Kademlia Lookup nodes各种算法收集分析

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Kademlia Lookup nodes各种<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1770096.html style=算法收集分析"/>

Kademlia Lookup nodes各种算法收集分析


  1. /findnode.go IterativeFindNode

//for golang
func (k *Kademlia) IterativeFindNode(target NodeID, delta int, final chan Contacts) {done := make(chan Contacts)
​ret := make(Contacts, BucketSize) //最终返回给caller的node setfrontier := make(Contacts, BucketSize)//从未看到过的node set for findnode calling.seen := make(map[string]struct{}) //标记已经看到过的node set
​//1. 从本地route table尽可能找出delta个离target最近的node.for _, node := range k.routes.FindClosest(target, delta) {ret = append(ret, node)heap.Push(&frontier, node)seen[node.ID.String()] = struct{}{}}
​pending := 0for i := 0; i < delta && frontier.Len() > 0; i++ {//并发异步call findnode for each contactpending++contact := heap.Pop(&frontier).(Contact)go k.FindNode(contact, target, done)}
​for pending > 0 {//pending累计findnode call count.nodes := <-done //注意此处为同步阻塞等待取出远端返回的node set.pending--for _, node := range nodes {if _, ok := seen[node.ID.String()]; !ok {//只收集从未看到过的node.ret = append(ret, node) //收集之。heap.Push(&frontier, node)//之前未看到过的Node用于下次findnode.seen[node.ID.String()] = struct{}{} //标记已看到的Node.}}
​for pending < delta && frontier.Len() > 0 {//如果并未达到delta个数且frontier中还有之前从未看到过的Node, then call findnode pending++contact := heap.Pop(&frontier).(Contact)go k.FindNode(contact, target, done)}} //注意本算法只是个尽力算法, 并没有满足closet node 原则, 找到的Node只是接近!只是尝试询问delta个node,//就停止继续call findnode,去逼近closet node .
​//通俗地说,首先找出本地离target最近的n个node, 进而同时findnode询问其离target的node set, 收集回复的node set ,并且排除已经看到过的,//如果询问的node个数达到delta,则放弃继续逼近closet node, 直接针对ret结果集按距离从小到大排序后返回!//delta越大则越有可能逼近找到closet node, 但是也会越耗时, lookup nodes收敛终止的代价越大!//原始kademlia paper中这样描述:标记closet node, 每一轮findnode完成结果收集,都去检测closet node是否变化,不变说明逼近成功,停止逼近,否则继续call findnode逼近!//delta越小性能越好,但是结果越不准确。
​sort.Sort(ret) //按id distance从小到大排序, 只返回前面最小的BucketSize个。if ret.Len() > BucketSize {ret = ret[:BucketSize]}
​final <- ret

