Young Maids

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-10 10:26:58

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Young Maids

E - Young Maids

Time limit : 2sec / Memory limit : 256MB

Score : 800 points


Problem Statement

Let N be a positive even number.

We have a permutation of (1,2,…,N)p=(p1,p2,…,pN). Snuke is constructing another permutation of (1,2,…,N)q, following the procedure below.

First, let q be an empty sequence. Then, perform the following operation until p becomes empty:

  • Select two adjacent elements in p, and call them x and y in order. Remove x and y from p (reducing the length of p by 2), and insert x and y, preserving the original order, at the beginning of q.

When p becomes empty, q will be a permutation of (1,2,…,N).

Find the lexicographically smallest permutation that can be obtained as q.




  • N is an even number.
  • 2≤N≤2×105
  • p is a permutation of (1,2,…,N).




Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

p1 p2  pN


Print the lexicographically smallest permutation, with spaces in between.



Sample Input 1

3 2 4 1



Sample Output 1

3 1 2 4

The solution above is obtained as follows:




Sample Input 2

1 2



Sample Output 2

1 2



Sample Input 3

4 6 3 2 8 5 7 1



Sample Output 3

3 1 2 7 4 6 8 5

The solution above is obtained as follows:





//题意:给出一个 p 序列,一个 q 序列,p 中有 1 -- n 的某种排列,q初始为空,现要求可以每次选两个相邻的数,移动到 q 中,要操作到 p 为空,并且要求 q 序列字典序最小


题解:相当难想到的一个题,假如有一个区间 l,r,肯定是,选择这区间内与 l 奇偶相同的,并且最小的作为开头,这样才能保证字典序最小,然后第二个数,应该为选的数右边的,并且与 l 奇偶性不同的,作为第二个,也要保证字典序最小,这部分是标准RMQ问题,随便用什么。然后,区间被分割成最多三块,用优先队列保存区间即可,排队顺序为区间内与左端点奇偶相同的位置上值小的先出队  n*lgn


  1 # include <cstdio>
  2 # include <cstring>
  3 # include <cstdlib>
  4 # include <iostream>
  5 # include <vector>
  6 # include <queue>
  7 # include <stack>
  8 # include <map>
  9 # include <set>
 10 # include <cmath>
 11 # include <algorithm>
 12 using namespace std;
 13 # define lowbit(x) ((x)&(-x))
 14 # define pi acos(-1.0)
 15 # define LL long long
 17 # define eps 1e-8
 18 # define MOD 1000000007
 19 # define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
 20 inline int Scan() {
 21     int x=0,f=1; char ch=getchar();
 22     while(ch<'0'||ch>'9'){if(ch=='-') f=-1; ch=getchar();}
 23     while(ch>='0'&&ch<='9'){x=x*10+ch-'0'; ch=getchar();}
 24     return x*f;
 25 }
 26 inline void Out(int a) {
 27     if(a<0) {putchar('-'); a=-a;}
 28     if(a>=10) Out(a/10);
 29     putchar(a%10+'0');
 30 }
 31 const int MX=200005;
 32 //Code begin....
 34 int n;
 35 int dat[MX];
 36 int ans[MX];
 37 int mn[MX];
 38 int st[2][MX][40];
 39 struct Qu
 40 {
 41     int l,r;
 42     int dex; //zui xiao ,,biao hao
 43     bool operator < (const Qu b) const{
 44         return dat[dex]>dat[b.dex];
 45     }
 46 };
 47 void Init()
 48 {
 49     mn[0]=-1;
 50     dat[0]=INF;
 51     for (int i=1;i<=n;i++)
 52     {
 53         if ((i&(i-1))==0) mn[i]=mn[i-1]+1;
 54         else mn[i]=mn[i-1];
 56         if (i&1) st[1][i][0]=i;
 57         else st[0][i][0]=i;
 58     }
 60     for (int j=1;(1<<j)<=n;j++)
 61     {
 62         for (int i=1;(i+(1<<j)-1)<=n;i++)
 63         {
 64             if (dat[st[0][i][j-1]]<=dat[st[0][i+(1<<(j-1))][j-1]])
 65                 st[0][i][j] = st[0][i][j-1];
 66             else
 67                 st[0][i][j] = st[0][i+(1<<(j-1))][j-1];
 69             if (dat[st[1][i][j-1]]<=dat[st[1][i+(1<<(j-1))][j-1]])
 70                 st[1][i][j] = st[1][i][j-1];
 71             else
 72                 st[1][i][j] = st[1][i+(1<<(j-1))][j-1];
 73         }
 74     }
 75 }
 76 int st_cal(int l,int r,int same)
 77 {
 78     int k = mn[r-l+1];
 79     int c;
 80     if (same) c=l%2;
 81     else c=(l+1)%2;
 83     if (dat[st[c][l][k]]<=dat[st[c][r-(1<<k)+1][k]])
 84         return st[c][l][k];
 85     else
 86         return st[c][r-(1<<k)+1][k];
 87 }
 89 int main()
 90 {
 91     scanf("%d",&n);
 92     for (int i=1;i<=n;i++)
 93         dat[i] = Scan();
 94     Init();
 95     priority_queue<Qu> Q;
 96     Q.push((Qu){1,n,st_cal(1,n,1)});
 97     int pp=0;
 98     for (int i=1;i<=n/2;i++)
 99     {
100         Qu now =;Q.pop();
101         int ml = now.dex;
102         int mr = st_cal(ml+1,now.r,1);
103         ans[pp++]=dat[ml];
104         ans[pp++]=dat[mr];
105         if (ml>now.l)
106             Q.push( (Qu){now.l,ml-1,st_cal(now.l,ml-1,1)}  );
107         if (mr-1>ml)
108             Q.push( (Qu){ml+1,mr-1,st_cal(ml+1,mr-1,1)}  );
109         if (mr<now.r)
110             Q.push( (Qu){mr+1,now.r,st_cal(mr+1,now.r,1)}  );
111     }
112     for (int i=0;i<pp-1;i++)
113         printf("%d ",ans[i]);
114     printf("%d\n",ans[pp-1]);
115     return 0;
116 }
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Young Maids

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