 ...

Request processed.


3.5 Viewing record counts in the process report

Use the REPORTCOUNTparameter to report a count of transaction records that Extract or Replicatprocessed since startup. Each transaction record represents a logical database operationthat was performed within a transaction that was captured by Oracle GoldenGate.The record count is printed to the report file and to the screen.

--REPORTCOUNT 参数可以显示进程自启动以来事务操作的数量。 每个事务操作都会被GG 捕获。


3.6 Managing process reports

Once created, areport file must remain in its original location for Oracle GoldenGate to operateproperly after processing has started.

Whenever aprocess starts, Oracle GoldenGate creates a new report file and ages the previousone by appending a sequence number to the name. The numbers increment from 0(the previous one) to 9 (the oldest).

No process everhas more than ten aged reports and one active report. After the tenth aged report,the oldest is deleted when a new report is created. Set up an archivingschedule for aged report files in case they are needed to resolve a servicerequest.


3.6.1 To prevent anExtract or Replicat report file from becoming too large

Use the REPORTROLLOVERparameter to force report files to age on a regular schedule, instead of when aprocess starts. For long or continuous runs, setting an aging schedule controlsthe size of the active report file and provides a more predictable set ofarchives that can be included in your archiving routine.


3.6.2 To prevent SQLerrors from filling up the Replicat report

Use the WARNRATEparameter to set a threshold for the number of SQL errors that can be toleratedon any target table before being reported to the process report and to theerror log. The errors are reported as a warning. If your environment cantolerate a large number of these errors, increasing WARNRATE helps to minimizethe size of those files.



Use a discardfile to capture information about Oracle GoldenGate operations that failed. Thisinformation can help you to resolve data errors, such as those that involveinvalid column mapping.

--discard file可以存放GG 失败的操作记录。


Discard file 包含如下信息:

(1)    The database error message

(2)    The sequence number of the datasource or trail file

(3)    The relative byte address ofthe record in the data source or trail file

(4)    The details of the discardedoperation, such as column values of a DML statement or the text of a DDLstatement.


A discard filecan be used for Extract or Replicat, but it is most useful for Replicat to log operationsthat could not be reconstructed or applied.

--discard file 可以使用在Extract 和 Replicat 进程上,但是大多数情况下是在Replicat 进程上使用。


4.1 To use a discard file

Include the DISCARDFILEparameter in the Extract or Replicat parameter file. You must supply a name forthe file. The parameter has options that control the maximum file size, afterwhich the process abends, and whether new content overwrites or appends toexisting content.

       --Extract 和 Replicat 进程都可以包含DISCARDFILE参数,如果使用该参数,必须指明file name。 这个参数的可选参数包括最大filesize,和程序异常中止后,启动时是overwrite 还是append 这个discard file.






To prevent theneed to perform manual maintenance of discard files, use either the PURGE orAPPEND option. Otherwise, you must specify a different discard file name beforestarting each process run, because Oracle GoldenGate will not write to anexisting discard file.

       --为了避免人工的维护discard file,可以使用purge 或者append 参数,这样就可以正常启动了。 不然就需要在启动进程前指定新的位置,因为GG 不会覆盖已经存在的discard file。


4.2 To view a discard file

Use either of the following:

(1)    Standard shell command to viewthe file by name

(2)    VIEW REPORT command in GGSCI,with the discard file name as input


VIEW REPORT<file name>


GGSCI (gg2) 4> view params rep1


replicat rep1


userid ggate@gg2,password ggate

discardfile /u01/ggate/dirdat/rep1_discard.txt, append, megabytes 10


ddl include all

ddlerror default ignore retryop

map dave.pdba, target dave.pdba;



GGSCI (gg2) 5> view report  /u01/ggate/dirdat/rep1_discard.txt

Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracleprocess started, group REP1 discard file op

ened: 2011-11-08 20:51:55

Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracleprocess started, group REP1 discard file op

ened: 2011-11-09 10:39:47

Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracleprocess started, group REP1 discard file op

ened: 2011-11-16 11:23:44


4.3 To manage discard files

Use the DISCARDROLLOVERparameter to set a schedule for aging discard files. For long or continuousruns, setting an aging schedule prevents the discard file from filling up and causingthe process to abend, and it provides a predictable set of archives that can beincluded in your archiving routine.



DISCARDROLLOVER{AT <hh:mi> | ON <day of week> | AT <hh:mi> ON <day ofweek>}





监控 GG 状态 说明

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