
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-17 12:34:47

python基础2(自学<a href= style=代码记录)"/>


#字符串 字符串属于不可修改的数据类型,即str属于不可修改的数据类型)  而列表 list是可以更改的
#可以通过顺序索引 与列表类似
res = 'str1'+'str2'+'str3'  #合并
res = 'str1'*3         #重复
res = int('1')        #只能用int转换数字
res = str(1)
<class 'str'>
s = 'My Name'
res = s.split(' ')
res1 = s[1]
My Name ['My', 'Name'] y
<class 'str'> <class 'list'> <class 'str'>
#单引号 双引号不做区分;若需换行输入字符串,使用三引号,其也可用于注释
str = 'My name'
res = str.split(' ')   #打断 但是str字符串没有发生变化 (字符串属于不可修改的数据类型,即str属于不可修改的数据类型) #对字符串建立的副本进行的操作 而不是对字符串str进行操作 与列表要加以区分
print(str)li = [1,2,3]
['My', 'name']
My name
[1, 2, 3, 4]
# 键值成对出现
# 键不能重复
# 键不可更改,值可更改
# 键用来索引值
# 字典不能通过顺序索引#将单词作为键 将单词出现频率作为值,即可统计出每个单词出现的频次#字典的增删改查
dic = {1:11.003,'name':'hello',0:[2,4,6]}  #键的数据类型只能是不可修改的数据类型,列表就是不能作为键的
dic2 = {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}dic['abc'] = 'abc'                         #增加键值对
dic.update({2.1:'E',5:'656'})              #字典更新
del dic[1]                                 #键值对的删除
res2 = sorted(dic2.items(),key=lambda x:x[1])   #字典对值进行排序 items是一个列表 即对列表元素进行排序#key用来指明排序的依据 lambda x[1]即表明选取第一个元素作为排序依据,即值为排序依据,并且为升序排列        print(dic) 
#print(dic[2])                             #字典的索引不能通过顺序索引 不同于有顺序的列表和字符串 只能通过键来索引
print(dic['name'])                         #字典的索引
print(dic.values())                        #索引字典所有的值
print(dic.keys())                          #索引字典中的键
print(dic.items())                         #索引字典中的键和值 items用法:返回可遍历的(键,值)元组数组,以列表形式存储。
{'name': 'hello', 0: [2, 4, 6], 'abc': 'abc', 2.1: 'E', 5: '656'}
dict_values(['hello', [2, 4, 6], 'abc', 'E', '656'])
dict_keys(['name', 0, 'abc', 2.1, 5])
dict_items([('name', 'hello'), (0, [2, 4, 6]), ('abc', 'abc'), (2.1, 'E'), (5, '656')])
<class 'dict'>
[('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)]
#字典推导式res = {i:i**2 for i in range(1,11)}     #i**2表示i的平方 
{1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 9, 4: 16, 5: 25, 6: 36, 7: 49, 8: 64, 9: 81, 10: 100}
# 思路:1.首先将字符串中的字母统一为大写或小写字母,再利用打断操作,将字符串打断为一个一个以列表形式存储的单词
# 并存在列表words内。然后将words内的单词转化为集合存于words_index中作为索引。最后创建一个以索引为键,以利用字典
# 推导式创建出来的词频数为值的字典来存储各个词的词频数
#    2.首先将字符串打断为单词存在列表内,然后利用列表推导式将单词的大小写字母统一。接下来的操作步骤见上述。lyric = 'The night begin to shine , the night begin to shine'#由于The和the是不同的对象 但是需要将它们视为同一个单词 因此需要进行大小写的转换
lyric=lyric.lower()              #直接将字符串转为小写字母导入  或者使用lyric.upper()转为大写字母
words=lyric.split()              #打断操作如果默认 不填入的话  会以空格或是换行符作为打断符号# #第二种大小写转换办法
# words = lyric.split()                    
# # words = words.lower()  #此种方法不适用 因为words是一个列表 并非字符串 。而lower函数是字符串的函数      
# words = [i.lower() for i in words]    #解决方法:使用列表推导式,利用i,将i转换为小写,再赋给words#设置单词的索引
words_index = set(words)              #将words转为集合 集合特点:元素不重复,不可修改,没有顺序#遍历创建的单词索引(集合),利用count函数计算单词出现的次数
dic={word:words.count(word) for word in words_index}print(words)
['the', 'night', 'begin', 'to', 'shine', ',', 'the', 'night', 'begin', 'to', 'shine']
{'the', 'shine', 'to', 'begin', ',', 'night'}
{'the': 2, 'shine': 2, 'to': 2, 'begin': 2, ',': 1, 'night': 2}
#格式:  open(文件名,访问模式)  w写 r读
f = open('E:/python学习/python 集训营/基础教程/Walden.txt','r')    #使用\\或者/
txt1 =
txt2 = f.readlines()   #按行读取字符串  
txt3 = f.readline()    #一次读一行 因为文章第一行为换行符,所以输出换行符
print(type(txt1))                #read函数返回字符串
print(type(txt2))                #readlines函数返回列表
print(type(txt3))    #写数据 write
# f = open('test.txt','w')
# f.write('hello world,\n')
# f.write('i an here\n')
# f.close()#读数据 read
# 使用read(num)可以从文件中读取数据,num表示要从文件中读取的数据的长度(单位是字节),如果没有           
# 传入num,那么就表示读取文件中所有的数据#其他访问模式
# r:以只读方式打开,文件指针放在文件的开头。默认模式
# w:打开一个文件只用于写入。若该文件存在则将其覆盖。若该文件不存在,创建新文件。
# a:打开一个文件用于追加。若文件存在,文件指针放在文件结尾。若文件不存在,则创建新文件写入
# rb:以二进制格式打开一个文件用于只读。。。。。
# wb:以二进制格式打开一个文件用于写入。。。。。
# ab:以二进制格式打开一个文件用于追加。。。。。#文件操作方法
# f.close():关闭文件,记住用open()打开文件后需要关闭它,否则会占用系统的可打开文件句柄数
# f.flush():刷新输出缓存
# f.readline():读出一行信息
# f.readlines():读出所有行,以列表形式储存
# f.write(string):把string字符串写入文件
# f.writelines():把list中的字符串一行一行地写入文件,是连续写入文件,没有换行。
<class 'str'>
<class 'list'>
<class 'str'>
import re
s = 'My,name.'
res = re.sub('[.,]','',s)    #对s操作:将,.替换为空字符
import re
with open('Walden.txt') as f:      #如果需要读取的文件就在当前工程目录下面,只需填写文件名称                                                      txt =                  #读取txt
txt = txt.lower()                   #将txt文件中的字母统一转为小写字母
txt = re.sub('[,.:?*"\';!()<>-]','',txt) #将txt中的标点符号替换为空
words = txt.split()                 #以空格或换行符为打断符号进行打断操作 以列表存储
words_index = set(words)            #生成集合,去除重复元素 以字典存储
dic = {word:words.count(word) for word in words_index}   #利用字典推导式,遍历集合中的元素,并利用count函数计算列表words中各个单词出现的个数
res = sorted( dic.items(),key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True) #对字典的items进行排序,以第一个元素作为排序依据,reverse=True:降序排序print(res)
[('the', 7346), ('and', 4602), ('of', 3492), ('to', 3107), ('a', 3033), ('in', 2060), ('i', 2011), ('it', 1715), ('is', 1336), ('that', 1336), ('as', 1212), ('not', 1057), ('for', 987), ('was', 886), ('or', 885), ('with', 883), ('which', 869), ('but', 812), ('my', 781), ('he', 761), ('be', 741), ('his', 724), ('they', 715), ('on', 711), ('by', 692), ('are', 673), ('have', 672), ('at', 653), ('this', 569), ('if', 553), ('had', 535), ('from', 511), ('their', 504), ('one', 504), ('all', 482), ('we', 471), ('so', 452), ('when', 423), ('were', 404), ('there', 404), ('its', 394), ('an', 393), ('who', 385), ('some', 365), ('more', 355), ('me', 347), ('them', 342), ('would', 338), ('man', 324), ('you', 318), ('than', 317), ('our', 309), ('like', 297), ('no', 296), ('what', 285), ('only', 279), ('will', 273), ('him', 273), ('has', 257), ('out', 242), ('any', 236), ('men', 234), ('do', 233), ('up', 229), ('may', 223), ('such', 214), ('where', 206), ('most', 206), ('life', 202), ('into', 197), ('pond', 194), ('never', 190), ('over', 188), ('though', 185), ('house', 182), ('can', 182), ('even', 182), ('could', 181), ('should', 181), ('many', 180), ('day', 178), ('time', 176), ('still', 172), ('been', 168), ('water', 166), ('other', 165), ('about', 161), ('without', 161), ('how', 160), ('these', 159), ('through', 151), ('much', 151), ('woods', 151), ('yet', 150), ('see', 148), ('long', 146), ('made', 141), ('did', 137), ('those', 136), ('before', 134), ('then', 134), ('every', 129), ('very', 128), ('first', 127), ('know', 126), ('now', 124), ('well', 123), ('own', 123), ('new', 123), ('your', 120), ('two', 117), ('little', 116), ('sometimes', 116), ('while', 116), ('ice', 115), ('good', 115), ('off', 115), ('down', 114), ('nor', 110), ('us', 108), ('old', 107), ('part', 107), ('way', 107), ('being', 106), ('winter', 106), ('go', 105), ('after', 105), ('think', 104), ('am', 104), ('far', 104), ('live', 103), ('heard', 103), ('last', 102), ('make', 102), ('does', 101), ('great', 100), ('came', 100), ('once', 100), ('under', 99), ('again', 99), ('world', 98), ('might', 97), ('come', 95), ('say', 93), ('ever', 93), ('nature', 93), ('state', 92), ('work', 90), ('same', 90), ('morning', 89), ('get', 89), ('shore', 89), ('himself', 88), ('thought', 87), ('walden', 85), ('her', 85), ('must', 84), ('let', 84), ('feet', 83), ('spring', 83), ('here', 83), ('said', 83), ('years', 82), ('thus', 82), ('side', 81), ('things', 81), ('earth', 80), ('perhaps', 80), ('too', 80), ('another', 80), ('night', 80), ('myself', 78), ('few', 78), ('find', 75), ('put', 75), ('sun', 75), ('also', 73), ('days', 73), ('whose', 73), ('surface', 73), ('enough', 72), ('found', 71), ('summer', 71), ('true', 71), ('cannot', 71), ('got', 71), ('village', 70), ('better', 70), ('seen', 68), ('shall', 67), ('why', 66), ('poor', 65), ('half', 64), ('small', 64), ('till', 64), ('upon', 64), ('because', 63), ('read', 62), ('take', 62), ('within', 62), ('left', 61), ('air', 61), ('ground', 61), ('nothing', 61), ('fire', 61), ('themselves', 61), ('three', 61), ('wood', 60), ('least', 60), ('place', 58), ('each', 58), ('itself', 57), ('town', 57), ('whole', 57), ('hear', 56), ('went', 56), ('end', 56), ('deep', 56), ('having', 55), ('away', 55), ('bottom', 55), ('always', 54), ('light', 54), ('government', 54), ('near', 54), ('commonly', 54), ('almost', 54), ('saw', 53), ('keep', 53), ('whether', 53), ('soon', 52), ('best', 52), ('often', 51), ('behind', 51), ('round', 51), ('between', 51), ('wild', 51), ('merely', 51), ('snow', 51), ('lived', 50), ('leaves', 50), ('pine', 50), ('less', 49), ('trees', 49), ('look', 49), ('country', 49), ('kind', 49), ('called', 48), ('large', 48), ('right', 48), ('evening', 47), ('hand', 47), ('white', 47), ('door', 47), ('green', 46), ('sound', 46), ('length', 46), ('next', 46), ('just', 46), ('she', 45), ('rather', 45), ('rest', 44), ('year', 44), ('love', 44), ('concord', 44), ('food', 43), ('lives', 43), ('above', 42), ('lost', 42), ('young', 42), ('others', 42), ('wind', 42), ('field', 42), ('land', 42), ('eyes', 42), ('since', 42), ('alone', 42), ('run', 42), ('living', 42), ('done', 41), ('however', 41), ('making', 41), ('against', 41), ('society', 41), ('god', 40), ('head', 40), ('experience', 39), ('told', 39), ('present', 39), ('human', 39), ('perchance', 39), ('standing', 39), ('mans', 39), ('sand', 38), ('higher', 38), ('cut', 38), ('become', 38), ('labor', 38), ('says', 38), ('race', 37), ('both', 37), ('already', 37), ('wise', 37), ('looked', 37), ('necessary', 37), ('farm', 37), ('speak', 37), ('need', 36), ('sense', 36), ('hard', 36), ('whom', 36), ('hour', 36), ('course', 36), ('birds', 36), ('grass', 36), ('tree', 36), ('hundred', 36), ('use', 36), ('gone', 36), ('mind', 36), ('hands', 36), ('give', 35), ('quite', 35), ('tell', 35), ('home', 35), ('dark', 35), ('used', 35), ('respect', 35), ('beans', 35), ('neighbors', 35), ('set', 35), ('ten', 35), ('words', 34), ('seemed', 34), ('toward', 34), ('foot', 34), ('instead', 34), ('free', 34), ('forest', 34), ('hills', 34), ('greater', 34), ('thoughts', 34), ('indian', 34), ('thousand', 34), ('doubt', 33), ('high', 33), ('thick', 33), ('took', 33), ('times', 33), ('something', 33), ('body', 33), ('several', 33), ('lay', 33), ('distant', 33), ('road', 33), ('stood', 33), ('warm', 33), ('cold', 33), ('truth', 32), ('houses', 32), ('stand', 32), ('heaven', 32), ('open', 32), ('pay', 32), ('longer', 