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6个最佳<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1770935.html style=在线简历网站建设者(易于使用)"/>


Do you want to build an online resume website? Often beginners are not sure about which website builder to use to launch their resume site?

您想建立一个在线简历网站吗? 通常,初学者不确定使用哪个网站构建器来启动其简历网站?

Whether you want a simple one-page resume that you can download or a fully-featured website, you need the right tool for the job.


In this article, we’ll compare the pros and cons of the best online resume website builders to help you land the job of your dreams.


为什么要创建在线简历 (Why You Should Create an Online Resume)

Even if you don’t plan to ever send out a link to your resume, it’s still a great idea to create a resume website.


Why? Because it’s highly likely that your potential employers will search for you online, so you want whatever appears in search results to look great.

为什么? 因为您的潜在雇主很可能会在网上搜索您,所以您希望搜索结果中显示的内容看起来不错。

Having an online resume can be a great way to dominate Google’s search results for your name.


Plus, building a resume website can be a great way to impress would-be employers with your technical skills.


If you’ve never created a website before, don’t worry. These website builders are all easy to use and won’t cost you a fortune, either.

如果您以前从未创建过网站,请不要担心。 这些网站建设者都易于使用,也不会花钱。

1. WordPress (1. WordPress)

WordPress is our top pick for building your resume website. It’s a highly flexible website-building tool used by millions. In fact, WordPress currently powers around 36% of all websites.

WordPress是构建您的简历网站的首选。 这是数百万用户使用的高度灵活的网站构建工具。 实际上,WordPress目前可驱动所有网站的36%。

We recommend WordPress because it is more flexible, easy to use, and allows you to do anything you want with your website.


To use WordPress, you need to register a domain name and set up a web hosting account.


Your domain name is your website’s address. You might want to use your name, such as syedbalkhi or amandabalkhi. If your name is taken, then you could try including your middle initial.

您的域名是您网站的地址。 您可能要使用您的名字,例如syedbalkhi或amandabalkhi 。 如果您的名字被使用,那么您可以尝试包括中间名首字母。

Your domain name and web hosting are different things and can be purchased separately. If you’re a beginner, though, it’s definitely easiest to buy both from the same provider.

您的域名和虚拟主机是不同的东西 ,可以单独购买。 但是,如果您是初学者,从同一个提供商那里购买两个产品绝对是最简单的。

We recommend getting your web hosting and domain name from Bluehost. Our readers can get an exclusive 60% off discount and a free domain name. Basically you can get started for just $2.75/month.

我们建议您从Bluehost获取您的虚拟主机和域名。 我们的读者可以获得独家60%的折扣和免费域名。 基本上,您每月只需$ 2.75即可开始使用。



You can create any type of website you want using WordPress. If you want to change your site or add to it in the future, it’ll be easy for you to do so.

您可以使用WordPress创建任何类型的网站 。 如果您想更改站点或将来添加到站点,则很容易做到。

WordPress has thousands of plugins that you can use to add extra functionality to your site. Many of these are free, including the Resume Builder plugin.

WordPress有成千上万个插件 ,您可以使用它们向网站添加额外的功能。 其中许多都是免费的,包括Resume Builder插件。

Because you run the WordPress software on your own site, you have full control. Your website will not show any third-party ads, and you can change your website design however you like.

因为您在自己的站点上运行WordPress软件,所以您拥有完全的控制权。 您的网站不会显示任何第三方广告,并且您可以根据自己的喜好更改网站设计。

The WordPress software is open-source and completely free. There’s a huge, supportive community of WordPress users and developers who can help you if you get stuck. Our friendly and welcoming Facebook group, WPBeginner Engage, is a great place to begin.

WordPress软件是开源的,并且完全免费。 有庞大的WordPress用户和开发人员支持社区,如果您遇到困难,他们可以为您提供帮助。 我们友好而热情的Facebook团体WPBeginner Engage是一个不错的起点 。

There are thousands of WordPress themes available for your website. Themes control the look and feel of your site. We’ve even listed some of the best WordPress themes for your online CV or resume.

有成千上万的WordPress主题可用于您的网站。 主题控制着网站的外观。 我们甚至为您的在线简历或简历列出了一些最佳的WordPress主题 。

The skills you pick up from creating a WordPress website could be useful in your professional life. Many big name brands are using WordPress, including The New Yorker, BBC America, and The Walt Disney Company. Your new company might well use it too.

