Modeling of Test Structures for Efficient Online Defect Monitoring Using a Digital Tester

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Modeling of Test Structures for Efficient Online Defect Monitoring Using a Digital Tester

Proc. IEEE 1994 Int. Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, Vol7, March 1994


Modeling of Test Structures for Efficient Online Defect Monitoring Using a Digital Tester


Christopher Hess, Larg H. Weiland


Institute of Computer Design and Fault Tolerance (Prof. Dr. D. Schmid)

University of Karlsruhe, P.O. Box 6980, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany 


Abstract - A novel methodology for digital measuring
procedures and digital data analysis is presented in order to
evaluate an online process control and defect monitoring. That
can be done by manufacturing test chips side by side with
standard chips and measuring them with the same measuring
equipment - the digital tester. To achieve a fast and effective
(efficient) measuring procedure and data analysis test structures
will be modeled in geometry-graphs, neighborhood-graphs and

抽象的 - 根据评估一二在线过程更控制和错误监控的为数字测量过程和数字数据分析的一个新的方法学被推出。它能够通过制造与标准





1 介绍


Continuous data about process specific defect parameters like
the density of short circuits and open circuits are required for
yield prediction, design rule development, test pattern
generation and process problem debugging [Walk87], [Maly87],
[Spie93], [Mitc85], [LYWM86]. To determine significant data
of these parameters, test structures are used in separate lots
[Spen83]. An online defect parameter monitoring requires the
manufacturing of test chips side by side with standard chips so
that it is reasonable to use the same measuring equipment - a
digital tester with a standard probe card. Therefore, the test
structures will be embedded inside a regular boundary pad

 像短的回路和开放回路的密度这样的过程特定缺陷参数的持续性数据对于产生预测,设计规则的开发,测试样式的生产和过程问题的调试时背需求的【沃克87】,【玛丽87】,【期刊93】,【Mitc85】,【LYWM86】. 确定测试这些参数的重要数据,测试结构在个别的选择中使用[Spen83]。一个显现缺陷参数监控系统为了使用同样的测试设备(使用同样探测卡的标准测试设备)需要同时生产测试板和标准板

, 这个测试结构会被嵌入一个规则范围的基片框架。

The evaluation with a digital tester requires a special measuring
procedure (see section 2). To achieve an effective data analysis,
novel test structure models have been developed which are
described in section 3. Section 4 shows the novel approach of
defect diagnosis and analysis. Section 5 gives some
experimental results.





In this section, two of the most common defects are discussed,
namely extra material defects and missing material defects.
Depending on whether the damaged material is conducting or
nonconducting, the defect can cause a short circuit fault or an
open circuit fault. In order to detect defects of these types,
special test structures were developed. Comb structures (cf.
figure 1) [Bueh83] [LYWM86] [Walk871 aim at extra material
defects. These defects can cause a short between isolated lines
(usually designed as combs) and thus significantly reduce the
resistance measured between the pads.

在这个部分,讨论两个常见的缺陷,即附加材料缺陷和缺少材料缺陷。基于被损坏的材料是否在传导,这个缺陷能够导致一个短路错误或者开路错误。根据这种类型缺陷的检测,特定的测试结构被开发。梳理结构以额外的材料缺陷为目标(参考图1)【Bueh 83】【LYWM86】【Walk87】,这些缺陷能够在两个独立的线间导致短路(通常被设计作为梳理结构),因此两个基片间的电阻被显著地减少。



Meandering strings (cf. figure 2) [Bueh83] [LYWM86]
[Walk871 are applied to detect missing material defects. If these
defects are large enough, they interrupt the connection between
the pads and increase the measured resistance very much.

图1 : 检测短路缺陷的方法

 曲线(参考图2)[Bueh83] [LYWM86][Walk871被应用到检测缺少材料缺陷。如果这些缺陷足够大,他们中断了两个基片之间的连接和增大了非常多的测量电阻。



To measure the resistance of a test structure, commonly analog
testers with a measurement frequency below 1 Hz are applied
[BCKJ91] [MiFH92] [RoBF92]. In the context of this paper, an
electrical test must only decide whether there is a defect or not.
So in general a digital tester should be sufficient.