32), ('along', 32), ('rain', 32), ('line', 32), ('fish', 32), ('probably', 32), ('certain', 31), ('middle', 31), ('case', 31), ('natural', 31), ('learned', 31), ('want', 31), ('worth', 31), ('animal', 31), ('england', 31), ('fall', 31), ('mile', 31), ('common', 31), ('form', 30), ('business', 30), ('back', 30), ('comes', 30), ('around', 30), ('began', 30), ('makes', 30), ('distance', 30), ('four', 30), ('sky', 30), ('railroad', 30), ('five', 30), ('farmer', 30), ('goes', 29), ('going', 29), ('dry', 29), ('particular', 29), ('mean', 29), ('family', 29), ('among', 29), ('fresh', 29), ('clothes', 29), ('money', 29), ('covered', 29), ('shelter', 29), ('face', 29), ('none', 28), ('sides', 28), ('built', 28), ('dead', 28), ('early', 28), ('season', 28), ('looking', 28), ('ones', 28), ('suddenly', 28), ('sweet', 28), ('weather', 28), ('stones', 28), ('sort', 28), ('indeed', 28), ('rods', 28), ('people', 28), ('knew', 27), ('heat', 27), ('low', 27), ('order', 27), ('pines', 27), ('sat', 27), ('sit', 27), ('feel', 27), ('hill', 27), ('window', 27), ('hardly', 26), ('passed', 26), ('cellar', 26), ('boat', 26), ('bread', 26), ('remember', 26), ('account', 26), ('farmers', 26), ('appeared', 26), ('soil', 25), ('fair', 25), ('possible', 25), ('thy', 25), ('books', 25), ('together', 25), ('character', 25), ('until', 25), ('rich', 25), ('neighbor', 25), ('somewhat', 25), ('inhabitants', 25), ('call', 25), ('room', 25), ('ponds', 25), ('eat', 24), ('savage', 24), ('whatever', 24), ('nearly', 24), ('furniture', 24), ('believe', 24), ('blue', 24), ('fields', 24), ('children', 24), ('taken', 24), ('dinner', 24), ('corn', 24), ('inches', 24), ('doing', 24), ('pure', 24), ('kept', 24), ('river', 24), ('black', 24), ('lake', 24), ('hours', 24), ('color', 23), ('point', 23), ('shallow', 23), ('music', 23), ('neighborhood', 23), ('learn', 23), ('daily', 23), ('view', 23), ('either', 23), ('anything', 23), ('history', 23), ('art', 23), ('known', 23), ('smooth', 23), ('walk', 23), ('leaf', 23), ('red', 23), ('hoe', 22), ('fine', 22), ('miles', 22), ('means', 22), ('virtue', 22), ('beside', 22), ('name', 22), ('across', 22), ('turn', 22), ('bright', 22), ('genius', 22), ('meet', 22), ('reading', 22), ('slight', 22), ('level', 22), ('thing', 22), ('laws', 22), ('else', 22), ('spend', 22), ('mankind', 22), ('drink', 22), ('reason', 21), ('simply', 21), ('ancient', 21), ('inch', 21), ('thinking', 21), ('various', 21), ('dollars', 21), ('bed', 21), ('knows', 21), ('bark', 21), ('gave', 21), ('beautiful', 21), ('week', 21), ('leave', 21), ('horse', 21), ('greatest', 21), ('farther', 21), ('felt', 21), ('fear', 21), ('fact', 21), ('today', 21), ('full', 20), ('rise', 20), ('nearest', 20), ('simple', 20), ('wish', 20), ('single', 20), ('really', 20), ('cost', 20), ('nearer', 20), ('eye', 20), ('thin', 20), ('fox', 20), ('broad', 20), ('perch', 20), ('easily', 20), ('carried', 20), ('extent', 20), ('proportion', 20), ('law', 20), ('caught', 20), ('appears', 20), ('purpose', 20), ('stone', 20), ('waters', 20), ('suppose', 20), ('depth', 20), ('path', 20), ('especially', 20), ('value', 20), ('forever', 20), ('civilized', 20), ('nations', 20), ('war', 19), ('trade', 19), ('usual', 19), ('buy', 19), ('written', 19), ('age', 19), ('brought', 19), ('fuel', 19), ('asked', 19), ('english', 19), ('condition', 19), ('sleep', 19), ('carry', 19), ('turned', 19), ('heads', 19), ('beneath', 19), ('afternoon', 19), ('meanwhile', 19), ('pitch', 19), ('sure', 19), ('property', 19), ('traveller', 19), ('haste', 19), ('moral', 19), ('seed', 19), ('roof', 19), ('wholly', 19), ('ago', 19), ('short', 19), ('wall', 19), ('advantage', 18), ('clothing', 18), ('ourselves', 18), ('ready', 18), ('burned', 18), ('beauty', 18), ('frequently', 18), ('study', 18), ('directly', 18), ('thirty', 18), ('globe', 18), ('fell', 18), ('laid', 18), ('change', 18), ('reflected', 18), ('fishes', 18), ('imagination', 18), ('afford', 18), ('sitting', 18), ('fruit', 18), ('bird', 18), ('remarkable', 18), ('purity', 18), ('wide', 18), ('important', 18), ('support', 18), ('larger', 18), ('concerned', 18), ('pleasant', 18), ('grow', 18), ('moment', 18), ('appear', 18), ('midst', 18), ('latter', 18), ('gradually', 17), ('clear', 17), ('intervals', 17), ('poet', 17), ('horizon', 17), ('mode', 17), ('parts', 17), ('board', 17), ('yellow', 17), ('hunter', 17), ('philosopher', 17), ('late', 17), ('interesting', 17), ('consider', 17), ('coming', 17), ('raised', 17), ('yourself', 17), ('six', 17), ('primitive', 17), ('past', 17), ('faint', 17), ('boy', 17), ('beyond', 17), ('ear', 17), ('begin', 17), ('close', 17), ('amid', 17), ('wit', 17), ('clean', 17), ('former', 17), ('obliged', 17), ('wonder', 17), ('native', 17), ('track', 17), ('axe', 17), ('according', 17), ('effect', 16), ('wings', 16), ('root', 16), ('waves', 16), ('soul', 16), ('bear', 16), ('subject', 16), ('worn', 16), ('opposite', 16), ('forms', 16), ('influence', 16), ('faith', 16), ('vast', 16), ('bodies', 16), ('enjoy', 16), ('mere', 16), ('rarely', 16), ('floor', 16), ('modern', 16), ('evil', 16), ('sight', 16), ('chiefly', 16), ('cat', 16), ('becomes', 16), ('question', 16), ('meadow', 16), ('leaving', 16), ('ages', 16), ('fruits', 16), ('serve', 16), ('stream', 16), ('wear', 16), ('cultivated', 16), ('sea', 16), ('hunters', 16), ('rising', 16), ('wisdom', 16), ('circumstances', 16), ('spent', 16), ('grew', 16), ('actually', 16), ('book', 16), ('news', 16), ('tried', 16), ('universe', 16), ('met', 16), ('taste', 16), ('observed', 16), ('respects', 16), ('potatoes', 15), ('expression', 15), ('health', 15), ('holes', 15), ('squirrels', 15), ('public', 15), ('discovered', 15), ('townsmen', 15), ('talk', 15), ('breath', 15), ('fit', 15), ('indians', 15), ('hole', 15), ('noble', 15), ('completely', 15), ('neither', 15), ('massachusetts', 15), ('trust', 15), ('glass', 15), ('clouds', 15), ('seem', 15), ('cars', 15), ('finally', 15), ('broken', 15), ('lower', 15), ('meal', 15), ('memorable', 15), ('dust', 15), ('company', 15), ('boys', 15), ('surprised', 15), ('mountains', 15), ('atmosphere', 15), ('fast', 15), ('vegetable', 15), ('catch', 15), ('rare', 15), ('nights', 15), ('filled', 15), ('comparatively', 15), ('mass', 15), ('likely', 15), ('build', 15), ('waste', 15), ('distinguished', 15), ('works', 15), ('universal', 14), ('particularly', 14), ('getting', 14), ('forth', 14), ('play', 14), ('wont', 14), ('animals', 14), ('person', 14), ('poverty', 14), ('surely', 14), ('walls', 14), ('roots', 14), ('requires', 14), ('mine', 14), ('answered', 14), ('south', 14), ('dozen', 14), ('shores', 14), ('direction', 14), ('care', 14), ('apparently', 14), ('worse', 14), ('regard', 14), ('help', 14), ('perfect', 14), ('portion', 14), ('walked', 14), ('language', 14), ('honest', 14), ('philosophy', 14), ('edge', 14), ('flowers', 14), ('places', 14), ('cool', 14), ('quarter', 14), ('occasionally', 14), ('visitors', 14), ('bank', 14), ('hollow', 14), ('boards', 14), ('youth', 14), ('certainly', 14), ('solid', 14), ('solitary', 14), ('crop', 14), ('bubbles', 14), ('deepest', 14), ('meadows', 14), ('heavens', 14), ('unless', 14), ('became', 14), ('usually', 14), ('iron', 14), ('try', 14), ('satisfied', 14), ('paid', 14), ('number', 13), ('march', 13), ('materials', 13), ('questions', 13), ('result', 13), ('height', 13), ('partly', 13), ('position', 13), ('tax', 13), ('golden', 13), ('skin', 13), ('salt', 13), ('nation', 13), ('john', 13), ('note', 13), ('deal', 13), ('except', 13), ('degree', 13), ('lying', 13), ('third', 13), ('regular', 13), ('bad', 13), ('fathers', 13), ('worked', 13), ('keeps', 13), ('doors', 13), ('leisure', 13), ('market', 13), ('slavery', 13), ('noon', 13), ('diameter', 13), ('equal', 13), ('fingers', 13), ('thither', 13), ('singing', 13), ('equally', 13), ('beginning', 13), ('city', 13), ('forty', 13), ('poetry', 13), ('accident', 13), ('landscape', 13), ('civilization', 13), ('bare', 13), ('amount', 13), ('enterprise', 13), ('loon', 13), ('oak', 13), ('solitude', 13), ('different', 13), ('show', 13), ('states', 13), ('raise', 13), ('grown', 13), ('during', 13), ('required', 13), ('eight', 13), ('fishing', 13), ('humanity', 13), ('america', 13), ('acres', 13), ('breadth', 13), ('woodchuck', 12), ('suggested', 12), ('gods', 12), ('endeavor', 12), ('friends', 12), ('ducks', 12), ('reminded', 12), ('answer', 12), ('instance', 12), ('herself', 12), ('boston', 12), ('alive', 12), ('elsewhere', 12), ('held', 12), ('surrounded', 12), ('train', 12), ('seek', 12), ('independent', 12), 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11), ('seasons', 11), ('calm', 11), ('blood', 11), ('practically', 11), ('families', 11), ('break', 11), ('tender', 11), ('flow', 11), ('return', 11), ('foreign', 11), ('nine', 11), ('brave', 11), ('interest', 11), ('matter', 11), ('swamp', 11), ('afterward', 11), ('cases', 11), ('real', 11), ('pickerel', 11), ('ears', 11), ('sailing', 11), ('generally', 11), ('outward', 11), ('travellers', 11), ('obtain', 11), ('gun', 11), ('sold', 11), ('cents', 11), ('highway', 11), ('$', 11), ('price', 11), ('sustain', 11), ('dwelling', 11), ('grows', 11), ('owing', 11), ('square', 11), ('dog', 11), ('moreover', 11), ('familiar', 11), ('general', 11), ('curious', 11), ('acquainted', 11), ('innocent', 11), ('follow', 11), ('passage', 11), ('months', 11), ('weeds', 11), ('slave', 11), ('cause', 11), ('fires', 11), ('rent', 11), ('fifteen', 11), ('exposed', 11), ('placed', 11), ('period', 11), ('possibly', 11), ('existence', 11), ('oxen', 11), ('ere', 11), ('material', 11), ('confined', 11), ('formerly', 11), ('master', 11), ('readers', 11), ('cover', 11), ('approach', 11), ('inside', 11), ('improve', 11), ('worthy', 11), ('visited', 11), ('drop', 11), ('force', 11), ('valley', 11), ('hillside', 11), ('following', 11), ('spirit', 11), ('sandy', 11), ('everywhere', 11), ('born', 11), ('table', 11), ('chimney', 11), ('streets', 11), ('partridge', 11), ('behold', 11), ('led', 10), ('generation', 10), ('original', 10), ('visible', 10), ('strange', 10), ('seems', 10), ('plant', 10), ('step', 10), ('preserve', 10), ('inclined', 10), ('eating', 10), ('surrounding', 