kademlia 遵循的原理:熟人扎堆, 万能的朋友圈,圈套圈,总能找到你。


  1. /dht.go iterate

func (dht *DHT) iterate(t int, target []byte, data []byte) (value []byte, closest []*NetworkNode, err error) {sl := dht.ht.getClosestContacts(alpha, target, []*NetworkNode{})
​// We keep track of nodes contacted so far. We don't contact the same node// twice.//标记已经请求过的Node.var contacted = make(map[string]bool)
​// According to the Kademlia white paper, after a round of FIND_NODE RPCs// fails to provide a node closer than closestNode, we should send a// FIND_NODE RPC to all remaining nodes in the shortlist that have not// yet been contacted.//标记是否继续请求其余未请求Node.queryRest := false
​// We keep a reference to the closestNode. If after performing a search// we do not find a closer node, we stop searching.//如果本地routetable中没有找到closet contacts, 则无法对外发起请求。if len(sl.Nodes) == 0 {return nil, nil, nil}
​//记录closetNode , 用于检测每一轮findnode之后是否查找到更近的Node。closestNode := sl.Nodes[0]
​if t == iterateFindNode {bucket := getBucketIndexFromDifferingBit(target, dht.ht.Self.ID)dht.ht.resetRefreshTimeForBucket(bucket)}
​removeFromShortlist := []*NetworkNode{}
​for {//一次循环代表一轮expectedResponses := []*expectedResponse{}numExpectedResponses := 0
​// Next we send messages to the first (closest) alpha nodes in the// shortlist and wait for a response
​//遍历本地routetable中查找的离target最近的Node集合。for i, node := range sl.Nodes {// Contact only alpha nodes//同时并发异步请求的Node个数不得大于alpha.//queryRest 用于标定是否继续请求sl中剩余未请求Node。if i >= alpha && !queryRest {break}
​// Don't contact nodes already contacted//排除已经请求过的Node。if contacted[string(node.ID)] == true {continue}
​contacted[string(node.ID)] = true //标记为已经请求过的状态。query := &message{}query.Sender = dht.ht.Selfquery.Receiver = node
​switch t {case iterateFindNode:query.Type = messageTypeFindNodequeryData := &queryDataFindNode{}queryData.Target = targetquery.Data = queryDatacase iterateFindValue:query.Type = messageTypeFindValuequeryData := &queryDataFindValue{}queryData.Target = targetquery.Data = queryDatacase iterateStore:query.Type = messageTypeFindNodequeryData := &queryDataFindNode{}queryData.Target = targetquery.Data = queryDatadefault:panic("Unknown iterate type")}
​// Send the async queries and wait for a response//异步并发res, err := dhtworking.sendMessage(query, true, -1)if err != nil {// Node was unreachable for some reason. We will have to remove// it from the shortlist, but we will keep it in our routing// table in hopes that it might come back online in the future.//收集没有响应的Node。removeFromShortlist = append(removeFromShortlist, query.Receiver)continue}//收集已发出rpc请求的返回结果,用于随后集中等待收集peer node 响应结果。expectedResponses = append(expectedResponses, res)}
​//从sl(closet node set)中删除无响应者!切记:并非从route table中删除!因为去中心,分布式网络模式特性,决定了每一个节点随时可能上线或下线。//通俗地讲:离自己最近的熟人朋友,也不可能随叫随到!但是不能因为未响应就认定不再是熟人朋友!这是不稳定的!for _, n := range removeFromShortlist {sl.RemoveNode(n)}
​numExpectedResponses = len(expectedResponses) //统计需要等待收集结果的数量。
​resultChan := make(chan (*message)) //将结果统一汇入此channel.for _, r := range expectedResponses {//依次遍历需要收集结果的rpc 响应集, 并且为每一个rpc response启动一个独立的go 协程监测响应。go func(r *expectedResponse) {select {case result := <-r.ch://每一个rpc 请求成功后都会返回一个channel,用于汇报远端响应结果。if result == nil {// Channel was closedreturn}dht.addNode(newNode(result.Sender)) //更新routetable, 认识result.Sender。resultChan <- result //向外层继续汇总每一个go 协程的响应结果。returncase <-time.After(dht.options.TMsgTimeout):dhtworking.cancelResponse(r) //取消这个已经超时的rpc.return}}(r)}
​//同步等待收集最终rpc响应结果。var results []*messageif numExpectedResponses > 0 {Loop:for {select {case result := <-resultChan:if result != nil {results = append(results, result)} else {numExpectedResponses--}if len(results) == numExpectedResponses {close(resultChan)break Loop}case <-time.After(dht.options.TMsgTimeout):close(resultChan)break Loop}}
​for _, result := range results {if result.Error != nil {sl.RemoveNode(result.Receiver) //去除未响应Node。continue}switch t {case iterateFindNode:responseData := result.Data.(*responseDataFindNode)//将某一个rpc 响应结果收入sl(本地closet node set)sl.AppendUniqueNetworkNodes(responseData.Closest)case iterateFindValue:responseData := result.Data.(*responseDataFindValue)// TODO When an iterativeFindValue succeeds, the initiator must// store the key/value pair at the closest node seen which did// not return the value.if responseData.Value != nil {return responseData.Value, nil, nil}//将某一个rpc 响应结果收入sl(本地closet node set)sl.AppendUniqueNetworkNodes(responseData.Closest)case iterateStore:responseData := result.Data.(*responseDataFindNode)//将某一个rpc 响应结果收入sl(本地closet node set)sl.AppendUniqueNetworkNodes(responseData.Closest)}}}
​//停止逼近closet node , 当queryRest=true && sl(本地closet node set)为空,//意味着lookup closet nodes失败了。if !queryRest && len(sl.Nodes) == 0 {return nil, nil, nil}
​sort.Sort(sl) //太重要了,按距离从小到大对sl排序。
​// If closestNode is unchanged then we are done//关键!!! 停止逼近closet node的决定性条件//即本轮findnode rpc response处理后,监测closet node是否与上一轮不同,相同不变则停止逼近,或queryRest=true时停止逼近。if bytes.Compare(sl.Nodes[0].ID, closestNode.ID) == 0 || queryRest {// We are doneswitch t {case iterateFindNode:if !queryRest {queryRest = truecontinue}return nil, sl.Nodes, nilcase iterateFindValue:return nil, sl.Nodes, nilcase iterateStore://向closet nodes 发送store命令。for i, n := range sl.Nodes {if i >= k {return nil, nil, nil}
​query := &message{}query.Receiver = nquery.Sender = dht.ht.Selfquery.Type = messageTypeStorequeryData := &queryDataStore{}queryData.Data = dataquery.Data = queryDatadhtworking.sendMessage(query, false, -1)}return nil, nil, nil}} else {//非常关键, 记录本轮findnode rpc 响应中closet node. 每一轮找出一个最近的node全局记录,用于与下一轮找出的closet node比较,//相同不变,则停止逼近closet node, 否则继续。closestNode = sl.Nodes[0]}}