通常1Hz以下的模拟测试仪会被用来测量测试结构的电阻率[BCKJ91] [MiFH92] [RoBF92]. 。在这养的背景下,电子测试仪必须仅仅判断是否有一个缺陷。因此通常一个数字测试仪就够了。


A digital tester has important advantages. First, the
measurement frequency of a digital tester is normally many
times higher than the frequency that is possible with analog 2-
or 4-point measurements. So the evaluation of test structures
can be much faster. Secondly, every measured value needs only
one bit. This reduces the storage requirements. Thirdly, a data
reduction is possible already during the electrical measurements
since the measured binary data can easily be compared to
reference values. Finally, using a digital tester simplifies online
process control because test chips and standard chips can be
measured in the same way and with the same measuring



The results of feasible have shown that applying a digital
tester is feasible. The resistance values of about 100 equally
designed meandrous structures have been measured. In the

histogram of figure 3 two clusters can be distinguished clearly.
One of these clusters contains the resistance values of the fault
free meandrous structures. The other cluster is due to the
meandrous structures with defects causing open circuit faults.
In [MiFH92] a similar distribution was obtained.




Using Ohm's law the resistance measurement can be reduced to
a voltage measurement. The threshold voltage of the digital
tester is set to a value in the middle between the two clusters
of figure 3. The two distinguishable intervals will be assigned
to the information "defect detected" or "no defect detected".

 图3. 模拟测量电阻的线性柱状图





To achieve a complete adaption of a digital tester to the test
structure conditions, the stimulus Voltage V, and the measuring
frequency f,,, have to be adjusted too. [HeWe92] validates this
procedure for a checkerboard test structure.

表1. 数据转换

为了测试条件完成完整的数字分析仪的调整,激励电压V,测量频率f,,,不得不也被调整。【HeWe92】 验证了这个棋盘格式的测试结构。


3. Modeling of Test Structure

To enable an efficient analysis of digitally measured data, a
formal model of a test structure is introduced first. [CaDJ89]
describes a defect-graph modeling for analogly measured test
structures data, but this model only deals with short circuit
defects. An effective application to digitally measured data of
open and short circuit defects requires a novel comprehensive
methodology which will be described here.

3. 测试结构的模型化



3. 1 Geometry-Graph of Test Structures
To realize an efficient digital data analysis, it is necessary to
model the geometry of layout objects inside a test chip with a
geometry-graph. The nodes stand for the measuring points and
the edges represent all conductive layout objects (conductive
component (cc)) like a comb or a meandrous line between two
measuring points. Conductive components, which are only
connected to one measuring point will be modeled as loops.
Figure 4 shows on the left side typical test structures [Bueh83],
LYWM861, [Walk871 and on the right side their geometrygraphs.


3.1 测试结构的几何图




Measuring points which are accessible for the measuring
equipment are equal to the pads of a test chip (and therefore
also called pads). All not accessible measuring points are called
internal nodes. To implement internal nodes in a test structure
design is up to the designer, but it shouldn't be forgotten that
internal nodes can cause irreversible defect and fault coverage
problems [Bueh83] [Hewe931 [Guga931.

 图4. 左边是典型的测试结构,右边是它们的几何图




图5. 内部节点的测试结构和几何图


3.2 Neighborhood-Graph of Test Structures
The identification and localization of short circuit defects
require also information about the neighborhood relationship
between differently connected layout objects [Hest931
[HeWeWa]. Generally a test structure contains a set of
conductive components (conductive layout objects) which are
possibly arranged in different layers. A maximal set of
conductive components and measuring points that are
connected to each other is called a maximal conductive
component (mcc). Each mcc should contain at least one pad.

3.2 测试结构的邻域图

短路缺陷的标记和位置也需要关于在不同连接的设计图之间邻域关系的信息【Hest931 【HeWeWa】。通常一个测试结构包含一套可能分布在不同层次的传导部件(传导设计图)。一套最大的传导部件和测试点互相连接被称为最大传导部件。每个最大传导部件至少包含一个基片。


The neighborhood relationship of mcc's inside the whole test
structure is modeled by the neighborhood-graph (mccn-graph).
The nodes represent the maximal conductive components of the
fault-free test structure. So every node of the neighborhoodgraph
corresponds to a subset of pads (=nodes of the geometrygraph)
and conductive components (=edges of the geometrygraph)
which belongs to one single mcc. Two nodes mcc,,
mcc2 are connected by an edge if and only if in some region of
the test structure a layout object of mcc, and a layout object of
mccz lie side by side or one on top of the other with only
nonconducting material between them. Thus the edges
correspond to shorts that can be caused by defects (undesigned
shorts). Figure 6 shows typical test structures and their
neighborhood-graphs. To refer to the geometry-graph the mcc
index of one node in the neighbor-hood-graph contains the
indices of all pads (=nodes inside the geometry-graph) which
belongs to this specific mcc.





图6. 左边是测试结构,右边是他们的邻域图


In [CaDJ89] the defect-graph has been defined for a similar
purpose. Its nodes have the same meaning as in the
neighborhood-graph, but its edges describe only the undesigned
shorts that are considered in the measurement analysis. So the
defect-graph mixes information about the design of the test
structure (nodes) and information about the evaluation (edges).
In contrast, the structure of the neighborhood-graph introduced
above is determined solely by the geometric features of the test
structure. It is independent of the applied analysis procedure.