您从创建WordPress网站中学到的技能可能对您的职业生涯很有用。 许多知名品牌都在使用WordPress,包括The New Yorker,BBC America和The Walt Disney Company。 您的新公司也可能会使用它。

If you need some help getting started with WordPress, we offer a completely free WordPress setup service. While this is designed for bloggers, you could certainly use it for a resume website too.

如果您需要WordPress入门方面的帮助,我们提供了完全免费的WordPress安装服务 。 尽管这是为博客作者设计的,但您当然也可以将其用于简历网站。



If you’re a total beginner, WordPress can take a bit of time to get used to. That’s why we have a site full of helpful WordPress tutorials and our WPBeginner Engage Facebook group.

如果您是一个初学者,WordPress可能需要一些时间来习惯。 这就是为什么我们拥有一个充满有用的WordPress教程和WPBeginner Engage Facebook小组的站点的原因。

You’ll be responsible for managing your website. This means installing updates, making backups, and tightening WordPress security.

您将负责管理您的网站。 这意味着安装更新,进行备份并加强WordPress安全性。

Luckily, WordPress makes all this super easy. For instance, you can install updates with the click of a button, set up a WordPress backup plugin to automatically save backups.

幸运的是,WordPress使这一切变得超级简单。 例如,您可以单击一个按钮来安装更新,设置一个WordPress备份插件以自动保存备份。

You’ll also need to make sure you keep your WordPress site secure. You don’t want your potential employers to come to your site only to find that it’s been hacked.

您还需要确保您的WordPress网站安全 。 您不希望您的潜在雇主来您的网站只是为了发现它已被黑客入侵。



The WordPress software itself is completely free. You’ll need to pay for website hosting and a domain name, though. Costs vary a lot, but there are lots of options for great deals on WordPress hosting.

WordPress软件本身是完全免费的。 不过,您需要为网站托管和域名付费。 费用差异很大,但是在WordPress托管上有很多优惠的选择。

2. Constant Contact的网站构建器 (2. Constant Contact’s Website Builder)

Constant Contact’s Website Builder is a fantastic all-in-one option for creating your resume. The web builder is powered by A.I. (artificial intelligence) and you can get your resume site up and running really quickly.

Constant Contact的Website Builder是创建简历的绝佳选择。 该Web构建器由AI(人工智能)提供支持,您可以使自己的简历站点快速启动并运行。

You don’t need to buy web hosting separately as you do with WordPress. Instead, Constant Contact handles web hosting and issues like security, backups, and updates.

您无需像使用WordPress一样单独购买虚拟主机。 相反,Constant Contact可以处理Web托管以及诸如安全性,备份和更新之类的问题。



Constant Contact provides an all-in-one platform that’s great if you’re a total beginner. When you sign up, you’ll be walked through the process of creating your site.

如果您是一个初学者,Constant Contact提供了一个多合一的平台,这是很棒的。 注册后,您将逐步完成创建网站的过程。

Although Constant Contact is best known as an email marketing service, they’ve done a fantastic job with their website builder too. It has an easy to use drag and drop interface, so you can make your resume look great.

尽管Constant Contact以电子邮件营销服务而闻名,但他们在其网站构建器方面也做得非常出色。 它具有易于使用的拖放界面,因此可以使简历看起来很棒。

You’ll get a library of over 550,000 free images to use on your site. These could really help lift your online resume if you’re including multiple pages or additional information.

您将获得超过55万张免费图像的库,可在您的网站上使用。 如果您要包含多个页面或其他信息,这些确实可以帮助您提高在线简历。



You can try out Constant Contact’s website builder for free, but you’ll need to pay to actually put your site live.

您可以免费试用Constant Contact的网站构建器,但需要付费才能真正启用您的网站。

There are only limited additional features for the Constant Contact website builder. You may find that you can’t do as much as you wanted to with your resume site.

“ 恒定联系”网站构建器仅具有有限的附加功能。 您可能会发现自己对履历网站做不到的事情。



The ‘Starter’ plan is $10/month. This includes 24/7 live support at no extra charge.

“入门”计划为每月10美元。 这包括免费的24/7实时支持。

3.鳄鱼 (3. Gator)

Gator is a website building platform from HostGator, a popular and well-established web hosting company. Like the Constant Contact Website Builder, Gator is an all-in-one option.

