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The best way to learn is often times to just jump in and do it, but hearing how other successful people did it first can be inspirational. The ten stories below detail how other people got their web startups (or freelancing or consulting businesses) off the ground and some of the lessons they learned along the way. Paying attention to what people have done before can help us to avoid making the same mistakes and emulate the successes. Please feel free to share other “How I Did It” stories in the comments below.

最好的学习方法通​​常是跳进去做,但是听听其他成功人士如何做才是鼓舞人心的。 下面的十个故事详细介绍了其他人如何使他们的Web初创公司(或自由职业者或咨询公司)起步,以及他们在此过程中学到的一些经验教训。 注意人们以前所做的事情可以帮助我们避免犯同样的错误并效仿成功。 请随时在下面的评论中分享其他“我如何做到”的故事。

1. Perl迪·吉里佐尼 (1. Peldi Guilizzoni)

This is the story of how a young coder from Italy, who was until fairly recently working at Adobe, quit his job to launch Balsamiq. Balsamiq is a Micro-ISV that makes a product that helps developers create UI mockups easily in Confluence, JIRA and XWiki. Guilizzoni details how and why he left his job at Adobe to bootstrap his startup, and how he balanced his personal life, which includes a wife and kid.

这是一个故事,讲述了一个来自意大利的年轻编码员,直到不久前在Adobe工作的时候,如何辞职创建Balsamiq 。 Balsamiq是一种Micro-ISV,其产品可帮助开发人员在Confluence,JIRA和XWiki中轻松创建UI模型。 Guilizzoni详细介绍了他如何以及为什么离开他在Adobe的工作来重新启动自己的公司,以及他如何平衡自己的个人生活,包括妻子和孩子。

2. 汤姆·普雷斯顿-韦纳 (2. Tom Preston-Werner)

$300,000 is a lot of money. For most people, turning down that kind of guaranteed cash and a 3-year contract at a large software company would be difficult. For Preston-Werner, the decision was difficult, but it has so far turned out to be the right decision to make. He details how he turned down a huge contract at Microsoft after Powerset was acquired to work full-time on GitHub, the startup he was bootstrapping with a couple of partners.

$ 300,000是很多钱。 对于大多数人来说,拒绝大型软件公司提供的这种有保证的现金和3年的合同将是困难的。 对于Preston-Werner来说,这个决定困难,但是到目前为止,这才是正确的决定。 他详细介绍了在Powerset被收购以在GitHub上全职工作后,他如何拒绝了微软的一份巨额合同,这是他与几个合作伙伴一起启动的创业公司。

3. Loic Le Meur (3. Loic Le Meur)

For Loic Le Meur, it paid to have powerful friends when he was pitching his idea for video startup Seesmic. Even so, his story of how he framed the pitch is inspiring and helpful to read for anyone out there looking for cash for their startup — or just trying to figure out how to talk about their idea.

对于Loic Le Meur,当他向视频初创公司Seesmic提出想法时,结交了一些强大的朋友是很有意义的 。 即便如此,他关于如何组织球场的故事仍然鼓舞人心,并有助于他们为那些寻求创业资金的人阅读-或者只是试图弄清楚如何谈论他们的想法。

4. 卡洛·费利西亚诺 (4. Carlo Feliciano)

Getting started as a freelancer is tough enough. Now imagine doing it in a field you’ve got no formal experience in. How do you get people to buy your services if they’re the first to do it? Carlo Feliciano knew he wanted to do freelance copywrting, but was just out of college. In this post at Freelance Switch he details how he went from “clueless about freelance copywriting to consulting with my first client over Skype” in just a couple of months.

作为一名自由职业者开始工作已经足够艰难。 现在,想象一下在您没有正式经验的领域中进行此操作。如果人们是第一个这样做的人,如何让人们购买您的服务? 卡洛·费里西亚诺(Carlo Feliciano)知道他想做自由撰稿人,但是刚大学毕业。 在Freelance Switch的这篇文章中,他详细介绍了他如何在短短几个月内从“对撰写自由撰稿一无所知,到通过Skype向我的第一位客户咨询”。

5. 尼娜和尚 (5. Nina Monk)

Business writer Nina Monk’s story from the New York Times actually comes from the year 2000. But it’s a fascinating read about what it was like to start a web startup in the heady days before the bubble burst, nonetheless (a taste: “No one will take you seriously with that $50,000 figure,” I was told. “You need to give potential investors something to dream about.”). And her startup, urbanhound, still exists, so she’s definitely done something right.

