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原文地址:Sprague-Grundy Theory 作者:unmoral

The Sprague-Grundy theory of impartial games


November 9, 2005

An impartial game is a two-player game in which bothplayers have complete information, no chance is involved, and thelegal moves from each position are the same for both players. Wewill deal with the normal play rule, in which the lastplayer to move is the winner


An impartial game can be abstractly represented by adirected acyclic graph, in which each vertex correspondsto a position, and each directed edge represents a legal move fromone position to another.


We can imagine that a token is initially placed on some vertex,and the two players take turns moving the token from its currentvertex to one of its direct followers. The game ends when the tokenreaches a sink, which is a vertex with no outgoing edges,and then the last player to have moved is the winner.


P- and N-positions

P- 和 N-状态

We can classify each position in the game according to whetherit is a first- or a second-player win, if both players playoptimally starting from that position. A first-player-win positionis known as an N-position (because thenext player is to win), while asecond-player-win position is known as a P-position(because the previous player is towin).


The P- and N-positions can be characterizedinductively as follows:


  • A vertex v is a P-positionif and only if all itsdirect followers are N-positions.
  • A vertex v is an N-positionif and only if it has some P-positionfollower.
  • 一个点v是P-状态当且仅当它的所有后继都为N-状态
  • 一个点v是N-状态当且仅当它的一些后继是P-状态

The induction starts at the sinks, which areP-positions because they vacuously satisfy theP-position requirement.


Knowledge of the P- and N-positions of a gameprovides the winning strategy for it: If it is our turn and thegame is in an N-position, we should move into aP-position. Then our opponent will be forced to move intoan N-position, and so on. Eventually we will move into asink and win.


Sums of games


If G1 and G2 areimpartial games, then their sum G1 +G2 is another impartial game, which is playedas follows: On each turn, a player chooses one ofG1, G2 (whichever he wants)and plays on it, leaving the other game untouched. The game endswhen no moves are possible on G1 nor onG2.

如果G1G2是公平游戏,那么他们的和G1 +G2是另一个公平游戏,玩法如下:每个回合,一个玩家选择G1,G2 中的一个(随便哪个他希望的)然后玩它,不碰另一个游戏。当G1G2都不能操作时游戏结束。

Formally, if G1 = (V1,E1) and G2 =(V2, E2) are game-graphs,then their sum Gsum =(Vsum, Esum) is givenby:

形式上,如果 G1 = (V1,E1) 和 G2 =(V2, E2)是游戏图,那么他们的和Gsum = (Vsum,Esum) 规定为:

Vsum =V1 × V2,
Esum ={(v1v2,w1v2) |(v1, w1) ∈E1} ∪{(v1v2,v1w2) |(v2, w2) ∈E2}.

Now, suppose we are given two games G1 andG2. Can we correctly play their sumG1 + G2 if we just know theP- and N-positions of the individual games? Itturns out that the answer is no. It is not hard to see that the sumof two P-positions is always a P-position, andthe sum of a P-position and an N-position isalways an N-position. But the sum of twoN-positions can either be a P- or anN-position. Therefore, just knowing the P- andN-positions of the individual games is not enough.


To play sums of games correctly we need a generalization of thenotion of P- and N-positions, which is known asthe Sprague-Grundy function (or Grundy functionfor short).


The Sprague-Grundy function

Sprague-Grundy 函数

Let N = {0, 1, 2, 3, ...} be the set of naturalnumbers. The Sprague-Grundy function assigns to each position in agame a natural number. The Grundy value of a vertex vequals the smallest natural number that does not appear among the Grundyvalues of v's direct followers.

N = {0, 1, 2, 3, ...} 为自然数的集合。Sprague-Grundy函数给游戏中的每个状态分配了一个自然数。结点v的Grundy值等于没有在v的后继的Grundy值中出现的最小自然数。

Formally: Given a finite subset SN, let mexS (the minimum excluded value) be the smallestnatural number not in S:

形式上:给定一个有限子集 SN,令mexS(最小排斥值)为没有出现在S中的最小自然数

mex S = min (N S).

Now, given a game-graph G = (V, E),its Sprague-Grundy function g: VN isdefined inductively by


g(v) = mex{g(w) | (v, w) ∈E}.

This induction starts at the sinks of G, which receivea Grundy value of 0.


The Sprague-Grundy function satisfies two importantproperties:


  • A vertex v is a P-positionif and only if g(v) = 0.
  • If G = G1 +G2 and v =v1v2 is a position inG, then g(v) is the bitwise XOR of the binaryrepresentations of g(v1) andg(v2): g(v) =g(v1) ⊕g(v2).
  • 点v是一个P-状态当且仅当g(v)=0
  • 如果G = G1 +G2v =v1v2是G的一个状态,那么g(v)为g(v1) 和g(v2) 在二进制下的异或:
    g(v) = g(v1) ⊕g(v2).

The operation ⊕ is also called nim sum. For example, 3⊕ 5 = 0112 ⊕ 1012 = 1102 = 6.Similarly, 3 ⊕ 6 = 5 and 5 ⊕ 6 = 3.

运算⊕也称作nim和。举个例子,3 ⊕ 5 = 0112 ⊕ 1012 =1102 = 6。类似地,3 ⊕ 6 = 5 且 5 ⊕ 6 = 3。

It is not hard to prove the above two properties byinduction.


From these properties it follows that v =v1v2 is a P-position if andonly if g(v1) =g(v2), since this is the only way the nim sumcan come out 0.

根据这些性质有v = v1v2是P-状态当且仅当g(v1) =g(v2), 因为这是唯一能够使得nim和为0的途径。

Clearly, the sum of games is a commutative and associativeoperation, as is the nim sum operation. Therefore, we can correctly play the sum of any number ofgames by knowing the Grundy function of each individualgame.


Our strategy is as follows: If it is our turn and the games'Grundy values give a nonzero nim-sum, then there must exist a movein some component game that causes the nim sum to become 0. Weshould make that move, and then our opponent will be forced to makethe nim sum nonzero again. Eventually, we will be the ones to makethe last move in the last game, bringing the nim sum to 0 for thefinal time.


The game of Nim


The most fundamental impartial game is the Nim pile. ANim pile consists of a certain number of tokens. On each turn, aplayer removes from the pile any number of tokens between one tokenand the entire pile. The player who empties the pile wins.


This game by itself is of course trivial: The first player canjust take all the tokens and win immediately! But if we addtogether Nim piles of various sizes, we get the famous game ofNim.


The Grundy value of a Nim pile of size n is n.Therefore, the Grundy value of a position in Nim is the nim sum ofits pile sizes.


Games that decompose into sums of themselves


The most natural application of the Sprague-Grundy theory is forgames that naturally decompose into sums of themselves.


Consider the following game: There is a checkerboard of sizem × n, and there is an unlimited supply ofpolyominoes of a certain shape. On each turn, a player places apolyomino on an empty place on the board, and the player who cannotmake a move is the loser:


During the course of the game, the board will gradually splitinto separate regions, for which we can calculate their Grundyvalues independently:


For another example consider Grundy's game. A positionin this game consists of a number of piles of tokens of varioussizes, and a move consists of taking one pile and splitting it intotwo unequal piles. Thegame ends when there are only piles of sizes 1 and 2 left, whichcannot be split further.



Let g(n) be the Grundy value of a single pileof size n. The sequence g(n) starts asfollows:







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本文标签:公平   游戏   Sprague


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