10), ('produce', 10), ('determined', 10), ('stay', 10), ('gossip', 10), ('stumps', 10), ('alas', 10), ('deliberately', 10), ('brown', 10), ('garden', 10), ('downward', 10), ('satisfaction', 10), ('horses', 10), ('mistake', 10), ('upward', 10), ('store', 10), ('front', 10), ('arts', 10), ('trivial', 10), ('falls', 10), ('twelve', 10), ('east', 10), ('serene', 10), ('older', 10), ('excepting', 10), ('understand', 10), ('desire', 10), ('named', 10), ('future', 10), ('somewhere', 10), ('rose', 10), ('economy', 10), ('valuable', 10), ('goose', 10), ('hold', 10), ('suggest', 10), ('intellectual', 10), ('forget', 10), ('chip', 10), ('hunting', 10), ('cloud', 10), ('dawn', 10), ('kinds', 10), ('intellect', 10), ('express', 10), ('danger', 10), ('buried', 10), ('wait', 10), ('nevertheless', 10), ('obtained', 10), ('wrong', 10), ('running', 10), ('travel', 10), ('returned', 10), ('hounds', 10), ('experiment', 10), ('regarded', 10), ('reality', 10), ('frost', 10), ('child', 10), ('require', 10), ('concealed', 10), ('carefully', 10), ('taking', 10), ('hens', 10), ('observe', 10), ('barn', 10), ('natures', 10), ('warmth', 10), ('dwelt', 10), ('hang', 10), ('fate', 10), ('gray', 10), ('alert', 10), ('mist', 10), ('simplicity', 10), ('trouble', 10), ('judge', 10), ('hoo', 10), ('justice', 10), ('dollar', 10), ('american', 10), ('referred', 10), ('fail', 10), ('truly', 10), ('sufficient', 10), ('received', 10), ('twenty', 10), ('acquaintance', 10), ('exactly', 10), ('forward', 10), ('brute', 10), ('planted', 10), ('object', 10), ('elements', 10), ('exercise', 10), ('institution', 9), ('quarters', 9), ('sake', 9), ('ye', 9), ('changed', 9), ('gently', 9), ('knowledge', 9), ('philosophers', 9), ('colors', 9), ('speaking', 9), ('poets', 9), ('expect', 9), ('earnest', 9), ('spiritual', 9), ('retain', 9), ('fed', 9), ('twentyfive', 9), ('game', 9), ('joy', 9), ('minds', 9), ('lonely', 9), ('father', 9), ('worms', 9), ('plow', 9), ('conscious', 9), ('desperate', 9), ('circles', 9), ('senses', 9), ('loud', 9), ('vain', 9), ('tells', 9), ('immediately', 9), ('rule', 9), ('obey', 9), ('employed', 9), ('given', 9), ('private', 9), ('seemingly', 9), ('dying', 9), ('puts', 9), ('deeper', 9), ('southern', 9), ('overhead', 9), ('battle', 9), ('rye', 9), ('apart', 9), ('wine', 9), ('virtues', 9), ('dirt', 9), ('celestial', 9), ('top', 9), ('putting', 9), ('visit', 9), ('shadow', 9), ('rate', 9), ('windows', 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('pasture', 9), ('nay', 9), ('seven', 9), ('warmed', 9), ('improved', 9), ('therefore', 9), ('culture', 9), ('fellows', 9), ('weeks', 9), ('meat', 9), ('sixty', 9), ('fisherman', 9), ('move', 9), ('distinctly', 9), ('friend', 9), ('glorious', 9), ('owner', 9), ('locked', 9), ('manure', 9), ('excuse', 9), ('lies', 9), ('dwell', 9), ('fain', 9), ('hound', 9), ('advantages', 9), ('produced', 9), ('eaten', 9), ('memory', 9), ('sent', 9), ('wished', 9), ('turns', 8), ('industry', 8), ('fancy', 8), ('mens', 8), ('bushes', 8), ('remembered', 8), ('absolutely', 8), ('endeavoring', 8), ('notes', 8), ('nobody', 8), ('passing', 8), ('expense', 8), ('civil', 8), ('mould', 8), ('fare', 8), ('concluded', 8), ('class', 8), ('mainly', 8), ('continually', 8), ('suitable', 8), ('dried', 8), ('considered', 8), ('start', 8), ('strength', 8), ('peculiar', 8), ('write', 8), ('style', 8), ('meaning', 8), ('melted', 8), ('scale', 8), ('flocks', 8), ('silent', 8), ('apartment', 8), ('dogs', 8), ('loved', 8), ('logs', 8), ('rock', 8), ('king', 8), ('convenience', 8), ('feeling', 8), ('earliest', 8), ('exhausted', 8), ('remote', 8), ('teach', 8), ('crack', 8), ('invented', 8), ('moon', 8), ('sport', 8), ('effort', 8), ('treated', 8), ('education', 8), ('thoroughly', 8), ('ways', 8), ('vote', 8), ('played', 8), ('thou', 8), ('flat', 8), ('precious', 8), ('hire', 8), ('keeping', 8), ('garret', 8), ('treat', 8), ('thats', 8), ('strain', 8), ('tint', 8), ('machine', 8), ('apple', 8), ('yield', 8), ('mortal', 8), ('practical', 8), ('diet', 8), ('pulled', 8), ('deeds', 8), ('pursuits', 8), ('street', 8), ('bent', 8), ('measure', 8), ('tempted', 8), ('degraded', 8), ('spirits', 8), ('nuts', 8), ('winged', 8), ('insect', 8), ('burrow', 8), ('send', 8), ('blow', 8), ('stars', 8), ('pursue', 8), ('offered', 8), ('healthy', 8), ('pleased', 8), ('woodpile', 8), ('woodchucks', 8), ('compelled', 8), ('shoes', 8), ('receive', 8), ('flying', 8), ('palace', 8), ('pile', 8), ('innocence', 8), ('wonderful', 8), ('creation', 8), ('burn', 8), ('dew', 8), ('points', 8), ('pray', 8), ('plastering', 8), ('main', 8), ('bait', 8), ('farms', 8), ('save', 8), ('creatures', 8), ('dug', 8), ('socalled', 8), ('anywhere', 8), ('gives', 8), ('meanness', 8), ('perennial', 8), ('asleep', 8), ('expanded', 8), ('indispensable', 8), ('pastures', 8), ('serious', 8), ('select', 8), ('physical', 8), ('hospitality', 8), ('twilight', 8), ('distinct', 8), ('conscience', 8), ('fable', 8), ('agreeable', 8), ('reached', 8), ('attracted', 8), ('log', 8), ('reach', 8), ('church', 8), ('rapidly', 8), ('bristers', 8), ('furnished', 8), ('bones', 8), ('introduced', 8), ('september', 8), ('legs', 8), ('idea', 8), ('load', 8), ('bearing', 8), ('demand', 8), ('essential', 8), ('coast', 8), ('rank', 8), ('gentle', 8), ('mr', 8), ('lines', 8), ('oaks', 8), ('singular', 8), ('pains', 8), ('numerous', 8), ('greek', 8), ('attend', 8), ('heap', 8), ('sunny', 8), ('muskrats', 8), ('hermit', 8), ('affairs', 8), ('grain', 8), ('rod', 8), ('rays', 8), ('timber', 8), ('owl', 8), ('superior', 8), ('blows', 8), ('admit', 8), ('labors', 8), ('plants', 8), ('son', 8), ('recognize', 8), ('afishing', 8), ('acquired', 8), ('clay', 8), ('improvement', 8), ('gross', 8), ('act', 8), ('stony', 8), ('sounds', 8), ('freedom', 8), ('temperature', 8), ('domestic', 8), ('commerce', 8), ('transparent', 8), ('noise', 8), ('beanfield', 8), ('tomorrow', 8), ('below', 8), ('success', 8), ('breast', 7), ('forgotten', 7), ('neighboring', 7), ('returning', 7), ('cry', 7), ('students', 7), ('directed', 7), ('amused', 7), ('fence', 7), ('engine', 7), ('tight', 7), ('aid', 7), ('fireplace', 7), ('accomplished', 7), ('picture', 7), ('cook', 7), ('kitchen', 7), ('moments', 7), ('school', 7), ('boughs', 7), ('supposed', 7), ('soft', 7), ('cutting', 7), ('heart', 7), ('discover', 7), ('capital', 7), ('unnecessary', 7), ('architecture', 7), ('thank', 7), ('potato', 7), ('apples', 7), ('comforts', 7), ('october', 7), ('blown', 7), ('using', 7), ('et', 7), ('geese', 7), ('expected', 7), ('bound', 7), ('acre', 7), ('star', 7), ('superfluous', 7), ('succeed', 7), ('steadily', 7), ('accounts', 7), ('size', 7), ('safely', 7), ('hay', 7), ('died', 7), ('expenses', 7), ('occupied', 7), ('wealth', 7), ('honestly', 7), ('aware', 7), ('lord', 7), ('dropped', 7), ('harmony', 7), ('expediency', 7), ('wholesome', 7), ('bring', 7), ('independence', 7), ('neck', 7), ('fourth', 7), ('trace', 7), ('weight', 7), ('restless', 7), ('passes', 7), ('allegiance', 7), ('pail', 7), ('social', 7), ('winds', 7), ('turning', 7), ('surprise', 7), ('scenes', 7), ('souls', 7), ('dull', 7), ('ocean', 7), ('concern', 7), ('perfectly', 7), ('safe', 7), ('possession', 7), ('comparison', 7), ('earn', 7), ('invisible', 7), ('nest', 7), ('entertainment', 7), ('minute', 7), ('o', 7), ('prison', 7), ('hope', 7), ('charity', 7), ('lo', 7), ('habit', 7), ('remain', 7), ('strong', 7), ('visitor', 7), ('everything', 7), ('fellow', 7), ('attempt', 7), ('empty', 7), ('variety', 7), ('institutions', 7), ('laugh', 7), ('cottage', 7), ('employment', 7), ('month', 7), ('provided', 7), ('printed', 7), ('chief', 7), ('action', 7), ('classics', 7), ('mythology', 7), ('difficult', 7), ('corresponding', 7), ('row', 7), ('talked', 7), ('railroads', 7), ('otherwise', 7), ('sticks', 7), ('goodness', 7), ('luxurious', 7), ('slender', 7), ('freeze', 7), ('resolved', 7), ('whence', 7), ('hearing', 7), ('cato', 7), ('pick', 7), ('crops', 7), ('necessaries', 7), ('anxiety', 7), ('sunk', 7), ('sick', 7), ('coves', 7), ('effects', 7), ('principle', 7), ('devote', 7), ('vigor', 7), ('rear', 7), ('revolution', 7), ('woven', 7), ('slow', 7), ('exchange', 7), ('die', 7), ('risen', 7), ('speech', 7), ('hungry', 7), ('tracks', 7), ('guests', 7), ('savages', 7), ('share', 7), ('cheaper', 7), ('religion', 7), ('reader', 7), ('rafters', 7), ('improvements', 7), ('leg', 7), ('sounded', 7), ('marks', 7), ('hesitate', 7), ('paint', 7), ('lowest', 7), ('nail', 7), ('motion', 7), ('frequent', 7), ('calling', 7), ('opportunity', 7), ('constitution', 7), ('described', 7), ('settled', 7), ('staff', 7), ('manners', 7), ('names', 7), ('vice', 7), ('clearing', 7), ('impossible', 7), ('piece', 7), ('throw', 7), ('dreams', 7), ('suspect', 7), ('rivers', 7), ('wore', 7), ('shame', 7), ('confess', 7), ('limbs', 7), ('swallows', 7), ('occasion', 7), ('circling', 7), ('objects', 7), ('sparrow', 7), ('silver', 7), ('union', 7), ('bough', 7), ('spot', 7), ('working', 7), ('liquid', 7), ('increased', 7), ('space', 7), ('naturally', 7), ('infinite', 7), ('hired', 7), ('instant', 7), ('heavy', 7), ('regularly', 7), ('plucked', 6), ('needs', 6), ('disease', 6), ('hook', 6), ('empire', 6), ('hoed', 6), ('further', 6), ('priest', 6), ('disturbed', 6), ('cambridge', 6), ('genuine', 6), ('melt', 6), ('suns', 6), ('considerably', 6), ('parlor', 6), ('circle', 6), ('latin', 6), ('banks', 6), ('forsooth', 6), ('prove', 6), ('trap', 6), ('digging', 6), ('thawing', 6), ('reform', 6), ('fight', 6), ('premises', 6), ('shade', 6), ('sincerely', 6), ('wash', 6), ('boiled', 6), ('bargain', 6), ('courage', 6), ('complete', 6), ('broke', 6), ('runs', 6), ('begun', 6), ('army', 6), ('huckleberry', 6), ('falling', 6), ('entertain', 6), ('studies', 6), ('spade', 6), ('messenger', 6), ('cove', 6), ('story', 6), ('echoes', 6), ('inherited', 6), ('chanced', 6), ('hunt', 6), ('heroes', 6), ('remains', 6), ('adam', 6), ('richest', 6), ('vision', 6), ('shadows', 6), ('berries', 6), ('spoken', 6), ('twig', 6), ('outskirts', 6), ('produces', 6), ('ends', 6), ('song', 6), ('transient', 6), ('symbol', 6), ('absolute', 6), ('honor', 6), ('humane', 6), ('antiquity', 