Gator是HostGator的网站建设平台, HostGator是一家流行且知名的网络托管公司。 与“持续联系网站生成器”一样,Gator是多合一的选项。

Note: Don’t confuse the Gator website builder with HostGator’s web hosting. You can use HostGator to host all sorts of websites including WordPress sites.

注意:不要将Gator网站构建器与HostGator的虚拟主机混淆。 您可以使用HostGator托管各种网站,包括WordPress网站。



Gator has a drag and drop builder that’s really easy to use, so you can tweak the design of your resume website as much as you like.


It’s quick and easy to get started with Gator. There are over 200 of pre-built templates you can use, so you can get your site up and running really quickly. All the templates are mobile-friendly, too.

使用Gator可以快速轻松地开始。 您可以使用200多个预构建的模板,因此您可以真正快速地启动并运行网站。 所有模板也都适合移动设备。

Like the Constant Contact Website Builder, Gator has a library of high-quality photos that you can use on your resume website if you want to.

像Constant Contact Website Builder一样,Gator拥有一个高质量的照片库,您可以根据需要在自己的简历网站上使用它们。

There’s a 45-day money-back guarantee. If you try Gator and find it difficult to use, you can just get a refund.

有45天的退款保证。 如果您尝试使用Gator却发现使用困难,只需退款即可。

When you first set up Gator, you’ll be taken through a simple tutorial that takes you through the key things you need to know. Support is available 24/7, by phone, email, and live chat.

首次设置Gator时,将通过一个简单的教程来指导您完成需要了解的关键事项。 通过电话,电子邮件和实时聊天提供24/7支持。

You get unlimited bandwidth and storage for your website. This could be very helpful if you want to keep using your site after you land a job, perhaps as a portfolio of work.

您将获得无限的带宽和网站存储空间。 如果您希望在找到工作后继续使用网站(可能是工作组合),这可能会非常有用。



There’s no free plan or free trial for Gator.


If you’re on the cheapest plan, you may find you have a bit of a wait for support. You need to pay for the premium plan if you want priority support.

如果您使用的是最便宜的计划,则可能需要等待一段时间才能获得支持。 如果您需要优先支持,则需要支付保费计划。



As a WPBeginner reader, you get 55% off all Gator plans when you go through our link. That means the starter plan costs from just $3.46/month. You’ll even get a domain name included for free.

作为WPBeginner读者,通过我们的链接,您可以从所有Gator计划中获得55%的折扣。 这意味着入门计划的费用仅为每月3.46美元。 您甚至会免费获得一个域名。

The premium plan, which includes priority support, is from $5.99/month.

包括优先支持的高级计划从每月$ 5.99起。

4. WordPress (4. WordPress)

WordPress is the commercial version of WordPress. It’s an all-in-one platform that includes hosting, whereas WordPress is free software that you pay to host yourself.

WordPress是WordPress的商业版本。 这是一个包含托管的多平台平台,而WordPress是您可以自行托管的免费软件。

If you want to know more about how they differ, take a look at our article on the difference between WordPress and WordPress.




WordPress is an all-in-one platform, making it easy for beginners to get started with. You won’t need to worry about backups, security, or updates. All of that is handled for you.

WordPress是一个多合一的平台,使初学者可以轻松上手。 您无需担心备份,安全性或更新。 所有这些都为您处理。

There are a number of different themes (templates) to choose from. You can switch between these easily when you’re creating or editing your website.

有许多不同的主题(模板)可供选择。 在创建或编辑网站时,您可以轻松地在这些之间切换。

The WordPress support team, who are called the “Happiness Engineers”, are available for live support on weekdays, if you have any of the paid plans. If you pay for the Business plan or higher, you can also get live support during the weekend.

如果您有任何付费计划,WordPress支持团队(称为“幸福工程师”)将在工作日提供实时支持。 如果您支付商业计划或更高的价格,则还可以在周末获得实时支持。

If you want to try out the WordPress software before buying hosting, a free WordPress plan could be a good option. Note there are some significant differences in how WordPress and WordPress work, though.

如果您想在购买主机之前试用WordPress软件,那么免费的WordPress计划可能是一个不错的选择。 但是请注意,WordPress和WordPress的工作方式存在一些显着差异。



WordPress doesn’t offer the same flexibility and power as the WordPress software. You can’t use third-party plugins with WordPress, for instance, unless you’re paying for a fairly expensive plan.