3.3 Connection-Graph of Test Structures
An efficient measurement data management requires
information about the connections between the measuring
points (pads) of a test chip [HeWe92]. During the electrical
measurement a voltage can be measured between two pads of
a test chip. For that every test chip will be modeled with a
connection-gruph. Here, the nodes stand for the accessible
measuring points (pads) and the edges represent the conductive
connections (measurable current flow) between accessible
measuring points. The connection-graph of a fault-free test
structure is called golden device. Figure 7 shows on the left
side two test structures and on the right side their connectiongraphs.

3.3 测试结构的连接图







The measurement results of test structures are representable by
matrices, which can be converted into the graphs described
above. The detection of the defects will be achieved by
comparing the different graphs or their matrices, respectively.
This section therefore presents novel algorithms which enable
machine-assisted defect diagnostics.

4 数据分析

测试结构的测量结果可以用矩阵来描述, 也可以使用图表来描述。 缺陷检测会分别地通过比较不同的图或者他们的图表来完成。这节推出了能够使用机器辅助的缺陷检测的新算法。


The data of a digital tester are normally arranged in two
matrices. The test matrix (stimulus matrix) contains the test
vectors, where each row represents a test vector and the
columns represent the different stimulus points (pads). The
response matrix contains the measured vectors where each row
represents the measured response to a test vector and the
columns represent the different measuring points or pads
respectively. Normally bidirectional tester channels are used, so
that a test structure without any active elements (transistors,
diodes, ...) will be completely tested by using a "walking one"
as test vector set ("1" = channel in stimulus mode; "0 =
channel in response mode) over all pads. Figure 8 shows an
example of the described procedure for a test structure with 7
pads, where bidirectional tester channels are used with a
walking one in the stimulus matrix.





图8. 数据分析的例子


Each test vector and its measured response can be converted
into a connection-graph [HeWe93] [Guga93]. In case of using
a "walking-one'' the conversion into the connection-graph is
simplified, because the rows and columns of the quadratic
response matrix directly represent the accessible measuring
points (pads). A "1" in row i and column j stands for a
measured conductive connection between the node i and the
node j. A "0 in row i and column j stands for a measured
nonconductive connection between the node i and the node j.
The following figure shows the conversion algorithm.





A missing or extra connection can be concluded from the
comparison of the different graphs, which also leads to the
localization of resulted defect. Subsection 4.1 deals with the
detection of open circuits and subsection 4.2 describes the
method to detect short circuits. Both methods are explained by
an example. For that the following figure contains the fault free
test structure of figure 5 and all necessary graphs.




图10. 对于一个测试结构例子来说,左边是邻域图,右边是连接图(黄金设备)


For this example we assume that the structure has two different
defects as can be seen in the following figure.





图11. 短路和断路的测量连接图


4.1 Open Circuits
The detection of open circuits requires a comparison of the
measured connection-graph to the geometry-graph of the test
structure. Due to the existence of internal nodes, the measured
connection-graph has to be transformed into a graph, which is
directly comparable to the geometry-graph. In the first step all
effects caused by short circuits have to be faded out. For that
the measured connection-graph will be compared with the
golden device. The AND operation (cf. table 2) of the edges of
these two graphs lead to the novel c-graph.

4.1 开路




图12. 淡出所有的被短路导致的边线




In the second step the c-graph has to be transformed into an
extended c-graph (ec-graph), which also includes intemal
nodes. For that each edge in the c-graph is replaced by the
equivalent path (including intemal nodes) of the geometrygraph

.Also, all edges get an index with reference to the




图13. 转换c图到扩展c图


Finally the ec-graph will be compared to the geometry-graph to identify open circuits.

For that a NOT operation (cf. table 3) will be applied to the edges of the ec-graph. Afterwards

an AND operation (cf.table2) of the edges of these two graphs lead to the result-graph. Each

edge in this result-graph represents an open circuit in the implemented conductive

component. In this example an open circuit in the conductive component "c4" was detected.





图14. 开路分析




表3. 输入图形进入新图的边线的非操作,所有节点是相等的


The following figure shows the general methodology to detect
open circuits.




图15. 检测开路的程序


4.2 Short Circuits
The detection of short circuits requires a comparison of the
measured connection-graph to the neighborhood-graph of the
test structure. Due to the existence of multiple pads at one
single mcc, the measured connection-graph has to be
transformed into a graph which is directly comparable to the
neighborhood-graph. In the first step all designed connections
have to be faded out. For that a NOT operation (cf. table 3)
will be applied to the edges of the golden device. Afterwards
an AND operation (cf. table 2) of the edges of these two
graphs lead to the novel c-graph.