6), ('woodchoppers', 6), ('trembling', 6), ('seeking', 6), ('relations', 6), ('beasts', 6), ('changes', 6), ('needed', 6), ('harbor', 6), ('successive', 6), ('milk', 6), ('immortal', 6), ('useful', 6), ('shot', 6), ('tongue', 6), ('practice', 6), ('flavor', 6), ('affords', 6), ('fragrance', 6), ('spoke', 6), ('begins', 6), ('seeing', 6), ('pursuit', 6), ('remarkably', 6), ('reaches', 6), ('shiners', 6), ('hindoo', 6), ('spare', 6), ('engaged', 6), ('favorable', 6), ('genial', 6), ('sweep', 6), ('lapse', 6), ('warmest', 6), ('killed', 6), ('enemies', 6), ('betray', 6), ('november', 6), ('mystery', 6), ('amusement', 6), ('retreat', 6), ('offers', 6), ('johnswort', 6), ('consequence', 6), ('preferred', 6), ('cap', 6), ('science', 6), ('baskets', 6), ('bay', 6), ('mud', 6), ('float', 6), ('ceased', 6), ('fabulous', 6), ('ripe', 6), ('whistle', 6), ('garment', 6), ('increasing', 6), ('reflecting', 6), ('serenity', 6), ('fastened', 6), ('followed', 6), ('error', 6), ('carrying', 6), ('calls', 6), ('ripple', 6), ('opening', 6), ('presence', 6), ('firm', 6), ('reverence', 6), ('greatly', 6), ('despair', 6), ('mothers', 6), ('writing', 6), ('lain', 6), ('stir', 6), ('shrub', 6), ('interval', 6), ('agriculture', 6), ('pipe', 6), ('deed', 6), ('contemporaries', 6), ('related', 6), ('hat', 6), ('due', 6), ('posterity', 6), ('trying', 6), ('wears', 6), ('annually', 6), ('oldest', 6), ('breaking', 6), ('worthies', 6), ('graceful', 6), ('affect', 6), ('solely', 6), ('laborers', 6), ('silvery', 6), ('thousands', 6), ('handsome', 6), ('represented', 6), ('drive', 6), ('progress', 6), ('port', 6), ('constant', 6), ('quiet', 6), ('arrived', 6), ('hawk', 6), ('mornings', 6), ('midsummer', 6), ('oftener', 6), ('molasses', 6), ('effectually', 6), ('chosen', 6), ('abode', 6), ('rice', 6), ('pity', 6), ('annual', 6), ('pair', 6), ('disappeared', 6), ('forsake', 6), ('avoid', 6), ('rude', 6), ('directions', 6), ('pigeons', 6), ('legislators', 6), ('yard', 6), ('prepared', 6), ('meats', 6), ('inquire', 6), ('swept', 6), ('shingles', 6), ('injustice', 6), ('chips', 6), ('second', 6), ('hickories', 6), ('firmly', 6), ('setting', 6), ('pecuniary', 6), ('accordingly', 6), ('prevail', 6), ('twice', 6), ('bold', 6), ('rolled', 6), ('forenoon', 6), ('fly', 6), ('enterprises', 6), ('irishman', 6), 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('departed', 5), ('chinese', 5), ('persons', 5), ('nests', 5), ('continue', 5), ('couple', 5), ('cheerfully', 5), ('acquire', 5), ('infancy', 5), ('ignorance', 5), ('collect', 5), ('roman', 5), ('explore', 5), ('giving', 5), ('purposes', 5), ('trail', 5), ('print', 5), ('thee', 5), ('bushel', 5), ('india', 5), ('pages', 5), ('stems', 5), ('midnight', 5), ('scenery', 5), ('considerable', 5), ('thinner', 5), ('barbarous', 5), ('slowly', 5), ('governments', 5), ('soldiers', 5), ('sign', 5), ('finer', 5), ('worship', 5), ('afforded', 5), ('storm', 5), ('disgrace', 5), ('birth', 5), ('robin', 5), ('afraid', 5), ('fences', 5), ('sits', 5), ('mingled', 5), ('gold', 5), ('kings', 5), ('utensils', 5), ('advance', 5), ('plains', 5), ('journey', 5), ('skill', 5), ('freezing', 5), ('commenced', 5), ('mast', 5), ('element', 5), ('attended', 5), ('gathered', 5), ('peaceful', 5), ('gets', 5), ('bog', 5), ('incessant', 5), ('constantly', 5), ('mood', 5), ('implements', 5), ('failures', 5), ('suffer', 5), ('faithfully', 5), ('vulgar', 5), ('withdraw', 5), ('clothe', 5), ('butterfly', 5), ('mark', 5), ('cabin', 5), ('scent', 5), ('range', 5), ('sell', 5), ('content', 5), ('eternity', 5), ('ragged', 5), ('crisis', 5), ('huckleberries', 5), ('hence', 5), ('fill', 5), ('dirty', 5), ('devoted', 5), ('moonlight', 5), ('sharp', 5), ('politicians', 5), ('plowing', 5), ('melodious', 5), ('scholars', 5), ('forests', 5), ('wigwam', 5), ('cheated', 5), ('esteemed', 5), ('harder', 5), ('outgoes', 5), ('liberal', 5), ('cave', 5), ('butter', 5), ('torn', 5), ('assured', 5), ('bottomless', 5), ('saying', 5), ('developed', 5), ('irish', 5), ('earnestly', 5), ('homer', 5), ('protection', 5), ('showing', 5), ('sad', 5), ('burden', 5), ('guest', 5), ('smaller', 5), ('expensive', 5), ('supper', 5), ('lately', 5), ('promising', 5), ('awakened', 5), ('storms', 5), ('sung', 5), ('knife', 5), ('ether', 5), ('created', 5), ('tables', 5), ('contains', 5), ('appreciate', 5), ('privilege', 5), ('parish', 5), ('egyptian', 5), ('channel', 5), ('pleasure', 5), ('willow', 5), ('chance', 5), ('july', 5), ('unusually', 5), ('dont', 5), ('cooked', 5), ('branches', 5), ('objection', 5), ('accumulated', 5), ('wearing', 5), ('substitute', 5), ('spreading', 5), ('seeks', 5), ('lobe', 5), ('hair', 5), ('mountain', 5), ('shell', 5), ('housekeeping', 5), ('burst', 5), ('hooting', 5), ('qualities', 5), ('surprising', 5), ('political', 5), ('quantity', 5), ('benefit', 5), ('busy', 5), ('aurora', 5), ('governed', 5), ('bosom', 5), ('sensible', 5), ('shanty', 5), ('vale', 5), ('famous', 5), ('dream', 5), ('impressed', 5), ('waked', 5), ('cherish', 5), ('shoulder', 5), ('collected', 5), ('details', 5), ('crust', 5), ('pounds', 5), ('profaned', 5), ('advice', 5), ('finish', 5), ('depend', 5), ('toil', 5), ('happens', 5), ('egg', 5), ('ancestors', 5), ('conversation', 5), ('rustling', 5), ('obvious', 5), ('lofty', 5), ('prince', 5), ('mexico', 5), ('tops', 5), ('customs', 5), ('eggs', 5), ('azure', 5), ('college', 5), ('greenish', 5), ('composed', 5), ('answers', 5), ('barking', 5), ('frosts', 5), ('celebrated', 5), ('straight', 5), ('&', 5), ('recent', 5), ('ants', 5), ('reflection', 5), ('anxious', 5), ('approached', 5), ('significant', 5), ('drank', 5), ('wilderness', 5), ('recently', 5), ('overcome', 5), ('silence', 5), ('rabbit', 5), ('opened', 5), ('dig', 5), ('harvest', 5), ('arm', 5), ('convenient', 5), ('echo', 5), ('tied', 5), ('hatched', 5), ('occupy', 5), ('crossed', 5), ('regret', 5), ('belong', 5), ('appeal', 5), ('entirely', 5), ('letter', 5), ('pardon', 5), ('plaster', 5), ('actual', 5), ('rotten', 5), ('flows', 5), ('splendid', 5), ('luxuries', 5), ('necessarily', 5), ('bowels', 5), ('plainly', 5), ('lot', 5), ('finished', 5), ('laughter', 5), ('converse', 5), ('grove', 5), ('coarse', 5), ('learning', 5), ('ashamed', 5), ('reformers', 5), ('boast', 5), ('dreamed', 5), ('description', 5), ('importance', 5), ('villagers', 5), ('route', 5), ('mirth', 5), 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('travelled', 5), ('legislature', 5), ('escaped', 4), ('wells', 4), ('link', 4), ('counting', 4), ('agitated', 4), ('sluggish', 4), ('woodchopper', 4), ('prey', 4), ('masses', 4), ('stump', 4), ('unconscious', 4), ('warmer', 4), ('deny', 4), ('secondhand', 4), ('characters', 4), ('classic', 4), ('shaking', 4), ('scholar', 4), ('sincerity', 4), ('finest', 4), ('floated', 4), ('eloquence', 4), ('arrive', 4), ('destiny', 4), ('ranks', 4), ('comfortable', 4), ('disobedience', 4), ('member', 4), ('serves', 4), ('standard', 4), ('howls', 4), ('wisely', 4), ('perpetual', 4), ('gnawing', 4), ('christian', 4), ('lined', 4), ('largest', 4), ('clad', 4), ('immortality', 4), ('viewed', 4), ('citizens', 4), ('statement', 4), ('intimate', 4), ('uttered', 4), ('mortar', 4), ('bloom', 4), ('1845', 4), ('trifling', 4), ('teeth', 4), ('wrote', 4), ('irresistible', 4), ('breeze', 4), ('prospects', 4), ('rush', 4), ('burs', 4), ('average', 4), ('northern', 4), ('fog', 4), ('b', 4), ('declined', 4), 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4), ('flakes', 4), ('resolution', 4), ('repair', 4), ('worst', 4), ('holds', 4), ('dish', 4), ('sins', 4), ('artificial', 4), ('growth', 4), ('sufficiently', 4), ('bag', 4), ('divinity', 4), ('underlie', 4), ('concerning', 4), ('matters', 4), ('obedience', 4), ('designs', 4), ('provide', 4), ('endeavored', 4), ('doctors', 4), ('wake', 4), ('derived', 4), ('apply', 4), ('design', 4), ('custom', 4), ('professions', 4), ('numbers', 4), ('extra', 4), ('facts', 4), ('grand', 4), ('fault', 4), ('brood', 4), ('wave', 4), ('choose', 4), ('vines', 4), ('papers', 4), ('hangs', 4), ('crow', 4), ('linen', 4), ('marble', 4), ('thereafter', 4), ('unjust', 4), ('degrees', 4), ('brahma', 4), ('machines', 4), ('throwing', 4), ('herd', 4), ('devils', 4), ('fought', 4), ('tomb', 4), ('lonesome', 4), ('rails', 4), ('snowy', 4), ('sacrifices', 4), ('recovered', 4), ('costume', 4), ('grave', 4), ('realize', 4), ('troubled', 4), ('resound', 4), ('process', 4), ('seriously', 4), ('inward', 4), ('reflect', 4), 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('lights', 4), ('midwinter', 4), ('impatient', 4), ('feelings', 4), ('repose', 4), ('adapted', 4), ('baited', 4), ('myriads', 4), ('anticipate', 4), ('pressure', 4), ('oil', 4), ('omit', 4), ('drifted', 4), ('delight', 4), ('infernal', 4), ('surveyed', 4), ('january', 4), ('rulers', 4), ('enemy', 4), ('file', 4), ('ennui', 4), ('elapsed', 4), ('beast', 4), ('corporation', 4), ('jug', 4), ('lean', 4), ('witness', 4), ('burning', 4), ('proves', 4), ('hollows', 4), ('easier', 4), ('lead', 4), ('taught', 4), ('sawed', 4), ('wet', 4), ('pumpkin', 4), ('item', 4), ('library', 4), ('believed', 4), ('friction', 4), ('intercourse', 4), ('unclean', 4), ('measuring', 4), ('borrowed', 4), ('inexpressible', 4), ('retained', 4), ('ventured', 4), ('reminding', 4), ('studying', 4), ('belonged', 4), ('timbers', 4), ('sank', 4), ('cooking', 4), ('cure', 4), ('feast', 4), ('title', 4), ('tail', 4), ('folks', 4), ('heroism', 4), ('stripped', 4), ('operations', 4), ('flatter', 4), ('arrival', 4), 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4), ('plumes', 4), ('multitude', 4), ('interrupted', 4), ('natives', 4), ('thrush', 4), ('grandeur', 4), ('airy', 4), ('wheat', 4), ('party', 4), ('nineteenth', 4), ('withered', 4), ('wider', 4), ('entry', 4), ('freshly', 4), ('sounding', 4), ('lime', 4), ('strip', 4), ('lark', 4), ('patterns', 4), ('throughout', 4), ('defence', 4), ('whirled', 4), ('pretty', 4), ('manifest', 4), ('ceremony', 4), ('alder', 4), ('cheer', 4), ('whippoorwill', 4), ('watched', 4), ('slipped', 4), ('motes', 4), ('universally', 4), ('survey', 4), ('rags', 4), ('grating', 4), ('eighteen', 4), ('problem', 4), ('westward', 