kademlia paper中说,lookup nodes直到找不出更近的closet node为止, 我想首先kademlia p2p overlay network中每个节点都必须诚实且严格遵守kademlia protocol , 其次kademlia这种熟人朋友抱团扎堆的喜好,下线越多,lookup nodes失败的可能性越大或者说精度越差; 总结关键在于kademlia node id的合法性, 可否验证身份!不能随便模拟!

万能的朋友圈,但不是全能的!lookup nodes也许成功,也许是失败, 也许找到近似接近closet node。

大家(所有节点)按同一规则扎堆结伴(distance),按同一个规则 (distance)找人, 理论上一定能找到target所在的熟人(朋友)圈, 除非节点不诚实或下线的比例太大。

当探测到一个node节点无反应(下线)时, 是否立即将其删除,加入新节点!若是则网络可用性提高, 但是可靠性和安全性下降,kademlia倾向于不会轻易删除未响应节点, 从而有效避免一定的安全风险!俗话说,好朋友并非天天腻乎在一起!喜新厌旧容易招致不安全。



  • kademlia attack

underlay network(底层网络):

Spoofing, Eavesdropping, Packet modifications(欺骗、窃听、数据包修改)

Overlay routing: Eclipse attack(日蚀攻击) Sybil attack(梅比尔攻击) Adversarial routing(对抗路由)

Other attacks: Denial‐of‐Service Data Storage

Overlay network must provide end‐to‐end security(覆盖网络必须提供端到端的安全性)

Attacker: Cuts off a part of the network(攻击者:切断网络的一部分)

加入大量不诚实的伪装节点,从而控制overlay network.

导致:Lookups fail, data corruption, partitioning。

对策:Prevent a node from choosing its ID freely(关键在于kademlia node id的合法性, 可否验证身份!不能随便模拟!)


Simple solution: Use NodeID := H( IP + Port ) No authentication, problems with NAT(IP地址不固定) IP spoofing still possible(仍然可IP欺骗)


Better solution: Cryptographic NodeID NodeID := H( public‐key ) (采用不对称加密技术, 对公钥hash得到NodeID, 好处多多) Allows authentication, key exchange, signing messages(可以验证身份,签名消息)



