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Do you run a multi-author blog? Are you a student looking to work on a group project and need a task management tool? Brad Williams (@williamsba) from WebDevStudios has released a new plugin called CollabPress which transform a standard WordPress installation into a full featured project management application in a single click! CollabPress is an all in one project and task management plugin for WordPress that easily lets you create unlimited projects, task lists, and tasks with all of the features you would expect. In this article, we will give you a quick overview of CollabPress and how you can start using it.

您是否经营多作者博客? 您是否正在寻找一个小组项目的学生并需要任务管理工具? 来自WebDevStudios的Brad Williams(@williamsba)发布了一个名为CollabPress的新插件, 只需单击一次即可将标准WordPress安装转换为功能齐全的项目管理应用程序! CollabPress是适用于WordPress的多项目合一项目和任务管理插件,可让您轻松创建无限项目,任务列表和具有您期望的所有功能的任务。 在本文中,我们将为您提供CollabPress的快速概述以及如何开始使用它。

CollabbPress的功能 (Features of CollabbPress)

  • Unlimited projects, task lists, tasks, and comments

  • Easily edit/delete projects, task lists, tasks, and comments

  • Email notifications for new tasks and comments

  • Task due dates with a calendar view

  • Uses built-in WordPress user accounts

  • Activity log tracking all activity

  • Multisite compatible

  • 100% GPL and Free!


First thing first, you need to install and activate CollabPress Plugin. Once you have done that, you will see a new option in the side navigation that says “CollabPress”. This menu has 2 options, one for “Settings” and another for Creating and managing tasks.

首先,您需要安装并激活CollabPress插件 。 完成此操作后,您将在侧面导航中看到一个名为“ CollabPress”的新选项。 该菜单有2个选项,一个用于“设置”,另一个用于创建和管理任务。

In the settings page, you can select what is the minimum user role that you want to give access to participate in your collaboration. This is an excellent option to have in such a plugin. It also allows you to set email notification for users, so they know if they have been assigned a task.

在设置页面中,您可以选择要授予访问权限以参与协作的最低用户角色。 在这样的插件中,这是一个极好的选择。 它还允许您为用户设置电子邮件通知,以便他们知道是否已为他们分配了任务。

On the CollabPress Dashboard, you see a page that contains a lot of information such as Recent Activity, an option to add a New Project, List of all Projects, List of all Users, List of all Task lists, tasks, and a calendar view.

在CollabPress仪表板上,您会看到一个页面,其中包含很多信息,例如“最近的活动”,添加新项目的选项,所有项目的列表,所有用户的列表,所有任务列表,任务的列表以及日历视图。 。

Once you create a project and create a task list, you can visit the project page and see the task list overview yourself to see what has been done by who. Who is slacking and needs to get going. This is a great tool because it shows which user completed it along with the Due Dates as well.

创建项目并创建任务列表后,您可以访问项目页面并亲自查看任务列表概述,以了解由谁完成的工作。 谁在懈怠,需要走下去。 这是一个很棒的工具,因为它还显示了哪个用户完成了它以及到期日期。

Let’s say someone needs help, or you have a comment about a task that is assigned to someone else, there is a way to have internal communication. This is a must have feature for every collaboration software, and Brad and his team did a great job adding it.

假设某人需要帮助,或者您对分配给其他人的任务有评论,则有一种内部沟通的方法。 这是每个协作软件都必须具备的功能,Brad和他的团队在添加它方面做得很好。

If you are working on a project that has a deadline and a lot of people, then there is this very cool calendar view for you to see what is due on which date and who is responsible for it.


Now this plugin is very new and still has a lot coming. The developing team has created a Roadmap for the new features that are coming in. Some of the noteworthy features that are coming in the future releases are: Front-end [shortcode] support; ability to upload files to a project, task list, or task; Task item priority settings; BuddyPress integration; Group task assignment list.

现在,该插件是一个非常新的插件,并且还有很多功能。 开发团队已经为即将推出的新功能创建了一个路线图 。未来版本中将出现的一些值得注意的功能包括:前端[shortcode]支持; 能够将文件上传到项目,任务列表或任务; 任务项目优先级设置; BuddyPress集成; 小组任务分配列表。

If you have a feature that you would like to see, then they have created a forum for support and feature requests. We recommend that you go to CollabPress Forum and request the features there.

如果您有想要看到的功能,那么他们已经创建了一个论坛来支持和提出功能请求。 我们建议您去CollabPress论坛并在那里请求功能。

潜行峰预览 (Sneak Peak Preview)

Brad recently tweeted out a sneak peak preview for the front-end shortcode support. Here is how it will look when embedded in the post:

布拉德(Brad)最近在推特上发布了一个抢先预览版,以支持前端短代码。 这是嵌入帖子后的外观:

This is a very exciting plugin in the development, and we can expect it to be great because Brad Williams is behind it. If you don’t remember him, he is the author of Professional WordPress book that we reviewed.

这是开发中一个非常令人兴奋的插件,我们可以期望它会很棒,因为Brad Williams在后面。 如果您不记得他,他就是我们审核过的 WordPress专业WordPress书的作者。

What are you waiting for? Download the plugin and try it to see if this is for you.

你在等什么? 下载插件,然后尝试看看是否适合您。

立即下载CollabPress (Download CollabPress Now)

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本文发布于:2024-02-27 05:54:19,感谢您对本站的认可!
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