4), ('hereabouts', 4), ('relation', 4), ('paley', 4), ('consist', 4), ('shop', 4), ('valleys', 4), ('squares', 4), ('proprietor', 4), ('moisture', 4), ('rescue', 4), ('shells', 4), ('raising', 4), ('farming', 4), ('wheelbarrow', 4), ('selling', 4), ('congealed', 4), ('bursts', 4), ('wellnigh', 4), ('accidental', 4), ('service', 4), ('joined', 4), ('vessel', 4), ('purely', 4), ('shift', 4), 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('startled', 4), ('verses', 4), ('tailor', 4), ('stage', 4), ('pygmies', 4), ('weighing', 4), ('fortnight', 4), ('conduct', 4), ('bushels', 4), ('contentment', 4), ('groping', 4), ('bells', 4), ('imperfect', 4), ('reflections', 4), ('liquor', 4), ('alike', 4), ('cake', 4), ('beat', 4), ('sufficed', 4), ('undulations', 4), ('rushes', 4), ('scarcely', 4), ('finds', 4), ('builder', 4), ('wishing', 4), ('brick', 4), ('plank', 4), ('fertility', 4), ('dived', 4), ('playing', 4), ('vedas', 4), ('tinkling', 4), ('pot', 4), ('supply', 4), ('queen', 4), ('carts', 4), ('drifts', 4), ('pouts', 4), ('sunset', 4), ('refreshed', 4), ('caused', 4), ('fairest', 4), ('unexplored', 4), ('closely', 3), ('belt', 3), ('baked', 3), ('spectator', 3), ('ant', 3), ('pitied', 3), ('addition', 3), ('sediment', 3), ('staple', 3), ('prairie', 3), ('skater', 3), ('brilliant', 3), ('agent', 3), ('transitory', 3), ('whimsical', 3), ('secret', 3), ('minutes', 3), ('currents', 3), ('capacity', 3), ('deaf', 3), ('goods', 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3), ('picked', 3), ('simpler', 3), ('contemporary', 3), ('arguments', 3), ('shine', 3), ('beneficence', 3), ('entering', 3), ('undoubtedly', 3), ('resounded', 3), ('climate', 3), ('boundary', 3), ('dusted', 3), ('mixed', 3), ('supplied', 3), ('seventy', 3), ('pious', 3), ('trowel', 3), ('tone', 3), ('nutting', 3), ('grecian', 3), ('felled', 3), ('shape', 3), ('statistics', 3), ('washed', 3), ('nose', 3), ('shook', 3), ('modes', 3), ('talent', 3), ('ripened', 3), ('deserve', 3), ('allied', 3), ('concerns', 3), ('loss', 3), ('magic', 3), ('waking', 3), ('shops', 3), ('sod', 3), ('skip', 3), ('overtake', 3), ('miracle', 3), ('safety', 3), ('fore', 3), ('county', 3), ('coldest', 3), ('ribbon', 3), ('highways', 3), ('fyne', 3), ('savor', 3), ('london', 3), ('chambers', 3), ('frogs', 3), ('dulness', 3), ('impart', 3), ('locust', 3), ('ninetyseven', 3), ('honeycombed', 3), ('snowstorm', 3), ('temple', 3), ('sudbury', 3), ('thump', 3), ('entered', 3), ('enjoyment', 3), ('cent', 3), ('impure', 3), ('refuge', 3), ('ministers', 3), ('apace', 3), ('chest', 3), ('cartpath', 3), ('tenth', 3), ('carload', 3), ('amidst', 3), ('naked', 3), ('self', 3), ('amusements', 3), ('ports', 3), ('unlike', 3), ('wishes', 3), ('positive', 3), ('aspire', 3), ('succeeded', 3), ('leader', 3), ('author', 3), ('flowering', 3), ('asks', 3), ('pronounce', 3), ('52', 3), ('guided', 3), ('brings', 3), ('anon', 3), ('trumpery', 3), ('letting', 3), ('daughter', 3), ('haul', 3), ('dent', 3), ('customers', 3), ('carriage', 3), ('british', 3), ('tasted', 3), ('stores', 3), ('struggle', 3), ('arms', 3), ('perspiration', 3), ('slides', 3), ('sails', 3), ('complicated', 3), ('clumsy', 3), ('scared', 3), ('husbandman', 3), ('paintings', 3), ('olit', 3), ('sled', 3), ('pursuing', 3), ('laboring', 3), ('brows', 3), ('strike', 3), ('wellknown', 3), ('resisting', 3), ('outlines', 3), ('clarified', 3), ('illusion', 3), ('secrets', 3), ('slanted', 3), ('happy', 3), ('obstacles', 3), ('loves', 3), ('youthful', 3), ('overrun', 3), ('consciousness', 3), ('bestowed', 3), ('sundays', 3), ('ideas', 3), ('halfwitted', 3), ('sacrificed', 3), ('moving', 3), ('encumbrances', 3), ('deserves', 3), ('thirsty', 3), ('maggot', 3), ('threading', 3), ('auction', 3), ('froze', 3), ('mudturtle', 3), ('shanties', 3), ('secures', 3), ('mat', 3), ('flourishing', 3), ('doorway', 3), ('undertaken', 3), ('ruins', 3), ('pushed', 3), ('patch', 3), ('breathe', 3), ('rejoice', 3), ('dove', 3), ('frontyard', 3), ('hummock', 3), ('suggests', 3), ('lyceum', 3), ('sportsmen', 3), ('alternative', 3), ('insane', 3), ('stupidity', 3), ('turtle', 3), ('web', 3), ('avail', 3), ('sentences', 3), ('bury', 3), ('double', 3), ('amounts', 3), ('upper', 3), ('captain', 3), ('3/4', 3), ('arabs', 3), ('weave', 3), ('provincial', 3), ('mysterious', 3), ('china', 3), ('frame', 3), ('poison', 3), ('hearts', 3), ('submit', 3), ('proof', 3), ('jays', 3), ('unimproved', 3), ('whenever', 3), ('pottery', 3), ('necessities', 3), ('wages', 3), ('wiss', 3), ('divides', 3), ('cellars', 3), ('combatants', 3), ('slough', 3), ('temples', 3), ('indigenous', 3), ('serenaded', 3), ('connecticut', 3), ('shout', 3), ('africa', 3), ('lobes', 3), ('furrows', 3), ('harp', 3), ('blades', 3), ('firma', 3), ('seated', 3), ('compost', 3), ('heel', 3), ('dreaming', 3), ('concentrated', 3), ('freer', 3), ('compact', 3), ('foresee', 3), ('don', 3), ('wigwams', 3), ('pots', 3), ('flames', 3), ('solemn', 3), ('traces', 3), ('intended', 3), ('owls', 3), ('belly', 3), ('hounding', 3), ('crumbs', 3), ('yore', 3), ('wedge', 3), ('tended', 3), ('discern', 3), ('esteem', 3), ('committed', 3), ('extinct', 3), ('disadvantage', 3), ('subscription', 3), ('leak', 3), ('cornfield', 3), ('robbery', 3), ('powerful', 3), ('reply', 3), ('knees', 3), ('wormwood', 3), ('ganges', 3), ('rills', 3), ('tonight', 3), ('toes', 3), ('dwellinghouse', 3), ('boots', 3), ('seized', 3), ('grossest', 3), ('fertile', 3), ('extended', 3), ('active', 3), ('idleness', 3), ('practised', 3), ('settlers', 3), ('ghosts', 3), ('swallow', 3), ('freshet', 3), ('brains', 3), ('terra', 3), ('raw', 3), ('sweetscented', 3), ('continents', 3), ('prisoner', 3), ('withdrew', 3), ('tyrant', 3), ('uncommon', 3), ('repeated', 3), ('foxes', 3), ('map', 3), ('leaven', 3), ('prolonged', 3), ('penetrate', 3), ('vigorous', 3), ('descend', 3), ('contemplate', 3), ('weigh', 3), ('cornice', 3), ('hazy', 3), ('canada', 3), ('honesty', 3), ('survived', 3), ('abandoned', 3), ('brush', 3), ('forefathers', 3), ('commit', 3), ('cloth', 3), ('secure', 3), ('hanging', 3), ('mental', 3), ('united', 3), ('driftwood', 3), ('powers', 3), ('shared', 3), ('townsman', 3), ('bore', 3), ('needles', 3), ('destroys', 3), ('patroclus', 3), ('declared', 3), ('casts', 3), ('unjustly', 3), ('blowing', 3), ('divested', 3), ('organs', 3), ('crowded', 3), ('throats', 3), ('deserted', 3), ('huge', 3), ('proportions', 3), ('youths', 3), ('touch', 3), ('advertised', 3), ('thrilling', 3), ('prisoners', 3), ('mourning', 3), ('nile', 3), ('honey', 3), ('skim', 3), ('plenty', 3), ('community', 3), ('tears', 3), ('channels', 3), ('strongest', 3), ('seams', 3), ('plastered', 3), ('terms', 3), ('pacific', 3), ('games', 3), ('armed', 3), ('squire', 3), ('rumor', 3), ('middlesex', 3), ('feared', 3), ('precision', 3), ('pressing', 3), ('mill', 3), ('yielded', 3), ('tinkled', 3), ('loaf', 3), ('sands', 3), ('ordinary', 3), ('aim', 3), ('mists', 3), ('sporting', 3), ('flew', 3), ('tribe', 3), ('shrill', 3), ('reports', 3), ('decay', 3), ('afternoons', 3), ('permanently', 3), ('obtains', 3), ('northeast', 3), ('luck', 3), ('origin', 3), ('dearly', 3), ('ventures', 3), ('differ', 3), ('hare', 3), ('valued', 3), ('features', 3), ('succession', 3), ('steed', 3), ('command', 3), ('paddled', 3), ('bogging', 3), ('distinguish', 3), ('sources', 3), ('snows', 3), ('pranks', 3), ('filling', 3), ('complaint', 3), ('wasted', 3), ('rains', 3), ('kingdom', 3), ('describes', 3), ('columns', 3), ('watery', 3), ('slope', 3), ('clangor', 3), ('bill', 3), ('potter', 3), ('tortoise', 3), ('mistress', 3), ('threw', 3), ('cleared', 3), ('lands', 3), ('meeting', 3), ('deterred', 3), ('writers', 3), ('generous', 3), ('detail', 3), ('arch', 3), ('holy', 3), ('altogether', 3), ('lords', 3), ('christianity', 3), ('ethereal', 3), ('dusty', 3), ('1st', 3), ('sumach', 3), ('method', 3), ('decide', 3), ('sends', 3), ('perception', 3), ('ad', 3), ('fished', 3), ('clearly', 3), ('sailed', 3), ('shillings', 3), ('lump', 3), ('sunshine', 3), ('cleaned', 3), ('gaze', 3), ('inferred', 3), ('fatally', 3), ('proceeded', 3), ('prepare', 3), ('grotesque', 3), ('actions', 3), ('dash', 3), ('informing', 3), ('devour', 3), ('literary', 3), ('translated', 3), ('gondibert', 3), ('represent', 3), ('nobleman', 3), ('kill', 3), ('exertion', 3), ('jupiter', 3), ('slightly', 3), ('thinkers', 3), ('record', 3), ('masters', 3), ('yeast', 3), ('departure', 3), ('chuckle', 3), ('policy', 3), ('hasty', 3), ('decaying', 3), 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('abolition', 3), ('misery', 3), ('mrs', 3), ('anciently', 3), ('professors', 3), ('presented', 3), ('lock', 3), ('earths', 3), ('salute', 3), ('sward', 3), ('lasted', 3), ('incessantly', 3), ('joints', 3), ('type', 3), ('grounds', 3), ('planet', 3), ('coins', 3), ('thief', 3), ('adding', 3), ('basin', 3), ('liver', 3), ('peeping', 3), ('thermometer', 3), ('accomplish', 3), ('rout', 3), ('governor', 3), ('layers', 3), ('occupation', 3), ('lucky', 3), ('borne', 3), ('soaking', 3), ('friendship', 3), ('fidelity', 3), ('soothed', 3), ('loch', 3), ('allowance', 3), ('aisles', 3), ('patent', 3), ('chinks', 3), ('extreme', 3), ('absorbed', 3), ('pause', 3), ('unexpected', 3), ('observing', 3), ('slumbers', 3), ('opportunities', 3), ('fortune', 3), ('secondly', 3), ('occur', 3), ('visits', 3), ('current', 3), ('containing', 3), ('prefer', 3), ('instruments', 3), ('errand', 3), ('colleges', 3), ('fowl', 3), ('prisons', 3), ('alight', 3), ('theres', 3), ('closer', 3), ('bunch', 3), ('proportionally', 3), ('subtile', 3), ('cooled', 3), ('views', 3), ('indirectly', 3), ('imparted', 3), ('excess', 3), ('embraces', 3), ('members', 3), ('sixth', 3), ('attract', 3), ('consequences', 3), ('rolling', 3), ('eighth', 3), ('sprouts', 3), ('perceived', 3), ('fountain', 3), ('lady', 3), ('rained', 3), ('informed', 3), ('laughed', 3), ('tongues', 3), ('area', 3), ('dive', 3), ('venture', 3), ('supported', 3), ('demanded', 3), ('shaded', 3), ('cheering', 3), ('lifeeverlasting', 3), ('distinction', 3), ('achilles', 3), ('shutter', 3), ('wars', 3), ('kindness', 3), ('sleds', 3), ('construct', 3), ('straightway', 