  1. /src/node/mod.rs lookup_nodes

    /// Iteratively looks up nodes to determine the closest nodes to `key`. The search begins by/// selecting `CONCURRENCY_PARAM` nodes in the routing table and adding it to a shortlist. It/// then sends out either `FIND_NODE` or `FIND_VALUE` RPCs to `CONCURRENCY_PARAM` nodes not yet/// queried in the shortlist. The node will continue to fill its shortlist until it did not find/// a closer node for a round of RPCs or if runs out of nodes to query. Finally, it will query/// the remaining nodes in its shortlist until there are no remaining nodes or if it has found/// `REPLICATION_PARAM` active nodes.fn lookup_nodes(&mut self, key: &Key, find_node: bool) -> ResponsePayload {//首先加锁从本地routetable中请求离key最近的Nodes.let routing_table = self.routing_table.lock().unwrap();let closest_nodes = routing_table.get_closest_nodes(key, CONCURRENCY_PARAM);drop(routing_table); //代表立即释放锁。
​//通过比较找出本地closest nodes中最小距离Node。let mut closest_distance = Key::new([255u8; KEY_LENGTH]);for node_data in &closest_nodes {closest_distance = cmp::min(closest_distance, key.xor(&node_data.id))}
​// initialize found nodes, queried nodes, and priority queue//标记发现看到过的Nodes.let mut found_nodes: HashSet<NodeData> = closest_nodes.clone().into_iter().collect();found_nodes.insert((*self.node_data).clone());//标记已经请求过的Nodes.let mut queried_nodes = HashSet::new();queried_nodes.insert((*self.node_data).clone());
​//标记待请求优先级队列(按距离)let mut queue: BinaryHeap<NodeDataDistancePair> = BinaryHeap::from(closest_nodes.into_iter().map(|node_data| NodeDataDistancePair(node_data.clone(), node_data.id.xor(key))).collect::<Vec<NodeDataDistancePair>>(),);
​let (tx, rx) = channel(); //用于收集findnode rpc response.
​let mut concurrent_thread_count = 0; //用于累计并发异步请求数。
​// spawn initial find requestsfor _ in 0..CONCURRENCY_PARAM {if !queue.is_empty() { //开始并发异步findnode rpc.self.clone().spawn_find_rpc( queue.pop().unwrap().0,key.clone(),tx.clone(),find_node,);concurrent_thread_count += 1;}}
​// loop until we could not find a closer node for a round or if no threads are runningwhile concurrent_thread_count > 0 { //如果>0, 说明需要收集处理findnode rpc reponse.//如果发起的并发异步findnode rpc不够数,且待请求优先级队列不空,则继续并发异步请求findnode rpc.while concurrent_thread_count < CONCURRENCY_PARAM && !queue.is_empty() {self.clone().spawn_find_rpc(queue.pop().unwrap().0,key.clone(),tx.clone(),find_node,);concurrent_thread_count += 1;}
​let mut is_terminated = true; //用于标记是否停止继续逼近closet distance node.let response_opt = rx.recv().unwrap(); //同步阻塞等待findnode rpc reponse.concurrent_thread_count -= 1; //收到一个请求,意味着一个findnode rpc 完毕,故此减一。
​//具体处理findnode rpc response.match response_opt { Some(Response {payload: ResponsePayload::Nodes(nodes),receiver,..}) => {//本case处理远端Node反馈的closet nodes.queried_nodes.insert(receiver); //将此给出响应的Node加入已请求Node集合。for node_data in nodes { //处理此远端Node的closet node 集合(离target key)。let curr_distance = node_data.id.xor(key);
​if !found_nodes.contains(&node_data) { //如果从未发现看到过,则加入处理, 否则丢弃。if curr_distance < closest_distance {//如果发现更进的距离,即更近的Node, 则记录之。closest_distance = curr_distance;is_terminated = false; //发现比上一轮更近的Node, 意味着逼近需要继续,不要停止。}
​found_nodes.insert(node_data.clone()); //标记已经发现看到了此Node.let dist = node_data.id.xor(key);let next = NodeDataDistancePair(node_data.clone(), dist);queue.push(next.clone()); //将此Node加入待请求优先级队列。}}}Some(Response {payload: ResponsePayload::Value(value),..}) => return ResponsePayload::Value(value),_ => is_terminated = false, //默认case ,继续逼近closet node.}
​if is_terminated { //如果此标志为true, 则停止此循环迭代逼近。break;}debug!("CURRENT CLOSEST DISTANCE IS {:?}", closest_distance);}
​//走到此处代表逼近得到closet nodes. 或者没有findnode rpc 需要处理了。debug!("{} TERMINATED LOOKUP BECAUSE NOT CLOSER OR NO THREADS WITH DISTANCE {:?}",self.node_data.addr, closest_distance,);
​//一般来说即使不足REPLICATION_PARAM个数Node,也不必再去逼近,故此下面while块可以忽略。// loop until no threads are running or if we found REPLICATION_PARAM active nodeswhile queried_nodes.len() < REPLICATION_PARAM {  //意思是说如果未凑足REPLICATION_PARAM, 则需继续逼近,直到凑足数。while concurrent_thread_count < CONCURRENCY_PARAM && !queue.is_empty() {self.clone().spawn_find_rpc(queue.pop().unwrap().0,key.clone(),tx.clone(),find_node,);concurrent_thread_count += 1;}if concurrent_thread_count == 0 {break;}
​let response_opt = rx.recv().unwrap();concurrent_thread_count -= 1;
​match response_opt {Some(Response {payload: ResponsePayload::Nodes(nodes),receiver,..}) => {queried_nodes.insert(receiver);for node_data in nodes {if !found_nodes.contains(&node_data) {found_nodes.insert(node_data.clone());let dist = node_data.id.xor(key);let next = NodeDataDistancePair(node_data.clone(), dist);queue.push(next.clone());}}}Some(Response {payload: ResponsePayload::Value(value),..}) => return ResponsePayload::Value(value),_ => {}}}
​//对已请求过的node集合按距离从小到大排序,然后返回指定个数Nodes.let mut ret: Vec<NodeData> = queried_nodes.into_iter().collect();ret.sort_by_key(|node_data| node_data.id.xor(key));ret.truncate(REPLICATION_PARAM);debug!("{} -  CLOSEST NODES ARE {:#?}", self.node_data.addr, ret);ResponsePayload::Nodes(ret)}