WordPress无法提供与WordPress软件相同的灵活性和功能。 例如,除非您为相当昂贵的计划付费,否则您不能在WordPress上使用第三方插件。

There aren’t so many built-in themes (layouts) with WordPress as with some other website builders. You may find it more challenging to find something that suits your site.

WordPress的内置主题(布局)没有其他网站建设者那么多。 您可能会发现,找到适合您网站的内容更具挑战性。

You’ll need to pay for a WordPress plan in order to use your own domain name. On the free plan, you’ll be assigned a domain name that may look odd, such as danielmatthews927034030.wordpress.

您需要为WordPress计划付费才能使用自己的域名。 在免费计划中,将为您分配一个看起来奇怪的域名,例如danielmatthews927034030.wordpress



You can use WordPress for free. However, you’ll probably want to pay for at least the $4/month “Personal” plan. This lets you use a custom domain name and get access to the support team.

您可以免费使用WordPress 。 但是,您可能要至少支付每月4美元的“个人”计划。 这使您可以使用自定义域名并访问支持团队。

The “Premium” plan offers more design tools and storage space and costs $8/month.


5.踢球 (5. Kickresume)

Kickresume is a site specifically designed for creating resumes. If you want to create a resume that you can download and send, this is a great tool to try. You can also use it to create your resume website, of course.

Kickresume是专门用于创建简历的网站。 如果要创建可以下载和发送的简历,这是一个很好的尝试工具。 当然,您也可以使用它来创建简历网站。



Kickresume lets you import information from your LinkedIn account, which could save you time if you’re in a hurry to create your resume.


You can use Kickresume to get help with actually writing your resume. The software suggests pre-written phrases that you can use. You can also use the grammar correction and proofreading services if you want.

您可以使用Kickresume获得有关实际编写简历的帮助。 该软件会建议您使用的预写短语。 如果需要,还可以使用语法更正和校对服务。

There’s a free version available, though it doesn’t include many templates. If you’re a student or teacher, you can also get 6 months of the Premium account free (it’s normally $8/month if you pay for a year upfront).

有一个免费版本,尽管其中不包含许多模板。 如果您是学生或老师,还可以免费获得6个月的Premium帐户(如果您提前支付一年的费用,则通常为每月8美元)。

It’s quick and easy to make your resume, cover letter, or website with their templates.


You can use Kickresume to create a website too. It’s easiest to do this by creating your resume first, so you can use their “one click” process to turn it into a website:

您也可以使用Kickresume创建网站。 首先创建您的简历是最简单的方法,因此您可以使用他们的“一键式”流程将其变成网站:

There are lots of real-life resume and cover letter examples on the website that you can learn from, plus plenty of tips and support.




The website templates are nicely designed, but all look very similar. You can only create a simple one-page website. You don’t have anything like the flexibility that full website builders offer.

网站模板设计精美,但是看起来都很相似。 您只能创建一个简单的一页网站。 您没有像完整的网站建设者所提供的灵活性那样的东西。

You’ll need to have an active subscription to Kickresume to update and redownload your resume and cover letter in the future.




Kickresume costs from $8/month if you pay for a full year. This includes email and live chat support, plus full customization of your resume templates.

如果您支付全年费用,则Kickresume的费用为每月$ 8。 这包括电子邮件和实时聊天支持,以及简历模板的完全自定义。

6. VisualCV (6. VisualCV)

VisualCV is a resume builder with an international focus. Like Kickresume, it lets you create your own resumes and cover letters that you can download. It also has the option to create a website.

VisualCV是一家着眼于国际的简历生成器。 像Kickresume一样,它使您可以创建自己的简历以及可以下载的求职信。 它还具有创建网站的选项。



VisualCV has a whole range of templates to choose from. You can easily switch templates with a couple of clicks and your content will be moved to the new template.

VisualCV有很多模板可供选择。 单击几下即可轻松切换模板,您的内容将被移至新模板。

There’s a free version of Visual CV available, though the 3 free templates are quite plain.

尽管有3个免费模板非常简单,但是有一个免费版本的Visual CV。

You can import your current resume or CV if it’s in Word or PDF format. The site will attempt to extract it. You can also import information from LinkedIn.