3), ('sights', 3), ('ate', 3), ('ripples', 3), ('freight', 3), ('causeway', 3), ('latch', 3), ('surfaces', 3), ('routine', 3), ('beholding', 3), ('stranger', 3), ('obstinacy', 3), ('spades', 3), ('rot', 3), ('selectmen', 3), ('prevents', 3), ('exchanged', 3), ('fewer', 3), ('encouraging', 3), ('insurance', 3), ('covers', 3), ('cellular', 3), ('thundering', 3), ('pig', 3), ('religiously', 3), ('pretend', 3), ('cared', 3), ('bills', 3), ('outline', 3), ('trial', 3), ('snug', 3), ('feeble', 3), ('oars', 3), ('gurgling', 3), ('enable', 3), ('torpid', 3), ('contact', 3), ('choice', 3), ('reduce', 3), ('disturbance', 3), ('lumbering', 3), ('patriotism', 3), ('signs', 3), ('visions', 3), ('excellent', 3), ('arrangements', 3), ('groundnut', 3), ('quicksands', 3), ('barroom', 3), ('factitious', 3), ('expansion', 3), ('exclaim', 3), ('groves', 3), ('skins', 3), ('puzzle', 3), ('steal', 3), ('cherry', 3), ('allowed', 3), ('liable', 3), ('latitudes', 3), ('wailing', 3), ('descending', 3), ('blindly', 3), ('lawyer', 3), ('balls', 3), ('namely', 3), ('ship', 3), ('speed', 3), ('contemplating', 3), ('shepherd', 3), ('regretted', 3), ('handle', 3), ('enduring', 3), ('finger', 3), ('suspended', 3), ('stuff', 3), ('impression', 3), ('unknown', 3), ('howl', 3), ('parade', 3), ('clock', 3), ('chair', 3), ('attractive', 3), ('flood', 3), ('bending', 3), ('speaks', 3), ('architects', 3), ('castles', 3), ('trod', 3), ('brightness', 3), ('press', 3), ('bubble', 3), ('paces', 3), ('slightest', 3), ('continent', 3), ('waterfowl', 3), ('cookery', 3), ('texas', 3), ('canoe', 3), ('pinions', 3), ('venison', 3), ('fills', 3), ('46', 3), ('conclusion', 3), ('chamber', 3), ('uncertain', 3), ('lookingglass', 3), ('cotton', 3), ('hammer', 3), ('greener', 3), ('sportsman', 3), ('entitled', 3), ('border', 3), ('follows', 3), ('individuals', 3), ('exists', 3), ('schoolmaster', 3), ('instances', 3), ('heavenly', 3), ('whats', 3), ('partition', 3), ('boarded', 3), ('authorities', 3), ('riches', 3), ('fears', 3), ('buys', 3), ('specimens', 3), ('listening', 3), ('nibbled', 3), ('invariably', 3), ('affections', 3), ('timid', 3), ('stayed', 3), ('nowadays', 3), ('prudence', 3), ('accent', 3), ('singularly', 3), ('bony', 3), ('stake', 3), ('suspected', 3), ('available', 3), ('hammered', 3), ('wooded', 3), ('search', 3), ('development', 3), ('george', 3), ('surveying', 3), ('atlantic', 3), ('prairies', 3), ('chasm', 3), ('sings', 3), ('excite', 3), ('sugar', 3), ('quoil', 3), ('meditations', 3), ('withdrawing', 3), ('complain', 3), ('omitted', 3), ('drunk', 3), ('interrupt', 3), ('forthwith', 3), ('dangerous', 3), ('countenance', 3), ('oer', 3), ('chain', 3), ('stopping', 3), ('alders', 3), ('gem', 3), ('exclusively', 3), ('loose', 3), ('behavior', 3), ('compassion', 3), ('ball', 3), ('northwest', 3), ('secured', 3), ('beholder', 3), ('exist', 3), ('honking', 3), ('scattered', 3), ('extremity', 3), ('inert', 3), ('regulate', 3), ('saturated', 3), ('partridges', 3), ('brow', 3), ('ample', 3), ('stout', 3), ('rough', 3), ('rambled', 3), ('mention', 3), ('cuts', 3), ('glory', 3), ('dishes', 3), ('rippled', 3), ('successful', 3), ('branch', 3), ('separates', 3), ('opposition', 3), ('stitch', 3), ('westerly', 3), ('trumpet', 3), ('ought', 3), ('daylight', 3), ('miracles', 3), ('impurity', 3), ('trailing', 3), ('external', 3), ('direct', 3), ('useless', 3), ('negro', 3), ('encumbrance', 3), ('puddles', 3), ('flourish', 3), ('wading', 3), ('paddling', 3), ('profession', 3), ('soundest', 3), ('served', 3), ('anothers', 3), ('cities', 3), ('taxbill', 3), ('bison', 3), ('leads', 3), ('trusted', 3), ('possibility', 3), ('skirts', 3), ('influences', 3), ('ceres', 3), ('glancing', 3), ('beaten', 3), ('chase', 3), ('truer', 3), ('observer', 3), ('philosophical', 3), ('calculated', 3), ('feathers', 3), ('vocation', 3), ('saves', 3), ('thaw', 3), ('coursing', 3), ('fireside', 3), ('expedient', 3), ('indescribable', 3), ('reduced', 3), ('cartloads', 3), ('hither', 3), ('persian', 3), ('mistakes', 3), ('imagined', 3), ('striking', 3), ('demands', 3), ('shingled', 3), ('powder', 3), ('dragging', 3), ('tending', 3), ('depot', 3), ('warrant', 3), ('exception', 3), ('circular', 3), ('jailer', 3), ('nobleness', 3), ('owns', 3), ('hauled', 3), ('reflects', 3), ('icicles', 3), ('circulating', 3), ('helps', 3), ('pork', 3), ('emptied', 3), ('467', 3), ('muse', 3), ('page', 3), ('nibble', 3), ('associated', 3), ('discoveries', 3), ('shoot', 3), ('robust', 3), ('myriad', 3), ('vessels', 3), ('puny', 3), ('hawks', 3), ('orator', 3), ('overcast', 3), ('stored', 3), ('louder', 3), ('capes', 3), ('lilac', 3), ('endeavors', 3), ('occupies', 3), ('odor', 3), ('hoary', 3), ('cypress', 3), ('leaning', 3), ('exaggerate', 3), ('prowling', 3), ('james', 3), ('bounded', 3), ('admire', 3), ('unable', 3), ('dinners', 3), ('reasons', 3), ('penalty', 3), ('abundance', 3), ('reformer', 3), ('answering', 3), ('servant', 3), ('sane', 2), ('seizing', 2), ('undue', 2), ('goings', 2), ('claimed', 2), ('pumpkins', 2), ('oceans', 2), ('shams', 2), ('opposed', 2), ('fry', 2), ('expanse', 2), ('parasol', 2), ('talons', 2), ('002', 2), ('imprisoned', 2), ('welldisposed', 2), ('palm', 2), ('suited', 2), ('capable', 2), ('doves', 2), ('slumbered', 2), ('evaporation', 2), ('rainstorms', 2), ('strains', 2), ('peering', 2), ('slip', 2), ('zephyr', 2), ('extravagantly', 2), ('crossing', 2), ('breathes', 2), ('stray', 2), ('jesting', 2), ('housed', 2), ('offering', 2), ('communities', 2), ('dipper', 2), ('immeasurable', 2), ('tramp', 2), ('phrase', 2), ('boom', 2), ('minks', 2), ('pride', 2), ('abstract', 2), ('tumultuous', 2), ('communication', 2), ('tottering', 2), ('passions', 2), ('daylabor', 2), ('maybe', 2), ('communications', 2), ('temperance', 2), ('weathered', 2), ('shakespeare', 2), ('reside', 2), ('plead', 2), ('owed', 2), ('deserts', 2), ('exorbitant', 2), ('spots', 2), ('democracy', 2), ('wheel', 2), ('reporter', 2), ('contracted', 2), ('coral', 2), ('cosmogonal', 2), ('dells', 2), ('assure', 2), ('coincidence', 2), ('hollander', 2), ('resolve', 2), ('cheese', 2), ('cackling', 2), ('hears', 2), ('exceedingly', 2), ('civility', 2), ('mortgaging', 2), ('correct', 2), ('representative', 2), ('publish', 2), ('steel', 2), ('elbows', 2), ('dawning', 2), ('detriment', 2), ('6th', 2), ('housewarming', 2), ('flapping', 2), ('encroachments', 2), ('invention', 2), ('$1472+', 2), ('beholds', 2), ('straggling', 2), ('rhus', 2), ('eminent', 2), ('thoughtfully', 2), ('organizations', 2), ('crystal', 2), ('rendered', 2), ('mild', 2), ('remainder', 2), ('lays', 2), ('dives', 2), ('fathomed', 2), ('rumbling', 2), ('reptile', 2), ('beforehand', 2), ('countrys', 2), ('chastity', 2), ('strongly', 2), ('spyglasses', 2), ('theoretically', 2), ('signified', 2), ('larva', 2), ('kernels', 2), ('sentimental', 2), ('curse', 2), ('pyramids', 2), ('waterbugs', 2), ('wanderer', 2), ('dwindled', 2), ('straw', 2), ('lodged', 2), ('ill', 2), ('lingered', 2), ('military', 2), ('lyre', 2), ('exploring', 2), ('synonymous', 2), ('engines', 2), ('sour', 2), ('restore', 2), ('overshadows', 2), ('hardier', 2), ('sciences', 2), ('skulk', 2), ('shelving', 2), ('stereotyped', 2), ('homestead', 2), ('devotion', 2), ('orpheus', 2), ('punished', 2), ('arriving', 2), ('henry', 2), ('precedes', 2), ('soot', 2), ('icy', 2), ('clever', 2), ('cock', 2), ('condensed', 2), ('hoarse', 2), ('stepped', 2), ('resort', 2), ('stated', 2), ('falsehood', 2), ('vintage', 2), ('completed', 2), ('resumed', 2), ('oar', 2), ('ruddy', 2), ('frogpond', 2), ('managed', 2), ('articles', 2), ('fluctuating', 2), ('fatherland', 2), ('welling', 2), ('ridgepole', 2), ('engagements', 2), ('anew', 2), ('unequal', 2), ('cows', 2), ('coarsest', 2), ('halo', 2), ('murder', 2), ('demoniac', 2), ('listens', 2), ('losing', 2), ('arranged', 2), ('vermont', 2), ('stealthy', 2), ('deficiency', 2), ('roam', 2), ('brag', 2), ('migrating', 2), ('greeks', 2), ('reverently', 2), ('vertical', 2), ('cones', 2), ('extinguished', 2), ('complex', 2), ('canal', 2), ('likewise', 2), ('comparative', 2), ('loads', 2), ('vapor', 2), ('shepherds', 2), ('transported', 2), ('borrow', 2), ('behave', 2), ('somebodys', 2), ('soiled', 2), ('recommends', 2), ('washington', 2), ('favoring', 2), ('newengland', 2), ('saith', 2), ('chestnuts', 2), ('associations', 2), ('unwieldy', 2), ('lowing', 2), ('firing', 2), ('luxuriance', 2), ('alter', 2), ('indefinitely', 2), ('saws', 2), ('resume', 2), ('german', 2), ('bottleful', 2), ('stumble', 2), ('leuciscus', 2), ('decently', 2), ('habet', 2), ('treating', 2), ('aborigines', 2), ('parole', 2), ('whichever', 2), ('task', 2), ('costly', 2), ('recognized', 2), ('ridges', 2), ('sappy', 2), ('falsely', 2), ('sparkle', 2), ('estate', 2), ('acquires', 2), ('trivialness', 2), ('spear', 2), ('reward', 2), ('medium', 2), ('peg', 2), ('dawns', 2), ('plumage', 2), ('whoop', 2), ('shady', 2), ('speculations', 2), ('circulated', 2), ('founded', 2), ('dressing', 2), ('secluded', 2), ('asserts', 2), ('claim', 2), ('sombre', 2), ('vein', 2), ('cockerels', 2), ('pulse', 2), ('rambler', 2), ('sensual', 2), ('prime', 2), ('cherished', 2), ('crooked', 2), ('hovering', 2), ('sheer', 2), ('co', 2), ('navigators', 2), ('professor', 2), ('fibre', 2), ('angelo', 2), ('expresses', 2), ('scented', 2), ('mischief', 2), ('terrestrial', 2), ('prices', 2), ('shiftless', 2), ('neighborliness', 2), ('beds', 2), ('bucket', 2), ('spotted', 2), ('survivor', 2), ('excursion', 2), ('injury', 2), ('famine', 2), ('arc', 2), ('conceptions', 2), ('tolerable', 2), ('vishnu', 2), ('establishment', 2), ('chaps', 2), ('shiner', 2), ('desirous', 2), ('reliance', 2), ('crew', 2), ('topmost', 2), ('observance', 2), ('butcher', 2), ('populous', 2), ('expelled', 2), ('dusky', 2), ('reefs', 2), ('swoop', 2), ('cooperation', 2), ('vary', 2), ('construction', 2), ('lets', 2), ('stables', 2), ('intoxicated', 2), ('remembering', 2), ('keen', 2), ('drinking', 2), ('worshipper', 2), ('unfolding', 2), ('classes', 2), ('nighthawk', 2), ('strawberry', 2), ('conceive', 2), ('framed', 2), ('fishers', 2), ('efforts', 2), ('worry', 2), ('performed', 2), ('stupid', 2), ('capacious', 