(1) findnode rpc 调用应该实现timeout机制,避免无限期无意义等待

(2) 上面算法实现中,对于未响应的peer node 或rpc error的Node, 应该从本地queried_nodes中删除。

(3) 如果lookup_nodes本身也可以并发调用, 那么不同findnode rpc response如何区分?每一个rpc request and response需要排队串行或者统统附加上target key, and rpc sequence number or ID or Token? 总之需要唯一标记每一个rpc request and respose 与lookup_nodes的对应关系,这需要设计关切和决策。

(4) Kademlia paper及其许多相关设计和实现都建议,采用UDP来管理和维护Kademlia Overlay Network, 这样比价轻便,无状态,代价小。但是RPC request and repose设计实现需要自己考虑lookup_nodes -- findnode request -- findnode response的映射关系


  • 淘汰死节点,加入活节点Update kbucket

When a Kademlia node receives any message from another node, it updates the appropriate kbucket for the sender’s node ID (Kademlia Paper 规定一个Kademlia node 只要收到其他node的任何消息,则update kbucket with sender Node 这个设计这的很巧妙,只在消息收发之间就完成了网络的管理和维护,不需要额外复杂逻辑和处理流程, 及其轻便高效)

[kbucket update algorithm]

if the sender node already exists in the kbucket:

----Moves it to the tail of the list.

else If the bucket has fewer than k entries:

----Inserts the new sender at the tail of the list. //


----Pings the kbucket’s least­ recently seen node:

----`If the least­ recently seen node fails to respond:``

--------`it is evicted from the k­bucket and the new sender inserted at the tail.


--------it is moved to the tail of the list, and the new sender’s contact is discarded.

Kademlia Protocol 规定了必须实现的4个RPC API: PING, FIND_NODE, FIND_VALUE, STOREKademlia规定只要收到其他Node的RPC响应, 必须首先Update kbucket with the sender Node 学习新节点。学习算法为:

如果sender Node已经存在于相应kbucket, 则将此Node移动至对列尾,代表最新节点。

否则如果对应kbucket不满, 则直接将sender Node插入至队列尾。

否则ping一下kbucket队列头最老的Node, 如果失败, 则删除队列头最老Node并将sender Node插入至队列尾。如果ping成功,则丢弃sender Node并将队列头最老Node移动至队列尾(当然也可以将sender Node 放进一个cache中日后备用,不一定非要直接丢弃删除)。

对于lookup_nodes找到的某key的closet node set 我暂且称之为X set , kademlia paper并没有规定要求update kbucket with it, 因为没有必要, 只有当你主动向X set中的Node发消息(RPC call)并获得响应的时候, kademlia Node才会将其存入自己的routetable(kbucket)中。好比现实社会,我认识很多人,如:国家领导人、明星等等, 但是我与他们没有直接交互,所以不需要记录到我的个人通讯录中!只有直接交互过的人,我才可能记录。




  • 新节点如何Join kademlia network(bootstrap)

  1. 新节点A如果没有自己的node ID, 则生成一个n。

  2. 新节点A必须知道某个引导节点B(又称种子节点, 其实就是kademlia 网络中某个已知节点, 通俗地说就是老人带新人), 并将B加入到kbucket中。

  3. 向B(A目前知道的唯一节点)发起Lookup_Nodes(n)

这种“自我定位”将使得Kademlia network中的其他节点(收到请求的节点)能够使用A的ID填充他们的K-桶,同时也能够使用那些查询过程的中间节点来填充A的K-桶。这个过程既让A获得了详细的路由表,也让其它节点知道了A节点的加入,一举两得!