4.2 短路





图16. 淡出被设计的所有设计的连接(边线)


In the second step the c-graph has to be transformed into a
mcc-graph, which only includes all maximal conductive
components as nodes (of the mccn-graph). For that every subset
of pads (=nodes of the c-graph) and conductive components
(=edges of the c-graph), which belongs to one single mcc will
be summarized to one node in the mcc-graph. Multiple edges
between two nodes of the novel mcc-graph will be replaced by
one single edge.





图17. 转换部件图到最大传导部件图


Finally the mcc-graph will be compared to the mccn-graph to
identify short circuits. The AND operation (cf. table 2) of the
edges of these two graphs lead to the result-graph. Each edge
in this result-graph represents a short circuit between different
mcc’s. In this example a short circuit between mcc(n2,n6) and
mcc(n3,n4, n7) as determined.






图18. 短路检测


The following figure shows the general methodology to detect
short circuits.




图19. 检测短路的流程


4.3 Machine Assisted Data Analysis
Both methods to detect defects are independently applicable.
For that the comparison and transformation of the graphs are
transferable into computer algorithms [Hewe931 [Guga93].
This methodology of data handling is included in a program
called VIADUCT (Versatile Automatic Identification Analysis
of Defects from Undesigned Open and Short Circuits in Test

4.3 机器协助数据分析



Nearly l000 test chips with different test structure designs were
manufactured at the Instirutfir Mikroelektronik Stuttgart (IMS)
to validate this procedure of data measurement and analysis.
To detect open circuit defects, 20 meandrous lines were
designed in a single metal layer inside a boundary pad frame of

40 pads.

5. 实验性的结果



To detect short circuits, 20 comb lines were also designed in a single metal

layer inside the same boundary pad frame. All in all 9 modules per test chips

with different line width and space were implemented. These chips were

 measured first with a digital tester and later on with an analog tester. Both test
methods yield the same number of detected defects. The figures
20 and 21 contain the comparison between digitally and
analogly detected defects.






图20. 模拟测量和数字测量短路缺陷的比较



图21. 物理测量和数字测量开路缺陷的比较


The difference of measuring time was 2*10(e-3) seconds per test
chip for the digital test and 20 seconds per test chip for the
analog test. Furthermore all analogly measured data have to be
stored and analyzed, because a data comparison with reference
data during the electrical measurement is impossible.

测量时间的不同是数字测量每片的时间是 2*10(e-3)秒,模拟测试每片测试时间是20秒。而且所有的模拟测量数据不得不被存贮和分析,因为在电子测量期间的参考数据的数据比较是不可能的。


Due to the easy data comparison between digitally measured
data and their reference data an effective data reduction is
already achieved during the electrical measurement. Only the
data which differ from the reference data have to be stored and
analyzed. So the analysis of the digital test chip data takes less
time than the analysis of the analogly measured data.



Using the program VIADUCT on a Sun4 workstation, the data
analysis time was less than 1 sec per module.


Figure 22 shows some results of the additional optical defect

图22 展示了附加的光学的缺陷检测结果




图22. 电子检测缺陷的光学检测


The accuracy of defect detection using a digital tester is the
same as the accuracy of most common analog measuring
procedures, but the measuring time is at least l0000 times
faster. This is important if checkerboard test structures
[HeWe92] [Hess931 [Hest931 are used because the number of
2 point measurements is too high for an efficient analog
measurement. The comparability of digitally measured data and
the usage of the described test structure graph models leads to
a faster data analysis. Finally, the usage of a digital tester
simplifies an online process control, because test chips and
standard chips can be measured in the same way with the same
measuring equipment.

6. 结论



This research was supported by Drutsche Forschungsgemeinschuft
(DFG), Schm 623/3-1. The authors thank Dr. H.
Richter and B. Laquai (Institut fur Mikroelektronik Stuttgart)
for advice and assistance with testing procedures. We also
thank Dr. A. Strole (Institut fur Rechnerentwurf und
Fehlertoleranz) for his cooperation, encouragement and helpful
discussions and A. Gugau for his activities in the
implementation of the program system VIADUCT.


这个研究被 Drutsche Forschungsgemeinschuft
(DFG), Schm 623/3-1支持。作者感谢 H.
Richter和 B. Laquai先生(fur Mikroelektronik Stuttgart学院)在测试流程的建议和帮助。也感谢A. Strole 先生的协作,鼓励和有帮助的讨论。感谢A.Gugau先生在程序系统VIADUCT的执行活动。



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Modeling of Test Structures for Efficient Online Defect Monitoring Using a Digit

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