2), ('operate', 2), ('ambition', 2), ('undone', 2), ('conveying', 2), ('virtuous', 2), ('consciences', 2), ('trifles', 2), ('divided', 2), ('twist', 2), ('blundering', 2), ('dining', 2), ('accumulate', 2), ('feeding', 2), ('unhealthy', 2), ('pursuers', 2), ('scarecrow', 2), ('barked', 2), ('reproof', 2), ('spread', 2), ('shingle', 2), ('discharge', 2), ('absence', 2), ('unfathomed', 2), ('foggy', 2), ('consolation', 2), ('faculty', 2), ('sir', 2), ('mason', 2), ('piled', 2), ('solve', 2), ('preferring', 2), ('victualling', 2), ('smell', 2), ('brother', 2), ('feelers', 2), ('favor', 2), ('retirement', 2), ('moss', 2), ('wrath', 2), ('disposition', 2), ('gardens', 2), ('bees', 2), ('scrutiny', 2), ('rumble', 2), ('lusty', 2), ('acted', 2), ('replied', 2), ('fables', 2), ('raises', 2), ('motionless', 2), ('suspecting', 2), ('stuck', 2), ('gathering', 2), ('doubted', 2), ('swim', 2), ('equivalent', 2), ('recreate', 2), ('strained', 2), ('congress', 2), ('counterbalanced', 2), ('offices', 2), ('streaks', 2), ('evidence', 2), ('stories', 2), ('broadway', 2), ('forsaken', 2), ('kindlings', 2), ('emperors', 2), ('battles', 2), ('velvety', 2), ('villager', 2), ('alarm', 2), ('oakum', 2), ('fiercely', 2), ('circled', 2), ('warily', 2), ('inspiring', 2), ('barnyard', 2), ('donned', 2), ('deadly', 2), ('threads', 2), ('dazzling', 2), ('trophies', 2), ('quarts', 2), ('equilibrium', 2), ('ticket', 2), ('upland', 2), ('showers', 2), ('overhanging', 2), ('odors', 2), ('bull', 2), ('formula', 2), ('bolt', 2), ('woodside', 2), ('veery', 2), ('supports', 2), ('vices', 2), ('summers', 2), ('rectitude', 2), ('thebes', 2), ('cracked', 2), ('destroy', 2), ('southwest', 2), ('worthier', 2), ('formal', 2), ('cupboard', 2), ('screech', 2), ('blunder', 2), ('touched', 2), ('sentiments', 2), ('splash', 2), ('flaxen', 2), ('lore', 2), ('moulds', 2), ('sturdy', 2), ('giant', 2), ('grocery', 2), ('composition', 2), ('corded', 2), ('responsibility', 2), ('smoked', 2), ('founding', 2), ('distances', 2), ('rights', 2), ('stiff', 2), ('statue', 2), ('saints', 2), ('undertake', 2), ('vitality', 2), ('cowboy', 2), ('bored', 2), ('tin', 2), ('knives', 2), ('opaque', 2), ('tide', 2), ('rudest', 2), ('latitude', 2), ('faintest', 2), ('sigh', 2), ('sedulously', 2), ('headlong', 2), ('resorted', 2), ('threatened', 2), ('mississippi', 2), ('russet', 2), ('anxiously', 2), ('fugitive', 2), ('seashore', 2), ('streaming', 2), ('kicks', 2), ('cultivation', 2), ('memnon', 2), ('warrior', 2), ('incurable', 2), ('disappearing', 2), ('rested', 2), ('pockets', 2), ('navigation', 2), ('haze', 2), ('frequenter', 2), ('valor', 2), ('imply', 2), ('1', 2), ('tends', 2), ('sells', 2), ('webbed', 2), ('finding', 2), ('satisfactory', 2), ('transferred', 2), ('interfered', 2), ('cobweb', 2), ('surpass', 2), ('overseers', 2), ('periods', 2), ('behaved', 2), ('indulged', 2), ('repeats', 2), ('monument', 2), ('hath', 2), ('balancing', 2), ('pointed', 2), ('pleases', 2), ('glabra', 2), ('fluttering', 2), ('starving', 2), ('expressed', 2), ('compliment', 2), ('tent', 2), ('zoroaster', 2), ('bottles', 2), ('overseer', 2), ('provender', 2), ('adjacent', 2), ('penetrated', 2), ('aforethought', 2), ('watch', 2), ('inscribed', 2), ('housekeepers', 2), ('suggestions', 2), ('fellowcitizens', 2), ('henceforth', 2), ('dipped', 2), ('loses', 2), ('hospitable', 2), ('stretching', 2), ('tavern', 2), ('accompanied', 2), ('reserved', 2), ('psalm', 2), ('swift', 2), ('drama', 2), ('estimate', 2), ('extremes', 2), ('victorious', 2), ('ambitious', 2), ('sober', 2), ('glide', 2), ('confidence', 2), ('receiving', 2), ('25th', 2), ('bathing', 2), ('heathenish', 2), ('somebody', 2), ('plus', 2), ('dashed', 2), ('mills', 2), ('dilating', 2), ('handful', 2), ('shellfish', 2), ('astonishment', 2), ('piety', 2), ('crevices', 2), ('unconsciously', 2), ('fallow', 2), ('meditation', 2), ('tierra', 2), ('edges', 2), ('kneaded', 2), ('parable', 2), ('preface', 2), ('rime', 2), ('wines', 2), ('spider', 2), ('dross', 2), ('diseased', 2), ('spared', 2), ('conform', 2), ('perpendicular', 2), ('homage', 2), ('assistance', 2), ('tintinnabulum', 2), ('telling', 2), ('din', 2), ('cobs', 2), ('gulf', 2), ('tempt', 2), ('kirby', 2), ('010', 2), ('spaces', 2), ('glimmer', 2), ('division', 2), ('bakers', 2), ('hireling', 2), ('shirt', 2), ('manufacturers', 2), ('roll', 2), ('tumbling', 2), ('scores', 2), ('rainbows', 2), ('crept', 2), ('fleeting', 2), ('applauded', 2), ('botanic', 2), ('mechanics', 2), ('illiterateness', 2), ('pulp', 2), ('pearly', 2), ('nutshell', 2), ('sighs', 2), ('majorities', 2), ('ineffectual', 2), ('cedar', 2), ('bible', 2), ('intervene', 2), ('cell', 2), ('wounds', 2), ('faithful', 2), ('conclusions', 2), ('smoother', 2), ('prevails', 2), ('sons', 2), ('congenial', 2), ('lighted', 2), ('peep', 2), ('songsters', 2), ('messages', 2), ('sabbath', 2), ('mop', 2), ('noblemen', 2), ('simplify', 2), ('resisted', 2), ('universities', 2), ('causing', 2), ('tropical', 2), ('cuttingsville', 2), ('needlessly', 2), ('prayers', 2), ('monarchy', 2), ('laughs', 2), ('suffers', 2), ('valhalla', 2), ('league', 2), ('sorrel', 2), ('molten', 2), ('expectation', 2), 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('consecrate', 2), ('mortality', 2), ('insanity', 2), ('unquestionably', 2), ('naturalized', 2), ('adversarys', 2), ('anticipated', 2), ('006', 2), ('reservedly', 2), ('remarked', 2), ('t', 2), ('expose', 2), ('herbs', 2), ('straining', 2), ('greedily', 2), ('employ', 2), ('hourly', 2), ('brutes', 2), ('cluttered', 2), ('utility', 2), ('incur', 2), ('keepers', 2), ('indirect', 2), ('impressive', 2), ('des', 2), ('virgin', 2), ('spence', 2), ('educate', 2), ('substitutes', 2), ('impervious', 2), ('blossom', 2), ('teamster', 2), ('winslow', 2), ('lambs', 2), ('cavernous', 2), ('sported', 2), ('unwilling', 2), ('serfs', 2), ('hive', 2), ('darkest', 2), ('signal', 2), ('profits', 2), ('sinks', 2), ('geologists', 2), ('dialect', 2), ('022', 2), ('thieves', 2), ('breasts', 2), ('discovers', 2), ('possess', 2), ('expeditions', 2), ('tinge', 2), ('eastern', 2), ('access', 2), ('ranging', 2), ('invidious', 2), ('sustaining', 2), ('tests', 2), ('commodities', 2), ('assigned', 2), ('pondhole', 2), ('conjure', 2), ('scour', 2), ('scene', 2), ('solomon', 2), ('orators', 2), ('happened', 2), ('icarian', 2), ('chickaree', 2), ('decent', 2), ('smoky', 2), ('tremble', 2), ('clout', 2), ('flit', 2), ('undistinguishable', 2), ('industrious', 2), ('cunning', 2), ('huntinghorn', 2), ('platos', 2), ('holiness', 2), ('garlic', 2), ('carpenter', 2), ('mercy', 2), ('sin', 2), ('troop', 2), ('fade', 2), ('intelligences', 2), ('incredible', 2), ('53', 2), ('domesticated', 2), ('contrast', 2), ('sanction', 2), ('cheeks', 2), ('sojourner', 2), ('snake', 2), ('gang', 2), ('voluntary', 2), ('indifference', 2), ('attracts', 2), ('blast', 2), ('rainstorm', 2), ('slid', 2), ('alexander', 2), ('icecutters', 2), ('swam', 2), ('luxuriant', 2), ('foliaceous', 2), ('prescribe', 2), ('refuses', 2), ('bridge', 2), ('rolls', 2), ('covering', 2), ('strolled', 2), ('shipwrecked', 2), ('stamped', 2), ('tempestuous', 2), ('sprinkle', 2), ('wreck', 2), ('burrows', 2), ('foolishly', 2), ('coarser', 2), ('luxuriantly', 2), ('thirds', 2), ('alloy', 2), ('luxuriously', 2), ('struggled', 2), ('bounce', 2), ('sixteen', 2), ('moose', 2), ('sought', 2), ('passengers', 2), ('risks', 2), ('bravery', 2), ('vista', 2), ('grieved', 2), ('routes', 2), ('bene', 2), ('firstrate', 2), ('carpet', 2), ('spanish', 2), ('unwise', 2), ('harvested', 2), ('previously', 2), ('tough', 2), ('lodging', 2), ('saturn', 2), ('tenement', 2), ('plastic', 2), ('paltry', 2), ('novel', 2), ('iteration', 2), ('paths', 2), ('1847', 2), ('softened', 2), ('knee', 2), ('crushed', 2), ('cranes', 2), ('adhere', 2), ('oven', 2), ('lathing', 2), ('unfold', 2), ('brutish', 2), ('halls', 2), ('hell', 2), ('cunningly', 2), ('agricultural', 2), ('poorest', 2), ('equable', 2), ('discharged', 2), ('rightfully', 2), ('cloudy', 2), ('hercules', 2), ('hoorer', 2), ('conscientious', 2), ('chewed', 2), ('picks', 2), ('employer', 2), ('tantivy', 2), ('happen', 2), ('beech', 2), ('requisitions', 2), ('ruts', 2), ('tortoises', 2), ('roast', 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('chaste', 2), ('filth', 2), ('ruder', 2), ('hillsides', 2), ('birches', 2), ('elm', 2), ('evergreens', 2), ('shirtsleeves', 2), ('combustion', 2), ('pans', 2), ('tumbler', 2), ('snowstorms', 2), ('doubleness', 2), ('differently', 2), ('orchards', 2), ('rusty', 2), ('conforming', 2), ('evidences', 2), ('raging', 2), ('struggling', 2), ('confine', 2), ('stately', 2), ('mote', 2), ('instructed', 2), ('sneaking', 2), ('horrid', 2), ('discontented', 2), ('enormous', 2), ('frivolous', 2), ('imps', 2), ('adventurously', 2), ('tremulous', 2), ('scripture', 2), ('bidding', 2), ('consideration', 2), ('skunk', 2), ('loons', 2), ('whiter', 2), ('skated', 2), ('considers', 2), ('accurately', 2), ('inevitable', 2), ('rustle', 2), ('hardest', 2), ('deliberation', 2), ('image', 2), ('rarer', 2), ('enhanced', 2), ('penance', 2), ('romans', 2), ('waded', 2), ('neatly', 2), ('drovers', 2), ('resemble', 2), ('misgiving', 2), ('obtaining', 2), ('pecked', 2), ('400', 2), ('novelist', 2), ('fellowcountrymen', 2), ('scarlet', 2), ('champion', 2), ('hesitated', 2), ('overlap', 2), ('speeding', 2), ('crystals', 2), ('vibration', 2), ('accumulating', 2), ('prudent', 2), ('sudden', 2), ('islet', 2), ('sorrow', 2), ('bather', 2), ('contented', 2), ('stable', 2), ('helm', 2), ('heels', 2), ('revisit', 2), ('obscurity', 2), ('gleaming', 2), ('hushed', 2), ('syllable', 2), ('pailful', 2), ('nut', 2), ('semblance', 2), ('smith', 2), ('recover', 2), ('miserable', 2), ('compensation', 2), ('engineer', 2), ('president', 2), ('guide', 2), ('usnea', 2), ('outdoors', 2), ('balked', 2), ('microscope', 2), ('introduction', 2), ('reputation', 2), ('assist', 2), ('sedge', 2), ('jump', 2), ('removal', 2), ('halfstarved', 2), ('faster', 2), ('urged', 2), ('fanciful', 2), ('slumber', 2), ('handsomely', 2), ('needle', 2), ('fins', 2), ('approaches', 2), ('festoons', 2), ('shavings', 