  • Node ID 如何定义

Kademlia使用160位的哈希算法(比如 SHA1),完整的 ID 用二进制表示有160位,这样可以容纳2的160次方个节点,可以说是不计其数了。Kademlia把 key 映射到一个二叉树,每一个 key 都是这个二叉树的叶子.这是kademlia paper原始定义, 但是并非强制, 具体实现可以自己选择哈希算法和位数,比如SHA256等, 非常灵活!本质: aHash(一个唯一key ) => a ID Number, ID描述方式: (a) 一个数字(需要对应到编程语言的具体数值类型,并且需要注意大小端字节的区别)(b) 一个位数组(位切片, 如rust中的array/slice, 并非数值类型,不用考虑大小端字节)

A ⊕ B => distance M => M's left leading zeros (如: 00001000, 左端4个零) => 0的个数计为i => i- kbucket ,此i即为kbucket的索引, 2^i <= distance(A, B) < 2^(i+1).

#[derive(Ord, PartialOrd, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize, Default, Copy)]
pub struct Key(pub [u8; KEY_LENGTH]);
type NodeID [IDLength]byte
type NetworkNode struct {// ID is a 20 byte unique identifierID []byte
​// IP is the IPv4 address of the nodeIP net.IP
​// Port is the port of the nodePort int

sum left leading zeros

func (node NodeID) Xor(other NodeID) (ret NodeID) {for i := 0; i < IDLength; i++ {ret[i] = node[i] ^ other[i]}return
func (node NodeID) PrefixLen(other NodeID) int {distance := node.Xor(other)for i := 0; i < IDLength; i++ {for j := 0; j < 8; j++ {if (distance[i]>>uint8(7-j))&0x1 != 0 {return 8*i + j}}}return -1
static int common_bits(const unsigned char *id1, const unsigned char *id2)
int i, j;
unsigned char xor;
for(i = 0; i < 20; i++) {if(id1[i] != id2[i])break;
if(i == 20)return 160;
xor = id1[i] ^ id2[i];
j = 0;
while((xor & 0x80) == 0) {xor <<= 1;j++;
return 8 * i + j;


  • Kademlia RPC设计关切点 (并发和异步,UDP)

并发、异步、UDP,这三个核心特性决定了, 需要设计映设机制来保持request <-> response之间的对应关系!因为并发、异步和UDP的无连接特性, 你发你的request,我收我的response,无法保证request和response的对应关系!

(1) 设计思路: 所有并发异步发送的kademlia RPC 请求 都被打入串行队列中,当然会返回给caller一个stub,具体可以是一个channel等, 用于查收RPC response, 以先进先出的方式排队, 尾部入头部出, 每次只有仅有唯一一个kademlia RPC会通过UDP方式发出, 一定时间内收到response则认为收到了响应, 否则超时。这种设计简单粗暴,效率低下(没有并发), 而且易受攻击(因为RPC reponse也许是人家伪造地,没有验明正身)!我认为不可取。

(2) 设计思路:所有kademlia RPC同时并发异步发出,不排队不等待, 只是每一个RPC request中绑定了一个唯一的ID/TOKEN之类的身份牌, 并在本地的某个地方,以形如:map[ request ID : response stub] 存储了用于查收RPC response的stub, 具体可为:map[request ID : a channel]; 独立的listen机制负责接收所有的RPC response, 而远端Node在回复时, 必须为此RPC response绑定好对应的RPC request ID , 然后方可发送,本端收到RPC response 后, 会取出其RPC request ID, 并去本地map中查找, 若找到,则写入此response, 若未找到,则抛弃。

与方案(1)相比效率的确高出很多,唯一瓶颈在于收发都需要读写map[requestID: a channel], 可以考虑采用lock-free 数据结构代替大力度Mutex, 从而避免block。目前也只是想到方案(2)比较可行。



  • Reference







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email: 285779289@qq



Kademlia Lookup nodes各种算法收集分析

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本文标签:算法   Kademlia   Lookup   nodes


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