您可以以Word或PDF格式导入当前的简历或简历。 该站点将尝试提取它。 您也可以从LinkedIn导入信息。

You can use the visual editor to add content, which lets you see how it’ll look on your current template instantly. There’s also the option of the basic editor, if you find that easier for entering your information.

您可以使用可视化编辑器添加内容,使您可以立即查看其在当前模板上的外观。 如果您发现输入信息更容易,还可以使用基本编辑器的选项。

If you’re using a free account, you can try out the pro templates if you want. Note you can’t download or share them unless you sign up for a paid plan.

如果您使用的是免费帐户,则可以尝试使用专业模板。 请注意,除非您注册付费计划,否则您无法下载或共享它们。

You can quickly populate your resume with sample content from a range of positions. If you’re struggling to get started, this could help you get going.

您可以使用各种职位的样本内容快速填充简历。 如果您正在努力入门,这可以帮助您开始。

There’s a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, you can just email the VisualCV team and get a full refund.

有30天的退款保证。 如果您因任何原因不满意,您可以给VisualCV团队发送电子邮件并获得全额退款。

VisualCV has lots of help and advice about resumes, job hunting, and interviews. You can browse through their articles if you need some help or inspiration.

VisualCV在简历,求职和面试方面有很多帮助和建议。 如果需要帮助或启发,可以浏览他们的文章。



The support team is only available from 9am – 5pm PDT. This could be frustrating if you’re in a different timezone or if you want support in the evenings.

仅在太平洋标准时间上午9点至下午5点提供支持团队。 如果您在不同的时区或想要在晚上获得支持,这可能会令人沮丧。

You can only create a website if you’re on the paid plan. There isn’t a free website template option like there is on Kickresume.

您只有在付费计划中才能创建网站。 没有像Kickresume上那样的免费网站模板选项。

You can’t preview the website options before signing up for a paid plan. The focus of VisualCV is very much on the resume itself rather than on creating a website.

在注册付费计划之前,您无法预览网站选项。 VisualCV的重点是简历本身,而不是网站。



The pro version of VisualCV costs from $12/month (paid quarterly). This gives you access to all the templates.

专业版的VisualCV的费用为每月$ 12(按季度支付)。 这使您可以访问所有模板。

专家精选:哪个是最佳简历网站构建器? (Expert Pick: Which is the Best Resume Website Builder?)

If you want the best website builder for your resume, use WordPress. It’s the most popular website builder in the world. In fact, it powers over 35% of all websites.

如果您想要最好的网站建设者来使用简历,请使用WordPress。 它是世界上最受欢迎的网站构建器。 实际上,它为超过35%的所有网站提供动力。

WordPress has loads of great resume templates (themes) that will work brilliantly for you. You can add as many pages and features to your website as you want.

WordPress拥有大量出色的简历模板(主题) ,这些模板将非常适合您。 您可以根据需要在网站上添加任意数量的页面和功能。

It’s also a really affordable option. If you use our Bluehost web hosting offer, you’ll get your domain name completely free for a year. That might well be all you need if you land that dream job in a few months’ time.

这也是一个非常实惠的选择。 如果您使用我们的Bluehost虚拟主机服务 ,您将获得完全免费的域名一年。 如果您在几个月后找到理想的工作,那可能就是您所需要的。

To create your resume website, you can follow our step by step guidance on how to make a website with WordPress (video included).

要创建您的简历网站,您可以按照我们的逐步指南进行操作,以了解如何使用WordPress创建网站 (包括视频)。

Or if you prefer, we can get you up and running with our WordPress setup service.

或者,如果您愿意,我们可以帮助您启动并运行WordPress设置服务 。

What if you’d like an alternative to WordPress? In that case, we recommend using Constant Contact’s website builder. It’s really easy to get up and running with it. You can try it out completely free. You only need to pay when you’re ready to put your website live.

如果您想要替代WordPress怎么办? 在这种情况下,我们建议使用Constant Contact的网站构建器 。 起步并运行它真的很容易。 您可以完全免费试用。 您只需要在准备好启用网站时支付费用即可。

We hope this article helped you learn about the best online resume builders. You might also want to take a look at our tutorial on how to setup a professional business email address and how to get a virtual business phone number.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解最佳的在线简历构建者。 您可能还需要看一下我们的教程, 该教程介绍了如何设置专业的企业电子邮件地址以及如何获取虚拟的企业电话号码 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

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