2), ('published', 2), ('fix', 2), ('comment', 2), ('prejudices', 2), ('tinged', 2), ('wrought', 2), ('functions', 2), ('organ', 2), ('calculate', 2), ('grief', 2), ('selfrespect', 2), ('pleasantly', 2), ('reckoning', 2), ('nocturnal', 2), ('beverage', 2), ('boxes', 2), ('urn', 2), ('workshop', 2), ('squatted', 2), ('expressive', 2), ('mechanical', 2), ('traced', 2), ('cider', 2), ('alarmed', 2), ('disturb', 2), ('girls', 2), ('ruthlessly', 2), ('flitting', 2), ('products', 2), ('aroused', 2), ('wornout', 2), ('overflow', 2), ('cynosure', 2), ('inferior', 2), ('gravely', 2), ('france', 2), ('fronting', 2), ('fortunes', 2), ('075', 2), ('31st', 2), ('bug', 2), ('systems', 2), ('slimy', 2), ('spray', 2), ('yonder', 2), ('infer', 2), ('eve', 2), ('pausing', 2), ('decided', 2), ('philanthropist', 2), ('offence', 2), ('sonorous', 2), ('carnage', 2), ('disappears', 2), ('greece', 2), ('maturity', 2), ('paddle', 2), ('copper', 2), ('splitting', 2), ('smallest', 2), ('childrens', 2), ('duck', 2), ('astounding', 2), ('nightly', 2), ('2344', 2), ('trophy', 2), ('foremost', 2), ('vine', 2), ('mob', 2), ('besides', 2), ('imparts', 2), ('applicable', 2), ('circumspection', 2), ('chanticleer', 2), ('herdsman', 2), ('foxhound', 2), ('farmhouses', 2), ('hemlock', 2), ('transcript', 2), ('flutter', 2), ('function', 2), ('spars', 2), ('tall', 2), ('castle', 2), ('arrivals', 2), ('marrow', 2), ('saucer', 2), ('cant', 2), ('saddens', 2), ('200', 2), ('cease', 2), ('islands', 2), ('casks', 2), ('weighty', 2), ('traders', 2), ('ladder', 2), ('appearing', 2), ('recesses', 2), ('pups', 2), ('washing', 2), ('relieved', 2), ('smoothly', 2), ('relics', 2), ('desert', 2), ('drowned', 2), ('shorter', 2), ('khoungtseu', 2), ('halfhour', 2), ('separating', 2), ('housework', 2), ('colorless', 2), ('soothing', 2), ('disperse', 2), ('uncertainty', 2), ('motheropearl', 2), ('overwhelming', 2), ('unhesitatingly', 2), ('dense', 2), ('awakening', 2), ('windy', 2), ('difficulties', 2), ('literatures', 2), ('awe', 2), ('plato', 2), ('phoebe', 2), ('ridiculous', 2), ('subtle', 2), ('heaving', 2), ('discomfiture', 2), ('caterpillar', 2), ('soundings', 2), ('gigs', 2), ('bushy', 2), ('shirts', 2), ('truce', 2), ('fogs', 2), ('unearthly', 2), ('pale', 2), ('benefactors', 2), ('substituted', 2), ('palmleaf', 2), ('lightning', 2), ('inspiration', 2), ('scales', 2), ('recollection', 2), ('clothed', 2), ('quack', 2), ('girl', 2), ('hammering', 2), ('feature', 2), ('rubbing', 2), ('tropes', 2), ('massasoit', 2), ('inconsiderable', 2), ('experiences', 2), ('suggestive', 2), ('pewee', 2), ('ail', 2), ('uneasy', 2), ('englishmen', 2), ('example', 2), ('burrowing', 2), ('freetrade', 2), ('pole', 2), ('stolen', 2), ('gain', 2), ('trespassers', 2), ('corners', 2), ('bulrush', 2), ('heedlessly', 2), ('demon', 2), ('uncleanness', 2), ('sharpening', 2), ('ices', 2), ('trusting', 2), ('clocks', 2), ('novelty', 2), ('precept', 2), ('fountainhead', 2), ('duties', 2), ('critically', 2), ('breathed', 2), ('elderly', 2), ('tidy', 2), ('skilfully', 2), ('ingraham', 2), ('curiosity', 2), ('entire', 2), ('shines', 2), ('overhung', 2), ('sensualist', 2), ('invitation', 2), ('aspect', 2), ('autumn', 2), ('friendliness', 2), ('wrinkle', 2), ('towers', 2), ('scriptures', 2), ('groove', 2), ('dialects', 2), ('dame', 2), ('anchored', 2), ('blooming', 2), ('quadrupeds', 2), ('severed', 2), ('hanno', 2), ('fellowman', 2), ('pertinent', 2), ('checked', 2), ('seldom', 2), ('webster', 2), ('privileges', 2), ('entertainments', 2), ('scream', 2), ('tons', 2), ('inspires', 2), ('1/2', 2), ('valet', 2), ('control', 2), ('tucked', 2), ('cards', 2), ('judged', 2), ('limestone', 2), ('survive', 2), ('situated', 2), ('darkening', 2), ('procession', 2), ('meandering', 2), ('detained', 2), ('ludicrous', 2), ('peaks', 2), ('reproach', 2), ('eighths', 2), ('hurt', 2), ('circulation', 2), ('request', 2), ('delights', 2), ('soaring', 2), ('resigned', 2), ('discourse', 2), ('expert', 2), ('lepus', 2), ('projecting', 2), ('kills', 2), ('azad', 2), ('unusual', 2), ('abject', 2), ('feels', 2), ('polestar', 2), ('workman', 2), ('rake', 2), ('aeschylus', 2), ('cohabit', 2), ('motive', 2), ('substance', 2), ('reasonable', 2), ('slide', 2), ('successfully', 2), ('weed', 2), ('longest', 2), ('emerald', 2), ('receded', 2), ('screams', 2), ('remark', 2), ('lurk', 2), ('shallowest', 2), ('distributed', 2), ('noonday', 2), ('bose', 2), ('instinctively', 2), ('steam', 2), ('superstructure', 2), ('unfortunate', 2), ('flash', 2), ('straying', 2), ('lichens', 2), ('resignation', 2), ('hurry', 2), ('defend', 2), ('bullet', 2), ('musquash', 2), ('needy', 2), ('booming', 2), ('swimming', 2), ('presents', 2), ('abstain', 2), ('duration', 2), ('glowing', 2), ('stillness', 2), ('guard', 2), ('skies', 2), ('inclination', 2), ('martial', 2), ('plantation', 2), ('enabled', 2), ('shrubs', 2), ('stops', 2), ('shallower', 2), ('attraction', 2), ('demigods', 2), ('interruption', 2), ('penny', 2), ('nerves', 2), ('mittens', 2), ('8403/4', 2), ('freshets', 2), ('100', 2), ('oracles', 2), ('buffalo', 2), ('cries', 2), ('appliances', 2), ('wiry', 2), ('inexhaustible', 2), ('daubed', 2), ('copse', 2), ('ado', 2), ('hides', 2), ('busk', 2), ('sods', 2), ('despaired', 2), ('beheld', 2), ('promontory', 2), ('landlord', 2), ('sloping', 2), ('awaiting', 2), ('job', 2), ('jonathan', 2), ('fund', 2), ('sailor', 2), ('stoned', 2), ('lids', 2), ('dart', 2), ('consecrated', 2), ('dance', 2), ('quick', 2), ('striped', 2), ('pronounced', 2), ('calculator', 2), ('cleaner', 2), ('issue', 2), ('beach', 2), ('milldam', 2), ('officers', 2), ('molested', 2), ('population', 2), ('871+', 2), ('circuit', 2), ('nerve', 2), ('caves', 2), ('myrmidons', 2), ('station', 2), ('dip', 2), ('afflicted', 2), ('ferocity', 2), ('prayer', 2), ('professed', 2), ('marshes', 2), ('gnarled', 2), ('overlaid', 2), ('redding', 2), ('minerva', 2), ('squeamish', 2), ('gilpin', 2), ('windowsill', 2), ('garrets', 2), ('utmost', 2), ('ancients', 2), ('awful', 2), ('coffeemill', 2), ('ornithology', 2), ('palaces', 2), ('vistas', 2), ('jumped', 2), ('howard', 2), ('spectacle', 2), ('roar', 2), ('comrades', 2), ('proceeds', 2), ('bands', 2), ('brothers', 2), ('seas', 2), ('drawing', 2), ('exceeds', 2), ('wagon', 2), ('sprung', 2), ('carelessly', 2), ('guidance', 2), ('tissue', 2), ('uncle', 2), ('scrap', 2), ('mischievous', 2), ('bluebird', 2), ('anybody', 2), ('destruction', 2), ('evelyn', 2), ('profit', 2), ('buckets', 2), ('buildings', 2), ('muttering', 2), ('bless', 2), ('manage', 2), ('gingerbread', 2), ('emphasizing', 2), ('hewn', 2), ('sharper', 2), ('ingredient', 2), ('workhouse', 2), ('innumerable', 2), ('testament', 2), ('sailors', 2), ('hurried', 2), ('magnetic', 2), ('circulate', 2), ('monsters', 2), ('chose', 2), ('estimates', 2), ('bronze', 2), ('dissolved', 2), ('afterwards', 2), ('fuego', 2), ('gathers', 2), ('spherical', 2), ('charge', 2), ('remained', 2), ('crevice', 2), ('performances', 2), ('distinguishes', 2), ('neva', 2), ('cats', 2), ('throat', 2), ('grind', 2), ('weston', 2), ('distraction', 2), ('realities', 2), ('exhilarating', 2), ('musty', 2), ('touches', 2), ('aspens', 2), ('thicker', 2), ('intentionally', 2), ('unnatural', 2), ('butt', 2), ('ornament', 2), ('stagnant', 2), ('snakes', 2), ('leaping', 2), ('speculation', 2), ('reins', 2), ('tiptoe', 2), ('persuade', 2), ('tenant', 2), ('selfish', 2), ('traps', 2), ('intelligent', 2), ('spectators', 2), ('consequent', 2), ('yourselves', 2), ('readily', 2), ('comings', 2), ('nibbling', 2), ('imaginable', 2), ('boisterous', 2), ('honk', 2), ('seacoast', 2), ('producing', 2), ('deepened', 2), ('definite', 2), ('gnaw', 2), ('marching', 2), ('export', 2), ('encountered', 2), ('compel', 2), ('speculates', 2), ('waive', 2), ('adopted', 2), ('hearty', 2), ('outlive', 2), ('fishworms', 2), ('orientals', 2), ('18th', 2), ('bone', 2), ('hitherto', 2), ('invent', 2), ('per', 2), ('increase', 2), ('bud', 2), ('haunts', 2), ('introduce', 2), ('goldenrod', 2), ('forgetting', 2), ('proposes', 2), ('stationed', 2), ('promised', 2), ('refused', 2), ('released', 2), ('sties', 2), ('prostrate', 2), ('magnitude', 2), ('turnips', 2), ('safest', 2), ('races', 2), ('calculation', 2), ('kouroo', 2), ('conceal', 2), ('glaucous', 2), ('host', 2), ('snort', 2), ('waited', 2), ('subtracted', 2), ('legislation', 2), ('sorry', 2), ('gauntlet', 2), ('coveted', 2), ('grate', 2), ('granted', 2), ('forbidden', 2), ('drove', 2), ('trodden', 2), ('salutes', 2), ('describing', 2), ('succeeding', 2), ('addressed', 2), ('pinned', 2), ('neutral', 2), ('earthly', 2), ('rum', 2), ('accidentally', 2), ('hunger', 2), ('loomed', 2), ('greatcoat', 2), ('desired', 2), ('draws', 2), ('conducted', 2), ('grains', 2), ('ninth', 2), ('silk', 2), ('imitated', 2), ('odd', 2), ('refusal', 2), ('aloft', 2), ('performance', 2), ('mortals', 2), ('revelation', 2), ('sheds', 2), ('superfluities', 2), ('residence', 2), ('trough', 2), ('pool', 2), ('kindled', 2), ('pondside', 2), ('treasure', 2), ('notions', 2), ('systematically', 2), ('markets', 2), ('corrupt', 2), ('elasticity', 2), ('swelling', 2), ('doubtless', 2), ('waterloo', 2), ('aliment', 2), ('volume', 2), ('ribbed', 2), ('auroral', 2), ('vegetables', 2), ('mixture', 2), ('thyself', 2), ('bolts', 2), ('shoestrings', 2), ('commune', 2), ('ben', 2), ('vague', 2), ('behooves', 2), ('woollen', 2), ('avenger', 2), ('yelp', 2), ('boil', 2), ('possessor', 2), ('goddess', 2), ('swaying', 2), ('poured', 2), ('boundless', 2), ('desperation', 2), ('sheet', 2), ('disregard', 2), ('debt', 2), ('musical', 2), ('cowhide', 2), ('swine', 2), ('shake', 2), ('tastes', 2), ('hark', 2), ('mouths', 2), ('motto', 2), ('bhagvatgeeta', 2), ('integrity', 2), ('imports', 2), ('harsh', 2), ('mats', 2), ('carrion', 2), ('collins', 2), ('hindered', 2), ('occasioned', 2), ('theirs', 2), ('luther', 2), ('furnish', 2), ('guns', 2), ('4th', 2), ('morally', 2), ('labored', 2), ('admitted', 2), ('adventure', 2), ('distinguishable', 2), ('portions', 2), ('gale', 2), ('livelihood', 2), ('wing', 2), ('governs', 2), ('redwing', 2), ('



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