商业作家尼娜·蒙克(Nina Monk)的故事实际上来自《纽约时报》,该故事始于2000年。但这是一篇令人着迷的文章,讲述了在泡沫破裂之前的繁忙日子里创办网络初创公司的感觉,尽管如此(一种味道:有人告诉我,你要认真对待这50000美元的数字。你需要给潜在的投资者一些梦to以求的东西。 她的创业公司urbanhound仍然存在,因此她的确做对了一些事情。

6. 马库斯·弗林德 (6. Markus Frind)

A lot is made about how Frind bootstrapped his way to creating one of the most successful dating sites online, and did it all by himself. This is the story of how Plentyoffish owes its start to Frind accidentally learning about the concept of Search Engine Optimization in 2003 while working for what appeared to be a tanking startup.

关于Frind如何引导自己创建在线上最成功的约会网站之一的方法很多,而这一切都是他自己完成的。 这是有关Plentyoffish起源于Frind的故事,该网站是Frind在为一家看上去像油罐车的初创公司工作时意外地学习了搜索引擎优化的概念的。

7. 乔丹·戈德曼 (7. Jordan Goldman)

Goldman’s path to funding just out of a college is a unique one. Armed only with an idea, this is the story of how he essentially cold called a list of wealthy alumni from his college until one of them would give him a few minutes to talk about his idea. From there, 23-year-old Goldman used his natural gift of gab to land funding for his user-generated college guide site Unigo.

高盛刚从大学获得资助的途径是一条独特的道路。 仅仅带着一个主意,这就是一个故事,讲述了他实际上是如何从大学读到一个富有的校友名单,直到其中一个人给他几分钟来谈论他的主意的时候。 从那儿开始,23岁的高盛(Goldman)用他的自然天赋( gab)为其用户创建的大学指导网站Unigo筹集资金 。

8. 瑞安·卡森(Ryan Carson) (8. Ryan Carson)

Getting down to the nitty gritty of what it actually takes to make a web app, Carson uses a guest post a TechCrunch to detail how he and a team of nine people (though he says you only need three), took 32 hours out of their busy lives at Carson Systems (which makes web applications and holds conferences and training sessions), and created a web app for $10,000 — a week of salaries at the company. The post has some great tips and ideas about how to build the perfect work environment for your startup team.

深入了解制作 Web应用程序的实质,Carson在一个嘉宾中发了一条TechCrunch,详细介绍了他和一个由9个人组成的团队(尽管他说您只需要3个人)如何花了32个小时卡森系统公司(Carson Systems)忙于工作(该公司制作Web应用程序并举行会议和培训课程),并创建了一个Web应用程序,费用为10,000美元-该公司一周的薪水。 这篇文章有一些很棒的技巧和想法,关于如何为您的启动团队构建完美的工作环境。

9. 马特·英曼 (9. Matt Inman)

Inman, who is the former CTO of SEOmoz, has been called a “SEO genius,” and he put that talent to good use to get his dating site Mingle2 to the top of key Google searches in a very short time. This post, however, is more technical, and details how Inman actually built the site in just about a week and a half worth of work. There’s some great advice here about how to actually conceive, code, and design your web startup, and do it in a very short amount of time with limited resources.

Inman是SEOmoz的前CTO,他被称为“ SEO天才 ”,他充分利用了这一才华,使自己的约会网站Mingle2在很短的时间内成为Google关键搜索的顶部。 但是,这篇文章是技术性更强的文章,详细介绍了Inman在大约半个星期的工作中实际上是如何构建该网站的。 这里有一些很好的建议,关于如何实际构思,编码和设计Web启动,并在很短的时间内用有限的资源来完成。

10. 塞思·戈丁 (10. Seth Godin)

Seth Godin has a the ultimate personal brand. His books sell, his blog is widely linked to, and he is in super high demand as a speaker. But attaining guru status didn’t happen by accident. This story in BusinessWeek details how Godin followed his own advice to become a web superstar.

塞思·戈丁(Seth Godin)拥有终极个人品牌。 他的书卖不出去,他的博客与他有广泛的联系,并且他作为演讲者的需求很高。 但是获得大师的身份并不是偶然发生的。 《商业周刊》中的这个故事详细介绍了Godin如何遵循自己的建议成为网络巨星。

奖励: Derek Sivers (Bonus: Derek Sivers)

Bonus number 11 — because it was published today after I had already completed this post. Derek Sivers talks to Venture Voice (a podcast) about how he built CDBaby to an 85 employee company with $100 million per year in revenue, and all with no outside funding. Oh yeah, he also sold the company this summer for $22 million and controlled 100% of the equity when he did it.

11号奖金-因为它是在我完成这篇文章后于今天发布的。 德里克·西弗斯(Derek Sivers)与Venture Voice(播客)谈谈他如何将CDBaby打造为一家拥有85名员工,年收入1亿美元,并且没有外部资金的公司。 哦,是的,他今年夏天还以2200万美元的价格出售了该公司,并在完成时控制了100%的股权。

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